QA-GNN: Reasoning with Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Question Answering

Michihiro Yasunaga Hongyu Ren Antoine Bosselut Percy Liang Jure Leskovec Stanford University {myasu,hyren,antoineb,pliang,jure}

If it is not used for hair, roundAbstract brush is an example of what? If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush B. bathroom C. art supplies* A. hair brush B. bathroom C. art supplies* D. showerThe problem . hair salon of answering questions using D. shower E. hair salon QA contextknowledge from pre-trained language models QA context (LMs) and knowledgeQA context graphs (KGs) presents QA context two challenges: givenNode a QA context (question Node Question Choice Question Choice and answerEntity choice), methodsEntity need to () Entity Entity identify relevant knowledge from large KGs, and (ii) perform joint reasoning over QA hair hair hair hair context and KG.AtLocation Here proposebrush a new AtLocation brush model, QA-GNN, which addresses the above AtLocation Answer AtLocation Answer challenges throughRelatedTo two key innovations: (i) RelatedTo round art round art relevancebrush scoring, where we usesupply LMs to esti- brush supply mate the importance of KG nodes relative to UsedFor UsedFor the given QA context,painting and (ii)UsedFor joint reasoning, painting UsedFor Knowledgewhere graph we connect the QA context and KG Knowledge graph to form a joint graph, and mutually update Figure 1: Given the QA context (question and answer their representations through graph-based message passing. We evaluate QA-GNN on the choice; purple box), we aim to derive the answer by CommonsenseQA and OpenBookQA datasets, performing joint reasoning over the language and the and show its improvement over existing LM Graph Connectionknowledge (§3.1) graph (green box).Dev Acc. Contextualization (§3.2) Dev Acc. and LM+KG models, as well as its capability to No edge between Z and KG nodes 74.81 No contextualization 75.56 perform interpretable and structured reasoning,Connect Z to all KG nodes 76.38 w/ contextual embedding 76.31 Connect Z to QA entity nodes (final system) 76.54 w/ relevance score (final system) 76.54 e.g., correctly handling negation in questions. noisy (Bordes et al., 2013; Guu etw/ both al., 2015). 76.52 How to reason effectively with both sources of GNN Attention & Message (§3.3) Dev Acc. 1 Introduction knowledge remains an important open problem.GNN Layers (§3.3) Dev Acc. Node type, relation, score-aware (final system) 76.54 L = 3 75.53 - type-aware 75.41 L = 4 76.34 Question answering systems must be able to access Combining LMs and KGs for reasoning (hence-L = 5 (final system) 76.54 - relation-aware 75.61 L = 6 76.21 relevant knowledge and reason over it. Typically,- score-awareforth, LM+KG) presents75.56 two challenges:L = given 7 75.96 knowledge can be implicitly encoded in large a QA context (e.g., question and answer choices;

Graph Connectionlanguage (§3.1) models (LMs)Dev pre-trained Acc. Relevance on unstructuredscoring (§3.2) Dev Acc.Figure Graph 1 purple Connection box), (§3.1) methods needDev Acc. to (i)Relevance identify scoring (§3.2) Dev Acc. No edgetext between (Petroni Z and KG et nodes al., 2019;74.11 BosselutNothing et al., 2019), or ex-75.15informativeNo edge between knowledge Z and KG nodes from a large74.81 KGNothing (green 75.56 Connectplicitly Z to all KG represented nodes in structured76.38 w/ knowledgecontextual embedding graphs76.31box);Connect and (ii) Z to captureall KG nodes the nuance of76.38 the QAw/ contextcontextual embedding 76.31 Connect Z to QA entity nodes (final) 76.54 w/ relevance score (final) 76.54 Connect Z to QA entity nodes (final) 76.54 w/ relevance score (final) 76.54 (KGs), such as Freebase (Bollackerw/ both et al., 2008)76.52and the structure of the KGs to performw/ both joint 76.52 and ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017), where entities reasoning over these two sources of information. GNN Attention & Message (§3.3) Dev Acc. GNN Attention & Message (§3.3) Dev Acc. are represented as nodes and relationsGNN Layers (§3.3) betweenDev Acc. Previous works (Bao et al., 2016; Sun et al.,GNN 2018 Layers; (§3.3) Dev Acc. Node type, relation, score-aware (final) 76.54 L = 3 75.53 Node type, relation, score-aware (final) 76.54 L = 3 75.53 - type-awarethem as edges. Recently,75.11 pre-trainedL = 4 LMs have76.34 Lin et- type-aware al., 2019) retrieve a subgraph75.41 from theL = 4 KG 76.34 - relation-aware 75.23 L = 5 (final) 76.54 - relation-aware 75.61 L = 5 (final) 76.54 demonstrated remarkable success inL = 6 many question76.21 by taking topic entities (KG entities mentionedL = 6 in 76.21 - score-aware 75.15 - score-aware 75.56 answering tasks (Liu et al., 2019L = ;7 Raffel et al.75.96, the given QA context) and their few-hop neighbors.L = 7 75.96 2020). However, while LMs have a broad coverage However, this introduces many entity nodes that of knowledge, they do not empirically perform well are semantically irrelevant to the QA context, on structured reasoning (e.g., handling negation) especially when the number of topic entities or hops (Kassner and Schütze, 2020). On the other hand, increases. Additionally, existing LM+KG methods KGs are more suited for structured reasoning (Ren for reasoning (Lin et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019a; et al., 2020; Ren and Leskovec, 2020) and enable Feng et al., 2020; Lv et al., 2020) treat the QA explainable predictions e.g., by providing reasoning context and KG as two separate modalities. They paths (Lin et al., 2019), but may lack coverage and individually apply LMs to the QA context and graph If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? If it is not used for hair, a round brush A. hair brush B. bathroom C. art supplies* A. hair brush B. bathroom C. art supplies* A. hair brush B. bathroom C. art supplies D. shower E. hair salon D. shower E. hair salon D. shower E. hair salon Language Context Language Context Language Context Context Node Context Context Node Node Question Choice Entity Question Choice Question Entity Entity Entity Entity

hair hair hair hair hair AtLocation brush AtLocation brush AtLocation

AtLocation AtLocation Answer AtLocation Answer RelatedTo RelatedTo RelatedTo round art round round art brush supply brush brush supply UsedFor UsedFor UsedFor painting UsedFor painting painting UsedFor Knowledge Graph Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph

TextEncoder Language e.g. LM MLP Context [; a] Plausibility Z Z KG Score Retrieval Contextual GNN (§3) Pooling

LM QA context Encoding MLP [q; a] Probability Joint Z Z KG Graph (§3.1) score Retrieval Reasoning (§3.3)

Relevance Pooling Scoring (§3.2)

QA-GNN Figure 2: Overview of our approach. Given a QA context (z), we connect it with the retrieved KG to form a joint graph (working graph; §3.1), compute the relevance of each KG node conditioned on z (§3.2; node shading indicates the relevance score), and perform reasoning on the working graph (§3.3). neural networks (GNNs) to the KG, and do not dling negation and entity substitution in questions): mutually update or unify their representations. This it achieves 4.6% improvement over fine-tuned LMs separation might limit their capability to perform on questions with negation, while existing LM+KG structured reasoning, e.g., handling negation. models are +0.6% over fine-tuned LMs. We also Here we propose QA-GNN, an end-to-end show that one can extract reasoning processes from LM+KG model for question answering that QA-GNN in the form of general KG subgraphs, not addresses the above two challenges. We first encode just paths (Lin et al., 2019), suggesting a general the QA context using an LM, and retrieve a KG method for explaining model predictions. subgraph following prior works (Feng et al., 2020). Our QA-GNN has two key insights: (i) Relevance 2 Problem Statement scoring: Since the KG subgraph consists of all few-hop neighbors of the topic entities, some entity We aim to answer natural language questions using nodes are more relevant than others with respect to knowledge from a pre-trained LM and a structured the given QA context. We hence propose KG node KG. We use the term language model broadly to be relevance scoring: we score each entity on the KG any composition of two functions, fhead(fenc(x)), subgraph by concatenating the entity with the QA where fenc, the encoder, maps a textual input x to a LM context and calculating the likelihood using a pre- contextualized vector representation h , and fhead trained LM. This presents a general framework to uses this representation to perform a desired task weight information on the KG; (ii) Joint reasoning: (which we discuss in §3.2). In this work, we specifi- We design a joint graph representation of the QA cally use masked language models (e.g., RoBERTa) LM context and KG, where we explicitly view the QA as fenc, and let h denote the output representa- context as an additional node (QA context node) and tion of a [CLS] token that is prepended to the input connect it to the topic entities in the KG subgraph sequence x, unless otherwise noted. We define the as shown in Figure 1. This joint graph, which we knowledge graph as a multi-relational graph G = term the working graph, unifies the two modalities (V,E). Here V is the set of entity nodes in the KG; into one graph. We then augment the feature of E ⊆ V ×R×V is the set of edges that connect nodes each node with the relevance score, and design a in V, where R represents a set of relation types. new attention-based GNN module for reasoning. Given a question q and an answer choice a ∈ C, Our joint reasoning algorithm on the working graph we follow prior work (Lin et al., 2019) to link the - simultaneously updates the representation of both tities mentioned in the question and answer choice the KG entities and the QA context node, bridging to the given KG G. We denote Vq ⊆ V and Va ⊆ V the gap between the two sources of information. as the set of KG entities mentioned in the question We evaluate QA-GNN on two question an- (question entities; blue entities in Figure1) and an- swering datasets that require reasoning with swer choice (answer choice entities; red entities in knowledge: CommonsenseQA (Talmor et al., 2019) Figure1), respectively, and use Vq,a :=Vq ∪Va to - and OpenBookQA (Mihaylov et al., 2018), using the note all the entities that appear in either the question ConceptNet KG (Speer et al., 2017). QA-GNN out- or answer choice, which we call topic entities. We performs strong fine-tuned LM baselines as well as then extract a subgraph from G for a question-choice q,a q,a q,a 1 the existing best LM+KG model (with the same LM) pair, Gsub = (Vsub , Esub ), which comprises all by up to 5.7% and 3.7% respectively. In particular, nodes on the k-hop paths between nodes in Vq,a. QA-GNN exhibits improved performance on some forms of structured reasoning (e.g., correctly han- 1We remove the superscript q,a if there is no ambiguity. QA Context

A revolving door is convenient for two direction travel, but also serves as a security measure at what? Language Model A. bank* B. library C. department store Relevance ( entity | QA context ) D. mall E. new york

entity Retrieved KG KG node scored run run travel robber travel robber human human river river go place bank go place bank door holiday bank door holiday bank close close lock bank lock bank holiday holiday safe safe security money security money

Some entities are more relevant than others given the context. Entity relevance estimated. Darker color indicates higher score.

Figure 3: Relevance scoring of the retrieved KG: we use a pre-trained LM to calculate the relevance of each KG entity node conditioned on the QA context (§3.2).

3 Approach: QA-GNN the QA context and KG, we term it working graph GW = (VW,EW), where VW = Vsub ∪{z} and EW = As shown in Figure2, given a question and an Esub ∪{(z,rz,q,v)|v ∈Vq}∪{(z,rz,a,v)|v ∈Va}. answer choice a, we concatenate them to get the QA Each node in the GW is associated with one of context [q; aGraph]. To Connection reason over (§3.1) a given QA context Dev theAcc. four types:ContextualizationT = {Z,Q ,(§3.2)A,}, eachDev indicating Acc. using knowledge from both the LM and the KG, No edge between Z and KG nodes 74.11the contextNo node contextualizationz, nodes in Vq, nodes in75.15Va, and QA-GNN worksConnect as Z all KG nodes First, we use the LM 76.38other nodes,w/ contextual respectively embedding (corresponding76.31 to the to obtain a representationConnect Z to QA entity for the nodes QA (final context, system and) 76.54node color,w/purple relevance, blue score, red (final, gray systemin) Figure176.54 and w/ both 76.52 retrieve the subgraph Gsub from the KG. Then we 2). We denote the text of the context node z (QA introduce a QA context node z that represents the GNN Attention & Message (§3.3) Dev context)Acc. and KGGNN node Layersv ∈ (§3.3) Vsub (entityDev Acc. name) as z V QA context,Node and connecttype, relation,to score-aware the topic ( entitiesfinal systemq,a) 76.54text(z) and textL (=v 3) . 75.53 so that we have- type-aware a joint graph over the two sources 75.11 L = 4 76.34 We initializeL the = 5 ( nodefinal system embedding) 76.54 for z us- of knowledge,- relation-aware which we term the working graph, 75.23 L = 6 76.21 - score-aware 75.15ing the LM representation of the QA context G (§3.1). To adaptively capture the relationship LM L = 7 75.96 W (z = fenc(text(z))), and each node on the Gsub between the QA context node and each of the other using the entity embedding from Feng et al.(2020). nodes in GW, we calculate a relevance score for each In the subsequent sections, we will reason over the pair using the LM, and use this score as an additional working graph in order to score a given (question, feature for each node (§3.2). We then propose an answer choice) pair. attention-based GNN module that does message passing on theInferenceGW for (§3.4) multiple rounds (§3.3). Dev3.2 Acc. KG node relevance scoring Finally, we makeFinal the states final of Z prediction and KG (final using system the) LM 76.54 Many nodes on the KG subgraph Gsub (i.e., those representation,- Z QA context node representation and 74.91 - KG 75.15heuristically retrieved from the KG) can be irrel- a pooled working graph representation (§3.4). evant under the current QA context. As an example shown in Figure3, the retrieved KG subgraph G 3.1 Joint graph representation sub with few-hop neighbors of the Vq,a may include To design a joint reasoning space for the two sources nodes that are uninformative for the reasoning of knowledge, we explicitly connect them in a process, e.g., nodes “holiday” and “river bank” are common graph structure. We introduce a new QA off-topic; “human” and “place” are generic. These context node z which represents the QA context, irrelevant nodes may result in overfitting or intro- and connect z to each topic entity in Vq,a on the KG duce unnecessary difficulty in reasoning, an issue subgraph Gsub using two new relation types rz,q and especially when Vq,a is large. For instance, we - rz,a. These relation types capture the relationship pirically find that using the ConceptNet KG (Speer between the QA context and the relevant entities et al., 2017), we will retrieve a KG with |Vsub|>400 in the KG, depending on whether the entity is found nodes on average if we consider 3-hop neighbors. in the question portion or the answer portion of In response, we propose node relevance scoring, the QA context. Since this joint graph intuitively where we use the pre-trained language model to provides a reasoning space (working memory) over score the relevance of each KG node v ∈ Vsub conditioned on the QA context. For each node v, we Node type, relation, and score-aware attention. concatenate the entity text(v) with the QA context Attention captures the strength of association be- text(z) and compute the relevance score: tween two nodes, which is ideally informed by their node types, relations and node relevance scores. ρv =fhead(fenc([text(z); text(v)])), (1) We first embed the relevance score of each node t by where fhead ◦fenc denotes the probability of text(v) ρ =f (ρ ), (5) computed by the LM. This relevance score ρv t ρ t D/2 captures the importance of each KG node relative to where fρ: R → R is an MLP. To compute the the given QA context, which is used for reasoning attention weight αst from node s to node t, we or pruning the working graph GW. obtain the query and key vectors q, k by (`) 3.3 GNN architecture qs =fq(hs , us, ρs), (6) (`) To perform reasoning on the working graph GW, our kt =fk(ht , ut, ρt, rst), (7) GNN module builds on the graph attention frame- 2D D 3D D where fq: R →R and fk: R →R are linear work (GAT)(Velickoviˇ c´ et al., 2018), which induces transformations. The attention weight is then node representations via iterative message passing > exp(γst) qs kt between neighbors on the graph. Specifically, in αst = P , γst = √ . (8) 0 exp(γ 0 ) a L-layer QA-GNN, for each layer, we update the t ∈Ns∪{s} st D (`) D representation ht ∈R of each node t∈VW by 3.4 Inference & Learning ! (`+1) X (`) Given a question q and an answer choice a, we h =f α m +h , (2) t n st st t use the information from both the QA context s∈Nt∪{t} and the KG to calculate the probability of it being where Nt represents the neighborhood of node t, the answer p(a | q) ∝ exp(MLP(zLM, zGNN, g)), D mst ∈ notes the message from each neighbor GNN (L) R where z = hz and g denotes the pooling of node s to t, and αst is an attention weight that scales (L) {hv |v ∈Vsub}. In the training data, each question each message mst from s to t. The sum of the messages is then passed through a 2-layer MLP, has a set of answer choices with one correct choice. D D We optimize the model (both the LM and GNN com- fn: R → R , with batch normalization (Ioffe ponents end-to-end) using the cross entropy loss. and Szegedy, 2015). For each node t∈VW, we set (0) ht using a linear transformation fh that maps its 3.5 Computation complexity initial node embedding (described in §3.1) to D. R We analyze the time and space complexity of our Crucially, as our GNN message passing operates method and compare with prior works, KagNet (Lin on the working graph, it will jointly leverage and et al., 2019) and MHGRN (Feng et al., 2020) in Ta- update the representation of the QA context and KG. ble1. As we handle edges of different relation types m We further propose an expressive message ( st) using different edge embeddings instead of design- α and attention ( st) computation below. ing an independent graph networks for each relation as in RGCN (Schlichtkrull et al., 2018) or MHGRN, Node type & relation-aware message. As GW is a multi-relational graph, the message passed from the time complexity of our method is constant with a source node to the target node should capture respect to the number of relations and linear with re- their relationship, i.e., relation type of the edge and spect to the number of nodes. We achieve the same source/target node types. To this end, we first obtain space complexity as MHGRN (Feng et al., 2020). the type embedding of each node t, as well as t 4 Experiments the relation embedding rst from node s to node t by

ut =fu(ut), rst =fr(est, us, ut), (3) 4.1 Datasets |T | We evaluate QA-GNN on two question answer- where us,ut ∈{0,1} are one-hot vectors indicat- |R| ing datasets: CommonsenseQA (Talmor et al., ing the node types of s and t, est ∈ {0,1} is a one-hot vector indicating the relation type of edge 2019) and OpenBookQA (Mihaylov et al., 2018). |T | D/2 CommonsenseQA is a 5-way multiple choice QA (s,t), fu: R → R is a linear transformation, |R|+2|T | D task that requires reasoning with commonsense and fr: R →R is a 2-layer MLP. We then compute the message from s to t as knowledge, containing 12,102 questions. The test (`) set of CommonsenseQA is not publicly available, mst =fm(hs , us, rst), (4) and model predictions can only be evaluated once 2.5D D where fm: R →R is a linear transformation. every two weeks via the official leaderboard. Hence, Model Time Space Methods IHdev-Acc. (%) IHtest-Acc. (%) G is a dense graph RoBERTa-large (w/o KG) 73.07 (±0.45) 68.69 (±0.56) + RGCN (Schlichtkrull et al., 2018) 72.69 (±0.19) 68.41 (±0.66) L-hop KagNet O|R|L|V|L+1L O|R|L|V|L+1L (Wang et al., 2019a) ± ± 2 2  + GconAttn 72.61( 0.39) 68.59 ( 0.96) L-hop MHGRN O |R| |V| L O(|R||V|L) + KagNet (Lin et al., 2019) 73.47 (±0.22) 69.01 (±0.76) 2  L-layer QA-GNN O |V| L O(|R||V|L) + RN (Santoro et al., 2017) 74.57 (±0.91) 69.08 (±0.21) G is a sparse graph with maximum node degree ∆|V| + MHGRN (Feng et al., 2020) 74.45 (±0.10) 71.11 (±0.81) + QA-GNN (Ours) 76.54 (±0.21) 73.41 (±0.92) L-hop KagNet O|R|L|V|L∆L O|R|L|V|L∆L L-hop MHGRN O|R|2|V|L∆ O(|R||V|L) Table 2: Performance comparison on Commonsense L-layer QA-GNN O(|V|L∆) O(|R||V|L) QA in-house split (controlled experiments). As the official test is hidden, here we report the in-house Dev Table 1: Computation complexity of different L-hop (IHdev) and Test (IHtest) accuracy, following the data reasoning models on a dense/sparse graph G = (V,E) split of Lin et al.(2019). with the relation set R. Methods Test RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) 72.1 we perform main experiments on the in-house (IH) RoBERTa+FreeLB (Zhu et al., 2020) (ensemble) 73.1 data split used in Lin et al.(2019), and also report RoBERTa+HyKAS (Ma et al., 2019) 73.2 RoBERTa+KE (ensemble) 73.3 the score of our final system on the official test set. RoBERTa+KEDGN (ensemble) 74.4 OpenBookQA is a 4-way multiple choice QA task XLNet+GraphReason (Lv et al., 2020) 75.3 that requires reasoning with elementary science RoBERTa+MHGRN (Feng et al., 2020) 75.4 Albert+PG (Wang et al., 2020b) 75.6 knowledge, containing 5,957 questions. We use the Albert (Lan et al., 2020) (ensemble) 76.5 official data split. UnifiedQA* (Khashabi et al., 2020) 79.1 RoBERTa + QA-GNN (Ours) 76.1 4.2 Knowledge graphs Table 3: Test accuracy on CommonsenseQA’s official We use ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017), a general- leaderboard. The top system, UnifiedQA (11B domain knowledge graph, as our structured parameters) is 30x larger than our model. knowledge source G for both of the above tasks. Given each QA context (question and answer choice), we retrieve the subgraph Gsub from G OpenBookQA. following the pre-processing step described in Feng Existing LM+KG models. We compare with et al.(2020), with hop size k =2. Henceforth, in this existing LM+KG methods, which share the same section (§4) we use the term “KG” to refer to G . sub high-level framework as ours but use different mod- 4.3 Implementation & training details ules to reason on the KG in place of QA-GNN (“yel- low box” in Figure2): (1) Relation Network (RN) We set the dimension (D = 200) and number of (Santoro et al., 2017), (2) RGCN (Schlichtkrull layers (L = 5) of our GNN module, with dropout et al., 2018), (3) GconAttn (Wang et al., 2019a), (4) rate 0.2 applied to each layer (Srivastava et al., KagNet (Lin et al., 2019), and (5) MHGRN (Feng 2014). The parameters of the model are optimized et al., 2020). (1),(2),(3) are relation-aware GNNs by RAdam (Liu et al., 2020), with batch size 128, for KGs, and (4),(5) further model paths in KGs. gradient clipping 1.0 (Pascanu et al., 2013), and MHGRN is the existing top performance model learning rate 1e-5 and 1e-3 for the LM and GNN under this LM+KG framework. For fair comparison, components respectively. Each model is trained we use the same LM in all the baselines and our using two GPUs (GTX Titan X), which takes ∼20 model. The key differences between QA-GNN and hours on average. The above hyperparameters were these are that they do not perform relevance scoring tuned on the development set. or joint updates with the QA context (§3). 4.4 Baselines 4.5 Main results Fine-tuned LM. To study the role of KGs, we Table2 and Table4 show the results on Common- compare with a vanilla fine-tuned LM, which does senseQA and OpenBookQA, respectively. On not use the KG. We use RoBERTa-large (Liu et al., both datasets, we observe consistent improvements 2019) for CommonsenseQA, and RoBERTa-large 2 over fine-tuned LMs and existing LM+KG models, and AristoRoBERTa (Clark et al., 2019) for e.g., on OpenBookQA, +5.7% over RoBERTa, 2OpenBookQA provides an extra corpus of scientific facts and +3.7% over the prior best LM+KG system, in a textual form. AristoRoBERTa uses the facts corresponding to each question, prepared by Clark et al.(2019), as an additional input to the QA context. Methods RoBERTa-large AristoRoBERTa 4.6 Analysis Fine-tuned LMs (w/o KG) 64.80 (±2.37) 78.40 (±1.64) 4.6.1 Ablation studies + RGCN 62.45 (±1.57) 74.60 (±2.53) + GconAtten 64.75 (±1.48) 71.80 (±1.21) Table6 summarizes the ablation study conducted + RN 65.20 (±1.18) 75.35 (±1.39) on each of our model components (§3.1, §3.2, §3.3), + MHGRN 66.85 (±1.19) 80.6 using the CommonsenseQA IHdev set. + QA-GNN (Ours) 70.58 (±1.42) 82.77 (±1.56) Table 4: Test accuracy comparison on OpenBook Graph connection (top left table): The first key QA (controlled experiments). Methods with Aris- component of QA-GNN is the joint graph that con- If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? toRoBERTa use the textual evidence by Clark et al. nects the z node (QA context) to QA entity nodes A. hair brush B. bathroom C. art supplies* D. shower E. hair salon (2019) as an additional input to the QA context. Vq,a in the KG (§3.1). Without these edges, the QA context QA context and KG cannot mutually update their QA context Node representations, hurting the performance: 76.5% Question Choice →74.8%, which is close to the previous LM+KG Entity Entity Methods Test system, MHGRN. If we connected z to all the nodes Careful Selection (Banerjee et al., 2019) 72.0 hair hair AtLocation brush AristoRoBERTa 77.8 in the KG (not just QA entities), the performance KF + SIR (Banerjee and Baral, 2020) 80.0 is comparable or drops slightly (-0.16%). AtLocation Answer AristoRoBERTa + PG (Wang et al., 2020b) 80.2 RelatedTo round art AristoRoBERTa + MHGRN (Feng et al., 2020) 80.6 KG node relevance scoring (top right table): We brush supply Albert + KB 81.0 UsedFor T5* (Raffel et al., 2020) 83.2 find the relevance scoring of KG nodes (§3.2) painting UsedFor * Knowledge graph UnifiedQA (Khashabi et al., 2020) 87.2 provides a boost: 75.56% → 76.54%. As a Graph Connection (§3.1) Dev Acc. Contextualization (§3.2) Dev Acc. AristoRoBERTa + QA-GNN (Ours) 82.8 variant of the relevance scoring in Eq.1, we No edge between Z and KG nodes 74.81 No contextualization 75.56 Connect Z to all KG nodes 76.38 w/ contextual embedding 76.31 also experimented with obtaining a contextual Connect Z to QA entityTable nodes 5: (finalTest system accuracy) 76.54 on OpenBookQAw/ relevance scoreleaderboard (final system) 76.54. All listed methods use the providedw/ both science facts as76.52 embedding wv for each node v ∈Vsub and adding to the node features: w = f ([text(z); text(v)]). GNN Attention &an Message additional (§3.3) inputDev to Acc. the languageGNN context. Layers (§3.3) TheDev top Acc. 2 v enc Node type, relation,systems, score-aware ( UnifiedQAfinal system) 76.54 (11B params) andL = 3 T5 (3B params)75.53 However, we find that it does not perform as well - type-aware 75.41 L = 4 76.34 L = 5 (final system) 76.54 (76.31%), and using both the relevance score and - relation-aware are 30x and 8x larger75.61 than our model.L = 6 76.21 - score-aware 75.56 L = 7 75.96 contextual embedding performs on par with using the score alone, suggesting that the score has a sufficient information in our tasks; hence, our final Graph Connection (§3.1) Dev Acc. Relevance scoring (§3.2) Dev Acc. Graph Connection (§3.1) Dev Acc. Relevance scoring (§3.2) Dev Acc. No edge between Z and KG nodes 74.11 Nothing 75.15 No edge between Z and KG nodes 74.81 Nothing 75.56 system simply uses the relevance score. Connect Z to all KG nodes 76.38 w/ contextual embedding 76.31 Connect Z to all KG nodes 76.38 w/ contextual embedding 76.31 Connect Z to QA entity nodes (final) 76.54 w/ relevance score (final) 76.54 Connect Z to QA entity nodes (final) 76.54 w/ relevance score (final) 76.54 w/ both 76.52 w/ both 76.52 GNN architecture (bottom tables): We ablate the information of node type, relation, and relevance GNN Attention & Message (§3.3) Dev Acc. GNN Layers (§3.3) Dev Acc. GNN Attention & Message (§3.3) Dev Acc. GNN Layers (§3.3) Dev Acc. Node type, relation, score-aware (final) 76.54 L = 3 75.53 Node type, relation, score-aware (final) 76.54 L = 3 75.53 score from the attention and message computation - type-aware 75.11 L = 4 76.34 - type-aware 75.41 L = 4 76.34 L = 5 (final) 76.54 L = 5 (final) 76.54 in the GNN (§3.3). The results suggest that all - relation-aware 75.23 L = 6 76.21 - relation-aware 75.61 L = 6 76.21 - score-aware 75.15 L = 7 75.96 - score-aware 75.56 L = 7 75.96 these features improve the model performance. For Table 6: Ablation study of our model components, the number of GNN layers, we find L = 5 works using the CommonsenseQA IHdev set. the best on the dev set. Our intuition is that 5 layers allow various message passing or reasoning patterns between the QA context (z) and KG, such as “z → 3 hops on KG nodes → z”. MHGRN. The boost over MHGRN suggests that 4.6.2 Model interpretability QA-GNN makes a better use of KGs to perform joint reasoning than existing LM+KG methods. We aim to interpret QA-GNN’s reasoning process by analyzing the node-to-node attention weights We also achieve competitive results to other induced by the GNN. Figure4 shows two examples. systems on the official leaderboards (Table3 and5). In (a), we perform Best First Search (BFS) on the Notably, the top two systems, T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) working graph to trace high attention weights from and UnifiedQA (Khashabi et al., 2020), are trained the QA context node (Z; purple) to Question entity with more data and use 8x to 30x more parameters nodes (blue) to Other (gray) or Answer choice than our model (ours has ∼360M parameters). entity nodes (orange), which reveals that the QA Excluding these and ensemble systems, our model context z attends to “elevator” and “basement” in is comparable in size and amount of data to other the KG, “elevator” and “basement” both attend systems, and achieves the top performance on the strongly to “building”, and “building” attends to two datasets. “office building”, which is our final answer. In (b), (a) Attention visualization direction: BFS from Q IHtest-Acc. IHtest-Acc. Methods Where would you find a basement that can be accessed with an elevator? (Overall) (Question w/ negation) A. closet B. church C. office building* RoBERTa-large (w/o KG) 68.7 54.2

-1 AtLocation IsA + KagNet 69.0 (+0.3) 54.2 (+0.0) AtLocation

elevator building RelatedTo office + MHGRN 71.1 (+2.4) 54.8 (+0.6) building + QA-GNN (Ours) 73.4 (+4.7) 58.8 (+4.6) Z PartOf Z PartOf house + QA-GNN (no edge RelatedTo 71.5 (+2.8) 55.1 (+0.9) basement church between Z and KG) ...... cargo

. . . Table 7: Performance on questions with negation in CommonsenseQA. () shows the difference with (b) Attention visualization direction: Q → O and A → O RoBERTa. Existing LM+KG methods (KagNet, MH- Crabs live in what sort of environment? GRN) provide limited improvements over RoBERTa A. saltwater* B. galapagos C. fish market (+0.6%); QA-GNN exhibits a bigger boost (+4.6%), Z suggesting its strength in structured reasoning. Z crab salt_water

AtLocation AtLocation -1 Antonym TypeOf in structured reasoning. We hypothesize that QA- RelatedTo -1


Has sea AtLocation king IsA fresh GNN’s joint updates of the representations of the crab AtLocation water QA context and KG (during GNN message passing) ocean crustacean shell salt solution allows the model to integrate semantic nuances expressed in language. To further study this hypoth- Figure 4: Interpreting QA-GNN’s reasoning process esis, we remove the connections between z and KG by analyzing the node-to-node attention weights nodes from our QA-GNN (Table7 bottom): now the induced by the GNN. Darker and thicker edges indicate performance on negation becomes close to the prior higher attention weights. work, MHGRN, suggesting that the joint message passing helps for performing structured reasoning. we use BFS to trace attention weights from two Qualitative analysis. Figure5 shows a case directions: Z → Q → O and Z → A → O, which study to analyze our model’s behavior for structured reveals concepts (“sea” and “ocean”) in the KG that reasoning. The question on the left contains are not necessarily mentioned in the QA context but negation “not used for hair”, and the correct answer bridge the reasoning between the question entity is “B. art supply”. We observe that in the 1st layer of (“crab”) and answer choice entity (“salt water”). QA-GNN, the attention from z to question entities While prior KG reasoning models (Lin et al., 2019; (“hair”, “round brush”) is diffuse. After multiples Feng et al., 2020) enumerate individual paths in rounds of message passing on the working graph, the KG for model interpretation, QA-GNN is not z attends strongly to “round brush” in the final layer specific to paths, and helps to find more general of the GNN, but weakly to the negated entity “hair”. e.g. reasoning structures ( , a KG subgraph with The model correctly predicts the answer “B. art sup- multiple anchor nodes as in example (a)). ply”. Next, given the original question on the left, 4.6.3 Structured reasoning we (a) drop the negation or (b) modify the topic en- Structured reasoning, e.g., precise handling of tity (“hair” → “art”). In (a), z now attends strongly negation or entity substitution (e.g., “hair” → “art” to “hair”, which is not negated anymore. The model in Figure5b) in question, is crucial for making predicts the correct answer “A. hair brush”. In (b), robust predictions. Here we analyze QA-GNN’s we observe that QA-GNN recognizes the same ability to perform structured reasoning and compare structure as the original question (with only the with baselines (fine-tuned LMs and existing entity swapped): z attends weakly to the negated LM+KG models). entity (“art”) like before, and the model correctly predicts “A. hair brush” over “B. art supply”. Quantitative analysis. Table7 compares model Table8 shows additional examples, where we performance on questions containing negation compare QA-GNN’s predictions with the LM words (e.g., no, not, nothing, unlikely), taken from baseline (RoBERTa). We observe that RoBERTa the CommonsenseQA IHtest set. We find that pre- tends to make the same prediction despite the vious LM+KG models (KagNet, MHGRN) provide modifications we make to the original questions limited improvements over RoBERTa on questions (e.g., drop/insert negation, change an entity); on with negation (+0.6%); whereas QA-GNN exhibits the other hand, QA-GNN adapts predictions to the a bigger boost (+4.6%), suggesting its strength modifications correctly (except for double negation →

If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? If it is used for hair, a round brush is an example If it is not used for art, a round brush is an A. hair brush B. art supplies* of what? A. hair brush B. art supplies example of what? A. hair brush B. art supplies

Z Z A. hair brush (#1) Z A. hair brush (#1) Z A. hair brush (#1) B. art supplies (#2) B. art supplies (#2) B. art supplies (#2) hair hair hair hair hair hair art hair brush brush brush brush A. hair brush (#2) A. hair brush (#1) A. hair brush (#1) round art round art round art round art brush supply brush supply B. art supplies (#1) brush supply B. art supplies (#2) brush supply B. art supplies (#2) painting painting painting painting

Original Question Negation Flipped Entity Changed (hair → art) If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? If it is used for hair, a round brush is an example If it is not used for art, a round brush is an A. hair brush B. art supplies* of what? A. hair brush B. art supplies example of what? A. hair brush B. art supplies

Z Z A. hair brush (#1) Z A. hair brush (#1) →Z A. hair brush (#1) B. art supplies (#2) B. art supplies (#2) B. art supplies (#2) If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? If it is used for hair, a round brush is an example If it is not used for art, a round brush is an A. hair brush B. art supply* RoBERTa Predictionof what? A. hair brush B. art supply RoBERTa Predictionexample of what? A. hair brush B. art RoBERTasupply Prediction hair hair hair hair hair hair art hair brush brush brush brush Z Z A. hair brush (#2) Z A. hair brush (#1) Z A. hair brush (#1) round art round art round art round art brush supply brush supply B. art supplies (#1) brush supply B. art supplies (#2) brush supply B. art supplies (#2) painting painting painting painting A. hair brush (0.38) A. hair brush (0.81) A. hair brush (0.72) hair hair GNNhair 1st Layer hairGNN Final Layer Our GNN Predictionhair GNNhair Final Layer Our GNN Prediction art GNNhair Final Layer Our GNN Prediction brush brush brush brush B. art supply (0.64) B. art supply (0.19) B. art supply (0.28) round art round art round art round art brush supply brush supply brush supply brush supply painting painting painting painting

Original Question (a) Negation Flipped (b) Entity Changed (hair → art) If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? If it is used for hair, a round brush is an example If it is not used for art, a round brush is an Example (OriginalA. hair brushtaken B. from art supplyCommonsenseQA* Dev) of what? A. hair brush B. art supplyRoBERTa Predictionexample of what? A.Our hair brushPrediction B. art supply

[Original]Z If it is not usedZ for hair, a round brush is an example of what? Z Z A. hair brush (✗) B. art supply (✓) A. hair brush B. art supply A. hair brush (0.38) A. hair brush (0.81) ✓ A. hair brush✓ (0.72) hair [Negationhair flip] Ifhair it is used for hairhair, a round brush is an example ofhair what? hair A. hair brush ( just noart change?) hairA. hair brush ( ) brush brush brush brush B. art supply (0.64) B. art supply (0.19) B. art supply (0.28) [Entity change] If it is not used for art a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush (✓ just no change?) A. hair brush (✓) round art round art round art round art brush supply brush supply brush supply brush supply [Original] If you have to read a book that is very dry you may become what? painting painting painting B. bored (✓) painting B. bored (✓) A. interested B. bored GNN 1st Layer GNN Final Layer Model Prediction GNN Final Layer Model Prediction GNN Final Layer Model Prediction [Negation ver 1] If you have to read a book that is very dry you may not become what? B. bored (✗) A. interested (✓) Figure 5: Analysis of QA-GNN’s behavior for structured reasoning. Given an original question (left), we modify [Negation ver 2]Example If you have (Original to read taken a book from that CommonsenseQA is not dry you mayDev) become what? B. bored (✗RoBERTa) Prediction A. interestedOur (✓ Prediction) its negation (middle) or topic entity (right): we find that QA-GNN adapts attention weights and final predictions [Double negation][Original] If you have If it isto notread used a book for hair,that ais round not dry brush you is may an example not become of what? what? B. bored (✓ just no change?) A. interested (✗) A. hair brush (✗) B. art supply (✓) accordingly, suggesting its capability A. hair to brush handle B. art structuredsupply reasoning.

[Negation flip] If it is used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush (✓ just no change?) A. hair brush (✓)

Example (Original[Entity taken change]from CommonsenseQA If it is not used Dev)for art a round brush is an example of what? RoBERTa PredictionA. hair brush (✓ just no Ourchange? Prediction) A. hair brush (✓) [Original] If it is not[Original] used for If hair, you ahave round to readbrush a bookis an thatexample is very of dry what? you may become what? A. hair brush (B.✗ bored) (✓) B. art supplyB. ( ✓bored) (✓) A. hair brush B. interestedsupply B. bored ✓ ✓ [Negation flip] If it[Negation is used for ver hair, 1] Ifa youround have brush to read is an a examplebook that ofis verywhat? dry you may not becomeA. what? hair brush (B. bored just no(✗ change?) ) A. hair brushA. ( interested) (✓) [Entity change] If it is not used for art a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush (✓ just no change?) A. hair brush (✓) [Negation ver 2] If you have to read a book that is not dry you may become what? B. bored (✗) A. interested (✓) [Original] If you have to read a book that is very dry you may become what? B. bored (✓) B. bored (✓) [Double A.negation] interested If you B. havebored to read a book that is not dry you may not become what? B. bored (✓ just no change?) A. interested (✗) [Negation ver 1] If you have to read a book that is very dry you may not become what? B. bored (✗) A. interested (✓) [Negation ver 2] If you have to read a book that is not dry you may become what? B. bored (✗) A. interested (✓) Example (Original taken from CommonsenseQA Dev) RoBERTa Prediction Our Prediction [Double negation] If you have to read a book that is not dry you may not become what? B. bored (✓ just no change?) A. interested (✗) [Original] If it is not used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush (✗) B. art supply (✓) Table 8: Case study of structured A. hair reasoning brush B. art supply, comparing predictions by RoBERTa and our model (RoBERTa + [Negation flip] If it is used for hair, a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush (✓ ) A. hair brush (✓) QA-GNN). Our model correctly handles changes in negation and topic entities. just no change? [Entity change] If it is not used for art a round brush is an example of what? A. hair brush (✓ just no change?) A. hair brush (✓) [Original] If you have to read a book that is very dry you may become what? B. bored (✓) B. bored (✓) A. interested B. bored [Negation ver 1] If youIHtest-Acc. have to read a book IHtest-Acc. that is very dry you may not5 become Related what? workB. bored (✗ and) discussionA. interested (✓) Methods [Negation ver 2] If (Questionyou have to read w/ a book(Question that is not w/dry you may become what? B. bored (✗) A. interested (✓) [Double negation] If you have to read a book that is not dry you may not become what? B. bored (✓ just no change?) A. interested (✗) ≤10 entities) >10 entities) Knowledge-aware methods for NLP. Various RoBERTa-large (w/o KG) 68.4 70.0 works have studied methods to augment NLP + MHGRN 71.5 70.1 systems with knowledge. Existing works (Pan + QA-GNN (w/o node relevance score) 72.8 (+1.3) 71.5 (+1.4) et al., 2019; et al., 2019; Petroni et al., 2019; + QA-GNN (w/ node 73.4 (+1.9) 73.5 (+3.4) Bosselut et al., 2019) study pre-trained LMs’ relevance score; final system) potential as latent knowledge bases. To provide Table 9: Performance on questions with fewer/more more explicit and interpretable knowledge, several entities in CommonsenseQA. () shows the difference works integrate structured knowledge (KGs) into with MHGRN (LM+KG baseline). KG node relevance LMs (Mihaylov and Frank, 2018; Lin et al., 2019; scoring (§3.2) boosts the performance on questions Wang et al., 2019a; Yang et al., 2019; Wang et al., containing more entities (i.e. larger retrieved KG). 2020b; Bosselut et al., 2021).

Question answering with LM+KG. In particu- in the table bottom, which is a future work). lar, a line of works propose LM+KG methods for question answering. Most closely related to ours 4.6.4 Effect of KG node relevance scoring are works by Lin et al.(2019); Feng et al.(2020); Lv et al.(2020). Our novelties are (1) the joint graph of We find that KG node relevance scoring (§3.2) QA context and KG, on which we mutually update is helpful when the retrieved KG (Gsub) is large. the representations of the LM and KG; and (2) Table9 shows model performance on questions language-conditioned KG node relevance scoring. containing fewer (≤10) or more (>10) entities in Other works on scoring or pruning KG nodes/paths the CommonsenseQA IHtest set (on average, the rely on graph-based metrics such as PageRank, cen- former and latter result in 90 and 160 nodes in Gsub, trality, and off-the-shelf KG embeddings (Paul and respectively). Existing LM+KG models such as Frank, 2019; Fadnis et al., 2019; Bauer et al., 2018; MHGRN achieve limited performance on questions Lin et al., 2019), without reflecting the QA context. with more entities due to the size and noisiness of retrieved KGs: 70.1% accuracy vs 71.5% accuracy Other QA tasks. Several works study other on questions with fewer entities. KG node relevance forms of question answering tasks, e.g., passage- scoring mitigates this bottleneck, reducing the based QA, where systems identify answers using accuracy discrepancy: 73.5% and 73.4% accuracy given or retrieved documents (Rajpurkar et al., on questions with more/fewer entities, respectively. 2016; Joshi et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2018), and KBQA, where systems perform semantic parsing team, as well as our anonymous reviewers for of a given question and execute the parsed queries valuable feedback. on knowledge bases (Berant et al., 2013; Yih et al., We gratefully acknowledge the support of 2016; et al., 2018). Different from these tasks, DARPA under Nos. N660011924033 (MCS); Funai we approach question answering using knowledge Foundation Fellowship; ARO under Nos. W911NF- available in LMs and KGs. 16-1-0342 (MURI), W911NF-16-1-0171 (DURIP); NSF under Nos. OAC-1835598 (CINES), OAC- Knowledge representations. Several works 1934578 (HDR), CCF-1918940 (Expeditions), study joint representations of external textual IIS-2030477 (RAPID); Stanford Data Science knowledge (e.g., Wikipedia articles) and structured Initiative, Wu Tsai Neuro-sciences Institute, Chan knowledge (e.g., KGs) (Riedel et al., 2013; Zuckerberg Biohub, Amazon, JP-Morgan Chase, Toutanova et al., 2015; Xiong et al., 2019; Sun et al., Docomo, Hitachi,, KDDI, NVIDIA, Dell, 2019; Wang et al., 2019b). The primary distinction Toshiba, and United Health Group. Hongyu Ren of our joint graph representation is that we construct is supported by Masason Foundation Fellowship a graph connecting each question and KG rather and the Apple PhD Fellowship. Jure Leskovec is than textual and structural knowledge, approaching a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub investigator. a complementary problem to the above works. Reproducibility Graph neural networks (GNNs). GNNs have been shown to be effective for modeling graph- All code and data are available at based data. Several works use GNNs to model the structure of text (Yasunaga et al., 2017; Zhang et al., Experiments are available at 2018; Yasunaga and Liang, 2020) or KGs (Wang https://worksheets. et al., 2020a). In contrast to these works, QA-GNN jointly models the language and KG. Graph At- 0xf215deb05edf44a2ac353c711f52a25f. tention Networks (GATs) (Velickoviˇ c´ et al., 2018) perform attention-based message passing to induce graph representations. We build on this framework, References and further condition the GNN on the language Pratyay Banerjee and Chitta Baral. 2020. Knowl- input by introducing a QA context node (§3.1), KG edge fusion and semantic knowledge ranking for node relevance scoring (§3.2), and joint update of open domain question answering. arXiv preprint the KG and language representations (§3.3). arXiv:2004.03101.

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