Softball Notes Young Republican Meeting Chief in Rowland Township Engineer Friend H
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Vol. IX, No. 20 LIVINGSTON, N. J., THURSDAY, BUY 14, 19S7 PRICE THREE MIIIIIIMII.IMIIMIIIIIIIMIItU.IIIIIMIIHIIMIIIMIMIIMIH ! | Friend Lodge Speaks at Russell Williams Named Leon Fisher Appointed Supeririteri&ii Softball Notes Young Republican Meeting Chief in Rowland Township Engineer Friend H. Russell Williams was made Chief Of Livingston Schools System ; By JACK HAMMOND Lodge gave a very interesting talk of the Roseland Police Department on his work in the Township at Hat the Borough Council meeting meeting of the Livingston Young Tuesday night. His salary will be J. J. Spurr Carries PrMent Superintendent of Findeme 5 The Livingston Softball Leagues Elementary School, Bridgewater- Republicans Club last night. He $1,700 per year. Jesse I. Fout was Horse and Gig Home Township, Hired by School got the 1937 season under way last brought zoning, water and elevation made a patrolman at a salary of Bowl «t a Salary of 93,000 Monday night in a blaze) of glory maps with him to illustrate his talk. $1,200. Councilman Herbert R. Beam J. J. Spurr, chairman of the Liv- •:A?"v (and cold weather). About five Mr. Lodge said his work was con-submitted a report signed by two ingston Township Committee, car- ried his horse and gig home on hundred loyal Softball fans filled cerned with practically all the de- members of the police committee Leon 0. Fisher of Bridgewater his shoulder following an accident the stands at 7:00 P. M. when the partments of the township. The urging that appointment of a new Township, near Somerville, will be !l! on Laurel avenue at 10 P. M. umpire called "Play ball" and thewater department uses his services chief be held up for a while He said Livingston's Supervisor of School* ,' Tuesday. Mr. Yuenglis of Pres- famed battery of J. J. Spurr 2d, in the drawing of water maps and lo-that he had the interest of the 700 when school convenes next Septem- >' ton drive struck Mr. Spurr's gig chairman of the Township Com- cating of water«mains. The fire de- citizens at heart when he r?:ommend- ber. • The Livingston School Board- with his car and knocked the mittee, and Sam Burnet, president partment calls him in when water ed going slow on a new appointment wheel off the gig. The people of has signed a contract with him at of the Board of Education, took pressure is not sufficient at hydrants. ! Councilman Miller said '.hat there are Livingston will readily believe salary of $3,000 per year. George H. * the field. In spite of the cold Mr. The police department makes use of 1,500 people in Rosvlanl He asked that Mr. Spurr carried his horse Osborn, who recently announced ,fch^; Spurr, on the mound, laid a per- his services in some cases. For in- Mr Beam if he did'i't mew. votes an feet strike over the lattef, «t .i 8!& home after the accident, stances when bullet* WCF* entering Mr. Beam said the*, WHS what he after seeing him move the piano which the batter took a feeble cut homes on Cedar street, Mr. Lodge's meant. and the season was on. around at Citizens' League shows trusty instrument traced the bullets It was brought out that neither in the past. The only regret will With the first two games of the to the rifle range in West Orange and Mr. Beam nor Councilman Floyd E be that Mr. Spurr did not save his first half of the season played the use of high powered rifles there Becker had attended the police com- act for the Citizens' League show •^Gene's Asso. and the Men's Club was stopped. Another instance was mittee meeting which Mr. Beam had to be held in June. It is under- \-h?TKr their respective divisions. The to ascertain whether the bar at called for April 29 nor had they at- stood a committee will wait upon Mt. Pleasants and the Legion, who Doerr's grove was in Livingston or tended the monthly executive meet- him to urge that he repeat the ac- tasted defeat in their first games, Millburn. Millhurn finally got the ing last Friday. Mr. Becker did notcident at the June show . are sunk in the cellar spots while bar. In the health department after attend the council meeting Tuesday. the other four teams get into play the inspector has smelled out a sep- Mayor Elmer C. Braunworth said in the last half of this-week. tic tank, Mr. Lodge tells the owner that committees must function and Firemen Plan Popular what to do to redeem it. Planning that the business of the borough must Gene's Asso. IS—Mt. Pleasant*, 12 and zoning is another department not be let go because committee mem- Pulchritude Pageant With the opening ceremonies where the engineer is a necessary cog bers would not meet. completed Monday night Gene's Who is the most popular young in the machines. The assessment of Asso. went on to hang up the first Mr. Beam said he only wanted to lady in Livingston? The Livingston the township changes constantly as win of the season, trimming the be sure that the new police chief Fire Department is sponsoring a Mt. Pleasants 15-12. Both teams property changes hands. It is the would l>e capable and familiar with Popularity Contest in conjunction showed a decided need of practice duty of the engineer to make the the ordinances and laws he must en- with their Monster Carnival to be as more than half of the runs necessary changes on the tax maps force. Mayor Braunworth then pre- held' during the week of June 14, scored in this game were unearned. when property is divided into smaller sented the following letter and the 1937. This contest will start May plots, Gene's Asso. first at bat, drew appointment of Mr. Williams was 15, 1937, and will close at 11.00 p.m. the first blood when Graf hit the The Young Republicans have heard confirmed: on the night of June 19, 1937, when LEON O. FISHER most of the officials of the Township the lucky young lady will be pre- third ball pitched in the game over "Hon. Elmer Braunsworth, Mayor retirement after 14 years in the Liv- at their meeting and has through sented with a beautiful late model the right-fielder's head for a home Roseland, ingston Schools, received $5,000 per this means become familiar with the wrist watch. run. The Mt. Pleasants came right New Jersey. year, less the depression percentages. back to take over the lead in their problems of conducting the business Dear Sir: The method of voting is very sim- t* half of the frame, scoring twice of Livingston. It gives me great pleasure to re ple and you may vote early and of- Mr. Fisher's pedigree is best ex- on two hits and an error. The port an unusually fine example of ten. Ballot boxes and a supply of pressed in his own words as set forth in fhe following letter to Rus- second inning, however, brought Fire Department Dinner police work by Officer Faut of your envelopes will be placed in the vari- with it the downfall of the Mt. local police and completed by other ous stores in Livingston. To vote sell F. Newick, chairman of the The annual dinner of the Living Pleasants, the township" cham- members of the department. for your favorite, write .her name on teachers' committee jof the board' ston Fire Department, funds for pions. After retiring the first two About four o'clock Friday after- the envelope and for each cent placed when he applied for the position: which are provided by the Town- men up they had all kinds of noon I reported the theft of my auto- in the envelope and placed in the bal-"My dear Mr. Newick: ship Commitee, will be held Thurs- trouble making the third out and mobile to the Maplewood police; lot box she will receive one vote. I should like to register with you day, May 20th in Junior Order Hall. my appliaction for the postion of before they succeeded six hits, six alarm was sent out by teletype and Contestants may secure a supply of Supervising Principal which I under- errors and a walk had allowed less than one hour the culprits were envelopes at the Fire House. eight runs to cross the plate. The captured by your Police due to•-. the OP£U" in WMI* A\*ti Band Conceits Begin There is no age limit and the only 1 Asso. increased their lead to 12-2 vigilance of Officer Faut who rec- At the present time I am Principal / condition is that the winner must be in the fourth and then the Mt. Thursday, June 24 ognized the license number on the of the Finderne Elementary School, a bona-fide resident of Livingston Pleasants began an uphill fight. The first band concert given by car; when the men realized they were Bridgewater Township, Somerset N. J. They scored in the fourth, fifth, the Livingston Boys' Band under the wanted they made a desperate at- County, N. J. This is a twelve room sixth and seventh innings to run leadership of Fred Young will be tempt to escape; Officer Faut gave Votes will be tabulated daily, and school, housing grades "kindergarten their total up to twelve, but a run known as Kiwanis Night. The con-chase and after an exciting ride dur- recorded on the Bulletin Board at through eight," and includes both in the sixth and two unearned certs will be held every Thursday ing which they nearly ditched the the Carnival Grounds, near the Fire manual training and domestic art de~ runs in the seventh kept the vic-thereafter in the band stand on Cen-Officer, they attempted to escape by House.