Nazis Claim Nine Allied Ships Sunk

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Nazis Claim Nine Allied Ships Sunk • « - • ' •* . * TbesoAT, m t $, nm ATsrags Dsfly Cfaroilatlon tel Manchester Evening H^r a-'? For tto Moeith of JnniB, 1848 Ths llsathsr la head a t the coat departmant at .KorMoto e< U. a. Wenisef Bm m Chengy Brothers and la teptein of i Stanip K. L and M New A saii Friends Note Hose and Ladder Company No. 1, Blaze 8,251 !; Must Be Used Tomorrow' ittle Hatred Memtor ef tto Audit totogkt Would Employ j. ' ^ . of the South Mancheater Flra jdw aad 'punsiday morning; Ught ral« Town partoent. Mra. Laablaske li ai in North End > Borm n a t Olreotottone Wedding Date wall-known 'vocaUst and fii at pres­ near eoaet endiag tote tonigkt; I Tomorrow. July t,'^^ wlU be In This War rreeb wlnde along tenet tonlghi. Parly Unifier U»e last day thaTatanva It I .. ent contralto soloist at the Aayluin A Ciiy o f ru ta g o and M, the bluS atamps In Ra- , Hill Cohgregatibnal church. Hart­ Firemen and AnxiliarieB ’* • - _______ Arrange Surpriise Party ford. They have one daughter. Uonlng Book No. g. are valid.! Peopk^iW^Ovep It W ill V0 L:LXIL,H6.236 (OtortSed \ rttoa 18) i»a j—t T.' J. Danniaher, ill Ar­ ' sumps N, P and Q. remain Aim, who la In her third year at Battle Flames for Orer M A J^EStEtL^^., W E D N B S D ^ y ; ^JULY '| 7, I 94f 'V tbta m o n tag valid until August 7. No^ Get md of Hitler For Mr. and Mrs. Colby Junior College, New London, (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THKEE CEf and aiactrlc ticle in State Journal, Arthur F .' Lashinske. N. H . Hdlir; Little Loss. • hotiM. Th« Or Rest oF ^tien^ I aw»bKi*d Bids Deinperat Unity. Tha Manebsstar Fite Savart- No Mr. and Mrs. Arihur F. Laahln- Ruasians Repulse /S^ripan Onslanght ”If there la anything rt^ut thla Lifesaving Glass liiant fought- A fraaa and ton«h ^ __ _______ dla- Thomas 1. Dannahef, of M Big-' P .t). ftfeceipts war that la hopeful fmsa bu^pteiit aks, of 128 Henry street, were firs In the rear of the Burr Nun- > im NoipINo and •low street. given a surprise ^cty at thalr erles lata Saturday aftonwen our of view, K la t h a ^ ^ have beep mltteeman for the Fourth Dlstrlc^t, To Start Tonight which burned for mors than an .Boosted Here able to make ourtemotlona our ali home Saturday night by a group X la'ime author of an article la the a t 8o rclativea and frienda In honor hour. Starting at one rids cf the 1 OWiti S w liw t IL current leeue of Uee," said R e^ W. Ralph Ward, road which leads through tha nurs­ Am Journal In which he pleada of tlrtlr 25th wedding annivefBary „ a t PoUmamn and M n Jr., In hla aeraion on Independence Which occurs today. They were The senior life-saving claaaea im- ery yard to tha Bast of tha main vunlty within the DemocraUc N early $ 3 ,0 0 0 ^^lore Day at/the South Methodist pteaented with a Sterling ailver der Bill Sac^ttek will atert tonight (Umt, the btaae rapidly gained OU JU iygf’JLJS'g par^<rf the state and urgea^ the churchy "In the last war wa did .leadway and had a good atert be- X, teylET RUSSIA employment of a 4uH time field JThan> in June 1 9 4 2 ^ auc^ A splendid job of bating our tea abrvlce and a purse of $26 in at 6:45 at rilpbe Hollow awlmmlng \ j f J\K«M Twbmcal School ailver, pool. Both 'te^n and women, 17 fore the firemen arrived'. ^ . ' 'M , tJnhFaraHyrlle wm undor- Figures Released. eh^lte, reviling them, and letting The party brought refreahmenta years of age and older, are Invit­ The booater tank and an mpla r« polntad to- ’^r?'^‘nannaher. former D«pd^ mirsClves go on emotional. debau­ supply of firemen aoon had one V Judge-and Clerk In the Town ches over them, that when the yar W ith them and the evening was ed to attend the class. This class U i -becoming a . technical Ttac receipts at the Man^ spent In gameSsUd impromptu en­ is frea Of charge and those who side of the fire under- control. Fan­ Aiicratt lUlntmianoe Court of Manchester and fojroer suddenly end.ed like an accordion ned by a stiff bre4a«. however. It \ Democratic, town committee Chair­ Post dllice were gortite folding up when the song Is done, tertainment. X qualify; w4l be. awarded their with the Fank h t Sec 12,983.57 for June lg43 thi Captain sf Number Ous American ' Red Cross senior life- jumpM the road and got a fresh x man, writes that the Democratic we found ourseltea unable to have start. Both r e b a r s ahd auxll-- j^iaotenant. party ‘/cannot depend entirely upon the same, month In 1942. according any strength dr spirit left to ear- - Mr. and ^rs. Lashinsk* were aaving certlficatea. , , to figures released by Postmaster 'married 36 years ago today by Additional IhfQrmatlcin may be larlea got a good workout before ry our victory throu^. with 'S 'Capt. jBmiri L. Sridham obtained from Hr. Sachareck at It waa brought under control. __ cadet Iblomae B. H. Olln Grant this morning. The program dC eonstructlva world Rev. J. Stuart Neill, of St. Mary'a Prolnibie SiiiMiig of Six l7 V p p / / w ^ f f / i f eon at Mr. and WU- figures for tbs six months of the Bpiacopal church. Mr. Lashlnak* I tha Globa Hollow pooL Ddmage waa alight. Chinese Told Seuate to Do Attack Apparently Codr peaces.' • '.x ' Captain- Kmri L. fftidham, of J a p a n c M ! War»hi ps I ^ ^ j r . Secies, at 8 w ^ear, en d li^ June 30, 1943, ex- A IMIferent Reaction ^6 Center street, has been, aa- T h rd u g h 3 6 tlr H o u r; dinated W ith Am< completed approxl- j«eded that Of the same six months "This time we haven’t . reacted Aid Pledges of hlSspOct traln- of 1942 by $14,182.18. si^ed to take charge of Regional Battle Agaiu And Damaging of Four j All Islaitdd icah Offensive riyln* Trsin- th at way. There have b«an official Effort to Knock Out ’The receipts by months for the propagandlste who have urged ua (>Dn^: No. 6, Field toveetigatloa ptherg Announced; TW »outh Pacific Fletcher Field, last year are aa follows' Section^ oif the A djute^ OaBaral’s Main Airfield and South Pacific; Nai and win report 1943 to ‘hate our enemies. But by and Ou Subsidies ,• ... large their efforts have fallen upon Departmeht, at Chicago. The Four Satellites Ap­ Mkny Delailfi to Be J^PS Hold^M so msZsL e i tIM Army Air January . $9,617.71 17,398.81 deu ears. Wa have learned that C m ii ou»—jaat Basic Flying February .. ' 8,946.36 8,429.76 office will b^activated aa a t July Filled in. Including juat by getting mad ona doesn’t and Captain Stidham leaves G r e w a l l d a y pears to Be Near?j Roosevelt er :;fco8t in -Battle m foe the neat phaoS^of hla March ; . 11,696.11 10,087.63 get rid of the Hitlers and the Hiro- Sends Spe^ Chances of Starting A p r ils ......... 15,278.86 12,447.61 Newark, N. J., Thursday by auto­ Designation of En- Australian Official As^ K iifia G u lf Is Hi^i^iqiai trailing. hitoa of this world. Liquidating mobile for hla new poet. He will ing Completipn Today. eial Short Wave ha- May ....... .. 14.970,22 10,946.19 our enemies though necessary. Mid - Summer Recess uiny Vessels Hit- Juna ............. 11,459.09 8,475.52 be Supply and TrMaportetion serfs Separate Attack Crew Fate Unknowml Welfare Center No. Isn’t enough. So the spirit of Officer for the distri^ which In­ WEDNESDAY r Allied Headquarters, North did C^reeting on Anni­ Fade as Weai^ Solons [ iMild Ms regular meeting thla America aa she haa gona Into this cludes Illinois, Michigan and Wis­ Would Be ^Preposter­ ■ a t 8 o’clock at the School Totals ..., $71,867.76 $57,685,62 Africa; July 7 .-{A*)-—Fly ing versary of Resistance. Go Into Huddle. Allied Headquarters in Aus­ war, and as her men have, gone consin and serves IS mllllou peo­ tralia, .July 7,-r-(/P)—A Unit­ Washington, July 7,—<A>J| atlon Center. oh to fight, haa been one of deter­ ple. will have direct charge Fortresses from North Afri­ r - ——— ■ ous' anti Unnecessary. —An American Naval mination without hate; and oour- of official trav er for th a t htes. ca and Literators from the Washington, July Preel- Washington, July 7—(if)—In a ed States Naval Victory in the force bombarded the J$ic , and Mrs. W. B. Mlbbard. of aga without rags. Checking Cars Before entering service Captain Middle East comniaiid poured dent Roosevelt sent a special short sudden and dramatic turnabout, Solomons—proBable sinking J-eeds, England. Jqiy 7.—JiP)—H. nese base on Kiska island la Kaln Street, are spending Make Peace-Herole Stidham was an attorney-at-law. of six Japanese .witrships and tbna at their cottage at "As another has said ‘the' only HALE’S JULY hundreds of tons of high ex­ wave radio greeting to the ^ p le the Senate rose up to do battle V.
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