Nazis Claim Nine Allied Ships Sunk
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• « - • ' •* . * TbesoAT, m t $, nm ATsrags Dsfly Cfaroilatlon tel Manchester Evening H^r a-'? For tto Moeith of JnniB, 1848 Ths llsathsr la head a t the coat departmant at .KorMoto e< U. a. Wenisef Bm m Chengy Brothers and la teptein of i Stanip K. L and M New A saii Friends Note Hose and Ladder Company No. 1, Blaze 8,251 !; Must Be Used Tomorrow' ittle Hatred Memtor ef tto Audit totogkt Would Employ j. ' ^ . of the South Mancheater Flra jdw aad 'punsiday morning; Ught ral« Town partoent. Mra. Laablaske li ai in North End > Borm n a t Olreotottone Wedding Date wall-known 'vocaUst and fii at pres near eoaet endiag tote tonigkt; I Tomorrow. July t,'^^ wlU be In This War rreeb wlnde along tenet tonlghi. Parly Unifier U»e last day thaTatanva It I .. ent contralto soloist at the Aayluin A Ciiy o f ru ta g o and M, the bluS atamps In Ra- , Hill Cohgregatibnal church. Hart Firemen and AnxiliarieB ’* • - _______ Arrange Surpriise Party ford. They have one daughter. Uonlng Book No. g. are valid.! Peopk^iW^Ovep It W ill V0 L:LXIL,H6.236 (OtortSed \ rttoa 18) i»a j—t T.' J. Danniaher, ill Ar ' sumps N, P and Q. remain Aim, who la In her third year at Battle Flames for Orer M A J^EStEtL^^., W E D N B S D ^ y ; ^JULY '| 7, I 94f 'V tbta m o n tag valid until August 7. No^ Get md of Hitler For Mr. and Mrs. Colby Junior College, New London, (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THKEE CEf and aiactrlc ticle in State Journal, Arthur F .' Lashinske. N. H . Hdlir; Little Loss. • hotiM. Th« Or Rest oF ^tien^ I aw»bKi*d Bids Deinperat Unity. Tha Manebsstar Fite Savart- No Mr. and Mrs. Arihur F. Laahln- Ruasians Repulse /S^ripan Onslanght ”If there la anything rt^ut thla Lifesaving Glass liiant fought- A fraaa and ton«h ^ __ _______ dla- Thomas 1. Dannahef, of M Big-' P .t). ftfeceipts war that la hopeful fmsa bu^pteiit aks, of 128 Henry street, were firs In the rear of the Burr Nun- > im NoipINo and •low street. given a surprise ^cty at thalr erles lata Saturday aftonwen our of view, K la t h a ^ ^ have beep mltteeman for the Fourth Dlstrlc^t, To Start Tonight which burned for mors than an .Boosted Here able to make ourtemotlona our ali home Saturday night by a group X la'ime author of an article la the a t 8o rclativea and frienda In honor hour. Starting at one rids cf the 1 OWiti S w liw t IL current leeue of Uee," said R e^ W. Ralph Ward, road which leads through tha nurs Am Journal In which he pleada of tlrtlr 25th wedding annivefBary „ a t PoUmamn and M n Jr., In hla aeraion on Independence Which occurs today. They were The senior life-saving claaaea im- ery yard to tha Bast of tha main vunlty within the DemocraUc N early $ 3 ,0 0 0 ^^lore Day at/the South Methodist pteaented with a Sterling ailver der Bill Sac^ttek will atert tonight (Umt, the btaae rapidly gained OU JU iygf’JLJS'g par^<rf the state and urgea^ the churchy "In the last war wa did .leadway and had a good atert be- X, teylET RUSSIA employment of a 4uH time field JThan> in June 1 9 4 2 ^ auc^ A splendid job of bating our tea abrvlce and a purse of $26 in at 6:45 at rilpbe Hollow awlmmlng \ j f J\K«M Twbmcal School ailver, pool. Both 'te^n and women, 17 fore the firemen arrived'. ^ . ' 'M , tJnhFaraHyrlle wm undor- Figures Released. eh^lte, reviling them, and letting The party brought refreahmenta years of age and older, are Invit The booater tank and an mpla r« polntad to- ’^r?'^‘nannaher. former D«pd^ mirsClves go on emotional. debau supply of firemen aoon had one V Judge-and Clerk In the Town ches over them, that when the yar W ith them and the evening was ed to attend the class. This class U i -becoming a . technical Ttac receipts at the Man^ spent In gameSsUd impromptu en is frea Of charge and those who side of the fire under- control. Fan Aiicratt lUlntmianoe Court of Manchester and fojroer suddenly end.ed like an accordion ned by a stiff bre4a«. however. It \ Democratic, town committee Chair Post dllice were gortite folding up when the song Is done, tertainment. X qualify; w4l be. awarded their with the Fank h t Sec 12,983.57 for June lg43 thi Captain sf Number Ous American ' Red Cross senior life- jumpM the road and got a fresh x man, writes that the Democratic we found ourseltea unable to have start. Both r e b a r s ahd auxll-- j^iaotenant. party ‘/cannot depend entirely upon the same, month In 1942. according any strength dr spirit left to ear- - Mr. and ^rs. Lashinsk* were aaving certlficatea. , , to figures released by Postmaster 'married 36 years ago today by Additional IhfQrmatlcin may be larlea got a good workout before ry our victory throu^. with 'S 'Capt. jBmiri L. Sridham obtained from Hr. Sachareck at It waa brought under control. __ cadet Iblomae B. H. Olln Grant this morning. The program dC eonstructlva world Rev. J. Stuart Neill, of St. Mary'a Prolnibie SiiiMiig of Six l7 V p p / / w ^ f f / i f eon at Mr. and WU- figures for tbs six months of the Bpiacopal church. Mr. Lashlnak* I tha Globa Hollow pooL Ddmage waa alight. Chinese Told Seuate to Do Attack Apparently Codr peaces.' • '.x ' Captain- Kmri L. fftidham, of J a p a n c M ! War»hi ps I ^ ^ j r . Secies, at 8 w ^ear, en d li^ June 30, 1943, ex- A IMIferent Reaction ^6 Center street, has been, aa- T h rd u g h 3 6 tlr H o u r; dinated W ith Am< completed approxl- j«eded that Of the same six months "This time we haven’t . reacted Aid Pledges of hlSspOct traln- of 1942 by $14,182.18. si^ed to take charge of Regional Battle Agaiu And Damaging of Four j All Islaitdd icah Offensive riyln* Trsin- th at way. There have b«an official Effort to Knock Out ’The receipts by months for the propagandlste who have urged ua (>Dn^: No. 6, Field toveetigatloa ptherg Announced; TW »outh Pacific Fletcher Field, last year are aa follows' Section^ oif the A djute^ OaBaral’s Main Airfield and South Pacific; Nai and win report 1943 to ‘hate our enemies. But by and Ou Subsidies ,• ... large their efforts have fallen upon Departmeht, at Chicago. The Four Satellites Ap Mkny Delailfi to Be J^PS Hold^M so msZsL e i tIM Army Air January . $9,617.71 17,398.81 deu ears. Wa have learned that C m ii ou»—jaat Basic Flying February .. ' 8,946.36 8,429.76 office will b^activated aa a t July Filled in. Including juat by getting mad ona doesn’t and Captain Stidham leaves G r e w a l l d a y pears to Be Near?j Roosevelt er :;fco8t in -Battle m foe the neat phaoS^of hla March ; . 11,696.11 10,087.63 get rid of the Hitlers and the Hiro- Sends Spe^ Chances of Starting A p r ils ......... 15,278.86 12,447.61 Newark, N. J., Thursday by auto Designation of En- Australian Official As^ K iifia G u lf Is Hi^i^iqiai trailing. hitoa of this world. Liquidating mobile for hla new poet. He will ing Completipn Today. eial Short Wave ha- May ....... .. 14.970,22 10,946.19 our enemies though necessary. Mid - Summer Recess uiny Vessels Hit- Juna ............. 11,459.09 8,475.52 be Supply and TrMaportetion serfs Separate Attack Crew Fate Unknowml Welfare Center No. Isn’t enough. So the spirit of Officer for the distri^ which In WEDNESDAY r Allied Headquarters, North did C^reeting on Anni Fade as Weai^ Solons [ iMild Ms regular meeting thla America aa she haa gona Into this cludes Illinois, Michigan and Wis Would Be ^Preposter ■ a t 8 o’clock at the School Totals ..., $71,867.76 $57,685,62 Africa; July 7 .-{A*)-—Fly ing versary of Resistance. Go Into Huddle. Allied Headquarters in Aus war, and as her men have, gone consin and serves IS mllllou peo tralia, .July 7,-r-(/P)—A Unit Washington, July 7,—<A>J| atlon Center. oh to fight, haa been one of deter ple. will have direct charge Fortresses from North Afri r - ——— ■ ous' anti Unnecessary. —An American Naval mination without hate; and oour- of official trav er for th a t htes. ca and Literators from the Washington, July Preel- Washington, July 7—(if)—In a ed States Naval Victory in the force bombarded the J$ic , and Mrs. W. B. Mlbbard. of aga without rags. Checking Cars Before entering service Captain Middle East comniaiid poured dent Roosevelt sent a special short sudden and dramatic turnabout, Solomons—proBable sinking J-eeds, England. Jqiy 7.—JiP)—H. nese base on Kiska island la Kaln Street, are spending Make Peace-Herole Stidham was an attorney-at-law. of six Japanese .witrships and tbna at their cottage at "As another has said ‘the' only HALE’S JULY hundreds of tons of high ex wave radio greeting to the ^ p le the Senate rose up to do battle V.