l ■/ AYtrage Daily Circulation

For the Neath ef September, 1941 The Weather

Pereeaet of U. S. Woathor Bnroaa

6 , 8 8 0 ^ - OocaaloMd Ught rfla or «riiqio, Member ef the Audit warmer tonight; Wedaeaday mad- Bnrcaa of CtrenMUeas ^ erato to heavy raia, eooier.

Manchester— A City of Villain Xharm

(ClaaqMed Advcrtimag On Pago 1$) lOL. LXL, NO.« MANCHESTER, CONk., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ____ ------

Voters Ignore Storm Blows Over ]Rikkni

'arley on Revision

Board^s Stand ans Claim

Of Neutrality On Two Iteni8

Battle Is [own Meeting Approves

Makes No Decisioi

Time Afisefifiors,

Parkibg^Ielem Under larkley Predicts Defi­ Labor Peace More nite Action Will Be De­ Wand Rogers

cided Tomorrow; Con­ In a largely attencled. town Desire Holds Forces of Marshal Timo­ meeting laxt night the installation 800 Miles from Fron­ fer More Than Two Tokyo Press of parking meters here was ap­ shenko Fight Back tiers in Area North of and Half Hours at Up Contract proved over opposition of the With Series o f’ Hard Sea of Azov; Fight Is of Selectmen, annual aal- Sees Wedge I While House Today. Smashes Against Ger­ aries were voted to assessors, an ‘In Course of New Op­

Carmody. Testifies W ish man Armored Wedges Bulletin! attempt to, slash charity money Being Driven erations’^Ahnouncedt To Avoid ReftercuS’ to $50,000 waa blocked and a simi­ Washington, Oct. 7.—P)—The Bulletin! i rate Ja/Mm and Th Berlin, Oct. J.— (/P)_The {hanging the neutrality law Federal worka adminUtrator teatl- where the business ses.P)—The land Reflected T ay.! German high command «n- fled today that a desire to avoid tion, was filled, the number at­ Vessels and permit them to repercuaslons among AFL building Soviet government tonight ------X ' ' nounced today that a great tending wa.s only a small fraction acknowledged that the Ger­ ravel to Iwlligerent ports tradea uniona had held tip the of Mancheater'a ,13,000 voters. Tokyo, Oct. 7-^/py^n increos- ! against the Ru8-

Ind now-forbidden combat award of a contract to the low With much a'rgument and re- mans had launched a great Ing belief that Unfted States and , S'®"® ^®^ been fought and bidder an employer of CIO labor nes. ' One of the legislative quest.s for explanation of ttenns offensive on the’central front British diplopticy waa driving a I 800 miles' from the —on a big defense housing con­ brought up for decision, the meet­ and announced that the en­ wedge between Japan ahd Thai-' Reich's frontiers ihxthe area eaders at a White House tract In Wayne county. Mich, ing developed Into a "wearing leeting today said there vir­ John M. Carmody, the admlnte- dowTi” session which did not ad­ tire Russian nation was be- land waa reflected today In the north of the Sea of A\ov, and

tually wa.s unanimous agree- tratpr, attributedAo conatderationa journ until nearly 1 a.' m. The ihg prepared to meet it. Japanese press, which' predicted said this Was “in the course of "labor atabillzatlnn" his hesi­ installation of pa'rking meters, the British soon would make spe­ of announced new operationa.’* lent that both steps should tancy in awarding to P. J . Currier, which at one time or another will Moscow, Oct. 7.— (JP)— A cific demands upon the Bangkok (By Inference this was Uie offen- taken, but there was con- manufacturer of .pre-fabrlcated affect all of the town's 24.000 in­ widespread wrrsekage, although none df It serious, lay bn Miami government. si%e referred to by Adolf H itler in liderable controversy over houainR, a contract on hta bid of habitants. was voted 4$ to 32 near I ^®ttle^gr<)wing in intensity la.^t Friday’s Sportspslaat speech $979,000. which was low by ap­ streets after, a tropical hurricane struck the Florida coaat. A big ' hour by, hour on the c^ tral Bfocedure. the end of the session. The newipaper Yomiuri said in In which he declared '’gigantic'* proximately $400,000. Rogers Leads OppoaltioM tree Just off Alton road at the beach (above i fell before the wind. : front'was reported today by a dispatch from Bangkok that WeOk) ewuae “RevqliitioD’’ breaking a lamp post. Singapore conferences of British new developments had been start-, Willard B. Rogers, j>ushlng the I Red Star, Soviet Army news- ed within the preMoiis 48 hours.) Washington, Oct. 7.—(/P) Testifying before the Senate fight for more money for the leaden including Sir Joaiah Croa- J paper, which' said Marshal "In the course of announced -A White Hoii.se conference assessors, had his spectacles In new operations a big battle took (Coutlnued On Page Two) hand moat of the evening. Jabbing I Semeon Timoshenko’s forces (Continued On Page Eight) bn modification of the neu­ place in the region north of the trality law recessed today-un­ out at the ppposltion aa it devel­ I were fighting back with a se- Sea of Azov," said the communi­ oped. Rogers; who successfully j que. til tomorrow morning, when, steered the assessors into the Efforts on Exchange ries of hard smashes against green pastures was not so fortu­ ' O rm an armored wedges driven "German troops, shoulder ta Senate Majority Leader Survivor Savs Four Italian shoulder with troops of the.silled nate when he sought a aalary In­ into the Soviet lines. So\1et rifle irkley predicted, a definite detachments under General Bol­ countries, are pursuing the de­ crease of $600 for Tax Collector lecision w’ill be reached. For Samuel Nelson, but he countered Of Prisoners Collapse din, suppoiled by tanks and avia­ feated. enemy. Waruing Not Vessels Sunk lore than two and a half by being oji the winning aide In tion. attacked heavy Nazi concen­ “ Motorized and tank units the parking meter controversy. trations immediately after they thrust' deep Into the enemy's re­ hours, Preaident Roosevelt, Secre- Germany Insists on treating columns. ary of State Hull, Vice President Given Tanker ' In a strident exchaa^ with bad maide a long march. Red Star 7nllace, Harry L. Hopkina, and ! Selectman Sherwood .Q. Bowers at Bridge’s Fall said, and in three sectors alone the By Torpedoes Staff Token Prisoaer one point during th* evening Rog­ Man-for-Man Basis O rm ans were said to have lost bight House and Senate leadera of ^ “In operation the staff of the Bth part(e8 conferred in the chief I Oiw« ers showed promise of barging in­ While Britain Wants 198 tanka, more than 1,000 men Nitfth Soviet Army wax tairan xecutive'a atudy. .^ u e c ia r e s i_m p and Per- to an old fashioned knock-down killbd and 31 planes downed, ;Seven Others Seriously Blocks Vital priaoner. The supreme commander Armlag Forbidden Now town meeting fight, but when the All Now Held Traded. i t Tasks Destroyed previously found safety in fliA l Iiaps Two Unidentified necessary comeback waa not forth­ And Perhaps Fatally by plane." Aa it atanda now, the act' for­ Sixty-two out of 81 tanka Were bids the arming of American mer- Submarines Torpedoed coming, the heat evaporated Into Ore Shipping Damaged hy Subma­ Dispatches ffoql a German war general atyument. London, Oct. 7.^/P)— Ne­ sold to have been destroyed in jehant veaaels and their^ Into one all-day action on th'e western correapondent said that the Mg deaignated combat xoiim and-bel-1 Vessel, at Midnight. 'The Rogers-Bowera flask waa gotiations for the war’s first rines in Mediterranean push started Oct. 2, Ui« «lay bo- occasioned when tha Selectmen exchange of wounded prison­ front where the Russians are de­ fere Hitler t«i/i t>m. Ugerent porta. ^ ^Uapae of One Arm fending Moscow., • Rio de Janeiro, &©t, 7—(VP)— A found fault with rising aalary costa ers between Britain and Ger­ London. Oct. 7.—(ff>>- Four Ital­ gontic operation was undefr way. Barkley told reporters: | On yet another sector of the There wax "a concentration ' pf 19-year-old susvlvor of the Pan­ in town government, particularly Beneath Weight of ian vessels, including a troop-laden "W e discussed the whole quea- as applied to aaseasors. Jumping to many collapsed today because front the O rm an tank drive was German artillery fire not expert-, Jon and recessed until '10 tomor- ama flag tanicer I. C. While 4 * ‘ his fMt, Rogers attacked Bowers' Germany insisted the deal] Loaded Train Halts said to have been met by concen­ sailing Ship, hsvs been sunk and ienced since June 22,” the day tha ow, at which time we will meet clc.red today that “one and perhapa'jAlMd' on a aalary question as be on a prisoner-for-prisoner, trations of anti-tank artillery. seven othere have been seriously Germon-Ruaaian war tegon, tha Althbugh.ten Orman tanka broke reporter said. no reach a decision." two" unidentified aubmarihea tor­ pa>sU)9ontou§ and unfair ' ‘when Largest Lakea Craft. and perhaps fatally damaged by Sherwood Bowers' brother gets basis wfiile Britain held out i through^ and advanced toward But the specific sector where Asked whether the general ob­ pedoed and sank the American- Soviet trenches they were set blaz­ torpedoes of British submarines in jective of the parley was complete $2,500 a year-ss Judge for about a for an exchange of all sick; Sault 8le. Marie, Mich , Oct. this action took place net owned ship without warning in a and wounded without regard for ing by bottlea of combustible fluids the Mediterranean, the Admiralty disclooed definitely here. epeal of the law, he merely re­ midnight attack' 800 miles off month’s full wofk." (JTi—Collapse of one arm of,A life Frank P. Clancy. In the courpe number*. Britain's war secretary, hurled by the Ruaaians, Red Star announced today In reference to other porta of sted that the whole subject was Brazil. bridge— believed to be the largest said. ' e which waa under, discussion of the evening had his “ftU, of ex­ CapL H. D. r T Morgeason, charged It wax the latest in a series of : the long battleline now ' curving H. W. Ackerman, of Charleston, of. the bascule type Ip the w orld- The O rm ans lost 800 offleera and southeastward from Leningrad ta ad another meeting would bo S. C., said in the first Interview changes with Moderator WilUam in the House of Commons that the reports on a growing toll levied negotiations failed because of "a men, 45 tonka. 150 motorcyclea and the O im es and the Sea of Azov, cesury before any announce- with any of the 17 survivors S. Hyde on questions of proce-' brought defena^vital iron ore upon Axis shipping, in the Mediter­ aent'could be mkde. 4ure, while Waiter Mahoney got flog;rant breach of faith On the a hundred other vehicles in this the high command said in general brought here by.'the rescue ship shipping from,.Lake Superior porta battle, the account said. ranean—a toll which British Na- that the German offensive .was Barkley iatd he assumed that Del Norte that, the under-sea boat more or leas mad at the Board of part of the Orman government.” ^ al sources said two weeks ago Ir. Roosevelt would send a mea- Selectmen, and several) other Oermosa Being Dtaembsrked to a temporary halt here today, 'Tkirty-eight German tanks were taking ita prearranged course. or boat! flred only one torpedo. deatrby^ on a third sector where nod cost the Axis one in every five age to Congress when the whole speakers during the rourse of the He announced, .that wounded The,glam span, owned by the In the north, th'e Rusaions again Told Ship Shelled trenrh'^mortars, artillery and suto^ veaoela attempting to crosa to’ made on attempt -to land foreos ue has been threshed out. evening. German priaonera' who had been Canadian Pacific Railroad Co., North Africa and left 50 per cent Late CompllratioaB Added Bralizian port autboritiea who sowed bei % th the weight of a matic riflemen combined to drive a on the Gulf of Finland coast west C$l«s Town RefMrt -V put aboard two hospital ships at wedge Into the German pooltiona. of Italy’s total merchant tonnage Late compllcaUona were added boarded the Del Norte earlier said Mahoney developed applause loaded freight train. A locomotive of Leningrad, presumably, for a they were told the ship was shelled Newhsven poised to leave a t .M y While the accelerated flghtlpg ■unk or damaged. the situation by Panama’s aud- when be struck at the Selectmen hour ovei the week-end for >har- and tender shot from the open end flanking attack qi an assault from as she sank. was progressing In the sectors west Besidta the sailing troop trans­ en reversal of policy on the arm- for their failure to have a town re­ bomea were being dl«TOUjAed dta 11^ approach to the St. Moiy'a port, the Admiralty said a 635-ton ling j>f merchantmen. The port authorities boarded the t»rrx-lng two trainmen of the SovleX capital, the official (Conttaned On Page. Tea) port in the hands of the voters by and sent back to camps. communique told of - intensified Italian torpedo boat, a gusfd ves­ Senator Connally (D-Tex), how- fescue ahl'p Del Norte for routine the time of the business meeting. to theif'^eatli and effectively Inspection while United States em­ Germany holds several Tiroes a* Rubslon offensive operationa about sel and a au^ty ship' were certain­ lever, waa Inclined to look, ion Pan- Holding that no one could intelli­ many wounded British prisoners blocking tlib -tj'vo largest of the lama's action as a boon for jieu- bassy and Naval offlci.als took de­ Leningrad and sold 19 German ly sunk. ^ gently consider questions of ap-. os there are wotihded Germans in Sault Ste. Marle^ locks, which link Some May Have Beein Soak positions from the 17 survivors Lakes Superior and Huron. earth and timber forts, had been TNUt England. smashed by Red artillery. It listed two tankers, two trans­ (Coatlaoed Ob Page IWo)'' 'aboarB. (Coatiooed Oa Page Eight) Four Daya To d e a r Locj^ t.______H. W. Ackerman. 19,. of Charles­ Captalp/ Margesson, quoting. Concentration*.of German infan- ports and three supply ships oa Flashes i ArtictaxAS of the International A wrecking train waa 'sumn^oned damaged O f the damaged trans­ ton. S. C., one of the . survivors, immediately, hut Lieut. Col. Julea (Late BalleUM ef the (P) Wlral said the three men mis-irfg from c^yehtlpn regarding treatment of (CoaUDoed Os Page Tea) ports and supply ships it said con- tha tanker’s crew of 37 "almost Houghtallng, intelligeiu officer diitona "did not allow our subma­ for the SauK Ste. Marie mUltary Beach Trade Agreemeat [Lodge to Gi ve surely drowned." Cranemen End:fir^.u'id'b;'-wS^'”change should be “without regard “ rines ascertaining' beyond doubt ^ Ackerman identified the three aa tb rank Or numbers." "^e British, district estimated it would be four which of these Snemy vessels actu­ Aokaro, ‘Turkey, Oct. 7.— days before the lock^Mvould be a boatswain named .Rankin, an he said, had planned to exchange CKinese Start ally have beeii sunk." indicating a Oernuuiy and Turkey have reedhad ’View bn Army able seaman and an oiler. ^ Short Strfl^e approximately 180 Gbrmani for sufficiently cleared to provide pos- British belief that some of them a trade agreennent which will M aage for fully laden ore carrier*,- " • Attack Dortag Night 1.200 Britons. also may have gone to the bottCHU. algpwd tonaorrow but acither aida In the first Interview by any of (Berlin, agreeing on the reason which include some of the largest "An Italian torpedo boat of the I* gettlag what M wanted asaat, a ^ for failure of, the deal, gave the croft that navigate the lakes. Drive on Jap§ ISenator to Recommend the survivors, the young Charles­ Dispute at Qi^eland Af­ 635-ton Generali type and a sup­ coospeteat authority aaid to d ^ . tonian declared the tanker, which figures oa 1,800 oeriously wounded Two channels remained o^n to ply ship Of about 3,500 tons were Gemiaay 'w ill. go without tha Adoption af New Pol­ Britons in German territory com­ sailed under the flag of Panama, fects „ Production of navigation. They were the Poe Enter Ichang to Fight torpedded^ snd "Sunk,’’ the Admir­ chreme wklcb the has ahught la icy Later This Week. wraa attacked by "certainly one and pared with 500 wounded Germans locks on the American side .and alty commuilUque aaid. aegoUafleua eoveriag aevaral perhaps two" submarines 800 miles Pakseuger Automobiles In England.) > - Oanndian locks. Military authori­ *In Streets of Western­ (The oompleiheat ...qf Generali weeka while Turkey wW aet eh- off Brasil during the dark, moon CoBdiUoBs Clearly Stated ties said neither, of the open chan­ class vessels is lOOXihe armament tala the alrplaaes abe aeked. Tha Washington, O ct 7—(d>)—A first less night of Sept. 27-28. By The Assodfited Press "Conditions gex-eming the re­ nels. however, provided sufficient most OutfMist of Foes. pact la anderstood te’ provide fer I hand account of a acddlaris life-and "I was asleep when a torpedo -CIO cranemen today ended a patriation M sick, and wbuAded draft for fully loaded ore csiriers. (CeeMaee^k^rPag* Eight)' esehaages ef goeda totelMag about Irecommcndationa for ad^tion of a prisoners of war." It wo* said, An Imelgency order was issued 875408,0M. I new Army policy will be given the two-day work stoppage at a big .. .Obongklng,. O ct 7.—(P)—Chiong »' • • (CaottaOMl On Fogs fw s) Gory, Ind., iteel> plant, but "are clearly stated in Article 88 to vessels now loading to linilt Kiri-Shelc’a Armies. . launching ■ Senate later this week by Senator of the international convention re­ their draft to 16 feet 6 inches. The CoMptrotor Pleada Guilty ItkHlge Markots At a Glaara I able to avold'all fatigue ^ ty ex­ dlooatroua effect- And It would not Produtta Company In daveiand. pontral folia during mUitaty op- hit prepsrod ppMr, tha laduotry is srsUOfu hot bSen demonstrstad planning to tram mechonies to- ba tWe. ' Now Yoek, OeL Btudeboker’a poanengtr cor 73rd Ex^ution cept that neceaaary in the field." be long in coming. Our rtoervoir of tragically In France," he sold, Chinese sold hug* fires raging H’aats More Prefaasisaels ~ lyaourceii would be drained, un­ lines employed- 8,000. men and spodallata rather than sll-itfound Stai "ftooda were so hppelcsoly snarled workers. It takes four or fivt in the city Indicated that.th* Jap­ in Occupied France treat Lodge conUndtd the Army, checked 'and ungulded, and we women. The commercial cor and with, mUltaty and refugee tfoSIc anese were preparing to abandon' •hoqld have a larger proportion of would oopn find ouroelvea unahl* truck deportmanu of tha plant yoora to- train h good all-around Paris, Oct. 7. — (ff) — The Ger- that effectlvt use ot troppa was mochanlc;- ho sold, wharosa "spo- it. tnona todoY announced 0 4 73rd lAnka profeadlonal, regular aol- to support our own ilefenaa pro­ wera unoffectad. diers with perhaps about 38 per gram or to ooflat those countries Impotsible.” .daliat’’ mochanlcs con ha tnihod execution In Occupied France, and CIO employos of MhBond struck Captain weaver advocated ac­ mors quickly. * cent of the ranks filled with ciU- which moot d o ^ d on our help." for wage - Increases to on hourly lX«S8Bry Bshme* sold the latast trlcUni, a Belgian, oraBy celeration of dviUai) traffic control R. C. Havon, oafsty anginaar o t was shot In reprisal for on attack I sen aoldiera undergoing one year's "Heedaefcea* Ameog ExpMters minimum of 88 cants, eompni^ * . - as n port ot military prapnrstiona. I trsinittg. He oital that the nocaaolty for in- The OoBtihonul Baking CO., Now Waahfagton, OcL Tha against a German soldier ta the with the currant 88, sad n iq par. Many communities srers giving at- Tork, ooid com pet ant uuek driv- Preach Ardenaea. Bunbumed and hardened from vtridng' a eoatrbl over our exports cant rios in ptoes ratao. poirittoa ot tlM Traoauiy Oct .4:

I two montha in the open,, rain and tenUen to ciqttgi&ey er "dlanatar" tin hod hacom# oa acsieo aa ohi- ftaeatyUk 81M12.M9.76; « k- . 1%*, Belgian, idehtiflod aa AlfNd -----1 St times caused s "few hesd- Midland also mokqa frnnMa for plana in on effort to eooe with po­ ®*“YY^** onskea, Lx>dge i achea'' among esnortero, but. ha; aahnios, and urged caiwrul train­ pewUttarsi^ 880,628,588^2; Bat Boatla, of Couvin, Belgium, was WiUya-Ovcriand Army "Jeeps" slid tential transportatiemikffleuIUts. ing o f new .driven qiid sctyolplnc hMaace.. I2.0M412JI78.22; cuo- acntencad oa OcL 2 for oni atUeJi o t older meii erho seplaee dittyra taina roeqliHs Dor t 8,8M,' wMdi took pUe* at Bocroi, tha L [ '.H a mUitS thata 'sn g - i w i U he asiasa ■ 1 ^Garmons aaid, <4 ''. ': . - -r" . I - ■ MANUHBSTEi EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1941 MANCHESTER EVENINd HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1941 BAGS TBiUEB Dovll’s Tower national fnoniinient 4100 on saefa of ths first flvs MissiiigGirl said that "the' national park serr bounts. Parley oil Revision Labo|^Peace rmy Flash’ Code Used How Air Raid Warden^s ’Chutist Eased vice doesn’t welcome this kind ct Parker to Be Paper Box G>. I Judgment on the remaining Bridgets Fall Says publicity, but we are most thank­ apvsn counts was suspended, The Of Neutrality Lrw Desire Holds United Service Clubs Found Alive Survey Is Followed Up , Off of Tower ful that we were able to get court stipulated that the defend­ Blocks Vital George safely to the ground.” He McLevy’s Foe Fined $2,000 ants ahcsild arrange with the wage Wariijung^ot To Clear Party Lines added that he would "take steps to * - ♦ ^ and hour division of the Depart­ Makes No Decision Up Contract Hear Schenker’s Views In Goo;d Physical Condi­ This article is Number 6 In a prevent any repetition of this sort ment Of Labor to make civil resti­ •diverted traffic away from the Six Nights Alone Atop 0^ thing." Republicans Endorse tution In the smoimt of $5,000 to Ore Shipping Given Tan) 7 eerie* of ten prepared by the stre e t^ le ; and he has lost no New Haven Concern Al­ (Oohtimwd from. Page One) (Conttnoed rroia Page One) \ ^ ■ [dppted for Hundreds tion 'Except' for 'Her State Defense Cnuneii nn the Rock Spire I.

I PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAN’CHESTER, CONN; TUESDAY; OCTOBER Y„1941 '■ft X" XUANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. ITJESUAr, o q iO ^R 7, 1941 , v PAGEPIVB Cranemen l^nd Iceland Galled Highly Fro; S I »ors §hort Strike [Victory in Elections British Extol M anchester (Continaag troa Paga One) Date Book 3 - . Difficult to Defeni Bomber Work Hudeon, Bulck and Ford trucks. Claim of Republicans Tonight guest speaker at the Hartford tha t ^ q a l meeting of the Heb­ Willys-Overland offlciale said thalr Holy Name Society. Movies a t Rotarv dub last evening this bs- ron Women’s Club are;'President, operatlont would have to be cur­ UnUed* Army^anJ Achievements Praised in 8 t. Jam es’s hall at 8 o'clock. Rockville- Ing hu third successive* annual Mrs. Norton Warner; -vice-presi­ ToUancI < tailed unless they got more framee North; Coventry Private Duty Nursef’iAaaocla- ^ I t to the club. He had tor hla Air Corps Will Havj I Wrest Chief. Executive j Small Toffrii Election Booklet; To Continne hmtm dent, Mre. Ruby Gibson; eecretory, soon, but Hudaon, Ford and Bulck tloh. Clinic Bullenng, Haynes B . Ckkpinui subject, “An EnglUbman Finds Mre. Charles N. Fillmore; treasur­ 18^ John B. Bteele reported no Immediate ebortoge. A meeting of the committee on Results Given at Glance street at 7:30. ' M, SootniUe Room In America," . Opportunities to Makj Posts in One City andj Air War on Reich. er, Mre. Charles Fish. The meeting ■ m S -S BorinrlUo May Oo To Medlatora air raid wardens was held In the Wednesday, Oct. 8 Emblem C2nb was held at the home of Mre. Gor- Defense Sti;on^er. By The AsHoeikted Press The CIO United Automobile town clerk's office recently. Chief Two Smaller Towns; London, Oct. 7.-i(iP)- Achieve­ Reception at South Methodist An Important meeting of the At the regular mba^g of the 4 m Bevin, Bast Hampfon. The Connecticut small t/yrni Rockville Emblem dub will be Booklets ‘The Upper Room” are Workers' strike for higher pay at Warden Malcolm presided. He ap­ I ments of Britain's bomber com­ church for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ladiea of ^t. Maurice tna.mcmbera Clmrlea P. Miner was electrified Midland Steel Products (to. will be By Drew Middleton From Democrats. elections at a glance; Ward. Jr., followed by church fam­ Vernon’s GOP held at the Elks Hoifie on Wednes­ of the-aociety presented W e^^re- whei^te found a few days'ago a placed In the vetflbule of the Fed­ pointed aa. deputy wardens Henry mand in two yeara of war were day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. erated church tor those wishing certified to the National Defense Reykjavik, Iceland, Oct. 1.- Number of towns voting ..144; extolled by the government today ily supper and entertainment at tary, Mias Lydia >Young, wHh a quart ripe chestnuts on Mediation Board unleM a eettle- P. Frink and Benjamin A. Stork. By The Associated Press 6 p. m. Emma Llsk, president, will give a handsome cameo . Mlse Y bw g them. (Delayed )—(j’)ADe8plte Its fd Remained Republican ....; 121 ' In a 130-page b^ klet which said the groundxtmder a young growth ment Is reached todays union lead­ The post wardens will enlist Remained Democratic . . . i . 20 Also Cotton Blo.ssom Singers at Wins Easily report of the recent Supreme Con­ leaves Bolton In the near future to .qf chestnut HMs by the roadside theto helpers in organizing their motenees, thla keystone poiition I Wresting the chief executive the aerial offensive against C!ei^ vention at Swampsoott, Mass. RaUy Day was observed In the ers predicted. Switched from Democratic i many would continue with ever­ North Methodist church. aseume a p|OBitlon with the tVolcott iit'g rural eecaqn of Hebron. He respective diatricto. the Battle of the Atlantic could I j poets In one city and two smaller Hope Chapter schoolc. foun-d^ the nuts Ihcidentally while Federated church achoot Sunday Union prediction that the dis­ to Republican ...... 3 growing intenaity—fierce, relent- Thiimday, Oct. 9 South Coventry echoo) district; highly difficult to defend If th| I towns from Democratic control, Republicans Make Clean Hope Chapter, OES will hold Teacher Selected on another errand. FMends, hard­ with 88 present. Promotion from pute would be eubmttted to the Poet Warden, George A .'tour, as- Switched from Republican 'esB Snd deadly. Opeirtng of evening classes at their regular meeting this evening Defense Mediation Board came as Germans should decide to make a f the'Republican party of Connecti­ to Democratic ...... 0 Already the Germans are show­ Trade school at 6 :30. At a special meeting of the Bol­ ly able u>'.^lieve hla story, sam­ the Claeses, and Certificates A call up strike hoe made 1,400 Idle since •end. Informed military quarter! I teaching position for that school Members of the Congregational Ernest Burkamp,Thomas Graham, ■aid today. * I yeara of Democratic rule, returned the Republlcain or Democratic Saturday, Oct. 11 / Rockville, Oct. 7— (Special)— and her commiUee wUj have the University of Conheg^tlcut re­ ranch of the Federated church Sept. 29. Robert White, Albert Leelie, Ray- Republican to office in yeater- column). 1 were Interviewed. Supervisor L B. . These sources said they we Swedish Smorgasbord,-lEmanuel' r'The r Republicans made a clean charge of the social hour. Dunfleld was present. veals that thh. Is not aivtfolated planning to attend the confer- The' Defense Mediation Board monn Bennett, Herbert Rose, I day's election by one of the nar­ Lutheran church. / ^ Design as Fresh as the Dawn! Instance, eeveral other towhg In enc6\to be held at the First received yesterday for attempted Charles Dainton, Nathan Jacob­ satisfied Iceland la a formldabli rowest margins ever to decide a •weep in the election ot the Town The Board members awarded the poBlllon now, and that the Unite Friday, OcL'!s4 of Vernon on Monday with but few contract to Miss Mary E. Corcoran eastern Connecticut having Church'.^ Meriden today and to- settlement a dispute at a Mobile. son, Grant Loothaker and Ray­ mayoral contest in Connecticut, Lyme, Madison, Manchester, ihorrow. \ Ala., ehlpbutlding company. The States Army and Air Corps woulJ Lecture by M rt Lewis-Rose, conteati. The high points of inter­ of Westfield, Maes. Mias Corcoran aimllar reports. Mr. Wilkinson, ot mond Johnson. white the tiny communities of Mansfield, Marlborough, Mlddle- Center church. est in the election were the novel- the University, Is quoted as saying a regiftai- meetisg of Tolland Labor Department reported that South street school district: have opportunltlee to make t| Ashford and Haddafn replaced G p_^^^w^Woodrose^ Finish Gilead Is a graduate of the Westfield State much stronger.'. . bury. Milford, Monroe, Morris. SatunW , Oct. 85 ' ty of using the voting m achine Teachers College and has aleo had he bellevee. the chestnut may yet Grange will be held Tuesday (this the dispute involved CIO demande Poet Warden, Floyd Standieh; as- Democratic flrat selectmen with New O naan; New Fairfield, tot the first time, and a contest make a comeback. •venlng)at the Community House. for union security g u a ra n ty such aietanU, John Blisell, Goodwin But two years of war have deml I Republicans. Private Duty Nurses’ dance. The Ladiee Aid Society of the extension work at the Springfield onstfated that 'the German bigl New Hartford, Newington, New Hilltop Houak. 'among the Democratic candidates College, She has held teaching posi­ Seven new voters whose righto Mlee. HaUle Jewett hai moved as figured in the prolonged Kear­ Jacobeon, Bert Carpenter, Mr, Retain Two Other Mayoraltlea Milford, Newtown, North Bran­ tor places on the Board of Educa- Gilead Congregational church, wilt from Mre. D u^ Usher’s house to ny, N. J., strike which ended with Stevens, C. F. Ulm, Edward Had command makes its plane on a Also Ceremonial, Tall Cedars of tions In Massachusetts, and w,ss had maturtd between the firet grandiose scale and la unaparin| Democrats, however, smashed ford, ^North Haven, Norwich, Old Lebanon.y’Masonic Temple, Uon. • , meet this week on Wednesday highly recommended to the local session for the making of voters the home of M te Ully^Crandall. the government's taking over the dad, (marlee Knapp, George Hlnk I out expected victories to retain Lyme, Old Saybrook, Orange, Ox­ There were ISfiO votes cast with afternoon at the Gilead Communi­ huge Federal Shipbuilding and el and Edward Brannon. of men and equipment. /''Mojday, Oct. 87 Loard of Education. Miss Corcoran and election day, were added to Mlea Florie BIsbp Bw ering en­ Attack foe One Reason the mayoralties in the only two ford, Plymouth, Pomfret, Prospect, A falenfed Grtnd Rapidi dstt^nsr i« doing nnsrvsloui thing* with Mspla. loss of these being by the men and ty Hall at 2:30 o'clock. The hoat- ivill assuue her duties In the very the voting list Saturday. Most of tertained the Yoilng People's Drydock Company. Flander'i school district; Post other, Ictles where the executive Putnam. "Mal-ch of Movies,’’ auspice.' essee are Mrs. Howard Martin and Germany would be likely to at! You re looking at an exerr^le of it right here! An originel end impirad ' 790 by the women. Edward B. near future. these were Amston new comers Group after leaving the church The new dispute ie between The warden, Ralph Reynolds; oseis poets were St stake in, municipal Redding. Ridgefield, Rocky HIU,. M overs’ club, Hollister street , , , , , - . - - - . .^pirad Jackson was the moderator. The Mrs. Karl Links. ■ervlce Sunday evening around the Alabama Drydock and Shipbuild­ tonU, Virgil Reynolds, Joseph tack Iceland for one reason only—f •lectlona held In 144 of the state's iffitorlum. eontemporery design, finished in Woodrote Maple . . . a warm baiga- Community Get-together who have lived here long enough clear Indication that aha le Roxbury, Salem, Salisbury, Say- vote received is as follows with an • /The Women's Club held its an- The Social Committee of the to meet requirements governing ''Fireside.” ing (tompany and the CTO Indus­ Seplowltz, Winifred Slater, Ed­ 169 communities. / ~ brook, Scotland, Seymour, Sharon, Friday, Oct. 81 brown with s trace of ro»s. Obierva tha pierced panel topping the mirror astsrick noting election; 'Ernest nUal meeting at the home of Mrs. the making of voters. One new The Tolland Men’s a u b will be trial Union of Marine and Sbip- ward Ftanz. Michael Shirahac and the Battle of the Atlantic becati Mayor Frank Stock of Norwalk Bolton Haft and library. Associa­ of Brltltb-American occupation Sherman, Somers, Southbury, Dance. Lithuanian • American end headboard of bed, the subtle flare of the bed's foot panel, the graceful A Schindler, R, 1278; 'Kerwln A. Gordon Bevina In East Hampton tion extend a hearty invitation to voter was added because of having guests of the West Stafford Men’s sbullding Workers. The company Peter Merrott. was elected for a fourth successive (Citizens' club. Liberty hall. on Thursday afternoon, Eighteen thla island, informed quarters said Sprague. Stafford. Sterling, Ston- (welled front* pf the che*t*. Custom quality cabinetwork. Bed, dretter and KUlott, R, 1274; •Christopher E. siU In Bolton to join them on Thua- reached the age of 21. Club tomorrow evening. has about 4,800 employes and Its Skungamug school district two-year term, and Mayor William Ington, Stratford, Suffleld, Thom- members and one guest were pres­ Post warden, Bryon Hall, assis­ The high command might thei] Thuraday, Nov. 6 mirror, chest for $149, Jones, D, SB5; Arthur Satryhj D, evening at the Community Mrs. William O. Seyms, of Col­ Mre. Samuel Johnson has been currt()t work Includes repair of A. Patten won a third term In aston, Tolland. Trumbull; Union. Hobby Show, Center church. S91; assessor, 'Howard Dimock, R, ent. The following officers were ships to j the Maritime Commis­ tants, Lloyd Ayers. Otto Miller expend men, ships and plane Torrlngton. elected; President, Mrs. Norton Hall for a Community get-together chester, who has been having a entertaining her niece from Mon­ without stint to acquire- this ini Vernon. 1264; Mr. Dlmock was unopposed; tor the purpose of making minor vacation through the eummer roe. They attended ifioming ler-. sion. \ Mr. Barnsbee, Martin Vlsny, Ern- VIrtor By 107 Votes > Warren, Washington. Waterford, Board of. Tax Review, •Gerald R. Warner; vice president, Jdrs. Ruby Asks W aA Continuance est Dans, Irving Loomis, Frank, comparable base for antl-subma| In -the hotly-contested Bristol Additional Piccot Gibson; secretary, Mrs. Charles repairs to the Community Hall. from playing the organ at the vice at the Federated church Sun­ rlne activities. Watertown, Westbrook, West Ha- - .Rlsley, R, 1260; 'Frank J. do- This gathering will meet at 7 p. m. day. The MediatloW..6oard. Immedi­ lin Orcutt, Walter Haven, Fred •lection. City Assessor Daniel Fillmore and treasurer, Mrs, Hebron Congregational church, Dukhg, Harrjr Olsen. Steve Loy- Military sources said the cOmlnd *en. Weston, Willington, Wilton, in Thii Sffriffs: chowskl, R, 1267; 'Franklin C. and everyone Is Invited to join th? was back again on her job Sun­ Recent guests at the Steele ately after the laboi; department Davis, a Republican, scored a 107 Winchester. Windsor, Wolcott, Ready to Back Harlow, R, 1255; Albert R. Charles Fish. Ice cream and cake zlm, Fred Anderson, Louis Grezel, winter might afford the German! vote rictory over Mayor James P. were served by Mrs. Bevins and group at their convenience. Thefe day. Mrs. Herbert W. Porter took House were Mra. T. W. Kay of referred the case to It.'tolegraphed an opportunity for an attack here| Woodbrldge. Woodbury, Wood- General G a t lin KoeUch, D, 608; WiUlara R. Rich­ will be work for all who coma'and her place durin gher vacation. McKeesport and Mra. James Ste­ both parties asking contihuance of Arthur Olsen, Andrew Liebman Jennings, who two years ago re­ stock ’ 6r«etlul fiffin btd$ K yov ter, D, 600; Paul H. Wormatedt, her Bisters Mrs. Charles Fillmore Jr., Arthur j . Vinton, Christopher The Arctic nights are 22 hour placed a Republican in city hall. of British bomblqgs and the day Aid to Britain and Mrs. Clement Wall, were as­ a pot luck lunch will be enjoyed at Mr. and Mrs. Leelie F. Ward venson from Volant, Penna. work. It announced that a hearing long, giving ships and troop-car| Remained Democratic ^rslsr Hism Itf.SO •seH D, 615. the completion of the evening. and children, of Providence, R. I., Mr. and Mre. aarence Wrlaley would be held In Washington next Glcnney, Earl Miner and Stephen .The Republican nominee polled Bozrah, Orfmwell. Danbury, En­ may come whep- they will regret Town Clerk, 'Arthur E. Hay­ sistant hostesses. Youngerman. rylng planes cover for an assault 3,801 votes to 3,694 for Jennings. Exercises Were held by the Annual Meeting were at their Hebron place over and Mre. Bertha R. Keeney of Monday. __ field, Glastonbury, Griswold, Kill- the consequences o( a war waged ward, R, D, 1870; town treasurer, Northeast school district: Post If winter brings a lull on the Rue Of the 144 communities voting, without mercy, respite or limit," No Audible Note of Iso­ children of the Sunday school, The annual business meeting for the week-end. Manchester and Mrs. Hodge from Under a maintenance of mem­ warden, Lester Hill, aasistonto, slan front, Germany might hav^ ingly. Klllingworth, Montville. Nerd ai^khtenj with twe •Arthur E. Hayward, R, D, 1868, the election of officers of the Glastonbury, were Tolland callers bership clause, employes who join­ 121. remained Republican and 20 Norfolk, North Canaan, North the publication declared. agent of town derposit fund, 'A r­ Sunday morning. Children from Mr. and Mrs. (Jharlei P. Miner Frank Schmidt, Andrew Liebman the forces to spare, they said. retained Democratic leadership, lationist Dissent in •helrei end • drawer. $11.71. the primary department were pro­ Ladles Beneryolent Society of the were visitors Saturday in Auburn, on relatives Saturday. ed the union would be subject to Stonington, Norwalk.' The booklet, issued under the thur E. Hayward, R, D, 1868; tax S r , Mr. Moody, Ralph Hutchin­ Out of Fighters’ Range continuing the traditional domi­ title of ’’Bomber Command.” also moted to the junior department, Bolton (Jongfcgatlgnal church will Mass., at the home of the latter's The regular public church eup- discharge If they failed to rnaln- son, CTiristopher Wlegold, Joseph Her greatest obstacle would Plainfield. South Windsor, Federution Meet. collector, 'Francis S. Rupprecht, be held at the home of the present per, sponsored by the Federated toin their union membership In nance of the G.O.P. In Connecti­ Thompson, Torrlngton. Voluntown, shed n ^ light on the smashing of \ R, 1276; John J. Machacek, D, 594; namely, Laura Hills, Patricia Fo- ipother, Mrs. Alice Thompson. Toth, Andrew Hunter, Emil Koeh­ lack of fighter support, since Ic cut's rural areas Where approx'l- gil, Marilyn Chase, Calvin Fish, president, Mrs. Cherles Sumner of Mrs. Thompson is moving to Cam­ church Ladles’ Aid Society, will be good standing. Wallingford, Windsor Locks. preparations fo'r an alleged Ger- \re|dstrar of voters, 'Henry Sch- ler, Mr. Ziegler, John Carpenter land Is out of range of her Meseerl mately half of the state’s 870,000 maivhttempt to invade Britain lost Seattle. Oct, 7 i/Pi Without ami Merton HU1». The boys of the Bolton Center, on Thursday at 2 bridge, Mass. held at church social rooms Friday At (tortland, N. Y., a strike call­ and John Smith. schmltts. It would he necessary tq Switched from Democratic to ^ t ,. R, 1260; 'Max Schmidt, D, p. m. A large attendance is de­ evening October 10th at 6 o’clock. ed by the CTO Steel Workers Or­ voters live. fa|t—for which the Nazis were an audible note of l.sulationiat dl-s- 1609; constables, all elected, 'G er­ junior department were promot­ The regular gathering of - Red North school district: Post war­ transport fighting planes by ehid Fought On L o^ Issues Republican ed to the Intermediate depart­ sired. ganizing (toinmlttee affected pro­ Ashford, Bristol, Haddam. skid to have a.iscmblcd 3.000 self- sent, the 61 »t American Federa­ ald R. Rlsley, R. 1250; 'William C. Cross workers was held at St. den, (Jharles Christensen, aaelsted to a point some miles off ehertl „ It was the first general voting in ^>ropelled i»rces and f.OOO.OOO ton.s ment, Kenneth Porter, Alden War­ Peter's Rectory Monday afternoon. duction by the Wlcklre Brothers by Henry Reed, Vincent May. and then fly them to selects tion of Labor convention appeared Custer, R, 1163; 'Fred A. Lennon, Steel Mill which makes wire cloth, the state aince laat November of shipping space in eontinental R, 1266? 'William A. Baer. R, ner, Henry Porter and Robert The Misses Pendleton were hoet- ceka, RIcharil Rounds, Henry Gle. areas which would be turned Int when the Democrats carried (Con­ headed t.pday toward; sn endor.ie- Links, Three months pins Were noils and other wire products and porta between Cherbourg and 1262; 'Robert L. Reynolds D, 617; esses at a simple tea for the work­ Stafford Springs secke, Robert Veitch, (Sllbert airfields by ground crews accom'l necticut In the state and national Amsterdam. V'u mpnt of full United States aid to presented to Elaine Hills, Charles ers following their afternoon pro­ bos minor government sub-con­ Storrs, James Veitch, Raymond 3 •John BebUmey, D, 613; 'Chiisto Hebron panytng them in troon tranoportsj •lections, and yesterday's contests Tornado Hit 500 Attacks Made ''' P. Affricano, D. 633. Warner, Marilyn Chaise, l>aura gram, Mrs. C. C. Sellers, chair­ John O. Netto tracts., About 1,000 workers were Bowen, Earl Koehler, George On trips around , the leland I were fought on local Issues. Britain and hcr-alllea. Hills; six months pins to Jackie man, has furnished moat of the affected. Kingsbury, Rueben McCann, Don­ From July. 1940. until May. 1941. By recommeqdatton of President ^ ^Board of Education tor three Owing to rainy weather and 478, Stafford have seen many flelde euitable foq Mayor Stock of Norwalk defekt- more than 500 attacks were made 'TSars beginning In 1941 •Miss Larson, Albert Fogil, Teddy.Lar­ teas served in the past, but lately The union said It was asking a ald Gehring and Walter Pomeroy. •d hla Republican opponent, former. Kansas 0ity William Green, by endorsement of son; three year bar to Alvin heavy fog, the meeting held at minimum wags of SO cents an fighters and troop tritnspx>rto. Ice oil' this, invasion fleet, the booklet the Executive 0>uncll and by a /IfArlon Butler, R, 1241; 'Martin Hebron Town Hall tor the con­ the workers are taking turns at Silver "atreet school district: land abounds with lakes hidden ' State Rep. WiUlam J. Lynns. 7,803 White; five year bar to Calvin entertaining. The first fall meeting of the hour and that the present mini­ Post warden, Benedict Ray, aa- atot'rUKl, preponderance of reaolutions, sup­ ' V B. Metcalf. R. 1254; Peter J . sidering of the Bookmobile project 1941-42 season of the Stafford ths mountains and there are llte votes "to 6,161; and Mayor Patten Baker, D, 604; 'Thomas F. Rady, Fish and a twelve, year bar to The recent rainfall did some mum was 42 cento. Company offi­ siatants, Otia Hill, Charles Brown, of Torrlngton won over Republi­ "Hojy many barges or small port of the national defenae pro­ Jean Warner. Miss Charlotte War­ continuation was attehded dnly by Parent Teachera association will cials said the only workers getting ally hundreds of fjords wblcb Three Dead, /fit Least ships were destroyed or how many gram and all-out aid seemed to be Jr., D, 820-; for three years start­ small numbers end those mostly good here, but wells are still very Eugene Gabarini, FYed Hamilton, would give coyer not only for i can Town (Chairman DeWltt H. ner is superintendent of the Sun­ low, and the brooks are still dry, be held this evening at 8 o’clock the 32-cent minimum were a Armando Pesce, Edward BUscag- 135 Ihjurefl in'Wake men were killed or wounded In In f.uH swing. ing In 1942, 'Francis 8. NetUeton, day school and Miss Mary Hook­ from 'th e area not directly con­ In the borough elementary school planes but troopships as well,'^ Hotchkiss, 5.538 to 3,987. The R, 1227; '0.scar E. Hoermann, R, the ground soaking up the water small group of beginners. lia, Henry Barnes, Charles Heck­ victory margins of the incumbents these long aeries of attacks are A resolution by Delegate Carl er Is superintendent of the pri cerned. The meeting was held Fri­ assembly Hall. M rs John C. Netto, But Iceland's coasts are guaid| Of Furiou;t Storm. not of immediate dr crucial im­ H. Mullen of the Indiana State 1254; Arthur H. Stein. D, 568; day evening. Miss Mary T. Hugen- about aa fast as it ' fell. A lot To Ikid Protest Walkout ler, Wilfred Hill, Joseph Miller, ed day and night by Naval air pa^ were increaoied by about 300 votes •John E, Flaherty. D, 653; Board mary depaitmcnt. more rain is needed. president will preside. Mlaa S. Hel­ At midnight tonight CIO union Louie Whitcomb. Mr. Braize, over the 1939 elections. portance," it added. "But one fact F’ederatlon called for an emphatic Mrs. Ronald Hoagland and tugler, state library service super­ en Roberts, home demonstration trols and Army detachments. stands out above all the rest—last stand that ."this war must be Of Finance,, 'Fred Hallcher, R. visor, who had been scheduled to At a meeting held Friday eve­ membert at the Akron (Ohio) Howard Manning, Elmer Clark, In Danbury, Charles I. Sweeney, Kansas City, Oct. 7.—(J’)^A daughter Barbara have moved in­ ning at the home of Mrs. Fred agent of Rockville will give a talk plants of The B, F. Goodrich com­ Philip Holway, Fred Miller and There also le an abundance furious tornado, the second de­ autumn no invasion took 4>lace.’’ won." adding: "We asy thU sn-l 1261; ‘ John McCormick, D, 609, to ah apartment in Leominster, •peak, Vfpa advised not to under­ beaches on' which barges car 33*ye**'*<'ld Democrat who never Town Meeting Rowley, Lieut. Roy Pettlngill, on “Defense Nutrition." Refreeh- pany were scheduled to end a 24- Oliver Hilt. has held public nfflee, was swept In­ structive storm to batter Kansas Attacks on potential German In­ accept our full responalbUltlea In Dreuiag table with iti cirev-- Massaehusetts. take the trip from New Haven, menta will be served by the Ehcecu- troops and light tonka from tr vasion bases "will go on as long saying It." The armual Town meeting was owing to atmospheric conditions. commanding officer. Colchester hour -waljvout called In protest to West shod district: Post war­ to the first selectman's office by City In ^x weeks, ripped through lar mirrer ...... $49.16' Visitors at the home of Mr. and Barracks, was present and helped tlvp committee. the alleged beating of a union or­ den, William McKinney, assis­ ports could be landed. . as any threat of a seaborne in­ Ib'ferred to Oommltteies hsld at eight o'clock last evening Mrs,. Norton Warner on Sunday The Rev. H. R. Keen, president of The following committee will be ousting the incumbent, Marcua H. the easterh edge of the city apd with appropriations totaling |4io,- get things started tor a first aid' ganizer and bis wife at the gates tants, George Larson, Lawrence Main Highway Vninecabis Schlitter, who abandoned the Dem­ suburban communities in the Blue vasion remains." the publication TTie resolution and numerous were and Mrs. Ernest Ding- the organization . known as In charge of the supper to be Iceland's main overland comRuiJ declared. otners of the same general tone 697.17.50 being voted. The entire bud- ''Friends of the Library,'* -took course to be given- in Hebron inter or the firm's Oaks (Pa.) plant last Robertson, Merton Wright, ocratic primary and ran on the river valley laat night leaving leech with upheUtered tep in well ’'a'fid Mrs. L. Dingwell, of on. A committee was appointed flcm-cd by the Women's Society of Thursday. Fourteen thousand Charles Heckler, Mr. Johnson, nicatlon. a highway along thif Prior to being called upon to were referred to committees on gst as rscommended by the Board Meriden,' ;Mr. and Mrs. James F, charge and explained as well as Taxpayers' I.eaguc ticket. three persons dead and at least timalated leather .. $11,7$ with Mrs. Daniel O. Herton as CHrlstlan Service of the Flrat workers were Idle. Clayton Richards, William Ed­ shores. Is vulnerable to attack Apparently Retains Place sma-sh the German invasion threat, their way to the convention floor. of Finance was adopted- without Osborn arid family of West Hav­ he could the situation with re­ Methodist church. Wednesday 135 injured. discussion or charge. gard to the project. The federal chairman, the other members be­ The CIO Rubber Workers charg­ mondson, Micheal Haberon, Don­ from these beaches, many Schlitter, however, apparently Fifty-five victims were hospital­ the booklet said, the bomber com­ As to the EhcecuUve OmncU'e rec­ en, and Mrs^ Harry Milanese and night'at 6. MIm Giadya (tomraings, mand had lost 49 per cent of its The selectmen of the town were government asks that the seven ing Mrs. Charles Fish, Mra. Al­ ed that the pair were attacked, ald Hemingway, Leo Mltterholzen, which are within a stone’s throv retained hla place on the Board of. ized and 80 treated and left a t the ommendation of full United States daughter Jun^ of Kockvillc. Little phonse Wright and Mre. Wilmer Mrs. Alfred F. Wood, Mrs. Bea­ Jabez White, 'Turnls Cooper and of the road. first line strength’ in the tremen­ aid to Soviet Russia, Secretory authorized to borrow a sum of Marilyn Warner returned with towns served by the project Iri while distributing unlen literature, - Selectmen by winning the third scene mopey not to exceed $150,000 In Dingwell. A public meeting will trice Gilman, Mrs. Lillian D. by 16 men including Goodrich em­ Mr. Brown. The Germans, o( course, are dous air battles In France and George Meany said he had heard her grandmothei’'.. Mrs. Dingwell question should now shoulder at Brown, Miss Evelyn Mattesen and place as the minority., representa­ The storm first hit neSr Forty- aaticlpation of the Uuces. The least part of the expense. The be held, tomorrow evening, at ployes. The union is seeking to or­ James A. Buckley of the State familiar with these facto as tive by an unofficial flve-vbte Fiandera, and plana to atay'l,n Meriden for which Commander Pettingill will Mrs. Andrew Jacobsen. Police of Stafford Barracks will Third street and Kensington ave­ ‘Tragic Diffrrirtiree” Revealed Grove Hill f;emetery committee the next two weeka.x towns In the project besides Heb­ ganize a local at the Oaks plant. British and Americans. Oer margin. nue In Kansas City, moved north­ be speaker. Everyone interested is Rev. Ruseril E-. (Jamp, pastor of meet with the committee this eve­ metereological and aurvey ' comH . Disclosing that "tragic differ­ ' was reelected to include Colonel The program committee of the ron "are Andover, Marlborough, In the days before Bristdl/aban- east through Fairmount and sev­ Francis T. Maxwell, George Ar­ Bolton, Franklin, Bozrnh and El­ invited to attend. The ball will be the Second Congregational church. Gunman Extremely Nen’oua ning at 8 o'clock in the Town missions were here from 1927 doned non-partisan election^ eight ences" had arisen between the Parent-Teachers Association held started rolling tor a 20 or 30 West Stafford, accompanied by Clerks office at South (Coventry. eral smaller Communities, and French and British commainda over nold, Jr., and Frederick W. Brad­ a meeting at the home 'of Mrs. lington. A plan suggested is that 1940, and a coiplhieslon from Luft-j yeara ago, even closer mayoral struck last In Sugar Opek. nearly ley. The sum of $300 was appro­ a contribution of eight cents a hours course in first aid to the in­ Mra. Camp and Herbert Glazier, Springfield, Ul.—(P)—The 'gun­ The children of the Red school honsa. the German commerefa •lections than the Davts-Jennings air tactics, the booklet Inferred Norton Warner, Monday .after­ jured. ______delegate, attended the (tonnecticut and the North school attended the 10 miles from its point of origin. priated tor the observance of Me- noon. \ head from all the towns served man who attempted tq, airline, in 1939 studied eastsr contMt took place: John F. Wade that the strategy Insisted upon by ' norial Day. The selectmen were would take care of the expense Conference of (torisUan churches (Jus Perganson, diy cleaning oper­ fair held at the Silver etreet school Iceland's highlands and perhap defeated George W. 'Hall by 10 Falrmonnt Takes Brunt Gen. Maurice Gustave Gamelin, Miss Doris Hjutchinsbn of Man­ at Meriden, today. Thursday. Fairmount, between Kanaaa authorized to make application to chester has been a vlaltor at the asked for for 10 months. After that ator, he told police, was extreme­ lot more. votes In 1911, and In 1923 Wade de­ French generalissimo, was partly the State Highway Department a almlllar contribution or quota PvU. August B. Baohlocchi, ly nervous. He shoved a shotgun Dinner gueeta at the home of German troop transports and feated Thomaa A. Tracy by 76 City and Independence, Mo., took responsible for Britain's heavy * R*ady-M adA, home of her grandmother Mra. Domenic Bardinl, Paul Magura, Mr. and Mrs. Stephmt F. Michalec the brunt. Hundreds of homes for the annual State Aid road Lovlna Hutchinson. would have to be made. For the Andover in front of Perganson and ordered heavy bombers could make votes; losses. gninL Raymond E. Hunt was town of Hebron this -%vould amount Paul Marvonek and John- F, Pat­ him into hla garage but when Sunday were, Dr. George H. Shaf­ Refuses Rteday Sale were destroyed and many indus­ From the first. It said, Gamelin DRAPERIiS / Mrs. Robert Foote has been con- ten, all local draftees have arrived er, president of the Willimantic 900- air hop from Trondheim chalrman..of the meeting and Ar­ to about $80 for . the first 10 Mra. Mexwell RutclUneon Perganson became defiant the Norway In stride. Detachments The question/Of total prohibition trial plants along the Blue river refused to let British planes bomb ftned to her bed with an Infected at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, and- are bandit apparently loat hie nerve. State Teachers College, Mrs. Shaf­ were dam ag^ or destroyed. No thur E. Hayward was clerk. knee. Dr. Whittles of Olaatonbury months, or a little leas than $100 157-4, WUUnMutlc Norway would be used to the conH urpa brought up .and knocked dovim German troop concentrations bn City Court tor the yeay, the other towns pay­ now training at the Arn>qred When Perganson iftade an advance er and Mias Josephine Horowitz hy the voteraln South Windsor and estimates of property loss were German soil for fear of Inflicting la her physician and her daughter Force center.- ditions they Would face here, mlll-j The technical charge of criminal ing on the same ratio, a plan was toward the robber, he fled. Per­ who teechee In Mystic. ^Coventry, -tot In Briatol the elec­ available, but one plant alone, the casualties among civilians. Mrs. Laurence Goodale of Dur­ Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sacchi The Second Congregational tory men said that once they negligence against James Walker ham la caring for her. ^ discussed by which the required At town election held yesterday ganson said he not only saved $4()0 torate turned 4own a proposal to Kay-See mills, suffered a loss of ’This decision at once limited of Stafford are the parents of a . but found a -shotgun, containing church observed the World Wide cut the highways the defeni $50,000. of 239 Woodbridge vtreet, Man- Mrs. A. H, Post and Louis Twin­ quota might be raised froiV the there were 278 ballote cast of garrison would have a job cut ou* allow the'Sunday sale of liquor. - possible objectives to enemy col­ gheeter was noUed In the Rockville •reus served;., by means of collec­ daughter bom at the Johnson Me­ two sheila, near the acen^ of the Communion at the morning ser­ Many victims wert buried In the umns on the march," the booklet ing of E tet Hartford were Sun­ which 117 were Straight Republl' morial hospital. for It to hold Reykjavik at tr (Coventry voted 278 for the sale of O ty Court on Monday. Walker, a tors appointed to get in touch with unsuccessful robbery! vice. The choir sang, "He Walks liquor,’ 31 for sale of beer only and wreckage hours after the twister said. "It was pointed out to Gen­ day vieitors at the home of Mr. can, 1}6 straight Democratic, 83 With Me.”. Rev. Leon Austin, used apex of the three main roads. Obnnecticut Company buk driver and Mrs. (Tharles Fish. the families aer\-ed. Roughly 131 .tor prohibition of all sales, passed and some were near death eral Gamelin that such targets was arrested September l9th as ■peaking there art about 100 fam- spilt tickets, wlth’7 ballots thrown Per capita consumption of can­ Practically all orders uecd in the text token from first Coreri- while South Windsor voted 625 for when reacuers reached them. were quite unsuitably for our The children who had perfect ned foods by our armed forces la thlans 12-34' end Ephealana 4-25. tbs result of the death of Peter attendance at tha White school illee in Hebron who take reading out The* result of the balloting perfumes can be produced synthet­ an'sales, 44 for beer only and 363 Mrs. Dorothy Lucaa, 85, and her heavy bombers, since they had Kupchunos, 60 of South Windsor matUr from the bookjnobUe. Thet •evaral times that of clviliana. ically. Mr. and Mre. Martin Vlany qgalnst all sales. ^ been' designed for an entirely dif­ for the month of September were: John F. Phelps, Democrat, defeat­ united with the church on eon- 18-month-old daughter, Diana, who was hit by a bus drjwen by Alric Larson, Alvin White, Calvin t ^ has beartvgreatly appreciated ing Marion Stanley, Republican Wapping Haddam returned to the Repub-. were crushed to death, their bodies ferent purpose. Gamelin remained \ Walker. Coroner John H. YMmmne here In those parts of town remote feeaion of faith. Ucan column after four yean when unconvinced.” Fiih, Alvin Flaher Jr., Richard was practically all Republican Mr. and Mrs, Richard Storra of W. blown 500 feet Two hundred feet ted exonerated Walker In e flnd- Hills, Lloyd Lyman, Jesse White, from the library at the green is with the exception of asoessor. Mre. W. O ru t Albert H. Hubbard was elected fln t farther on waa the wreckage of Lose 85 In Single Attack n X released over the weekend and shown by eUtlatics, giving the av­ Rocky Hill atUndad. church ser­ fataaehester selectman over Louie V. Negrelll, Winiaae Green PhyllU Fogil, Florence Hills, Alice 136 to 129 votes. vice here Snd then • motored to their home. The only Intact por­ In a single attack on German th e Oourt was so advised by Prose- Johnston, Carol Warner, Marilyn erage of readers here well ih ad­ Cold Days Cause Insects Democrat, by a vote of 406 to 364. columns, the British were said to Custom Tailored Followtaig were elected: Board Springfield to have dinner with tion was the door casing which of no opposition and expected lit­ OUtor Robert Pigeon. Chase, Laura HtUa and Arlene vened of that of the pther towns of Tax Review, Arnold Hyatt; se­ Fred Brookes, the Democratic* In­ was driven Upright In the yard. have loet 35 of 67 bombers. New arrhrah and "Opeetaa’* Paul Clechowskl, 64. of Vernon In the project. A tenUtlve-het of their grandmother, Mra Anna The Well Child Conference a t cumbent, withdrew hla nanik two tle, If any. SagUo. A t the Gilead HUl school, lectmen, Louts B. Whitcomb, J. Storra Wapping will Mxheld In the Com-' Mrs. Ella Perkins, 51, was klUed The booklet warned against the eaiuaa la Rjat-lroca’a oew •venue wks sent to ToIIadd Jail Howard Hills. Norman Lyman, collectors was made but no posi­ To Seek Refuge Indoors weeks ago. assumption that the British aerial He said he.believed the warding Russell Thompson and R ^ ^ on d Mlaa Lavina Pesce and a co­ munlty Hotue Friday after In the wreckage of a friend's of the Executive (jotmell recom­ drapary. d*P«rinw*i. ' Frlota fo r 80 days end ordered to pay Alden Warner, Raymond Johnston, tive action was token. A second Goodale; town rierk, Efilsworth Oo- In Ashford, Frank Bebblngton, home. Her own cottage, a few offensive against Germany already oasts o f' $8.95 tor non-support of meeting may be held,* when it Is ^ ■ ------worker in Hartford have -gone noon, October 10th\.^m 1 to 1 Republican, received 134 votes to mendation, with a sharp denuncia­ rayem, crethat, falHea, Gle- Ronald Saglio, Gertrude Hllla, veil; town treasurer, Leurla Phelps; •puth for a two weeks' vscatlon. o'clock; A dental hygenUt blocks away, waa ^dam aged bad cracked German morale, but bis wife at the churt session on Carolyn SagUo, Rina -Peracchlo, hoped that nothing will interfere - New. Heven, Oct. 7—Houeewivae^, beetles. Ths Uhy ones are often 103 for the Democratic flnt se­ said the Germans would "go on tion of Russian Communistic creed •heeoi, daoMiis and oiahairit agent of town deN>*lt fund, Lewis They plan to visit Fort Blinding be present. \ Many AinaMkg Eeeapfa. and* practices, would conform to Monday. Judge Keehey first-order- Marion Hodge and Rina' Bolsottl. with the presence of a represen- W. Phfipe; grand jurors Lincoln are' much annoyed at this season ' mistaken for carpet beetMa. lectman, Thomaa T. McQuade. suffering" Os the R. A. F. In­ Sl.7f.t4.fl op H SILft. ad Clechowskl to pay $10 a week toUve from the bookmobile ser­ whert they expect to visit their The Ladles' Aid Society of the Liwes After' 48 Y ean There were ipany amazing es­ the general feeling of the member- Mrs. Bertha Hubbard and son Bathrick, John Bogardua, WlUlam by the peralstence of files which The squash bug, easily detected friends. ' Wapping Community Church wilt| capes. ■ X creased its bombings ‘In weight toward the support of bis wife and' Richard of Jackson Heights, Long vice to explain the project more by the violent odor It emits when After 43 yean as a member of and severity." •hlp. to put up a $250 bondi to guarantee fully. Olson; collector of taxee, Rachel hover around tha kitchen door M r .. and Mra Thomas Marley meet next Ehiday at the home ofi HU leg btoken, T. R. King wka - “Ehren though we regard the ^ Morquisotto , Island and Miss Glad>-s Rollins, of Stanley; cionetoblee, .L. EMward disturbed, started entering build­ Ridgefield's Board of Education Air attacks on Italy were Mid Myrnent. When the accused said Work on ruraU electrification waiting their chance to slip into of Hartford. apent Sunday with Mre. Asher CoUlna for an all day foUnd pih|i4d beneath twlaWl ’Sya* Communist regime aa the. enemy Yonkers, N. V., were Sunday Whitcomb, Whitney Merritt, Har­ ings three weeke ago, and will con­ their niece Mre. Wilfred Hill and session. Michael McOlynn, Demoent, was to have caused widespread panic t e would not make the payment guesU St the home of Hart E. has begun in the sections with­ the warmth indoors. Files are real­ tinue until heavy frosL Thla. gar­ defeated for the jxMt by a fellow ter pii^ln the booement of hU of democracy," the cbuncil report ; CURTAINS ry Sheldon, Arthur Plnney; regis­ family. - Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Weth-i home hours after hla house waa among tba population. T h e flrat Smtid MmJhm§mm^ mmd ^AmkorttemreT Bmmele the court Imposed the Jail aen- Buell. out previous power, . it is said. ly no worse at this season but den pest, which feeds on all type# Democrat. time Turin t e a raided, the booklet said. "We cannot escape the fact Unce. Poles are being piit up through trars of voters Charles L. Wftgbt they do get Into nouees in larger, Mra: Albert W. K atzung' and erell and amall son, Bradford-1 carrteft aWay. His head was in that Russia la now also the enemy . Robert Foote and Lawrence of aquaah, doM sot gst into homes daughter Virginia flew to Newark, Robert! S. Mav was elected a said, "The population rushed for A healthy $40 saving, thanks to Rinf-Bruea for-sightod bii^ngl Drunks Jailed Hope Valley, report says, and Katfaertn MlUefi; Norton fimd numbers to hibernate over winter. callad at tha hqma of hla BaoUMrl town aasekaor of Madison several pool of water and'he waa nesu* of Nazi Germany. . . . Practical Perry, riudente at the University commiaolonef, Hedwlg Savage; in gtoat numbers, but is much New Jersey Friday where Mrs. last Sunday aftontoon. Hs ta taij scanty, ill - constructed shelters Although yesterday was Election of Connecticut, spent the Week­ Mr. and Mrs. Jules Rebillard Once -indoors, those wblcb do not more noticeable because of Us size. , hours after he succumbed to a death from' drowning, but was re'* only to find them packyd with conalderatlona ccoaequently make Mada in tha custpm mannar; with soft dividad b«cb, daaply toted . Day and places that usually dis­ Md daughter are movjng from the board of education, Rachel White Kataung w a a 's guast of honor return to Florida taking, hla fam-j vlved. it expedient that-we extend such' end at thetr homes in Gilead. feU vlcUme to the fly sca tte r u su -th ree-eu arten of- an inch long at a birthday dinner. ' heart attack In a New Haven hos- crews of anti-aircraft guns and The carefuly detsilod bragkat feet and rope earvad basa moulding pense intoxicating liquors were Mr. and Mrs. Lawnence Marion, John N., Ifewitt house on the and EMltha Birmingham; library aUy find their way to aorae out of j Dark grey or brownish in cMoaTlt ily with’him. ; pitaL He was a Republican. Mrs. Moggie Sutton suffered a aaeiatonce as we can to help Sov­ director for three yeqrs, Elizabeth bark grey or brownish in coloSk Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shorts and On Thursday evaning Wfpp searchlights appointed to conduct 2 PiffCM R ffm lar 1219 •J*,*®!*® mahogany. Upholstorad in riA "Aakerweava" boode, aloaed by law the City court heard of Putnum and Lawrence Goodale, n een to a house In Gilead owned the way corner of the house. Need- may be confused with the eaeeealn Colchestor voters, maontlme, broken-back aa the twister lifted defenae." iet Russia. chotca of rose, AJico blus, wine or dusty rose. three cases of drunkmnees this by C. Daniel Way. S. (took for two years, Perlina lag little nourishment durihg the Mra. Ann Robb, of 'Manchester Grange will hold a special meet^l her house away. Three of her five of Durham were Sunday vleitore oi klseiag bug, which la very un­ were dinnef gueeto recently-at the wtref choosing their town.offlcen No Pretense sf P>lendaklp , ■ •lornlng. Ja il eentehcee, in addi­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Mlsa Bessie 'niton of New Lon­ Bathrick; board of finance, Har­ cold months^ they rest quietly un­ ing to vote on candidates to jotnl today, having wound up the cam­ children were blown away. R«i' "Our government should do this common in this aectlon.' home of Mrs. Albert Katzung. at the next regular masting whicnl tion to costs, were meted out—byi ert Foote. . don has rttumed home after hav- ry Daggett; fire commlesioher, J. til enllvaned agtfn by the first One cricket on the hearth may paign yesterday. cuera found them hours later, for practical reasons alone, and Judge John N. Keeney. Frank Ing spent the past two ■ weeks Russell Thompson. Maxwell Hutch­ warm spring dayav Naxt Sunday will be Rally Sun­ will he held oq October 14 In thel Ford Is Laying ' Mlee Beatrice Porter spent the make a cheerful note on a winter day at the Second Congregational The state's four, largest ciUea, none Injured eerloualy. without the slightest pretense that M anley was given 10 days for in- week-end In Willimantic, uie guest visiting Miss Jennie Loomis at her inson was moderator; Mlee Ju lia Moaqultoea hlbeniaU la Vbe (im m unity House. A larfe clasal Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, the United States and Soviet Rus­ .day, but several la a house can church Sunday school. Church and Is egpectsd to join. A torrential rain aoiaked the cn -toslcatlon, 20 days for being a of Miss RiU Noel. home on Hope Valley. Perkins, Mrs. ‘Vereey McBride. same manner. Two epeolee, the cause havoc; Finding their way and Waterbury, will cbooee their Ure city, but outaide the Imme­ sia are friends or can'be friends." BiUmww Bmmdotr CUmtrs im Bettv and Buddy OetcheU of Mrs. Harold Rankin, Mrs. Frank Christian Endeavor hope for a ^ ' Off 20io00 Men common drunkard, and was aaeess- malarial and the ordinary rain into linen'or clothes elossts, they 100 per cent attendance on that municipal offlcen on Nov. 4, and diate tornado area there were Two early resolutions submitted ad ooets of 110.48, as Walter EagleJiUe, children of Mr. and Hamilton and'Mrs. Learia Tumsrt banal type, can he found indoors seem to make a maftelous delight Meriden In December. Four of either light winds or a calm. to the convention proposed action Flm w er"B ri§tU ^^Gtomheem^ Mrs. L. H. OetcheU. were week­ assisted the registrars day. The paator extends an invl- Joaanls and George Betnts Ma- In ths lim tsr, espscially in tbs In cbewlag boles in cloth, and are totler McLeyy. today, explaining that the car pro­ "arbitrary Impoaition of priorities Over to Police Hewitt. ' , ^ Mr. and Mra. J . B. Hutchinson Mias Laura HUl of QroUw, Rat­ .tire neighborhood before striking rived! Bigger, bqttor-built, deebretor de­ oa aterebiat, or ffrotcUat ware amcaaed against Mahoney. ing printer. In the spring they ter visitor la the peper-making ty Vlany of East Wlneor Hllla and again. duction cut under 'national defense U endangering the Jobs at. mil- A ll three are Rockville residents. Hebron relatives of Dr. and and daughter, Bertha Jane, were make up A>r their quiescent pe­ wgap. With a eeemlfigly uncanny forced the action. Approximately Ueffs,'” a te “ sueb unemploymont signed ^oudoir cheirs. Smert enougK raeoirad. Tastod by laHar llBtsrtalaineat Tonight Mrs. Cyrus E. Pendleton, of Col- guests on Sunday of Mra. Hutch­ Cora Kingebt^ of Falla ..VtUage IFoy Communifies It left many fraakith rulna. riod. - ■effae of direction, these peata find ■pent the week<^d a t their re­ Bridgeport, Oct 7.—(P)—PAUce The new Arlington MethodUt 60.000 men will remain on the job underminea morale in a period sturdy enough to even use in e Gving room. ,-Fabrhi toraeo. A tol 41* -. The “Cotton Bloasom Singers" * Waterbury, .Oct. 7—/;p;_Abra- cheater, were present Saturday inson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ham E. Katz, 33, of Waterbury, Entering bouafs by leas obrloua their way Into the attic in jh« spective homes. Mlaa Kingsbury probe was betng continued totey Voted in Elections church waa wreckad, except for at Rouge. when the defense effort eaUe for •id# cad T I" h bag«to wW present an entartalnment at afternoon at an informal recep­ George Begar,. of Canton. means art several amall bugs and fal* and oome downstairs, to the Uhqueet of the Identity of a ybutli- the eupport of the nation as Lustrous Gtosheen cavers. •crap metals dealer, and Joseph tion given at their home on Souu Mr. |f(d Mrs Laurence Jlllson went over the Mohawk Trail Sun­ Here's how Qmaecticut com­ the front quarter which was In Defense produeUea Itoelf. *the ■octal room at Um Trinity Lu- beetles.'Many of them, according coeaternatlOa ot the family, a. day with friends from Guilford. ful prowler who eecapad apprtfMn- company said, has not yet reached teM e." •n church on Proapeet street l ^ U r e . 26, of Shelton, waived Main atrset In observance of their of Long read, entertained Mr. munities voted yesterday in the ta c t Near the Ksgr-See Milling extradition In Munldp^ Court to- to Nealy T u n er o f' tba-Efitomol- swatter la one of the quickest aao Mrs. Annta Schtll lias returned •ioa after the firing of two ahbta ■mail town elecUona: 0>mpany where property damage the point where the 80,000 work;^^ HASSO^RS '•t alghtl o’clock. TTia program, will 35th wedding anniversary. It was and M rs Bert Nusabaumcr and ogj' Department of the OonaecU- aafeat means of Mlmlnatlag ueae by a poUeeman over Ida haad dur­ (Left) Ito eomfeHaWe bo

X ■-V \ VAKrRE9 TK9t to TTERALD. MAKCRE8 TER. ODNNf. TUEiSDAT, OCTOBEIl T, l§ 4t , V' ■ /■ PAC SN n^ PAGE EXOHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER>^NN. TUESDAT, OCTOBER 7,1941 \ Prwlems Now of the Hartford (Community Cheat Expect Output of 2^500 Prelate Lauds campaign in the Hotel Bond. START tHB QAYIUGIITI ly |1,>00 each for two of the board L m s \Sunday wlh toki him to Hsrt- Volerslgnore who woMced quite steadily on the fo to New BriUln knd Winated. , (W fr ProEi Voar Grdeer figuiwa, while a third member of Dutch East Indies Pilots Sing^ Four Italian' About Town O. Ke’s Projeci! X Easten Staasrd TIbm On Small Scale Russian Fin[lit At X P. m.'he will attend the the board, due to'privaU buaineae, Military Planes Monthly dedication of the 'hew home of CroBBt ft ^IfickwcITs' Board^s Stand waa stated to have been unable to Vessels Stmk the Hartlhrd-Itaiian-American ao- There waa very slight debate on The first fiall nseetlng ' o f the No Promise of Abate­ Washington, Oct. 7 cieties. AUX30 p. m , he ia sched­ the measure considering the For*befeiij Uriltsd t creasing numbers. OPM officUls Tells British They May TOMATO JUICE lanes WoBten'Si Auxiliary of SL Mary's States warplane production should uled to officiate at the unvellirtg amoiiht involved,.wrhich, by motion ta Guardia to Take Part ment of Sizzling H«at had feared that the 600-tomb*ra-a- of .the statue X(f Christopher Co­ On Two Items By Torpedoes church wlU be held In the guUd reach 2,500 mUlUry craft monthly month program called for by Presi Be Proud of Manner ' nNE FOOM of several of those present was room Friday, October 10, at 8 lumbus at New^riUln.' At Wln- finally welded into one resolution President's ApprtEyal In Maneuvers Area. \ by the end of 1941, a reaponsible dent Roosevelt in May would im­ Reds Waging Battle. . sted at 7 p. m, heNvin attend the Say isl€md» Are m,, with tleHton of offlMra schi defense production official said pede the over-all production rate. SINCE/1706 (Ooatlawd troai Om ) by the chairman, acceptable to (ConUaned from Fnf« One) uled. In Noted Radio Quiz Knights of Columlm Day ban­ thoM who had made suggestions Given to Eight ^i| to ^ y . The .1,914 planes delivered to quet in the Hotel Wlnlshester. Ready If War Camden, S . -C., Oct. 7—(P)— September’a new high of 1,914 London, O ct 7~0 P)--rh e Arch­ l>roprUtloM until he hed ■ chnnce regarding the pay rise. By the is three four-inch guns and two the Army and Navy, Great Brit­ Hbt6 Y ob Trifld The regular meeting of Ander- lions in Grants. New York. Oet. 7.—(PV-*-FiorelUaMB ; 8:15 MBS; 8:55 CBS; 10':00 Soldiers o f the First Army, begin­ delivered military plane*—includ­ to compere Turioua Itema, Ife - 'vote which granted the rise, the Flares in East three-inch anti-aircraft guna.) 8 ain and China in September com­ bishop of Canterbury told the Can. 16 Driven to Street by'Fire .ft aon-Shea Post 3046 wui be held LaGuardla, New York's mayor ning a two-noOnth period of m a­ ing training as welt aa combat C. a honejr eerecely reprimended the three assessors shall be p lac^ on "An Italian guard veasel and MBS; 10:30 NBC-Blue; 10:45 CBS; pared with 1,864 in August—Which terbury Diocesan conference yes­ New Britain, Oct. 7—14*)—\Fjre thU evening st 8:18 st the Home. Wsshlngton, O ct 7.—(P>— Pre when he can spare the time, 11:80 MBS; 13^00 NBC, CBS. types— waa not a chance produc­ itself represented a record in­ Boerd foe ita laxity. a full time basis, paid at the rate sailing vessel laden with Italian neuvers ndilch will Include a fort­ terday that "we may well be proud in a two-family house at 234 High nATEftJJCT "Van Soesterdijk’* ie the Manchester Or^en. It U expected ardent Information Please lis- tion apurt, >Ofnce o f Production crease of 398 over the prdvloua Clerk o f the Board tieorge H. o f $2,500 per year. With the pro­ troops have been sunk, a tanker of dbntial apprpvat of 79 defense pulj Talks—MBS, $, J. L. Kraft on night of intensive bstUe prscUce of our new ally," Soviet Russia, be­ street at 4:40 a. m. today drove, BREAD? name of aq Impertant Dutch that Jhla will be an Important one ner, haa promised to let the- ts- Management oftletale said, but a montlt—and with 742 m iliUry WaddeU replied that It ia pracU- vision that any mfenber of the about 5,000 tons has been hit by lie works projects, to cost $8,3 Religion and Democracy; M138, with all the latest weapons of cause'of the manner in which she 16 persons, Including 12 children, military airdrome smaabed In It being rumored that a dUcuiMon I be turned'on him by bocomlng war, returned today to the solu- token that the Oatlon'a plane pro­ planes In Setpember, 1940. Agent — P. O. Box 1221, cidly Imposalble to get information board not working the full daily the Nazi invasion. For ofllcinl torpedoes and left seriously on Are 319, was announced today by Jo 0:16, Rep. mimiUon Fish on "Con­ waa waging "the battje for world to the street. The flames broke on club activities will be put be­ member of tbe anewerlng board. ducers have reached their objec­ Oetttog Combat Plane toirether and get It printed in periods shall have his remunera­ reasons, the nutbor of the and with a heavy list." the Admir M. C^rmody, federal works 1 gress Aldne Can Declare )Var"; out in the attic. The damage was \ Hartford fore tha post ]lt appearance In the program is tive o f sustained, increasing quan­ An Indication of the steadily about $1,000. time for the annual meetinx, and tion pro-rata at the $2,500 annual article below could not nse hie ally aald. istrstor. CBS, t0;15, Undersecreta^ of tity production. ' he euggeated that the meeting go rate. Tanker Berloosly Damaged Among them were 25 proje. for Friday night on NBC-Red. Stale Sumner Welles resdlng mes­ rising production! figure was giv­ own name, so adopted this The Coventry Fragment society The mayor once sent in a group "WS are definitely Oyer tbe en recently by Undersecretary of on record aa favoring the holding The extra pay ia In addition to nom de plume. He Is an officer "Another tanker, the Italian U ri for malntenaince snd operation sage from President to World hump," an OPM aircraft spokes­ the other appropriation- totals and win serve its annual harveat sup­ three questions, one-third of Trade dinner. War Robert P. Patterson in a of the town meeting.biialnesa aea- of the Dutch naval air arm, o f 5,900 tons, has been torpedoed per st the Chiirch Community schools, to which the governme man said. "I see no reason v/hy brought the assessment grant to will contribute the' total cost. kblcb 'stumped a guest Maury press conference disclosure that aion two weeka after the election. who, with a large contingent and seriously damaged. Two trans­ House In North Coventry tomor­ NBC-Red—8, Johnny Presents; 2.500 military plane* a month TTiia appeared to be generally aup- $14,550. ports of about 5.000 tons, one These are the first non-constr lavsrick, who was msyor of San 9:30, Fibber McGee and Molly; 10, the Arm y alone waa getting suf­ of other pllota under his com­ row evening from 5;30 to 7:80. 'fhe should not be produced by the end ficient combs: planes to equip one Tije vote on the question, was 96 large supply ship and two medlum- tlon projects approved by Btonio. Tex., at the time he was Bob Hope. ported.' mand, is ea route to Join mesl will include corned beef, of the year," lq;»as* but merely equal Septem­ was unsuccessful in overcoming mince pie and coffee. chance to retaliate hasn’t yet NBC-Blue—7. Easy Aces; . 8, States combat plane output. Until and The Manchester Herald it waa said conditions did not w o w salaries of additional teachers ber deliveries It was qoted, the recently, a b ^ t 50 per cent of Am ­ Aa the meeting opened it waa Frank .Clancy in the matter of a various schools, to purchase nee. indicated. Treasury Hour; 9, Famous jury voted that the Selectmen be em­ when the group recently pass- . the submarine crews to ascertain yesris production would totsi 18,- erican output M(M of the trainer salary rtoe of $600 for the tax col­ The (Jotton Blossom Singers, ed Supplies snd equipment. Amon trials; 10:46, Ted Steels. powered tc borrow money in anti­ ed through New York. "which of these enemy vessels ac­ 'who have on many previoua occa­ The NBC symphony, Dimitri Mt- 398 plans*. That flgure compares type. Considerably, more fighting lector. The measure was lost on a tually have been sunk," Indicating some other uses, C^rmody MBS— 8:30, Ned Jordan drama; With the sstlmate of 18,000 given cipation of taxea, aa ia the uaiiat voice vote. sions entertained Mancheater audi opoulos as guest eonductor, corn- 9:30, Morton Gould Orchestra. craft—purault ahlps» obaervation cfMom. the limit being aet at By Oapt. "J. van Soesterdijk** the posslbiaty that others hsd gone would be the operation o f 1__ In February by William S. luud- craft *ttock bombing planes and The annual Armistice Day ob­ down. encea, will appear at the North buses and paying salaries of sch. one o f the three program . WOO,000. Boi'nl Netherlands Navy MethbdUt church tomorrow eve­ •mlerca prepared (hr broadcast sca, OPM director-general. medium and heavy bembers— servance fund waa upped to $200 phjralclans and nurses and for ja ETankly Jubilant over tbe prog­ Conaideration of appropriationa from a proposed $60 over the pro­ Written for NBA Service ning. These Negro singers who night. Thus, In starting Its fifth What te expect Wednesday, ths were represented in the September Silver Itor service. ress, OPM offidala pointed out total than training planes, it was waa the aecond item in the call test of Mahoney who aald that as a New York.—W ar drums are Niui Bombers Attack travel in the interest of one of the Comamalty Servioe fssr, the symphony Is shifting war: , southern schools, wUl give a full om Saturday nighta but on tha that the record was set In a 30- said. However, no breakdown be­ and each appropriation waa taken veteran he would like to see $100 beating louder—and faster—In the Carmody said the 54 001____ Morning: 8:00, CBS, NBC; 8:43, day month, with work interrupted up aeparately for conaideration. Field R, A. F. Using evening's program o f favorits sme network^ NBC-Blue. The tween types delivered was msdb provided but felt that^.$300 wae Far East. The Dutch East Indies tlon projecta would provida cos N B C -R e^ 8:55, NBC-Blua; 9:00, by tb* Labor Day holiday. public. Aa the firat appropriation, that london, Oct. 7—(e )— A squadron spirituaU and planUtlon songa our’a ptugram starts at 9:80. "out of order and unreasonable.” —economically rich, atrategiically munlty fsclllUes needed for CBS; 10:15, NBC-Blus; 11:00, It was accompUahed, moreover. From ths standpoint of plan* f l u t e s I for charitlea came up, former Se­ Hitting again for economy, Rich­ o f German bombers, escorted by Those who attend will not only Otorgo Burns sad Grade Allen. MBS; 13:00, MBS. lectman Richard Martin aroae Important Netherlands island em­ health, welfare and aafetF of In aplta o f Increased emphasla on quality, UnderseareUry Patterson ard Martin proposed that the fighters, yesterday attacked an air­ hear the quartet from Plney Woods fence workers and personnel of t^ 1th a new sponioi;, a new singer, heavy long-range bombers, re­ with figurea which he quoted to pire—is ready for any eventuality. sing the tuneful music of the limtny CJaah. a former grocery AfUrnoon; 1;45. NBC; 8:55, raid, the United SUtea A ir amounts borrowed ,by the select­ Obviously, no one can say defi­ Two Ueutenanta, left,'«ad a llente naat eommaiider ' o f the Royal drome used by the R.A.F on the armed forces. He announced tenu CBS; 4:45, CBS; 4:55. NBC-Blue; quested by the British In sver-la- Force Is "the finest in the world STEWING By TOwIf ^ aupport hia contention that the men. although authorized aa up to Russian front, the A ir Ministry South, but will saaUt In the work irk, and Paul Whiteman’s band, of Caatorbory town can get along with a WO nitely whether or not we shall be Dutch Air Force examine a map of their homeland, which they have tive financing arrangements fq 6:00, MBS; 5:35, NBC-Red; 5:46. ,000 $900,060, be kept at a flgure on not seen since the Nazi tnvaaion. The fliers, after tralnlag la Amer­ announced today. of the Negro school and the local these constructioif projects. ] bpan on NBC-Red at 7:30. This Oeneral Drum apimoprlation thia year tnatead of fo tc ^ to fight Japan. We have church. y CBS, NBC-Blue. which interest would not amount ican planes In the Dutch East Ind lea, are pictured as they stopped la “The enemy were at once engag­ Among the approved funds fq 1U be Whiteman's first series in fgraedom” with "bkrolo courage the requeated $75,000. Martin atat- made great defensive-progress in NBC-Red— 1:15, Kimmy LyteU's Uon of mllitaiy problenia oii a and tenacity. to more than .$32,000. On this the past year and a half—especial­ New York, en route to Join Dutch squadrons with B A F In England. ed and driven off by our fighters, the 35 school operation proj oma Ums. ed. on the baala of atate reporta The Ladies Aid society of the Ih e other premiere, also on jasa; 3:45, Vie sad Ssds; 5:30, small scale. ‘There was no prom­ ‘Tha true self of Russia haa juat H ia i's a levety new pattern, basis $3,000 could be -cut from the ly In the modernization of our who destroyed three Junkers 88's were Groton, Conn.. Town o f " .. and employment recorda, that in Selectmen's $35,000 estimate. Thia without loss to themselves." a Zion Lutheran church will meet -Red, la Red Skelton snd Stella Unger on movies. CBS— ise of abatement in the sizzling emerged,'' declared the.archblahop tquzUr^SPptxtptlsM fer fermal hia belief & e town could cut Ita army. It la significant of the state and night. Our training waa pret­ ton. $35,^18; Klttery, Me.. TO.. Transition in Business was voted. 00 the ground at the crucial mo­ communique said. tomorrow evening at 7:80. , ompsny st 10:30. 0:15 a. m. (west 3:80 p. m.) School hsat which beset the troops yes­ who is the ranking prelate of tbe charity coata and aeveral other of ^ s t Indies defenses that rX ty intense, and I am confident ment. Of KltUry, two ptojecU of $43.4] of the Air; 10:15, Dr. R. L. Swain dinnen or Hnan luncheem. : . ,The move to increase the library ^ e British said that "nearly and $5,000; Bath, Me., (Sty terday. Church of England. itema to eatabliah a 20 mill tax group of pilots, in the pink of con­ that all of my men—every one of Figures just announced of the on' "Consumer Spending"; 4, Songs appropriation as projected, by $500 'Those of us'who escaped after all" the "lerman bombers were Mrs. J. F. Downing of 35 Main Bath, $36,000; Ayer, Maac., To The three corps making up the "Can we doubt that with this a brlde*i rciton for Wantiag rate which he aald waa entirely dition, can be spared for service in whom ia a qualified pilot—will further resistance became impos­ street, aunt of Mrs. Warren Keith, imated size of the audience fer of Onturiea. NBC-Blus — 11:30 army commanded by Lleut.-Gen. rising up of a whole people there waa brought up by Rev. Watson Euroj>e, despite t h e danger- damaged, several ao seriously that of Ay^, two projecta of $7,( Shown by Pump Plant Snvaa Rural. It iparkUt with poaaible thia year. give a splendid account of them­ sible met again in England, with will be the guest speaker at the . Loula-Nova fight, as compiled s. m., dssnor Nash fsshient; Hugh A. Drum each staged an will come a revival of tbtir deep . Impoaalhl^ Saya WaddeU Woodruff and was carried over fra U ^ t eltuatlon in the Indies. they were unUkely to have return­ and $5,000; North Klngsto opposition of both Mahoney and selves from the moment they go some thrilling tales to tell. Moat ed to their bases. meeUng of the North Methodist a survey by cooperative s ^ y - 12:30 p. m.. Farm snd Homs Hour; exercise within Its own area. aad Inerdlcable sense of religion?" Vitaliy that com*! from the Ceorge H. Wqddell, arguing The Eiast Indies air force has into setkm Bgaihst the Nazis. R. I.. Town of North Klngsto 4, Club Matinee. MBS^-3, Herman low the freezing point of water. Clancy who felt too much now is of the men, at that time, were An Englistt Southeast Coast W. 8. C. 8 . tomorrow afternoon at $60,100. tndlcate It ran 54.1 per cent Army spokesman emphasized that Idle Three Yean Ago, T, ’ Clooer Beintlona Seea flutM tippling alpng Us edgsa. againat Martin'a figurea, aald that steadily grdwn In strength. Amer­ "Fighting Odds WIU fledgling flyers, not fully trained the church. A native of Vermont, eomparcs with the top fight Morrison from London to Ameri tbe object of each maneuver was It doea the job 15 to 20 Umes The archbishop foresaw "closer hia original eatimate of $100,000 being spent on this account. ican planes are arriving In an un­ Be .More Even” Town reported R.A.F. planes roar­ Cenatniettofi P r o je ^ Clancy in fact, could see no use for in aerial combat. To relieve the ed across the channel this after­ she will speak on the topic, "Old $udience of 53.6 per cent for the can workers; 4:30, Johnson Fam­ the training of officers and men Floor Space o f Same faster than present equipment relations betWeen, on ths one hand, Cheeea Savia Fivn t with eon^ - had already been cut by the Se­ interrupted atrcain, ' practically We do not know how long this Among the construstlon xproj libraries at this time. burden on the British training noon in a la^lt^ht offensive sweep Vermont and New." The boatessea ecta were: \ ’ -Bchmeling battle a»• worked out that libraries then were "a good Our Indies pilots have been tlon, $96,000. any oombiaetion... a knife and of us are eager to get a good crack a circuitous route. and Mrs. Rebecca Grant. Blue 'Tuning tonight, the war: Speaks; DJD DZD DXP Berlin, beat of yasterday, reports re­ United Stafea" after the war. Waddell atated that the welfare place to go", but that now he schooled in modem aerial battle Stratford. Conn., school fa'clll By Paul Oeaner and John Beckley at "Jerry "-r-and. this time ctfee Now we are going back. During British Planes Attack plates should be returned at this TH)0 MBS; 7hl5 : " NBC-Red;------7:80 9:45, Cabaret ceived from-the various corps In­ ‘We have aomethlng te learn fork fer $5>75. figurea aa publiaheo by the atate feels they have had their time tactics, using American-made ma­ Uea, grant, $35,650, sponsor con Bodies of Airmen and served their purpose and their fighting odds will be more even our short stay in the United meeting, and articles brought for dicated that the soldiers, garl^d New York, Oct. 7.—(JT)— It's from Ruesia tn bold and far-seeing are not reliable aa a baala for ex- chines. As a result, we have the than they were in May of last Catania and Licata tribuUon, $3,961. penae caleulationd for they are activities should be curbed. States we have been deeply im­ the l5ilver Lake sale. Windsor Locks, Hartford in winter uniforms, stood the first bard to believe the transition that planning of economic resources for feel of most of the newest Ameri­ year. Thia time the. Germans will pressed by the way the American Rome, Oct. 7—(g>>—The Italian day's test without serious effects. the good of the whole fcountry," he not, he aald, either exact or at all Mahoney's move to cut the rec­ can craft—Glenn Martins, Brew­ ty. Conn.. recreaUonal facllttle lOM Kilocyclcfl haa occurred in heavy industry un­ Wait Ambulances reation budget to $17,000 from the not be able to play on Us the tricks ald-tbe-Alliea effort la gaining mo­ nigh command announced today The Professional Women’s ^club WDRC 31 Heat Oases Handled declared. tlmea ^rrent. ster Buffalos, Curtiss pursuits and they used during the invasion, federal construction, $45,000. Kilocycle* 1360 less you actually see it. A fter argument, the meeting, proposed $18,250 was lost as mentum. Truly, with the growing that BritUh planes had attacked will bold ita first' meeting of the Bridgeport, Conn., school facui The 104th Evacuating Hospital Ryan trainers. when German toldlers, disguised power of the Allies, and the knowl­ CaUnla and Licata In Sldly and which serves ths Twenty-Ninth For example, take a look at the . which had at firat aeemed to favor Chairman Hyde said If he recalled They are aplendid machines un­ fall this evening at 7:45 at Onter ties, grant, $78,000, sponaor's FlsgaUff, Artz.. Oct 7.-(F>— aright recreational costs were in­ In Dutch uniforms, punctured the edge that your nation is behind us. Tripoli, Libya. church house. The guest speaker Tuesday, Oct. 7 Tusstay, Oct. 7 Division, composed of Guardsmen Harrison, N. J.', plant of Wortb- Gov. Hurley Faces Martin'a atand, voted to let the der aU kinda of conditiona, day tires of a number of our warplanes tributlon, $22,000. p. m. The maimed bodies of six officers $75,000 figure of the Selectmen creased a year ago on Mahoney's we easnot poaaibly lose this war. Although the British raiders un­ will be Mrs. Grant Rigby, assist­ r- -*• ' from Virginia, Maryland and the ingtoo Pump and Machinery Co. and men. killed Thursday in the Portamouth, N. H.. sewerage fJ IH)0^—Backstage Wife 3:00—Studio Matinee Three yeara ago you could have atand. own Initiative. loaded high explosives and Incendi­ ant director of sir raid warden cllltles. grant, $57,308, ^ District of Columbia, handled 31 crash of their big Army A ir Corps S;30—Renfro Valley Folks driven a pall of golf balls the Very Busy Week In the courae of debate, Waddell The question of the legality of aries over Sicily they failed to schools. $93,500. I :J0—Stella Dallas heat cases, but 30 were dismissed 8-18 bomber on lofty Agassiz aald that Mancheater haa billed Allowing the town water depart­ cause any material damage, while riSO—Lorenso Jones 3:45—News and the other 11 were scheduled length of. Its 209-yard machine 8:55—W ar Commentary peak were carried by stretcher 702 relief reciplenta a total of- ment" to award sub-contracts up to bombs aimed at Tripoli fell for the The Manchester Frame Shop, l;43—Young Widder Brown to return to duty today. shop with little danger of hitting down a trail-leaa mountain aide to­ STATEMENT OF "fHE OWNBI !K)0—Homs of tbs Brava 4:00—Ad Liner Hartford, Oct. 7—(Jn— Governor $235,200.52, and that ao far $7.- $2,000 each was questioned by most part into the sea, a com­ which moved to Manchester from In tha field of simulated combat anyone. In fact the company day to wait Army ambulaneea munique said. SHIP, MAHAG^ENT, S;15—Portia Faces Life 5:00— Mary Mariln the First Array Corps, command­ might have made more money if Hurley faced a'bu sy week with 026 haa been paid back.- Richard Martin ns the water de­ Hartford two and a half years ago from the Adbuquerque, N. M., air engagemenU that will keep him Replying to Martin'a aaseitlon partment appropriation of $100,- Italian planes, striking back at to manufacture frames for furni­ CULATION, ETC., RE(Jt 1:00—Ws. Tha AbbotU 5:15—Ths Goldbergs ed by Maj. Gen. Charles F. It had ranted out the building aa base. BY TH E AC T OF CONGE 1:40—Ths Escorts and Betty 5:80—Tbe O’Neill's away from hia office most of ths regarding a lowered tax rate, 000 was voted. Britisb positions in North Africa ture, has added to its employses Thompson, had the moat ambi­ a TOlf driving range or a shooting The wreckage was discovered time, OP AUGUST 24, 1912. l;(X>—News snd Wsatbsr S;45-—B«n Pernis tious program. . The Eighth Di­ gallery. It'a profit for tha entire Waddell afTirme—Professor Andra Bebanker 8:30— Frasior Hunt—News Selectmen, waa approved by the of Selectmen. bold of Tobruk. Kee streeL Manchester, Conn., for O ct the remainder of the corpa, desig­ In addition to ^ e u t. A. T. King, day he WlU meet with the Board Ceasiad Dpxtoily fer psar Baras 1941, 1:45—Lowell Thomas 0:30—Bob Hannon—SCogs nated as the Blue Army and com­ Today the floor apace of the meeting. Start IiMvIng aame plant Is jammed with heavy the pilot, the wrecked ship carried of Trustee* at the prison farm in Fiunil A teHaassit vdm Hrad ' Commencing at 10 p. m.^ num- The regular monthly meeting of County of Hartford, m . :06—Fred Wsring's Orchastra 6:45—Tbe World Today posed of the Ninth and Thirtieth Enfield. Some amuaement waa occaalom German Fliers Dump 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy castings waiting their, turn en Lieut. R. H. Omway, Wilbur, W. Mp, sisd i to fe pear to # * end IS bers of those present at the' meet Hose Company No. 3 of the South State of Connecticut, 7:15—Neiws of tbe World - Divlslona in the region between On Wednesday the goveriior will ed when Waddell warned the vot­ ':30—George Burns and Gracta AI 7:16— Lenny Rosa fle e te r and Wlnnslx^'. huge machinda. E)very one of tha Va.i co-pilot; Lieut. W. W. Crim Ing began to walk out. and the Manchester Fire Department will Before m*, a Rotary Public and Ueut. D. C. Boyd, both of address the Bridgeport Liojus. koU fnm i6m 4$ phen. era not to be "kidded by Agurea" Bombs Upon Tobruk Icn 7:30— Helen. Menken — "Second big. expensive machine tools la major portion of the town's busi­ be held this evening at the com­ and for the State and count March to Meet Foe Pendleton, Ore., air base; Oorp. L. Danbury is preparing a full presented by Mkrtin. Enlarging Berlin, Oct. 7.—(4>>—Informed 1:00—Johnny Preaenta Husband" busy. Tbe profit of the company i<-fe*esMlferfear , $4g73 on hia own atand, the town official ness waa accomplished to the ac­ pany's quarters on Spfuce street. aforesaid, personally app To tha east, Maj. Gen. Uoyd R. In the firat six months of 1941, af­ E. Gillem, Spokane, Wash., and day's program for the governor companiment of shuffling feet. By sources said today that German Following the business meeting a Leon A. Thorp, who, having 1:30—Musical Treasure Chest 3:00—Are You A Missing Heir Fredcnhall’s Second Corpa, em­ on Thursday, Governor's Day at eS-feacs « t fer aigto , IU7JS / | Itemised charity costs to prove bombers dumped several thousand ink)— Battle 0. ths Sexes 8:30—'Bob Bums -Arkansas Trav­ ter laying aside half of ita Incom* Pvt. L. T. Morfeld, Bpringerville, that the town farm, support of the time the appropriations ^had special program haa been arrang­ duly sworn, according to Uw, bracing the Twenty-Eighth Na­ for taxes, was $1,390,000. Arlz. th* Danbury Fair. A t noon com­ Fnetj inclad* Ba#s 0m been voted leas than 100 people New Ai pounds of explosives upon Tobruk ed and all members are urged to poses and says that he U the Aij ):30—Fibber McGee and Molly eler ■ tional Guard division from (Penn­ bined civic clubs after which he persons in institutions, and direct planes, pictured fbr the flfat time, aM Itned no at 8:55—Elmer Davis— News That's tha kind of business It la. were left In the hall. the grra' at Banddeng, Java. Called “ the fastest climb Ing plaiie la the world," thev*re and shot down five defending attend. / vertUlng Manager of The 10:00—Bob Hope sylvania, the Fourty-Fourth from will go to the fair. relief exclusive of salaries would i;r«dlted. pUnes In a daylight raid yester­ 10:10—College Humor 9:00—Ws, The People Today you starve; tomorrow you more than take up the $50,000 On a ballot for member of- the **“ 7 other types of t'. 8. planes are belag used by ^he chbster Evening Herald, and New York and New Jersey, and feast _ On Friday- at 12:30 p. m. the Zoning Commission for 5 years, Royal day upon that British-held Ubyan tl:QO—News and WeaU)er 9:80—R sM rt To the NsUon Pacl^rs Expect \ Phis Federal Tax. Miartln proposed aa the charity *rhe Salvation Army Women's the following U, to the beat o f I the Twenty-Ninth, marched governor will attend tha opening nominee Felix J. McEvitt with­ port. 11:15— String Ensemble; 10:00-^|enn ^fitter's Orchestra Nearly every product the com­ appropriation, i')- Home League will meet tomorrow knowledge and belief, a true st southward from the vicinity of drew and nominated Charles W. Two merchantmen totaling 10.- afternoon at the citadel. Tbefe will ment of the ownership, 11:30—Polish Orchestra 10:15—Public Affairs Chesterfield to meet a foe repre­ pany makea la ^ulpment for In­ Frank P. Clancy, from a right Record Business T* relieve Holman. - A second nominee was 000 tons were sunk and two othera be special sewing, and the hos­ |3;06—W ar News. EVeddls Ebner'a 10:30—Juah Arvisu—Songs sented by one battalion of the dustry. When profits are good, front comer, told the meeting he ment was most reluctant to fore­ that the space available through m ent circuUtion, etc., of N toery o f Walter Wirtalla. On opening the ^ fo r t8 to Trade damaged In a raid on Suez road­ tesses who will serve tea are Mrs. aforesaid publication for the da^ Orchestra lO:45-^Frsnkle Masters' Orchestra WOth Infantry. everyone buys new and better felt Martin's proposal was go any chance of. bringing back to this discrepancy be filled up with ;00—News, WssUier COLDS Kohn & Sons, In c ballots It waa found Holman had stead Sunday night, the high com­ Jsmes. Tsggart snd Mi** Eliza shown in the above caption, 1:30—Trsasura Tralla v - 11 Maj. Gen. Karl TruesdeU’a SUth equipment. When earnlnga a r LiaalS . "stingy," to which Judge Ray­ their homes the sick and severely Interned women and children, con­ mand said. 1:55—News. |i ' 11:05—Sports Roundup b u , companies .get along with Chicago, O ct 7—(Fi— Meat i. won 71 to 14. ^Prisoners Collapse wounded prisoners of war, they Wamock. ijulred by the Act of August CorpeXqpmpoeed of the Twenty- Tablet. mond R. Bowers replied asking With only 76 left by the tl cerning whom an agreement had 11:15— Harry James's Orchestra Sixth Dtrijilon ^ ot MaasachuMtta, what machinery they have and packers, stepping up operations Bal.a JEWELERS the voters not to be "kidded by were not prepared, In v-lew of the been reached in 1940 before the big 1912, embodied In section 44| 13:80—Blue Barron's Orchastra Xaa* Drasa the next question, that oh met Tanker Set Afire The Sewing club of the Ameri­ PosUI Laws snd Regulst Tomerraw's Program ' National Guac^dsmen, supported by watt for tha tide to turn. steadily with the recent expand­ Caaab Drasa S90 M^IN STREEt HARTFORD Mr. Waddell." Bowers thought negotlatlona of the last few days, German western offensive but Cairo. ■ Egypt, O ct — A 13:00—Union Walls. News Four Good Yean la Tea ing flow of livestock from farm to 666 arose, the vote waa close, but ^ f - (Continued from Page One) can Legion auxiliary will meet to­ corps troops, continued oierciaes to risk being made the victims of which agreement never was car­ printed on the aide of.t 12:00— Charles Splrak's Orchestra "■tab-Mr-TtoSi’t—w WaaSerfal Martin's flgures a sound baala for dclent to push through the /plan BritUh bomber, diving 4.000 feet, morrow afternoon at 1:80, St the form, to wit: 1:00—R e v stlle and Agricultural In which elemental of the corps H . C. Beavkr, criap-apoken, grey' city, today were gegring plants Llalaisat conaideration. a flagrant breach of faith on tlm ried out N ew s 12:30---Bob Chsstsr'a Orchestra by less than a - half parkfhg-lot article, saying "note carefully the scored direct hlU which set a large home of Mrs. Beatrice Thomas, 46 1. That the names snd played a defensive 'wjle againat haired, president of Worthington, to handle a record supply In 1942 part of the German government.' While this point was being iron­ oil tanker afire in the h a i^ r at i: —N sw a 12:55— News Vote Appropriation full of motorists and merchants. words ‘without regard to rank or Oourtland street. / as of the publisher, editor. 35 ths remainder of the outfit In the aayg that over a ten year period to meet rising domestic and ex-' more especially as the bulk of the ed out the Germans aay, Britain TripoU Sunday night, an R . A. F. : —Sunrise Special gi ■■ Walter Mahoney, caUing Mar- Moat of the comment cm meters numbers. Ing editor, and bustneae 1 30 Mount Gilead, N. d., area hea^ machinery makers usually port demand. xln's effort at reduction a "sin British sick and wounded would suddenly came forth with a radio com'muntque said today. ':00—Morning Watch was favorable although Selectman "Proposals for the repatriation thereby lose the chance of fepatrla- . The Public Health Nursing are: . » TenMrraw*s Program havt four good yeara, two years With Great Britain expected to cere" gesture, nevertheless felt ultimatum to which Germany re­ 1:00—News'and Weather m. take probably 1.500,000,000 pounds David Chambers outlined his Ma­ have been under 'discusalon tion." elation announces that the pre- PublUhcrr Thomas Fer that are fair and four years that that his cut Was too drastic. sons for opposing th e ^ in town. sponded with an expression of will­ natal clinic will be omitted l:lS-^Bufopean News Roundup 7:00—News, Wsathar ara just plain terrible. It's the of American mast packers looked X' through a protecting power for ingness to exchange Germans thls Manchester, Conn. On a voice vote the $75,000 ap>- Others, like ChamMrs, said they many months, but the two govern­ 100 week. ■ l ; 80-^Radlo Bazaar Two-Day (Church kind of bustnssa where you have forward to increased output to at Newhaven with 100 EngUA at Tokyo Press Editor, Thomas Fergusoi^ 1:80—W TJCs Program Parada avert any threat of a meat ahort- . propriatlon waa made as recom' doubted that m et^ would be ments were unable to' reach an Ready to Exchange .Chester, Conn. 7:30^Robarta Program to look ahsad and. lay aside praflta Dieppe. German-occupied French imo—Playbouaa aga and as a poaalbto check on ris­ mended by the Board. benehcral in this M ldentlal town, agreement aa to the route and A- H . 01 instead, editor of Ths 7:40—Bond Program \ Conference Opens in ths .gpod years to keep your \ Seriously Wounded channel port, and meanwhile con­ Sees Wedge- Managing Editor, Thomas I: 1S —Food News ing prices. ) — German tinue negotiations through diplo­ at the meeting of Center ^urch 9: 00—News Reporters 5:00—The World Today out of bankruptcy In ths bad ones. Packers at tha S6th e««iiai \ matic phannels.* Business Manager, Thomas 1:40—As Tbs 'Twing Is Bant 3:15—Morning Salttta ' cenvention at th* AnMriean Mast power shovel tb cost $7,000. It prove either the adapUblUty of ed from the German government ofllciala declared today Germany is Being Driven women's Guild tomorrow sfter- gusoit. IfM ichaster, Conn. Haavy maeninary manufaeturara was'explained that the town an- meters to local needs or to dell- through the Swisa legation sug­ ready for an exchange o f prisoners The Germans envisaged a con­ n o ^ s t 3 :30. HU t^e will be 1Q:00 Bass Johnson 0:20—Shoppers Spsrisl — Music, . T -< F > -73i* two- ara very worried because the tax InstltuU heard C. A. Burmetoter, tinued abutUing back and forth Of 2. That the owners are: d ^ 74th annual meeting of the Dually moves up to 150,000 yards P” ''* **>«“ worthless here. gesting that the sick and wounded with Britain on a peraon-for-person "O tfrent Events.*!^ Mre/. Joseph lQ :15—EUati Randolph Um s makan don't saem to recognise government economist predict the seripualy wounded aa well as Tbe.Hsrald Printing Co., 1:30—Bachelor's ChUdrsn S:SO-tN sws, Wssther Oonneetlcut Conference of Oxigrs- sharply Increased breeding and o f'gra vel and that ita present The 4483 vote favoring meter should be repatriated through baala, and added there are only 58 (Oonthiasd frsei Page One) Motyh>ddsd statements embracing. affiantf *d to psrialt hlm to twtltatoStost One o t the most intorestlng of war. We were only sending over Aa for ouraelvew we dscllne to streA; Mrs. Patria Forbas,-Eadt othar auapseta, DNB repoctsd to­ tirm lne if fewer, larger llghta can- on upeUU res- make the exchange of' heavily sUa. R«d"and wMts predominated through with only one tslsphoas'" fu ll knowledge and beUaf->aa to < Pleas^ Retliits products which the company O F W 0 I 4 . F E S 0 6 OR .Bot be more etfieient tbao the w o lr s have reduced ^ New York 150 or so Germans, and they ex­ ta the enamel ware. H a rtfo rd . that ia ths grocecy stars. Now lU circumstances sad conditlens day froai ^ragM . dsTslopsd In ochnectlan with ds- Awg. ANDTSfMntB. wounded anq the Internationally DUcharged yesterday;. Mra Waahlngtoo. O et 7—(S>— For Authorlaad aourcea ia Bsriia ax- :X*eigr dimdi lights now provided. The water SO pressed hope the British govern­ recognised humanitarian act A buffet hjiicheon waa’ aerved homes have been eanasetad to tha der which stockboldars and ; second Unas, ths House has fena* work to a fdnnsr beer ceoter VA01 Its uirat a, ^950,4001~ sum waa voted. aa engl- ment would consider again Its ac­ and the remainder o f the evening Agnee CarneUa. 165 McKee atraet CblRiooCbs axiJiange,. and svszy- ity boldera who do not appear extraorttnary Isglslatlon ' O f C o n f e r e n e e s tha daath asabSS? “ which has been adapted for cool CLAWS IT 18 A e U returning women and children to Admitted today: M ra-M ary mahtsd psaibag, but said "the ds- tion such aa would justify aitoptlon each others' co u n try an object o f was spaat in playing btiiga body*a keppy. Tbo happy, tn fact on the bo(Aa of the comp$ny tha dcpmlaUon of ing aluminum rivets, thousands of T O B R u ir i m o A acbool appropnaUoa of $400,- SdS! ^ of a receptive attitude to arty pro­ Augusto. Andover: Robert •- and- aott tM tdapboaa worksra trustaes, bold stock sad securit eiaioa whether or not it will be which are used to every airplane. propaganda. It la a scandal to do Mra. Sarah Hoffman. 37. H ig h west coast CIO cantodOent has beta bald up," BTP0N6 ANT 'otM OMT Uie tmteata of posal which might follow for the ao. EVary time they fty to ehsdi tbs ,1a a-capacity other than that, Moat Be Used Quickly HIUJ . exchange o f civilians. street; Scarnton Hagedorn. llO Siagapora, O ct r —o n —Jk. atate- 8 Germany intends to continue long and aiiort sIgaaU sssignsil to' ’a boas fids owner; and tbU affix Wuiiout ‘a' word of debate or ’TSi* noo-tohunltUl Tbe rivets, fliada of an alumi­ to hia request aa to Aate Trim Prepared Te Agree Glynwood s tre e t; S tu a rt MpOoa-^ each subacriber atmoet every ra- baa no reason to bsUevs that a It tamed today after tba rstura aa to whetbar EHaa actually bad* num alloy, must ba removed from the negotiations through diplo­ Framingham. Mass., O et T—(JP) ough. Bolton. fomsUty of a odl call, tba ths axpanaa baa baaa Jumped Yesterday morning a meaaage matic channels — not via a pub­ nsivar oa the Una is picked up at other parson, association, uusatottvos yastarday passUd from Maaila of Air CWafltaMhal. ',?* an oven and quanebad tn cold wat­ THE J V a s h l n ^ . Oct. l - < 8^ -A u to . received ^ through the American —Three soldiars attached to ths WwdMtfged today: Mra Mar- tbs im t tiagls. U Robert Brooks-FoDbam aald S B !?' ,000 this yaar. A a Haariaart ac- licity campaign." poration haa any iatanat saafto tbs SsnaU a MU W 8 Brooka-Fophaa ccumut* Ms ssateacs. er' tmmediatuy in order to have iM Bt c t tbs tnfraaai was raad, *MbUe ^ e r s would be forbkJdea government slated the German Army A ir Corps base at Windsor g a m Flaven, 93 Spruce street: w Indirect in the th* correct propertlas. Thereafter Aad jMsV ks sMs to dries wHMs A spokesman said the in ^ t iv e Uicks, Conn:, wars injursd ssri- Mrs. Austin Chambers aM Infaiit v6 Alien (D.. La.) dl- BriUla's oommaadar-in-chlsf ia M t ao school board lUckel plaU and government was now prepared ta in the repatriaUon . begoUaUona la riaylag Bass heads, or Other aeeuritlaa than , Bridges’ immsdlats dspor- they must b* used in 40 m inutes, MMget jto ABM8TRONO agree to a limited exenanga on a owaly today Whsa tbsir .automobile daughUr, 68 RonUitr strset ' tbs Far East waa bigbly plaaaed W aat Sarv* Aa Eaewaa STANDARD TIRES. Rstors rom p tha quastkai. had been taken by Qermanv .so staled by bim. to Australia. wttb tB * rsaulta a t bia conferaaces or they lose tha valuable charac­ the poBca a$fraariatkai $4T,-j “ or- numerical basia. collided with a vegedabU truck. ^Death: Today. Martin Poad; 36 Ghieage^-(ff)—Wmiam . Post ds- teristics gained in tbe quenftlng too 1*^ Friesa ------‘ " through ■tbs the UnitedU n ite d States----- aa Um The InJJied were: Sergeante WoodlHldge atraet . ' 0. n iat the avinge numiier Aa Identical bOI psmi'ii by fts with Amsrlcaa aad Fmpteo pout- oidar Fans, la.-(F)—H a ^ to »aa voted, wl ft Mahqnay "Attem pts were made yesterday power chargedbarged with repr mdsd that he- arrsd in playing ths eoplss of laeb Usae of thU last year, 030 to 43, tailed process, ' • ■ 7 ■ MANCHESTER .ting — • ' • •»'* . IcaLaad dataasa ' f two aaow paMcnaiw. who, •ftarnooB to clarify (the poslUan, Oeoege Tun, Jr.. LoOs lOetn and rcle of hero by going to tbs raacue Btey bonw to mtad tb* ehUdm Airplane, companlra, however, S a O rsd s BritUh interests In Bwlin. Wdaey Izxteathal. AU were taken Vtva Par Oaal OaMgM Nasis catloa sold or dlsWbutMl. Senate ceoaidsraUOn. Sir Robert dtaetaald wltb Amar- wont a tm aa aa sxenss for mtaa- ara badly aaadad fbr duty but when It became evident the ■ct a damsel when be beUevsd waa the maUs or othsrwlas, to have baah using a refrigerator to "NegoUatioas wars proceeding to Union hcMqiltai. B rfd W dsportatlcm waa recom- icaa asrvlea bsada "maay probisma S* Moralag aarvieiM at latrasta. Gerpian government waa attempt­ poalUvely sad tangibly. W before in flistrsss. Post stopped his car- aubacribsra during tha six ^ weak by a raltnd cool the rivets even further, a pro- TANTI m VlO B VTA- ing at the laat moment completely itm Angdea Oct 7.-^H"-Aatl- wbsa ha beard a woman ■ o f Buitual lataiaat to our two n rat Ooagragatieaal church. whlch finsMes them to baM d n m ------TIm .Vi mm^ ap- I«aw methods ‘and prinohilM bean pseesdiag Um date shown above I few Terk atato Judge, Chariaa B. eow itflaa" tba Btatam«it aald. r a a a fe a d to ■ overthrow ' the .previously N ^ (Seriiart H. Segar said ia « i "HMpI a ptoSM hslpr RtaaiUg'^ U m Rav. Paul Blaka baa aatab- fo r hoon without . ftiQF agreed upon R ^ t c n ^ t - m An address last night that only about 'avra. who mada a ^wcial tavaeU- It addad that Sir ■ Robart aad 00 tbs ageed npoa baala fo r the lepatrl^ MB news agaacF) and tbs to the sMswalk .to land al*lto el a play acboM. uadsr d S ^ T V s extra oooUng pcoeaas la ths TRUST CO. __Cblca«o. Oct T.—_Pr*aldeat 6 ^ „ ___ ‘ of^tha Aargsa. agalaflt tba Brig. Gsa. John WfigniSw. b«ad tion acbaaie, Hia Majesty's gov-' 6 P * r cent o t th e ’tfiO S jS ki Oatw asked tha weauui her pcehlsm. i I?? I*®** ori- oa* which Wocthiiigtor pump’s ra- :to b (ta ff g a y tt F. poBBe^ of Tha lavaat- radio began a piuMlctty cam^^ten." Rome. O ct Bwa-AaiarlcaBs in the UMtad llabor Isadsr, a aiSlva o f Aua- or a Ubltod SUtmmtaaloa t o 4s flar emmant fmind it necessary to eaiw he. declared. Bar aaswsr. as she draw a tevol- THOMAS FfcROUSON, , for tha JuaUce Pspaitmaat lag* atudsata, to tb* church par- fotmodbaareootornas.boenadapt------Baakefs Aasodatloa of ctf tbs sailing of tha (hospital) Q a ;^ mutborltaUve fhiuiat States ara outright Naaia **An- ver ftam her handbag, Cblna. "ocaatd*r*d bow tbs traas- A n p arsnto h ave to do to Member Fodcral D tp o^ ba. Corp. tf^lwed today the new n waa «qdaiaed that the dU- bald that Brldgaa h id b s «i ad to perform. In 10 minutao it aaSsRc spokesman. esUsd L ___ o th ar 0 per cant are aetlvMy sa- a M a sy ," B e Sworn to and subscribed ___ g ito U m o f A oM clM aid t o tba totog tbs youngMsra, dspealt wlU cool riveU from 00 fiig teea OB lequirtag cocqMtt- agiSemaat over the exchaage «ie ^ RooasSeH "aa aaU-Cstholie gagad hi flghUag Naat taSasaes tod with the Communlet oould ba.or- them, sad step asxt. door lato tb* **7bs s M and woundsd are bs- siya; f ^ the fa e] Britain had Bte tb U 7tb day of October, I m J ^ should be dapestod. slightly above room temperature' VAN'SSS -g: for public utility ae- 1^ dtatab«rksd and ssnt back to P^ dsnr todM alad accused Mm MM ptnpagmi^ asId'BsRsr. Oar- chu rch. 4 , HA- ><' ■ - ■ . A '• ;x ' " X‘. "a nibag aot ta tbs (My romnflsalea axplras M dsgrasi^ or. 7 dograao ' and ca n M oC lzF«w Oa^fassSteadse*' tbs W «r 22. 1944 . .-la .1 1 -W' •s MANCHESTtJR HERA l D, MANCHfiStER. OONN;" TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7.1941 t . / ' t " ’-''V ■ y-. Chambers Again H^ads Jack McKeiever Mother ar>d.Son, Playrhates Hot Contest / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1941 PAGE ELEVEN ^eplihl^ans Win Tpwn .X Auto Victim In B olto^ / - i . Seh^btinen By^spal 2-1 Mar, Local Man Killed, on split Tickets mid the on Ihiters Year as Bolton Hill by Passing Number o f Write*ItiI 2 7 Pep Cent o f • Harold T.- Keating ...... J14| “ Toim *a ‘M ayor’ a* New- Car Last Night, * Joseph V. Shea ...... l i a l 'Votes * Is Goilifusi] Local Electorate in One Word Led to Another and- - ly/Elected Organiaei iick H arlow Red Cochrane ; John E. McKeever, 69, of 395 Of a total o f 491 regtatenkl vot­ Naming Town Officers Nazis Oaim I^reatl Bombers Batter Brookl^, ~ 'Allen on Police Board. North Main striMt was killed ers In the town Of Boltqp','^62 cast —Nelson Is, High Man. when struck by an automobile their* ballots yesterday In one of To Try Plan Tops Jenkins iBclectman D*vJd Chamber*. driven by John J. Brennan o f 337 the most hotly ernttosted aad clr- New Battle Woi cal building contractor, waa ^ a l n cumsUnced elections in the hi^ By a vote,of practically two to As Bonham Baffles Betters Center street, Manchester, on Nig­ one, the entire local Republican Hanley Uses named chairman of the B^eird of toiy of that to>#n. There had been Lightweight Champion ger Mill, Bolton, Ia«t night Mc­ a .pre-elect^ tiff on the question slate waa elected to municipal of­ (Conttnned from Page Om ) Balectmen at the pr^ahlxatlon Keever waa walking west on Nig­ o f a eboioo of moderator aa well as fices yesterday In the annual town Puts tlp^ Miserable- meeting o f that group Jleld in the ger Hill, Bolton, last night. Mc- a change In the original ballota election as less than one quarter of behind ■ the Gerinan lines, * larvard Pilot Convinced The Great Mouth|iiece Wyatt Loses Important Municipal building at two o'clock waa ln*frdnt of the home pY Clar­ furniuied the town. This laid the the town'a more than 13,000 voters communique Said. Showing at Garden, ttalii afternoon. ChallWn Cham­ ence Anderson when struck. It waa groundwork for the rip-roaring cast their ballots. It remained, Landing Force Annihilated j Boston U Has Right Fifth Game;\ Yanks bers thus begins bis sixth year as fully two houra before hla body '^lltical snsu-1 that only a smau however, for the voters to stage This landing force waa annthi By 816 Fedor waa removed to the T. P. Holloran onefof the longest adjourned town lated, the Germans declared, an] Idea About Getting Clinch Title; \ Big bead of the board having been first town can provide. New York; Oct 7-op, --M im named chairman at the organiza­ fungal home In Manchester. This meetings In several decadea at the. a number of transports sunk. An unusual feature of Bolton’s I Team Ready to Play. Secretary, take e letter to the Bats o f ew Jen­ This waa the eighth straight No Appointment Changes world aeries victory for the Yan­ Thomas O’Loughlln, In Rockville, in: Assessor,’ Henry Massey 105, chairman waa third with 2,207. In Clou4s of Smoke the openmg tlR of their all- kins an old fashioned flailing for Practically all of the board's ap­ but be could not be reached. After Samuel R Woodward '209; Board order of. votes came Harold R hajor schedule . . . His ^Int was ten rounds, while Lew bock- kees since 1926, and when Big pointments * were those whose Coroner John Yeomans of Andover of Tax Review, Raymond P. Jew­ Symington, Harold M. Reed, Ray­ Over Leningrad r.at Harvard had been sertmmag- pedaled and ran away, was only Ernie Bonham downed the Dodgers terms were expiring William Al­ Deaths with four hits yesterday it gave bad arrived in Bolton and had ell 99, Antodlo Ansaldi 208; Se­ mond H. Burnham and Lawrence wlth It reserves in preparation billed oa a fight, if that waa s len being again named to the po­ By Paul Sjoblom . the boys from the Bronx to* re­ Martin A. Pond made an examination of the body lectmen (D.) Oscar Kreyslg 84, Converse. , W ith the Finnish Arm y on till or the season and that this waa boxing match, thfo so-la one bc- lios board and Everett McKinney he called for Dr. D. C -T - Moore to Town aerk Samuel J. Turking- t'ween Joe Louia and Little Lulu. markable record of liavlng won 33 • again going oo the board Of tax Martin A. Pond, 77, of 20 Wood- Clyde Marshall 94. (R.) T hom as Karelian Ifthmus, Oct. 6-—(Delay Irbven Insufficient . . . of their last 36 con­ make s' further Investigation as to Wilson 226, John Albasi 137; ton, opposed by Attorney WlUlara Gi-erratee First Team You can't take anything away review. Lawrence Converse’s place bridge street, died this morning at edl— (#5 —Mllea-hlgh cloUds - o, tests. , the extent of the Injurjea that had Write-In selectmen Michael Pescc F. Ferguson, polled more than Harlow agreed he had overrated from Cochrane. The bull-necked oo the grand juror list was taken the Manchester Memorial hospi­ smoke hang jver both Lcnlngral _In the time since EkI ' Barrow / cause McKeever’s death. It was 1, Albert N. Skinner i81; Town double the votes of the newcomer, and the. Red fleet's island b i ^ ' I first eleven on the basis of-what little redhead from Jersey walked b,y R. R. T. Charles. tal, after an illness of several nearly 11 o’clock before this was wmo waa also a candidate for Town bad done against the reserves out against the fellow u-ho was came here to bUild the Yankee em­ The complete list of elections, Clerk, Margaret Rich 63, David C. Kronstadt as a result of he# pire. hla Blugger* have slaughter­ years. He was bom In Edgewood, done although the accident had. Toomey 256; Treasurer„..Leslle S. George H. . . Penn, on the other hand, had supposed |L0i"i>* among the greatest committee ■assignments and ap- bombardment by German sle Bill McGowan and Dodger Manager Leo Durocher had these ex- ed six of tbe eight national league .Bristol, Conn., and bad bbarded taken place at 8:45. Bolton 102, Maud L. Woodward Waddell, Ferguson polled 1.160 guns. Ingaged In practice scrimmages punching IlghtwelghU In ring his­ .pdntments follows: with friends here for a number of The body was brought to Man­ votes for this office, 34 more votes tory. He chased this great puncher preaaions on their faces as they argued In the .fourth Inning of the clubs in world seriea engagements. 'Chairman, Board of Selectman, 215; Agent Town Deposit Fund. From the second floor of a shel^ k’ith Bucknell and Muhlenberg Artel' Yankee outfielder Joe DlMagglo filed out in the fifth Inning o f the fifth game o f tbe Tanka- The only ones they haven’t polteh- years. He leaves one son, Leslie M. chester and relatives of the^liijured than for the town clerkship. • These elevens may be mere all over the place. He floored him fifth—and final—Yanka-Brooklyn world aeries game in Brooklyn David Chambers. ^ Paul E. Clement 68, Alexander sfdintered barracks near the ol< Dodgers world series In Brooklyn. N. Y.. he sUrted back to the dugout past the mound where he and about a pitch by Whitlow Wyatt (right i. It seems that McGHugh Devore, the Provi­ truck going through a paper wall. Flatbush Dazed; Not bera the tin weighting section of Che­ a bowling match at tbe Mor-| by DlMagglo. ■ - The Yankees won because they Water Committee—S. ^sr^mond tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock birth. He regards both as m.telligcrit, capable children. tion. Write-ins Chesterfield Pirie to gain a place in tbe town gov- Dominated by a huge atonl dence 0>llege coach, and got an Jenkins didn't take a single for­ had great pitching, tight fielding, ney Brothers old mill dye house gan alleys yesterday afternoon. Smith. Harold M. Reed, David at the Marchant Furleral Home, 37, Richard Morra 13, Louis '811- emment, the vote remaining at the cathedral which appears Intacf athusioatic yes . . . Both insti- Frink Leahy Is Looking Sillion Draws With ward step, snd actually threw An Alibi Offered. and the ability to deliver base Mte- and for a brief time waa employ­ lano 8, Oscar Anderson 1, Alice 2-1 average throughout. lutions wound up their spring drill He was stricken with a heart fewer than a dozen punchez. He let Okay, boys, put that war news Chambers. 535 Farmington avenue, Hartford. tanks, 130 trucks and two fuel f^nsU dt Ues 12^ miles offsho exactly when they were needed. Burial will be in the East ceme­ ed at the Orford Soap plant Lee 1. Campbell Leads Ticket VlUl a scrimmage under game cun- For Hard Game with rr< i ixii attack just oa he was about go hia wrecking hand just once— By Bill BonI back on Page 1. 11)* real battle Is Recreation Committee —Ray­ tanka. The western end of the lalanij to roll a toU.i over. They capitalized on every Brook­ mond H. Burnham, Harold M. tery. X He is survived only by nephews Health Clinic Registrars of voters Catherine The high men on the Democrat where Finnish maps indicate thr Bitlons :. . . i t worked out so well In the sixth round—and then put lyn mistake, pulled oat on* game A German transport waa sunk in Engineers; Fighting^ IIIrkey Thompson it bock to bed again. New York. Oct. 7.—op,—It *tUI Reed. David Chambers. and nieces. Marshall 111, Lida D. Anderson side was Earl J. Campbell who big batteries are located, is coyer Ihat the pair agrreed to try it again O’Brien won the world’s after it actually waa “loaL" Olva a Funeral services will be held Barents Sea. the communique said, 134. write-in Alice Lee 69. Board conducted a vigorous campaign |hla fall . . . The show did bring out one could happen-you guessed it— Auditing Committee — Ray­ M/*. Jeremiah Bailey in the buttle against reinforcement by a thick blanket of amoke.' Irish to Watch Bosco. " title In 1917, and was regarded cteer for the Dodgers,, becauae Thursday monfing at 9:30 at the of education, Myrtle B. Carpenter Mfore and during the election. This Helped A Lot thing. It showed how many jee'r- only in Brooklyn. mond' H. Burnham, Harold M. Mrs'Jeremiah Bailey, mother of of units drivmg with the Finns In New Rooms The eastern end is a veritabll —, I Hollywood. Oct. 7.—on — Abe aa one of the tost players In they deserve It, but never forget Reed. Harold R. Symington. T. P. Holloran'Funeral Home fol­ I 128. Gertrude R. Noren 170, wHte- Campbell picked up an even 76 They did, not once but twice, the country to this day.' He tng sounds 12.183 fans can make Final Game Mrs. Jack Sanson, of 85 Hamlin against Murmansk. forest of fketory chimneys. The ‘ By Rontney Wlieeicr Simon, tho New York behemoth The gray-haired man In dunga­ that they were up against a better Clerk, Board of Selectmen, G. street, died last night at her home lowed by a mass at 8t. James's I ins Alice Lee 3, Agnes Kreyslg 4. votes from his activity above the Is no evidence of bomb-started ’ttb totb sides apparently getting.^ was about 66. when they’re In the mood. There rees and a sun-faded work shirt is team. Dispatches from Leningrad on average of the other six 'candi­ qual benefit from the process . . . Atlanta. C)cL 7.— dlsven and pulled a 14-13* decision Bits o’ Turf News a handful of dshera still ore on the Rolfe, 3b ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 had given effective support to Red Ish coast. The larger, called Toth may set some sort of endurance son, Los .Angeles Negro heavy- from hia motorcycle-accident three almmoas waa knocked out of to* tor, Samuel Nelson, Jr. be held at the Methodist church in time of the funeral. Has Added Space. Only 49 votes separated the high ut o f the fire although the visl- field below. The grav-halred man Henrich, If . . . .3 1 1 0 0 third gam* by a Un* drive after Army units attacking German Warrantee ben. liea five miles away and open- |ors had rolled up more than 80 record for pigskin pitching here welghL In a not-too-lnteresting weeks ago and that a chiropractor Special Constable — Municipal Fort Montgomery. N. Y„ at three and sixth place man on the Re­ mauling match before 9.000 per­ absent-mindedly folds a strip of DlMagglo. Cf ..4 0 1 , 6 0 0 he had held to* Yankees scorelaaa positions. By warrantee deed property on up a terrific barrage at the sUght] 4nta In two -previous encounters For Track Fans had treated- hla back only three Building, George Apel. o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The clinic Sponsored by ' the publican Hat for Selectmen, the est rign of activity on shore, f next Saturday. sons at Hollywood baseball park. canvas. Keller. IT ...... 3 1 .0 4 0 0 for seven frames. They wera dumb* Destroys German Batteries ’ ■•gh street oaa been conveyed by . . Devore ^vaded Holy Cron days ago, but that Red's - first Janitor — MunKdpal Building, voters cutting Lawrrence A. Con­ One Finnish officer related that They meet for the fourth suc­ Simon weighed 256 pounds. "Twenty-five years.” he rout- Dickey, c ...... 4 1 1 3 0 0 founded whoa. Mickey Owen^ ia Fighting Grows In one engagement which last­ Manchester Health Nursing Asso­ M. M. and M. T. Moriarty to Wal­ verse a little more than 100 votes, 1th his charges on the same day righthond punch had undone all Gordon. 2b ...... 3 0 1 0 3 0 George Apel. ed less than 10 minutes, fire from he went down to the water’s ed# cessive year, before an estimated Thompson 186 1-2. ' By The Associated Preu tera. "Twenty-Tlve years I Been ■ almost faultleaa receiver, dropped Grand Jurors - R. R. T. Charles, ciation, has been moved Into new ter R. Holland et ux. based on the averag. ot 2206 votes nd held the powerful CYusaders, to the treatmenL RlzzuVo, sa ___ 3 0 1 2 -t 0 the Kirov destroyed two German on an idle impulse and was met ‘ sell-out crowd of 30,600, and each Simon Went Into the fight a A- provisional permit te con­ Yankee fan. This‘ year I decide a third strika.that coat fHiww ^ John Jensen, Ronald Ferguson, Funerals quarters in the hospiUl addition, ftultclalm cast for the other six on the list 13-0 score, which was much Mt- Yes, sir. Queensle. that was his Bonham, p . . . .4 0 0 0 1 0 More Intense batteries and killed 400 soldiers,, screaming artlUery shells. Now goes Into the game with a great slight favorite because of hia rec­ struct and operate a $1,200,000 they've had enough, and root for decision In to* fourth gam*. But It Frank V. Williams, Aldo Paganl, basement floof, from its old loca­ Ida M- Flshbcln has conveyed Converse's tally was 2.l00 votes, er than he had any right to ex- story. Well, he had better be okay the dispatches said. In another as­ stays put. passer ready to lieave the ball to­ ord, hts weight advantage and 5 horse ract_Jif|u}k near C!amden, again by Oct. 31. because he and Brooklyn—and look what hap- didn’t occur to thsm to rail at the Hapold Maher. .Mlaa Katherine Smith tion in the- clinic building on Eldridge street property to Ruth 132 less than were cast for the top ct . . . For both Boston Unlver- ward payoff territory. N. J., was granted by the st#t* pana.” Total* 31 3 6 37 6 0 Yonksea' and claim they had won sault supporting fire from the M. Krechevsky. The Ruasians also have buu4 Ity and Proiddence, Saturday's Inch height advantage but was be­ N. B. A. boo# Sammy Angott set­ litechanic on 'Voting Machines, The funeral services of Miss (Conttnned From Page One) Haynes streeL opposite the hospi man on the board. B. Raymond- eleven small artificial islands. Tech still has to win s game from hind on rounds In Referee Benny Racing Commission yesterday jiist Broekij-n on luck. cruiser was said to have destroyed tal. Smith. Fames were virtually their third of tle the 136-pound equabble that Ohhrlea E.. Jacobson. Katherine Smith will be held from Guns on the dorttlemmost the South Bend Irish, but Notre Whitman's count until he rallied four hours after the applicatlM h po Even President Larry MacFboU, - triy also were reported dispersed 15 German tsinks. More Convenient - To Represent Britain ># season after the two stiff tilts nIghL and Sammy is going tc What happens, of course. Is that Walker, rf . Asst. Mechanic on Voting Ma- her late home at 343 North Main One of the voting maefaines used land are. on the alert for anjl Dame never has come home far in and won the last two. was filed - the Yankees win the world series who te not fenowned for hte tem­ ebtaes, Ralph P. Norton. at point "P ", presumed to be in the It wa* announced last, night Added room and better conven­ In the voting at the armory could tey had on successive Saturdays bring his guns along. Riggs, 3b .. street at 9:30 tomorrow morning that U. 8. Ambassador Laurence movement behind the Finnish front. In 1940 Notre Dame won a There were no knockdowns. Eugene Mori, head o f ’ the new by four games to one, and take perate ramarks in to* pinshes, aold,^ East Cemetery Committee— Leningrad sector. iences are available in the new Lofidon, OcL 7.—on — Prime not be opened as Moderator Wil­ slUnd the closed gates of Han- ReKaer. ct .. and at St. Bridget's church at 10 A. Stelnhardt would go to Wash­ and the Finns have set up a scr*^ 26-20 thriller at South Bend, and in Both fighters, however, stomed organization, said- bonds o f that the lest three of thoee right to the ■oat night: They beat us bacaua* Harold C. Alvord. John L. Jenney, o ’clock. Friends may call this eve­ In the far north, ton. Red .Star quarters in the hospital, . provid Minister C!hurchlll announced to­ liam (Campbell and the Slegistrara ley** gridiron out In Weston . . 1939 squeeaed out a 17-14 triumph amount already bad been sold and Ctemilli. lb . Ussy ware a better team.” He found ington Soon for a consuIta'Uon. of trees along the beach to hl4 never sitting up, beside the sound car torisa ore won on six hits, snd an-- Sexton, Roy Nash. "In the death of Mias Katherine reported killed and wounded among 'new quarters are located at the confersnee. terday's election was Uuibility of Rusaian fleet Itself was bottied ui. dle to a 20-6 victory over the Uni­ ‘ Jersey Downs, Inc., a rival or­ Wyatt, p . ., ..3 good staff /and a big one, but its war supplies pledged to Russia In pnlng to get sone . . . seemed serioui^ discommoded. Sunday, BlIlY, Paganl, fiery spon­ other op eight. The only time they ' West Cemetery Committee — Smith of North Main street, famil­ two units of mountain -Jroops and Haynes street entrance to the new iome women to reach high enough la wbat the Finns called a sclfl versity of (Jhattanooga last Sat­ ganization which for months luis ezeeUenca wasn't completely ap­ excliange for Soviet raw mater addition, basement floor. He waa tha only coach who made Simon cspitellsed on bis weight sor of the W#st Side club got rid get more than three, runs a game Louis C. Bunce, Albert Sedlacek, iarly known aa 'Aunt Kate,' the sec­ the 388th Infantry regiment in this ProaeciitlOH Costs 911,000 to pull the lever after: they had made prison. urday. The boys didn't show been dickering for a site In the Totals ^ 3*1 i 4 27 14 1 preciated. In thrte of tbe Tanka# iala, Stelnhardt is expected to re­ ■' All Equipment Moved advantage In the early rounds, of a few amlrk# oa his team was la when they score four times af­ . O. H. Waddell. tion of the town In which she lived action. entere<} the voting machines. In German bombers raid _____ ni--, !>• Boaton Oollege attack sputter much, and Alex admitted It. same general area, again advised New York ----- ,02C 010 000—8 'Victoria , Mariua Rua- view general Soviet-;American re­ All of the clinic apparatus and "nd flzxle last - fall until Joe leaning on, the Turkey and under­ applying the wtiHewosh brush. He ter, each BrOokIjm fan ever will , West Cemetery Supt. and Sex­ has lost a substantial citizen, one Ambaah Tank Colmha ' Boston, Oct. 7 .-o n -/ h ie cost of such cases Moderator William R only by night, according to FiizM Ready for Notre Dome the racing chiefs It hod not per­ Brooklyn ^ .001 000 660—1 so oi)d Bonham went Um full ntite ton. Roy Nash^ A Red Army tank battalion am- lations with the State Depart­ surgical and medical accessories haekeUkl and his Inspired CYusa- mining hte reserve power so that baa felt all olonS that th* 1940 inrist. three men are out in the wlmse life will live long In the ment prosecuting State Exstaitlve (Coun­ Ctempbell waa called and he as­ Ish officers. Most often the - -' "They looked ragged against fected a financing scheme. Run* batted )fi. Cordon. Rsteer, Innthgi. Ruffing gave tba Dodgers Police Commissioner—S years, bu^ed a German tank column near' used by the nurses in their sched­ cillor Daniel H. (Coajdey In his im­ sisted them. almost ruined the unblemlsh- the Negfo could not deliver what Twt winners should . hava come ninth. memory of all who knew her. Peri begin a couple hours after Chattanooga.'/Jie said, "but don't it took'in the final, stanzas. through again this year and the Henrich; ttfo base hlL Wyatt: at# hits in '■’Inning the opening WlUlaro Allen. haps no one will mlas her more Poltava, southeast of Kiev In the uled examinations of children and peachment trial stood today at At no time was ther# any great night. ■ record of the Etegles on tbe last seTl them tod short against Notre adults has been moved across the Keenelond opens a l6-day fall keen dlsappojntmsnt boa been hid­ three bos# hit. Raiser;, home run, game, and Russo and Bonham al- Library Director—S years— keenly than her niece, Mlaa NeUle Ukraine and crippled seven tanks Germans Suffer about $11,000. rush at the polls. The use of but aturday of the season . .. . He Is Dame.” ■ 'Thesw ore beada-up. economical Iw'ed th*; luckless fleck four street and the rodms are now in At the height of a Ruasian ofJ / ■ meoUng today vrith a seven-event den behind a ’ ' a half smite Henrich; double plays, Owen and Mrs. C. R. Burr and Watson Fay, who for 35 years jnade her akp killed many Germans, Red 10 machines was sufficlenL fensive to push the Finnish Hud ihutterlng aomeUfing about Preasbox observers, who watch­ program, toppqd off by the $3,500 Yonkeei—and Yankees who get apiece. Severe Losses use by Miss. Marie G. Keating and tying a defense against ths T PoUre Team Withdraws and a frown. Riggs; Reese. Cfoscorort and CM- Woodruff. « home with her aunt and aasiated StaT said. Takes As Judge During the day Reglatrars back up tbe Karelian lathmua U ii ed Bosch spark the team in its oc­ Lexington Handicap and the Myr- extra-fine pitching. In pre-series Uerdoirgeftes Star her staff of visiting nurses. Formation worked out — which / ■/ ------mini; Herman, tteese and CMmUfi; .Official Stenographer. Raymond her In making-that home a land­ Ortsthe southwest front, the com- London, Oct 7—)—Authori­ Veitch and Moriarty restored Finns claimed whole Soviet batl casional flaahea o f brilliance / Portland. Or*.— — Opponen tlewDOd. a $1,060 slx-furlong dash analyses grave doubt was cost on It was a hard loss for Wyatt, munlqiie said, two battalions of the All of the rooms in the base­ neana you can bet that the T boys (Jn earned runs. New York 3, Brook­ W . Smith. mark for hospitality; tative aources said today .Germana Washington, OcL 7.—(#>).—Mat­ about 30 votes to th# list, their teltona were wiped out in-No-Man'f thought Alex might have some­ of the Police Department t#om for two-year-olds. 'The Lexlhgton What a forlorn plocs the Yoet- to* world series qualifications of who beat the Yankees 8.-3 la tlM Sealer of Weights and Meas­ 10th Austrian Infantry regiment ment are now in lue, including the name* having been removed for HI have no tea psYty when they boll field at J|fL Nsbo la. Manches­ lyn It'left on bases. New York 6.. r "Mlaa Smith possessed a gener­ had suffered severe losses on the thew F. McGuire, Boston,' former Land. \ ^ thing thqte. Bosch, now welghlni^ the opening game of the Is over a mile and a quarter. th# American Leaders' . Brooklyn 5; bases on balls off aacood gam* o f th* aertes and ures, Aldo Paganl. were routed and safes containing, nurses dining room, the library different causes, but i principally aek tip againat Hanley’a wiUtng ter High does not play boms again ous nature which found lU best ex- Perekop Isthmus In the drive saslatsaL to the U. 8. attorney- l65. was as faa aa S'ver at ball li)g- Football league threatened to More than $68,000 in pufsea wlU Yet three of those pitchers go the Wy#tt. 5 (Henrich, KeUer, Rolfs. pitched bte heart out to keep them Board of Health, Mrs. Emma valuable military plana , were cap­ and record room, the mala office bedquaa their names old not ap­ rerriers . . . ■ til until October 17 and In th* meon- pi'esslon In doing for others. aou^ward from the Ukraine to­ gdnera),' took the oath today as a gtng, and displayed deadly pass­ tee- the opportunity to pua< to offered during the 10 days. route. aUowipg among them a to- Gordon, Riezuto); off ^Botahom 3 In the running. He-was apologetfe Nettleton. tured. ward the Crimea and that a Nazi and the various utility ^J^ooms and judgedn the Federal Diatrict court pear In the Town Directory. No Delay by RaUreeds tlnM th* field just alta there ns It -tal of 14 hlte—six off Red Ruffing, Though next to the oldest o f a large the .hospital ^mrmacy. The trust­ ing. He Is teamed with T e A ’s sen- oral police Uayers. The polio# went (Medwicic, Walker); struck out by fo r tha trouble in th* fifth iantag- Qiarlty Superintendent, O. H. family, ahe waa modem In every­ A correspondent of Ixvestla the division was held up at Genichesk, here. Th«r# was a large force of work­ tUd all summer. Even the cars do and four each off ees room will be us^ by the mem­ sattonoi Bophofnors wlngbaek. Li’l into a huddle. They'd caUi Basil James, who will to In­ Wyatt 9 (DiMaggio 3, Btobom 4, when he and Dimaggio exchanged Waddell. thing. ivad the latest books, play­ government newspaper, reported Sivaah sba port east of the penin­ ers for tho RepubUcali parfy. but New York, Oct. 7.—an— I not perk up there. That’s a bard and , who takas th* Latd words- In th* center o f tha bers as soon as it is furbished. they were haying trouble getting •owcrful Colgate -Davey Eldredge, whom Alex rate# poor sports If they arresi the of- ducted Into the- Army In the miit- Henrich, Kether, Riszubb); by ^ n - Superintendent — Ajmshouse. ed , was famous for from Odeasa that Soviet warahipa sula. ■ SynpsUiy Strike Ends stick or piece of material reqiu a# the best broken field ninn'er dl* o f the psbnth. booted th* light­ blow to tbe town when oven the clincher. yesterday otter being In diamond and players both ctuba Xm eat R. Peterson. and landing parties of Marines voters out to the pdUs as were fender*. And. aa ' ham 2 (Comilll, Beiaer); wild her cooking and delighted In ekpe- The Ruaaiah fleet; luis been In by the Army or Navy Unce U. Tech has. ly played'iCheeeestrmw to a three- Mmi-proe cannot get together - a the blg'tim e less than a year and swarmed nit to join In. Both be Examiner of Public Records— were helping holi} the besieged the Democratic/ wo^era also. thsy couldn’t swing pitch, Wyatt; umplras. McGowan rlmenting with the new and un­ acUon against that divUlon, they SMpyaif Pisjset Deeppe# Westmoreland, N. H., Oct. 7.— preparedness began haa bi Team at Hanover Irish Tra\-el Thoiaday withdrew from the lengUr. Victory over a dozen other a half. (AL) plate; Finelll (NL) lb; and Jo* were under a strain. Wbit- Merman Yules. ' i usual recipes. She made wedding port against German and Ruman­ said. Oehnlchesk waa described aa UP)—A "syinpathy strike" by IS In­ FoUowrlng is the complete tabu­ moved without railroad delay, lation of tha vote: .. Head Cfoach Prank Leahy of 3-ycor-old platers In the second Grieve (AL) 3b; doetz (NL) 8b; ssUd , and h# otiU admired Jo* very Boglng Commissioner— 8, years, cajees whenever a marriage oc­ ian attackers. a vulnerable poaitlon, csperially to mates of the (Cheshire county house J, Gormley, executive aSsistanli The Litbuoatan baakstball team O ut Kansas. City way they re­ much. ■ J- ’ Walter VennarK New Tofk,. OcL 7.—rring to finance shipyards for the * Raymond H. Burnham ... .2183 to be named, then tt-wami't Osrea. "Kindly and considerate o f all, the general ifierman drive all along seoaon, the Red Haiders of Bobby Dodd (Tech halfback) they tioa thte fan. T l^ t e a m te being to do thte yesterday. He Is dipped Custodian of Soldiers' terle*. construction of.36 new tankers to * David Chambers ...... 2307 May Seek Higher Bate* i who dropped tbe third strike, but ahe had a great fondness for chil­ the Rusaian front apart from the Urges Fnnds for Beaenrek — ______( be Chenango Valley, Andy Kerr's have one of tto*toat In thb busi- sponsored bjr tto^tteens' Club of for three bits and the only run In rather Dolf CtemUU, to* dodgera* John Buchanan. Fight Way To Odciss relieve the threatened east coast * Lawrsnea A. Converse ... .3100 dren. and the little boys and girls Leningrad sector but presumed it oU shortage have “decided against I Chicago. OCL 7.—(#>)— A likell lolzata. eleven. neas." Local Baseball Experts^- the Lithuantena of Manchester to* first three Innings. From then clean-up batter, srho. mad* thra* Tree Warden. Philip Skewe' of the family and the neighborhood Marines then fought their way was under way. | NashviUe. Tenn., OcL' 7.— on— * Harold U. Reed ...... 3195 When and it first venture into oa only twn Dodgers get on base, Records Broken pro tem. going ahead with the proJecL'* * S. Raymond Smith ...... 3232 hood that the. aatlon'a rhsB ths Red Raidern dash out Alexander said hs expected a m e tk S 'o s hit* In 18 times up aiid struck out. realized her Interest In them and through to the Odeasa defense tine, Hia president-elect of the Ameri­ > Memorial Field to do battle with the apocta^d slaea 1937 when and both o t them are Dixie Walk­ * Harold R Symington ..;. .3199 would seek higher freight barrage of pasoes from Angelo # x tlmaa. Town Counsel. WUllam 8. Hyde. responded to It with affection for the correapondeni reported, taking can nychlatric Association advo^ * fad tens on Oct. 11, spectators er. ‘ " Old A g# Aid Boasted TowaCterk , perhaps passenger rates was BertelU, Notre Dame's daad-ey* o n Wright ecaebed a footbaU team At Rockingham Superintendent of Roads and her. with them captured Icmg-railge Mnaenm Curator Dlea y/ cated today the allotment of pub­ III witnsos one of the truly great sophomore halfboric, who com­ Acclaiim Hedlund^s Play for thrsaina etub. Bridges, J, Frank Bowen. guns that had been shelli^ the lic funda for research into the * Samuel J. Turklngton ,...3346 gested today by A. F. Cle' " Thy day has come, not gone ; Washington traffic experL bMcteelts that New Englanil will pleted Mven out of 14 tries with a The Dodger faaa; f t aooa op- Board of Tax Review, Everett T h y sun haa risen, not set; port the night before. Boston, .OcL 7— 'an —Swiftly Paterson. N. J., OcL 7. — OPy— caueea of and treatment for certain • ToW* Tiiraimii loffer this faU. This will to a foot- peoro. have glYen up .On thte final land appeared a# a witness (vet bidi last Saturday against In­ (By Dwyar) paaahig of Fldo O’Brito T. McKinney. T h y life is now beyond itenewed armored thrusts into end silently, the Maeeachuaette James Ferdinand Morton, 70, cura­ typea of mental fllnesMe. * (Seorge H. Waddell ...... 3216 Smeh ^was quick thinking and acting on gome. Tnatead they dmeentrat* on . Rocltinghom DcfcT—^to Ch m Sm ! fore Prealdeht Roosevelt's ft , ctesaic and tbe fiercest non- diana. H e ateo praised Notre ysatorday wMIe bovrilng, takea. Old Age-Assistance Tax Enum- The reach Of death or change ;r Red Army positiona in western Senate passed today the old age tor of the Pateraon muaeiim since Tax Collector Ltegue game Dartmouth haa If t were writing a scenario for the p iu l o t both Htolund and Ka­ heckling on* man. Jo* DiMaggio. features listed for Wedneaday and * Samuel Nelson ...... finding board which Is seeking f r i Dame’s fogged line. ■ -. ftom ths duekptai world a colorful •ratora—Cedi England, Superin­ 'Not ended—but begun. Russia—Moscow’s first zone of de­ assistance liberalisation bill, call­ 1925, author anfi p ^ p k leteer, died ^ 6 7 ' B since the Holy Ooss battle a'moving ptetur* plot the play at pura. Many a footbaU * coach When to fafa 3 double play Saturday tha New Hampehir* um tendent, John E. Dwyer, Arthur avert a nation-wide railroad stril , While Alexander sought to figure. Hs waa well known kart C SB! 'O noble soul, Q gentle heart fense—were scknowledged by the ing for a n o boost In minimum today aa a result of a traffic acci­ Kissed by Gable 1936. smooth off the ' rough : edges on would have glotted la watching te tba fireL th* booing*ia tremen- Jbekey Club eaters into toe second Keating, William E. Keith. Thom- Soviet government today In an­ monthly paymenU and carrying a * Thonoas J. L e w i* ...... 2219 by unions seeking wage boosts. Nebo Sunday woul^ thte perfect timing of a tetstu and at on* time mat Jack Kayea, week of Its fall meeting to find 'Hall and Farewell!’ ” dent. » .. CMgate elevens are nothing new Tech’s traditional deespiion, Leahy than the king pin bovrier In tola doua. When he strikes out again M McCann, ChariM Muridiey. nouncing ths destruction of 34 revenue rider levying a $2 head Begtetrar *f Veters B Dartmouth’s new coach Tuss entered my mind. It waa on* e t pass and tt was tha first tims, to tba 'next Urn* up, tha jeorf are so conditions more favorable . than German tanks. * Robert N. Veltck .... worked on place-kicking, remark­ thoe* things and no ont can call it town en Conran's aUaya. OWrien Richard Haaaett tax on all persons between the ..2330 To Borrow 9l400J)06J)00 IcLaughry. His Brown teams ing that the Iriah hild made only th* writer’s knowlsdgs that this thiek you eon ns* them for bulld- haa been the ease during the peat Soviet tanks and ‘ bombers, a ages o f 30 and W. WenMI I Bargateteg Board *f Bdocatioa anything hut that Almost on the won bat tha ntergln waa on# pin ■everal years. The attondane* thus An Be^ulre4 To Salute The funeral of Richard Haaaett them annually, and'Tuss one extra point out of thfee tries particular play had ever- been and srlto It want a lot of Manebea- iag blocks. When he has a v#rbel will be held Thursday morning at Russian communique aald, coop­ * Thorsten A. Gustafson ....-.3233 Andy Kerr ore old friendly same identical spot soma IS years used on a basebaU field. It was run-in with Whit Wyatt after fly­ for has been bettor aad th* mu­ Washington. OcL 7.— (g )— ^Ralph * Bverett T. McKinney...... Waahlngton,' OcL 7— an— Ihll against Inmans, and two out of six tar' money, some said it waa la tha 7:30 at the T. P. Holloran funeral erated In attack# upon invasion ..3349 smi**. But thte year Mr. Kerr against Arteona. ago tbe (faba football team pulled smooth sad expertljr -nxscutsd. ing out In to* fifth, t o Is as popu­ tual liandla higher. And with a Milford. OcL 7.— The MU- Oroeecy Sales Increase Hetxel, -Jr., CIO's head ecosunnlst, Osastabite ;' Treasury announced today It wotllf haighborbood of 91,806 atmoleona. home. 175 Center street, and at columns "which wfedged Into our borrow 91,300,000,000 Thursday ' D’ do battle with a different a Bimilar stunt only wtth a footbaU Nary ^-a yelp from Moriartys lar as the girl with the picture hat continuance of mild weather 40rd Board of Education has adopt- Ilpes in one sector of the western expressed the opinion to (fongreas *Jamaa D u f f y ...... there's reason for beliavtag St. James’s church at 8 o’clock ..2203 the largest slngte cash flaano' fetauftuy teani—a Dartmouth Instekd o f a baaeball. -bench. Melaeky called it right who site In front of you nt to* every ad a rtgulatloa requiring all public front.” Red fliers smashed 22 Ger­ New York. Oct, 7v^- moved over eloat to th* fotU in ftn* condition and few raalteed travel a mil* aad a oixtaento of •achool alnce 8epL-4 fo r refualng to Boston. OcL 7—9ut 260 miles apart. Betireen Naval (fommittee, announced to­ .1181 Because AT coBtimied' confusion line as Burke had lined a single that he waa suffering from -a bad putouta. which equate th*- cham- hahite the dag. sachusetta Senate's powerful Re- Tbomss L> O Briea ...... a paving block tied to Ihe nec., as to the eNect o f the nenr Federal line the Majors faited to gain lit­ Hurley meant much to racing in thoae points I# tha Smolensk sec­ day he would introduce legislation .1103 SOOTHING EMOUIENT out there In th* first frame. It hearL OalF two weeks ago, this pkmahip record. ' / . __ pabUean majority picked Charles CBossn Fiaast Flajrer John P. Sullivan ...... waa taken Saturday ^nbm th| tax OB idmlarinBa, Executive Sec­ tle of anything and were forced to New Baglaad sad inaomuch as tor, scene of repeated. Red A iW to limit profite on all defense gov­ 11133 spparanUy was just baasbaU In- erriter whs touting to him arid at Morehouse Storey today as -Its John D. W ilcox ...... 1092 River' Seine and police Idei retary Walter B.. Spdnoer of . the UCk. Vodek Moak* dropped back hte aarliest efforte. la t ^ dirsc- Ne Ci»4>Hieplmli counter-attacks.) ernment contracts to a net of seven EOR QUICK tiELIEF OF .tultion ra ths part et tbe leftflrid- that tlBM be stsdad bs never felt Tba aerisi final* produeea two oamhdate to r the seat in the State ' Aran Nat Deteed New York, OcL 7 '-O n -^ Joe per cenL Tdwa Cterfc it today aa that of Madam* OoBBtetleat fatereoboteatle Ath- to punL He stood just on' ths 33- bettor. But to* pins are down and tion were beat toward to* auresaa executive Council vacated Iw Sen­ (Flash) Gordon, the'great second p - % WilUam F. F e rg u so n ...... Maase, secretary o f tha Antl-I letlc Conference .anaouBoed today «r.' ' yard line or about where tha pitch- hlta about whoa* length there .te of Rdckingbam Paik Loa Smith VeNa sMseOiai iNe < N#w York, 9 e t 4-r-9F>—Faderal The.Soviet Infom ^osi Butmu ‘AFTERSHAVE' with them goes on* of toe gnateto no doabL On* , la Wyatt’s double, ate removal of Daniel H. Coakley did not define the’ area the Oer- hasemsn of the New Herk Ysn- -Tewn T fsasiatte Bbevist League o f Paris. that olBce th* OcL 1 sUrtlag date, Burks caught hold e< on* aad te *r*a box te now. bowlera in tote aeetion. If was aad hla aaaoeiates have SBaually '2S4S« rrsBcla O. Oaffay. coaUau- e t was a lh arp line drive over third, o ff w hidi he oeorea the only. Dodg­ (D-Boston) on 'impeachment penetrationa; neither did it kess. was cboden today by the BigM n Use raad WilUam r. Fsrguson ..... all tickets, regardlaas of price, for The. ban was snapped back from otitke fmrO’Brten bat be went out a*L ated* a feature that hte aiem- ■fSg tha rm^fag ei Us opinion in diarges. msa about ten feet inald* th* foul line. er run. Thte te a smash that nicks _ •tate the'' final outcome cft tho baasball writ#r» o f nine New York Tha CMlBeter Urgea Leea S tooges Ugh school sports eveate carry center, rather hlg^ and as th* erbll* playiar th* gaas* he Uked ory might remain ran green to local geremmeire ■etMrmt Murdock raced in, got th* bsR oa tha paint on the S67-foqbstgn teit^ff fighting. Indicating that It waa papers as tha finast player o t the Trentoo. N. J„ Det T. — (F) w Bsrhset J. Oarvsy ...... tho ten percent tax. baU went back Sully Salmcnds fMlowws. oew Wembley* ' Alnst THe AlnalBnsi Oonapoay wodd Series. - Mayor Frank Hague’s right to uss the first bounoa sad haaved tt t » swept In from hiS le ft end poMUofi the fOr left fldd corner. Th* other For tha second Saturday at the Aaw ric aqd 4S sc WoCswIsnU, only opw phaee of a coatlnulng ac­ Seattle, d o t 7.:r-<4V-Oelllng fo Season tickets sold' tn.advaiie* te Tom Henrich's homer, which &adk* Tha. Yean I tion. , ‘ ' Jersey O ty funds la hla aawspapo’, .'Thsma* F. OenrSa ...... greater preductlan of defenM ms of Oct 1 do not become wbjeet to wards tba pfato. Kapura ran In to and grabbed the baU as Moska meeting there are double featuna tixlaj^ tkat Alcoa had bean radio and btiltioord campaigB CSe* , the Bttle rats* back up Hedluad. He tow that th* VbotbaU fans ever to Bast Hart- hits the roof of a mUng station written. 71m Bennington, for two ] with ,finnoplrhig i ——W. R, C. late Offkn against th* |SO,OW,000 laBrood tax _____Ik* savy afevanr Moriarty boll was going putelds about th* other side of Bedford Avenue year oida at b mil* aad a aixtoentii r«4 (oteign nhuniaiaa iMro hut were declared to have been in- HlansaeU told the 9lat annua ua#d after OcL i become aubject to 10 IL Htinevw got.th* Uek ,away. Smith.' M, publisher of southern compromise enacted last summer wlMaialMrSiataa# ■ Bsaraef r " rent aad that Hedlund had moved Maatoastar High team Fitdiy af- on on* boonce. Thte. the fllUng fo r a purs* e t 91600 and tha Jack- ■t no yo ronhMwtnw hN businesa and industrial -fllctod upon the Invaders along tha Canberra. AiwtimUa, OcL ae salt *f convention of the American Fed thr. pcovteloas. Even a flve-oeat Ssimonds raesd ov«r for a touto- ternoao. atoefuQy'th* Hto of Me- 7 .~ a n by the Ns# Jersey Legteteturs was e« Ike -mefc* ki^ * Bdward J. Murphy ticket beats a oa* cent tax white a over to get It so be eovsrad th* otatien owner will ten you. to vaiy son for three year old aad up diad hers today. ~ . aeathwestae* front Sundayfi s/r —Prime Minister John Curtin waa eratlon .of Labor today -tte e mus down, 'Try and Imagine that on* Orath * praptoteg th greet challenged today la the state Su­ T m F aks 15-c*at tickto carrien two eeaU ^ate. » 01 Tem tong ______, nirtetera at atx fuitengo. Thooa aarial attack wkicb smadaed^ Id "fora lata eiOes today. b t^ ^ p p .^ of defenra or th* on* Sunday. It te almoot iCeOey's bm b with a brand new of- preme court. * O a rsaet B. FSlsy Caalsi SIsMeieti, | 7 0 tax Some selwals ar# aheetUng Bafora Tags WRkaa i, jnspoasthi* to beiter* both thssi thraa featsren ahouM ptavtda aa Tel. 423$ fbnatre and n defense t^ t te anM U you wteh to know just how af­ abuadaaee of cteoty raeiag fee I a . T. the tax On season Uekete' but an -As he (Hedlund) caught th* p l^ but the footooU and baas­ to be batter toaa arar. It oudktto IGWtillBI aerouatiag mast to mods for Uxa- fective th* -Yankee pttohteg is. it th* teas who daily vteH tha» track baU he latenl«d H to Kapura aad ball tans wtU atttot' it Is just to a real gaoM from start to fia- bolds the Dodgjw: power - ntent— tten tm p im s they fto WSkas at ttoW *- 1$ w hat hspptosd hoth tteM*;. UB hare at the toot Of Um Wbtto fV te- Itetear. Dgtot Conitul and Mmatataa. I ...... • ¥1,^— ;t ‘,. n- , -.7 ‘ ... (Til'^'S^ *,J + ' V ■■■'•'. ■ ■■; ‘•■i'- ' w,,v-: 5^ . -• ■•; f. A ‘ ‘ .“■ .. i ■ - • ■■ ■ - --y ■ , ■ , . ■ ^ v-' 'i-. •- * •" /V ’3; ; Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n . Tu e s d a y , Oc t o b e r 7, i9 4 i BIANCHEOTER EVENING. HERALD. M A IW ^ T E R , OONwT TUESDAYr OCTOBER 7.1941 . . - . -1 ■ F A G S T S a t L l E m ' RED RYDER A Crfizcd Killer BT raeqaaBHAa Re d DtBOOVERS ■frit [

>1*4 SvJORNENtrvr s Wants Classified Tact spectful, coaslderate of all—the ^ Jim—Tlmss sure sire betting bet­ OP TME JlUYKIilL high and the lowly, ter. |'*nHii« is . a quality of bueinese "There Is no poelilon in business Joe-—How come? atlons more fuiulameatal than where ta?t doesn’t yield. IntalhaL ■blp, because all need it Jim— That big manufacturer TSet It the Mggest single element down the street just hired two men Help Wanted—Female 35 Rooms Without Board 59 come In contact with others, LoBt M d Found 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 Wanted to Rent Houses for Sale 72 in salesmanship. Salesmanship is. that aren't related to him In aay f is a quality needed In' routine Indeed, tact expertly develops to wayl tA S T —CAMEO t>IN A,UO. 28, 1939 rO N T lA C SEDA74, 1938 In- w a n t e d — g i r l s f o r - bench FURNISHED ROOM, steam heat. WANTED T o RENT or leue 2 FOR SALE- BARGAIN. NEW ^uatlons, os well aa In every sort temational pickup, 1937 Pontiac work, steady work. Apply at Apply 95 Center street, Apt, 11 4 roomx furnUhed. In or near ac(;ompllBh a single purpose—sale lieiiitty 81 RubmII. Finder please 'tnodeni 6 room house, with oil businsM and human relatlon- of articles or serrtee. ■■fe- return to ‘IVaihlng-School office, ' sedan, 1936 PlyiPouth sedan, 1936 Tober Baseball Mfg. Ck>. Tel. 0257. Manchester. Write B o x O, Herald. bUnisr. large .ioL .eiiads trees, |lp. Thia quality Which business Friend—You are growing Into Dodge sedan, 1936 Hudson sedan. "The tactful'employee, at work a nlcexiitUe fellow, and will be Manchester Hospital. Reward. locbtsd Overlook Drive. Wm. most la tact. ’ over ledgers or a typewriter, con­ Cole Motors—4164. WANTED— TELEPHONE solici­ FOR RENT—ROOM suitable for K a r^ L Tal. 7778. • just like ypur father. LOST—BY NEWSBOY, tan re­ tors. Salary and commission, by two, gentlemen preferred. Tele­ Legal Notices 78 By Hugh FuU««ton, Je. I "Seme men are born possessing tributes to' the smooth and har­ ^n lor—Yes, that's what moth­ phone 7094, 60 West Center St. rmust have had a hunch 13 was th in exceptional degree. They monious

't''- •'■■■' PAGE rOUBTEEN ( . TUESDAY! OCTOBEft S w allk

Carl Cubbeite; installing Junior ■Eaa^rcekiey Doctors Flock of Wild Gocm of tha town and charity aup Is Seen bi North End DeMolay Seats Councilor, Robett Wright; InoUll- tendent, he la also the bead of ew inacliinery Aboul: Town , ing rawpinln, Stewart Kennedy; Begins 2Sth different cemetery cqmmlttaea and Dutalling Marshal,. Welle Tol- Physicians of the Mancbee- JCany realdents of the north { is well informed on all matt Ur Medical aSaocUrioe who aon. pertaining to the town. Is Purcliased end were treated td a beautiful' N^ew Officers Alter the Inatnllatlon there were YeaT/On Job Aabury Group of the W. 8.-. will respond to emergency caUe and unusual alght last Satur­ C. 8. iHU meet at the South Meth- tomorrow afternoon are Dr. neveml speaken. Among them odUt ehurch, Thundejr eftemooa Alfred Sundquiet and Dr. How­ day evening ak>^ about 10:30. wore the Worshipful JCastsr of the Trade School Equip­ Hearing, a ' great commotion Warren W ood Installed Masonic lodge, Jidin Pickles, and Geo.' W ad d ell. Finds at two o'cIbiA. The boeteeart .will ard Boyd, .r- he Jin. Ssekiel Benson and Jlrs. coming from a nearby wooda, the mother of JImster Councilor one resident Inveatlgated and As Master Councillor Has Not Foi^ JIary Behnfield. ment Secured !**• Wood. Mrs. Ctorence W. Wood. stallation in Few Weeks upon opening her door'beiard a Here Last Night. Refreshments of doughnuts, cup- The Sisterhood of Temple Beth loud honking. A few minutes cakea and coffee were, aerved gotten the Event. ' Mr. and Mre. Harold White of Sholem will conduct a rummage RE^BRAYl later the cause of tbs noiae was the ceremonleo and all Itad ' JEWELER Bank street left today for Loweil, sale Thursday in the store next Machine' department equipmant: ! apparent as a long Una of wild John Mather Chapter, Order of time. Geofge H. Waddell today start­ Jlau., to.be precent. at the aanl- to Montgomery Ward’s, formerly totaling 826,000 has Been apptoved I gteae ta a rare sight here ahd DeMolay, put on a semi-public in­ An invitation has been^'recelved ed on his twenty-fifth term aa ' State Theater Baildinc vcroary m^aa tomorrow morning occupied by the Lovejoy Candy and purchased by the State De­ stallation of ofll^ri last evening at company. Mrs. Nathan Sandal : and over the roof tops, ail- from Charter Oak Chapter in Hart­ clerk of the board of aelectmen. 737 Main Street at Hsbt o’clock in Immaculate partment of EMucaUon for instal­ ! houetted against a bright new the Masonic Temple. The officers ford to attend a public majority de­ Conception church of that flty. in and Mrs. Hairy Forstot are serv­ lation in the local State- Trmde ' moon. The migration of wild Inatalled were: Master Councilor, gree. All t h ^ ’ rnterested will When he'arrived at his office this memory of her'mother. Mrs. Anna ing ss co-chairmen. School, director John G. Echma- Warren Wood; Senior Councilor, please get U^Youch with Warren morning he found a large bouquet ! gees is a rare alght here and Herbert Joyner'; Junior Councilor, Muntsan. a* Uan aald today. i portends wlntef weather is on W’ood or JMiry Straw. '] of flowers on^his desk. W atch and Jewelry Unne Lodge, No. 72. Knights of The new equipment ' conaiati of Thomas E. Ferguson; Senior Dea­ Its way. ■ The regular meeting of the Po- Pythias, will hold a meeting to­ three, shapers, live lathee of vari­ con Harry Straw; Junior Deacon, Mr. Waddell came to the board Uah>American! Athletic club which morrow night at eight o’clock. All ous kinds, ore surface grinder and Edward Newbury; Senior Steward, Organize School of aelRkmen as a young roan hav­ Repairing At was called for last night, was post­ members are urged to attend. one Brown and Sharpe milling ma­ George W. England; Junior Stew­ ing been employed in the state poned to Wednesday Evening of chine. I ard. Charles Hill; Chaplain. E3m< highway department in Hartford. thia week. All memberr are .urged A . sedan, driven by Joseph Delivery of the new machinery Women’s Gym Thrall; Orator, Merritt SalrafT Board Tliursdav He then assumed ^ e office of su­ Reasonable Prices to attend aa basketball will be dla- Crooks of Apel place and a truck is expected to begin within twb perintendent of charitica and was cuaaed and plans made for the owned by CampbeU’s Filling Sta­ weeks, director Echmalian said.1 The Board of Bkiuention will later elMted town treaaurrr. . sport dance scheduled for October tion collided this morning on De­ Certain other equipment la ek- j Mr. Waddell haa seen many Qasses Set meet for organization Thursday. Larrest Assortment of 18. pot Square. Damage to both vehi­ pected to begin within two weeks, { Rev. Thorsten A. Gustafson at changes in the manner in which Erector Echmalian said. .Certain | Greeting Cards for cles was slight and after an inves­ towm election . yesterday became the town conducts its business. In The Mothen’ Circle of St. Ge­ tigation by Officer John Cavag- other equipment is expected to be ^ Miss Violet McRae to the new mem^r of the board addition to the office of clerk of All Purposes In TPwn rard will meet tomorrow night at naro ho cause, for arrest was awarded to the Ibc^ ' wcational which is now’ chmposed of Everett the board of selectmen, treasurer the home of Mn. R. W. Hazen. 48 cniinrf d.m.ir. nii.atinn iiHn ' schoot in future. months, Conduct Instruction T. McKinne^-^rl W. Noren, Mrs. Summer street. S i^ ^ U i^ V X T w n ^ e ;’ - ^ At the present time from. 85 to E. May Holden. Rev. Watson , 100 youths are in training for ns Periods-This Year. Woodruff. WilUbm B. Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan of tional- defense Joba In the local Ludwig Hansen, Robert H. Smith There atU be both sewing and school Md registrations have knitting tomorrow and Thiirsday Hartford will leave tomorrow The women's gym Classes at the and Edward J. Murphy, Mr. Mc­ been started for evening classes in Kinney, who ia the oldest Repub­ at the Red Cross headquarters in morning for a two weeks trip to drafting, electrical, carpentry, ma­ East Side Recreation. Center nill the Cheney office building, at the Florida.-Mrs. Morgan Is In charge lican member of the board, la be^ HALE'S SELF SERVE chine. textile, trade mathamatics again be under the direction of ing mentioned aa chairman. J^s. workrooms of to take home aa the of the Manchester railroad sta- and time and motion atudy flve volunteers prefer. The American iMiss Violet McRae. She wUl Lillian Bowers, who waa_nqt a ^ The Original In New England! tion, a position she haa held for a i rach week and .Saturday Legion auxiliary would like to call number of years. She expects to , classes have al I conduct these classes every Mon- candidate for re-election sery^ aa i Ka Kmesls K«* O*^ tn ...... chairman of the board last year | attention to the fact that it has be back by October 25 to' resume ready started and others will be­ i day evening from seven until been thought best to change from her duties. and G. E. Keith aerv’ed as chair-' gin as registrations are completed. ■ eight. man the year before. Pre^vioua to j Friday to Thursday each week and Evening coursea will be from 7 AND HEALTH MARKET | that Mrs. Leon Bradley and Mrs. The Circle of the - Immaculate I These classes proved to be very that time Howell Cheney, had been to 9 p.ro. and ir. the machine de­ '.popular last year and it is . ex- chairman since* conwilidatibn of Wilfred Clarke will be in charge I Conception of the Catholic L^ies partment from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 Thursday afternoon. I pected that many more Manchea- the schoola. of Columbus will meet tomorrow p.m I ter women will take advantage of night at 8 O'clock with Mrs. John Students of the Trade achool , them this year. They offer a Ic Mary Bushnell Cheney. Auxili­ Allison of 40 Westminster road. I will hold a Caucus tomorrow after- i jjug opportunity for the women to Wed._ Morning Specials ary, U. S. W. V., will meet tomor­ noon at which time candidates for i their spare time to the beat If row evening at the State Armory. Members of the Luther League J class offices will speak to the stu- ■ their advantage. In theae The business will include the In­ wiU go to Hartford tonight where dent body on their special qunlift- classes Miss McRae combines Warren Wood Green Stamps Given With Ca8h Sales. ■ itiation of new members and the a roller skating party will be held j cations for these offices, and- pre - health-building exercises with ■ election of officers, and every at the Roller Skating Palace. Cars | sent -their case to their fellow Marshal, Richard Ranne.y; Stand- , I member Is urged to attend. pleasure. She has conducted Campbell** n'ill leave the church between 7 | classnien. i physical education classes for sev­ ard Bearer, Arthur Mayo; All-1 For Brakes ■ moner, Alan Krob; Preceptors, { ■ and 7:30 for those wishing to take ------^------eral years and ta thoroughly fa­ AND TUNE-UP SERVICE The regular monthly business the trip. I miliar with the work. Robert Hamilton, Edward McCann, j Tomato Soup Cans ■ Samuel Turklngton, * R a n d e 11! 2 2 c meeting of the Emblem Club will Negro Exonerated Anyone seeking further Infor­ I be held tomorrow afternoon at The Young Republican club will j mation about these classes or i Brown, Royce Hollister, Wads- i Cetitral Service Station I 2:30 at the Elks Home in Rock­ worth Hollister. Sherwood Haugh. hold its annual election of officers ' \ other activities offered by the ”, (6 0 C S GARAGE) Large Size Con ■ ville. Mrs. Emma LIsk who at­ Wednesday, .October 15, it w** ' Bv Lie Detector ! Recreation Centers may call the , The past master councilors who I tended the recent supreme con­ announced today. President Ed- * i East Side Rec office for details. i installed the officera were: Install- Brainard Place — Off Main It vention at the New Ocean House. ward C. Lithwin said today he: ! ing MafRer Councilor, William MarshmdMow Fluff 1$c I Bwarapscott, will make Ijer report. Tel. .^957 Rear of Gas Co. will not stand for re-election as; Fox; Installing Senior Councilor, ! .There are several othefti’Items of ., Hartford, OcL (>P)—David "Safe Brakes Save Uvea" he is now b\isy studying at ii>* ! Huckaby, PlalnviUe Negro, who business to be, transacted and a Firemen’s Setback Beoidale^lS' ' Hartford Law CoUege. last week submitted to a test by a l full attendance is desired: AUCE COFBAN I ' _ lln detector machine, was found ■ not guilty of rape by Judge John 4Known A t Qneen Alire) Underway Tonight SPIRITUAL MEDIUM ^^Bonut Butter 2-Lh. Jar 31c lo Daughters of Liberty, No. 125. Rufus Booth in Superior Court to­ It L. I. O. A., will hold a rummage Shniinoii to Build Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son day. . l^ aale Thurs^y at 20 Birch street. Keaults of the tests were sub­ Bom With n VeU. aingM Bread' The first sitting in the annual Readings Daily • A. M. to 9 P. M. I The sale will begin at' nine o'clock. ‘1.1 New Houses mitted to Judge Booth and counsel Ic Firemen’s setback tournament will Or By Appoiatment. Ia the Serv­ in the case this mortaing. They 1 * jrLb. Can [ were not made part of the court be held -this evening at headquar­ ice of the People for 30. Year*. M o la sse s T 3c 169 < hnreh Street. Hartford, Conn. I Terrence Shannon and Sons, record. In rendering the verdict, ter# of the Manchester Fire de­ l — p i n e h u r St ------however. Judge Booth said he was Phone 8-0667 who ■ have built many homes in partment where the game* will be WEDNESDAY MORNING East Hartford, their last develop­ taking all phases of evidence Into consideration. held during the winter season. T*aul New Cabbage Lb. i 2 c ment known ss Forest Village in­ Cervinl, of Main street, chairman iHrst we want to remind yon cluding 44 houaes, this week pur^* Use of the lie detector marked . of the tournament expectg that j of Wednesdny afternoon eloeing. chased 10 acres of land from the tbe first time such a machine has I Only n very few Mnacheater been used in Connecticut. fourteen teams will play this year. ' TALL CEDARS Hilltop golf course off Silver Lane In previous years the touma- ' stores are open Wednesday aft­ Huckaby was arrested June 14 Lbs. and will cut the property into 35 B a n a n a s 2 5 c — ernoon ... most members of the on complaint of Jale Hall, of Bris­ ment play haa been marred con- { building lota. Tbe land which they siderably by low ranking teama ^ Merchants Ditlslon closing at tol She alleged that she was chok­ have now purchased has two dropping out towards the close of AND t noon. street frontages and because of the ed and then criminally assaulted. During tbe trial. Attorney the playln:.’ season owing to low East Hartford zoning rules Iota I Then we want to tell yon Harry Silverstone and Aaaiatant standings. This year a forfeit has Tomorrow r a n g e ahont some “crarkeriarh" meat will be cut into 70 feet fronts. The been posted to assure continuous on. HEALTH MARKE lo land which they have purchased State’s Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn, , , ...... 8:13 O^ li specials for Wednes^y morn­ ■Jr„ agreed that the lie detector be | throughout the series, Ukes In the ^venth and eighth CAIX/ ing. used on Huckaby and the Hall ORA^IGEHALL From Properly Aged Top Grade Beef greens of the golf course. I have-a Mr. Shannon a few weeks ago woman. The machine was operat- ! ■ f Please remember that If any­ ed by two officers of the New ; thing yon buy at Pinebnrst purchased another piece of prop­ 2(VFegular Games I erty in the same vicinity, but he York state police department. Lh. pravee nasatisfaclory.. .retnm BEFORE YOU BUY ANY $3.00 a Game Sirloin Steak ■ o will not develop It. After he had Judge Booth ordered that John ’ 1 the nnoard portion and we will Meagher, Meriden, pay a . fine of ! KIND OF INSURANCE 160% iqSTERED SERVICE! 'refnad'yonr money In fall...or made the purchase be was notified 7 Specials I by the State Highway Department $100 and costs for driving ' while i CALL 66.37 G A M I N E , 6 Gals. 11.00 leplnre the Item. his license' was suspended, or go to : Porterhouse St that much of the land, which ex­ 1 Free Game tended over 1,000 feet, was In the Jail. The fine was Imposed two ' BENJAMIN CHENEY weeks ago with the understanding ' 9.58 Main St. Hale BMg. VTIUIAMS I ftaper Flavored Pinehnrst path of the new extension of the SweepUtake Wilbur Cross'’ Highway and for that it be paid within a week. ‘on. SERVICE, INC. I Mr. AlCom aald that Meagher ' I Lamb Patties that reason Mr, Shannon will not $5.00 Door Priae BROAD STREET Luxury LoqC use it for -a development until had made no attempt to pay the It fine and that he was arrested at i 4 for 25c such time as he learns Juat-^-here Admission 25c the new highway is'to go. his home in Meriden Monday. HEAR! HERF! z:

I Fresh Spare Ribs . . . Bulk In the'Auditorium of ^ e I announced

Bauerkrant,.. Broilera . . Knights to Hold North .Methodist Church le Harvest Supper I Fryers . . . Fowl . . . Good ^ Outing on Sunday WEDNESDAY, OCT, 8 Cuts of Corned Beef. QUARRYVILLE CHURCll FIVE REASONS WHY I t At 8:00 P. M.

SAT., OCT. 1l. ,'5;.30 on Sheulder ■rtie - . • Members of Campbell Council ’ Auspices W. S. C. S. of C., will go to the Mancheeter Dial LAMB CHOPS Cotton Blossom Rod and Gun Clubhouae in Coven­ try on Sunday for an outing. The Adults, .rt ...... i..... 40c 3230 Singers ^ party will c)oae the summer activ- Clana, CaafortoMc Uorti 35c lb. itiea of the council which included Children under 12 .2.iC I Coniieog* Servtee At All H i m ! a six nights carnival. With tbe Tickets 35c« MENI,’ : Boiled ham, potaloea, outing on Sunday' the members will settle down to a campaign of cabbage, rarrota. beets, onlnns, -plekle^ pumpkin and apple pie, winter activities which will be con­ CITY TAXI rolls fuHl coffee. D EN NIS B fim raY, rin p. ducted in their clubrooms. Read Herald Advs.


^ «


. ^ Lf


d ^ o ■^ t



TherKa geal beating confort waiting for you when yoH fill ^

your bin i^th quaUty Lehigh Valley coal. Yon’II have no fear U

PHONE ■ of eoM winter months yoa’B be prepared. Yon and your' t family will enjoy steady, eren heat all winter long at half the

coat of other types of -fneL Why not call us up loday and adf o

for a few toite ^ quality Lehigh Valley coal — the kind that w doesn’t make ainokt 4>r aoot. It’a the easy, economical tray to S145 l sohre yoar heating proUcaOk IM

l!2 ■M


7 x i..;!