l ■/ AYtrage Daily Circulation For the Neath ef September, 1941 The Weather Pereeaet of U. S. Woathor Bnroaa 6 , 8 8 0 ^ - OocaaloMd Ught rfla or «riiqio, Member ef the Audit warmer tonight; Wedaeaday mad- Bnrcaa of CtrenMUeas ^ erato to heavy raia, eooier. Manchester— A City of Villain Xharm (ClaaqMed Advcrtimag On Pago 1$) lOL. LXL, NO.« MANCHESTER, CONk., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ____ ------------------------------------ Voters Ignore Storm Blows Over ]Rikkni 'arley on Revision Board^s Stand ans Claim Of Neutrality On Two Iteni8 Battle Is [own Meeting Approves Makes No Decisioi Time Afisefifiors, Parkibg^Ielem Under larkley Predicts Defi­ Labor Peace More Wand Rogers nite Action Will Be De­ cided Tomorrow; Con­ In a largely attencled. town Desire Holds Forces of Marshal Timo­ meeting laxt night the installation 800 Miles from Fron­ fer More Than Two Tokyo Press of parking meters here was ap­ shenko Fight Back tiers in Area North of and Half Hours at Up Contract proved over opposition of the With Series o f’ Hard Sea of Azov; Fight Is Board of Selectmen, annual aal- Sees Wedge I While House Today. Smashes Against Ger­ aries were voted to assessors, an ‘In Course of New Op­ Carmody. Testifies W ish man Armored Wedges Bulletin! attempt to, slash charity money Being Driven erations’^Ahnouncedt To Avoid ReftercuS’ to $50,000 waa blocked and a simi­ Washington, Oct. 7.—</P) 1 Driven into Soviet De­ lar attempt to cut library activi­ Pursue^Defeated Ene- -President' Roosevelt was, sion Affected Michi- ties was spiked after which $500 fense Lines; Rifle 5e- nii^U'Thrust Deep in- eported authoritatively to- was added to the requested sum Belief L nited States ahd , gqn Housing Project. as the town’s voters approved an­ tarhments in Attack.. ly to have advised congres- Britain Trying to Se/ta- tirBetreating Columns. nual appropriations. llonal leaders that he favored Althotigh High school hall, Waahington, Oct. 7. i>P)—The Bulletin! i rate Ja/Mm and Th Berlin, Oct. J.— (/P)_The {hanging the neutrality law Federal worka adminUtrator teatl- where the business ses.<ilon was held following the annual elec­ Moscow, Oct. 7.— (>P)—The land Reflected T ay. arm American merchant fled today that a desire to avoid ! German high command «n- tion, was filled, the number at­ Soviet government tonight ------- X ' ' nounced today that a great Vessels and permit them to repercuaslons among AFL building tending wa.s only a small fraction acknowledged that the Ger­ ravel to Iwlligerent ports tradea uniona had held tip the of Mancheater'a ,13,000 voters. Tokyo, Oct. 7-^/py^n increos- ! against the Ru8- Ind now-forbidden combat award of a contract to the low With much a'rgument and re- mans had launched a great Ing belief that Unfted States and , S'®"® ^®^ been fought and bidder an employer of CIO labor nes. ' One of the legislative quest.s for explanation of ttenns offensive on the’central front British diplopticy waa driving a I 800 miles' from the —on a big defense housing con­ brought up for decision, the meet­ and announced that the en­ wedge between Japan ahd Thai-' Reich's frontiers ihxthe area eaders at a White House tract In Wayne county. Mich, ing developed Into a "wearing John M. Carmody, the admlnte- tire Russian nation was be- land waa reflected today In the north of the Sea of A\ov, and leeting today said there vir­ dowTi” session which did not ad­ tratpr, attributedAo conatderationa journ until nearly 1 a.' m. The ihg prepared to meet it. Japanese press, which' predicted said this Was “in the course tually wa.s unanimous agree- of "labor atabillzatlnn" his hesi­ installation of pa'rking meters, the British soon would make spe­ of announced new operationa.’* lent that both steps should tancy in awarding to P. J . Currier, which at one time or another will Moscow, Oct. 7.— (JP)— A cific demands upon the Bangkok (By Inference this was Uie offen- taken, but there was con- manufacturer of .pre-fabrlcated affect all of the town's 24.000 in­ si%e referred to by Adolf H itler in houainR, a contract on hta bid of widespread wrrsekage, although none df It serious, lay bn Miami I ^®ttle^gr<)wing in intensity government. liderable controversy over habitants. was voted 4$ to 32 near la.^t Friday’s Sportspslaat speech $979,000. which was low by ap­ the end of the session. streets after, a tropical hurricane struck the Florida coaat. A big ' hour by, hour on the c^ tral The newipaper Yomiuri said in Bfocedure. proximately $400,000. In which he declared '’gigantic'* Rogers Leads OppoaltioM tree Just off Alton road at the beach (above i fell before the wind. : front'was reported today by a dispatch from Bangkok that new developments had been start-, WeOk) ewuae “RevqliitioD’’ Willard B. Rogers, j>ushlng the breaking a lamp post. Singapore conferences of British Washington, Oct. 7.—(/P) Testifying before the Senate I Red Star, Soviet Army news- leaden including Sir Joaiah Croa- ed within the preMoiis 48 hours.) fight for more money for the "In the course of announced -A White Hoii.se conference assessors, had his spectacles In J paper, which' said Marshal new operations a big battle took (Coutlnued On Page Two) hand moat of the evening. Jabbing I Semeon Timoshenko’s forces (Continued On Page Eight) bn modification of the neu­ place in the region north of the trality law recessed today-un­ out at the ppposltion aa it devel­ I were fighting back with a se- Sea of Azov," said the communi­ oped. Rogers; who successfully j que. til tomorrow morning, when, steered the assessors into the Efforts on Exchange ries of hard smashes against green pastures was not so fortu­ ' O rm an armored wedges driven "German troops, shoulder ta Senate Majority Leader Survivor Savs Four Italian shoulder with troops of the.silled nate when he sought a aalary In­ into the Soviet lines. So\1et rifle irkley predicted, a definite detachments under General Bol­ countries, are pursuing the de­ crease of $600 for Tax Collector lecision w’ill be reached. For Samuel Nelson, but he countered Of Prisoners Collapse din, suppoiled by tanks and avia­ feated. enemy. Waruing Not Vessels Sunk lore than two and a half by being oji the winning aide In tion. attacked heavy Nazi concen­ “ Motorized and tank units the parking meter controversy. trations immediately after they thrust' deep Into the enemy's re­ hours, Preaident Roosevelt, Secre- Germany Insists on treating columns. ary of State Hull, Vice President Given Tanker ' In a strident exchaa^ with bad maide a long march. Red Star 7nllace, Harry L. Hopkina, and ! Selectman Sherwood .Q. Bowers at Bridge’s Fall said, and in three sectors alone the By Torpedoes Staff Token Prisoaer one point during th* evening Rog­ Man-for-Man Basis O rm ans were said to have lost bight House and Senate leadera of ^ “In operation the staff of the Bth part(e8 conferred in the chief I Oiw« ers showed promise of barging in­ While Britain Wants 198 tanka, more than 1,000 men Nitfth Soviet Army wax tairan xecutive'a atudy. .^ u e c ia r e s i_m p and Per- to an old fashioned knock-down killbd and 31 planes downed, ;Seven Others Seriously Blocks Vital priaoner. The supreme commander Armlag Forbidden Now town meeting fight, but when the All Now Held Traded. i t Tasks Destroyed previously found safety in fliA l Iiaps Two Unidentified necessary comeback waa not forth­ And Perhaps Fatally by plane." Aa it atanda now, the act' for­ Sixty-two out of 81 tanka Were bids the arming of American mer- Submarines Torpedoed coming, the heat evaporated Into London, Oct. 7.^/P)— Ne­ Ore Shipping Damaged hy Subma­ Dispatches ffoql a German war general atyument. sold to have been destroyed in jehant veaaels and their^ entry Into one all-day action on th'e western correapondent said that the Mg deaignated combat xoiim and-bel-1 Vessel, at Midnight. 'The Rogers-Bowera flask waa gotiations for the war’s first rines in Mediterranean push started Oct. 2, Ui« «lay bo- occasioned when tha Selectmen exchange of wounded prison­ front where the Russians are de­ fere Hitler t«i/i t>m. Ugerent porta. ^ ^Uapae of One Arm fending Moscow., • Rio de Janeiro, &©t, 7—(VP)— A found fault with rising aalary costa ers between Britain and Ger­ London. Oct. 7.—(ff>>- Four Ital­ gontic operation was undefr way. Barkley told reporters: | On yet another sector of the There wax "a concentration ' pf 19-year-old susvlvor of the Pan­ in town government, particularly Beneath Weight of ian vessels, including a troop-laden "W e discussed the whole quea- as applied to aaseasors. Jumping to many collapsed today because front the O rm an tank drive was German artillery fire not expert-, Jon and recessed until '10 tomor- ama flag tanicer I. C. While 4 * ‘ his fMt, Rogers attacked Bowers' Germany insisted the deal] Loaded Train Halts said to have been met by concen­ sailing Ship, hsvs been sunk and ienced since June 22,” the day tha ow, at which time we will meet clc.red today that “one and perhapa'jAlMd' on a aalary question as be on a prisoner-for-prisoner, trations of anti-tank artillery. seven othere have been seriously Germon-Ruaaian war tegon, tha Althbugh.ten Orman tanka broke reporter said. no reach a decision." two" unidentified aubmarihea tor­ pa>sU)9ontou§ and unfair ' ‘when Largest Lakea Craft.
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