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Notice Amu/T Manchester ^Evening Herald T H U R SD A Y , SEPTEM B ER 28, 194S • • Dollars Sent to War Coin^ Sack to You ^ ith Interest— Buy Bonds St Margaret's Circle, Daughters Apprentice Seaman Fred E. of Isabella, will have a social at Peck, 18, son of Mrs. Mary Peck, A b o i i t ^ o w n Regional Meet Manchester Bond Sales Averago Dmily Cirealation , The Weather the K. of C. honte, Tuesday eve­ of 95 McKee street, who is at the Old Bissell Property ^ ning, Sept. 28, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Maritime Service 'Training Sta­ Dale Boak For the Month of August, 1048 Forecast of L'. S. W'Miilier Bureau Raynoond Peterson will serve as tion, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., has Of Clubs Here Gradating Monday from tha chairman, assisted by Mrs. Earl been assigned to the deck training At $516,000 Cooler tonight and Saturday Tomorrow Naval Tnlnlng School for machin- Gardner, and the regent, Mrs. Mi­ service. He was formerly em­ In North End Is Sold 8^58 1T ■^iiTiT IT Tn FI 111 morning with frost Id the Interior kt Qraat Lakea, IlL, Bluejacket chael Gorman. A, discussion of new ployed by Straughan's Dairy as a Meeting First Aid instructors at Member of the Audit tonight. ' Itaymond Vasalonus, 19, son Soroptomists to Gather books will be held and refresh­ route man. Red Cross headquarters at 7:30. Chairman Alvord Lauds Bureau ot dreolnttons ___ [r. and Mrs. Paul Raymond big hardware and accesaory store. ■ S ' ments served. At Y on N q v . 6 and 7; Sunday, Sept. 26 W ork o f Air Raid W ar­ Joseph Barrett and Peter Vasalonus, of 39 Florence street, is Associates in the Municipal Forty Hours Devotion at St. Two families live upstairs. The Manchester— A City of Village Charm awaiting assignment to active sea Officers and teachers of Eman­ building of Mrs. Gladys K. Gilmore, Cancer Campaign. Bridget’s Church starts at ll^a.m. dens in Their Canvass. Galasso Purchasers; present site where the hardware duty. uel Church school will be installed who recently enlisted in the Outing Miantonomoh Tribe of business is being conducted, in the (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS WACs, have received word that To Use as Big Hard­ W. E. Hibbard building at the cor­ VOL. LXII., NO. 303 (Classified Advertising oS Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1943 at the session of the school Sunday The Manchester Soroptlmiat Red Men and Red Men’s Social Manchester’s bond sales total In Peter Palunri of .46 Blssel street she is beginning her basic training Club at Villa Louisa. Starts at ner of North Main street and Allen morning at 9:15. rally day. Promo­ Club held It.s first dinner meeting the Third War^ Loan campaign ware Store. who is stationed at Camp Robert­ tion of clasMs in the different de­ at. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. She is a 10 a. m. place will be used for a store last night at the Hotel Sheridan stands at $510,000 today. Chair­ house. son In jirkansas has been made a partments will also take place. member of Company 21, Begt. 21, Wednesday, Se|)t. 29 3rd WACs training Corp«(, F'ort man Harold C. Alvord said today ' Peter Galasso and Joseph B. The firm handles a line of hard­ Prtvate~ First Glass. and completed plans for the re­ Blood Bank at St. Mary’s church. Yanks Dnck for Cover as Bomb Bnrsts Oglethorpe, Ga. ' that the results of the house-to- Barrett, owners of the Manchester ware, building and farm supplic Manchester Lodge of Masons gional meeting to be held here Sunda.v, October 8 ,, house canvass by the Air Raid First Aid Instructors will hold a will hold a special communication November 6 and 1. The dinner' Hardware Company, located on anb needed the extra space which Drive J Employees of the State Highway Union evening service of Protes­ Warden service are beginning to. will be provided in their new quar­ Russians at 'm ee^g tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the Temple tomorrow night at meeting on Saturday evening will show up in a big -way. North Main street, announced to­ at the Red Cross headquarters, 953 department are recovering the tant churches at South Methodist ters. 7:30. The Entered Apprentice de­ take place at the Y.M.C.A., and on church. People are beginning to come in day that they had purchased the Main street. gree will be conferred.' concrete trolley railpatching on Sunday, November 7, Jireakfast Included in the North purchase Center street, near the Center, Tuesday, 0»'t. 5 force and additional help has'had old R. P. BIssell property at 248 is a barn located on the cast end and luncheon will be served to to be assigned to the Bond Sales The Mothers' Circle of the Sa­ which was poured in aub-sero ■ Monthly meeting, Pine Civic North Main street from the Sav­ of the tot and additional land that George W. England, who is a delegates and members, also at the Association. • department to take care of this ings Bank of Manchester. The sale cred Heart will meet Friday eve­ Seaman, second class, is now lo­ weather last winter after the re­ can be built on later. There la Y. influx of buyers. In view of the price was not disclosed. This prop­ ning at 8 o^'clock at the home of cated in Barracks 3, Lower, Naval moval of the Center, street trolley National officers are expected, Sunday, Oct. 10 right of way to the property thatj 1^/ Mrs. William L. Conlon, 70 Haynes rails. The concrete became crack­ Outing,vpampbeU Council, K. of fact the' canvass only concluded erty has long been used as a busi­ leads to the rear of the building! Aviation Technical Training Corii- and a feature of the program on Tuesday night and many cards are Street mand, at Memphis, Tenn. He is the ed and rough due to freezing. C.,.at Osano.cottage. Bolton Lake. ness site and for many years was Not Before Jan. I Sunday will be the installation of not yet in it has certainly stimu­ operated by the late R. P.' Bissell son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Eng­ Tueoday, Ort. 19 The new owners do not expect tb| the new Venture Club of Junior lated bond buying like no other as a grocery and general store. In " . „ L-. Frank A Nickerson, former land of 256 Spruce street. Llnne Lodge No. 72. ^K. of P„ State Oonveation, Knights of occupy the property before the, Soroptimiats, sponsored by the method. Chairman AlVord was later years it has had. variqus busi­ agent at the Manchester office of voted last night to purchase a Hartford Sorpptimist club. Pythias, Orange hall. first of the year. 2 Nazi Vessels Sunk Jl.OOO War Bond in tpe current outspoken in his praise of the job ness enterprises located there but The structure Is one of the first the Railway Express Agency, has The Selectmen received an ini­ Miss Hiiljen Holbrook, president Saturda.v, Nov. 6 sold his property at the comer of campaign. that the Warden service has done for some time pow both stores business buildings erected on tial shipment of 800 town reports of the local club is general chair­ Regional meeting of- Soropti- for the drive. Woodland and Broad street and for delivery to voters. The re­ have been vacant. North Main street. A drawing of man of the convention committee. m ist, clubs at Y. O.M Big S16re Onslanglit by Soldiers of has moved to Cape Cod, where he mainder of the 7,500 printing will A meeting to get under way the Miss Hazel Trotter, chairman of North Manchester made in 1880 Other Units Reach - Vil­ formerly lived. be received as completed by T. F. fall activities of the Men’s Club It is.understood that the build­ shows the upper part was used as Rail Workers Allied Forces Doubt Fuel Fifth Army Accom­ the 8ucces.<iful Chinese dinner held Special Services ing wili'be put in first class shape, Urges Own Rady and Son, printers. Rockville, of St. Bridget’s church,, will beheld in June, at the Masonic, Temple, a hall. It was the principal gath­ lage of Tarasenski,' who have the contract for the In the parish hall tomorrow night. and What is now divided into two ering place when that pari of the panied by Intensifi- stated that the sum netted above Trust Co. Here stofes will be made-^>ver into one Only 3 Miles from Bor­ Drive Ahead Lack Hurts printing of the annual town re­ expenses was $96. check for which For Jamaicans town was known as Union Village. Rule Choice Go oil Strike; ports this year. had been mailed to the treasurer, T\T * tP i* cation o f Blockade o f Grand Officers der of White Russia; ! ... in New York of the fund for Advances Two The Salvation Army is cond^ubt- On Corsica IMaZl fliers waning German Posi- Fred X. O'Neil, colored, living in Chinese student nurses. ing a special service tonight at 30 Gern^^ns in Imme­ By Germans Nb Disorders Waddell road. In the Orford Vil­ “ — X tion on Corsica; Ad- To Visit Here $500 Raised Locally Bisaell street, in honor of '^ e de­ diate Danger of Los­ lage tract, was yesterday sen­ It was also reported by Mrs. parture aoon of the boys from Ja­ EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S tenced to state prison for ttom Everett Moore and Destruction of Axis Rc^ .
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