Diamond Fans Momentarily Forget War Worries As 190,775 Thrill To
Sports News Features and Classified WASHINGTON. 1). <\, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1042. C-l % Diamond Fans Momentarily Forget War Worries as 190,775 Thrill to Openers CHAMPION—AND STILL WINNING! —Bv JIM BERRYMAN Yank Scout Sees Yankees, Bcsox, 1 *P nDNTC ACE or Draw : S Lose \ewec; Poc TUF /P/V£ s Win, THAT VERSIONS WHO ] i'^^EC-.'>',oor' SUCKy DIDN'T Sf*>£.rf By FRANCIS E STAN. ) (VET TIN' 04 To / WMV PlTc MEPS TELL ME I WAS FlF LPEP EVERY MV STuE? HE rr>MT lev Tip J UONMA HAVE LFFT FIELD PALL' Second Feller Tribe, Browns JUST TIPPED IT •> FUN' I } A HOCK OF a os if Had ^MlT.. After Year, Nothing Happened ANOTHER.. ASSISTANTS! Maybe the baseball players, after tramping the woods all fall K __—V- • nd winter with their dogs at their sides and shotguns under their In De Rose never around to that these are unusual Show Class arms, got fully realizing times and anything is likely to happen. For months the club owners and major league presidents have been delivering spiels to Dodgers Down Giants 19-Year-Old Hefty the effect that, due to the draft and one thing or another, the 16 In IT WAS RED Owns All It Takes in big-time teams more or less were on equal footing and that exciting Dizzy Struggle; CUFFING PAY races with twists were not to be unexpected. spectacular Williams AT GRIFFITH Raw, Experts Agree take into account Winging The theorist*, apparently, did not everything STADIUM...OH HERE WE GO X-'H, I IT ! it was like the of a year ago! What \ f GOT By Rl’SS NEWLAND.
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