Bob Tales Ray Barbuti Wins in War, Too
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18-C THt DETROIT TIMES Aug. 1945 Tigers Get 36 Runs In 4 Trout Bob Tales Ray Barbuti Wins In War, Too Sports * \i Game By 808 MURPHY A’s Pitcher Re-Lives Nats Sport* Editor Back In 1928 Ray Barbuti was His War Experiences the outstanding athlete on ths S. Olympic, team because he By LEO MACDONKLL Behind Now U. had won America * only flat race Phil Marchildon. pitcher who By LEO MAC DONELL 400 meter*. the Athletics recently, by taking the ejoined and rill swims in his dreams. And Taul (Dizzy) Trout today hadi The former Syracuse track wakes up shivering. chalked up a four-game winning; football star, now a captain in That's a reaction to an icy bath streak marked by remarkable co-i the army, is still a winner. It's Sea, he operation on the part of his Tiger' in the North in which of those heartening sto- swam four hours or more before mates. another l>eing picked up by Norse fisher- He pitched the Tigers to victory ries about guys from sports who men. yesterday over the Athletics, 4 to stood out in the war. "The fUhermen heard a whit- 1 his s«*cond triumph over Connie Those wonder legs of Barbuti tle which we carried around our Mack’s boys in the series. The ! stood him In good stead when he necks, ’’ Marchildon recalled. Tigers now have won five games matched his sinews and ingenuity But Marchildon isn't sure the against two losses in the eight- against the death filled Burmese fishermen did him a favor. They game set which ends today. jungles so fliers shot down by the turned him over to the Nazis and Despite Detroit’s good record. | Japs might benefit from his ex- be was in a Orman prison camp the Washington Senators have! perience. 19 months, living on three thin managed to edge closer in the! today Barbuti left his home in Jew- slices of bread a day and what the American League race and i lett, L. I, for reassignment at Red Cross contributed. are only one-half game behind! MacDill Field, Fla., after 30 after winning twice from “IfIt hadn’t been for she Red Cleve-! moaths of rugged going overseas. CroM that came every land yesterday. package For developing method* and Friday 1 wouldn’t he here try- • GET 88 RUNS equipment for jungle survival, ing a comeback with the A’*," said the stocky Frenchman from In the four Trout triumphs, the; Barbuti was awarded the Penetanguishene, Ont Tigers rolled up a total of 36 runs j Bronze Star. He also received a Marchildon was on 26 missions and 53 hits Moreover, they played Presidential Citation for out- was a tail gunner be- fine ball behind the veteran right- standing achievement under in which we hazardous conditions fore the RCAF Halifax bomber hander. In the Here are the Tiger runs and: African desert early In the war. hits in the games: Barbuti, assigned to the Tenth K H E Air Force in Burma as a group Red Sox 11 Ift 1 rescue officer, volunteered to go Yankee* Ift 20 5 into the jungle and actually ex- Athletics 0 Vi 0. perienced being “lost” so that he Athletic* - 4 6 0 might develop plans for rescue work. Total* 88 ftS 8 He carried no weapons or food Over the same stretch, Trout* as he set out alone In the track- gave up 11 runs and 36 hits. less jungle. For three weeks he With a home run. his seventh of lived as a veritable "Tarzan." He the season, and a two-bagger, | says he had a hard job downing Hank Greenberg set the pace for, his first meal. It was an aguana the Tigers. A crowd of 8,320 saw of the lizard family. After that he his hits account for two of De- began snaring birds and wild troit's four markers. Rudy York chickens and making salads of chalked .up a single and a triple berries and leaves. was shot dowm over the sea. Only and Roy Cullenbine a two-hugger.. Barbuti caught fish after of the crew lived. fashioning a of two seven-man YOUTH NERVOUS line out baric A product of the International •trips and a hook from a belt League, In which he pitched for Bill Connelly, a 19-year-old Tima* Photc hucjde. Toronto before going up to the right-hander from Alberta, Va., row—-lames Tobin, Charles Hostetler, Russell Outlaw, Robert Hoover. First row—Edward Barbuti. in addition to his Athletic*,- Marchildon wja* de- making.his first big league start, Here’s one you’ll want to clip and save—the Olympic triumph Webb, Robert Mayo, Alton Benton, Arthur Mill*, roach; and outstanding veloping into an outstanding big pitched one inning for the Ath- 1945 Detroit timers. All names run left to Kerns, Walter Wilson, James feats in national track competi- league righthander war O’Neill, manager; Paul Richards, Harold tiop when letics and gave up three tallies.] right; top row—Ray Forsyth, trainer; George Maier,-Edward Borom. Second row—Robert Steve ! a also was captain of the Syra- Interrupted hi* career. Young Connelly-, who was shot up! Caster, lA*slie Mueller, James Miller, Zebelon Swift, Roger Cramer, Harvey Walker, Rudolph Newhousor and Frank Overmire. Tigers are cuse team for two years. Since rejoining the Philadelphia 'at Iwo Jima while in the navy, j York, Roy Cullenbine, Henry Greenberg, Janies * only a half game in front of the Nats today. club, he has.appeared in two re- was nervous and the Tiger* com- Eaton, Arthur Houteeman, Paul Trout. Third lief roles. He will start a game bined three walk*#vith two hits. Scandinavian Monopoly against the Senators in Philly With one* ,out, Ed (Red) Borom Studying the report of Gunder next Tuesday. The Quaker City walked, after-which Doc Cramer' Hagg’s 4 01.4 mile in beating giving Here Heart Vets fans are the war hero a was retired on an outfield fly.; Top 2-Year-Ohl Youngsters Purple Arne Anderson and the world rec- “Marchildon Night." Borom and later Two stole second ord it becomes more and more' ap- scored on Greenberg’s two-base parent that if and when we get Pitcher's Box Out? hit to- center. After Roy Cullen-. East Races Stage Field Ilav the four minute mile it will be walked, York drove a triple Sent for O W bine * made in Sweden. Joe Berry, the very good relief Page One> to right, the ball landing just in- By LEWIS H. WALTER Net Standouts (Continued from Hagg may be the guy and Athletics, pitcher for the still is side the foul line, and Greenberg Anderson the man to push him wondering Charley George, heading New York. lea\ing the 2-year-olds ever serious, rob them of a chance to enjoy themselves in what and Cullenbine scored. Sir Pennant is for to the dream catcher, thinking open for the season’s John Zubrin’s 36 game two set- of all milers. An- the was about : Luther Knrrr pitched the rest at the Detroit race track in a wide scramble typical American fashion. derson, whose 4:01.6 when he tried to make a putout • ter with Edward Rogers and the record he of the game for the Athletics honors. year, pushed Hagg to pitcher's box. j and; Bulldog colt, won three of his four races here, play of a j>air of 12-year-old Ilam- One-legged men played one-armed men in a softball made last in the was invincible until the eighth, , ‘The which has the limit. The pair ran stride play, wa* appeared among the juveniles here as long tramck girls stood out In yester- game and they battled as as two major league 1 “The it recalled, when Greenberg chalked up his to be a shoo-in for honors furiously for did courts meet stride around that Malmo happened in a game with the homer, a mighty drive high in the 1 as Dixiana’s Farm's Spy Song day’s city cTay clubs. Men. all veterans of the battles that made headlines Philadelphia some from Chicago, matches at Detroit Tennis Club. track. Anderson was moving, White Sox In upper deck of the left field stands. | not return a few months ago took part in every branch of sport too. He clocked in Roy Schalk, the Sox i threat of Spy Song's return Zubrin outlasted Rogers, 11-9, was 4:02. weeks ago. I thiuadelphia Detroit i The a A third baseinan, struck out. AB H O A AB H O A has removed by the unfortu- 9-7. Irene Waskiewicz defeated activity for total of 180 beautiful prizes awarded by The Scandinavian. Rune second « i been Hafl 3 * 1 .1 4 Ontlaw .* -3 1 3 Sports 0 Parker, 6-2, Persson took third In 4:03.8. That ball, 0 injury the in Virginia 6-1. Elaine Detroit Times. George dropped the where- | KUtl.l 4 13 0 80r0m.3 >3 0 7 jnate to Dixiana colt is better upon Schalk lit out for fir*t. 'smith <f 3 1 3 0 Cramrr cf 4 0 10 the Washington Park Futurity Lewicki gave Gloria King, state than anything on this MrUhrr r 4 2 O 0 Grernbrg 14 3 10 I To climax the day of thrills one of the four major side of the water and Rune just George retrieved the hall, bluffed isirb-rl l 3 010 1 Cllnblnf,f 2 14 1 Saturday.