World Champions Yankees
HARRYM . STEVENS, Inc~ Publlsher, 320 FIFTHAVENUE , N. Y. 1 1 HAVE A REAL CIGARETTE - HAV E A MEL Discover the difference DANT DI S TILLER S C OMPANY• N E W YORK, N. Y. between "just smoking" - YANKEE STA DI UM . "HOME OF C HAMPIONS " and Camels! Wrlro111c to Am.-rit-a 's finc, t aml mo st fa111011R ba,c ball park , ) ank c,· ~tatlinm . Lon ~ """" n as the .. Jlom e of Ch,1111piom," thi s St:111iu111w as com 1>h•teJ in 1923. Sin ce that tim e, 12,1111,964fa11 s hav e pa ssed through th e S 1adi111111urn , 1ik , to s<'c 1hc fumed Bronx Bomber s in :u·tion l11·n·, i11 Amcrfran League competition. l\fillio11s mor e hll\ c \\ :1trhcd Taste thegood, rich flavor World St'ric s, big kai;nt · foo1l,all , rhampio11,l1ip fight s and oth er im11or1a111t' \CHI , :11 '\ :rnk, ·r St:ttlium. All 17 Yanke e World ChampioJ1 ship dub s have played her e, and 20 of the 22 pt•nrwnl ,-inning of Camels.. feel the, Yank ee l c:11110. Thi s 1111111:itl'hrtlrc< ·or cl of BlltTeKs ha s meaut 1hr v,•ry 111•, 1 in 1,a, rhall for 1 ank !'c •:-1i11limn fa11s. Among the many diamond grea ts who ha, •e 1wrform ed in 1hi, tr a1li1ion-, 1t•cpccl Sia• smoothness theirof ,1i11m wcro sud1 Yank t•r, ;,~ Bah r Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe Di~Iaggio . Ilt •rb P c1111111·k.Ton ) Lan ,•ri. Bill Di rkry , Left y Gom ez, Hoh Memcl und Charlie Keller.
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