Armenia: Irrigation Dam Safety II Project E943

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Armenia: Irrigation Dam Safety II Project E943 Armenia: Irrigation Dam Safety II Project E943 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Public Disclosure Authorized 1. Introduction The project is designed as a four-year program for improving, through rehabilitation/ reconstruction, the safety of 47 dams (including safety measures for Kechut and Kaps dams), providing control measurement devices at 56 dam sites, providing minimal requirement of O&M equipment for 55 dams, preparing the Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) for the Yerevan lake dam, providing the minimal needed telecom. equipment for implementing all EPPs, improving the access to 16 dam sites, providing training on dam safety issues to operators of 60 dams, providing training and support on dam regulatory issues to the Dam Maintenance branch of the Water Supply Agency. The EMP identifies the major relevant structural work operations of the project and indicates the types of impacts expected; the types of mitigation measures likely to be necessary; the Public Disclosure Authorized institutional responsibilities for program execution, supervision, and monitoring; and the timing for implementation. 2. Project Objective The development objective of the Irrigation Dam Safety Project, which is “to protect the population and the socio-economic infrastructure down-stream of dams facing the highest risk of failure” is also the PDO for this repeater project, Irrigation Dam Safety Project but on a much more extended geographic scale. The project will also contribute to enhance the sustainability of economic activities which are dependent on a reliable supply of water. Proceeds of the Project Public Disclosure Authorized will be used exclusively to assist in financing interventions aimed at significantly lowering the safety risk of those dams. These interventions are deemed necessary on the basis of the findings of technical investigations undertaken under the Irrigation Dam Safety Project, which called for urgent action to prevent many of the investigated dams from entering into an emergency state in the near future. 3. Major Work Operations Overall project structural and physical works are classified in 6 categories as follows: (i) upstream protection works; (ii) spillway capacity increase and rehabilitation; (iii) leakage reduction; Public Disclosure Authorized (iv) irrigation/bottom outlet repairs and installation of safety equipment; (v) in some cases construction/rehabilitation of small buildings for emergency generators, watchmen and workshops; and (vi) improvement of access roads 1 The major work operations identified for their potential environmental impacts are: (i) construction of new spillways to increase, where needed, discharge capacities; (ii) rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing spillways; (iii) slope stabilization and strengthening; (iv) rehabilitation of irrigation outlet; and (v) rehabilitation of access roads. Construction of new spillways: According to current plans and designs, new spillways will be required and constructed at 9 dams (Kechut, V. Sasnashen, Gegharkunik-1, Katnaghbiur-2, Khashtarak-2, Hovk-1, Hovk-2, Hovk 1A, N. Bazmaberd). The new constructions will bring their total spillway discharge capacity (existing plus new capacities) to socially acceptable levels. This is badly needed for safety purposes as overtopping is considered the most critical failure mechanism for embankment dams. The major environmental issue related to the spillway construction work would be the disposal of excavated materials (soil, stone, gravel, spoils, etc.). In general, volumes of excavated materials are relatively small and manageable. Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of Existing Spillways: Rehabilitation/reconstruction work is currently planned on 20 existing spillways (Akhurian, Spandarian, Tolors, Shamb, Aghavnadzor, Tsilkar, Kosh, Agarak, Ashnak-2, Vosketas, Metsavan, Maralik, Khashtarak-1, Getik, Shenik, Angechakot, Yerevan Lake, N. Talin, Karaglukh, Martiros-1). The work will vary from site to site from complete reconstruction to minor repair. The major environmental issue of the spillway rehabilitation/reconstruction work would be the transport and disposal of the concrete rubble and debris. Slope Protection/Strengthening: The project is currently expected to improve the slope protection of 22 dams (Spandarian, Tolors, Aghavnadzor, Tsilkar, Katnaghbiur-1, Davidashen, Talish, V. Talin-1, Ashnak-2, Maralik, Ashnak-1, Irind, Katnaghbiur-2, V. Sasnashen, Saralich, Artavan, Khashtarak-2, Hovk-1A, Hatsashen, Shgarshik, V. Talin-2, Gegharkunik-1). Depending on each case, this would require the strengthening of one (generally, on the reservoir side) or both of the dam slopes. Damaged slope concrete covers will have to be removed and either disposed off or reused, if suitable. Rehabilitation of irrigation outlet: Rehabilitation of irrigation outlet is currently planned on 20 existing dams (Joghaz, Akhurian, Kechut, Shenik, Tsilkar, Aghakchi, Kosh, Talish, V. Talin-1, Metsavan, Ashnak-1, Gegharkunik-1, Egnik, Hovk-1, Kaps, Aragats, Angechakot, Aknalich, Yerevan Lake, Hatsashen). The major environmental issue related to the spillway construction work would be the disposal of excavated materials (soil, stone, gravel, spoils, etc.) and construction wastes (concrete rubbles and debris). In general, volumes of excavated materials are relatively small and manageable. According to current plans and designs, new safety equipments will be installed at all dams included in this project and no major environmental problems are anticipated during this process. Rehabilitation of access roads The project is currently expected to improve the access roads of 16 dams (Aghakchi, Davidashen, Metsavan, Irind, Agarak, V. Sasnashen, Arpilich, Saralich, Aygedzor, Tavshud, David-Bek, 2 Aparan, Karnout, Mantash, Hakhoum, Akhurian). The major environmental issue related to the rehabilitation of access roads would be the disposal of excavated materials (soil, stone, gravel, spoils, etc.). In general, volumes of excavated materials are small and manageable. 4. Potential Impacts Considering the rehabilitation nature of the project and the type of works considered to be carried out at this stage, the negative impacts on the environment are expected to be insignificant or minor. Based on the preliminary assessment, these impacts would be limited to: (i) The transport and disposal of inert materials and construction concrete rubbles and debris; and (ii) The use and transport of materials (stone, gravel, soil, etc) from old and/or new quarries. The positive impacts are, on the other hand, expected to be significant. Over 23000 persons (affected population) would enjoy better protection and safety after completion of the project. The water resource and the Dam-based socio-economic activities and infrastructures and those in downstream areas would also be better protected. Dam operations will be better managed and sustained (reducing the need for new dams and for more impacts on the environment). Dam warning and emergency systems will be improved and O&M function will be strengthened 5. Mitigation Measures Based on the preliminary assessment, key mitigation measures recommended under this preliminary Environmental Management Plan (EMP) are listed as follows per item and issue: a) Spillway Construction, where possible, of tunnel waterways in place of open trenches which are more exposed to hill stone and landslides and garbage dumping and which change/damage the landscape; Widening, where possible, existing spillways to increase capacity and avoid construction of new ones; Obtain permits from the Ministry of Nature Protection (MNP) and as needed from the local/regional authorities for disposal of excavated materials and construction wastes; Obtain permit from the MNP and concerned Local/ Regional Authorities for opening and/or use of quarries. Transport and disposal of construction concrete rubbles, debris and spoils in approved paths and landfills/dump sites; Restoration to quasi-original conditions of landscape after completion of construction and rehabilitation works. b) Slope, outlet Reuse of suitable excavated and dredged materials (e.g. from spillway operations) for slope protection and strengthening works, limiting the need for old and new quarries; Use, where possible, existing quarries for required additional materials; Obtain permits from the Ministry of Nature Protection and as needed from the local/regional authorities for the opening and/or use of quarries; Obtain permits from the Ministry of Nature Protection and as needed from the local/regional authorities for disposal of excavated materials and construction wastes; 3 Restoration to quasi-original conditions of landscape after completion of construction and rehabilitation works and after use of quarries. c) Access roads Rehabilitation, where possible, of existing access roads avoiding construction of new ones; Restoration to quasi-original conditions of landscape after completion of construction and rehabilitation. 6. Environmental management Mitigation Measures and Institutional Responsibilities for Implementation For each potential impact Table 1 identifies: the proposed mitigation measure(s); and the parties or agencies charged with implementing those measures, separated into: -- executing agencies, responsible for executing the measure; -- supervising agencies, responsible for supervising the executing agencies to ensure that they execute the mitigation measures as planned; and -- monitoring agencies, in charge of monitoring the extent of implementation and the
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