Ra 2001 Population and Housing Census Results

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Ra 2001 Population and Housing Census Results ÐÐ 2001Ã. زð¸²Ð²Ø²ðÆ ºì ´Ü²ÎàôÂÚ²Ü ä²ÚزÜܺðÆ Ð²Þì²èØ²Ü ²ð¸ÚàôÜøܺðÀ RA 2001 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS RESULTS РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ПЕРЕПИСИ И УЧЕТА ЖИЛИЩНЫХ УСЛОВИЙ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ РА 2001г. ´²ÄÆÜ-CHAPTER-ÐÀÇÄÅË- 1 ´Ü²ÎâàôÂÚ²Ü Âì²ø²Ü²ÎÜ Àêî ì²ðâ²î²ð²Ìø²ÚÆÜ ´²ÞÊì²ÌàôÂÚ²Ü POPULATION DISTRIBUTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL AREAS ×ÈÑËÅÍÍÎÑÒÜ ÍÀÑÅËÅÍÈß ÏÎ ÀÄÌÈÍÈÑÒÐÀÒÈÂÍÎ- ÒÅÐÐÈÒÎÐÈÀËÜÍÎÌÓ ÄÅËÅÍÈÞ ÐÐ í³ñã³ï³ñ³Íù³ÛÇÝ The administrative- territorial di- Îñíñâàíèåì äëÿ àäìèíèñòðàòèâ- µ³Å³ÝÙ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ ÑÇÙù ¿ vision of RA is based on RA law”On ad- íî- òåððèòîðèàëüíîãî äåëåíèÿ ÐÀ ѳݹÇë³ó»É 1995Ã. ¹»Ïï»Ùµ»ñÇ ministrative-territorial division of the ïîñëóæèë çàêîí ÐÀ “Îá àäìèíèñòðà- 4-ÇÝ ²½·³ÛÇÝ ÅáÕáíÇ ÏáÕÙÇó Republic of Armenia” passed by òèâíî- òåððèòîðèàëüíîì äåëåíèè ÁݹáõÝí³Í §Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇ Parliament of RA in 1995 December 4-th Ðåñïóáëèêè Àðìåíèÿ”, ïðèíÿòûé гÝñ³å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý í³ñã³ï³ñ³Í- Íàöèîíàëüíûì ñîáðàíèåì 4-ãî ù³ÛÇÝ µ³Å³ÝÙ³Ý Ù³ëÇݦ ÐÐ äåêàáðÿ 1995ã. ûñ»ÝùÁ: Ø»Ãá¹³µ³Ý³Ï³Ý å³ñ½³µ³ÝáõÙÝ»ñ Methodological notes Ìåòîäîëîãè÷åñêèå ïîÿñíåíèÿ ²éϳ µÝ³ÏãáõÃÛ³Ý The de facto population, includes  ïîêàçàòåëü ÷èñëåííîñòè Ãí³ù³Ý³ÏÇ óáõó³ÝÇßáõÙ Ý»ñ³éí³Í those individuals who were either per- íàëè÷íîãî íàñåëåíèÿíàñåëåíèÿ, âêëþ÷åíî »Ý Ù³ñ¹³Ñ³Ù³ñÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï manently present or temporarily present îáùåå êîëëè÷åñòâî çàðåãèñòðèðî- Ùßï³å»ë Ý»ñϳ ¨ ųٳݳϳíáñ on the census night, October9/10,2001. âàííûõ âî âðåìÿ ïåðåïèñè, ïîñòîÿííî Ý»ñϳ ѳßí³éí³Í ³ÝÓ³Ýó The permanently present popu- ïðèñóòñòâóþùèõ è âðåìåííî ïðèñóòñò- ÁݹѳÝáõñ Ãí³ù³Ý³ÏÝ»ñÁ: âóþùèõ ëèö. Øßï³å»ë Ý»ñϳ »Ý lation are considered those individuals who were either registered as residents Ïîñòîÿííî ïðèñóòñòâóÿùèì ѳٳñí»É ïíÛ³É Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùáõÙ íàñåëåíèåì ñ÷èòàëèñü çàðåãèñò- at the pleace of enumeration and ѳßí³éí³Í` Ù³ñ¹³Ñ³Ù³ñÇ å³ÑÇÝ ðîâàííûå â äàííîé îáùèíå è ïðè- Ý»ñϳ ³ÝÓÇÝù ¨ ïíÛ³É Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùáõÙ present on the census night, or not reg- ñóòñòâóÿùèå ê ìîìåíòó ïåðåïèñè ëèöà, ãѳßí³éí³Í, ë³Ï³ÛÝ, Ù³ñ¹³Ñ³- istered as residents at the pleace of enu- è íåçàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå, íî Ù³ñÇ Ñ³ßí³éÙ³Ý å³ÑÇ ¹ñáõÃÛ³Ùµ meration but had resided there for more ïðîæèâàþùèå áîëüøå îäíîãî ãîäà ê ³Û¹ï»Õ Ù»Ï ï³ñáõó ³í»ÉÇ than 12 months. òîìó ìîìåíòó òàì ëèöà,. ï¨áÕáõÃÛ³Ùµ µÝ³ÏíáÕ` Ý»ñϳ Temporarily present are consid- Âðåìåííî ïðèñóòñòâóþùèìè ³ÝÓÇÝù: ered those individuals whose permanent ñ÷èòàëèñü ëèöà, êîòîðûå â ìîìåíò ijٳݳϳíáñ Ý»ñϳ »Ý place of residence was located ouside ó÷åòà ïåðåïèñè íàõîäèëèñü â äàííîé ѳٳñí»É ³ÛÝ ³ÝÓÇÝù, áíù»ñ the boundaries of their place of resi- îáùèíå, îäíàêî ìåñòî èõ ïîñòîÿííîãî Ù³ñ¹³Ñ³Ù³ñÇ Ñ³ßí³éÙ³Ý å³ÑÇÝ dence (including the borders of Arme- æèòåëüñòâà íàõîäèëîñü çà ïðåäåëàìè ·ïÝí»É »Ý ïíÛ³É Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùáõÙ, nia) and whose duration of presence äàííîé îáùèíû (â òîì ÷èñëå è ðåñïó- ë³Ï³ÛÝ Ýñ³Ýó Ùßï³Ï³Ý had not exceed 12 months. áëèêè) è ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü èõ íàõî- µÝ³Ï³í³ÛñÁ ·ïÝí»É ¿ ïíÛ³É æäåíèÿ ê òîìó ìîìåíòó íå ïðåâûøàëà ѳٳÛÝùÇ (³Û¹ ÃíáõÙ` ѳÝñ³- De jure population includes those îäèí ãîä å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý) ë³ÑÙ³ÝÝ»ñÇó ¹áõñë ¨ individuals who were permanently  ïîêàçàòåëü ÷èñëåííîñòè ïîñ- Ýñ³Ýó ·ïÝí»Éáõ ï¨áÕáõÃÛáõÝÁ` present (as defined above) or tempo- òîÿííîãî íàñåëåíèÿ âêëþ÷åíî Ýßí³Í å³ÑÇ ¹ñáõÃÛ³Ùµ, ãÇ rarily absent on the Census night, Oc- îáùåå êîëëè÷åñòâî ·»ñ³½³Ýó»É Ù»Ï ï³ñáõó: tober 9/10, 2001. çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ âî âðåìÿ Øßï³Ï³Ý µÝ³ÏãáõÃÛ³Ý ïåðåïèñè ïîñòîÿííî ïðèñóòñò-âóþùèõ Ãí³ù³Ý³ÏÇ óáõó³ÝÇßáõÙ Ý»ñ³éí»É è âðåìåííî îòñóòñòâóþùèõ ëèö. »Ý Ù³ñ¹³Ñ³Ù³ñÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï Âðåìåííî îòñóòñòâóþùèìè Ùßï³å»ë Ý»ñϳ ¨ ųٳݳϳíáñ Temporarily absent are considered ñ÷èòàþòñÿ òå ëèöà, êîòîðûå ïîñòîÿííî µ³ó³Ï³ ѳßí³éí³Í ³ÝÓ³Ýó those individuals who were the usual (îáû÷íî) ïðîæèâàëè â äàííîé ÁݹѳÝáõñ Ãí³ù³Ý³ÏÝ»ñÁ: residents at their place of enumeration, îáùèíå,îäíàêî â ìîìåíò ïåðåïèñè ijٳݳϳíáñ µ³ó³Ï³ »Ý but had been absent less than 12 íàõîäèëèñü çà ïðåäåëàìè äàííîé ѳٳñí»É ³ÛÝ ³ÝÓÇÝù, áíù»ñ months,as of the census night. ãîðîäñêîé èëè ñåëüñêîé îáùèíû(â Ùßï³å»ë (ëáíáñ³µ³ñ) µÝ³Ïí»É »Ý òîì ÷èñëå ðåñïóáëèêè) è äëèòåëüíîñòü ïíÛ³É Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùáõÙ, ë³Ï³ÛÝ Ù³ñ¹³- èõ îòñóòñòâèÿ, ê óêàçàííîìó ìîìåíòó , ѳٳñÇ Ñ³ßí³éÙ³Ý å³ÑÇÝ ·ïÝí»É áûëà íå áîëüøå ÷åì ãîä. »Ý ïíÛ³É ù³Õ³ù³ÛÇÝ Ï³Ù ·ÛáõÕ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùÇ (³Û¹ ÃíáõÙ` ѳÝñ³- å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý) ë³ÑÙ³ÝÝ»ñÇó ¹áõñë, ¨ Ýñ³Ýó µ³ó³Ï³ÛáõÃÛ³Ý ï¨áÕáõ- ÃÛáõÝÁ` Ýßí³Í å³ÑÇ ¹ñáõÃÛ³Ùµ, ãÇ ·»ñ³½³Ýó»É Ù»Ï ï³ñáõó: 47 1 ù. ²ßï³ñ³Ï t. ASHTARAK ã. Àøòàðàê 2 ·. ØáõÕÝÇ v. Mughni ñ. Ìóãíè 3 ù. ²å³ñ³Ý t. APARAN ã. Àïàðàí 4 ù. ³ÉÇÝ t. TALIN ã. Òàëèí 5 ·. ²·³ñ³Ï (²ßï³ñ³ÏÇ ßñç.) v. Agarak ( r. Ashtarak ) ñ.. Àãàðàê (ðайîí Àøòàðàêà) 6 ·. ²·³ñ³Ï (³ÉÇÝÇ ßñç.) v. Agarak ( r. Talin ) ñ. Àãàðàê (ðайîí Òàëèíà) 7 ·. ²É³·Û³½ v. Alagyaz ñ. Àëàãÿç 8 ·. ²ÏáõÝù v. Akunq ñ. Àêóíê 9 ·. ²ÕÓù v. Aghdzq ñ. Àõäçê 10 ·. ²Ùñ» ó½³ v. Amre taza ñ. Àìðå òàçà 11 ·. ²Ýï³éáõï v. Antarut ñ. Àíòàðóò 12 ·. ²ßÝ³Ï v. Ashnak ñ. Àøíàê 13 ·. ²í³Ý v. Avan ñ. Àâàí 14 ·. ÊÝáõëÇÏ v. Khnusik ñ. Õíóñèê 15 ·. ²íÃáݳ v. Avtona ñ.Àâòîíà 16 ·. ²íß»Ý v. Avshen ñ.Àâøåí 17 ·. ²ñ³·³Í (²å³ñ³ÝÇ ßñç.) v. Aragats ( r. Aparan) ñ. Àðàãàö (ðайîí Àïàðàíà) 18 ·. ²ñ³·³Í (³ÉÇÝÇ ßñç.) v. Aragats ( r. Talin ) ñ. Àðàãàö (ðайîí Òàëèíà) 19 ·. ²ñ³·³ÍáïÝ v. Aragatsotn ñ. Àðàãàöîòí 20 ·. ²ñ³ v. Ara ñ. Àðà 21 ·. ²ñ»· v. Areg ñ. Àðåã 22 ·. ²ñï³ß³í³Ý v. Artashavan ñ. Àðòàøàâàí 23 ·. Èáõë³ÕµÛáõñ v. Lusaghbyur ñ. Ëóñàõïþð 24 ·. ÜÇ·³ïáõÝ v. Nigatun ñ. Íèãàòóí 25 ·. ²ñï»ÝÇ v. Arteni ñ. Àðòåíè 26 ·. ²ñáõ× v. Aruch ñ. Àðó÷ 27 ·. ²÷ݳ·ÛáõÕ v. Apnagyugh ñ. Àïíàгюх 28 ·. ´³½Ù³ÕµÛáõñ v. Bazmaghbyur ñ. Áàçìàõïþð 29 ·. ´³Ûë½ v. Baysz ñ. Áàйсз 30 ·. ´³ñáÅ v. Barodz ñ. Áàðîæ 31 ·. ´»ñù³é³ï v. Berqarat ñ. Áåðêàðàò 32 ·. ´Ûáõñ³Ï³Ý v. Burakan ñ. Áþðàêàí 33 ·. ¶³éݳÑáíÇï v. Garnahovit ñ. Ãàðíàîâèò 34 ·. ¶»Õ³¹Çñ v. Geghadir ñ. Ãåõàäèð 35 ·. ¶»Õ³Óáñ v. Geghadzor ñ. Ãåõàäçîð 36 ·. ¶»Õ³ñáï v. Gegharot ñ. Ãåõàðîò 37 ·. ¶»ï³÷ v. Getap ñ. Ãåòàï 38 ·. ¶Û³ÉÃá v. Gyalto ñ. Ãÿëòî 39 ·. ¸³ßï³¹»Ù v. Dashtadem ñ. Äàøòàäåì 40 ·. ¸³íÃ³ß»Ý v. Davtashen ñ. Äàâòàøåí 41 ·. ¸»ñ»Ï v. Derek ñ. Äåðåê 42 ·. ¸Ç³Ý v. Dian ñ. Äèàí 43 ·. ¸åñ»í³Ýù v. Dprevanq ñ. Äàðåâàíê 44 ·. ºÕÇå³ïñáõß v. Eghipatrush ñ. Åõèïàòðóø 45 ·. ºÕÝÇÏ v. Eghnik ñ. Åõíèê 46 ·. ºñÝç³ï³÷ Ernjatap ñ. Åðèíäæàòàï 48 ·. ¼³ñÇÝç³ Zarinja ñ. Çàðèíäæà 49 ·. ¼áí³ë³ñ Zovasar ñ. Çîâàñàð 50 ·. ÂÃáõçáõñ v. Ttujur ñ. Òòóäæóð 51 ·. ÂÉÇÏ v. Tlik ñ. Òëèê 52 ·. ÆñÇݹ v. Irind ñ. Èðèíä 53 ·. È»éݳå³ñ v. Lernapar ñ. Ëåðíàïàð 54 ·. È»éݳñáï v. Lernarot ñ. Ëåðíàðîò 55 ·. Èáõë³·ÛáõÕ v. Lusagyugh ñ. Ëóñàãþõ 56 ·. Èáõë³ÏÝ v. Lusakn ñ. Ëóñàêí 57 ·. ̳ÕϳÑáíÇï v. Tsaghkahovit ñ. Öàõêàîâèò 58 ·. ̳ÕÏ³ß»Ý v. Tsaghkashen ñ. Öàõêàøåí 59 ·. ̳Õϳë³ñ v. Tsaghkasar ñ. Öàõêàсар 60 ·. ÌÇÉù³ñ v. Tsilkar ñ. Öèëêàð 61 ·. γÃݳյÛáõñ v. Katnaghbyur ñ. Êàòíàõáþð 62 ·. γñµÇ v. Karbi ñ. Êàðáè 49 63 ·. γñÙñ³ß»Ý v. Karmrashen ñ. Êàðìðàøåí 64 ·. γù³í³Óáñ v. Kaqavadzor ñ. Êàêàâàäçîð 65 ·. Îáß v. Kosh ñ. Êîø 66 ·. гÏÏá v. Hakko ñ. Àêêî 67 ·. гñóí³Ý v. Hartavan ñ. Àðòàâàí 68 ·. гó³ß»Ý v. Hatsashen ñ. Àöàøåí 69 ·. Ðݳµ»ñ¹ v. Hnaberd ñ. Ãíàáåðä 70 ·. Òáñ³·ÉáõË v. Dzoraglukh ñ. Äçîðàãëóõ 71 ·. Ô³µ³Õó÷³ v. Ghabakhtapa ñ. Õàáàõòàáà 72 ·. Ô³½³ñ³í³Ý v. Ghazaravan ñ. Õàçàðàâàí 73 ·. سëï³ñ³ v. Mastara ñ. Ìàñòàðà 74 ·. Òáñ³·ÛáõÕ v. Dzoragyugh ñ. Äçîðàãþõ 75 ·. Ø»ÉÇù·ÛáõÕ v. Melikgyugh ñ. Ìåëèêãþõ 76 ·. ØÇñ³ù v. Miraq ñ. Ìèðàê 77 ·. ØáõÉùÇ v. Mulqi ñ. Ìóëêè 78 ·. Ü»ñùÇÝ ´³½Ù³µ»ñ¹ v. Nerqin Bazmaberd ñ. Íåðêèí Áàçìàáåðä 79 ·. Ü»ñùÇÝ ê³ëáõÝ³ß»Ý v. Nerqin Sasunashen ñ. Íåðêèí Ñàñóíàøåí 80 ·. ÜÇ·³í³Ý v. Nigavan ñ. Íèãàâàí 81 ·. Üáñ ²Ù³Ýáë v. Nor Amanos ñ. Íîð Àìàíîñ 82 ·. Üáñ³ß»Ý (²å³ñ³ÝÇ ßñç.) v. Norashen ( r. Aparan ) ñ. Íîðàøåí (ðайîíÀðàðàòà) 83 ·. Üáñ³ß»Ý (²ñ³·³ÍÇ ßñç.) v. Norashen ( r. Aragats ) ñ. Íîðàøåí (ðайîí Àðàãàöà) 84 ·. Üáñ ²ñÃÇÏ v. Nor Artik ñ. Íîð Àðòèê 85 ·. Üáñ º¹»ëdz v. Nor Edesia ñ. Íîð Åäåñèà 86 ·. Þ³ÙÇñ³Ù v. Shamiram ñ. Øàìèðàì 87 ·. ޻ݳí³Ý v. Shenavan ñ. Øåíàâàí 88 ·. Þ»ÝϳÝÇ v. Shenkani ñ. Øåíêàíè 89 ·. ÞÕ³ñßÇÏ v. Shgharshik ñ. Øõàðøèê 90 ·. àëϻóë v. Vosketas ñ. Âîñêåòàñ 91 ·. àëϻѳï v. Voskehat ñ. Âîñêåàò 92 ·.
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