Measures for Progress: a History of the National Bureau of Standards
INDEX Note: Only those members of the Bureau staff mentioned in the text or singled out in the footnotes are indexed. Authors of NBS publications in the footnotes are not indexed, nor are the names of division and section chiefs from 1901 to 1960, listed in Appendix J. A Akron (dirigible), 285 ABBOT, Charles G., 205-206 ALEXANDER, John Henry, 34—35 ABELSON, Philip H., 378, 380 ALEXANDER, Samuel, 454 Aberdeen Proving Ground, 399 alidade, 189 absolute units (see CGS and individual units by ALLEN, Frederick Lewis, 19 Allentown, Pa., field laboratory, 96, 333 absolute zero, 467n ALLISON, Samuel K., 363 acoustic fuze (see proximity fuze) ALLISON, William B. (Congressman), 18 acoustical research, 231, 263, 481 Allison Commission, 18, 19, 20, 23 ACREE, Solomon F., 268, 443n alloy of 1874, 30 ADAMS, John Quincey, 21, 25, app. A, app. B alloy research, 173—174, 272, 414—415 ADAMSON, Keith F., 362 alternating.current measurement, 58, 60, 61, 67, 80 Ad Hoc Committee, NAS, 495—500, 503, 505, 507 altimeter (see aeronautical instruments) Advisory Committee on Uranium (later, S—I Section, Altitude Laboratory building (see Dynamometer Lab' NDRC; S—I Committee, OSRD), 362, 363—364, oratory building) 365, 368, 377, 379, 381—382, 384, 437 alumina extraction, 417 AD—X2, 483—487, 493, 495. See also battery additives. aluminum and aluminum products, 173—174, 185 AEF (American Expeditionary Forces), 161, 184, 189, aluminum research, 416—417. See also bauxite. 203, 207, 211—212 America in 1900, 1—9 aerial photography (see photographic research, mili- after World
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