*Revelle, Roger Baltimore 18, Maryland
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES July 1, 1962 OFFICERS Term expires President-Frederick Seitz June 30, 1966 Vice President-J. A. Stratton June 30, 1965 Home Secretary-Hugh L. Dryden June 30, 1963 Foreign Secretary-Harrison Brown June 30, 1966 Treasurer-L. V. Berkner June 30, 1964 Executive Officer Business Manager S. D. Cornell G. D. Meid COUNCIL *Berkner L. V. (1964) *Revelle, Roger (1965) *Brown, Harrison (1966) *Seitz, Frederick (1966) *Dryden, Hugh L. (1963) *Stratton, J. A. (1965) Hutchinson, G. Evelyn (1963) Williams, Robley C. (1963) *Kistiakowsky, G. B. (1964) Wood, W. Barry, Jr. (1965) Raper, Kenneth B. (1964) MEMBERS The number in parentheses, following year of election, indicates the Section to which the member belongs, as follows: (1) Mathematics (8) Zoology and Anatomy (2) Astronomy (9) Physiology (3) Physics (10) Pathology and Microbiology (4) Engineering (11) Anthropology (5) Chemistry (12) Psychology (6) Geology (13) Geophysics (7) Botany (14) Biochemistry Abbot, Charles Greeley, 1915 (2), Smithsonian Institution, Washington 25, D. C. Abelson, Philip Hauge, 1959 (6), Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2801 Upton Street, N. W., Washington 8, D. C. Adams, Leason Heberling, 1943 (13), Institute of Geophysics, University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles 24, California Adams, Roger, 1929 (5), Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Ahlfors, Lars Valerian, 1953 (1), Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts Albert, Abraham Adrian, 1943 (1), 111 Eckhart Hall, University of Chicago, 1118 East 58th Street, Chicago 37, Illinois Albright, William Foxwell, 1955 (11), Oriental Seminary, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 18, Maryland * Members of the Executive Committee of the Council of the Academy.
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