Ihanfhrfitrr Hrralft
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mjoKMeanntKmaMut’ # w MANCHESTER CLASSIFIEP ADVERTLSINfi 643-2711 SPORTS I WEEKEND Pits Town unveils % Rested demene Vampfre woman •orwem inM ^imrrtM KM maH bond plan faces the Mets o w * *armr « M M f K im reigns at MCC 52«*wwwi' dlraw«r>. M t SewW 0wartf itrtMKCK -pages ferm n 3t Nk Mo t « « * JV p R f l b l l tM h m KH0I « .6 » M M M I j 3 a w ti£ ,fn ^ ••• fttM04ulna Iviald# NMteral Ston* NvrfKs fW E tffS S W ' t0r% f'.m tu ^ •#Nr. T«r«»hon« Mf- ■# t-« e 0 Lawtwr SwwnMr. Aii- 3Pi7.o nw i* m w S X C&H Any. > flVvwMMom. 'Mtnoa Sfov*. FMfwrtab/ Mar, dMarafVa Mmsiit. m m u Gaaaf ceadCften. H t 1km. Cam oftar 3 : » m -K U lD mSf,TSPt> r « « / A adm en cronfc avf ffwar iHanfhrfitrr Hrralft sacffaa wfndaw waad ) fl City of Vilisqp Ch,irm Oronwtf wW» scratm < T’ m a s s s s S T «rwa 49" lantMt. m . Saaaawwf eardf «raa<f- ewf, spW, omi aaM«r«f, 9 K b V8V oer card. 74t-wm Per lofe-Emmen corh Saturday, Oct. 25.1906 sMa hwmMmer. Exeal- 30 Cents Naf caadlflanslze 2 1 X S * ■ IPIfa /■fti IH O K W IM t 12. Aakkm *25. Cell «42- /^■:i IfU N P in n astjo 0 IN E illli- f<»x Per Seta. Ea«r*n« Me- M tgor 35-KI5 fkecro lar». China, fully aasamMad, 1 Mlnelfo mavnf. **5. 9:00- 2:00. M04M70.O U.S. pulls vaer eW, axcallaaf camfl- 1 P V I MfO iSfltwWlfVr flan. *75. Coll M*-3B45 I m m c m a / oWar 5;30am. 5-oa9lflan walghf banch. 0 d if Lika naw tJS. Coll *44- m m r N A 1 2H9.0 Avon's Bicrcia CafumMo WB8 Choroar, 10 waad, 2B", Saint Tropaz dirt Mka, Snow tiras P/lfS/TS R14 Ion. OaaO camlHIan. *70. Anflqua aoffarn oloss chroma, olloy wheals. studded, used 1 year. ambassador bant 44940*5.0 (prasMd) comaafas, frulf Graot condition. Orlgl- Good condition. W/W. C BXpl bawb, ate. Splacas. Make imlly *200 Now 999 wHh Call evenings *4*41557 *25 axcallanf olfis. 999 *43- IFfoornendfoo fleers Wio mx Mke bog. *4*4l7a3.o eoch.o *52*.o I ^ f OeacfamMHifiiaMOr lEQ llfR IN I |fleer*,iief(irel/ead MOtTH Hove you rood today's Rowing Machine plus |*tofiNM0. No «mino any* tm m Nf ■ Mopad-MotoBacona, 460 Closslfled section? It con multi gym body tone 300. I -------- je(iiiverB«i#.co« miles, loaded, excellent tains hundreds ot Interest from Syria Elvar canoe, Vary good condition. 100. condition. *475. 449-7727. ing offers. *43-2711. DoMlas Includad. l/sad *4M24ftr tewr fimas. Excallanf con- IK By W. Dole Nelson today. COM 3 Place sectional, wood ICM M \ e m The Associated Press * 4 ^ « after or *47- There are three steps that a T *001 trome. Good condition. W4* f:30 - S:30. Ask lor iMOMmicolH I* fe advert ^ ’* • d M ooit ed w*' I f o r m l e iH m M i i government can take The least Bast atier. 13" color TV. |ll••lltCle■llfietf.e«■2711, oiBftiB. < Bob. Sharp Music Center U m h ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE - serious is recalling an ambassador Am/Fm stereo sal. *44- The United States has withdrawn for consultation. 'The next serious, 077*. its ambassador to Syria in a show which the administration chose, IMUIICAL of support for Great Britain, the was withdrawal of the ambassa IrrEm Musical Crib mobile shirt 'lake a Look- White House announced Friday. dor, and the most serious would be tales bears. ]*.00 Crib CARS CAM The move was a show of support a severing of diplomatic relations. bumper pad <*.00. Both a Aulomotlve FOR M LE for Great Britain, which earlier 110. *49-9**0b ODFOR SALE [iQ Earlier today. Richard Armit- 1985 L IN C O L N severed ties with Hafez Assad's age, an assistant secretary of *1 Goodwin Street (Off government after charging that Wurllfzer console piano. East Center Street) All ICAM /I defense for international relations, Spanish Conaulstador Lincoln Town cor M, Syria sponsored a plot to smuggle a had said, " I think that Her Ebony with banch. In per statue. (S' Tall). Unusual kinds ot stuff!! Saturdoy IFOR RALE 34,000 miles. Leather, TO W N CARS fect condition- tuned October 25, 9-4, Rain dote bomb onto an Israeli plane at Majesty’s government and Mrs. decorator Item. Good cruise, stainless steel Heathrow airport. twice yaorly. Retails looking and colorful. *43- Sunday October 2*. Autos. 2 cars tor sole rockers, custom wheels, (Margaret) Thatcher deserve tre <3,000, sale price *2,000. 4059 nights otter 3;00pm. Ports Only. 1972 Olds 455 showroom condition. The decision by the Reagan mendous support and accolades for Sove *1,000. By oppolnt- Monchester. 45 Pilgrim administration to recall Ambassa *50. 1979 Chevette - 5 door Engine *200, 1970 Ply *12,800. 871-9545. this endeavor. I think that they mant only prlyote show Lone. October 25th, W- mouth 318 Engine 1200. Horold photo by Pinto dor. William Eagleton from Da hatchback, standard, have found a terrorist, they have ing. Coll *43-9422 after *. 3pm. Rain date October Coll *4*-*«49 otter 3:00om. Robert Costra Jr., a member of In Tune Music Ministries mascus was announced by White tried a terrorist ... they have 2*th. Household, toys, AM /FM cassette ployer, of the United Pentecostal Church In Manchester. The engine has less than 10,000 [g2)I!N/^S^Mi8 of New Bedford, Mass., checks sound equipment Friday House spokesman Larry Speakes. pinned the responsibility back to ENDROLLS books, clothing, tobrics, 1980 C h e v y C Ito tlo n presentation, using recordings, slides and tapes, seeks to accompanying President Reagan 27% width - 2S9 outomotive and miles on It. Good condi IFOR SALE Syria an(l they are taking moves to tion. Asking $1200 or best 1500/Best offer. 1977 before giving a presentation on rock music to members show that rock music is Influenced by the devil. on a campaign trip from Oklahoma 13% width - 2 (or 28* miscellaneous. Omega tor ports, best make sure that Syria understands n offer 742-5918. City. Okla.. to Tampa. Fla. very clearly that state-sponsored M UST be picked up at the offer *44-8515. 79 Ford 150 4 wheel drive Manchester Herald Otfice 4 Condo Too Sole - 10/25, pick up, 8 foot body. In the statement given to repor terrorism is not something that Pree "Sunshine and Gln- before 11 A M ONLY 9-2 only. *75 North Main ^974 Cadllloc. Good run Automatic, power steer ters accompanying Reagan on the Her Majesty’s government is going oer". Adult, spayed Street. Items A-Z ning condition. 1900 or ing, 351V-8, V h 1983 Fisher president's plane. Speakes. refer to get along with” orange cots. One Angoro, best offer. New battery, tour way plow. Excellent ring to British action today, said. other short haired. Both Churchgoers see devil In music Syria called Great Britain’s A m 1966 Rombler-The Clos- new brakes, new woter condition, low mileage #59120 #59130 hoye yearly yet check ITAO slc! From when they ma- "We applaud the reaction of her action unjustified and ordered Its 2:30 pump. 644-8776. 15395. *49-8926. majesty’s government. We support air space and territorial waters I'Ds. Dasparotely need ISALER de'em like they used to. By John Mitchell cont oood home. *47-04*1 after (}nly 85,000 mites! Solid NADA Retail........ $ 1 5 , 2 0 0 helped groups such as The Eagles. record ratings were a good idea He the British decision. Our ambassa closed to British planes and ships. 2 1984 Mecury Marguls Spm. Saturday and Sunday Oc Harold Reporter Tim Larsen, who has been with dor Is being withdrawn from Syria. T o m tober 25th ond 26th. 10am- runner. 742-7686 evenings. wagon, oir conditioning, ICAMPEM/ Queen and The Beatles offer admitted that hard rock could not Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey the church since 1981, said he In the coming days we will be in October 25th ond 26th, 5pm. 211 Main street, Dodge 400, 1982 2 door automatic transmission, Itrahem M orlartv Discount...$ 3,200 phrases and thoughts that go be eliminated, but said education doesn’t listen to rock music Howe told Parliament there was systt 9om to 4pm. *55 Bush Hill With slides of reiYird-album close consultation with her majes IMIRCELLANEOUR Manchester. 3 FOmlly Tag sport, vinyl root, new itawer steering, om/tm against church teachings. should help people become aware anymore. conclusive evidence of official Nort Rd. Household Items, fur Sole. brakes/shocks, rear win stereo, 6 cylinders. 52,000 covers, an analysis of lyrics, a Audience members, though of what he believes Is behind the ty’s government” Syrian involvement in the “ mon Iforsale niture, boys clothes and l3'/i toot. Sunllne self reel-to-reel tape recorder playing " It ’s nothing but garbage.” he dow defroster, om/fm ro- osking 14,800. *46-7329. Af contained troller. Very sometimes straining In their at music. A senior administration official strous and inhumane" attempt to toys, miscelloneous. Goroge Sale - Saturday, 8. ter 3pm. Selling Price $12,000 said. "You can’t even understand dlo. 12800. 875-5484. Cleon, Excellent condition songs backwards and old tempt to hear phrases like "yes. What Is behind rock and roll, said that U.S. Ambassador-At- sabotage the El A1 flight to Tel Aviv Sunday 25th ond 26th.