The Panama Canal Review Japanese-Built Locomotive, With
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries £ _L His First 30 Days 4 Gray Ladies Go International. 8 New Cristobal Schedules 15 What CARNAVAL Is All About. 10 •ol. 12, No. 8 March 8, 1962 Robert J. Fleming, Jr., Governor-President N. D. Christensen, Press Officer VV*. P. Leber, Lieutenant Governor Joseph Connor, Publications Editor Editorial Assistants: Will Arey Official Panama Canal Ctmpany Publication Eunice Richard and Tobi Bittel Panama Canal Information Officer Published Monthly at Balboa Heights, C. Z. William Burns, Official Photographer Printid at the Printing Plant, Mount Hopc,Canal Zont On sale at all Panama Canal Service Centers, Retail Stores, and the Tivoli Guest House for 10 days after publication date at 5 cents each. Subscriptions, {1 a year; mall and back copies, 10 cents each. Postal money orders made payable to the Panama Canal Company should be mailed to Box M, Balboa Heights, C. Z. Editorial Offices are located in the Administration Buildinc. Balboa Heights, C. Z. $60,000,000 In This Issue Statu* of Major Smprovement* Canal THIS MONTH is Carnival time in Panama and the first few days of March will be devoted to the gay, pie-Lenten festival. The origins of the holiday, its GAILLARD CUT: All widening work on the WIDENING OF legends, and the manner in which it is observed all Empire Reach section of Gaillard Cut will be completed by are described in the article which starts on page 10 December 1962.
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