Three Million Worshippers Crowd Rio's Copacabana Beach for World

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Three Million Worshippers Crowd Rio's Copacabana Beach for World Bringing the Good News to the Diocese of Fort Worth Vol. 29 No. 5 September / October 2013 Three Million worshippers crowd Rio’s Copacabana Beach for World Youth Day Closing Mass Among them were young Catholics from the Diocese of Fort Worth Father Khoi Tran and Father James Wilcox were ordained to the priesthood June 29 at Vietnamese Martyrs Church Read about the event and their vocational stories pp. 32-35; español 50-51 In This Issue... 1122 12 UDMC’S ‘WALKING TOGETHER IN TWO VERY POPULAR POPES TO 6 FAITH’ BACK FOR YEAR SEVEN BECOME SAINTS VERY SOON Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez, archbishop The way has been cleared for the of Tegucigalpa, will keynote this year's sainthood causes of Blessed John XXIII gathering of 6‚000 Catholic faithful and Blessed John Paul II. and religious educators from across the South. 14 ST. MARK BREAKS GROUND Emphasizing that where they came WORLD YOUTH DAY IN RIO 23 together to celebrate their unity in Young people from St. Elizateth Christ was less important than that they Ann Seton and St. Thomas Aquinas came together as the Body of Christ, parishes joined Pope Francis and 3 the people of St. Mark Church moved million others, experiencing a sense of 1144 shovelsful of dirt. Pentecost. SHARING IN MINISTRY 30 26 COURT LOUISE CELEBRATES ITS Once again we’re reminded of those CENTENNIAL AS A CDA AFFILIATE things that won’t get funding if we Regents and offi cers of the Catholic don’t all pull together. Buildings won’t Daughters of the Americas joined the get repaired; youth ministries won’t get members of Court Louise, the most funded; seminarians’ expenses won’t venerable of the CDA affi liates in the get paid. The goal is $3 million. 2266 diocese and the fi rst chartered here — in 1913. HOW DID GARY CANGEMI GIVE LIFE 38 TO A PRO-LIFE CARTOON? 32 FR. KHOI TRAN AND How does a commercial artist and FR. JAMES WILCOX political cartoonist become godfather Two of our local seminarians were to a tribe of in-the-womb cartoon ordained to the priiesthood at characters — led by Umbert? Vietnamese Martyrs Church June 29. Their stories are moving and attention- COVER PHOTOS: grabbing, as is Kathy Cribari Hamer’s MAIN PICTURE: Pilgrims crowd Copacabana Beach as 3322 description of the ancient ritual of Pope Francis celebrates the closing Mass of World Youth ordination. Day July 28 in Rio de Janeiro. During the service the pope commissioned an estimated 3 million people in attendance to become missionaries without borders. (CNS photo/Paulo 42 FR. JONATHAN WALLIS Whitaker, Reuters) Fr. Jonathan is the new director of CORNER PICTURE LOWER RIGHT: Pilgrims from the Vocations for the diocese, and the Diocese of Fort Worth pose in front of the world-famous story of how he himself came to be a Christ the Redeemer statue shortly after arriving in Rio de Janeiro on Monday, July 22. (Photo courtesy of Randell Labio) Catholic priest is one of a lifetime-long CORNER PICTURE LOWER LEFT: Archbishop Gustavo calling. Pretty fascinating. Garcia-Siller ordains Khoi Tran and James Wilcox to the 4422 priesthood in the ordination Mass, June 29, at Vietnamese Martyrs Church in Arlington. (NTC/Kathy Cribari Hamer) PAGE 2 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2013 Sometime soon the Diocese of Fort Worth will have a new bishop! ounting up the U.S. dioceses that have been without a bish- C Apostolic Nuncio Editorial Offi ce: 800 West op the longest,it won't be long before the Loop 820 S., Fort Worth, in Washington announces a new bishop for Fort Worth. Though PUBLISHER: Texas 76108, (817) 560-3300; no one knows the time or a name, the anticipation is growing. Monsignor Stephen Berg FAX (817) 244-8839. Having just read Patrick Foley’s biography about the first DIRECTOR OF Circulation Offi ce: Rita Garber, 800 West Loop 820 bishop of Texas, Bishop Jean-Marie Odin (Missionary Bishop, COMMUNICATIONS: S., Fort Worth, Texas 76108, Jean-Marie Odin in Galveston and New Orleans), I've developed Pat Svacina (817) 560-3300. NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC a deeper appreciation for the hard work that is involved in lead- EDITOR: Newsmagazine (USPS ing a diocese. 751-370) (ISSN 0899-7020) Jeff Hensley is published six times a year Bishop Odin's circumstances were exceptionally difficult. (bi-monthly) by the Diocesan ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Administrator of the Diocese Texas was very much mission territory in the same sense that we Tony Gutiérrez of Fort Worth, Msgr. Stephen would think of missionary lands in modern times. ADMINISTRATIVE Berg, 800 W. Loop 820 S., Fort Worth, Texas 76108. For Conditions were primitive, travel was undertaken at great ASSOCIATE: those who are not registered risk. Only someone highly motivated to spread the Gospel would Judy Russeau parishioners in the Diocese of Fort Worth, subscription rates be willing to undergo such hardships. WEB DESIGNER: are $18 for one year, $35 Much of his travel was undertaken to be able to knit together for two years, $50 for three Chris Kastner years. Periodical postage the farflung pieces of his diocese, the entire state of Texas. Hav- paid at Fort Worth, Texas. ing watched Bishop Kevin Vann as he sought to make all the WRITERS AND POSTMASTER: Send address changes to North Texas churches in the 28 counties of our large diocese feel connected PHOTOGRAPHERS: Catholic, 800 W. Loop 820 S., to the rest of the Church, I can see many similarities between Michele Baker Fort Worth, Texas 76108. the work of a missionary bishop and a modern bishop. Crystal Brown Deadline for information for the North Texas Catholic is Bishop Odin had on occasion to seek alliances with civil Jenara Kocks Burgess noon of the Wednesday two Jaqueline Burkepile weeks before the magazine government to get back property the Republic of Texas had taken is published. The NTC is pub- from the Catholic Church. He had to lobby the legislature for the Jerry Circelli lished bi-monthly, the third Juan Guajardo Friday of the month, with most basic of rights, the right of the Church to its own property. the following two months as Kathy Cribari Hamer the date of each issue. Today bishops must lead their people in making sure Catholic Joan Kurkowski-Gillen To access current news and beliefs are able to be expressed in the public square in health- Mike McGee information, fi nd us at www. care, immigration, protecting human life, funding for the poor. Nicki Prevou The appearance of advertis- It seems no matter how much things change, they remain Donna Ryckaert ing in these pages does not quite similar. imply endorsement of busi- nesses, services, or products. As a frontier bishop, Bishop Odin had to rally the people of COLUMNISTS: Readers must exercise God to be well formed in their faith; he had to make sure there prudence in responding to Denise Bossert advertising in all media. were adequate clergy to serve the people’s spiritual and sacra- Jean Denton mental needs, travelling all over Europe, if necessary, to bring in Kathy Cribari Hamer new workers to tend the people of God. Jeff Hedglen I’ve watched our bishops for 25 years pursue the same goals. Jeff Hensley It’s always hard to serve an evergrowing Catholic population. Father David Mercer Pray for our new bishop. The work remains difficult, the David Mills hours long and arduous. Whoever he is, pray for him. Mary Regina Morrell Jeff Hensley Sharon K. Perkins Editor PAGE 3 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2013 CLERGY ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH REV. JUAN G UERRERO, CORC, upon presentation as Parochial Vicar of St. John the Baptist Par- Arlington, effective July 28, 2013. by the Regional Director of the Confraternity of ish, Bridgeport; St. Mary Parish, Jacksboro; and REV. RAY MCDANIEL, from Pastor of St. Peter the Operarios of the Reign of Christ, is assigned Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, the Apostle Parish, Lindsay, is assigned Parochial as Parochial Administrator of Holy Name of Decatur, effective May 19, 2013. Administrator of St. Philip the Apostle Parish, Jesus Parish, Fort Worth, effective Feb. 1, 2013. REV. ANH TRAN has resigned as Pastor of St. Lewisville, effective Aug. 1, 2013. REV. JOSEPH O RLOWSKI, FSSSP, upon presentation Francis of Assisi Parish, Grapevine, for medical REV. PHILIP PETTA, from Parochial Vicar of St. by the District Superior, is assigned as Chaplain reasons, effective May 29, 2013. Matthew Parish, Arlington, is assigned Parochial of The College of Saints John Fisher and Thomas REV. LUIS R UNDE, OFM, has returned to his prov- Administrator of St. Peter Parish, Lindsay, effec- More, Fort Worth, effective March 7, 2013. ince from Sacramental Priest at Sacred Heart of tive Aug. 1, 2013. REV. JOHN KARANJA, SAC, upon presentation Jesus Parish, Breckenridge, and Jesus of Nazareth REV. JOHN STASIOWSKI retired as Pastor of St. by his religious superior, is assigned as Parochial Parish, Albany, effective May 31, 2013. Philip the Apostle Parish, Lewisville, effective Vicar of St. Stephen Parish, Weatherford, effec- REV. THOMAS D’SOUZA, SAC, upon presentation Aug. 1, 2013. tive March 26, 2013. by his Religious Superior, from Priest in Residence REV. JAMES FLYNN, from Pastor of St. Thomas REV. JOSHUA W HITFIELD, upon the recommenda- at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Mineral Wells, Aquinas Parish, Pilot Point, is assigned as Paro- tion of the Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate and St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Graford, is as- chial Administrator of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, of the Chair of St. Peter, is assigned to the Diocese signed as Parochial Administrator of St.
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