Hull Acrylic 1245 x 770 SB Hull Office.qxp_Layout 1 20/08/2019 14:23 Page 1

A1033 To M62 West A1033 Port Road Security HouseOffice Control A63 Dry Docks

1 Security Control Security 2 Engineering .

. 0 Control 0 (Main Gate) Workshops N N Euro 5 Terminalermina; Biomass Silo DD C 2 h rane Bu Roll-on/ North Wall t tterle r 13 4 Cra y e 6 y ne n Roll-off B i a B4

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r Security Control r h Q 8

e t r D 2 Entrance 2 1 7 ALEXANDRA DOCK B e 3 Qu 31 Eastern Access

s a B Qua 3 y s 3 y x 1 M Ha S B2 8 e r & M10 obi bou P A Jetty B Jetty C Jetty le Cr r Cran Bu N 19 A1033 Alexandr m ane e tte ort a M11 s rley h G e 14 Cra No ap ne rth M12 Dock d Q l P&O 18 uay M13 20 o M 9 Siemens Offshore Extension Terminal 2 M12 K 9 H Medical IN 3 x y H G Mo arbo B1 Wind Terminal Centre a GE bile C ur 10 SiemensSecurity u OR ran 5 Q G es B3 P&O ua Q E 2 y ServiceControl Centre 5 DO x But 26 We Qua 5 Qu 4 CK C terley 21 Terminal Roll-on/ st y ay rane Midd l e e 2 12 D 14 Roll-off n Q D Roll-on/ Qu Riverside D ua 2 ay a y C r ra D ne C 1 Roll-off House y 8 Quay a 7 u 12 Q

D e P&O C P D 1 r n a 2 & a 1 11 All Weather 22 n r Terminal 1 e S Alexandra Dock 1 C 0 Alexandra Dock 0 3 Terminal Lock Dimensions Security Roll-on/ Extension 8 Length 167.6m Control Q Roll-off 23 Max. Vessel u Breadth 24.2m a Length 122.0m Marine Control 15 y 3 Draft 7.9m (tidal) River 17 Q 10 Beam 19.7m Centre UE Quay AWT 5 x Overhead Max. Vessel Terminal 1 EN Alexandra Dock Draft 7.9m (tidal) ELIZ Gantry Cranes Length 143.0m H AB River Berths Approx. Dwt 6,000 M arbo ET Development Beam 23.7m obil ur H D Finland e Cra OC Alexandra Dock Draft 7.9m (tidal) ne K Area Development Area River Terminal 1 Terminal MC 9 Approx. Dwt 34,000 King George Dock Quay 1 2 Riverside Berth 3 Max. Vessel 50 hectares Max. Vessel Lock Dimensions 16 L4 Roll-on/ Length 214.0m L3 Length - 120.0m Length 228.0m (c. 123 acres) Alexandra Dock Beam 29.0m L2 Roll-off Breadth 25.7m 4 L1 Draft 8.5m Draft 6.5m (max) x ST Riverside Berths 1 & 2 Max. Vessel S Gan Approx. Dwt 12,000 try Cr Max. Vessel Length 199.0m Finnhumber anes Length - 199.0m Beam 25.5m House Draft 10.4m Draft 10.4m (max) Hull Container Approx. Dwt 34,000 Terminal 25 Saltend R IVER Chemicals in Park a r D

SCALE t e le F 0 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 5280 Feet (1mile) Development ld Area O 0 500 1000 1500 1609.3 metres

Development Area 53 hectares ALBERT & WILLIAM WRIGHT (c. 133 acres) DOCKS To

Saltend Jetties Road e Jetty No.1 A63 c la Length 79.0m d l P

r C a a t i a st e Jetty No.3 c l v e k r S r e t e l a ll Length 121.0m d u M u m H o R r Max. Vessel m B ve o i E R t Length 214.0m Ja nglish C ckson St Street S Development Area Mitigation r e Beam 40.0m t

r MARINA w S t o 80 hectares o Myton Bridge T Draft 10.4m (max) Area S e Goulton n Street s

e a (Swing) u t n G (c. 198 acres) M o S arr u iso n

t n H n Rd e TToo M62 Clive Sullivan Way p Wel SECURITY lingto e v e n S t e TToo EasternEastern a CONTROL N u H Q Docks n Tidal edo N Barrier South Brid H ALBERT DOCK Island elson ge Rd WILLIAM WRIGHT Wharf DOCK St Dry Dock K J H G F E D C B A Jetties Minerva Pier Riverside Quay No. 1 Albert & Wm Wright Docks RIV E R HUM B E R Lock Dimensions Length 97.0m Breadth 24.3m Albert Dock Riverside Quay Max. Vessel SCALE Max. Vessel Level Length 122.0m (Penning Length 83.5m) No. 3 0 500 1000 2000 3000 feet Length -- Beam 30.0m Beam 22.0m Draft 4.5m (tidal) Draft 7.0m (tidal) Approx. Dwt 4,500 Approx. Dwt 5,000 0 500 1000 metres


North Sea King George & Queen Elizabeth Docks Alexandra Dock Albert & William Wright Docks Lock Dimensions Length 228m Breadth 25.7m Lock Dimensions Length 167.6m Breadth 24.2m Lock Dimensions Length 97m Breadth 24.3m AA1M1M River Ouse Leeds BERTH LENGTH CRANES BERTH LENGTH Wm Wright Dock Selby Hull 4 1 Quay 400m 1 x DD2 7.5 tonne North Wall 400m BERTH LENGTH M62 B4 1 x Butterley 15 tonne 3 Berth 120m North Wall 420m M62M62 River Ouse 31 M62 Humber North Quay 530m 1 x S&P 10 tonne A, B & C Jetties 130m South Wall 300m Bridge B2 1 x Butterley 15 tonne River Berth 1 & 2 420m M62 2 x Liebherr Mobile 180 M12 M13 River Berth 3 217m Albert Dock Wakefield M9 1 x Liebherr Mobile 320 BERTH LENGTH M18 2 x Butterley 15 tonne B1 B3 Alexandra Dock Extension North Wall 850m A1M River Humber 2 Quay 170m BERTH LENGTH South Wall 1000m (including inset) Scunthorpe 3 Quay 413m 1 x Liebherr Mobile 250 M10 1 Berth 122m M181 1 x Liebherr Mobile 320 M11 2 Berth 100m Albert Dock Riverside Quay M1 M180 M180 Barnsley M18 1 x Liebherr Mobile 420 M12 East Wall 250m BERTH LENGTH DEPTH )VNCFSTJEF 4 Quay 83m Souh Wall 150m Riverside Quay 325m 4.8m (tidal) Airport Doncaster River Trent 5 Quay East 153m 5 Quay Middle 124m Dry Dock Facilities Dry Dock Facilities 5 Quay West 55m DRY DOCK NET WIDTH WIDTH OF WATER DEPTH ON SILL DRY DOCK NET WIDTH WIDTH OF WATER DEPTH ON SILL 7 Quay 182m 10 LENGTH AT COPE ENTRANCE AT MHWS AT MHWN LENGTH AT COPE ENTRANCE AT MHWS AT MHWN M18 M1 A1M 8 Quay 172m 1 x DD2 7.5 tonne MC No. 1 139m 24.6m 17.2m 5.4m 3.9m Wm Wright 137m 25.9m 15.2m 6.5m 5.0m Distances from the Port of Hull 9 Quay 568m 1 x Liebherr Mobile 320 L4 L3 L2 L1 No. 2 153m 27.1m 18.6m 6.1m 4.6m 4 x Liebherr STS 45 tonne Road Leeds Manchester Birmingham London Cardiff Glasgow Gainsborough Louth Dolphin (both sides) 140m Sheffield Worksop 10 Quay 560m 30 Miles 61 96 138 214 247 266 11 Quay 182m 1 x S&P 10 tonne 1 M1 1 x DD2 7.5 tonne 8 Sea Antwerp Gothenburg Hamburg Rotterdam Zeebrugge Helsinki 12 Quay 415m 1 x DD2 7.5 tonne All-Weather Terminal 5 x Overhead Gangtry Cranes 25 tonne Nautical Miles 212 503 385 211 208 1418 Lincoln 14 Quay 167m Chesterfield = Height Restrictions Time from the Port of Hull to Spurn Point is 2.5hrs