HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Occurs in the Position Herein Created
408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 13 Richard L. Bowen, of South Dakota. Tucker P. E. Gougelmann, of New Yo:rk. The SPEAKER. Without objection, Thomas Gordon Brown, Jr., of New Mexico. Charles C. Hall, Jr.. of Virginia. the resignation is accepted. John Allen Buche, of Indiana. John.J. Hicks, of Virginia. There was no objection. John B. Connely, of Californ1&. Leo J., of Pennsylvania.. John P. Crawford, of Ohio. Boris nyin, of. Virginia. Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I offer a Douglas James Harwood, of Connecticut. George A. Ives, Jr., of North Carolina. privileged resolution <H. Res. 417) and Marvin W. Humphreys, of the District of Hans J. Jensen, of California. ask for its immediate consideration. Columbia. Thane A. Kuhlman, of ~chigan. The Clerk read as follows: Robert E. Kaufman, of the District of George V. Lauder; of Connecticut. Resolved, That GEORGE E. SHIPLEY, of Il Columbia. Lawrence G. Leisersohn, of the District of linois, be, and he is hereby, elected a mem Kenneth A ..Kurze, of Rhode Island. Columbia. ber of the standing Committee of the House PaulL. Laas~. of Nebraska. Richard M. Long, of Colorado. of Representatives on Appropriations. Stephen J. Ledogar, of New York. Edward S. Lynch, of Maryland. Jon s. Lodeesen, of Tennessee. Joseph A. Minott, Jr., of Oregon. The resolution was agreed to. Edward V. Nef, of the District of Columbia. Nicholas A. Montesano, of New York. A motion to reconsider was laid on the Jack R. Perry, of Georgia. Duncan Purcell, of Pennsylvania. table. Paul B. Remmey, Jr., of Pennsylvania. ·Ralph H. Redford, of Utah.
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