Political Process, Activism, and Health Dissertation
POLITICAL PROCESS, ACTIVISM, AND HEALTH DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Anne E. Haas, M.A. ***** The Ohio State University 2005 Dissertation Committee: Approved by Professor Vincent Roscigno, Advisor Professor Timothy Curry ________________________ Professor Steven Lopez Sociology Graduate Program ABSTRACT Conventional women are saturated with mass media images depicting very thin, attractive women. These images impose ideals that are impossible for most women to meet in a healthy way. This study examines the substantive issue of women's body appearance, aging, and related health outcomes, including eating disorders, and how these might be mediated and improved by activist political process. Concepts from social movements and social-psychological perspectives are integrated into what I call the political process model—a model that delineates how activists become socialized and immersed in alternative political networks that influence subsequent activities, ideas, and identities. I use this model to test the ability of activists to sustain commitment to their causes, including those that relate to women’s bodies, over time. The process that connects the concepts in this model (i.e., pivotal events, collective identity, pivotal departures, empowerment, and health) provides the conceptual framework to which my analytic strategy derives. I address four research expectations using triangulated quantitative and qualitative methods, and draw original data sources. Original survey data on female activists and non-activists are used to test whether the two groups differ in their politics, daily routines, and several dimensions of health (e.g., use of conventional versus non-conventional medical care, eating habits, etc.).
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