CUMBRIAN RAILWAYS ASSOCIATION PHOTO LIBRARY: MAYOR COLLECTION Photos mainly taken by Alec Mayor of Kendal or his father. 5xx – 6xx series copied from prints

Neg No Location Secti Description Date Quality MAY001 Wells LCRon LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, down passr passing MP 36 1950s # MAY002 Ribblehead station SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44672 + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr passing station, low level view from down 1950s A MAY003 Garsdale, Moorcock SCR BRside 9F 2-10-0 92136, down goods, Dandry Mire viaduct in distance 1950s A MAY004 Garsdale SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44790, up milk tanks approaches station 1950s A MAY005 Garsdale station SCR BR 9F 2-10-0 92102, up goods, coaches on other side of island platform 1950s A MAY006 Garsdale station SCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42491, up passr stands in branch platform 1950s # MAY007 Garsdale station SCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45730, up passr on overbridge south of station 1950s B MAY008 Dent station SCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46113, down Thames-Clyde Express, passing signal box 1950s A MAY009 Ais Gill, N of SCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 44181, up cattle train 1950s A MAY010 Garsdale station SCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46113, down passr nearing station, water tower beyond 1950s B MAY011 Dandry Mire viaduct SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 + LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0, up passr head away in distance on viaduct 1950s B MAY012 Ais Gill, N of SCR LMS 5MT Crab 2-6-0 42907, up goods comes under B6259 bridge 1950s B MAY013 Blea Moor Tunnel, N end SCR LMS 8F 2-8-0, down goods emerging from tunnel 1950s A MAY014 Risehill Tunnel, S end SCR S portal of tunnel 1950s A MAY015 Risehill Tunnel, S end SCR S portal of tunnel, closer view 1950s A MAY016 Moorcock Tunnel, N end SCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45694, down passr M931 emerging from tunnel 1950s B MAY017 RisehillTunnel, N end SCR LNER A3 4-6-2 60088, up passr Thames-Clyde Express, emerging from tunnel 1950s B MAY018 Lunds SCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46145, down passr The Waverley approaching crossing 1950s A MAY019 Shotlock Hill Tunnel SCR LNER A3 4-6-2 60088, down passr Thames-Clyde Express comes out of tunnel 1960s B MAY020 Blea Moor Tunnel SCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70053, down passr comes out of tunnel 1960s A MAY021 Blea Moor, S of SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44849, up passr C820 1950s B MAY022 Ais Gill, N of SCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46103, down Thames-Clyde Express running wrong line 1950s B MAY023 , NW of KWR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45633, up passr approached from Kendal 1950s B MAY024 Ais Gill, N or SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 x2, down passr 1950s B MAY025 Ais Gill, N or SCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, down passr M771 running wrong line 1950s B MAY026 Shotlock Hill Tunnel, N SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45012, up Class 5 goods 1950s # MAY027 Dentof Head SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45013, down local passr, 2 coaches 1950s A MAY028 Culgaith station SCR LMS 5MT Crab 2-6-0, running light down through station 1950s A MAY029 Ribblehead viaduct SCR Viaduct, central section, left hand arches scaffolded 1950s A MAY030 Dillicar, Borrowbridge LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0, down Class 8 goods, pipes, running wrong line 1950s B MAY031 Appleby station SCR LMS 4F 0-6-0, up goods heading away from platform, water tower above 1950s B MAY032 Appleby station SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 propelling coach and BV, takes water at up platform 1960s B MAY033 Appleby station SCR Water tower at S end of up platform with young lady on down platform 1960s A MAY034 Appleby station SCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 46714 ?, up passr W914 enters, view from footbridge 1960s A MAY035 Appleby station SCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46117, up passr enters, view from footbridge 1960s # MAY036 Appleby station SCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46145, down Thames-Clyde Express, stands at N end, low-level view 1960s A MAY037 Appleby station SCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45658, down Thames-Clyde Express, stands at N end 1950s B MAY038 Threlkeld station CKP LMS 2MT 2-6-0 46432, down passr stands by signal box, yard crane on right 1950s A MAY039 St Bees WFJ LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T 42401, up passr approached, view from FB, note allotments on rt 1950s # MAY040 Lakeside station LSB LMS 4MT 2-6-4T stands bunker first in general view of station lkg N 1950s A MAY041 Heysham harbour BR DUKE OF LANCASTER and DUKE OF ROTHESAY, stern view together at quey 1950s A MAY042 Lancaster Green Ayre LMH MR 3F 0-6-0 43293, down goods enters at E end, good catenary detail 1950s B MAY043 Lancasterstation Green Ayre LMH MR 4F 0-6-0 44280, down goods passes signal box 1950s B MAY044 Lancasterstation Green Ayre LMH LMS 4P Compound 4-4-0 41045, down passr stands at platform, station detail 1950s A MAY045 Lancasterstation Green Ayre LMH LMS 2MT 2-6-0 46441, down goods enters 1950s B MAY046 Kendalstation station KWR BR Cl 104 dmu enters from Oxenholme 1950s B MAY047 Kendal station KWR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46118, up passr stands, low-level view 1950s A MAY048 Kendal KWR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45586, up passr approaches from NW, goods yard on left 1950s # MAY049 Kendal station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34, 4 coaches stands in platform 1960s A MAY050 Kendal station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34, 4 coaches stands in platform 1960s B MAY051 Kendal station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34, 4 coaches stands in platform 1960s B MAY052 Kendal, SW of KWR View ahead from train climbing towards Oxenholme 1960s A MAY053 Burneside station KWR General view lkg from down platform NW over crossing to up platform 1960s B MAY054 Burneside station KWR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42457, up passr passes Ground Frame box 1960s B MAY055 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34 awaits departure 1960s B MAY056 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34 awaits departure 1960s B MAY057 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34 awaits departure 1960s B MAY058 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40 D373, up passr 1A34 awaits departure, 3/4 rear view 1960s B MAY059 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 47 D1857, up passr 1A75 awaits departure 1960s B MAY060 Windermere station KWR General view of station layout and yard lkg N from signal box 1960s A MAY061 Staveley Crossing KWR A591 crossing and keeper viewed from down train 1960s A MAY062 Windermere station KWR View ahead from train approaching station 1960s A MAY063 Windermere station KWR View ahead from passr being shunted into platform - BR Cl 40 D436 waits in siding 1972 c. A MAY064 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 50 D436, up passr 1A75 awaits departure 1972 c. A MAY065 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 50 D436, up passr 1A75 awaits departure, low level view from tracks 1972 c. A MAY066 Windermere station KWR BR Cl 50 D436, up passr 1A75 awaits departure, view from tracks 1972 c. A MAY067 Kendal, SW of KWR BR Cl 50 D436, up passr 1A75 heads away up bank from station 1972 c. B MAY068 Kendal station KWR BR Cl 50 D436, up passr 1A75 departs 1972 c. B MAY069 Garsdale station SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44842, up goods enters on wrong line 1950s A MAY070 Garsdale SCR General view lkg N from N end of down platform with MR signals, etc 1950s B MAY071 Garsdale station SCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 shunts three wagons on up line, station canopy detail on rt 1950s B MAY072 Shotlock Hill Tunnel SCR S portal of tunnel, viewed from top of cutting 1950s B MAY073 Shotlock Hill Tunnel SCR Tunnel sign at S end 1950s B MAY074 Euston station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46236, down Royal Scot awaits departure - with admirers 1950s A MAY075 Euston station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46241 semi, down Royal Scot awaits departure 1950s A MAY076 Crewe station GJR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, up Royal Scot enters at N end under footbridge 1950s A MAY077 Crewe station GJR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0, heads away with London-Blackpool passr, N Junction box on left 1950s A MAY078 Crewe station GJR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46106, down passr heads away from N end, view from footbridge 1950s A MAY079 Crewe station GJR BR 8P 4-6-2 71000, up passr leaving, LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 on rt 1950s A MAY080 Crewe station GJR SR 1Co-Co1 10203, up passr awaits departure, end of platform view 1950s A MAY081 Euston station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46242, down Caledonian awaits departure, with admirers 1950s # MAY082 Euston station LBR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46125, down passr ready to leave, 1950s A MAY083 Preston, N LPJ WD 2-8-0 90686, up goods approaches from Fylde Junction under signal gantry 1950s B MAY084 Lancaster Castle LCR General view lkg N at N end of platform 3, with girl friend 1950s A MAY085 Lancaster Castle LCR BR 6MT Clan 4-6-2 72004, up passr W128, nears from N, view from N end of platform 3 1950s A MAY086 Lancaster Castle station LCR LMS 3P 0-4-4T, up passr from Morecambe Euston Rd arriving at N end, view from train in platform 1950s A 3 lkg N MAY087 Lancaster Castle station LCR LMS 2MT 2-6-0 46441 up passr stands in Bay 2 platform, view from buffers 1950s A MAY088 Lancaster Castle station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46249, down Mid-Day Scot overtakes LMS 7P rebt Jubilee 4-6-0 45735, 1950s # MAY089 Lancaster Castle station LCR LMSdown 8P passr Coronation in platform 4-6 3-2 46235, down Mid-Day Scot overtakes BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70052, 1950s # down passr in platform 3 MAY090 locoshed unknown LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46200 and others in shed scene 1950s # MAY091 locoshed unknown General view lkg over turntable with many locos and coaling tower 1950s A MAY092 Milnthorpe station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46254, up passr comes under bridge into station 1950s A MAY093 Natland LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, down Caledonian 1950s A MAY094 Oxenholme, N of LCR BR Cl 40, down passr, 5-coaches 1960s A MAY095 Milnthorpe LCR LMS Diesels 10000/1, down Mid-Day Scot passing goods shed and yard 1950s A MAY096 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 8F 2-8-0 48713, down goods, passes LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42544 on local passr in up loop 1950s A MAY097 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45224, up passr passes S end of loops, view from Burton Road bridge 1950s A MAY098 Oxenholme, S LCR BR "Cl 41" D600, prototype stands in up loop on delivery run 195812 A MAY099 Oxenholme, S LCR BR "Cl 41" D600, prototype stands in up loop on delivery run 195812 A MAY100 Oxenholme, S LCR BR "Cl 41" D600, prototype stands in up loop on delivery run, portrrait of driver 195812 A MAY101 Oxenholme, S LCR BR "Cl 41" D600, prototype stands in up loop on delivery run, front view 195812 A MAY102 Oxenholme, S LCR BR "Cl 41" D600, prototype pulls out of up loop 195812 A MAY103 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45365, up goods, viewed from Burton Road bridge lkg N, LNW signals 1950s A MAY104 Oxenholme, S LCR Derailed carriages under Burton Road bridge 19580707 A MAY105 Oxenholme, S LCR Derailed carriages under Burton Road bridge 19580707 A MAY106 Oxenholme, S LCR Derailed carriages under Burton Road bridge 19580707 A MAY107 Oxenholme, S LCR Derailed carriages under Burton Road bridge 19580707 A MAY108 Oxenholme, down loop LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3020, LNWR 2-4-0 790, consist of special wkg to Transport Treasures exhibition in 195806 A Carlisle MAY109 Oxenholme, down loop LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3020, LNWR 2-4-0 790, consist of special wkg to Transport Treasures exhibition in 195806 A Carlisle MAY110 Oxenholme, down loop LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3020, LNWR 2-4-0 790, consist of special wkg to Transport Treasures exhibition in 195806 A Carlisle MAY111 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46245, up Caledonian passes special train with LNWR locos 1950s A MAY112 locoshed ? LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46249 under repair inside shed alongside LMS 2P 4-4-0 40583. 46245 1950s A beyond MAY113 Oxenholme locoshed LCR Driver portrait standing beside LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T, low view lkg aft 1950s A MAY114 Oxenholme locoshed LCR LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T, low view lkg aft, snow cover 1950s A MAY115 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, down Caledonian passing locoshed on rt 1950s A MAY116 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45393, up goods passing locoshed on rt 1950s B MAY117 Oxenholme, S LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods passing locoshed, evening light 1950s A MAY118 Oxenholme station, S LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46249, up Caledonian passes No 2 SB 1950s B MAY119 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR LMS Diesels 10000/1, up Royal Scot passing No 2 SB entering station 1950s A MAY120 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46241, down Caledonian comes under road bridge 1950s A MAY121 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR LMS 2P 4-4-0 40629 + BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, up passr stopped by No 2 signal box 1950s A MAY122 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T Fowler 42313, goods for branch comes under overbridge 1950s A MAY123 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45582, up passr comes over crossover from branch platform 1950s A MAY124 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46236, up "Caledonian" passes No. 2 SB 1959 c. A MAY125 Oxenholmeend station, S LCR BR 6MT Clan 4-6-2, up passr W281 starts from beside No 2 SB 1959 c. A MAY126 Oxenholmeend LCR LMS 2P 4-4-0 40650 + BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, up passr W282/2 pulls out under road bridge 1950s A MAY127 Oxenholme LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, up "Caledonian" passes BR 6MT Clan 4-6-2 on down passr 1950s A MAY128 Oxenholme station LCR LMSunder 8P road Coronation bridge S 4of-6 station-2 46224, down "Caledonian" passes No 2 SB 1959 c A MAY129 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, down "Caledonian" passes No 2 SB, snow cover 1959 c B MAY130 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46212, down passr heads over junction at N end of station. Snow cover 1950s A MAY131 Oxenholme station LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70052, down passr enters at S end 1950s A MAY132 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46251, up passr, stands at S end, 3/4 rear view, LMS, 1946 livery but BR 1949 c. A number MAY133 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0, down passr, heads away from station, up goods approached in distance. 1950s B Awning on up side under demolition MAY134 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods, enters at S end 1950s B MAY135 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T 42301, down passr, leaves for Windermere, low level shot 1950s A MAY136 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T 42313, close up of cab with driver posing 1950s A MAY137 Oxenholme station LCR LNWR 0-8-0, up goods pulls through branch platform, distant, passengers on platform 1950s B MAY138 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0 on down loop behind station with horse box 1950s B MAY139 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45387, down passr, leaves for Windermere. Side view from p platform 1950 c. B MAY140 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 44510, up goods pulls through branch platform, station detail 1950s B MAY141 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45673, up passr, pulls over junction at S end from branch platform 1950s A MAY142 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46211, down passr, storms through, view from top of starter signal lkg S, 1950s A station detail MAY143 Oxenholme station LCR BR Cl 87, up passr approaches N end, before platform lengthening 1976 c. A MAY144 Oxenholme station LCR BR Cl 86 No 86018, down passr, stands at N end 1976 c. A MAY145 Oxenholme station LCR Deltic prototype, down parcels, stands at N end, night shot with flash 1950s A MAY146 Oxenholme station LCR Deltic prototype, down parcels, stands at N end, night shot available light 1950s B MAY147 Oxenholme station LCR Deltic prototype, down parcels, stands at N end, night shot available light 1950s B MAY148 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45671, down passr in platform, behind pilot engine, with crew 1950s A MAY149 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46241 ?, rear angle view next to water crane 1950s A MAY150 Oxenholme station LCR Girlfriend posed at N end of station 1950s A MAY151 Carlisle Station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, rear 3/4 view on centre road at S end 1990 c. A MAY152 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 7P rebt Patriot 4-6-0 45545, down passr, leaving over branch junction, station beyond 1950s A MAY153 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T 42313, down passr, leaves for Windermere over junction 1950s # MAY154 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr depart, overhead view lkg N from starter signal 1950s A MAY155 Oxenholme Junction LCR BRpost, 5MT goods 4-6 -enters0, down from passr, branch heads away over junction, 1950s A MAY156 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, down "Caledonian" comes over junction, station beyond 1959 c. A MAY157 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 2P 4-4-0 + LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45671, down passr, head away N over junction 1950s A MAY158 Oxenholme Junction LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, down passr W121 5-coaches, comes over junction 1950s A MAY159 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46242, down "Caledonian" comes over junction, station beyond 1950s A MAY160 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0, down passr, heads away over junction 1950s A MAY161 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 + LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 head away over junction, snow cover 1950s # MAY162 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2, down passr heads away over junction, snow cover 1950s A MAY163 Oxenholme station LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70054, comes through at N end, snow cover 1950s A MAY164 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46242, down Royal Scot, comes through at N end 1950s A MAY165 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 7P rebt Patriot 4-6-0 45545, no deflectors, 3/34 rear view at N end 1950 c. A MAY166 Oxenholme station LCR General view at N end lkg S with son Alec Mayor, back view 1950s A MAY167 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45635, 3/4 rear view at N end, with crew in cab 1950s A MAY168 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45671, down passr on juncion with crew leaning from cab 1950s B MAY169 Oxenholme station LCR LMS Diesels 10000 + 10001, down passr at N end of station, distant 1950s B MAY170 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46247, down passr, LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44873 ?, up goods passr at N end 1950s B MAY171 Oxenholme Junction LCR BR Cl 20, up test train comes over junction 1950s A MAY172 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 4MF 0-6-0 44305 ?, up goods come off branch , snow cover 1950s B MAY173 Oxenholme Junction LCR SR Diesels 10201 + 10202, up "Royal Scot" near junction, high level view from down starter signal 1950s A MAY174 Docker LCR LMS Diesels 1000 + 10001, down "Royal Scot" 1950s A MAY175 Oxenholme Junction LCR SR Diesel 10203, up passr approaches junction 1950s A MAY176 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46200, up passr comes over junction, high level view from up starter signal 1950s A MAY177 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up passr nears junction, LNE stock, as goods comes off branch 1950s B MAY178 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, up "Caledonian" comes over junction 1950s B MAY179 Oxenholme N of LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46209, up "Mid-day Scot" passes up home signal 1950s A MAY180 Oxenholme N of LCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 on up line with snow plough, near up home signal 1950s B MAY181 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up fitted goods nears junction 1950s B MAY182 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, up "Caledonian" nears junction 1950s A MAY183 Oxenholme Junction LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46211, up "Mid-day Scot" nears junction 1950s A MAY184 Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR BR APT Cl 373, down test train, 6 vehicles only 1980 c. A MAY185 LowRoad Gill, W of LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2, down "Royal Scot" 1950s B MAY186 Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR BR Cl 50, down passr, 5 coaches 1974 c. A MAY187 Oxenholme,Road Sedbergh LCR BR Cl 86, down test train 1T21 1974 c. A Road MAY188 Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR Bridge after reconstruction 1974 c. A MAY189 Oxenholme,Road Sedbergh LCR Bridge after reconstruction 1974 c. A MAY190 HayRoad Fell LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, down passr, low level view 1950s A MAY192 Hay Fell LCR Lineside telephone box 1950s A MAY193 Mealbank LCR BR Cl 87 No 87002, down passr, seen from overbridge, Mk2 stock 1970s A MAY194 Docker LCR BR Cl 50 x2, down passr 1S53 1972 c. A MAY195 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46224 semi, up passr passing signal box 1950s A MAY196 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, up passr W128/2, nears up home signal 1950s A MAY191 Sedbergh Old Road LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44690, down goods nears underbridge 1950s A MAY197 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T, up passr, 4 coaches, on crossing 1950s A MAY198 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42643 + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr on crossing 1950s A MAY199 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45314 + BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, up passr on crossing 1950s A MAY200 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, up special leaving 1980s B MAY201 Hay Fell ? LCR BR APT Cl 373, down test train 1980 c. B MAY202 Grayrigg station LCR LMS 5MT Crab 2-6-0, up passes as Mayor father and son pose on platform with staff 1950s B MAY203 Crewe station GJR LMS 7P rebt Scot 40609 46166, stands in platform awaiting departure 1950s A MAY204 Euston station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, stands in arrival platform with 1st up "Caledonian" 19570617 A MAY205 Euston station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, first up Caledonian, loco crew pose with station master 19570617 A MAY206 Oxenholme station (N LCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 (?), crew and Mayor father & son pose by cab 1950s A MAY207 Eustonend) station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, portrait framed in cab window 19570617 A MAY208 Euston station LBR Scottish marching band welcomes first up Caledonian 19570617 A MAY209 Euston station LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46242, first down Caledonian awaits departure, news reporters wait 19570617 A MAY210 Crewe station GJR EEaction Deltic prototype, 2-10 pm Liverpool-Euston passr W92 enters. View from N end footbridge 19580503 A MAY211 Liverpool Lime Street LMR EE Deltic prototype, 2-10 pm Liverpool-Euston passr awaits departure 19580208 A MAY212 Liverpool Lime Street LMR EE Deltic prototype, 2-10 pm Liverpool-Euston passr awaits departure 19580208 A MAY213 Liverpool Lime Street LMR EE Deltic prototype, 2-10 pm Liverpool-Euston passr awaits departure 19580208 A MAY214 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45646, departs with up express 1957 c. A MAY215 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T sets back into platform past young spotters 1957 c. B MAY216 Liverpool Lime Street LMR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, up passr, heads away past young spotters on platform into tunnel 1957 c. A MAY217 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-2, up passr waits departure, no deflectors, rear 3/4 view lkg to tunnel 1950 c. B MAY218 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45718, Fowler tender, awaits departure, view across platforms 1950s A MAY219 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 7P 4-6-0 heads away into tunnel with up passr 1950s B MAY220 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42595, emerges from tunnel with passr ecs 1950s A MAY221 Liverpool Lime Street LMR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45398, enters from tunnel with local passr 1950s B MAY222 Liverpool Lime Street LMR BR Cl 40 D367, up passr waits departure, rear 3/4 view 1960 c. A MAY223 Liverpool Lime Street LMR BR Cl 86 E3110 stands at buffers with arrived passr, rear 3/4 view towards buffers 1960s A MAY224 Liverpool Lime Street LMR Signal box lkg NE to towards tunnel with up passr in platform and emu approaching 1960s A MAY225 Liverpool Exchange LYR Exchange No 2 SB lkg N from end of platform along side of LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 1960 c. A MAY226 Liverpool Docks ? LYR LMS 3F Dock 0-6-0T shunts wagons on road 1950s A MAY227 Liverpool ? LYR BR Cl 10? Dmu enters local station, snow cover 1950s A MAY228 Shap Fell Wrecked truck in field near to A6 road 1950s A MAY229 Shap Fell Wrecked truck in field near to A6 road 1950s A MAY230 Shap Fell Wrecked truck on A6 road 1950s A MAY231 , E of SDL LMS 4MT 2-6-0 43110, passr approaching overbridge, viewed from 1950s B MAY232 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46240, up "Caledonian" ready to leave platform 4 1958 c. A MAY233 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46257, up "Caledonian" ready to leave platform 3 passing spotters 1958 c. A MAY234 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2, down passr in platform 3, general moody view lkg NW along platform 1950s A MAY235 Carlisle Citadel station CSC BR Derby LW dmu, speed whiskers, stands on centre road, lkg NW to footbridge 1957 c. A MAY236 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, stands on centre road at S end, 3/4 rear view 1980s A MAY237 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, stands on centre road at S end 1980s A MAY238 Carlisle Citadel station CSC LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, stands on centre road at S end, 3/4 rear view 1980s A MAY239 Eden Valley Junction, S LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, up passr 1950s # MAY240 Floristonof Cal BR Cl 25 D5235, up parcels 4X08 on crossing 1960s B MAY241 Eden Lacy SCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45061, up goods Cl 7 1960s A MAY242 not known LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42491, bunker first with passr 1960 c. A MAY243 Mallerstang SCR View ahead from front dmu on down passr, occupation bridge ahead 1960s B MAY244 Grange-over-Sands ULR LNER A3 4-6-2 4472, down Cumbrian Coast Express 1980s B MAY245 Garsdale ? SCR LNER A4 4-6-2 4498, up Cumbrian Coast Express 1980s A MAY246 Camden ? LBR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 LMS No 6230, ex-works 1937 c. # MAY247 Dillicar LCR BR Cl 50 x2 50007 + D400, down special passr 1990 c. A MAY248 Barrow Hindpool North Fur LMS 5MT 4-6-0 5407, up "The West Cumbrian" 1990 c. A MAY249 not known LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46204, driver demonstrates motion to boy with model 1930s # MAY250 not known BR Cl 87 No 87001 1980s A MAY251 Heysham Harbour LMH LNWR emu in siding 1950s A MAY253 Glasgow Central Cal LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42666, awaits departure with passr 1950s A MAY254 Rutherglen station Cal LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46243, passr comes through station past signal box 1950s B MAY255 Rutherglen station Cal LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46232, "Royal Scot" comes through station 1950s B MAY256 Kirkby Stephen SDL LMS 4MT 2-6-0 43122, in shed yard with other locos, Alan Mayor looks out of cab 1950s A MAY257 Applebylocoshed East SDL BR 3MT 2-6-2T 82029, down passr leaving 1950s A MAY258 Kirkby Stephen SDL NER Q6 0-8-0 63355, stored after derailment 1955 A MAY259 Kirkby Stephen SDL NER Q6 0-8-0 63355 and another stored 1955 A MAY260 Euston station LBR Euston Arch, high level view full on 1950s A MAY261 Carnforth locoshed LCR LTSR 4-4-2T Thundersley in shed yard with others locos incl LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44709 1960s A MAY262 Carnforth locoshed LCR LTSR 4-4-2T Thundersley, LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44709 in general view lkg S from footbridge 1960s A MAY263 Carnforth locoshed LCR LTSR 4-4-2T Thundersley, LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44709 in general view lkg SE from footbridge 1960s A MAY264 Oxenholme, S of LCR WD 2-8-0, down short goods 1960s A MAY265 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 4MT Fowler 2-6-4T 42317, up passr stands in platform 1960 c. A MAY266 Oxenholme, N of LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down parcels, banked; fine backlighting 1960s # MAY267 Oxenholme LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, down passr passing locoshed 1960s A MAY268 Hay Fell LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46235, down passr, low level view 1960s A MAY269 Hay Fell LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, up passr 1960s B MAY270 Hay Fell, N of LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46203, up Mid-Day Scot 1950s B MAY271 Hay Fell LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, down passr, low view 1950s A MAY272 Laverock brg, Hay Fell LCR BR Cl 50 D424, up West Coast postal TPO 1M28 1970 c A MAY273 Laverock bridge, E of LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2, down passr, snow cover 1960 c. B MAY274 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46240 semi, down pass"Royal Scot", part snow cover 1950s B MAY275 Docker LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46210, up "Mid-Day Scot" 1950s A MAY276 Docker LCR LMS 5MT 2-6-0 42951, up goods, low view 1950s A MAY277 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46256, down "Royal Scot" 1950s A MAY278 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46236, up passr 1950s A MAY279 Docker LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70051, down passr 1950s A MAY280 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 semi, up "Mid-Day Scot" MAY586 is same 1950s B MAY281 Docker LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, down passr 1950s A MAY282 Docker ? LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods 1950s B MAY283 Docker LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46210, down passr heads away, low view, snow on Howgills in distance 1950s A MAY284 Docker LCR LMS 2P 4-4-0 40631 + LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, up passr 1950s A MAY285 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46247, down passr 1950s B MAY286 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2, down passr 1950s A MAY287 Docker viaduct LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45698, down goods on viaduct, view along track 1950s # MAY288 Docker viaduct LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46210, down passr on viaduct, view from lane lkg N 1950s A MAY289 Lambrigg Crossing LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70050, up passr 1950s B MAY290 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46253, down "Royal Scot" 1950s A MAY291 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46209, down passr 1950s A MAY292 Grayrigg loops LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44844, down goods passing rear of up goods leaving loop 1950s A MAY293 Kendal, SE of KWR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0 45548, up passr passing Kendal down distant 1950s A MAY294 Kendal station KWR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46118, awaits departure, low view along track 1950s A MAY295 Docker LCR Overbridge No 83 lkg E 1950s A MAY286 Hay Fell, near LCR BR Cl 47 D1620, down passr 1S30 1960s B MAY297 Hay Fell, near LCR BR Cl 47 No 1772, down passr 1S28 1960s B MAY298 Hay Fell LCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46107, up passr 1960s # MAY299 Hay Fell, near LCR BR Cl 50 D443 (?), up passr 1M27 1960s B MAY300 Hay Fell, near LCR BR Cl 50 x2, down passr 1S47 1970s B MAY301 not known LCR SR Diesel 10203, up passr 1950s A MAY302 not known LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45368, down goods Class 8 1950s A MAY303 not known LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46226, up passr 1950s A MAY304 not known LCR LMS 5MT Crab 2-6-0 42933, down goods Class 5 1950s A MAY305 not known LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, down passr 1950s # MAY306 not known LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, down passr 1950s A MAY307 not known LCR Masonry overbridge seen lookg along tracks 1950s A MAY308 Tebay, NE yard SDL BR 2MT 2-6-0 78014, shunts yard 1950s A MAY309 Tebay, S of LCR Tebay No. 1 down home with No.2 down distant signal, rear view 1950s A MAY310 Tebay station SDL NER J27 0-6-0 65119, stands ready to leave 1950s # MAY311 Tebay troughs LCR Tebay troughs, view along track lkg N 1950s A MAY312 Dillicar LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, up passr, passing LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr 1950s A MAY313 Tebay troughs LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, down "Mid-Day Scot" 1950s A MAY314 Dillicar LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2, down "Royal Scot" 1950s A MAY315 Dillicar LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up local passr 1950s A MAY316 Tebay, S of LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr approaching A 685 bridge, view along track 1950s A MAY317 Greenholme LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45249, up Class 8 goods, pipes 1950s A MAY318 not known LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2, down passr 1950s A MAY319 Scout Green LCR LMS 8F 2-8-0 48524, down Class 6 goods passing signal box 1950s A MAY320 Scout Green LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46234, down passr, running wrong line 1950s A MAY321 Shap Wells LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, down passr passing MP 36, (same as MAY001) 1950s # MAY322 Shap Wells LCR BR 5MT 4-6-0 73073, down Class 5 goods, banked 1950s A MAY323 Shap Wells LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45722, down passr passing MP 36, low view 1950s # MAY324 Shap Wells LCR BR Dby LW dmu, Landcruise special passing MP 36 1950s A MAY325 Shap Wells LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45323, down goods, banked 1950s A MAY326 Shap Wells LCR LMS 5MT Crab 2-6-0 42940, special load goods 1950s # MAY327 Shap Wells LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr 1950s B MAY328 Shap Wells LCR BR 6MT Clan 4-6-2 72004, down passr 1950s A MAY329 Scout Green LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46209, down passr 1950s A MAY330 Scout Green LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45246, down Class 5 goods, running wrong line 1950s A MAY331 Scout Green LCR BR 6MT Clan 4-6-2 72003, down passr 1950s A MAY332 Tebay, N of LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46209, down passr 1950s A MAY333 Tebay, N of LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45026 (?), down passr C860 1950s A MAY334 Tebay LCR SR Diesel 10203 up passr approaches over Lune bridge 1950s A MAY335 Tebay LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42424, banking up passr, 3/4 rear view 1950s A MAY336 Tebay LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46209, down passr 1950s # MAY337 Tebay station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, down "Royal Scot", loco yard on rt, view from No 2 SB 1950s A MAY338 Tebay, N of LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45643 + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr enters rock cutting 1950s A MAY339 Tebay troughs LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr runs over troughs 1950 c. A MAY340 Low Gill station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45182, down class 8 goods runs into station 1950s A MAY341 Low Gill Junction LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods 1950s A MAY342 Low Gill station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44876, down passr W23 runs through station 1950s A MAY343 Low Gill station LCR SR Diesel 10203, up passr enters station, view from footbridge 1950s # MAY344 Low Gill station Ibr Up Ingleton passr heads away into distance, general view lkg S from branch platform 1950s A MAY345 Low Gill station Ibr LMS 3P 2-6-2T, bunker first in down branch platform 1950s B MAY346 Docker LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0 45543, down goods coming under bridge 1960 c. A MAY347C Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR BR Cl 47, up passr heads away from camera. Blue livery 1980 c. A MAY348C OxenholmeRoad Junction LCR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46105 (?), up passr comes off branch 1960 c. B C MAY349 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 x2, down passr coming through station, view at N end 1960 c. B MAY350C Oxenholme station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44763 + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up passr stands at S end of station 1960 c. A MAY351C Hay Fell LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods heads away over bridge, container in load 1960 c. A MAY352C Hay Fell LCR BR Cl 40, up "Caledonian", low winter light 1960 c. A MAY353C Hay Fell LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, up passr 1960 c. A MAY354C Heysham Harbour BR DUKE OF LANCASTER, at quay 1960 c. A MAY355C Hay Fell LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45738, down goods, low view 1960 c. A MAY356C Hay Fell LCR BR Cl 40, up "Mid-Day Scot" 1960 c. B MAY357C Docker LCR BR Cl 40, up passr 1M35 1970 c. A MAY358C Docker viaduct LCR BR Cl 40, up passr on viaduct 1960 c. A MAY359C Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46245, up "Caledonian" 1960 c. A MAY360C Docker LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up Class 7 goods 1960 c. B MAY361C Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46257, down parcels in branch platform, signal off for branch 1960 c. A MAY362C Oxenholme station LCR LMS 5MT 2-6-0, down goods enters station, LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45552 stands in branch platform 1960 c. A MAY363C Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46244, up "Caledonian" nears junction 1960 c. A MAY364C Oxenholme junction LCR BR Cl 40, up Caledonian 1M20 nears junction 1960 c. A MAY365C Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR BR Cl 50, down passr 1S47 1970 c. A MAY366C Kendal,Road SE of KWR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70042, up parcels 1960s A MAY367C Kendal station KWR BR Cl 40 D369, up passr in platform, crew pose 1960s A MAY368C Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40 D299, up passr in platform, driver poses 1960s A MAY369C Kendal KWR BR Cl 40, up passr 1J55 1960s A MAY370C Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40 D377, up passr 1A34 in platform, crew pose 1960s A MAY371C Kendal station KWR BR Cl 40 D377, up passr 1A34 in platform, crew pose 1960s A MAY372C Windermere station KWR BR Cl 40, up passr 1A34 in platform, driver poses 1960s A MAY373C Kendal, nr KWR LMS 7P rebt Scot 4-6-0 46156, up passr, low view 1960s A MAY374C Windermere station KWR Carriages shunted through end of station, view from inside station 1960s A MAY375C Windermere station KWR Carriages shunted through end of station, view from outside station 1960s A MAY376C Greenholme LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45657, down passr 1L19 (?), 4 coaches 1960s A MAY377C Scout Green LCR BR Cl 40, up passr 1M35 passing signal box and LNW signal 1960s A MAY378C Scout Green LCR BR Cl 40, up passr heads away to signal box and LNW signal 1960s A MAY901C Horseshoe Curve WHL LMS 5MT 4-6-0 x2, view ahead as train traverses curve over viaduct 1960 c. A MAY902 Docker viaduct LCR LMS 5MT 44676, down passr on viaduct 1960s A MAY903 Shap Wells, S of LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46229, down "Royal Scot" 1950s A MAY904 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46241 semi, up passr 1950s A MAY905 Tebay, S LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, up passr W270 crosses Lune bridge 1950s A MAY906 Shap Wells LCR BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70054, down passr, low view 1950s A MAY907 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45347 (?), up passpr 1950s A MAY908 Oxenholme, S of LCR LMS 7P Royal Scot 4-6-0, down passr W65? 1950s B MAY909 Lambrigg Crossing LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0 45518 + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr 1950s B MAY910 Tyndrum WHL LMS 5MT 4-6-0 + LNER K2 2-6-0, up passr 1950s B MAY911 not known WHL LMS 5MT 4-6-0 x2 passr, low view 1950s A MAY912 Hammersmith station PIC London Underground emu enters platform - for Arnos Grove 1950s A MAY913 Hammersmith station PIC London Underground emu enters platform - for Wood Green 1950s A MAY914 Ballahullish Bridge COR General view of bridge from loch shore 1950s A MAY915 Debden station CEN London Underground emu enters platform - for West Ruislip 1950s A MAY506 Oxenholme station LCR EE Deltic prototype, down pcls stopped at N end, night scene 19570207 A MAY507 Oxenholme station LCR EE Deltic prototype, down pcls stopped at N end, night scene 19570207 A MAY501 Ais Gill SCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, down passr M771 running wrong line just north of main road bridge 1950s B MAY502 Heysham LMH LNWR emu M29025M in siding showing "Harrow" in indicator 19570526 A MAY503 Euston LBR BR Cl 86 E119 on 1A40, posed with photographer (top), driver, inspector second man 1960s A MAY504 Euston LBR BR Cl 86 E119 on 1A40, posed with photographer (ft), driver and second man 1960s A MAY505 Euston LBR BR Cl 86 E119 on 1A40, posed with photographer (ft), driver 1960s A MAY508 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up passr arrives as goods comes off branch into branch platform 1960s A MAY509 Oxenholme junction LCR Junction lkg S to station with A Mayor in shot 1960s A MAY510 Oxenholme junction LCR BR 5MT 4-6-0, down passr heads away over junction 1960 c A MAY511 Oxenholme LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46239, down "Caledonian" near locoshed 1960 c A MAY512 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46244, down "Caledonian" enters station, No 2 SB on left 1960 c B MAY513 Oxenholme Burton Road LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0 45551 ?, down parcels lkg S from bridge, signalled for loop 1960 c B MAY514 Oxenholme Burton Road LCR LMS non-corridor brake 3rd derailed under bridge 19580707 B MAY515 Oxenholme LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 up goods, locoshed on left 1960 c B MAY516 Oxenholme Down LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3420 "Cornwall" rests on way to exhibition in Carlisle 1960 c A MAY517 OxenholmeGoods Loop Down LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3420 "Cornwall" + LNWR 2-4-0 790 "Hardwicke" rest on way to exhibition in Carlisle 1960 c A MAY518 OxenholmeGoods Loop Down LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3420 "Cornwall" rest on way to exhibition in Carlisle, rail staff look on 1960 c A MAY519 OxenholmeGoods Loop Down LCR LNWR 2-2-2 3420 "Cornwall" + LNWR 2-4-0 790 rest on way to exhibition in Carlisle, rail staff look 1960 c B MAY520 Oxenholme,Goods Loop N of LCR LNWRon 0-8-0 No 253, down goods, station and junction in distance. HG Tidey Real Photos 8187 1920 c. A MAY521 Oxenholmejunction junction LCR BR Derby LW dmu (6-cars), up special comes over junction 1958 c. A MAY522 Oxenholme junction LCR SR diesel, up passr comes over junction 1955 c. B MAY523 Oxenholme junction LCR BR Cl 40 D212 ?, up passr comes over junction 1960 c. B MAY524 Oxenholme Up Goods LCR BR Cl 41 D600 in loop on delivery from North British Loco 1958 A MAY525 OxenholmeLoop Up Goods LCR BR Cl 41 D600 pulls out of loop on delivery from North British Loco 1958 A MAY526 OxenholmeLoop Up Goods LCR BR Cl 41 D600 in loop on delivery from North British Loco 1958 A MAY527 OxenholmeLoop station LCR LNER A3 4-6-2 4472 stands by No 2 SB on up special. Photo by Rbt I Cooper 1965 c. B MAY528 Oxenholme station LCR BR Cl 86 No 86018, down passr 1S41 stands at N end of platform 1974 c. B MAY529 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down passr head away over junction, high level view, Branch 1960 c. A goods pulls into branch platform on rt MAY530 Oxenholme Burton Road LCR LMS 2P 4-4-0 + BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, up express, general view back to shed 1960 c. B MAY531 Oxenholme Burton Road LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45368, up goods passing LNW starting signals 1960 c. B MAY532 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45108, up milk comes over junction 1960 c. A MAY533 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46209 heads away over junction with down passr 1955 c. A MAY534 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 LMS No 5595, Fowler tender, up goods comes over junction 1948 c. A MAY535 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 5MT 2-6-0 LMS No 2960, up goods comes over junction 1948 c. A MAY536 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0, down goods heads away over junction, loco in distance 1948 c. A MAY537 Oxenholme junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46242, down "Caledonian" comes over junction, station behind 1958 c. A MAY538 Oxenholme LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T 42313 down branch goods comes under Oxenholme Road bridge 1960 c. A MAY539 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0 45582, up passr pulls over from branch platform to up main 1960 c. A MAY540 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 LMS No 4487, down goods, coke empties Lindal-Tebay run into down platform 1948 c. A MAY541 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46236, up Caledonian comes past No 2 SB 1960 c. A MAY542 Oxenholme station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46240 ?, up Caledonian comes past No 2 SB under starting signals 1960 c. B MAY543 Oxenholme station LCR Alec Mayor's girlfriend stands by water column and brazier at N end 1960 c. A MAY544 Milnthorpe station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46254, up passr comes under bridge into station 1950s A MAY545 Holme, N of LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2, up passr in distance passing former POW camp 1950s A MAY546 Lancaster Castle station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46235, down Mid-day Scot W97 passes BR 7MT 4-6-2 70052 down 1950s A passr in platform MAY547 Lancaster Castle station LCR BR 9F 2-10-0 92114 down goods (cars) on through line 1950s A MAY548 Lancaster, S of LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45020 + LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down royal train 1950s A MAY549 Lancaster Castle station LCR As 546 1950s A MAY550 Lancaster Castle station LCR BR 9F 2-10-0 92114 down goods (cars) on through line 1950s A MAY551 Tebay LCR LMS 7P rebt Patriot 4-6-0, down goods heads away over Lune bridge. Photo by Colin P Walker 1950s A MAY552 Tebay Troughs LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2, down passr on troughs 1950s B MAY553 Tebay Troughs LCR LMS 6P Royal Scot 4-6-0, up passr on troughs 1930s A MAY554 Tebay station LCR Station and junction seen lkg S from No 2 SB at night 1950s A MAY555 Dillicar LCR LMS 5MT 2-6-0, up local passr in silhouette against snow 1950s A MAY556 Tebay LCR SR Diesel, up passr comes over Lune bridge, seen from SB No 2 1950s A MAY557 Tebay, S of LCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 44459, Tebay-Lindal coke leaves over Lune bridge at S end 1950s A MAY558 Tebay No 2 SB LCR Signal box interior, lever frame and interior, night view 1950s A MAY559 Tebay locoshed LCR LMS 4MT 2-6-4T, beside old coaling plant; Driver Wills in cab 1960 c. A MAY560 Tebay junction LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46237, down Royal Scot on junction, view from No 2 SB 1950s B MAY561 Tebay LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods, sets off up bank. View from village, NER sidings in foreground 1950s B MAY562 Tebay LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, down goods, sets off up bank. View from village, NER sidings in foreground 1950s B MAY563 Greenholme LCR GT3 4-6-0 with up test train 1950s A MAY564 Shap Wells LCR GT3 4-6-0 with down test train 1950s A MAY565 Scout Green, near LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46257, down Caledonian 19580527 A MAY566 Scout Green, nr LCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 44348 tender cab, down goods with Class 08 new shunter behind tender. Banked by 1950s A 42404, Photo by Derek Cross MAY567 Shap Wells LCR LMS 4F 0-6-0 44469, down goods with banker 1950s A MAY568 Shap Wells LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45323, down fully fitted goods with banker 1950s A MAY569 Shap Summit LCR BR Cl 50 D400 + D4XX, up special passr 1990s A MAY570 Thrimby Grange LCR LMS 2P 4-4-0 40629 + BR 7MT Britannia 4-6-2, up passr passing signal box. Photo by RH Leslie 1950s A MAY571 Penrith LCR LMS 6P Patriot 4-6-0 45544, up passr EDN-LPL W270. Photo by RH Leslie 19590815 A MAY572 Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR BR Cl 50, down passr under wires 1974 c. B Road MAY573 Oxenholme, Sedbergh LCR BR Cl 85 No 85018, down catenary test train 1T21 1974 c. A MAY574 Oxenholme,Road Sedbergh LCR A564 bridge after rebuilding 1972 c. A MAY576 HayRoad Fell, N of, Laverock LCR LNWR 0-8-0, up goods 1950s B MAY577 DockerBridge viaduct LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 LMS No 6235, LMS 2P 4-4-0 565 in collision on viaduct, view from S 19470518 A MAY578 Docker viaduct LCR LMSside. 8PPhoto Coronation by P Wood 4-6 -2 LMS No 6235, LMS 2P 4-4-0 565 in collision on viaduct, view from N 19470518 A MAY579 Docker viaduct LCR LMSside. 8PPhoto Coronation by P Wood 4-6 -2 LMS No 6235, LMS 2P 4-4-0 565 in collision on viaduct, view along 19470518 A viaduct. Photo by P Wood MAY575 Hay Fell LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46245 ?, down passr heads away 1950s B MAY580 Grayrigg LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45187 derailed, crane alongside, view from above and alongside 1950s A MAY581 Grayrigg LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 45187 derailed, crane alongside, view from front ? 1950s A MAY582 Docker LCR LMS Diesels 10000/1, down Royal Scot 1950s A MAY583 not known LCR BR Cl 50s 50050 + 50024, both Network SW livery, up special ? 1990s A MAY584 Docker ? LCR Old L&C masonry overbridge and 3-aspect colour light signal, lkg E 1970 c. A MAY585 Grayrigg station LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0 44844, down goods, taken from signal box, station on rt 1960 c. B MAY586 Docker LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46245 semi, up Mid-day Scot passing platelayers' hut 1950s B MAY587 Borrowbeck viaduct LCR Viaduct, one arch of, with M6 viaduct behind, catenary part-erected on viaduct. Photo by BR 1973 c. A MAY588 Hay Fell, Mealbank LCR BR Cl 86 86202 on down test train 1T21 1974 c. B MAY589 Hay Fell, Mealbank LCR BR Cl 87, down passr 1974 c. B MAY590 Low Gill IBR LMS 3P 2-6-2T 40067 LMS on tank side; up passr leaving for Clapham. Carlisle of Carlisle ad by 1949 c. # line, Howgills behind. Photo by Gazette MAY591 Dillicar LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2, up passr 194610 B MAY592 Dillicar LCR LMS 5MT 4-6-0, up goods, distant 194610 B MAY593 Dillicar LCR Up goods in general view lkg S of Lune Gorge 1950s A MAY594 Low Gill, N of LCR LMS 5MT 2-6-0 42911 Crab, up goods, low level view 19550312 A MAY595 Tebay Troughs LCR LMS 8P Princess 4-6-2 46201, Birmingham-Glasgow passr on troughs 1950s A MAY596 Low Gill, W of LCR LMS 6P Jubilee 4-6-0, up passr 1950s B MAY597 Dillicar LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46254, down Royal Scot 1950s A MAY598 Tebay troughs LCR LMS 7MT Britannia 4-6-2 70050, Glasgow-Liverpool passr on troughs 1950s B MAY599 Windermere station WBr BR Cl 40 D371, up passr 1A76, poses with crew and Alex Mayor 1969 c. A MAY603C Kendal station WBr LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46221, down passr 0635 Euston-Wmere, rear 3/4 view. Photo by J S 19620811 A Berry MAY604 Dillicar LCR BR Cl 50s 50007 + D400, down special 2000 c. A MAY605 Docker viaduct LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 LMS No 6235, LMS 2P 4-4-0 565 in collision on viaduct, view from S 19470518 A side. Photo by P Wood MAY600 Kendal, near ? WBr BR Cl 20 20903, weedkilling train, loco lettered "Hunslet Barclay" 2000 c. A MAY601 Windermere station WBr BR Cl 50 D436, Windermere-Euston passr 1A75 ready to depart 1970 c. A MAY602 Penrith station LCR LMS 8P Coronation 4-6-2 46238, up special 1X80 awaits departure in snow, Massey-Ferguson 1960 c. B Smithfield Special PWR 10 August 2011