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GRANITE GRANITE STAKE of ZION (The) GRANITE GRANITE STAKE OF ZION (The) Cottonwood Ward was disor consists (1930) of Latter-day Saints 1911. In 1918 a large reservo^ residing in the southeastern part of serve water for Salt Lake Cfo Salt Lake City, extending north to constructed at Mountain Dell, th| 13th South St. (or Liberty Stake), east having ceased to be used fo* to the Wasatch Mountains, south to dences. 27th South St. (or Grant Stake), and On account of the enormoua west to 5th East St. from 27th South of population in the south anf, St. to the Park City branch of the Den- parts of Salt Lake City and ver & Rio Grande Western Railroad it became necessary to divide tracks, thence east along said tracks to Stake, and so in 1914 the south [ 7th East St. and north along 7th East that stake was organized as the" St. to 13th South St. (or Liberty tonwood Stake containing the Stake). Granite Stake was so named ing wards: Bennion, Brinton, Gr on account of the mountains and the Grant, Holladay, Hunter, Mill Ci^ quarries of granite at the eastern Murray 1st, Murray 2nd, South boundary of the stake. It contains ten tonwood, Taylorsville (formerly wards, namely, Emerson, Forest Dale, Jordan), and Winder. In 1924 atyfc Hawthorne, Highland Park, Lincoln, wards from the south and sot Nibley Park, Parleys, Richards, Sugar parts of the reduced Granite Stain House and Wasatch. were organized as the Grant Stafc, Until the beginning of l'JOO all of namely, Bjrton, East Mill Qwt Salt Lake County belonged to the Salt Farmers, Miller, Wandamere, Water, Lake Stake of Zion, but on account of loo, Weils and Wilford wards. 11* the large increase of population it left Granite Stake with only tu» was found necessary to divide that wards. Lincoln Ward was organhai stake in January, 1900. and organize in 1928. two new stakes, namely, Jordan Stake, Immediately after the organizatbi containing the settlements in the south of Granite Stake, steps were taken ta» part of the county, and Granite Stake, wards the erection of a stake takar* containing those wards lying centrally nacle and an imposing edifice »aa in Salt Lake Valley south of Salt Lake erected at the corner of State St aai City. 14th (now 33rd) South St. The buifc Granite Stake was organized Jan. ing, square in shape, with an entraaaa 28, 1900, with Frank Y. Taylor as pres- on each side, is surmounted by a laifa ident and included the following dome, has a seating capacity of 2501 wards: North Jordan, Granger, South persons, and, with the addition of » Cottonwood, Big Cottonwood, Mill $3,000 pipe organ, cost about $66,001 Creek, East Mill Creek, Sugar House, This edifice was opened with impi** Forest Dale, Farmers and Hunter, and sive ceremonies Nov. 28, 1903. the Mountain Dell Branch. As the pop- When the Grant Stake was organa^ ulation of these wards grew some of in 1924, that part of the Granite Stab them were divided and new wards in which the tabernacle stands beca®* created until 22 new wards were added part of the newly organized G*®* to the Granite Stake, namely, Grant, Stake and, under the direction of th Murray and Wilford in 1900; Winder in First Presidency of the Church, br 1904; Emerson, Waterloo, Brinton, came the Grant Stake Tabernacle. Holladay and Bennion in 1905; Murray coin Ward being centrally loo** 1st and Murray 2nd in 1906; Miller, in within the present boundaries of Gw* 1907; Parleys in 1912; Richards and ite Stake and the question of a clrfP- Burton in 1914; Highland Park in 1916; for that ward being under consid®*' (Wasatch in 1917; Wandamere in 1918; tion at the time, it was decided 9 \Hawthorne and Wells in 1919; Nibley erect a joint building, to be used as tl* parkin 1924, and Lincoln in 1928. Big Granite Stake tabernacle, and also * GRANITE 297 j Ward chapel. In this edifice, quarry was established in the canyon ?9th East St. between Holly- in 1859 to furnish granite for the erec- and 21st South St., there tion of the Salt Lake Temple. Work of auditorium with a seating quarrying rock from different points in _ 2500 people and a smaller the canyon was continued until the k seating capacity of 600. temple was completed in 1893. Rich a small meeting house was mining deposits having been discovered j State St. in the South Cot- in Little Cottonwood Canyon in the Ward, in which meetings sixties, Alta, Silverton, Tannersville, I be held in the Scandinavian and other mining camps and smelters were established on the hillsides and Y. Taylor was succeeded in the mouth of the canyon was used as a lidency of Granite Stake in camping place for the miners. A town • Hugh B. Brown, who still acted named Granite sprang into existence 1,1930. Following are the names there and for some time it was a place I brethren who have acted as coun- of considerable importance; thus a in the presidency of Granite telegraph office was established, stores, III: First counselors, James P. saloons, boarding houses and cabins Pr, 1900-1903; Edwin Bennion, were erected, and as many of the in- '1911; John M. Cannon, 1911 to habitants belonged to the rougher th June 16, 1917; Joseph F. Mer- element much disorder and lawlessness 0,1917-1919; Joseph J. Daynes, jun., prevailed. About 1882, when most of £19-1924 (called to preside over Grant the mines closed down, the town was »); Edward H. Anderson, 1924 to deserted. -jpfcath, Feb. 1,1928; George S. Spen- In the meantime the surrounding 1928, and Marvin O. Ashton, 1928- country had been settled by Latter- Second counselors: Edwin Ben- day Saint farmers and for their bene- 1900-1903; John M. Cannon, 1903- fit a ward was organized July 1, 1877. Joseph F. Merrill, 1911-1917; 'called Granite. W,ard. A new location rh J. Daynes, jun., 1917-1919; Ed- tor a"lownsite was soon afterwards H. Anderson, 1919-1924; George established about a mile west of the Spencer, 1924-1928; Hugh B. Brown, former town; a school house was built J, and Stayner Richards, 1928-1930. and regular meetings commenced. At clerks: Thomas Alston, 1900- the time of its organization the ward ; William McEwan, 1903-1919, and included the Granite, Butler, Little n H. Ross, 1919-1930. Cottonwood and Silverton precincts On Dec. 31, 1930, the Granite Stake and extended up Big Cottonwood and 12,442 members, including 2,227 Little Cottonwood canyons wherever en. Of the Priesthood there were members of the Church were employed Patriarchs. in the mining camps. In^ 1890 a sub- stantial rock meeting house was erect- ?CEANITE WARQ, East Jordan ed on the new townsite of Granite. In -e> consists of the Latter-day ta 1901 Granite Ward was divided and the " residing in the village of Gran- north part organized as the Butler . Salt Lake Co., Utah, located at Ward. Solomon Despain, the first Bish- « mouth of Little Cottonwood Can- op of the Granite Ward, acted from 15 miles southeast of the Temple 1877 to 1887, when he was succeeded . Salt Lake City. by Alva Butler, who acted until 1901, ^le Cottonwood Canyon was when the ward was divided and he was to the pioneers of Utah soon called to preside over the newly organ- their arrival in Salt Lake Valley ized Butler Ward. James A. Muir suc- >ts excellent timber, and several ceeded him as Bishop of the Granite •"Ms were erected in the canyon Ward; Bishop Muir was succeeded in fifties and sixties. A stone 1917 by Alvin A. Despain, who was .
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