Synthese Des Travaux Sur La Priorisation De La Biodiversite Regionale Anosy, Zahamena-Mantadia, Ranomafana - Andringitra - Ivohibe
EPIQ IQC, PCE-I-00-96-00002-00, Task Order No.839 SYNTHESE DES TRAVAUX SUR LA PRIORISATION DE LA BIODIVERSITE REGIONALE ANOSY, ZAHAMENA-MANTADIA, RANOMAFANA - ANDRINGITRA - IVOHIBE Prepared by: Ranivo Julie, Consultant and Andriamaro Luciano Projet d’Appui à la Gestion de l’Environnement International Resources Group, Ltd. 1211 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 USA Prepared for: USAID/Madagascar May 2002 Environment Policy and Institutional Strengthening Indefinite Quantity Contact (EPIQ) Partners: International Resources Group and Winrock International Subcontractors: PADCO, Management Systems International, and Development Alternatives, Inc. Collaborating Institutions: Center for Naval Analysis Corporation, Conservation International, KNB Engineering and Applied Sciences, Inc., Keller-Bliesner Engineering, Resource Management International, Inc., Tellus Institute, Urban Institute, and World Resources Institute 2 HJILKMK HJILKMKON NOP QSR P QSR T UWVJX Y Z[]\ ^`_Wab[WY ^`Z c d e fWgh`ihkj hJlJm e n o p qr s tWu v©wWvs`wv©v]r x]yWtsSy]r s`vWq wWz©w]t{|y]r s`wv]r u } r q s ~ ] ] S] k © k© W ` W ©WS W © ] ] ©¡ ¢ £W¤¥W¦ §`¨W©`£«ª ¨¥W¬ª ¬©ª ¨]®]¬ª ¯ ° ± ² ³´kµ³]¶ ·¸ ¹ ´`µ¸Sº »½¼º ³W´`¾¿¾JÀÁµ]ÂÀ»]¹ ´`µ¸ Ã©Ä Å©Æ Å©Æ Ç ÈkÉ Ç ÈkÉËÊ Ê¿É É̽Í`ÎSÏÈkÉ Ì½Í`ÎSÏÈkÉ Ì Ì Ð]ÑkÒÓÁÔÖÕ`Ô ×|Ø©ÒÙ ÚSÒWÙ ÓJÔ ×|Ø Ú¿ÛÁÒËÜ ÑÝÐJÚSÞJשÔÒßWÑJÓJÙ Ú¿ÞOÑáàkÑkÕ]ÑÁâJÑ`× Ð]ÑkÒËã ä åæ ç è«é ê ë ì]íkîïÁðÖñ`ðóò ô õ öø÷ ùSîïíkúJì`ðóû©õ ùSò ùkükõ ýSþJðSíMö¿íkñ]íÁüJíÁÿ ì]íkî¡ ¢ £¥¤ ¦ §©¨ ¥ ¥ !"¥ # ¥ $ &%! ')( * + , - .¡/ 0 1 2 3456787 9:¥;"<7 9©=5¥> ;&5#> 6¥4> 5#7 9©875 4<;"?4@ 4<4 A BCDE¥F CGF H EB I J KL&MJ N OP Q R¥S T UWV¥X Y Z ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ §©¨ § ¦©£ ¦ ¦ £ ¢¨ §© ¨ § ¦ £ ¢ § ¢ ¦ ¡ ¤ § ¢ ! " # $ % & '© ( ) * + , - .
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