Lightening the Lode: a Guide to Responsible Large-Scale Mining
CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL Lightening the Lode A Guide to Responsible Large-scale Mining Amy Rosenfeld Sweeting Andrea P. Clark CI POLICY PAPERS CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people at Conservation International (CI) contributed This report has also benefited greatly from the com- their time and expertise to making this project happen. We ments and suggestions of reviewers from many fields and would like to thank CI staff members Okyeame Ampadu- organizations. While the views expressed in this paper are Adjei, Brent Bailey, Ian Bowles, Aaron Bruner, Chuck Burg, strictly those of the authors, we are grateful to the follow- Burke Burnett, Samantha Conrad, Regina DeSouza, Lisa ing individuals for their time, comments and advice: Craig Famolare, Chuck Hutchinson, Nedra Johnstone, Stan Andrews, Francis Botchway, Joe Browder, Tom Burke, Malone, Kojo Mbir, Marianne Guerin-McManus, Mari Bruce Clark, Desmond Connor, Jim Cooney, Krista Omland, Paulo Prado, Glenn Prickett, Chris Stone, Cheri Dahlberg, Carlos Da Rosa, Steve D’Esposito, Indu Sugal, Jamie Sweeting, Wendy Tan, Jorgen Thomsen, and Hewawasam, Rick Killam, Robert Moran, Gary Nash, Jim Sterling Zumbrunn for their valuable comments, advice Rader, Chris Sheldon, Ian Thomson, and Mark Thorpe. and assistance. Research interns Dan Holm, Dan Traum Finally, Conservation International would like to and Sara Wheeler-Smith contributed important research to thank The Tinker Foundation for its generous support of this project. The authors would also like to extend a special this initiative. thanks to John Pollack, the Pun King. MISSION STATEMENT With the explosion of our planet’s population and the radi- Conservation International (CI) believes that the cal conversion of natural lands for living space, farming earth’s natural heritage must be maintained if future gen- land, and waste disposal, the ecosystems that have tradi- erations are to thrive spiritually, culturally, and economi- tionally supported human societies are severely stressed.
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