lfnbex 159 LEGEND: Baptism (Bp); Death (De c); Ma rriage (Ma r i )

AIlBY BETHUNE/BEATON/BENTON (cont ' d) Jerassia,wife of Stephen CASS(Marr) 138 Ann , wife of Roderick McGILLIVRAY,54,67,77,87- ADA.'!S Ann,wife o f Roderick McLEOD , 61,73, 81 97 Susanna Jane , wife of John A.SIMPSON 53 , Cathe rine (Bp) , of John & M. McMILLAN,48 63 Cat he rine,wif~ of Patrick McCUAIG,65 , 76 , 85, ALLEN (ALLAN ) Catherine,wife o f Peter HcCUAlG . 95 Ann ,w ife of Henr y GEORGE 18 Chr is t ina(Bp) , o f Hecto r & M.McLEOD,88 Emily Marie, wife of John SIMPSON 113,119 Christena(Bp) ,of Norman & A.FLETCHER,IOS 128 Christian,,(Bp) ,of Norman & A.FLnCHEk,l15 Joseph(Bp)of Richard ALLAN & Jackson 33 Betty(Elizabeth?) (Bp),of Donald & Janet Joseph (B p) " 46 McPHAlDEN , lB Thomas (Ma rr) , hus of Jane HALL 136 Donald , hus of Janet McPHAlDEN ,18',39, Richard(Bp)of Richard ALLAN & Jackson 21 Donald (Bp) , of John & M . M~~I L~~, 21 Richa rd, hus of Nancy(Ann) JACKSON 21, 33 , Donald (B p) , of J ohn & M. McINTOSH,3 5 46 Donald,hus of Catherine McLEOD , 53,6B,79, 90 ANDERSON Donald(Bp) , oi Donald & C. McLEOD,53 Alexander(Marr)hus of Isabella MITCHELL Donald (Bp) , of Hec t or & M. McLEOD , 67 137 Donald (B p) , of Norman & F. McCRIMMDN,68 Ann,wife of Donald McGREGOR , 64 Donald (Bp) ,of Duncan & A. FLETCHER , 126 Cath~rine , wife o f John McCUAIG,17 Duncan, hus of Ann FLETCHER,lll , 126,126,126, Ch r isty(Christine/Christina) , wife of 126, 126, Donald McALPlN,11 , 21 , 28,56,7 4 Duncan(Bp) ,of Duncan & A.FLET CHE R, 126 Elizabeth,wife of C.McLEOD , 96 Ellen,wife of Ang us SMITH,I7 James,hus of Maria J OHNSON , 119 Elizabet h , wife of Don3ld DEWAR , 94 Hichael, hus of Christina McGILLIVRAY , 129 Elizabeth(Marr) ,to William McDONELL , 153 Nancy(Ma rr ) ,wife of John GORDON,145 Harriet(Bp),o f Norman & A. FLETCHER,1 26 William Clark(Bp) ,of J.ANDERSON & Maria Hecto r,hus of Ma ry McLEOD,54 , 67 , 88 , 95 JOHN SON , II 9 Isabella,wife of Donald DEWtJR , 61, BO William Rob~ rt (Bp) ,of M. ANDERSON & Ch ris. James , hus 0 f Margaret licGI LL I VRAY , 55 , 70 , 79 McGILLIVRAY , 129 91, (Marc) 14 3. ARNOTT John, hus of I Hare I McMILlAJ.\l , 2 l ,48 , Rebecca , wife of A.MciNTOSH , 81 , 9l John, hus of 'More'McINTOSlI , 35, 35 , 52 , ARTON ? John Joseph(Bp) , of James & M. McGILLIVRAY , 55 Louisa,wife of Clark CHINEY , 4 John,hus of Sally' McINTOSH,66 John, hus o f Sally McMI LLAN,73,90,99, (Marr ) 137 John (Bp ) , of John & Sally M~~ ILLAN , 73 BAKER(Barker) John (Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine Mc LEOD ,7 9 Hannah P. ,w ife of AIber HAGAR , 24 ,37 John (Bp) ,of Norman & Ann FLETCHER , 109 BAIN John(Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann FLETCHER,126 Jane t,wife of Malcolm '1cCUAIG,13 Joseph(Bp ) , of James & M.McGILLIVRAY,7 0 BAGS (Beggs ?)or (Boyd?) Mary,wife of Angus LI VINGSTON , 39, 47 , (l1a rr)140 Alexand~r(Bp),of J . BAGS & J . JAMIESON , 14 Mary (Bp),of Ang u s & Christy FLETCHER ,128 Eli

CAMPB ELL (cont ' d) CLARK (cont ' d) Rod er ick(Bp) ,of Mu rdock & C.McLEOD , 39 Daniel(Bp) , of J ohn & Sar ah CA.~RON , 49 Roderick(Bp) , of Norman & Sal ly FRASER , 99 James(Bp) , II .. , 21 Roder i ck(Ma r r) ,to Marion CHISHO L~ , ISO J oel (Ma rr ) , t o Saript a NI COLAS , 139 Sally , wife of Ewen McLACHWU~ , 9 , 2 , 28 , 38 J ohn , hus of Sarah CA.~ RON,21 , 44 , 45 , 49 Sal ly,wife of John McRAE,I4 Ma r tha(Bp) , of Wi l liam & Ma r garet GORDON , IO Sall y(Bp),of Donald & A. Mc GILLIVRAY , 86 Wi lliam,hus of Ma r garet GORDON , IO , lO Sally(Bp) ,of John & Catherine FRAS ER,96 William(Bp) , of John Ii Sally CA.~ERON , 45 Sarah(Bp),of Colin & Mary McCUAIG , 60 C LE N~ Sa rah,wife of Donald CA.'!PBELL , 85, (Marr)152 Ma r y, wife of Daniel WIL L IA.~S , 29 , 29 Sar ah, wife of Robert SIMPSON , 128 , 128 CU NGEN Thyrsa(Bp) ,of Geo r ge & Mary J . CHI LOW , 62 Mary , wife of Ar chy IRWEN , 61 Wiiliam,hus of Chr ist y (McLENNAN?) , 36 COLVIN William P. (Bp),of John & C.FRASER,98 Lamue l (Maer) , to Eliza BOYD EN , 141 CANDHISH COZENS Janet , wif~ of William FERGUSON , 77 El iza(Mar r) ,to Thomas O' RURKE , 137 CARKER (Cartner?) Mary (Mar r ) , to Lamuel COOK , I38 J ulia(Bp) ,of Ne hemiah & Nancy McDONALD , I 2 CO FFIN Nehemiah, hus of Nancy McDONALD , 6, 12 Ann(Bp) , of Wi lliam & Ellen BROCK , 39 Vi rt ue(Bp) ,of Nehemiah & N. McDONAlO , 6 Will iam , hus of Ellen BROCK,39 CARLYLE (Ca r l ile) COLVILLE (Caldwell?) James (Bp) ,of John & Francis lOVELESS,lS Henry,hus of Fanny RO BERTSON , 41 John , hus of Francis LOVELESS , IS, (Ma r r)135 Thomas(Bp),or Henr y & Fanny ROBERTSON,41 CAPLIN CONNEL L Nancy , wife of Henry METCALF , 31 Elizabet h,wife of Dun can McDIARMID , S7 CASS COOK Amanda (B p) ,of Johail & Abigai l JACKSON , 43 Ha r riet(Mar r),to Elisha Bordon LONG , I41 Ann(Bp) ,of Simeon & Eliza beth WADE , 22 Hiram L.(Marr),to Min~rva LONG,143 Cynthia(Bpj ,of J OGeph & Sybell JACKSON , 32 Hiram(Bp) , of Rueben Ii Elizabeth LANDERS ,36 Davis(Marr) , t o Eliza be t h WADE , I36 Lamuel(Ma rr ) , to Mary COZENS , I 38 Delia(Bp) ,of Joseph & Sybell JACKSON , 9 Rueben , hus of Eli zabet h Landers, 36 Elizab~th(Bp) , of Simeon & E. WADE , 9 COULTER(?) Elizabeth,.ife of Dr. David WILCOX , 12 , 12 ,1 2, Mary , wife of Andrew SHEIlOS , 39 20 CRAIG Hannah(Bp),of Simeon & Elizabeth WAITE , 3S Isabella , wife of John FORRESTER,3,7 Hannah/wife of Water (METH?) ,46, 46 CRANSTON Hannah(Mar r) , to Waters WELLS , I43 Hen r y(Bp) , of John & Ca t herine MILLER , 26 Janet , wife of David McKAY,12 , 26 John, hus of Ca t herine HILLER,26 J ohail,hus of Abigail JACKSON , 43 , (Ma r r)143 CRAWFORD John W.(Bp) , of Simeon & LWAYD , 9 Marga r et,wife of Wi lliam LOUGH , 16 , 16 Joseph P. , hus of Sybell JACKSON , 9, 32 CROSS Josiah(Marr ),to Elizabeth HOUSE , 14S James(Marr) ,to Ann H0 4~S , 143 Ma rsaly,wife of Paer ick Van KLEECK,82 CUTHBERT (C ulbert /Co utha r t) Ma r y , wi fe of James MUR~~Y , 40 , (Marr) 142 Duncan , hus of Mary Ma cCRIMMON , lOl Me rcey , wif e of Peter V4\N KLEEK , 29 , 46 , 70 . Elizabet h(Harr ) , to Holland R. PARSONS , 146 (Ma n ) 139 Jane , wife of E.WAITE,17 , 29 , 40 Simeon ,hus of E.WAYD,9 , 9 , 9, 22 . 35 , 46,46, 136 John, hus of More McKINNON , 6, (Marr) , 133 St ephen (Ma rr) ,to Jer ass i a AB BY, I38 Ma r ion (Bp) ,of Duncan & Ma r y MacCRIMMON,101 Susanna(Bp) , of Simeon & Elizabeth WADE,9 Mary(Bp) ,of John & Mo r e McKI~NON , 6 CATTANACH Ma r y,wife of Duncan M~TIN , 89 Barbar a ,wife of Kenneth McLEOD,92,99 DAKE Donal d(Mar r ) , to Ca t he r ine McDONALD,I47 Gam.1biel (M.1 rr) , to Sophia GARLICK , I37 CENTER DALE Lut her(Mar r ) , to Polly FROST , 142 Ma r y, wife of Willi am LO UGH , 16 , 16,21 , 41 CHA~BERS Matil da , wife of Hugh LOUGH , 29 Geo r ge , hus o f Ann FERGUSON , IIS DALTON (?) MASON? J ohn A. (B p) ,of Geo r ge & A.FERGUSON,IIS Char les (Bp) , of George & Isabella ~~~NAH , 113 CHARLES George , hus of Isabella HANNAH,113 Geo r ge(Bp) , of Joseph & Sus annah GEORGES , 16 DAVIDSON Henry CBp) , 0 f" II " , 24 David (Bp) ,of William Ii Ann FRASER , SO Jane , wife of John STEPHENS , 31 James(Bp) , " .. , 60 Joseph, hus of S.GEORGES , 16, 24 , 37 William , hus of Ann FRASER,50 , 60,82 Joseph(Bp) ,of Joseph & S. GEORGES , 37 William (Bp) , of Wi lliam" Ann FRASER,82 CHESHER(Che s ser/Chiper?) DAVIES Ca t herine(Bp) , of John & M. A.McKAY , 11 Elizabet h ,wi fe of Samuel HENRY , 41 Charles , hus of Margaret BRADLEY,24 , (Marr) 137 Mary Anne , wife of John W . ~lAJ

Alt=xi...Uld l!r J hu~ of E. FRASER , 7 5 J 92 J John (Ma rr) ,ro Harriet McRAE , 154. Al exander(Bp) ,of Hugh" C.McCASKILL,l03 Ka t e,wi fe of John McGILLIVRAY , 105. 106. Alexander(Marr ) ,to Isabella McGILLIVRAY , 144 Kenneth(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Mary CAMPBELL , 32. And r ew(Bp) ,of John & C.McCUAIG,17 Kitt y(Marr) , to Kenne t h McKENZIE,138. Andrew , hus of P. DEWAR , 61 , 70 , 93 , 94, Lodovick(Bp),of Andrew & P. DEWAR , 70. Andrew , hus of F.McRAE , 95,(Marr) ,153. Maggie,wife of William DEliAR , 130,130,130. Andrew (Bp) ,of Andrew & Mary? , 98 Malcolm,hus of Ma r y CAMPBELL , 6,23 , 32. Andrew,hu s of Ma ry? , 98 Ma r ga r et (Bp) , of Patrick & C.CA~ERON,45 . And r ew(Bp) ,0:" Donald & Ra t chel McGILLIVRAY, Margaret (Bp) , of John" Jane FRASER , 52. 102, Ma r garet(Bp) , of Hugh" K.MacCASKILL,l08 . Angus , hus of M. MacPHEE , 117 Ma r garet,liIFE OF William DEWAR , 13l. Ann , wife of Wi lliam SMITH , 33,54,68 , 76, 86,97 Mary(Bp) , of John & Cather ine McPHEE , 36. Ann , wife of William DAVIDSON , 50 , 60 , 82, Mary , wife of John McPHEE , 50,60,72 , 78 , 90,99, Ann (Bp) , of John & Ch r ist ina CAMERON , 52 Mary , wife of Alexander GRANT , 53,67, Ann(~p),of John" Catherine McPllEE , 67 Ma r y( Bp ) , or Alexander & I.McGILLIVRAY , 56. Ann,wife of Ewen McKINNON,83 , (Marr) , 153 Mary,wife of William FRASER , 87 , Ann(Harr) , t o William SM[TH , 138 M"ry (Bp) , of Duncan & Ann MadllLLAN , 105 . Ann(Bp) , of Alexander" Mary McDONALD , 82 Mary(Bp) ,ot Donald & ? , McGILLlVRAY, 124 . Beat rice ,wife of James McINTOSH , LOS Mary E. (Bp) ,of Duncan & A.McGILLIVRAY , 129. Betsey(Bp),of Donald & R.McGILLIVRAY,109 Mo r e(Bp) ,of John & Ca t her in" McPHt::E,ll 165 FRASER/FRAZER/FRAZIER/FRAZNER/cont'd GRAHAM/GRAHAME cont'd Nelly ,wife o f Dmnald McPHEE , 76 , (Marr),1 46. Kate,wife of Alexander MacDONALD,l02 , l06 Nelly(Marr) ,to John McCUAlG , 136 Margaret,wife of Robert HODGE,4 7 Patrick(Bp) ,of Hugh (?) & E. CAMERON , l . Nancy(Bp) ,of Walter & Jane MciNTYRE , 42 Patrick,hus of Christine CAMERON,45,45,45 . Walter , hus of Jane MciNTYRE,42 , 42 ,42, 42 . Peggy (Bp ) ,of Roderick & J. ROBERT SO N,63 Walter(Bp) ,of \,alter & Jane MclNTYRE,42 . Roderick, hus of J. ROBERTSON , 63 , 72,87, GRANT Ro derick(Bp) ,of John & C.McPHEE, 78 Alexand er,hus of M. FRASER,53,67 . Rode ric k, hus o f C.McRAE , S6 , 96 , (Marr) , 154. Alexander (Bp ) ,of Donald & J.MciNTOSH,62. Rode rick(Bp) , of Andrew & P.DEWAR, 94 Alpin, father of Penelope,133. Roderick(Bp) ,of J ohn & I.McKENZIE,95 Angus,hus of Catherine FRASER,22,45 . Sally,wife o f No rman CAHPBELL ,57, 70,79,91 ;'l Ann,wife of Donald C~~BELL,13 , 30 , 39,4~ ,63 , S7 . Sally(Bp) ,of Alexander & R . McGILLIV~~Y,67. ' Betsey,wife of John McMILLAN,llS. Sally(Bp) ,of Alexander & I. HcGI LLIVRAY ,70. Catherine,wife of D. McHILLAN, 61 ,69,79,S9, Sally(Bp) , of Roderick & J.ROBERTSON , 72. Ca t he r ine(Marr) ,to J ohn BUC~~AN , 1 44. Sally(Bp) ,of Roderick & C. McRAE, 96 . ~ Catherine (M arr) ,to Donald McMILLAN, 148 . Sall y ,wife of Norman CAMPBELL , 99 , (Marr) 145 Christy ,wife of William McLEOD(?) s ee note, 42 Thomas (Bp) ,of Patrick & C. CAMERON , 45. Chr is tina ,wife of William McLEOD , 59 ,71, (Marr)144 William (Bp)of J ohn & Margar et McRAE,7. Christina (Bp ) ,of Alexander & Mary FRASER , 67 . William(Bp ) , oi Alexander & I.McGI LLI VRAY , 81 Dona ld (Bp) ,of Alexander & Mary FRASER,53. William(Bp ) ,of William & Ma ry FRASER , 87 . Donald , hus of Jane McINTOSH,62. Wi lliam, hus of Mary FRAS ER, S7 , Donald (Mar r ) ,to Allithia McKILLlCAN ,151. William(Bp) , of Al exand er & R.McGILLIVRAY , 9 Elizabeth, wife of John HcMILLAN, 123. William (Marr ) ,to Mary McRAE,135 Hanna,wife of Alexander McPHEE,64. FROTTE (?)/FROST( ?) Helen,wife of Alexander McNAUGHTON,44,49. Ha ria,hus of Cha rles WATERS , 34 Hugh (Bp) ,of Angus & Ca therine FRASER,45 . Sally,wife of Robe rt BROCK,14,34,42 , ella(BP) ' Of Angus & Catherine FRASER ,22 . Polly (Harr) ,to Luther CENTER , 142 Margaret ,wife of Archibald. H~~I LL",,~ , 51,61,68. GARDI NER ~Mary(Bp) ,of Ang us & Catherlne FRASER,22. John,hus of Ann McCORMACK,47 , Mar y,wife o f Malcolm BU CHANAN , 84 , John(Bp) ,of John & An~ McCORMACK , 47 1 Mary,wife of Buchanan McMIL~~,lOO,lOl. GARNER L.John (Marr) , t o Flora McKINNON , 147 J ane ,w ife of John SERGEANTS ,38 , 3S. Peggy,wife of Archibald McMILLAN , 76, 84,93. GAVIN Penelope,wife of REV . John McLAURIN,lO,18,27, Peggy,wife of Hugh HcNEI L, 9. 41 , 44 , 49 , (Ma rr) , 133 GATES G~o.Y /GREY Caroline S. (Bp ) ,of J ames & ~I.W ILLIARD ,43 Ar chibald (Bp ) , of Donald & M.McCRI~WON,14 Channcey(Bp) ,of James & M.GATES,lS Betsey,wife of John McMILLAN,38 . Hannah B. (Marr),to George P.HUNTINGTON,141 Donald, hus of MORE McCRHWON,6,14,2S Jamc ~ , hu. of Mary(Gdt~s)WIL L I~~,lS , 43 . Finlay(Bp) ,of Donald & M . McCRI~WON,6 . Mary,wife of James ,L 8(believe her name is Finlay(Bp) ,of John & Effy MacKIN~ON , 106. WILLIARD , not GATES) J ohn , hus of Effy MacKINNON , l06. GARLICK Patrick(Bp),of Do nald & H.McCRIMMON,25 . Luisa,wife of Co rneli us PHILLIPS,14 GREENLEES Sophia(Marr) ,to Gamabiel DAKE , 137 And r ew (Bp) , of John & Mary GREEN LEES, 6. GAUDIE (?) Elizabeth{Bp) , or" " 11,6. Ca therine (Bp ) ,o f John & M.McMIL~~ ,5 John,hus of Mary GREENLEES 6 , 6 Chr isty (B p) ,of John & M.M~~I LLAN , 23 . Mary ,wife o f John GREENLEES,6,6. Eliza(Bp) ,of John & M . M~~ILLAN , 5 GRIFFI N John , hus of Ma ry McMILLAN,5,5,5,23,23. Hollis(Mar r ),to Kitty STOREY,139 J ohn(Bp) ,of J ohn & Mary McMIL~~,23. GRIS WOLD/GRESWOO LS Mary Ann (Bp) ,of John & H.Mc!lI LLAN, 5. Eliza (Bp) ,of Samuel & Nancy McLE~~ , 4 5 GEORGE Samuel,hus of Nancy McLEAN , 45 , (H arr),142 . He nry(Bp) ,oE Henry & Ann ALLEN,lS Steven,hus of Ca t herine MITCIlELL,4S. Henry,hus of Ann ALLEN,lS William (Bp ) , of St even & Ca therine MITC HELL,48 Susannah,wife of Joseph CHARLES,16, 24 ,37. HAGAR GIBSO N/GILSON (?) Ab ner , hus of Hannah ~~GAR , ll , 24,37,(Ba ker /Ba r ke r ) Agnes(Agnus) , (Bp ) ,of James & A.STEVENS,37 Alber (Bp) ,of Abner & Hannah P. BAKER , 24 . Mary , wife of J ohn WHIGHT/WRIGHT(? ) ,30. Emelia (Bp) ,of Abner & Ha nnah HAGAR,ll . GIL CHR I ST Hannah ,wife of Abne r HAGAR , ll . Duncan (Bp) ,of Hug h & Mary McCOLL,lS Maria J.(Bp) ,of Abner & Hannah BAKER,37. Hugh,hus of Mary HcCOLL,12,lS. HALL Peggy (Bp),of Hugh & Mary McCOLL , lS. Hannah,wife of Channcey JOHNSON ,32. GILL Jane (Ma rr) ,to Thomas nLLE N, 136 Ma ry,wife of Arthur BELL,25 , 34. HAMBLY GIRRARD / GE RRARD Joseph,hus of Ca t he rine (P INCKERITH?) ,44. Elizabeth,wife of William WRIGHT,42 Joseph(Bp) , of Joseph & C.PINCKERITH(?) ,44 GOLDEN HAMUL/~£L/HANNAH (?) James ,I 04-a, l 04- a. Isabella,wife of Ceorge MASON,l13 , l18(WASON ?) Fr ed , 1 04- b , . J ames(Bp) , of J oseph & Elleanor BOYD,3S. John,l04- b. J oseph, hus of Elleano r BOYD , 38. Lewis ,l04 -b. HANEY Nellie,104- a. John(Bp) ,of Rober t & Elizabeth H~~ELL ,6S . William,104-a. Robert , hus of Elizabeth HEMP ELL , 6S . GORDON HANSEY /HANNSI E Alexander , hus of Peggy CAMPB ELL,ll,ll, Mary , wife of James MITCHE LL, 12 ,32. Alexander (Bp) ,of Alexander & P.CAMPBELL,ll HARLET J ohn,hus of Ellen DEWAR,47. J ane,wife of Richard RITCHIE,43 . John (Ma rr) ,to Nancy ANDERSON,145 HAROLD (?) Ma rga r e t,wife of William CLARKE , lO,lO. Mary,wife o f Joseph IRVEN , i9 Hary , wii~ of John WIGIIT, 35 HARRISON Mary(Bp),of John & Ellen DEWAR,47 Polly ,w ife of Thomas MEARS, 28 , 28,2H . Mary Ann (Bp) ,of Thomas & S.McLE~~,82 HARROWER Peggy(Bp )of Alexander & P.CAMPBELL,ll Peggy,wife of John McDONALD , 2 , 22 . Thomas , hus of Sarah McLEAN , 82 . HAY GORMAN Alexander, hus of Dorothy (MEANN ?) , 37. Catherine(Marr) ,to Allan BROWN, 14 7 An n , wife of Patrick KENCHL E,l1 4. 114 ,l16,130 GOWI Nl: Jane wife of No r m~n McLE LLAN , 4 . Ca t he rine ,wife of William TAYLOR,S . John(BP) ,o f AI"x~nder & Dorothy (HEANN?), 37 GRAliA<~/GRAlW!E HEMP ELL Betsey,wi f e o f John McMILLAN,S,27,17 Elizabeth,wife of Ro bert HANEY,6B. Jane(Bp) ,of Walter & J .MclNTYRE , 42 HENRY J anet ( Bp ) ,of II II .. , 42 John(Bp ) ,of Samue l ~ Elizabeth DAVIES,41 J ohannah,wife of J.CAMERON,103 , llO ,l15 SamuelJhuti o f Elizabet h OAVIES,41. 166 HEW AN J INKS / J ECK Luis a(Marr ) ,to Eold WI LLARDS , l 40 J ohn, hus of Ca t herine McDONALD , 39 , (Ma rc) , 142 . HENRY/HOUSE/HOUW/HOW E ? Ma rtha,wife of James CAMPBELL , 42(Jackson?) Er rin(Bp) ,of Lam uel & Ann MI SY , 28 Hary Ann (Bp) , of John & C.McDONALD, 39 . Lamuel , hus of Ann MISY , 28,28. JOHNSTONE /JOHNSON/JOHNSTON William(Bp) ,of Lamuel & An n MISY , 28. Ca t herine,wife of Alexander RO BERTSON , 86. HI GGINS / HIG GINSON / HUTCHISON Channcey,hus of Hannah HALL , 32 . Elisa(Bp) ,of Thomas & Nancy PARK , 61. Chr istopher(Bp) , of Fr ancis & Fanny HURT , 24. Euphemia(Bp) ,of Geo r ge & Ros e LO UGH , 16. Ed en(Bp) , of Thom as & Adelia MOREHOUSE , 48 . George,hus of Rose LOUGH , l6 Francis , hu s of Fanny HURT , 24. George (Ma rr ) , to Fanny TWEED , 144. J oshna (Bp ) ,of Channcey & H. HALL, 32. Hen r y(Bp) ,of Thomas & Na ncy p'ARK , 87. Nancy ,wife o f Alexander MITCHELL , 38 . Mary(Bp) ,of Thomas & Nancy PARK,75 . Maria ,wife of James ANDERSON,l19 . Thomas (Bp) ,of William & Jane TWEED , 38. Samatha (Harr) , to Cha r les STACKHOUSE , 155. Thomas , hus of Nancy PARK , 61 , 75 , 87, Samuel (Ma rr ) ,to Susan THOMPSON,142 . Thomas (Ma r r) , to Ma rge r y BROWN , 146. KALANE /KA LLIAN (?) William(Bp) ,of William & Jane TWEED , 16. Nancy (Ha rr ) ,to Samuel GRESWOLD ,142. William,hus of Jane TWEED , 16, 38 . Rosin , wife of Guy CHESSER,31. HI LL/HULL KAY Elizabeth(Bp) ,of William & Agnes BOY D(?) I OI Charlot te , wife of Geo r ge LAWSON,125 Jane(Bp ) ,of William & Abgnes (BOYD?) , 101. KEARNS John , hus 0; Olive PRESTY , 119. Ma r y , wife of John McINTOSH , 35, 35 , (Ma r r) . t39 . Margaret (Bp) ,of John & O. PRESTY , 119. KELLY William,hu iof Agnes BOYD,IOI , IOI. Jane (Marr) , to John LANNIGHAN,137. HOLIllAY KENCHLE(see HUNCHLAY also) Janet , wife of John CAMPBELL,44 . Ann(Bp ) , of Patrick & Ann HAY,l 14. HOULES Eve(Bp) , of Patrick & Ann HAY , l16. Amelia(Bp) , of Thoma" & E. LITTLE , 21 . Isaac (Bp ) ,of Patrick & Ann HAY , ll ~ . Ann (Ma rr) , to James CROSS,143. Patr ick, hus of Ann HAY,l1 4, 114,l16,130. Eliza J . (Bp ) ,of Thomas & E. LITTLE , 48. Thom as (Bp) , of Patrick & Ann HAY , 130. Thomas , hus of Elizabet h LITTLE , 21 , 48. KENNEDY HODGE Ann(Bp ) ,of Duncan & Christina McKI~~ON,59. Richard(Bp) ,of Ro ber t & M. GRAHAME , 47 . Duncan , hus of Christ ina McKINNON , 59. Robert, hus of ~argare t GRAHAME , 47 . Duncan , hus of Isabella (McFINLAN/HcF~~EN?) , 92 HONEY Mary Ann(Bp),of Duncan & Isabella , 92. Betsey, wife of Alexander SMART , 21. KERl-IAN( ?) El izabet h(Bp),of Alexander & E. HONEY , 29 . Elizabet h(Bp) ,of John & Elizabet h SMITH,41 . Elizabeth,wife of Alexander SMART , 42 . John, hus of Elizabeth SMI TH , 41. HOTHAl1 KING Louisa(Bp) , of Richard & Maria MEARS , 46 . Elizabet h,wife of John McCAL LUM,58. Richard, hus of Haria MEARS, 46 , (Marr) J 139 . Ma r i a , wife of Henry EVATT , 8. R. P. , 25 . Ma r t ha , wife of James RIAN , 35. William H.(Bp) ,of R. P. & M.MEARS,25 . KINNEAR HOPE Andrew , hu s of Mary DUNLOP , 31. Jane , wife of Thomas LITTLE,19 , 25 , 42 , 46. James (Bp ) , of Andrew & Mary DUN LOP . HORNER( ?) LANDERS Hugh(Bp) ,of Ralph & June BROWN,43. El izabeth, wife of Rueben COOK,3D. Lamuel (Marr) , t o Catherine O' NEIL,139. LANNI NG HAH / LONGHMAN Ralph, hus of June BROWN , 43. Br idget , wife of Duncan McNAB,94 . HO USE John (Ma rr) , to Jane KELLY,1 37 . Elizabet h(Marr) , to Jos i ah CASS , 145 . LAUCHLAN /~lac LAUCHLAN HOUSTON James,hus of Ann SHlELDS , 42 . Janet , wife of John MI TCHELL , lOO. Mary Ann (Bp) ,of James & Ann SHIELDS . HUCHLAY (Kenchle ?) LAVE RTY/MacLAVERTY Pa t rick, hus of Ann HAY , 130 . J ane , wife of Samuel HUNTER,31. Thomas(Bp) , of Patrick & Ann HAY,130. LAWSON HUD Elizabeth(Bp ) ,of Geo r ge & C.KAY, 12 5. James (l1arc) , to Elizabet h (EATON?) , 147 . Georg~ , hus of Charlotte KAY , 125. HUNTER LeROY Agnus(Bp) , of Samuel & J. (MacLAVERTY?) , 31. Helena (Marr) , to Obidiah WIN1ERS,140. Dav ld (Bp) ,of Samuel & June HUNTER , I I. llenry(H"rr) , to Hannah MORRIS , 138. Hugh(Bp),of John & Ann HcGOVICK,71 . Lovina (Marr) ,to Barnabus VAN KLEEK,136. John (Bp ) ,of John & Ann HacGARACH , 33. LEWELLIN John,hus of Ann MacGARACH,33 , Ann , wife of John HcNEIL , 61 , 72 , 83. John , hus of Ann HcGOVICK , 71 . LIGHTHALL June , wife of Samuel HUNTER,ll. Cornelius (B p) ,of Co r nelius & Eliza BEARS , 29. Hary (Bp ) ,of Samu~l & J .McLOVERTY , 47 . Co r nt.:liu::i,hus of E.BEARS , 29 , 48 , 48 , (Ma rr) , 135. Samuel,hu5 of June HUNTER , 11 , 31,47. Pet e r (B p) , of Co rnelius & E.BEARS,48. HUNTINGTON William(Bp) ,of Co rneliu" & E.BEARS,48. Geor~e P. (Harr) , to Hannah B.GATES , 141. LIVINGSTON / Ll VI NGS TONE HURT Angus , hus of Mary BETHUNE , 39 ,47, (Mar r ) ,140. Fanny , wife of Fr,mcis JOHNSTONE , 24 . Flo r a(Bp ) ,of Angus & Mar y BETHUNE,39 . INGLIS Cha r les (Bp) , of Angus & Mary BETHUNE,47. JaInes , hus of Agnes YOUNG,24 , 37 . Ki tty,wife of Archibald HcARTIlUR,29 Jane (Bp ) ,of Jam es & Agnes YOUNG , 37. LINDSAY / LINS AY John T. (Bp) , of James & Agnes YOUNG , 24. Alexander(Bp) , of John & Margaret LINDSAY , 30. I RWEN / IRVIN J ohn,hus of H.LINS AY, 19,30, 43 , 50. Archy,hus of Ma r y CLINGEN , 61 . J ohn (Bp ) , of John & Margaret LINDSAY , 50. Donald (Bp) , of Duncan & E. STEWART , l09. Kit t y(Bp),of John & Hargaret LINDSAY,19 . Duncan , hus of Elizabet h STEWART , l09 , lI2 . Marga r et , wife of JaM LINDS,;'Y, 19, 30,43 , 50 . James (Bp) ,of Duncan & E.STEWART , 112 . Marga ret (Bp ) ,of John & Margaret LINDSAY , 43. Jane (Bp ) ,of Joseph & Mary ? , 79. LITTLE Jo ~eph , hus of Ma ry? , 79. Eliza beth, wife of Thos.HOLMES,21 , 48. Thomas (Bp) ,of Archy & Hary CLINGEN , 61. George (Bp) , of Thom & Janet HOPE , 46. JACKSON J ohn ( Bp ) ,of Thomas & Jane HOPE,19. Abigail , wife of Johail CASS . 43 , (Ma rr) , 143. Mary (Marr) ,to Thomas H c DO~~ACH , 145. Ann , wi fe of Richard ALLEN , 21 . 33 , 46. Nancy (Bp ) , of Thomas & Jane HOPE , 25. Ma r tha,wife of James CAMPBELL,16,26 . Sally,wife of St ewa r t SNODDEN , IS. Sybell , wife of Joseph P.CASS,9,32. Thom'-ls, hus of J . HOPE, 19, 2S , 42 , !. 6. J AM IESON Pegg (Bp ) , of Thomas & Jane HOPE , 42. Eliza,wife of John BOYD,33. LONG

El izabet h ,wife of John BOYD , 38 , 46. Edmund, w if e o f H. Sli£RM..~~ , 2 6 , 29 J 2 9 . J ane ,wife of John SAGS , 14 , 33 . El isha (Bp ) ,of Edmund & Margaret SHE~~~ , 2 6 . William (Harr) ,to Jean BROADIE , 142 . Ellsha (Ma rr ) ,to Lam uel COLVIN , 141. 167 LONG cont'd McCALLDM/McCAL~ conc'd Harriet Ann,wife of Stephen (BEAREN?),3I , 34 Elizabeth(Bp) , of Archibald M.C~~ERON,58 . Margaret(Bp) ,of Edmund & M . SHE~~~,29, Isabella,wife of John McDUFF,J6,4B,(Marr),142 Margaret (Marr) , to Daniel SMITH,142. Janet,wife of James McARTHUR, 2J , J7. Minerva(Bp),of Edmund & M.SHE~~,29. John,hus of Elizabeth KING,5B. Minerva (Marr),to Hiram L.COOK,14J. John(Bp) , of Duncan & Margaret FISHER,5B. Novella(Bp) , of William & Abigail SMITH , 29. Ketty(Bp) , of Duncan & Ke tty MENZIES , B. William,hus of Abigail SMITH , 29. More(Bp),of & Mary McKELLAR , JI . LOTHIAN Peggy (B p) ,of John & Elizabeth KING , 5B . Archibald(Marr),t) Kitty McDOUGALL,IJ7 . Sally(Bp),of Duncan & Peggy FISHER , BB. LOUGH Mac CANDLl S H/McCAND LIS H Dan(Bp) ,of William & M.DALE , 16 . Jane,wife of William FERGUSON , 64. Hugh(Bp),of Hugh & Matilda DALE , 29 . McCANN/MacCANN/McLEAN/McCLANE Hugh , hus of Matilda DALE , 29. Alice,wife of Neil STEWART , J4 , 4J , 47 , (Ma rr),14J Jane,wife of Richard FEATHERSTON,3B, Mac CAS KI LL /McCASKILL/McGASGI LL/McCASGI LL Jane (Marr) ,to Richard FEATHERSTON , 14J. Alexander,hus of S.MORRISON , 65, John(Bp) ,of William & M. CRAWFORD , 16. Alexander(Bp) , of Kenne t h & Mary McRAE , 94. Martha(Bp) ,of William & M.DALE , 16. Alexand e r (Bp) , of Allan & Mary McRAE,97. Robcrt(Bp),of William & M.DALE,41. Alexander(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Mary URQUHART ,lOB . Rose , wife of George HIGGINSON , 16. Alexander (Bp) ,of William & Nancy McLEOD,12B Rose(Bp) ,of William & Mary DALE,21. Allan,hus of Mary McRAE,BO,90 , 97,(Marr),152. William,hus of Mary DALE,16 , 16 , 21,41 . Ann(Bp) ,of Kenne t h & ~ary McRAE , 52 . William,hus of Margaret CRAWFORD , 16,16. Ann (Bp ) , of John & Mary McPHERSON , 55. William(Bp ) ,of William & M.CRAWFORD,16. Ann(Bp),of Findlay & Mary McRAE,76.9B, LOUIS Ann (Bp) , of Malcolm & Mary URQUHART , I06. Lucy,wife of Olivar (BLEURY?) , 47. Ann(Bp) ,of William & Ann McLEOD,IIJ. LOVELESS Catherine,wife of Malcolm McRAE,lB,IOO , Fanny(Marr ) ,to John CARLILE , IJ5. Catherine,wife of Hugh FRASER,I03, Fr ancis ,wife of John CARLYLE,15. Catherine(Bp) ,of William & Ann McLEOD,IIB . MAC / Mc Catherine(Marr) ,to Malcolm McRAE,151 . To quote an authority which the author feel Christina(Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine McCRAE,55 . is as good an explanation as any: Christy (Bp) ,of William & Ann McLEOD , Ill. "As the spelling of nameS prefixed by MAC Donald,hus of Catherine McCRAE,55.61,lO , 79,92, (son of)is largely a matter of custom or Donald,hus of Catherine McLEOD,60, whim , it is hard to be completely consistent. Donald (Bp) , of Donald & Catherine McRAE,61. Variat ions usually have little or ~2l&­ Donald(Bp),of Finlay & Mary McRAE,69. nificance in determining the identity of a n Donald (Bp) ,of John & Isabella FRASER , 99. individual. Donald(Marr) ,to Catherine McRAE,147. Where the part of the surname following the Finlay,hus of Mary McRAE , 69 , 76.90,9B , I06 , prefix is itself a proper name it is con­ Flora J. (Bp),of Malcolm & M. URQUHART , IIJ . venient,though not essential, t o use a capie Findlay (Ma rr) ,to Mary McRAE,14B . al letter(e.g.MacDonald) ot herwise to folIo John,hus of Mary McPHERSON,55 , it with a smaller,or lower case letter(e. g . John,hus of Isabella FRASER, 6I , 67,75 , 99 , (Ma rr)14B Mackintosh or Macincosh,Mac- an- coisich , son John (Bp) ,of Findlay & Mary Mc~~,90. of the TOisach; Maclean . Mac - gl11e- Eoin , son Ka t e , wife of Hugh FRASER,IOB. of the servant of John) . Kenneth,hus of Mary McRAE,52,6J,B2 , 94. Kenneth(Bp) ,of Alexander & Sally MORRISON , 65 . When used purely as a patronymiC form for Kenne t h(Bp) , of Donald & Catherine McRAE,70. the name of an individual(e.g.when the per­ Lewis,hus of Margaret McGILLIVRAY , I02 , 121 . son's father was actually named DONALD)the Malcolm (Bp) , of John & Isabella FRASER,75. capital letter is certainly app ropriate. Malcolm(Bp) , of Allan & Mary McRAE,BO, It is courteous to spell the name of the Malcolm (Bp) ,of Lewis & M.McGILLIVRAY,I02 . living persons in the forms they themselves Malcolm,hus of Mary URQUHART , IOB , I06,IIJ. adopt,although some think the abridged 'Mc' ~!argare t ,wife of E. McGI LLlVRAY,117,122,125. or 'M" ';much used in ear ly records , a re Margaret (Bp)of William & A.~cLEOD,122. best avoided. 1I Mary(Bp) , of John & Isabella FRASER, 67 , Mary A. (Bp) ,of Finlay & Mary McRAE , I06, acALPIN /McALPI N Mary A. (Bp) ,of Lewis & Margaret McGILLIVRAY,121. Catherine(Bp) ,of Donald & C.ANDERSON,21 . Peggy , wife of Malcolm MORRl SON ,J6, 64 , 79 ,92,10J, Christina(Bp) , of Donald & C. ANDERSON,74 . Peggy (Bp ) ,of Donald & Catherine McLEOD,60. Donald , hus of C.~~ERSON,II , 2I , 2B,56 ,74. Peggy(Bp) ,of Kenneth & Mary McRAE,B2 Duncan (Bp ) , of Donald & Christy ANDERSON , 56. Peggy ,w ife of Malcolm McRAE , 90, John (Bp) ,of Donald & Christy ~~ERSON , 2B . Peggy,wife of Ewen McGILLIVRAY,124. MarY,wife of Angus SHAW , 12,12,12, 16,25,J6,44 Rebecca (Bp) ,of Kenne th & Mary McRAY , 6J. Sara(Bp) ,of William & Louisa MEARS , 2B . Roderick(Bp) , of Donald & Catherine McRAE , 92 . William(Bp) , of Donald & Christy ANDERSON,II. William(Bp) , of John & Isabella F~~ ER , 61. Willi=,h" iof Louisa MEARS , 28 , (Mar r).IJ6. William(llp) , of Donald & Catherine McRAE,79 . acARTIlUR/McARTHUR William(Bp) ,of Al l~n & Mary McRAE , 90 . Alexander (Bp) ,of J3mes & Janet McCALLUM,2J . William,hus of Ann McLEOD , III,IIJ, 118, 122,128. Alexand~r(Bp) , of Donald & Christy McEWEN , J5. McCILLIGAN/McKILLIGAN Archibald,hus of Kitty LIVING STON , 29 . Angus (B p),of Benjamin & Isabella ROBERTSON,7J . Christy(Bp) ,of Archibald & K.LIVINGSTON,29. Benjamin,hus of Isabella ROBERTSON,73. Donald,hus of Christy McEWE N,J5, 4B. Donald (Bp) ,of Robert & Elizabeth BEGG,61. Flora (B p) ,of James & Janet McCALLUM ,J7. Janet (B p) ,of Robert & Elizabeth BEGG, ~ 7 . James,hus of Janet McCALLUM,23,37. Robert,hus of Elizabeth BECG,61 , 67. Jane(Bp) ,of Donald & Christy MccWEN , 4B . McCLINTOCK MarY,wife of Robert McNAUCHTON , B4 , Ann (Bp) ,of James & Elizabeth ,13. MarY ,wife of Neil McINTOSH,129. James,hus of Elizabet h ,I J. cAULEY/McCAULEY Mc CACIlARM/McEACHARAN/McCRACKAN Catherine,wife of John McCUAIG,J. Alexander (Bp) , of Duncan & Ma rian McDONALD , 5B. MarY,wife of John McGILLIVRAY ,I IB ,I IB , 12B . Duncan , hus of Marian McDONALD,58. McBEAN/MacBEAN McCOLL Donald,hus of Catherine McLEOD,B7. Mary ,wife of Hugh CILCHRIST,12 , IB. Elizabet h(Bp) ,of Donald & C.McLEOD,B7. McCONNEL cCALLUM/McCALMAN Charles T. (Bp) ,of John & Margaret TWEED,46. Ann,wife of Duncan McCUAIG,5,9 , 19. Ester J. (Bp),of " ",19. Archibald (B p) ,of & M.McKELLAR,Jl. John,hus of Margaret TWEED,19,34 , 46. Ar chibald ,hus 0' ~!ary CAMERON,58 . Marga ret,wife of John TWEED , 19,J4,46. Ca therine (Bp ) ,of Duncan & Margaret FISHER,97 Thomas (Bp) ,of John & Margaret TWEED,J4. Duncan,hus of Ketty MENZIES,8, McCORMACK Duncan,hus of Margaret FISHER , 5B , 6B,BB , 97, Ann,wife of John GARDINER,47. Duncan(Bp) ,of Duncan & M.FISHER,6B . McCOSHAM/McQUOSH&~/McCOSHEN Duncan (Ma rr ) ,to Margaret FISHER,14B. Ann,wife of Allan MORRISON . 112 , 119. Duncina,wife of AleX McLEOD,IJO,IJ2. Christina(Bp) ,of Duncan & Mary McGILLIVRAY.74. 168 McCOSHAM!McQUOSHAM/McCOSHEN cont'd McCRIMMON!HacCRIMHON cont ' d Donald,hus of Ca therine I1cCUAIG , 95 , John (Bp),of Farquhar & Christina McLEOD,82. Donald (Ma rr) ,to Catherine CAMERON , 155. John,hus of Ca therine McCRIMHON , 84,92,(Marr) ,lS3 Duncan,hus of Mary McCILLIV~~Y,18 , 53 , 65 , 74, John(Bp),of Angus & Annabella McDONALD,98 . 82,93 , (Ma rr) , 135 John,hus of C.McGILLIVRAY,99 , (Ma rr),lS7. Euphemia (Bp) ,of Duncan & M.McCILLIVRAY,65. Kenneth(Bp) ,of Farquhar & Ann MORRISON,102. John (B p) ,of Duncan & M. McCILLIVRAY, 82 . Mary,wife of K.McRAE , 16, 25 , 30 , 40,S4 , 6S,77 , 86 ,97, John(Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine CAMERON , 95. Mary (Bp).of Farquhar" R.McRAE , 24 . Mary(Bp) ,of Duncan & M.McCILLIVRAY,18. Mary (Bp) ,of Angus" Nely McDONALD,32 . Mary(Bp) ,of Duncan & M. McCILLIVRAY,93. Mary (Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann McLEOD,36. Mary(Marr) ,to Duncan McPHEE , 155. Mary (Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McKAY,68. Peggy ,wife of Ewen MORRISON,67. Mary (Bp) , of Angus & Annabella McDONALD ,69. Sally(Bp ) , of Duncan & M.}!cCILLIVRAY,53 . Mary , wife of Duncan CUTHllERT, 10 1 , McCRAW !McCRAE/McRAE MarY,wife of Roderick McGILLIVRAY,12S,132 . (see McRAE) Malcolm , hus of Chrlsty McLEOD , S, McCRIMMON/MacCRIMMON Malcolm , hus of Isabella McLELLAN,l2,S5,68. Alexander,hus of Jane ROSS , 52 ,64,75,86,96, Malcolm (Bp ) , of Farquhar & R.McCRIMMON , 15. Alexander (Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann McLEOD,6S . Malcolm,hus of Elizabeth McLELL&~,20 . Alexander (Bp) , of Angus A.McDONALD , 88. & More,wlfe of Donald GRAY,6,l4 , 2S , Alexander (Ma rr) ,to June ROSS,147. More,wife of Neil McCUAIG , 53. Allan(Bp) , of Malcolm & I.McLENNAN,S5. Murdoch(Bp) ,of Patrick & Christina McRAE , lOO. Angus, hus of Nely McDONALD , J2,J9, Nancy(Marr) , to Malcolm MORRISON,lS8 . Angu.(Bp) ,of Ferchar,C .McLEOD , 54 . Neil (Bp),of Farquhar & Christy McLEOD,37. Angus,hus of Annabella McDONALD,S8,69,80,88 Neil(Bp) ,of Duncan & Isabella McLEOD , 76 . Angus(Bp) , of Alexander & J.ROSS,96. Neil,hus of Pennie McRAE,l17. Angus,hus of Annabella McDONALD,98. Norman (Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McKAY,87 . Ann , wife of Archibald McRAE,4,12,21,49,64,7 Patrick(Bp),of Donald & M. McGILLIVRAY , l4. Ann (Bp) ,of Duncan & Mary McLEOD , 2J. Patrick(Bp) ,of Patrick & C.McRAE,73. Ann,wife of Archibald McRAE , 88 , Patrick, hus of Christina McRAE,7l,lOO . Ann (Bp) , of John & Catherine McCRIMHON,92. Peggy (Bp) , of Malcolm" Elizabeth HcLELLAN,20. Archibald(Bp ) , of Farquhar & C. McLEOD,91. Penelope(Bp) , of Malcolm" I.McLENNAN,68. Catherine,wife of F.McRAE , 2,8,1 4, J3 , Peter(Bp),of Donald & Peggy McKAY,S4. Catherine,wife of A. MciNTOSH , lS, (Marr),lJJ. Ranald (? ) ,wife of Fa rquha r McCRIMMON , lS. Cathcrine(Bp),of Duncan & Ann flcLEOD , S6. Rebecca ,wi f~ of Donald McCUAIG,44,60 ,74,86,lOO, Ca therine(Bp) , of John & Peggy McDIARHAlD,56 Rebecca(Bp) , of Angus" Annabella McDONALD,58. Ca therine(Bp) ,of Farquhar & C.McLEOD, 62 . Rebecca (Marr) , to Donald HcCUAIG,14S. Catherine(Bp) ,of Duncan & I.McLEOD , 82 . Roderick (B p) , of Farchar & R.McRAE , l . Catherine,wife of Jolm McCRIMMON,84,92,lSJ Sally,wife of Neil McCUAIC,69,80,91, Catherine ,wif e o f John ~lcLEOD , 86 . 95 J Marr ,lS Sally,wlfe of Roderick McRAE , 76,8) ,9 4 , ( ~arr),lSl Catherine,wif e of Alexander McLEOD , 126,126, Sally,wife of Donald NcDONALD,80,90,98 , lll , 151. CHRISTINA/ClffiISTY 126 ,lJO. Sarah,wife of Donald McCUAIG , lll , Ch risty (Hp) ,of Malcolm & Christy McLEOD , S. MacCUAIG/McCUAIG Christy , wlfe of A.Mci NTOSH , 5,8, 23 , 51,62,78 , Alexander (Bp) ,of Duncan" Catherine McDONALD,8. Christy,wlfe of John CAHPBELL , lO , 20,J2 , 47 , 5 Alexander (Bp) ,of John & Hary McLEOD,lS . Chris ty (Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McKAY , 21. Alexander,hus of Margaret McLENNAN,103. Christy(Bp) , of Duncan & Ann McLEOD,26 . Angus (Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine Mc~~,72. Christy, wife of John McLEOD,1 03, 106, Ann (Bp) ,of Duncan & ? , 9. Christina,wife of Murdoch 11 cDONALD,50, Ann (Bp) , of John & Catherine (McLELLAN ?) ,33. Christina(Bp),of Farquhar & R.McRAE,62. Ann,wife of Finlay McSWEYN,34 , 58 , 83,9S, Christina,wife of Duncan McDONALD,64 , Ann(Bp) , of Thomas & Sally McRAE,6l , Christina,wife of John C&~PBEL L,68, 80 ,90,lJ4 Ann (Bp) ,of John" F.McGILLIVRAY,62. Christina (Bp) , of Alexander & Jane ROSS,86 . Ann (Bp) ,of Duncan & M. McMILLAN , 66 . Christina ,wife of Malcolm McLEOD,92,(Marrl55 Ann wife of Donald McLENNAN , ll5,l19 , 126, l28, Christina(Bp),of John & C.McGILLIVRAY , 99. Ann:wife of Angus McLEm,AN , 124 , Donald , hus of P.McKAY,l , 6, 21 , S4,68 , 87 . Ann (Bp) ,of John & Catherine FLETCHER,lJl. Donald,hus of M. McGILLIVRAY,8,S3,67, Ann,wife of Duncan McLEOD,132. Donald,hus of M.McGILLIVRAY , 14, Archibald (Bp) ,of John & Mary CAMPBELL , 79. Donald (Bp ) ,of Alexander & Jane ROSS,52. Auley(Bp) , of John & Catherine McAGLEY,3. Donald (B p) ,of Donald & M. McGILLIVRAY,53 . Cassie(Bp) ,of Mr.& Mrs Malcolm McCUAlG,104- b Donald (Bp) , of Duncan & Isabella McLEOD , 5J. Catherine(Bp) ,of Duncan & Mary McRAE,l. Donald (Bp ) , of Angus & A.McDONALD ,80. Catherine(Bp) ,of Donald" More DEWAR,16. Donald (Bp),of John & C.McCRIHMON,84. Catherine(Bp) , of John & Elizabeth FRASER,18. Duncan (Bp) , of Duncan (?) & P . f!cK.W , 6. Catherine,wife of R.McLEOD,l9 ,38 ,55,62,66,72,81,83 Duncan,hus of P.HcKAY(think name is DOHALD)6 Catherine(Bp) ,of John & Ann McLELLAN,27. Duncan(Bp) , of Donald & M.McGILLIVRAY,8. Catherine(Bp) , of John & Mary McLEOD, 35. Duncan,hus of M.McLEOD,23 , 31 , Catherine(Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann MURKINSON , 40 . Duncan,hus of A.McLEOD , 26 ,J6,S6,65 , Cath"rine,wife of Neil HcINTOSII , S), Duncan(Bp),of Farquha r & R.McRAE,J4. Catherine(Bp) ,of Patrick " Cath~rine BETHUNE,76. Duncul1.(llp) , of Farquhar & C. HcLEOD,45. Catherine(Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine McRAE , 8). Duncan,hu5 of I .McLEOD , 5J, 6S , 76 ,82,93,l43. Elizabeth,wife of D. McRAE , 55,68. Ca therine (Bp),of Duncan & Peggy McCUAIG,91. Ca therine,wife of R.McLEOD,92,9S,lOO,(Harr),135 Epy , wlfe of Norman McLEOD , 7. Catherine(Bp) ,of John & Mary CAMPBELL,9J. Erik (E rrach) ,w ife of N. McLEOD , 25 , 36 Catherlne(Bp),of Donald & Sally DEWAR,9). Euphemia (Bp) ,of Farquhar & C.McLEOD , 73. Catherine(Bp) ,of Malcolm & E.McINTOSH,97. Ew"n(Bp) , of DUllcan " Mary McLEOD,Jl. Catherine,wife of Angus McLEOD,98, Farchar,hus of R.Mc~\E , 1 , 15,24t34,43,62, Catherine.wife of Murdoch McCUAIG,104 , farquhar(Bp) ,of Malcolm & I.McLELLAN,l2. . Catherine(Bp),of Do nald & Ca t herine McRAE,ll9 . Farquhar,hus of C.McLEOD,37,45,54,62,73,82, Catherine M. (Bp),of Roderick" I . McLENN&~,l19 . 9l , (Maer) ,I 56 . Catherine F. (Bp) ,of Malcolm & C.McMILL&~,125 . Farquhar, hus of Ann MORRISON , l02 , (Marr),158. Cather ine(Bp) ,of Halcolm & An n MANSON . 128. Farquhar(Bp) ,of Neil & Pennie McRAE,!l7, Cath~rin~ A. (Hp) , of Rode rick " I.McLENN;\N,l29. Flora , wife of Alex McLELw\N,22,S6,71 , 84 , 96, Christina,wife of John FRASER , Sl,17 , 27 ,J9,l34 Flora,wife of N.BETIIUNE,68,7S , 84 , Christina(Bp) ,of Donald" Sally D~~AR,S9 . Flora(Harr) ,to Alexander McLELLAN , lJ~. Chr ist ina(Bp) , of J ohn & Flora McGILLIVRAY,62. Isabella(Bp) , of Alexander & June ROSS , 75 . Christina(Bp) ,of Patrick & Catherine BETHUN E, 85. Isabella(Bp) , of Duncan" Isabella McLEOD , 93 . Christina(Marr) ,to Allan ~ORRISON,l52. Jane,wife of Alexander McLEOD,124 , Christina(Marr). co Duncan Mc LEOD,156. Jancc,wife of Donald McDOUCAl..O, (Marr),158. John(Bp) , of Donald" Peggy McKAY , l. John (Bp) , of Angus" Nely McDONALD ,39. ~~:~:~~~:~;::; ~:~ ~ ~::~ ~~~~~~:;4. John (Bp ) , of Farquhar" Rachel McRAE,43 . Donald (Bp ) , of Malcolm & Janet BAIN , lJ. Donald,hus of More DEWAR,l6, 23 ,J7,~ . John,hus of P.McDIA&~D,56, John (B p),of Alexander & Jane ROSS , 64. Donald (Bp) , of Duncan & Ann MCCAL~,~9. John (Bp) ,of Dun can & Isabella McLEOD,6S . Donald (Bp) ,of John" Mary CAMPBELL,J_. John (Bp ) ,of Donald & Mary McGILLIVRAY ,67. Donald , hus of Rebecca McCRIMHON,44 ,GO,74-,86, IOO. (HA«)/+S. 169 MacCUAIG/McCUAIG cont'd. MacCUAIG/McCUAlG cont'd Donald (Bp) , of Donald & Mo r e D~~AR , 44 . Ketty,wife of Roderick McLEOD,28 . Donald , hus of Sally DEWAR,59,72,81,93 , 136. Lilly(Bp) ,of Roderick & C.HcGlLLlVRAY, 82. Donald,hus of Catherine Mc~\E,59 , 72 , 83,105, Malcolm , hus of Janet BAIN , 13, Donald (Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine McRAE , 59 Malcolm(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Catherine FRASER,14. Donald (Bp) , of Patrick & C.BETHUNE , 65. Malcolm, hus of C. FRAS ER,l4, Donald (B p) , of Roderick & C.McCILLIVRAY , 72 . Malcolm (Bp) ,of John & Catherine ANDERSON,17. Donald (Bp) , of Duncan & Peggy McMIL~~,79 . Malcolm(Bp) ,of Duncan & Mary McRAE,20. Donald (Bp) ,of Neil & Sally McCRIMMON , 91. Malcolm (Bp) , of Duncan & Peggy McLELLAN,51. Donald, hus of Ann McKINNON, 97, (Ma rr) ,156. Malcolm (Bp) ,of John & Mary McLEOD,61. Donald,hus of C.McNAUGHTON , 103, Malcolm(Bp) ,of John & Sally MORRISON,64 . Donald D. (B p) ,of John D.. ,104-b Malcolm (Bp) ,of John & Flora McGILLIVRAY,74. Don ald , hus of Catherine McRAE,113,119 , 127 , Malcolm (Bp) ,of Norman & Mary HORRISON,79. Don ald (Bp) ,of Malcolm & C.McMILLAN,lI9. Malcolm(Bp) ,of Thomas & Sally McRAE,83. Donald (Bp) , of J ohn & Ann MORRlSON,12S. Malco lm,hus of Euphemia McI~lOSH,97, Donald,hus of Sally McCRIMMON,131, Malcolm,Mr & Mrs,104-a,104- a . Donald (Mar r ) ,to Catherine C~~RON,149 . Malcolm,hus of Ann MANSON,109,l18,128,l28, Donald (Marr),to Catherine McRAE,158 . Malcolm,hus of C.McMILLAN , llO,115,l19,125, Duncan,hu~ of Mary McRAE,l, Malcolm,hus of Ann MORRISON,l14, Dunc a n , hus of Ann McCALLUM,5,19, Malcolm D. (Bp ) ,of John & Ann MORRISON,124 . Duncan , hus of C.McDONALD,8, Malcolm(l1arr) , to Harriet McINTOSH,15S. Duncan,hus of ,9 . Margaret,wife of Finlay McCRAE,5l,64,76,86, Duncan , hus of M:lrr McRAE,20, Margaret (Bp) , of Neil & More McCRIMMON,53 . Duncan (Bp) ,of John & Mary C~'!PBELL, 27 . Margaret,wife of D.McGILLIVRAY,56 , 86, (Marr),135. Duncan(Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann MORRISON,30. Margaret,wife of Angus FLETCHER,113,1l6,126,126. Duncan,hu~ of Ann MORRISON ,30,49, Martha(Bp),of Malcolm & Ann MA.~SON,128. Duncan , hus of Ann MURKINSON , 40 , Mary,wife of N.McLEOD,2, Duncan(Bp) , of Donald & R. McCRIMMON, 44 . Mary,wife of D.McGILLIVRAY,S, Duncan,hus of Peggy McLELLAN,Sl, Mary,wife of John McLELLAN , 21,27,35, (Ma rr) ,138. Duncan(Bp) ,of John. Ann McSWEYN , S4 . Mary,wife of Colin C~'!PBELL,30,39,49,60,71,87,98, Duncan,hu. of M.McMILLAN,66,79, Mary(Bp) ,of Rode rick & Lilly ROBERTSON,42. Duncan(Bp) , of Neil & Sally McCRHIMON ,69. Mary(Bp),of Norman & Mary MORRISON,67. Duncan(Bp) ,of Thomas & Sally McRAE,74. Mary(Bp ) ,of John & Mary McLEOD,76, Duncan(Bp ) , of Donald & Sally DEWAR , 81 . Mary (Bp) ,of Duncan & S.McKlNNON,98, Duncan,hu. of Sally McCRIMMON,89,98, Mary(Bp) ,of Donald & R.McCRIMMON,lOO. Dunc an,hus of Peggy McCUAIC, 91 , Mary J. (Bp) ,of Duncan & M.McKlNNON,l02.103, Duncan(Bp) ,of Donald & Ann McKINNON,97. Mary,wife of Rory MacLEh~AN,106 , I09,115,122, Duncan,hus of Meron McKINNON,102 , 103, Mary,wife of Rory MORRISON,106,llO,l19,l22 , l25,l27 Duncan(Bp) ,of John & Kate McRAE,106, Mary,wife of Roderick McGILLIVRAY,l14, Duncan,hu" of Sarah DEWAR,l14,l14, Mary,wife of Roderick MORRISON,l30 , Duncan(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Ann MANSON,118. Mary (Marr),to Colin CNlPBELL , 140. Duncan F. (Bp),of Roderick & I.MacLENNAN,122 More,wife of Norman McLEOD,9,38, Effy(Bp),of Donald & Kate McRAE,l05. More(Bp) ,of Thomas & More McRAE , 47 . Euphemia(Bp),of Neil & Sally McCRIMMON,80. Murdoch(Bp),of Peter & Catherine BETHUNE,95. Euphemia,wife of Miles McMILLAN , 85, Murdoch,hus of Catherine McCUAlG,l04, Euphemia (Bp ) ,of John & C.McLENNAN,90. Neil,hus of More McCRIMl'!ON,53,69,80,91. FlorY,wife of Alex McRAE,9,13,22 , 33, Neil(Bp),of John & Mary McLEOD,86. Flora(Bp) ,of John & C.McLENNAN.51,77. Norman,hus of Mary MORRISON,67,79,(Marr),144. Flora ,wife of Angu~ M~~ILLfu~,96, Norman(Bp) ,of John & Ann McSWEYN,86 . Flora(Bp) ,of Donald & Ca therine McRAE,l13. Patrick,hus of Catherine BETHUNE , 65 ,76,85. Flora(Bp) ,of Duncan & Sarah DEWAR,lI4. Patrick(Bp) ,of John & Mary CNlPBELL,66. Harriet,wife of Miles McMILLAN,79, Patrick(Bp) ,of Donald & R. McCRIMl'!ON,74. Harriet (Bp) ,of Tho .. a~ & Sally McRAE,95. Patrick(Bp) ,of John & Ann McSWEYN,77. Hugh J. (Bp) ,of Malcolm & ,l 04 - a Peggy,wife of D.McGILLIVRAY,lS, 32,66,75,97 , Isabella(Bp) ,of John & Ann McSWEYN,98. Peggy, wife of Angus BETHUNE,20, Isabella (B p) , of Murdoch & C.McCUAIG,l04. Peggy(Bp) ,of Donald & More DEWAR,23, Jam es(Bp) ,of John & Kate MclIlLLAN,l04. Peggy,wife of Finlay McRAE,48, Janet (B p),of John & Ely FRASER,40. Peggy,wife of Duncan McCUAlG,9l, Janet (Bp) , of Alexander & M.McLENNAN,l03 . Peggy ,wife of Angus FLETCHER,I09. Janet(Bp) ,of Duncan & Sarah DEWAR,114. Peter,hus of Catherine BETHUNE,95. John,hus of C.McAULEY,3, Rachael ,wife of R. McLENNAN , l19,121,128. J ohn,hus of M.HcLEOD,3,IS,24, Roderick(Bp) ,of John & Catherine McLELLAN,22. John(Bp),of Duncan & Ann McCALLL~,5. Roderick,hus of Lilly ROBERTSON,42, John,hus of Catherine .~~~ERSON,17, Roderick,hus of C.McGILLIVRAY,7 2, 82 ,93, John,hus of E.FRASER,18,40, (Marr) ,136. Roderick,hus of Isabella MacLENN&~,113,119,122,129 John,hus of C. McLE LLAN,2 2 ,33,51,66, 77 ,90, Roderick(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Ann MORRISON,lI4. John, hus of Ann MCLE LLAN, 27 , Roderick(Bp) , of Malcolm & C.McMILLAN,l15. John,hus of M.CNlPBELL,27,32,53,66,79,93, Roderick(Marr) ,to Sally ROBERTSON,141. J ohn,hu. of Catherine McFINLAY,27, Roderick(Harr) ,to Peggy McINTOSH,150. John,hus of M.McLEOD,35,61,76 , 86 , (Marr) ,135 Sally,wife of Roderick McLEOD,86 , 95,(marr),154 John(Bp),of Donald & More DEWAR,37. Sally(Bp),of Duncan & Sally McKINNON , 89. John (Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann MORRISON,49. Sarah,wife of Donald McINTOSH,l16, J ohn(Bp) ,of John & Mary CAMPBELL,53. Thomas,hu~ of More MCRAE,47,61,74,83,95. John,hu~ of Ann McSWEYN , 54 . 66,77,86,98, William(Bp) ,of Donald & Sally D8;AR,72 . John (Bp) ,oi Donald & Rebecca McCRIMMON,60. William D. (Bp) ,of Donald & S.McCRIMMON,131. John,hus of F.McCILLIVRAY,62,62,74 , acDEWAR/McDEWAR (Dewar ?) John,hus of Sally MORRISON,64, Duncan , hus of Janet MURKlSON , 37 . John(Bp) ,of John & C.McLENNAN,66. John (Bp) ,of Duncan & Janet MURKISDN,37. John (B p) ,of John & Ann McSWEYN , 66. Sally(Marr),to Mal colm McRAE,136. John (Bp) ,of Donald & R.McCRIMMON,86. acDIARMID/McDIARMID John(Bp) ,of Roderick & C.McGILLIVRAY , 93. Duncan ,hus of Elizabeth CONNELL,57, John(Bp),of Donald & C.McNAUGHTON , 103. Jane (Bp) , of Duncan & E. CONNELL,57. John D. ,hus of ? , 104- b Peggy ,wife of John McCRIMMON,56. John, hus of Kate MclllLLAN ,104, acDONALD/McDONALD/MacDONELL/McDONELL John,hus of Kate McRAE,l06 , Alexander , hus of Hore McMILLAN , 13, John (Bp) ,of Malcolm & Christy McMILLfu~,llO. Alexander (Bp) ,of Neil & Janet McLEOD,77 , John (Bp) ,of Roderick & I.MacLENNAN,l13. Alexander (Bp) ,of Donald & C.McGREGOR,80. John,hus of Ann ~10RRISON,1 2 4,125 , Alcx.lndt!r,hu5 of Kate CRAHA..'1 ,l O:! ,t06, John(Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine McRAE , 127. Alexander ,Nr. &: Nrs, L04 - b John(Bp) ,of John & Catherine FLETCHER,131. AI~xander(Bp ) ,of John & I.abella McDONALD,l08 . John,hus of Ca therine FLETCHER,131 , I32, Alexander,hus of Jane McDONALD(?) , 132 John (Ma rr ) ,co Catherine McLENNAN , 133. Alexis/Lexi./Lexy: John (Marr) , to Isabella McLEOD ,1 34. Lexy,wife of William McLEOD,l,13,22,33,55,72 Kenneth ( Bp ) ,of John & C.McFINLAY,27. Alb~rt P. (Bp) ,of John A.& C.WOODS,123. Kenneth (8 p) ,of John & Catherine FLETCHER,13 Angus(Bp),oi Donald & Sally DEWAR,71. 70 MacDONALD /HcDONALD /MacDONELL /McDONELL MacDONALD/McDONALD/MacDONELL/McDONELL COnt'a Angus (Bp) , of Murdock & C. McCRIMMON,79 . Janet(Bp) ,of Donald & Flora URQUHART,98 . Angus (Bp) ,of Donald & C.McGREGOR , 87 . Janet , wife of Neil McLEOD , 106, Angus , hus of Peggy McDONALD , l02,l07 . 11J Jane ,wi fe of Alexander McDONALD , 132 . Angus J. (Bp) ,of Alexander & K.GRAHAH , l06. J ohn ,hus of Peggy HARROWER , 2, 22 , Ann(BP) ,of John & Peggy HARROWER,2. J ohn(Bp) ,of Hugh & Sally McLEOD , 7. f Ann,wife of John HcINTOSH , 4, l1,19, 32, John , hus of Mary McMILLAN,lJ , Ann ,wife of Nehemiah CARKNER,6, John,hus of Cather ine CAMERON , 55 , 66 , Ann , wife of John C~~ERON , 7,60 , John,hus_ oj Nancy MORRISON,81,87 , (Marr) ,152 . Ann , wife of James HcDONALD , 24 , 24, John(Bp),of Donald & Catherine McGRECOR,96 . Ann , wife of Angus McMASTER , 64 , 7S , John(Bp) , of Donald & Sally McCRIMMON,98. Ann (Bp) ,of Findlay & Mary HcHILLfu~ , 87. John(Bp) ,of Donald & Marion DewAR , lOO. Ann C.(Bp),of Do nald & Flora URQUHART , IDS. J ohn A. (Bp) , of Alexander & Kate GRAHAM,l02 . Ann (Bp ) ,of Angus & -Margaret McDONALD,l1J. J ohn , 104- a Ann M. (Bp) , of Neil & Ann CNIPBELL,l ~O . John , hus of Isabella MacDONALD,108 , (Marr) ,157. Ann,wife of Angus McGREGOR,125. John , hus of Catherine MacLEOD,113 , _ -­ Annabella,wife of Angus McCRIMMON,58,69,80, John (Bp),of Donald & Flora URQmL~T , l13. 88,98. John A. (Bp ) , of Norman & Ann HcLEOD , 116. Allan, hus of Kate McINTOSH,l06 , John,hus of Mary CAMPBELL,123 , Allan (Bp ) ,of Alexander & Jane McDONALD , lJ2. John A. ,hus of Catherine 1oI00D5 (000D5?) , 123 Archibald (Bp) , of Ewan & Sally McLEOD,59. John,hus of Margaret MURCHISON,124 . Archibald (Bp) ,of Donald & C.HcGREGOR , 63 . Kenneth, hus of Catherine CAMERON , 13 , Archie (B p) , of Archie & Isabella ,105 Kenneth(Bp) , of William & Sally BETHUNE,78. Archie,hus of Isabella? , l05,l1l. Margar et (Bp) ,of Neil & Margaret CHRISTIE,14 . ~ Archibald (Harr) , to Mary HcDONALD ,149. Margaret , wife of Angus McDONALD , 113. * Angus (B p) ,of Norman & Ann HcLEOD , llJ. Marion, wife of Duncan McCAC~~~,58 , Betsey (Mar r) , to Oran PERKINS,1 47 . Ma r ion(Marr) , to John DEWAR,154 . Catherine,wife of Murdoch McLEOD , 5,18 , Mary(Bp) ,of John & Mary McMILLfu~ , 13 . Catherine, wife of Duncan McCUAIG,S , Mary,wife of Alexander FRASER , 56 , 71 , 82, Catherine , wife of John CAMERON , lO , Mary , wife of Robert McLACHLAN , 58, Catherine(Bp) , of John & Peggy HARROWER , 22 . Mary,wife of Hurdoch McRAE, 63 , Ca t her1ne ,wift of Duncan McMILLAN , 22 , Mary(Bp) , of John & Catherine C~~RON,66 . Ca t herine,wife of John JINKS,39,(Marr),142. Mary(Bp) ,of Norman & Mary McLEOD,69 . Catherine(Bp) ,of Murdoch & C.McCRIMHON , 50. Mary,wife of Peter McLAUCHLAN , 89 , 96 , Catherine (Bp) ,of John & Catherine CAHERON.S5 Mary,wife of Archibald t1c.~ILLfu'l, 97 , Catherine(Bp) ,of Norman & Ann McLEOD,96 . Mary ,wife of ? URQUHART , 102. Catherine(Bp) ,of Olivar & C.FISHER,l13. Mary ,wife of Olaus URQUHART , l09, Catherine(Ma rr ) , to Donald CATTANAGH,147 . Mary I. (Bp),of Ewan & Fanny MacPHEE , 118. Charles(Bp) , of Neil & Janet McLEOD,71 . Mary C. (Bp),of John & Mary C~!PBELL , 123 . Christy, wife of M . C~~RON,9,30,37,57, Mary(Marr) , to Archibald McDONALD ,149. Christina(Bp) , of Donald & Flora 1-!cINNIS , S6. Ma r y(Marr) ,to John McPHEE , 15 0. Christina (B p) ,of Duncan & C.McCRIMMON , 64 . Me r in(?)(Bp) ,of Donald & F. URQUHART,l08. Christy , wife of Alexander McLENNAN , 124. Murdoch , hus of Christina McCRIMMON,50 , 79,79. Daniel A. (Bp ) ,of John & M.MURCHISON,124 . Nancy , wife of Nehemiah CARTNER,12 , Donald , hus of F.McINNIS,40 , S6, Neil, hus of H. CHRISTIE,14 , Donald,hus of Sally DEWAR , 60,71,89 , Ma r~ 148 Neil(Bp) ,of Hugh & Jane McLEOD , 30 . Donald (Bp ) ,of Donald & Sally DEWAR , 60 . Neil , hus of Janet McLEOO,65 , 71 , 77 , 94 , l10 , Donald,hus of C.McGREGOR,63,73 , 80 , 87 , 96 , 108 Neil , hus of Ann C~~PBELL,l18 , 120 , l~2. Donald , hus of Sally McCRIMMON,80 , 90,98 , lll, Nely,wife of Angu~ McCRIMMON , 32 , 39 . Donald (Bp) , of Donald & S.McCRIMMON , 80 . Norman,hus of Mary McLEOD , 58 , 69,(Marr),149 . Donald (Bp) , of John & Ann MORRISON , 87. Norman,hus of Ann McLEOD , 96 , llJ , l16,(Marr ) , lS6. Donald , hus of Flora URQUHART , 98 , l05 , l08, l13 Norman A. (Bp) , of fir & Mrs Alexander McDONALD , l04-b Donald , hus of Marian DEWAR,lOO, Olans(Bp) , of Alexander & Hors Mc.~ILLAN , 13. Donald A. (Bp) , of Finlay & M.McHILLAN , 104. Olivar , hus of Catherine FISHER,l13. Donald (Bp) ,of Neil & Janet acLEOD , l10. Peggy,wife of Hugh McMILLU~ , 3,3, Donald a.(Bp) , of Neil & Ann CAMPBELL,122. Peggy (Bp) , of James & Ann McDONELL,24. Donald,hus of Flora McLEOD,130 , 132, Peggy,wife of Angus McDONALD,102,l07. Donald(Marr),to Mary C&~ERON , 14S . Robert (Bp ) , of Ewan & Fanny McPHEE , llS. Donald (Marr) , to Sally McCRIMMON,151. Roderick(Marr),to Isabella McRAE , 134 . Donald (Marr ) ,to Flora URQUHART , lS7 . Ro r y William (Bp ) , of Donald & Flora McLEOD , 132. Dougall(Bp) ,of Ewan & Sally McLEOD , l. Sally , wife of John DEWAR,91 , 99. Dougald(Bp) ,of Donald & Flor a McLEOD ,1 30. Sarah, wiLe of John McPHEE,107,l14, Duncan(Fp) ,of Kenne t h & Ca therine CAMERON,D 5arah ,IoIife of Allan McPHEE , l18, Duncan,hus of Christina acCRlMMON,64. Sarah(Bp) , of Ewen & Fanny McPHEE,122. Eliza M. (Bp) ,of James & A. McGILLIVRAY , 100. Thomas (Bp) , of John & Nancy MO~~ISON , 81 . Erruk, wife of Norman McLEOD , 27 . Thomas (Bp) ,of Donald & Sally DEWAR , 89 . Euphemia (Bp ) , of Norman & Mary McLEOD , 58. William,hus of Sally BETHUNE , 78 , Euphemia (Bp) ,of Neil & Janet McLEOD,6S. William(Marr ) , t o Elizabeth BEATON , lS3. Euphemia(Bp) ,of £w~n & Sally McLEOD,76 . MacDONNACH/McDONNACH Euphemia(Bp) ,of Donald & Sally McCRIMMON,90 Thomas (Marr) , to Mary LITTLE,145. Ewan , hus of Sally McLEOD , L. 59,76, MacDOUGALL /McDOUGALL /MacDOUGALD /McDOUGALD Ewen(Bp) ,of Neil & Janet McLEOD,94. Ca t herine,wife of Alexander McNAB , 1,8,16, 28 . Ewan (Bp) ,o( Donald & Sally McCRIMMON,lll. Donald,hus of Catherine FlSHER , 93,100,(Marr) , lS5 . Ewan , hus of fanny McPHEE,l15,l18, 122. Donald (Ma rr) ,to Janet HcCRIMMON , lS8. Ewan (Bp),o( Neil & Ann CAMPBELL , l18. John(Bp) ,of Donald & Ca t herine FISllliR,93. FarquhadBp) ,of Hurdoch & C.McCRHCMON , 79. Kitt y (Marr) , to Archibald LOTHIAN , 137 . Findlay , hus of Mary McMILLAN,87 , l04, Nelly,wife of Finlay MUNRO, 23. Flora,wife of John MORRISON,81 , 94 , l03, MacDUFF /HcDUFF Flora (Bp) ,of Allan & Kate MciNTOSH,l06. Archibald (Bp) ,of Jolm & Isabell HcCALLUM , 48. flora (B p) ,of John & Catherine McLEOD,]13. John(Bp) , of John & Isabella McCALLUM,36. Flora (Marr) ,to Ewen MORRISON,lS2. John , hus of Isabella McCALLUM , 36 , 48,(Marr ) , 142. Hanna( ?) ,wife of Geo r ge ROSS,94. MacEWEN/McEWEN /HacEWAN /McEWAN llector(Bp) ,of Donald & Flora McINNIS , 40 . Christy,wife of Donald McARTHUR , 35 . Harriet,wife of John MORRISON , 129. Hugh(Marr) ,to Lisay STEVEN,14S . Hellan,wife of C.P . TREADWELL , 61. Janet,wife of Peter McLAREN,l , l. Hugh,hus of Sally McLEOD,7,15 , MacFARLANE/McFARLANE !lugh(Bp) ,of Hugh & Sally McLEOD , 15. Jane(Bp),of William & Isabella DICKSON , 37. Hugh,hus of Jane McLEOO,3D . Willi.uu,hus of Isabella DICKSON,37 . Hugh A. (Bp ) ,of Mr & Mrs John McDONALD , l04- a MacFINLAY/McFlNLAY Isabella (Bp) ,of Angus & Peggy McDONALD ,102 . Catherine , wife of John HcCUAIG,27. Isabella,wife of John McDONALD,l08 , (Marr)57 MacGARACH/MacGARRACH /M cGARRACH Isabella (Bp ) , of Archibald & Isabel ,11 Ann ,wife of John HUNTER,33 , J ames,hus of Ann McDONELL , 24 , 24 , Margaret,wife of Hugh McNEIL,lS. James (Bp) ,of James & Ann McDONELL, 24 . MacGI BBON /HcKI BBON J ames (Bp) ,of Donald & C.McGREGOR , 73. Mary (Marr ) , to Thomas TAYLO R, I36 James , hus of Ann McGILLlVRAY,1 00 .«;ic'"""""( " Dr'e.} McGILICAN/MacGILICAN MacCILLIVRAY/McGILLIVRAY Cont'd 171 Donald,hus of Margaret ROBINSON,S 4. Donald (Bp) ,of William & C. McLEOD, 81 . William (Bp ) , of Donald & M. ROBINSON,54. Donald (B p) , of Malcolm & M.McNAB , 86. MacGILLIS/McGILLIS Dona ld , hus of Ann McLEOD , 91, (Marr),154. Ann,wife of John McMILLAN , 78, 91, (Marr) , 151 . Donald (Bp ) ,of Allan ~ Sally MCLEOD , 96 . MacGILLIVRAY /McGILLIVRAY Donald (Bp) ,of Malcolm & Janet McLEOD , 98. Allan,hus of Sally McLEOD,90,96. Donald , hus of ? ,1 00 . Alexander (Bp) ,of John & C.McPHEE,23 . Donald , hus of C.McINTOSH,l05 , 111,116,121 , Alexander (Bp ) ,of Kenneth & S.McLEOD,61. Donald,hus of M.MORRISON,l07,lll, Alexander (Bp) , of Ewen & M.McCASKILL,125 . Donald,hus of M. STEWART , 108,116, Andrew (Bp) ,of John & C.FRAZER,102. Donald D. (Bp ) ,of John & C.McGILLIVRAY,llO . Angus,hus of S.McRAE , 58 , 71,81,92 , Donald (Bp ) ,of John & Ca t herine FRASER , ll4, Angus(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary McMILLAN,75 . Donald (Bp) , of Donald & Mary STEWART,l16. - Angus (Bp ) , of Duncan & M. McCUAIG,86. Donald W. (Bp ) ,of William ;; C.McGILLIVRAY, 119. Angus (Bp) , of Donald & C.McINTOSH,121. Donald (Bp) ,of Roderick & M.McCRIMNON,125 . Ann,wife of John URQUHART 3 8 15 ' 5 35 52 Donald ,hus of C . McLENN&~,131,132, ' 64,75,88,' , , Dunc an , hus of M.McCUAIG,5, Ann(Bp ) ,of Duncan & Mary McMILLAN,39. Duncan (Bp) , of Hurdock & Flora CAMPBELL ,6. Ann,wife of Donald CAMPBELL,42,S5 , 68 ,76,86, Duncan,hus of Peggy McCUAIG,15,32,56 , 66,66,75,86, Ann (Bp) ,of Donald & Ann McINTOSH,43. Dunc an,hus of M.H~~IL~~, 20 ,3 0 ,39, 49,62 , 69 , 80,90 , Ann(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary McMILLAN,58 . Duncan (Bp),of Hugh & P. MO RRISON ,38. Ann,wife of Murdoch McGILLI VRAY ,62, 72 ,94, Duncan (Bp) ,of Angus & Sally McRAE , S8 . Ann(Bp),of Dunc an & Peggy McCUAIG,66 . Duncan(Bp),of John & P.mcGILLIVRAY,60 . Ann(Bp) ,of John & Christina McMILLAN,71 . Dunca n (Bp) ,of Donald & C.CHISHOLM,69. Ann (Bp ) ,of Kenneth & Sally McLEOD , 73. Duncan (B p) ,of Duncan & M. NcMILLAN , 90. Ann(Bp ) ,of Malcolm & Janet McLEOD , 87. Duncan,hus of Peggy McCUAIG,97, (Marr) , 135. Ann,wife of John McINTOSH,92,lOO , Duncan(Bp),of Donald & ,l OO. Ann(Bp) ,of Murdoch & A. McGILLIVRAY,94. Duncan,hus of R.MacGILLIVRAY,111,115,121, 126, Ann , wife of Donald CAMPBELL,99, Duncan (Bp),of Ewen & M. HacCASKI LL,122 . Ann,wife of James McDONALD,lOO, Duncan ,hus of M.McLENNAN,1 24 , 131 , Ann ,wife of Dunc an Mc~~ , l09 , l 12,l18, Duncan (Bp) , of Archy & Jessie McLEOD,129. Ann , wife of Duncan FRASER,l13,l17,121,129. Duncan (~la rr ) , to ? McMILLAN, 1 33. Archibald (B p) ,of Duncan & M . M~~ILLAN,69 . Dougald (Bp) , or John & P.HcCILLIVRAY , 24. Archibald (Bp) ,of Malcolm & M.McNAB , 94. Edward (Bp ) ,of Kenneth & Sally McLEOD,96. Archibald (Bp) ,of Duncan & P.McCUAIG,97. Edward,hus of Mary McINTOSH,99, (Ma rr) ,157 . Archibald (Bp ) ,of Roderick & P.McINTOSH,99. Edward (B p) , of D. W. & ? McCILLIV~~Y,132. Archibald , hus of C.MacLEOD,l17, Effy (Bp),of William & C. McGILLI VRAY , l12 . Archibald,hus of Jessie McLEOD,122,129 , 130. Ellene (Bp) ,of Duncan & M. McLENNAN , 131. Barbara (B p) ,of John & C.MacGILLIVRAY,123. Ephy,wife of John McLELLAN,23,33,43. Betsey (Bp ) , of John & Catherine FRASER , 109. Errich(Marr) , to John McLENN~~, 13 4. Catherine ,wife of Alex McLEOD,4,8 , l 4, Euphemia(Bp) ,of Kenne th & M.McLEOD , 50 . Catherine(Bp),of Duncan & Mary McCUAIG,S. Euphemia,wife of John McLENNAN,50,59, Catherine,wife of Farquhar McLELL~,6.17,30 Euphemia (Bp) , of Hugh & M.MORRISON,56. 39,66, Euphemia (Bp) ,of Angus & Sally Hc~-\E, 92. Catherine(Bp) ,of Malcolm & J . McPHEE,4S. Ewen,hus of P. MORRISvN,13,27,72, 82 , 38 ,56 , (Marr) 135. Catherine(Bp) ,of William & C. McLEO D,58. Ewen (Bp) ,of Donald & A.McINTOSH ,18. Ca t herine(Bp) , of Duncan & M.McMIL~~,62. Ewan , hus of Margaret McCASKILL , 117 , 122,124,12S. Catherine (B p) ,or John & C. McRAE , 66. Flora,wlfe of Duncan McLEAN, 3, 3, 11 J 19,50, 64 ,75,84 J Catherine(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Janet McLEOD,69. Flora ,wife of Neil McINTOSH, S, Catherine (Bp ) ,of Ewen & P.MORRISON,72. Flora ,wife of Rod erick McLEOD , 21 , 32 , 68 ,l, Catherine,wife of Roderick McCUAIG ,72,82, Ca t herine(Bp ) ,of Murdoch & A.McGILLIVRAY , 72 Flora,wife of John McCUAIG , 62,74 , Flory(Bp) , of Duncan & Mary Mcl1ILLAN , 49 . Catherine(Bp) ,of John & C.URQUHART,78 . Catherine,wife of John FLETCHE R, 81 ,88,94, Flora(Bp) , of Angus & Sally McRAE, 81. Flora,wife of John McINTOSH , 107 , llO ,113,118 , 121,1 23 Catherine,wife of Roderick McCUAIG,93,lSO. Flora (Bp) , of William K.McGILLIVRAY,l08. Catherine (Bp ) ,of Malcolm & M.McNAB 101 & Catherine,wife of Roderick MCRAE,lio,li6~2 Flora (Ma rr) ,to ? McCUAIG,1 38. Catherine, wife of J.McGILLI VRAY 110 123 Gilandreus (Bp) , of Donald & Mary HORRISON, 107. Catherine,wife of W.McGILLIVRAy'l12 ' l19' Isabella ,wife of Alex FRASER,56,70,81,90,(Marr)144. Isabella(Bp) ,of Duncan & Peggy McCUAIG,66 . Catherine(Bp) ,of Malcolm & S.McRAE i17 ' Ca t herine(Bp) ,of Archibald & C.MacL£OD · 117 Isabella (Bp) ,of John & Catherine McPHEE,92. Ca t herine,wife of R.McRAE,123,128, , . John, hus of P . HcGILLIVRAY , 5, 24 ,33, 60 , Ca t herine (Ma rr) ,to John FLETCHER,lSl. John (Bp) , of J ohn & , II. John, hus of ,I I. Chr ist ina(Bp) ,of John & C.McRAE.52 . John(Bp) ,of William & Catherine McLEOD ,16. Christina,wife of D.McLEOD,53 , 84 , John,hus of , McMIL~"l, 22 . Christina,wife of D. URQUHART 63 John, hus of C.McPHIE,23,33,5 4, 67,Sl,86,92, Christina(Bp) ,of Roderick" P.M~INTOSH,87. JO'hn,hus of C.HcC~-\E,S2,66,76 , Christina,wife of D.McLEAN 89 99 Christina ,wife of J.McCRIMMON,99,(Marr),157 John (Bp) , of Halcolm & Jane McPHEE,36. Christina (Bp ) , of John & C.FRAZER , lOl. John (Bp) ,of Murdoch & A. McGILLI VRAY , 62 . Ch r istina(Bp) ,of John & C.FRASER , 122. John (Bp) , of Roderi cl & Ann BETHUNE,67. Christina,wife of M.ANDERSON,129, John,hus of C.URQUHART , 69,78,87,96, (Ma rr),149. John (B p) , of Angus & Sally McRAE , 71. Christy(Bp ) ,of Malcolm & E.CHISHO h~,ll. Christy,wife of Donald McLEOD , 23 , (Ma rr)138 John, hus of C.McMILL~,71 , Christy(Bp) ,of Dunc an & M.McMILLAN , 30. John (Bp) , of Duncan & Mary McMIL~~,80. Christy(Bp) ,of Donald & I.FRASER , 42 . John (Bp ) ,of Ewen & Peggy HORRISON , 82. Christy(Bp) ,of William & C.McLEOD,43. John (B p) , of Donald & C. CHIS HOLM , 83 . Christy(Bp) ,of Duncan & R.MacGILLIVRAY , lll . John (Bp) ,of John & Catherine ~lcCRAE , 86. 97 , Christy(Bp) ,of Donald & C.McINTOSH,lll. John (Bp ) ,of John & Sally McLEOD , 90 . Christy(Bp) ,of John & M.McGILLI VRAY ,l16. John,hus of Sally McLEOD,90, Christy(Bp) ,of John & M.McCAULEY,l18. John (Bp) , of Donald & Ann McLEOD,91. Christy(Bp) , of Neil & S.A. McLEOD,125. John (Bp) ,of Malcolm & Janet HcLEOD ,91. Donald (Bp) ,of John & P.McGILLIVRAY , 5. John A. (Bp ) ,o r John & C.URQUHART,96. Donald , hus of A.McINTOSH,7,18 , 43, John (Bp) ,of Donald & Mary McLE~~,98. Do nald,hus of M.McMILLAN , 7,S8 75 John,hus of C.FRAZnR,IOl,l02 , 105 , Donald(Bp),of Ewen & Peggy MORRISON,13 . John , hus of M.McGILLIVRAY,104,112,l16 , 122, Donald (B p) , of Duncan & M.McMILLAN , 20. John(Bp) ,of John & Catherine (Kate)FRASER,105,l06, Donald (Bp) ,of John & ? McMILLAN,22. John (B p) ,of Donald & Christy McINTOSH,105. Donald,hus of I.FRASER,42,S9, John,hw uf Kate FRASER ,1 09 JIl O , 11~ J1 22 ,12S,158 . Donald (Bp) ,of Duncan & M.McCUAIG , 56. John , hus of C.McGILLIVRAY , 11 0 ,1 23 , John (Bp ) ,of Donald & Mary MORRISON . 111. Donald,hus of C.CHISHOL'I,57 ,69,S!>,9~, John(Bp) ,of John & Mary McCILLI VRAY, 1 12 . Donald (Bp) ,of John & C.URQUHART,69. John,hus of Mary McCAULEY,118,11 S,128, Donald (Bp) ,of Roderick & P.McINTOSH , 69. Donald (Bp) ,of Roderick & C.McGILLIVRAY(?)72 John (B p) ,of John & C.FRASER,125. J ohn(Ma rr ) ,to Mary McLEOD,l SS , Donald, hus of Mary McLEAN, 78 ,88, 9 8, (H ", ,," ~ , ISI. 172 MacGILLIVRAY /Mc GILLIVRAY Cont'd. MacGILLIVRAY/McGILLIVRAY Cont'd Kate,wife of Ro ry MacRAE,l07, Sally,wife of Angus C&~ERON,19 , 19 , Kate,wife of William MacGILLIVRAY , lOS, Sally(Bp),of John & Catherine McPHEE,67. Kate Ann(Bp) ,of Roderick & M.McCRIMMON ,1 32. Sarah(Bp) ,of Roderick & Mary MacCUAIG , 114. Kenneth(Bp) , of William & Flora McKAY,26. Sarah (Bp),of Archibald & Janet XcLEOD,130. Kenneth,hus of More McLEOD,sO , 61,73, 96 , 14S. Sarah,wife of Alexander McLEOD , 132, Kenneth(Bp) , of Donald & C.CHlSHOLM,93. Sally (Marr) ,to Donald McLELLAN,140. Kenne t h (Bp) ,of John & Catherine McRAE , 97. Will iam , hus of C. McLEOD, 4 ,16, 24, J3, 43 ,58, 81,94, Kenneth, hus of Janet McKENZIE , ll 2, William , hus of F.McKAY,4,26, Kenneth(Bp) ,of Ewan & M.MacCASKlLL , l17. William(Bp) ,of William & Flora McKAY,4. Kenneth(Bp) ,of Duncan & Mary McLENNAN,124. William(Bp) ,of Donald & Christina CHISUO~~,S7. Malcolm(Bp) ,of William & C.McLEOD , 4. William(Bp) , of Donald & Mary McLEAN, B8 . Malcolm , hus of E.CHISHO~~,II , 20 , William(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Meron MacRAE,IOS. ~!alcolm,hus of Jane McPHEE,36,4S,69 ,14l. William (Bp) ,of John & Kate FRASER,106 . Malcolm,hus of M.McNAB , S6 , 94 , 10I,(Marr) , IS2 William,hus of Kate MacGILLIVRAY , IOB ,11 2,119. Malcolm,hus of J.McLEOD , B7, 9I , 9B , (Marr),149 McGINITY Malcolm , hus of M.MacRAE,IOS , John (Marr) , t o Sarah RITCHIE,136. Malcolm(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary STEWART,108. McGOVICK Malcolm(Bp) ,of Malcolm & Sarah McRAE,lll. Ann,wife of John HUNTER,71 . Malcolm,hus of Sarah McRAE,117,(Marr) , IS8. MacGREGOR / McGREGOR Malcolm(Bp) ,or Duncan & R.McGILLIVRA·, , 126. Angus,hus of Ann McDONAlll,12S. Malcolm(Marr),to Ca therine MciNTOSH , lS2 . Archibald (Bp) ,of Angus & Ann McDONAlD , 12S. Margaret(Bp),of Donald & Ann McINTOSH , 7. Catherine,wife of Donald McDONAlll,6J , 7J , 80,87,96. Margaret , wife of D.McCRIMMON , 14 , Catherine,wife of Ewan McKINNON , 64 , Margaret,wife of James BENTON,SS,70 , 79,91, Donald,hus of Elizabeth CAMPBELL , 4S . Margaret (Bp) ,of Donald & I.FRASER,S9 . Donald,hus of Ann ANDERSON,64 . Margaret (Bp) ,of John & Catherine McRAE,76. Duncan(Bp) ,of Donald & Ann ANDERS ON ,64. Margaret (Bp) ,of Roderick & Ann BETHUNE,77. James(Bp),of John & Mary McRAE,79 . Margaret,wife of Lewis McCASKlLL ,1 02 ,121, John,hus of Mary McRAE,79, (Ma rr ) , IS3. Margaret(Bp) ,of Kenneth & J.McKENZIE,112 . Kate , wife of Donald McDONAlll,108. Margaret,wife of Donald McLEOD,l14, Mary (Bp) ,of Donald & Elizabeth C~~BELL,4S . Margaret (Bp) ,of Duncan & R.McGILLIVRAY,llS. Mary,wife of Donald MacLEOD,1 04 , 113. Margaret{Bp) ,of Donald & C.McHITOSH ,lI6. Mary,wife of Rory Mac:LENNAN , I04 , I I O, 1l7 . Margaret(Bp) , of Donald & C.McLENNAN , 132. Robert (Bp ) ,of Robert & Ann ROB ERTSON , 41. Ma r y,wife of John CAHP BELL, 4 ,13, Robert,hus of Ann ROBERTSON , 41. Mary ,wife of D.McCRIMMON,8,S3,67, MacGRUER/MacGUIRE Mary (Bp) , of Duncan & Peggy McCUAIG,IS. Malcolm (Marr) ,to Mary McMILLAN,15S. Mary,wife of D.McCOSHEN , 18,S3,6S,74 , 82 , 93, MacKLEROY /McKlLROY 1 Mary(Bp) , of Malcolm & E . CHISHO~~,20 . John,hus of Nancy ROBERTSON,24 , 41. Mary(Bp ) , of William & C.McLEOD,24. John (Bp) ,of John & Nancy ROBERTSON , 24 . Mary(Bp) ,of Ewan & Peggy MORRISON,27 . Sally Ann(Bp ) ,of John & Nancy ROBERTSON , 41 . Mary(Bp) ,of John & Catherine McPHEE , 33. Mac:lNNIS/Mc:lNNIS Mary(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary McLEAN , 78 . Angu.(Bp) ,of John & Elizab"th MORRISON,74. Mary(Bp),of Roderick & Ann BETHUNE , 87. Catherine(Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McRAE,92. Mary(Bp) ,of William & Catherine McLEOD,94. Donald,hus of P.McRAE,29,3S , 44 ,57, 70 ,77,92,140. Mary ,w ife of Roderick McRAE,103 , 113, Donald (Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McRAE,3s. Mary,wife of J.McGILLIVRAY,104 ,1 16,1 22, Duncan(Bp) ,of John & Elizabeth MORRISON ,63. Mary(Bp),of John & M.McGILLIVRAY,104.112, Flora,wife of Donald Mc:DONAlll,40,56. Mary,wife of John (McGILLIVRAY 1) ,1 05 . Jannet(Bp) , of John & Elizabet h MORRISON , 6. Mary,wife of MORRISON,IOS, John, hus of E.MORRISON,6,11,20, 40 , 51 , 6J,74,84. Mary,wire of John DEWAR , I08 , John(Bp),of John & Elizabeth MORRISON,40. Mary , wl fe of Louis MORRISON , 109, 114,120, John (Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McRAE,7 0. Mary(Bp) ,of John & Catherine FRASER , lIO. Malcolm(Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McRAE , S7. Mary(Bp) ,of Archibald & Jessie McLEOD,122 . Mary (Bp) ,of Donald & Pegg y McRAE , 44 . Mary(Bp ) , of Ewen & Peggy ~!cCASKlLL,124 . Mary,wife of Angus C&~BELL,44. Mary(Bp) ,of Donald & C.McLENNAN,131 . More(Bp) , of John & Ellzabeth MORRISON ,sl. Mary,wife of D.D.C~~BELL,131,132 , Nancy(Bp),of Donald & Peggy Mc~~,29. Mary(Marr) ,to Duncan McCOSHEN,13s. Norman (Bp),of John & Eliza MORRISON , Il. Mary(Marr),to Roderick McLEOD,149. Paul (B p),of John & Elizabeth MORRISON , 20 . Mary (Marr) ,to Donald FRASER,ISS. Peggy (Bp) ,of John & Elizabeth MORRISON , 84 . Murdoch,hus of Flora CAMPBELL,6 , Sally(Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy McRAE, 77 . Murdoch(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary McMILLAN,7. MacINTOSH / McINTOSH Murdoch,hus of A. McGILLIVRAY , 62 , 72 ,94, Alexander (Bp) ,of Alexander & Rebecca , 8l. Nancy (Marr) ,to Donald C~~BELL , 142. Alexander ,hus of Rebecca 1, 81, Nancy (Marr) , to John MciNTOSH,lsS . Alexander,hus of Rebecca ARNOTT , 91, Neil,hus of Sarah Ann McLEOD,12S,(Marr)15H. Alexander(Bp),of Andrew ~ Ratchell CAMPBELL,99 . Norman(Bp) ,of Allan & Sally HcLEOD , 90. Andrew , hus of Ratchel CAMPBELL,99, No r man(Bp) ,of Roderick & Ann BETHUNE , 97. Andrew (Bp) ,of Neil & Christy FRASER,119 . Norman D.(Bp) ,of John & M. McGILLIVRAY,122 . Angus,hus of Chri.ty McCRI~~ON,S, 8 , 2 J , 51,62,78 , Peggy(Bp) ,of John & P.McGILLlVRAY , 33. Angus,hus of Catherine McCRIMMON , lS, (Marr) ,133 . Peggy(Bp) ,of John & Catherine }!cPHEE,81. Angus (Bp) ,of Norman & Christina MORRISON , n. Penelope,wife of John McGILLIVRAY ,S, 24 , 33 , Ann (Bp) ,of Donald & Isabella McLEOD , 2. 60. Ann , wife of Kenneth McLEOD,6 ,13, 23 ,33,42,69 , Ratchel,wife of Alex FRASER,s 4, 67 , 78 , 90 , Ann,wife of D.McGILLIVRAY,7 , 18, 43 , Ratchel(Bp) ,of Roderick & Ann BETHUNE , s4. Ann(Bp) , of John & Ch risty McLELL;N, 17. Ratchel (Bp) ,of Duncan & Peggy McCUAIG , 7S. Ann(Bp) ,of John & Ann McDONELL , 19. Ratchel(Bp),of Rode rick & P.MciNTOSH,76 . Ann(Bp) , of Donald & Isabel McLEOD,2 1. Ratchel(Bp) , of John & Catherine URQUHART,87 Ann(Bp) ,of Angus & Christina McCRIMMON , SI. Rachel(Bp) ,of Edward & Mary Mc:lNTOSH,99. Ann,wife of Norman McLEOD,S6, Rachel,wife of Donald FRASER,10l,102,109 , Ann , wife of Norman McRAE(1) , 70, 81 , 90 , Rachel,wife of Duncan McLENNAN,103 , 123, Ann(Bp) ,of John & Catherine CAMPBELL,91 . Rachel,wife of D. FRASER,110,117,(Marr),IS8. Ann (Bp) , of Kenneth & Peggy McINTOSH,96 . Rachel , wife of Duncan McGILLIVRAY,lll,llS , Ann(Bp) ,of John & Ann McGILLIV~~Y , IOO. 121 , 126, Ann(Bp) , of Mr & Mrs No rman J.,I 04- b. Rachael(Bp) ,of John & Mary McAULAY , 128. Ann,wife of John URQUHART ,105 , Rebecca(Bp) ,of John & Ca t herine McPHEE ,S4. Ann (Bp) , of Dougald & Christy McLENNAN , 105. Roderick,hus of Ann BETHUNE,S4 , 67 ,77,87,97, Ann (Bp) ,of John & Flora McGILLIVRAY, 11 3. Roderick,hus of P.McINTOSH ,69,76, 87,99, 150. Ann (Bp) ,of John & Flora McGILLI VRAY ,118. Roderick(?) , hu. of C.:icGILLlVRAY,72 . Catherine (Bp) , of Angus & C.McCRH!!'IUN,8. Roderick, hus of Mary MacCUAIG,l14, Catherine(Bp) , of John & Ann McDONALD,3 2. Roderick, hus 0 Mary McCRU~ON , 12s ,132, Cath",rine(Bp) ,of Nell & 1 McLE OD ,I~S. Ronald" , wife of Neil Mc:lNTOSH,I, Catherine(Harr) ,to Malcolm McGILLl VRAY, 152 . Ranald*(Bp) ,of Duncan P. McCUAlG,32. Christian(Bp) ,of Neil & R.M c G1LL1V~~Y,l .. Ranald" (Bp ) ,of William & Ki tty McLEOD,33. Christina(Bp) ,of Neil & Catherine McCUAIG , )3 . *See notes on pages as these entries were Christina ( Bp ) ,of Donald & Isabella McLEOD .63. FEMALE NA~ES,autho r's note. 173 MacINTOSH/McINTOSH cont'd MacINTOSH/McI NTOS H cont'd Christina,wife of Arc hibald McLEOD,99, Neil,Mr & Mrs,I04-a. Christy,wife of Donald McGILLIVRAY,lOS,lll, Neil,hus of Sarah MacLEOD,l13,l19, I19, Christie(Bp) , of Donald & Christie FRASER , Neil,hus of Christy FRASER , l19 , 114. Neil , hus of Janet McINTOSH , I24, Christie,wife of D.McGILLIVRAY,116 ,121, Neil(Bp) ,of Donald & Christy FRASER,I2S, Christy(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary MORRISON,lIS. Neil,hus of ? ,MclEOD,12S , 12S . Christy A. (Bp) ,of Neil & S .MclEOD ,119. Neil,hus of Mary McARTHUR , I29, Christy(Bp) , of Donald & Mary McLEOD,119 . Neil(Marr) , to Mary McLEOD , 147. Christy A. (Bp ) , of Neil & J .McI NTOSH , 124. Norman , hus of C.MORRISON,62,72 , B2,93 , Chriscina(Marr) ,to Olans McLEOD,l54. Nonnan,Mr & Mrs,l04- a,I04- b. Donald , hu5 of I.McLEOD,2,21,40,63, Norman (Bp) ,of John & Janet MacLEOD,125. Donald (Bp) ,of Angus & C.McCRIMMON,5 . Peggy ,wife of R.McGILLIVRAY , 69 , 76,B7,99, (Marr)ISO. Donald (Bp) ,of Angus & C.McCRIMMON,62 . Peggy,wife of K.McINTOSH , 70,77,SS,96,111,(Marr)149 Donald , hus of Mary MORRISON,79,BB , Peter(Bp) ,of John & Mary KEARNS ,35. Donald (B p) ,of Donald & M.MORRISON,BB.97,IOI Rachcl(Bp) ,of Donald & Isabella McLEOD , 40 . Donald (Bp) ,or Norman & C.MORRISON ,93. Rachel , wife of John MacLENNAN,lOS,I09,116,121. Donald,hus of M.MORRISON,104,109,IIS,IS2. Rebecca(Bp) ,of Alexander & Rebecca ARNOTT, 91 . Donald (B p) ,or Donald & Mary MORRISON,104. Roderick(Bp) , of John & Catherine C&~BELL,53. Donald, hus of M.McLEOD,I05,119 , Rory(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary MacLEOD,IOS. Donald (Bp) ,of John & Flora MacGIllIVRAY , lO Sally,wife of Angus McLEOD,60 , 73 , B2, Donald,hus of C.FRASER,114,121,12S , 12B , 'Sally,wife of John BETHUNE,66, Donald, hus of Sarah MacCUAIG,l16, Samuel(Bp) ,of John & Ann McGILLIV~~Y,92. Dougald(Bp) ,of Donald & M.MORRISON,97. Stanley(Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs John N.McINTOSH , I04- a. Dougald , hus of Christy MclENNAN , IOS.IOB. MacINTYRE /M cINTIRE Duncan(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary MORRISON , 79. Angus,hus of Flora McMILL&~,70. Ep hy (Bp) ,of John & Mary DE'.'AR,3. Catherine,wife of James FE RGUSON , 7. Errich(Bp) ,of John & C.McLELLAN , 7. Chr isty,wife of John STEWART, 46 . Euphemia(Bp) ,of Kenneth & P.McINTOSH,70. Jane ,wife of James FERCUSON,lS,30, Euphemia(Bp) ,of Ke nneth & P.McINTOSH,BS. Jane,wife of Walter G~~,42. Euphemia,wife of Malcoiln McCUAIG, 97. John(Bp) ,of Angus & Flora McM ILLAN, 70. Flora (Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs Neil McINTOSH,I04- a. MacISAAC/McISAAC Flor a(Bp) ,of John & F.McGILLIVRAY,123. Annabella(Bp) ,of Rev John & C.BUCHANAN,S2 . George , hus of Elizabeth MdlILL\N , 131. Colin (Bp) ,of Rev .Jolm & C. BUCHANAN,BS. Hugh (Bp ) ,of John & Ann MORRISON ,1 30 . James(Bp),of R~v .John & C . BUC~\Nfu~,94. Harriet (Marr) , to Malcoiln ~[cCUAIG , 155. John,Rev.,hus of Catherine BUCa\NN~,52,74,SS,94. Isabella (Bp) ,of John & C.C~~BElL,91. John(Bp) ,of Rev .John & C.BUCllANAN,74. James (Bp) ,of John & Kitty C~~ERON,4. MacIVER/McIVER James (Bp) ,of John & Mary KEARNS,35 . Cacherine,wife of F.ROBERTSON,16,~5,34,44, James (Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs Norman McINTOSH ,104- MacKAY /McKAY James , hus of Betrice FRASER,IOS. Alby,wife of Donald McMILLU~ , S,38,)3. Jane,wife of Donald G~~T , 62 , Angus (B p) ,of David & Jane" CASS, 26. Janet(Bp),of Donald & Mary MORRISON , IOI. Angus,hus of Margaret URQU~\RT,IIS. Jane A.(Bp) ,of James & B.FRASER,IOS. Angus,hus of Christy McLE~~AN,129. Janet,wife of Neil McINTOSH,124. Ann,wife of Allan McPHEE,56,68 , 89 , 98, John , hus of M. DEWAR,3, Ann,wife of Archie MacKINNON,107,l21,l21,l23,I26 John,hus of K. CAHERON,4, Ann,wife of Ewen FISHER,121, John,hus of A. McDONALD, 4, II ,19,32, Ann (B p) ,of Angus & Christy McLENN&~,129. John,hus of C. HcLELLAN,7 , 17,30, Catherine ,wife of Alex ROSS ,53, John (Bp) , of John & Ann McDONALD,II. Catherine , wife of John ROSS,69 , 9B , 9S , John(Bp) ,of Angus & Christy McCRIMMON,23. Cathe:rine,wife of Donald Ci\l'iPBELL , 1 14 , John,hus of Hary KEARNS,3S,3S, (Mar r ) ,139. Christy,wife of John HacKINNON,I06,I09,123,127. John,hus of C.C&~BELL,53,9I , 9I, David,hus of Janet CASS , 12 , 26. John (Bp),of Norman & C.MORRISON,62 . Donald (Bp ) ,of Ew an & Catherine McNEIL,126. John,hus of A.McGILLIVRAY,92,I OO , (Ma rr)\SS . Donald,hus of Francis (McM ILLAN? ) ,12B. John Nonnan,Mr & Mrs. ,104-a Duncan(Bp) ,of James & Elizabeth M~~ ILWL~ , 6S. John,hus of Flol"a McGILLIVRAY, 107 ,11 0 , 113, Ellen,wife of Alexander HcFEE, 50, 69 , John (Bp) ,of Neil & Sarah MacLEOD,113 . Eubuce,wi£e o f Dunca n :1cMI LLA.N , 1. John,hus of F.McGILLIVRAY,IIB, 12I ,1 23 , Ewan , hus of Catherine McNEIL,126. John,hus of Janet McLEOD,I2S, Flora,wife of William McGILLIVRAY,4,26. John (Bp) ,of Neil & '! ,M acLEOD,1 2S. Hannah(Bp) , of Donald & Francis (Md[[LLAN?),12B. John (Bp)' , of Dona ld & Christ y FRASER,12B . Hugh,hus of Catherine MacNEIl,lf3. John,hus of A.MORRISON,130,132 , Isabella,wife of Hector MacRAE,IOS,127,127. John (Bp ) ,of George & E . McHIlL&~,131. James,hus of Elizabeth McM ILL~~, 6B . John (Marr) ,to Christina McHILLAN,ISB. Jane (Bp) ,of John & Jane? ,31. Kate , wife of Allan MacDONALD,I06, John,hus of Jane? ,31,31, Kate(Bp) ,of Doug ald & C.MacLENNAN,IOS. John (Bp),of Norman & Jane" McNEIL,89, Kenneth,hus of P.McINTOSH , 70 ,77,BS,96,lll , John (Bp) ,of Angus & Margaret URQU~\RT,115. Kenneth(Bp) ,of Norman & r. . MO RRISO N, S2 . Josiah(Bp) ,of David & Janet CASS,12 . Kenneth(Bp) ,of John & Ann MORR ISON,132. Marsoli , wife of Alexander McNEIL,128. Kenneth(Ma rr) ,to Peggy McINTOSH,149. Mary A. ,wife of John CHESHER,II , Margaret (Bp) ,of Angus & C.McCRIMMON,7B. Mary (Bp) ,of John & Jane ?, 31, Margaret (B p) ,of Neil & Sarah McLEOD,119. Mary(Bp ) ,of Hugh & Catherine MacNEIL,113. Margaret (Bp) , of John & F.MacGILLIVRAY,121. Norman , hus of Janet McNEIL , 89. Mary(Bp) ,of John & Ann McDONALD,4. Peggy,wife of Don3ld HcCRIMI'[ON , 1,21 , 54 , 68,87. Mary(Bp),of Neil & F.McGILLIVRAY,B. Peggy , wife of Duncan McCRIHHON, 6, Mary(Bp),of Angus & C.McCRIMMON,IS. MacKELLER/McKELLAR Mary,wife of Finlay McLENNAN,S6 , 79,91, Mary,wife of McCALLUM , 31 , 31. Mary(Bp),of Kenneth & Peggy McINTOSH,77 . MacKENZ IE /McKINRIE /McKI NRIC Mary,wife of John McRAE,97 , (Ma rr) , IS7 . Alexander (Bp ) ,of Henry & Isabella McRAE , 114. Mary,wife of E.McGILLIVRAY,99, (Ma rr) ,157 . Andrew (Bp) ,of K~nneth & Catherine FRASER,6S. Mary,wife of R.McLENNAN,IOO,116,(Marr) , 157. Archibald (Bp) ,of Donald & Ann MORRISON,94. Mary(Bp ) ,of Donald & Mary MORRISON,109. Bella(Bp) ,ot William & Mar y McPHAIL,53. Mary(Bp) ,of Kennet h & Peggy MacINTOSH,III. Catherine(Bp) ,of Henry & Isabella McRAE,IIS. Mary(Bp) ,of Donald & Christina FRASER,121 . Christina (Bp) ,of Donald & Isabella McLEOD,63 . Mary(Bp) ,of Neil & Mary McARTHUR , 129. Donald(Bp) ,of Kenneth & Catherine FRASER,S3, More,wife of Angus McLEOD,11,19,28 , J9 , 47, Donald , hus of Ann MORRISON,B4,94, & Hore (Bp) ,of John Christy McLELLAN , 30. Dav Id (Mar r ) J t o ~llPBELL , 28 . Ann (Bp) , of Benj aJIlin & Isabella ROBERTSON 100 Dona ld (Bp ) ,o f Hugh & Sally CAMPBELL,38. Benjamin,hus of I.ROBERTSUN46,57 , 79,89, 100. Ewan , hus of Sally CAMPBELL , 2, 9,28 , 38, Benjamin(Bp ) , of Benj.:unin (. I. Robertson, 89 . Ewen (Bp ) , of Pet er & Mary McDONALD ,89. Christy(Bp) , of Benjamin & I.ROBERTSON , 46. Hugh,hus of More CAMPBELL , 17(28 & 38)see Ewan . Donald , hus of Margaret ROBERTSON,80 , James,hus o f Ann SHIELDS, 42 , Isabella(Bp) ,of Benjamin & I.ROBERTSON , 79. Janec,wife of J o hn CAMERON , 13,20 , 32 ,46,47. James (Bp) ,of Benjamin & I.ROBERTSON,57 . John (Bp) ,of Hugh & 'lore CAMPBELL , 17. Margaret (Bp ) ,of Donald & M.ROBERTS ON , SO. John (Bp ) , of Peter & Mary McDONALD,96. MacKl NNON /McKl NNON Lachlan (Bp ) ,of Ewan & Sally CAl-IPBELL,2. Alexander , hus of P. McMILLAN , 3, 13 , 22,32,32,5 Mary(Bp ) ,of James & Ann SHIELDS,42. Allan , hus of M. Mc.'ULLAN , 4 ,10,lS. Peggy (Bp ) ,of Robe rt & Mary McDONALD , 58 . Angus , hus of J . CAMERON , Peter,hus of Mary McDONALD , 89, 96. Angus,hus of M. McKlNNON,58 , 66,72 , 91 , 9S. Robert , hus of Ma ry HcDONALD , 58. Angus(Bp ) ,of John & Mary McPHEE,73. McLAREN/M cLAURIN /MacLAURI N Angus~hus of (Ma r y?)McKlNNON , 81 Alexander (Bp ) ,of Rev.JOHN & Penelope GRANT , 49 . *listed as McCRIMMON(erro r ?) Alpin (Bp ) ,of Rev . John & Penelope GRANT , 27 . Ann , wife of Duncan McMILLAN, 89, (M arr) ,154. Ann (Bp ) ,of Rev.John & Penelope GR&~,41. Ann,wife of Donald McCUAIG , 97 , (Marr) ,156. Chr ist ian (Bp ) ,of Peter & Janet McEWAN,l. Ann (Bp) ,of J ohn & Christy McKAY,1 23 . Christy,wife of John McKl NNON ,3, lO , 26 ,37 , Archibald (Bp ) ,of Mr & Mrs William D. ,104- a . Helen (Bp ) ,of Rev.John & Penelope GRANT , 44. Archie, hus of Ann McKAY,l07,121 , 121 , 123, 126. Isabella (Bp ) ,of Peter & Janet McEWAN , l, Archibald,hus of? , 111. Isabella ,wife of Dougall CAJ>lPB ELL,2. Catherine (Bp ) ,o f Alexander & P . MD~ILLAN , 22 . John (Bp) ,of Rev.John & Penelope GRfu~T,18. Catherine ,wife of Hugh McMILLAN,57,Sl , 92 , John, Rev. , hus of P .GR&~ ,10 , 18,27 , 41 , 44,49, Catherine(Bp) ,of Duncan & M.Mc.'lILLAN , 65 , 72. (Ma r r) , 1 33 , (Dec ) , 147 . Catherine (Bp ) ,of Miles & C.McRAE,l12. Mary (Marr) ,to Peter McLAREN , 142. Christina , wife of Duncan KENNEDY J 59. Peggy , wife of Hug h McTAVISH,12 , 23. Donald (Bp) ,of Ewen & Ann FRASER,S3. Peter hus of Jane t McEWAN 1 l,(Marr) , 142 , Donald (Bp) ,of Archie & Ann MacKAY , l07. PeterCHa rr ) , to Susan McLAURIN,145. Dougald(Bp) ,of John & Mary McPHEE , S3. Susannah (Marr ) , co Peter McLAURIN, 145. Duncan (Bp ) , of John & Chris t y McLAREN,3. William (M arr) ,to Mary MORRISON ,157 . Duncan (Bp ) , of Allan & More McMILWU~,18 . MacLAVERTY (Laverty?)/McLOVERTY(?) Duncan (B p) ,of Duncan & Peggy McMILLAN , 34. Jane ,wife o f Samuel HUNT ER , 31, 47. Duncan, hus of P . McMILLAN ,34 , 59 , 78 , 89,141 . MacLEAN /M cLEAN Duncan , hus of M. McMILLAN , 53,6s,72 , Allan (Bp ) ,of Ewen & Christina CAl-lERON,65 . Efiy,wife of John GRAY,l06. Ann (Bp ) ,of John & Marjory CA~ERON , 22 . Elizabeth (Bp ) ,of Duncan & P.H"'~ILLAN , 59 . Ann(Bp ) ,of Duncan & Flora McGILLIVRAY,50 , 64 . Ewen,hus of Catherine Mc GREGOR , 64, Ann,wife of An gus CAMERON,99. (Ma rr) , 154. Ewen,hus o f Ann FRASER , 83 , (Marr) , 153. Barbara , wife of Angus STEWART , lls , 121. Flora(Bp) ,of Alexander & P.H~~ILLAN , 13. Catherine (Bp) ,of Duncan & F.McGILLI VRAY,19. Flora (Bp ) , of John & Chris t y McKAY , 127. Christy , wife o f John CAMERON,7 , 41 , 55,63 , Flora(Ma rr) ,to John GRfu~T,147 . Christ y , wife of John M~~ILLAN,l07,lll , l16,121,lcS G~orge (Bp) , of J ohn & Christy HcLAURIN , 37 . Donald,hus of Christina '1 cGILLIV&\Y , 89, 99 . Hannah(Bp) ,of Duncan & Peggy McMILLAN , 89. Duncan, hus o f F.McGI L LI V~~Y , 3,3,ll,19,5 0 , 64, 75 ,84 Hugh (Bp ) , of Alexdnder & Peggy McMILLAN,32 . Elan (?) ,wife of Angus CAHERON , 55. Isabe11a(Bp ) ,of Allan & Mor e McMILWU~ , 4 . Ew e n hus o f Ch ris tina CAHERON , 65, Isabe1 (Bp ) ,of John & Chris t y McL\REN,lO . Ewen(Marr ) ,to Cutherine Mc PHEE, 143 . Isabella(Bp ) ,of Archibald & Ann McKAY , 121 . Flora (Bp) , of Duncan & Flora HcGILLlVRAY,l1. James (Bp ) ,of Ar chibald & Ann McKAY , 121 . 123. Flo r a(Marr) ,to Donald CAl-lPBELL,157. Jane (Bp ) , of Angus & Mary McKlNNON , 58 . Ug h , hU S o f Grace CA,.'1ERON,ll, 24 . Jane (Bp ) ,of Ewen & Catherine McGREGOR , 64 . Isa bella (B p) , of Do nald & C.McGILLIVRAY,99. Janet (Marr) , to Allan McPHEE,152 . 11Janet (Bp ) , of John & Mar y CAMERON, 45. John,hus of C.McLAREN , 3,lO , 26,37, John (B p) ,of Hil11am & Ma r y M~'1ILLAN,17, John(Bp) ,of John & Christy McLAREN , 26. John,hus of Ma rj o ry CANERON , 2~ J 4 1, J ohn (Fp) ,of Angus & Jane CA,.'1E RO N, 27. John,hus of Gracie CAHERON (?) , 24 , J ohn (B p) , of Neil & Peggy McKINNON , 44 . John (Bp ) , of John & Gracie CAl-IE RON ,24. John , hus of Mary McPHEE,73, 83, John, hus of Mar y CAMERON , 45 , John(Bp) ,of Duncan & Peggy McMILLAN,78 . 1 John (Bp ) ,of Donald & Christina McGILLIVRAY, 89 . J ohn,hus of Catherine McRAE,96,(Ma r r) ,156. T John W. (Bp ) ,o f Duncan & Flora McGILLIVRAY , 75. John , hus of Christy McKAY,1 06, 109, 12J,127, *- Gillean (Bp ) , of John & Margory CAl-lERON ,4 1. John , hus of Mary MORRISON,l07 , Mary (Bp ) ,of Duncan & Flora McGILLIVRAY,3 . Kate (Bp ) ,of John & Mary MORRIS ON, l 07. Ma r y(Bp ) ,of Hugh & Gr ace CA,.~RON , ll . Ma r garet ,wife of Donald CAMPBELL , 30 , 56. Mary , wife of Donald FRASER, 22 ,36 , 41 , Ma r ion (Marr) , co Ewen McMI LLAN,lS5. Mary,wife of Donald HcGILLIVRAY,78 , 88 , 98 , 151. Mary(Bp ) ,of Allan & More McMILL&~,lO . Nancy ,wife of Samuel GRISWOLD , 45. MarY,wife o f Duncan McMILLAN,32,62 , (Mar r )140 Norman (Bp) , of Duncan & Flora McGILLIVRAY , 3. Mary,wife of Donald McMILLAN , 50, Peggy (Bp ) ,of Duncan & Flora McGILLIVRAY , 84 . Mary(Bp) ,of Duncan & Ma r y McMILLAN , S3, Sarah,wife of Thomas GORDON , 82 . Ma r y(Bp),of Alexander & Peggy McMILL&~,53 . William , hus of Mary HcMILLAN,17. Mary ,wife of Angus "McKINNON , 58 , 66 , 72 , 91, 98 , CAUTION , CAUTION ,CAUTION ,CAUTION ,CAUTION , CAUTION , Mary (Bp ) ,of Angus & Mary McKINNON , 72. The next ~ames ; MacLELLAN & MacLENNAN , were, Mary(Bp) ,of John & Ca t he r ine McRAE,96 . many times , ent ered in e r ror.If the name you ar e Mary A. (Bp),of Angus & Ma r y McKINNON , 98. researching in Mac LELLAN cannot be fo und lvuk Ma r y (Bp),of John & Christy McKAY,l06 . to t he Ma cLENNAN lis t ing (aut hor's no t e) . Mary(Bp),of Archibald & ? ,Ill. Ma r y A. (Bp ) , of Ar chibald & Ann McKAY , 126. MacLELLAN /~lcLELLA.N Me ron,wife of Duncan McCUAIC , 102,103, Alexander,hus of Flora McCRIMMON, 22 , (Ma r r) ,138. Meron ,wife of Ewen McMILLAN , l04 . Ann (Bp ) ,of Norman & Jane HAY , 4. Mile~ ( Bp ) ,of Alexander & Peggy M~~ILLAN,32. MacLELLAN/McLELLAN MacLENNAN /McLENNAN /McLE NNON 175 Ann ,wife of Alex McLEOD , lO,J4, Farquhar,hus of Cathe rine McGILLIV~~Y , 66 . Ann(Bp) ,of Donald" Mary C&~ERON , 20. Finlay,hus of Mary McINTOSH , 56 , 79 , 91. Ann,wife of John McCUAIG,27 , Finlay , hus of Mary McLEOD, 69 , Ann(Bp ),of John" Mary MCCUAIG,27 . Flora (Bp) , of Kenne t h" Mar y McLEOD,66. Ann,wife of Roderick DEWAR,J5,5J,62. Flora (Bp ) ,of Alexander" Mary McMI LLAN ,1 27 . Catherine,wife of Alex McLEOD , 5,l 2 , 21 , Flora,wife of John McLEOD , IJl. Catherine,wife of John McCUAIG , 22 , JJ . Grace,wife of Donald CAl'1ERON,7J,94 . Catherine(Bp) , of Farquhar" C.McGILLIVRAYJO Harriet(Bp) , of Duncan" Janet Mcl1ILLAN,127. Christy,wife of John McINTOSH,7,l7,JO, Harriet(Bp) , of Roderick & Rachel McCUAIG , 12B . Christy,wife of William McLEOD,l7, (Ma rr)IJ5 Ida (Bp) , of Mr & :-Irs John R. , I04- a. Donald,hus of !-1.CAMPBELL, 12 ,. Isabella ,wife of Malco 1m HcCRIHMON , 55 , 68 , Donald,hu; of Mary CAHERON , 20 , 26 , J4 , Isabella,wife of Roderick MacCUAIG ,llJ , l19, l22,l29 Donald (Bp),of John" Ephy McGILLIVRAY,JJ. John,hus of Mary McCUAIG ,J 5, Donald (Ma rr ) , to Sally HcGILLIVRAY ,1 40. John,hus of E.McCILLI VRAY , 50,59, Donald (Ma rr) ,to Isab~lla McRAE,140 . John (Bp ) , of Donald & I,abella McRAE , 60. Duncan (Bp) ,of Farquhar" C. McG ILLIVRAY , 6. John(Bp) , of Farquha r " C.McGILLIVRAY , 66 . Duncan,hus of Ann CAMPBELL,l4 , 21 , J2 , J ohn(Bp) , of Finlay & Mary McLEOD,69. Duncan(Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann CAMPBELL , 21 . John (Bp),of Alexander" Flora McCRIMMON,96. Duncan(Bp ) ,of John & Elpy McGI LL IVRAY , 4J. John(Bp) ,of Donald" Isabella McRAE , 97. Elizabeth,wife of Ma~c olm McCRIHMON , 20. John,hus of Ma r y MORRISON ,l OI , (Ma rr) , IS6. Farquhar ,hus of C.McGILLIVRAY,6 , 17 , JO , J9, J ohn,Mr " Mr s , I04 - a ,I 04 - b. Flora (Ma rr ) ,to John FISHER,15J . John, hus of Rachel McINTOSH , 105 , 109,l16, Grace(Marr) ,to Donald CANERON,ISO . John(Bp) ,of John" Rachel McINTOSH , 116. 121, Isabella,wife of Malcolm McCRIHMON , 12 . John (Bp) , of Donald & Ann McCUAIG , 119. John,hus of Ma r y McCUAIG , 21,27,(Marr),13B. John(Bp) ,of Roderick & Rachel McCUAIG , 121. John(Bp ) , of Fa r quhar" C.McGIL LI VRAY ,1 7. Ka t e(Bp) ,of John & Rachel McI~70SH , IOs . John,hus of Ephy McGILLIVRAY,23,33 , 43, Kenneth,hus of Hary McLEOD,52,66. John (B p) , of Duncan" Ann CAMPBELL,32. Malcolm(Bp) , of Duncan" R. McGILLIVRAY,IOJ . J ohn (Marr) , to Errich McGILLIVRAY , IJ4. Margaret,wife of Alexander ·McCUAIG,IOJ . Kenneth,hus of Catherine McLEOD,IJ . Mary(Bp),of Alexander & Flora McCRIHHON,S6 , B4. Mary (Bp),of John" Ephy McGILLIVRAY,23 . Mary(Bp),of Duncan & Ann C~1PBELL , 72. Mary(Bp) ,of Farquhar" C.McGILLIVRAY, 39 . Mary(Bp) ,of Roderick & Mary McINTOSH,IOO. Mary,wife of William BLACk~ELL,41. Mary(Bp) , of Roderick & Mary McCUAIG , 115. Norman,hus of Jane HAY,4 , Mary(Bp) , of Duncan" Janet Mc:-lILLAN,!20 . Norman(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary CAMERON,34 . Mary (Bp) , of John & Rachel McI~ITOSH , 121. Peggy(Bp)of Donald" Mary CN1ERON,26. Mary ,wife of Roderick McLEOD,l22, Peggy ,wife of Duncan McCUAIG,51. Mary ,wife of Duncan McGILLIVRAY,1 24 , IJI . Roderick(Bp) ,of Donald "M.CA~PBELL , 12. More(Bp) ,of John & Mary McCUAIG,35. Roderick(Bp) ,of Duncan" Ann CA~PBELL,14 . Neil(Bp) , of Duncan & Ann CAl'1PBELL , S6. Roderick(Bp) ,of John S Mary McCUAIG,21. Peggy(Bp) , of Roderick" Hary McCUAIG,12 2. ROde rick(Bp) , of William" Peggy McLEOD , 21. Rebecca(Bp) ,of Roderick" Mary McINTOSH ,1 16. Rode rick(Bp) ,of Alexander " F.McCRIMMON , 22 . Rode rick(Bp) ,of Donald" Isabella McCRAE , 49 . Samuel (Bp) ,of Kenneth" C.McLEOD,IJ. Roderick(Bp) ,of Kenneth" Mary HcLEOD , S2. William,hus of Peggy McLEOD,21 , (Ma rr ) ,1 37. Roderick,hus of M. McINTOSH,IOO , 116,(Harr) ,1 57. (see CAUTION prior to list of MacLELLANS) . Rory , hus of M. MacGRECOR , I04 ,I IO,117 , MacLENNAN /McLENNAN /HcLENNON Rory , hus of M.McCUAIG , I06,I09, IIS , 122 , 12S, Alexander , hus of F.HcCRIHMON , S6,71 , B4 , 96 , Rode rick,hus of Rachel McCUAIG,l19,l21 ,l 28 , Alexander,hus of Chr isty McDONALD,124 , Rode r ick(Bp) ,of Donald" Ann McCUAIG , 12B. AIexander (Bp ) ,of Angus" Ann McCUAIG , 124. MacLEOD /McLEOD/McCLC un Alexander,hus of Mary HcMILLAN , 127 . Alexander,hus of Ann Mc LENNON , 3 , 10,34,54 , Angus (Bp) , of Duncan" Janet MclULLAN,I09. AIexander , hus of C.McGILLIVRAY, 4, B,14, Angus,hus of Ann McCUAIG , 124. Alexander , hu::> of C. FRASER,4,17,'2.7,48 , 62 , 77, Ann,wife of Alexande r McLEOO , 3 , S4 , Alexander , hus of M . McPHEE,5 , 8 , 26J36 , 4~ . Ann (Bp) ,of Donald" Isabella McRAE , 74 . Alexander,hus of C. McLELLAN , 5,12 , 21 ,58 , Ann (Bp) , of Roderick" Hary MacGREGOR,IIO. Alexander (Bp) , of Alexander & Ca therine McLELLAN,S. Ann(Bp) , of Donald" Ann McCUAIG , IIS. Alexander,hus of A. MCi'1.ILLAN,20 , Ann,wife of Donald McLEOD,lJ2. Alexander(Bp) ,of William & Lexy McDONALD , 22 . Ar chibald (B p) , of Donald" Ann HcCUAIG,1 26. Alexander (Bp) ,of Malcolm" Ann C&~BELL,J O . Betsie (Bp) ,of Roderick" Mary CAMPBELL,117. Alexand er (Bp) , of Alex" Ann HcLELLAN , J4. Catherine,wife 0.£ John McCUAIG , SI , 66 , 77 , 90, Alexander(Bp) ,of William & Ch r isty GRANT ,42 . Catherine,wife of Alex HCLEOD,5 8 , Alexander , hus of Nancy CAl'1ERON , S9 ,50,7J, 77 , BB , 97 , Cat herine(Bp) ,of Duncan" R. McGILLIVRAY,123 Alexander (Bp), of Norman" Ann ~lcINTOSH , 56. Catherine,wife of Donald McGILLIVRAY , lJl , lJ Alexander (Bp) ,of Neil" Mary McLEOD,79. Ca therine(Marr) ,to John McCUAIG,IJJ. Alexander (Bp) , of Donald & Isabella FORBES,BJ. Ca the rine(Marr) ,to Peter SINCLAIR , ISJ. Alexander (Bp) , o! Donald & Peggy McRAE , B5. Chr ist y ,wife of William CAMPBELL,J6, Alexander(Bp) , of Angull " Ca t herine HcMIL~~ , BS . Christina (Bp) ,of Fi nlay" Mary McINTOSH , S6. Alexand e r (Bp) ,of Rode rick & Sally McRAE,9J. Christina,wife of Donald CAl-IERON,BJ , Alexander (B p) , of Roderick" Sally McCUAIG, 95. Christina(Bp) ,of Donald" Isabella McRAE , BS Alexander(Bp ) , of Kenne th" Ann DIINCAN,97. Chr isty(Bp) , of Mr "Mr s Duncan D.,I04- b. Alexander (Bp) ,of Neil & ~Iar y HcLEOD, 9B. Christ y ,wife of Do ugald MacINTOSH , lOS,lOB , Alexander (Bp) , of Archibald" C. HcINTOSH,99. Christy,wife of Angus McKAY,129 . Al exander, hus of An ne C&~ERON , IOI , Donald,hus o f Isabella McCRAE ,49, 60 ,7 4 , 85,9 Alexander (Bp ) ,o f Donald & Mary McGRECOR,I04. Do nald (Bp) ,of John & Euphemia McGILLIVRAY,S Alexander,hus of Ka t e McRAE ,1 04,ll l,l14, Donald (B p) ,of Alexander " Flora McCRIMMON ,7 Alexander (Bp) ,of Norman & Jane McMILL~ ,1 12. Donald (Bp ) ,of Mr " Mr s John R. ,I04- b. Alexander (Bp) ,of Alexander" C.McRAE ,11 4. Donald (Bp ) ,of Ro r y & Mary MacGRECOR,I04 . Alexander,hus of Mary McLEOD,lI7, Donald (Bp) ,of Rory & Ma r y MacCUAIG , I06. Alexander,hus of Jane McCRI~tON,124 , Donald,hus of Ann McCUAIG ,115, 119, 126, 12B . Alexander (B p) ,of Murdoch" M.McLEOD,124. Donald (Bp) , of Alexander & Christy McDONALD , Alexander, hus of C.HcCRIMMON , 126, 126,1 26,l30, 124. Alexander , hus of C.CAMPBELL,129,129 , 129 , 129,129, Donald(Bp),of Roderick" ? McCUAIG,12S. Alexander,hus of C.Mc LEOD , 130 , Duncan , hus of Ann CAMPBELL,S6,72, (Ma rr),IJ4 Alexander,hus of Duncina McCALLUM,l30,lJ2, Duncan (B p) , of Findlay" Ma ry McINTOSH,91. Alexander,hus of Sarah McGI LL IVRAY , lJ2 , Duncan(Bp) , of John" Mary MORRISON , IOI, Alexander (Ma rr) ,to Penelopy BE.~ON , IS2 . Du ncan , hus of Rachel McGI LLI VRAY , 103 , l23 , ~~ts ey ,wi fe o~ Hugh McP HEE , 52,67 , 77 , Duncan,Mr & Mrs. , I04- b . Betsey,wift: or Norman McLEOD, t to . Duncan,hus of Janet McMILLAN '109'llS ' l20 ' l21 t.... Allan (Bp ) ,o f John & Karga r e t MORRISON , 39. Duncan (Bp ) , of Duncan & Janet MacMIL~~ ,II S. Allan,hus of Ann MORRlSON,l 20 , Effy(Bp),of Roderick" Mary McCUAI G, I09. Allan hus of Janet McLEOD,t20 , 122,l'2.6. Euphemia (Bp ) ,of John. Euphemia McGILLIVRAY An~u':hUS of More MciNTOSH,ll,l9, 28 , J9 , 59. Angu,(Bp) ,of Kenneth" Ann MclNTOSH , ~2 . Euphemia(Bp),of Findlay" Mar y McINT OSH ,79. 176 MacLEOD/McLEOD/McCLOUD cont'd MacLEOD /M cLEOD/McCLOUD cont'd Angus,hus of Mo re McINTOSH , 47 , Christy(Marr) ,to John McMILLAN,I)3 . Angus (Bp) ,of Norman & More DEWAR,50. Christy (Marr) , to Murdoch CAMPBELL , 139. Angus,hus of C.McMILLAN,52,64,78,85,94, Christina(Marr) ,to Archibald McLEOD,IS7 . Angus,hus of Sally McINTOSH,60,73, 82 , Colin(Bp) ,of Angus & Sally McINTOSH, 60 . Angus,hus.of C.McCUAIG , 98 , Colin(Bp),of William ,;; Ann C~!PBE LL, 119. Angus (Bp) ,of Rory & Chris t y MORRISON,108. Donald, hus of R.FLETCHER , I ,9,17, 27,40,52, 63, Ann(Bp) ,of Roderick & Flora McGILLIVRAY,2 . Donald, hus of J.URQUHART, 2 , 9,18, Ann,wife of Donald McRAE,4,lO , 28,38, Donald (Bp) ,of Norman & Grace CAMERON, 2. Ann(Bp ) , of Murdoch & C. McDONALD ,5. Donald (Bp) ,of Norman & Mary licCUAIG, 2 , Ann(Bp ) ,of William & C.McLELLAN,17 . Donald (Bp) , of Kenncrh & Ann McI NTOSH , 6. Ann(Bp ) , of Angus & More McINTOS H,19. Donald (Bp) , of Donald & Janet URQUHART ,9. Ann(Bp ) ,of Alexander & C.McLELLAN, 21. Dona ld (Bp) ,of Donald & R.FLETCHER , 9. Ann,wife of Duncan McCRiMMON,26,36 ,56, 6S, Donald (B p) ,of William & Lexy McDONALD ,I 3. Ann (Bp) , of Alexander & Catherine FRAS ER,27 . Don ald , hu~ of C.McGILLIVRAY,23,53, 84 ; (Marr),138. Ann (Bp) ,of Donald & R.FLETCHER , 27. Donald , hus of Ann HcLEOD,32 , 84, Ann,wife of Donald McLEOD, 32 , 84, Donald (Bp) ,of Norman & Errach ~lcCRIM:iON,36. Ann , wife of Angus M~~AST£R.51J Donald (Bp) ,of Angus & More McINTOSH ,39. Ann(Bp ) ,of Donald & R. FLETCHER,52. Donald (B p) ,of Duncan & Mary McLEOD,51 . Ann,wife of John McMILLAN , 57, Donald, hus of I . MURRAY,52,73, Ann,wife of William ROSS,S9, Donald,hus of P.McRAE,52, 66,76,85,95 , Ann (Bp) ,of William & Christina GRANT,71. Donald (Bp) ,of Donald & C.McGILLIVRl,Y,5] . Ann(Bp ) , of Roderick & Sally McRAE,78 . Donald (Bp) , of William & Christina GR&~T;59. Ann(Bp),of John & Sally McLEOD,83. Donald (Bp) ,of Kenne th ';; Jane McMILLAN,65. Ann,wife of Donald McGILLIVRAY,91 , Donald,hu5 of Christina? ,70, Ann,wife of Norman McDONALD , 96,l13,l1 6, Donald (Bp) ,of Donald & Peggy ~!cRAE, 7 6. Ann(Bp ) ,of Kenne t h & B.CATTANACH , 99 . Donald,hus of I.FORBES,83 , 83, Ann,wife of William McCASKILL,lll,l13,l18, l2 Donald (Bp) ,of Neil & Jannet McLEOD , 84 . Ann ,wife of John McRAE,l18, Donald (B p) , of John & Cat herine McCRI!1MON , 9 S. Ann,wife of Daniel WILLIAMS,l20, Donald (B p) ,of William & Ann C&~BELL,l02 . Ann (Marr) ,to Norman McLEOD , 156. Donald (Bp) , of Norman & Catherine McLEOD,102 . Archibald (Bp ) ,of Angus & Sally McINTOSH , 73 . Donald,hus of Meron McRAE ,1 03 , Archibald ,hus of C.McINTOSH,99, Donald,hus of R.McLEOD,103, Archibald (Narr) ,to Christina McLEOD,IS7. Donald , hus of M. MacGREGOR , 104 ,11 3, Betsey (s ee after I Alexanders' ) Donald (Bp) ,of Neil & Janet McDONELL,l06 . Catherine(Bp ) ,o f William & L. McDONALD , I. Donald,hus of S.McRAE , 112 , Catherine(Bp) ,of John & M.MORRISON,I . Donald (Bp) ,of Norman & Elizabeth McLEOD,112. Catherine (Bp ) , of Donald & J.URQUHART , 2. Donald,hus o f M.M cGILLlVRAY ,1l 4 , Catherine,wife of William McGILLIVRAY, 4,l6, 24 Donald,hus of M. McHILLAN,115,117,121,122,127, Catherine,wife of Kenneth HcLELLAN , 13, I Donald (Bp) ,of Donald & Mary M~~IL~~,115. Catherine(Bp) ,of Kenneth & Ann McINTOSH,13. Donald (B p) , of Alexander & Catherine McCRI~~ON ,1 26

Catherine (Bp) , of Alexander & C.NcGILLIVRAY,14 Donald ,hus of Ann HeRAE, L27 J Catherine (Bp ) ,of Malcolm & A. CAMPBELL ,20 Donald,hus of Annie McLENNAN ,I 32. Catherine (Bp) ,of Alex & More McPHEE , 26 . Dougald (Bp) ,of William & .~exy McDO~ALD , 72 . Catherine,wife of N.McLEOD , 30,33,56,81 , Duncan,hus of C.McMILLAN,ll , 30 , 67 , 74 , 89 , Catherine,wife of W.McGILLIVRAY, 43 ,58 , 81,94, Duncan (Bp) ,of Angus & Mo r e McI~70SH , 28 . Catherine(Bp) ,of Roderick & F.McMILLAN, 43. Duncan(Bp) ,of Alexander & More McPHEE,36. Catherine(Bp) ,of Alaxander & N. CAMERON,SO. Duncan,hus of M.McLEOD ,51, 64,7S , (Marr),143. Catherine(Bp) ,of Alexander & A,McLENN~~ , 54 . Duncan (Bp) ,of Norman & Christina McRAE,7 1. Catherine,wife of Donald BETHUNE , 53 , 68 ,79, 90 Duncan (Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs John D. ,10 4 - ~. Catherine,wife of D.McCASKlLL , 60, Duncan,Mr & Mrs, l04- b. Catherine,wife of D.McVE AN,66 , Duncan (Bp) , of Kenneth';; Ka t e McLEOD,1 07. Catherine(Bp) ,of Roderick & C.McCUAIG , 66. Duncan , hus of Annie McCUAIG ,132. Catherine (Bp ) , of Kenneth & A.D UNCAN,67 . Duncan,hus of Mary McMIL~~,132. Catherine(Bp) , of Roderick & A. BETHUN E,73. Duncan (Bp) , of Al exa nder & Duncina McCALLUM,132. Catherine(Bp) ,of Roderick & S. McRAE,84 . Duncan (Marr) ,to Catherine M~~IL~~ , 13 3. Catherine,wife of D.McBEAN,87, Duncan (Marr) ,to Christina McCUAIG,156. Catherine (B p) ,of John & Sally McLEOD , 93. Effy (Harr) ,to Ewen McMILLAN,135. Catherine (B p) ,of Roderick & C.McCUAlG,95. Elizabeth,wife of Ewen McPHEE, 59, Catherine,wife of William M~~ILLAN,97, Elizabeth,wife of Norman McLEOD,96,I04 ,112. Catherine (Bp) , of Angus & C . ~!cCUAIG , 98 . Elison , wife of Duncan HCi."1ILLA.N,1 06 . Catherine (Bp ) , of Roderick & C.MORRlSON,IOO, Epy (Bp) ,of Alexander ';; Ann McHILL"N , 20. Catherine (Bp ) ,of Donald & R . ~:cLEO D, 103. Elpy (Bp) ,of John & Mary McRAE , 26. Catherine,wife of D.H~~TER , _ 11 , 1l6 , 120 , Ephy (B p) ,of No rman & More HcCUAIG , )8. Catherine,wife of K . ~!cLEOD,1l 2 ,1l9, Errich(Bp) ,of Angus';; More McINTOSH , 47 . Catherine(Bp) , of Kenneth & C.McLEOD , 112 . Eupht.N , 69. Roderick,hus of A.BETHUNE,6l,7J , 8l, Isabel (B p) ,of Donald ~ Kate McLEOD,104 . Roderick,hus of C.McCUAIG,72,8l,8J,92,95,lO Mary(Bp),of Angus & Christy McMILL.AN,41. Roderick,hus of Sally McRAE,78,84,9J,lOl,lO Mary A. (B p) ,of Donald & Catherine HcLEOD,120. Roderick(Bp) ,of Norman & C.McRAE , 8l . William(Bp ) ,of Donald & Catherine MacLEOD,lll. Roderick,hus of Sally McCUAIG, 86 , 95,l54. MacMILL&~ /McMI L.L.AN /MacHULLEN /!1 cHUL.LON. Roderick,hus of C.MORRISON,9l,lOO, Alexander(Bp) ,of John & Hary Mc..HILLAN, 3. Roderick(Bp),of Roderic~ " C.McCUAIG,92. Alexander(Bp) ,of Donald & Flora HdIlLLA.."I, 4. Roderick,Mr & Mrs. , l04- b. Alexand er (Bp) ,of Dougall & Peggy MdllLLAN, 7. Rory(Bp) ,of Norman & Elizabeth MacLEOD,l04. Alexander,hus of (Isabella HclIILL.AN?) , IS , Rory(Bp) ,of Rory & Christy MORRISON , lOS. Alexander, hus of Isabella HcNILL\N,2l,30,47, Rory,hus of Christy MORRISON,l05.l08,l14 , Alexander (Bp) ,of Ewen & Christina McLEOD , 74. Rory(Bp) ,of John & Christy MacCRIMMON,l06, Alexander(Bp) , of Archibald " Christina McMILLAN,77 Rory,hus of Meron McRAE , L07, Alexander (B p) ,Duncan & Catherine McMILLAN , 78. Roderick(Bp) ,of Donald" Sally MacRAE,1l2. Alexander(Bp) , of Duncan & Ma ry !-IcNILLAN, 8J . Roderick (B p) ,of Neil" Mary MacLEOD , l12. Alexander(Bp) ,of Angus & Mary HcMIL.L\N , 9S. Roderick (Bp) , of Roderick" C.MORRISON , l14. Alexander (Bp) ,of Ewen & Betsey SINCLAIR,IOO. Roderick,hus of Sarah MacRAE,l16, Alexander,hus of James HARCARET(? ) ,11 0. Roderick,hus of Mary C~~BELL,lI7, ~ Alexander,hus of Margaret NcHARTIN,1l6. Roderick,hus of Mary McLE~~AN,122. Allan (Bp) ,of John & Catherine NcHILL.AN,IO . Roderick(Bp ) ,of Donald" Mary McMILLAN , 127. Allan(Bp) , of Duncan" Christy M~~ILL.AN,J5. Roderick (Ma rr) , to Catherine McCUAIG,lJ5. Allan,hus of Mary C~~HELL,68,7S,82,92,lIO,149 . Roderick(Marr) , to Mary McGILLIVRAY,149. Allan(Bp) , of Buchanan (, Hary GRANT,lOO. Sarah(Bp) ,of John" Margaret MORRISON,16. Allan , hus of Sarah BRADD,l17,l17,l17,l20 , Sarah,wife of M.FERGUSON , 5S, Andrew(Bp) ,of John & Catherine FRASER,12J . Sally,wife of Ewen McDONALD , 59,76, Angus (Bp) ,of Donald (, Flora McMILLAN,4. Sally,wife of K.~\cGILLIV~~Y, 61,7 J, 96, Angus (Bp),of Ewen & Catherine McMIL.WU~,6. Sally,wife of J.McLEOD,69,76,8J,93, Angus (Bp) ,of Ewen & Christy HcLEOD,19. Sally , wife of D. CAMPBELL,70, Angus(Bp) ,of John (, Mary M~~ILL&~ ,J6. Sally(Bp) , of Donald" Christ ina ,70. Angus,hus of Mary McMILLAN, 48 ,64 , 75,87,95,95,157 Sally (Bp),of Roderick & Catherine McCUAIG , 7 Angus (Bp ) , of Dougald [, Mary HdIlLL.AN , S7. Sally(Bp},of Angus & Sally McINTOSH , 82 . Angus (Bp ) ,of Donald & Mary McHILWU~,93. Sally(Bp},of Roderick & C. McCUAIG , 83. Angus,hus of Flora McCUAIG,96, Sally(Bp},of Donald & Isabella FORBES , 83. An gus,hus of Flora H~'1ILL\N,I02,I06, Sally , wife of Allan McGILLIVRAY , 90,96, Angus,hus of Christie ROYS , l14, Sally ,wife of John McGILLIVRAY,90, Angus(Bp) ,of Duncan & Margaret SMITH,118 . Sally (Bp) ,of Nonhan & Elizabeth HcLEOD, 96 . Ann (Bp) ,of Duncan & Eubuce McKAY ,1 . Sally (Bp) ,of William & Ann HORRISON,99 . Ann (Bp) ,of John & Catherine Ch'lE RON ,12. Sarah,wife of D.MORRISON,ll ~ ,1 22 , Ann (Bp ) ,of Ewen & Christy McLEOD,3 7. Sarah ,wife of Norman McLEOD,lOL , Ann(Bp) ,of Donald (, Hary FLETCHER , 40 . Sarah , wlfe of Neil McINTOSH , 1IJ,l19,l19, Ann(Bp) ,of John (, Peggy McNILLAN,4J. Sarah(Bp) , of Allan" Ann HORRISON , 120. Ann(Bp) ,of Alexander & Isabel McMIL.LA..~,47. Sarah,wife of Neil McGILLIVRAY,125, Ann (Bp) ,of Hugh" Christina McLEOD.49. Sarah(Bp) ,of Alexander" C.McCRIMMON,130. Ann(Hp) ,of Archibald & Hargarct GR ;~ IT, SI . Sarah,wife of Donald McRAE, I; \' Ann(Bp) ,of Dunc:ln & Hary H~'1II.L.A.~, S1. MacMILLAN/M~~I L LAN/Ma~~ULLEN/MD~ULLON MacMILLAN /McMILLAN/Ma",~ULLEN/McMULLON cont 'd 179 Ann ,wife of A.CA~ERON , 3,22 , Donald (Bp ) ,oi John & Christy McLEAN,116. Ann,wife of A.McLEOD,20, Donald (Bp) ,of Ewen & Mary Hc..~ILL>.N , 119. Ann , wife of D . McMILUU~,40 , (Marr) , 135 . Donald (Bp) ,of Peter & Mary McRAE , 12S. Ann (BP) , of Donald, Alby McKAY,53 . Donald (Marr) , to Ann McMILLAN , 135. Ann (Bp) ,of James " Catherine FERGUSON , 70. Donald (Marr),co Mary H~~ILL-\N,140 . Ann,wife of John McPHERSON,72, Donald (Ma rr),to Catherine GRANT , 148. Ann,wife of Roderick DEWAR,75, Dougall,hus of P.McMILUU~,J,7,2s , 48,s5,67 , 78 , 9s, Ann,wife of Angus CAMERON,89 , Dougall,hus of M.McMILLAN,57 , 70,80,80,89 , 98, Ann (Bp) ,of William & Catherine McLEOD,97. Dougall (B p) ,of James & Ca t herine FERGUSON , 60 . Ann (Bp),of Lewis & Catherine McMILLAN,IOI. Dougall, hus of C.McMILLAN(see P.H~~ILLAN,above) Ann(Bp),of Angus & Flora McMILLAN,102. Dougall(Bp) ,of Allan & Sarah BRADD,120. Ann , wife of Ewen McMILLAN,104,108, (Ma rr) , 146. Duncan (Bp) ,of Ewen & M . M~~ILLAN,3, Ann,wife or Ewen McPHEE,104,109,1IS,121, Duncan,hus o f C.Mc.."'iILLAN , 7 , 14,35,36, 64 ,78 , 133(1'1arr) Ann,wife of Duncan FRASER,IOS,116 , Duncan (Bp) , of Ewen " Ch risty ~cLEOD,8, Ann,~ife of Ewen FAWCETT, 11 6, Duncan , hus o f M.Mc.... llLLAN , 19,25,51 , 60,72 , 83 , Ann,~ife of Donald FERGUSON,(Marr) ,134. Duncan (B p) ,of Duncan & Mary McMILUU~ , 19. Amelia,wife of John FISHER,54 , Duncan , hus of C.XcDOKALD , 22 , Archibald (B p) ,of Hugh & Peggy McDONELL , 3. Duncan , hus of M.McKINNON,32,62,(Marr) , 140. Archibald , hus of M.GRA~T,51,61 , 68,76 , 84,93 , Duncan (B p) ,of Donald & Alby McKAY, 38. Archibald (B p) ,of Hugh & Margo r y MD~ILLAN , 56 . Duncan , hus of Ann HcMILl...A.!.'l , 40 , Archibald,hus of C.McMILLAN,77, Duncan(Bp) , of Archibald & Margaret GRANT , 61. Archibald (B p) ,of Angus & Mary McMILLAN,87 . Dunc an,hus of C.DEWAR,61,7s,8s,94, Archibald,hus of C.FERGUSON,89, Duncan(Bp),of Duncan & Mary McKINNON , 62 . Archibald,hus of Mary McDONALD,97 , Duncan,hus of Nancy McPHERSON,70, (Marr) ,150. Archibald (Bp) , of Ewen " Fetsey SINCLAIR , IOO. Duncan (Bp ) , of John & Peggy McMI LLAN,71. Archie ,Mr & Mrs,104- a . Duncan , hus of Catherine WISEMAN , 74 , 93, Bess1e(Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs James L. , 104 - b. Duncan(Bp) , of Ew~n & Catherine McKINNON , 81. Betsey(Bp) ,of John & Peggy CAMERON,14. Dunc an (Bp) ,of Miles & Ephemia McCUAIG , 8S. Betsey,wife of Alexander ROSS,89 , 98, Duncan , hus of Ann McKlNNON,89,(Marr),154. Buchanan,hus of Mary GRA~ , IOO,I O I . Duncan (Bp) ,of Buchanan & l1ary GRANT ,101. Catherine,wife of J.McMILLAN,2,10,19 , 34,90 , 9 Duncan , hus of Christy FRASER,I03, Cac.herine , wife of H.!1cMILLAN,3,6 , 72, Duncan,hus of Peggy SMITH , 106, 114,11 8 , Catherine(Bp) ,of Hugh & Catherine McMILLAN , 3. Duncan,hu5 of Elison McLEOD,106 , Catherine (Bp) ,of John(?) & Mary McMILWt , s. Duncan ,hus o f Isabel McRAE,129. Catherine,wife of Dunc an McMILL~ , 7,14 , 36,64J Dunc an(Bp ) ,of Miles & Sarah HD~ILLAN,130. Catherine,wife of D.McLEOD,II , 30,67,74,89,133 Duncan (Bp),of John & Isabel McMILUU~ , 131 . Catherine,wife of Dougald M~~ILLAN,48,ss,67,78 Elison(Bp),of Duncan & Peggy SMITH,106. Cat herine,wife of J.MUNRO,52, Eliza(Bp) , of John & Ma ry MD'lILL.l,N, 5. Cacherine,wife of A. McLEOD,52,64,78,85,94, Elizabeth(Bp) ,of Donald & Alby MCKAY , S. Catherine(Bp) ,of John & C.McMILLAN,60 . Elizabeth(Bp) ,of Dunc an & Mar y McMILL>.N,2s. Catherine(Bp),Angus & Mary McMILLAN,64 , Eliza beth,wife of A. ROSS , s9,68,81, Catherine (B p) ,of Uuncan & C.McMILLAN,64. Eliza6eth,wife of J.McKAY,68, Catherine(Bp) ,of Ewen & C . MD~ILLAN , 72 . Elizabeth(Bp) ,of Dougald & Mary McMILUU~,80. Catherine(Bp) ,of Duncan & Mary McMILUU~,72. El iza bet h, wHe of J. FISHER, 88 , (Ma rr ) ,154 . Catherine , wife of D.M~~ILLAN,78,(Marr),133. Elizabeth(Bp) ,of Alexander & Margaret MD~TIN,116 Catherine(Bp) ,of Allan & Mary CA~PBELL,82. Elizabcth(Bp) ,of Ewen & Ella McDONALD , 124. Catherine(Bp) ,of John & Peggy McMILLAN,82. Elizabeth,wife of George MciNTOSH , 131. Catherine(Bp) ,of Dougald " Mary HcMILLAN,89. Emily,wife of John FISHER , S. Catherine,wife of Dougald McMILLAN,9s , Euphemia (B p) ,of Donald & Mary McMILL~~ , 68. Catherine,wife of Lewis McMILUU~ J lOl, Ewcn(Bp) ,of Dougall & P~ggy McMILLAN , 3. Catherine(Bp),of Duncan & Margaret SMITH,114 . Ewen , hus of More McMILLAN, 3 , Catherine(Bp) ,of Allan & Sarah BRADD,117. Ewen , hus of C.HcMILL~,N , 6 ,72,

Catherine(Bp),of Myles & Catherine CLARK,130. Ewen, hus of C.McLEOD, 8 ,19, 37 , 60,74,82,92 I Catherine(Marr) ,to John McMILwu~,lss. Ewen(Bp),oi John & Peggy M"'~ILLAN,8 . Chaclottte,wife of D.MacPHERSON , 74 , 83 , 93. Ewen(Bp) , of John & B.G~~,17. Christy (Bp) ,of John & Mary McMILLAN , 6. Ewen(Fp) ,of Alexander & Isabella McMILLAN,21. Christy,wife of Hugh Mc~tASTER,8, Ewen (Bp) , of Duncan & Cath~rine McMILLAN , 36. Christy,wife of D.McMILLAN,3s , Ewen(Bp) , o f Angus & Mary NcMILLAN,48 . Christy,wife of J.McMILLt~,36,60, Ewen (Bp) ,of Duncan" Catherine DEWAR, 61. Christy, wife of Angu~ Mc~~TER,4I,s7 , 69 , 8s , 93 Ew"n (Bp) ,of EWtOn & Marrah MctlILLAN , 63. Christy ,wife of A.McPHERSON,s7 , 8s, (Ma rr ) ,148. Ewen,hus of Murrah McMILLAN, 63 , Christina(Bp) ,of Ewen & Christina McLEOD , 60. Ewen(Bp) ,of Allan & Mary C&~PBELL,68 . Christina,wife of Norman MUNRO,61 , (Ma rr) ,1 48 . Ewen(Bp) ,of Donald & Mary Mcl1ILL>.N , 78 . Christina,wife of John McGILLI VRAY , 71 , Ewen, hus of :1arsely Mu.'11LLAN 174, Christina,wife of A.McMILLAN,77 , Ewen (Bp ) , of Miles & Harriet McCUAlG , 79. Christina, wife of Malcolm McLEOD,92,101,lss. Ewen,hus of Betsey SINCLAIR,80,90,100 , (Marr),ls2. Christina(Bp),of Allan & Ma ry C~~PBELL,92. Ew~n,hus of C.McKlNNON, 81 ,92, Christy(Bp) ,of Lachlan & Mary NcNAUGHTON , 104. Ewen,hus of Janet FERG USON,82,89,100, (Marr) ,153. Christy (B p) ,of Ewen & Mary M~~ILLAN,107. Ewen(Bp) , of Archibald & Catherine FERGUSON,89 . Christy,wife of Malcolin McCUAIG , llO,1l5,119, Ewen (Bp) , of J olm & An n McGILLIS , 91 . Christy(Bp) ,of Allan & Mary CA~PBELL,IIO. Ewen,hus of Ann M"'~ILLAN,10 4 ,108, (Ma rr) , 146. Christy(Bp),of John & Elizabeth GRANT,123. Ewen , hus of ~eron McKlNNON,104. (Marr),lsS. Chtisty,wife of Malcolm McCUAIG,12s, Ewcn(Bp) ,of Angus & Flora HcMILLAN, 106. Christ y(Ha rr) , to Angus McMASTER,14J. Ewen , h u~ of :1ary McMILLAN, 107,119, Christina(Ma rr) ,to John MciNTOSH , ls8. Ewen (B p) ,of John & Kate MacMILLAN,107 , Colin(Bp) ,of Duncan & Christy FRASER,103. Ewen (B p) ,of Ewen & Ellen DONELY,111, Donald (Bp) ,of John & Peggy McMILLAN , 2. Ewen (Bp) ,of John & Betsey G~~,118. Donald , hus of F.McMILLAN,4 , Ewen,hus of Ellen DONELY,III. Donald,hus of A. McKAY,5,38,s3, Ewen, hu:::3 of Ha ry MacLEOD,11 2 , Donald (Bp),of Duncan & Catherine McMILLAN , 7. Ewen,hu5 of Ella HcDONALD,124, Donald(Bp) , of Ewen & Christy McLEOD,S. Ewen(Marr), to Effy HcLEOD,13s . Donald (Bp ) , of John" Catherine McMILLAN,34 . Ewen, hus of Catherine ? (Marr) , 146. Donald, hus of M. FLETCllER, 4 0,84 , Flora,wife of D.McltILLAN,4, Donald (Bp) ,of John & Mary M~~ILLAN, 41. Flo ra (Bp) , of John" Betsey GRAHAM , 27. Donald,hus of M.McKINNON , sO , Flora(Bp) ,of John & Peggy McMILLAN , 32. Donald (Bp),of John & Mary McMILLAN,s5. Flora,wife of Roderick McLEOD,43 , Donald(Bp) ,of Dougald " Catherine McMILL~,s5 Flo ra , wife of Angus :-tciNTYRE,70 , Donald,hus of M.McMILLAN,ss,68,78,93 , F10ra(Bp) ,of EWen & Christina McLEOD , 92. Donald,hus of C.GRANT,61,69,79,89, Flor

PRIDHAM cant' d SCOTT Emily(Bp) ,of Edwin & E.McKERCHER,19. Elizabeth, wife of William ROE,31,41. (&\E) Frederick(Bp),of Edw1n(Adwin) & E.McKERCHER SEMFULL/SEMPLE/TEMPLE 19, Catherine (B p) ,of John" Barbara C~!l'BELL, 76. Mary(Bp) ,of Edwin & E.McKERCHER;19. John,hus of Barbara C~~PBELL,65,76 , 86, PRITCHIE/RITCHIE/RICHARD John (Bp) , of John & Barbara C,\MPHELL,65 . Richard(Bp),of Richard & Jane HARLET,43 . Jo~eph(Bp) ,of John & Barabara CAl-IPBE LL,86. Richard,hus of Jane HARLET,43 , SERGEANTS Sarah(Marr) , to John McGIN.ITY ,136. John (Bp) , of John & Jane GARNER,38. PROUDFOOT John,hus of Jane GARNER,38,38, Daniel(Bp) ,of James & Janet ROBERTSON,47 . Mathew(Bp) ,of John & Jane GARNER , 38 . James , hus of Janet ROBERTSON , 47 . SHAW PROVEN(?) Angus,hus of Mary McALPIN , 12,12 , 12,16,25,36,44 Marion,wife of Jame~ YOUNG,49 .43, Archibald (Bp) ,of Angus & Mary McALPIN ,12. (Martha) Catherine(Bp).of Angus & Mary McALPLN,1 2 , RAE/ROE Ca t herine,wife of Archibald STERLING,54,67, Robert (Bp) ,of William & Elizabeth SCOTT,41. Donald (Bp) ,of Angus & Mary McALPIN, 36. William J.(Bp),of William & E.SCOTT,31 Duncan(Bp) , of Angus & Mary McALPIN,25. William,hus of Elizabeth SCOTT,31 ,41. Isabella (Bp ) , of Angus ~ Mary McALPIN,16. RAMSAY John (Bp) , of Angus & Mary McALPIN,12. Annabella(Bp) ,of John & Jane MITCHELL,35 . Mary (B p),of Angus & Mary McALPIN , 44. George(Bp) ,of John & Jane MITCHELL , 24. SHERM&'i /SHEARMAN John,hus of Jane MITCHELL, 24,35. Margaret ,wife of Edmund LONG,26,29, 29 . REID SHEILDS /S HI ELDS Isabella,wife of Alexander CllRISTIE,31.31 , 31 Andrew,hus of Mary (COULTER?) ,39 . John(Bp) ,of Robert & Levina BASLEY,17. Ann.wife of James (LAUCHLAN?),42 . Robert,hus of Levina BASLEY,17. Margaret(Bp),of Andrew" Mary (COULTE R?) ,39. Susanna , wife of George LENDRUM,127,127. SIMPSON/SIMSON/SAMPSON RIAN(RYAN?) Cornelius(Bp),of James & Polly BEARS , 48 . Hannah(Bp ) ,of James & Mar t ha KING , 35 Elizabeth(Bp ) ,of James & Elizabeth (MALACH?) ,84. James , hus of Martha KING , 35. Emily(Bp) , of John & Emily AL~~,128. RIDDLE(Waddle?) James,h~s,of Polly BEARS , 37 ,48, (Ma rr) ,1 41. Elizabeth,wife of James WOOD,46. James,hus of Elizabeth (MALACH?) , 84 ROBERTSON James (Bp) , of John & Emily ALLAN,l13 . Alexander (Bp ) ,of Farquhar & C.McIVER,44. Jamima (Bp) ,of John A.& Susanna ADAo'lS,63 . Alexander,hus of Ca t herine JOHNSON,86. Jane,wire of James URQUHART , 84. Agnes,wife of John MACHERLE,16 John A. , hus of Susanna ADAHS,53,63, Ann (Bp) ,of Farquhar & C.McIVER,25. John,hus of Emily ALLAN,l13 . 1l9,128, Ann,wife of Robert McG.'-\ ECOR,41, Irvine (Bp ) ,of Robert & Sara C~~BELL , 128 Ann (Marr) ,to Allan CAMERON,144. Nancy(Marr) ,to William DUNNING,136. Clemintine,wife of Duncan CAMERON,47 , 144 . .­ Robert,hus of Sara CAMPBELL,128,128 Daniel(Bp) ,of Alexand~r & C. JOHNSON,86 . Sara (Bp) ,of Robert & Sara C~!l'BELL,128. Elizabeth,wife of Donald McMASTER , 132. Waltina(Bp) ,of John & Susanna ADAHS,53. Fanny,wife of Henr y CALDWELL,24, William(Bp) ,of James & Polly BEARS ,37 . Fanny,wife of Henry COLVILLE,41. William (Bp) ,of John & Emily ALLAN,l19. Farquhar , hus of Catherine HcIVER,16,25,34 , 44 SINCLAIR Isabella,wife of B.McKILLICAN,46,57,73,79,89 Betsey,wife of Ewen McHILLAN,80,90,lOO, (Marr) , 152 100, Colin,hus of Catherine C~~ERON,38,58, Isabella(Marr),ta James HcNAUGHTON,150. Colin (Ma r r) ,to Flora CAMERON,134. Janet,wife of James PROUDFOOT , 47 , Flora (Bp) ,of Colin & Catherine C&~ERON,38. Janet,wife of Roderick F&ISER,63,72,87. Hargaret (Marc), to Alexander CAl-!PllELL,151. Lilly,wife of Roderick HcCUAIG , 42. Mary (Bp) , of Colin & Ca t herine CAMERON , 58 . Margaret (Bp) ,of Farquhar & C.McIVER,16, Peter (Marr) , to Catherine HcLENNAN ,153. Margaret,wife of Donald McKlLLIG&~,80. SKINNER Mary(Bp) ,of Farquhar & C.McIVER,34. Phoebe (Marr) ,to Srewart BROCK,1 45. Mary,wife of Findlay ROSS,96, SMART Nancy , wife of John MacKLEROY,24,41 . Alexander,hus of Betsey HONEY , 21,29,42, Sally(Marr),to Roderick McCUAIG,141 . Alexander (B p) ,of Alexander & Betsey HONEY,42. ROBINSON Elizabeth(B p) , of Alexander & Betsey HONEY , 29 . Margaret,wife of Donald McGILICAN,54. Helen(Bp),of Alexander & Betsey HONEY,2l. (see Robertson) James,hus of Janet CAMERON,9. ROSE Marsley (Bp),of James & Janet CAMERON , 9. Elizabeth,wife of Alexander URQUHART , 71 , 82. SMITH ROSS Abigail,wife of William LONG, 29, Alexander,hus of C.McKAY,53, Angus , hus of Ellen BETHUNE,17, Alexander,hus of E.M~~ILL&~,59,68,81, 89 ,98, Catherine(Bp) , of William & Ann CAMERON,45. Catherine,wife of John (McKlNRIE ?) , 63, Catherine (Bp) ,of William & Ann FRASER,68 , 76. Ca t herine (Bp ) ,of Alexander & E.McMILLAN , 81 . Christian, wife of David HOORE(MORE?) ,46. Catherine(Bp) ,of Robert & E.MUNRO,96. David (Bp) ,of George & Agnes WILLI&~SON Catherine(Bp) ,of John & Ca therine McKAY,98 . Elizabeth,wife of John KERWAN,4l. Christina,wife o f A . ~!UNRO,70,80. Daniel,hus of Margaret LONG,(Marr) , 142. Donald ( Bp ) ,of William & Ann McLEOD , 59. Ellen,wife of John TAYLOR , 47, 49 , Donald (Bp) ,of Alexander & B.McMILLAN,89. George,hus of Agnes WILLlAl-l$ON,15,l5,34, Dorothy (Bp) ,of Jalm & C.McKAY, 98. * Gearge(Bp),of George & Agnes WILLIAMSON,34. Elizabeth(Bp) ,of Alexander & E . McMILL&~,68 , Jane (Bp) , of George & Agnes WILLI&~SON,15. Elizabeth(Bp) , af Findlay & M. ROBERTSON,96. Janet (Bp),af William & Ann FRASER,54. Ewen(Bp) ,of George & Hanna McDONALD,94. John(Bp) ,of Angus & Ellen BETH~E,17. Ewen(Bp) , of Alexander & B.HcMILLAN,98 . Margaret,wife of Duncan HacMILLAN,1l4,1l8, 106. Findlay(Bp) ,of Alexander & C.McKAY,53, Margaret,wife of David WILSON,49. Findlay, hus of Mary ROBERTSON, 96. Mary(Bp) ,of William & Ann FRASER,33. George, hus of Hannah McDONALD , 94 . William(Bp) ,of William & Ann CAl-tERON , ~9. J ane,wife of A.McCRIMMON,52,64 , 86,96. 75,147 William , h~ iof Ann C~~ ERON, 29 , 45 , Jane,wife of John McLEOD , 54, William, hus of Ann FRASER,33,54 , 68,76,86,97,138. Jane(Bp) , of Alexander & E.McMILLAN,59. William (Bp) ,of William & Ann FRASER,86. J ohn , hus of Catherine McKAY,69,98,98 , * Isabella(Bp) ,William & Ann FRASER,97. John (Bp) ,of Robert & Ephy MUNRO, 85 . SNODDEN Malcolm (Bp) , of Wil11am & Nancy HcLEOD , 74 . Stewart . hus of Sally LITTLE.1S, Robcct ( Bp ) , of Jolu'l fa Cath~(lnl! McKA'i,69. Thoma~(Bp) , o( Stewart ~ ~ally LITTLE , iS. Raber t ,h~s.of Ephy MUNRO , 85. 96. SNYDER William,hus of Ann McLEOD,59.74. Alexander (Bp ) ,of Mr & Mrs John,I04- b, OYS Hen r y(Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs John,104-b, Christie,wife of Angus McMILLAN , l14. John,Mr & Mrs,I04- b,104- b , I04- b, 'CRYER Nora(Bp) ,of Mr & Mrs,lO~ - b. (Herman?) (Marr ) , to Maria ~EWTON,144. STACKHOUSE Charles (Marr) ,to Samantha JOHNSO~,155. IB6 STEPHEN/STEVEN/STEPHENS/STEVENS URQUHART Agnus(Agnes?) ,wife of James GIBSON,37 . Kenn~th(Bp) , of David;; Christina McGILLIVRAY , 63. Ann(Bp) ,of John;; Jane CHARLES ,31. Margaret,wife of A.McKAY ,ll S, John,hus of Jane CHARLES,31 . Ma rgaret(Bp ) ,of John ;; Sar ah URQUHART , 126, Lisay(Marr ) ,to Hugh EWEN, 145. Margaret(Bp),of John ;; Ann URQUHART ,1 27 . STEWART/STUART Marion(Bp) ,of Mr ;; Mrs Do nald ,I04- b. Angus,hus o f Barbara MacLEAN ,llS,l 2l , Mary(Bp) ,of John ;; A.McGILLIVRAY,B,3S , Cha r les (B p) ,of Neil ;; Alice (HcCAW?) , 47. Mary (Bp) ,of & Ma ry McDONALD,1 02 , Elizabeth,wife of Kenneth URQUHART ,67 , Mary ,wife of MalcollIl MacCASKILL ,I06,I OB,ll3, El izab~ t h ,wife of Du ncan IRVINE,l09,l12 , Nancy(Bp) ,of Alexander;; E.ROSE,82. Ewan(Bp) ,of Angus;; Barbar a MacLEAN,lZl. Nancy(Bp) ,of John ;; Sarah URQUHART ,I 26 . Isabella (B p),of Neil;; Alice McCAlm , 34 . - Nancy(Bp) , of John ;; Ann URQUHART,127. Jane t (Bp),of Angus & Barbara MacLEAN,llS . Nancy ,wife of John URQUHART,I32 , 132. John,hus of Christy (HcINTYRE?) , 46. Olaas , hus of Mary MacDONALD , I0l , I09, Margaret(Bp) , of John & Christy HcINTYRB. ,46 Olans(Bp) ,John & Nancy URQUHART , 132. Mary,wife of Donald McGILLIVRAY,IOB,1l6, Sar ah,wife of John URQUHART , 126, lZ6, 127,127 . poss . IOO also . William(Bp) ,of John & Ann McGILLIVRAY,8B. Neil,hus of Alice McCANN,34,43, VALLEY Mary Ann(Bp),of Neil;; Alice McCANN , 43.47 , Marissa,wife of Isaac WILDON,31. Neil(Marr),to Alice McCANN,143. VAN KLEEK/VAN CLEEK / Sarah,wife of Na t hanial BOYD,39. Ba r nabus,hus of Lavina LeROY , 22,(Marr) ,1 36. STIRLING Eliza(Bp) ,of Peter & Mercy CASS , 46. Archibald,hu iof Ca therine SIIAW ,S4,67 . Giccy,w ife of Joseph WlllTCOMB,4,Z6,26,37, Marion(Bp) ,of Archibald;; C.SIIAW,54. Gelly, wife of Joseph WlllTCOMB , 14, Mary(Bp) ,of Archibald;; C. SHAW , 67. John (Bp ) ,of Patrick;; Marsaly CASS,82. STOREY Margaret(Bp),of Peter;; Mercy CASS , 70. Ki tty(Marr) ,to Hollis GRIFFIN,139. Maria(Bp) ,of Peter;; Mercy CASS,46. SUTHERLAND Mary (Bp) ,of Peter & Mercey CASS , 29 . Jane,wife of Alexander CAMERON , i ,7 . Patrick,hus of Marsaly CASS , 82. SYRN/SYROR Peter,hus of Mercy CASS , 29 , 46 , 46 , 70 , (Marr),1 39. Harriett,wife of William MON , lZ3. Simon,hus of Ann BOND,4 , TAYLOR Simeon(Bp) , of Barnabas;; Lavina LeROY,22. John,hus of Ellen SMITH , 47 , 49 , William (B p),of Simon;; Ann BOND , 4. Margaret(Bp),of John ;; Ellen SMITH , 47 . WADE/WAYD Peter(Bp),of John ;; EI1~n SMITH , 49 , Elizabeth,wife of Simeon CASS , 9,9, 9, 22,46,136. Richard (Bp ) ,of William ;; C.GOWINC"B. WADDE L/WADDLE Thomas (Marr) ,to Mary McKIBBON , 136. Elizabeth(Marr) ,to Ergo BRUSH , 142 . William,hus of Catherine GOWItIG , B. Hannah, wife of George MODE , IS,23, 3B , 47 , THOMPSON WAITE Susan (Ma r r) , to Samuel JOHNSON,1 42. Elizabet h , wife of Simeon CASS , 35. THOMPKINS/TOMKINS Ephaphrodilus,hus of J . CUTHBERT , 17,29, 40 , Hannah(Bp) , of Pe ter ;; S.THOMPKINS,II. Jane(Bp),of Ephaphrodilus & J.CUTHB ERT , 40 . Harriet(Bp),of Robert & Ann (NAILER?) ,35. David(Bp) ,of ,Z9. Peter , hus of Sarah Tomkins , ll Pattie (Bp) ,of , 17 . Sarah,wife of Peter TOMKINS,ll , WAS ON (MASON?) Robert , hus of Ann NAILER(?) , 35. George,hus of Isabella HANNAH,IIB, TOWERS J essie(Bp),of Geo r ge & Isabella HANNAH,IIB . James(Bp),of Michael & ? MORRISON,50. WARREN Michael,hus of ? MORRISON,SO. Lucy (Marr) ,to Donnel WELLS ,1 41. TREDWELL WATERS Caroline(Bp),of C.P . ;; He llen McDONALD,61. Charles (B p),of Cmarles ;; Maria FROS T,34. Charles(Bp) ,hus of ? (adult Bap t ism) , ZB, Charles ,hus of Maria FROST , 34 . Charles(C.P.) , hus of Hellen McDONALD,61. WELDON/WILDON TURNER Frederick(Bp ) ,of Isaac & Marissa VAlLEY , 31. Nancy ,wife of James BETTUE , 26 . Isaac,hus of Ma r issa VALLEY , 31. TWEED WELLS Fanny,wife of George HUTCHINSON (Ma rr) , 144. Donnel(Harr),to Luc y WARREN , 141. Jane,wife of William - HIGGINSON , I 6,3B , Elizabeth(Ma rr) , to Dan iel FOSS , 144. Margaret,wife of John McCONNEL,19,34,46. Wate rs (Ma rr),to Hannah CASS,143. URQUlIART WICHT /WRIGHT /WHITE Alexander (B p) ,of John ;; A.McGILLIVRAY,52 . Chr istina(Bp ) ,of John & Mary GORDON,3S. Alexand~r ( Bp ) , of Kenneth & E.STEWART , 67. Henry (Bp) ,of William & Elizabeth GERRARD , 4Z . Alexander,hus of E. ROSE ,7 I , 82 , Jane (Bp),of John ;; Ma r y GILSON , 30 . Ann,wife of J.URQUHART,127,127,127,127. John,hus of Mary GILS ON , 30 , Ca t herine(Bp) , of John & A.McGILLIVRAY,ZS . John , hus of Mary GORDON, 3S . Catherine,wife of J. McGIL LIV RAY , 69 , 7B , B7 , William,hus of Elizabeth GERRARD , 42. 96, (Marr) 149 WILCOX Christy(Bp),of ;; Mary McDONALD , 102. David,Dr.,hus of E.CASS , 12,IZ,12 , 20 . Christy(Bp) ,of John & Nancy MacINTOSH ,I OB . David (Bp ) ,of David" Elizabet h CASS , 20 . David,hus of C.McGI LLIVRAY,63. Edwin(Bp) ,of David &" ,I Z, Donald (Bp) , of John ;; Ann McGILLIVRAY ,64. Josiah(Bp) , of David & , 12 , Do nald ,Mr;; Mr s ,104- b(Ha ttie MaclEOD). William (Bp ) ,of David;; , 12. Donald (Bp) , of Olaas ;; Mary MacDONALD , I 09 . WITCOMB/WHITCOMB Effy(Bp ) ,of John ;; Ann MacINTOSH, 105 . Eliza(Bp) ,of Joseph & Cetty V~~ KLEEK,Z6. Elizabeth(Bp) ,of J()hn & Sarah URQUHART , 127 Haldiah(Bp) ,of Joseph;; Gelly VAIl KLEEK,14. Elizabeth(Bp) , of John ;; Ann URQUHART , 127 . James (Bp) ,of Joseph;; Gitty VAN KLEEK,4. Euphemia (Bp) ,of John ;; A.McGILLIVRAY,7S. Joseph,hus of Ge tty VAN KLEEK,4,I4 , 26,26, 37, Flora(Bp),of J ohn ;; Ann McGILLIVRAY,3 . Noah(Bp) ,of Joseph;; Getty V~~ KLEEK,37. Flora,wife of D.McDONALD,9B,IOS,108 , 113,lS7 Polly(Bp) , of Joseph ;; Ge tty VAN KLEEK, 26. Janet,wife of D.McLEOD, 2 , 9,IB , WIRL/WHIRL Janet(Bp),of Olass;; Mary MacDONALD , lOl , George (Bp) , of James & Submit BECKlHTII , 29 , Jessie,wife of Duncan MORR I SON,I30 ,I 32, James,hus of Submi t BECKWITH , ZB , 29, 29 . Jane (Bp) ,of John ;; Nancy URQUHART , 13Z. Submit (Bp) ,of James" Submic BECKWITH , 2B . James (Bp ) , of James & J ane SIMP SON , B4. Wal t er (Bp) , of Jam~~ ;; Submi t BEC~'ITH , 29. James ,hus of Jane SLMPSON , 84 , HARY John,hus of A.McGILLIVRAY,3,B,IS,ZS,3S,64, Samuel,hus of J anet , Ill. John (B p),of John ;; Ann McGILLIVRAY, IS. Thomas (Bp) ,of Sam uel ;; Janet ,Ill. John,hus of Catherine McCRAE,52 , ILLARDS John (B p),of Alexand~r & E. ROSE , 71 . Eold (Ma rr) ,to Luisa HEWAN,1 40 . John,huB of Ann HcGILLIVRAY,7S,BB, Mary ,',.,if e of J ames GATES,43. John,hus o f Ann MclNTOSH,l OS , lOB, WILLIAMS J ohn,hus of Sarah URQUHART , I26,I 26 , I27,127, Daniel,hus of Ma ry C L~~, 29,29 , John,hus o f Ann URQUHART,I27,I 27 , I27 ,I 27 Danicl (Bp) ,of Dunial & Mary CLEAN ,29. John (Bp ) ,of John ;; Sarah URQUHART,127 . Daniel,hus of Ann McLEOD,1 20 . John(Bp) , of John & Ann URQUHART,127. Mar y Ann (Bp) , of Danial & Ma r y CLE~~,29 John,hus of Nancy URQUHART ,13Z, 13Z. 187 WILLIAMS cont'd Pru-cience, wife of Samuel OGILVIE, 45,45. Samuel(Bp),of Daniel & Ann McLEOD,120. WILLIAMSON Agnes,wife of George SMITH,15,15,34, Jane,wife of John FAIRBURN,29,46, WILLIS . George(Marr),to Mary BANCROFT,146. WILSON Andrew(Bp),of David & Margaret SMITH,49. David,hus of Margaret SMITH,49. Christina,wife of Alexander McC'RAW, 51. WINTERS ' Eliza Jane(Bp),of Obadiah & ? BLOND,15. Jane,wife of William FAIRBURN,25,25, Lorenza(Bp),of Obidiah & ? BLOND, 15. Maria(Marr),to Antoine BRECO,147. Obidiah F. (Bp),of Obidiah & ? BLOND, 15, Ob{diah,hus of ? BLOND,15,15,15, Obidiah(Marr) ,to Helena LeROY, 140. WISEMAN Catherine,wife of Duncan McMILLAN,74,93, Peggy(Bp)of Robert & Mary McMILLAN,59. Robert,hus of Mary McMILLAN, 59. WOOD/WOODS/DOODS Catherine,wife of John A.McDONALD,123. James,hus of Elizabeth RIDDLE, 46, William(Bp),of James.,& Elizabeth RIDDLE, 46. -YOUNG Agnes,wife of James INGLIS,24,37. Alexander(Bp),of James & Martha (PROVBN?),4'3. James(Bp),of Thomas & Ann DUFF,36, James,hus of Martha (PROVEN?),43,49, Robert(Bp),of James & Martha (PROVEN?),49. Samuel,hus of.? ,22. Thomas,hus of Ann DUFF,36. ********************ERRATUM************************ CAMPBLE,Euphemia(Bp),of John & Janet McLEOD,Page~50. CAMERON,Flora(Bp),of John & Ann McDONALD,Page-60. LENDRUM(Bp)s of George,Emily & Horace,Page-127. McCRIMMON ,Angus, hus of (Mary?) McKINNON ,Page-81. McCRIMMON,Duncan(Bp),of Angus & ? McKINNON,Page-81. McDONALD,Ella~wife of Ewen MdMILLAN,Page-124. McLEOD,Kenneth,hus of Catherine McLEOD,Page-l12. McLEOD,Mary,wife of John McCUAIG,Page-35 McLEOD,More(Bp),of Alexander & More McPHEE,Page-5. SERGEANTS,Nathew,should be 'Mathew' ,Page-38 ~

Further corrections/additions ,appreciated by· the author.