No. 29 605





Published by Authority



Ofjiciating Ministers for 1976

PURSUANT to the Marriagef Act 1955, ~he foll~wing li~t ?f Offici a~ing Ministers within the meaning of the said Act is published or general mformatlOn. This list comes mto force on Monday,22 March 1976

The Anglican Church The Anglican Church-continued

The Reverend- The Reverend- Acland, Simon Henry Harper Bennett, Reginald Marchmont Adams, Geoffrey Owen, B.A., LL.B., Bent. Michael Charles L.Th. Benton, Kerry William, L.Th. Addis, Ellis Avenel Best, David Christopher, L.Th. Aiken, David Leslie, B.A. Beyer, Andrew Phillip, L.Th. Aires, Raymond Charles, M.A., L.Th. Aldworth, Alexander William Allen, Francis Lechampion Deaconess-- Allison, Lester Frederic Bindon, Joan Vereker, Dip.Th. Allom, Barry Haldane, L.Th. The Reverend- Black. Montague John, B.A, L.Th. The Venerable ­ Anderson. Alfred Reid. M.Sc. The Rev. Canon- Blackburn, Alan Hopton, L.Th. The Reverend­ Anderson, John Clement Anderson, Leslie WilJiam Shallad, The Reverend­ Canon Blackwood, Gary Anderson, Stuart, B.A., Canon Blain, Michael Winston, M.A Anderson, William David Blair, Riga Wells, M.B.E., L.Th. Andrews, Roydon Percival, B.A .• Blakie, Cecil Douglas L.Th., Canon Blakiston, Peter Henly, L.Th., Hon. Ardley, Evan Lloyd Canon Arlidge, John Brett, M.A. Bluck, John William, M.A., B.D. Armstrong, Dr George Aubery Whit­ Blundell, Gary James, L.Th. combe, M.A, B.D., PhD. Boniface, Herbert Garway, M.A. Arnold, Walter Charles, B.A., Hon. Bool, Wilfrid Arthur, L.Th. Canon Booth, Kenneth Neville, M.A., B.D., Arrowsmith, Alan Winston M.Th. Arthur, George Alfred Roger, L.Th. Botting, Ian James, M.A Ashton, Patrick Thomas, M.A., M.V.O. Bourne, Ian Grant, B.A, L.Th. Aitkins, Peter Geoffrey, M.A., B.D., L.Th., Honary Canon The Venerable Archdeacon- Aubrey, Keith Gilbert, Th.L., Canon Bowyer, Henry George, B.D., B.Sc., Ault, Harold Frank, M.A., B.D., L.Th., L.Th. Th.Scho. Axcell, Peter, L.Th. The Reverend- Baigent. Kempster William. L.Th. Boyd, David George, B.Sc., L.Th. Baker, Cherie Violet Dorothy Boyd-Bell, Henry James, E.D., L.Th. Baker, Gerald Stothert, M.A., L.Th. Boyes, Jonathan Richard, B.A. Baker, Philip Bartrum, B.A, L.Th. Braddock, David Alwyn, L.Th. Balfour, David Ian Bailey Braddock, Kenneth Frederick Langley Ballantyne, Simon Thorne, B.A, L.Th. Bradley, Wilfred John, M.D.E. Bambury, Owen Ronald, J.P. Branthwaite, John Walter, B.A., L.Th. Banfield, Colin Clement Brewster, David Pearson Barber, Elton Clifford, B.A. Brittenden, Christopher Ronald Scott, Barker, John Llewellyn L.Th. . Barnes, Lewis Agassiz, M.A, L.Th. Brockbank, Leslie David Barnett, Kevin Percy, B.A., L.Th. Brokenshire, John Joseph, L.Th. Brooker, Stephen John, B.A.. L.Th. Broughton, Alan Rangiahuta Herewini The Venerable Archdeacon­ Brown, Alec Charles, AK.C. Barrett, Denis Brown, Colin Greville, B.H., S.Th. Brown, Eric Donald The Reverend- Brown, Graeme Eric Barrett, Robert Edwin, B.Sc., L.Th. Brown, John Lawley, M.B.E., B.A., Barton, Terrance Moore, M.Com., L.Th., Canon F.C.A. Brown, Michael Henry, B.Com., L.Th. Basire, Ian James, B.E., L.Th. Browne, Cyril Franklin Browne, Ross Douglas, B.A., L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon- Bathurst, Keith Orton, M.A., L.Th. Deaconess- Brunton, Heather Jacqueline, L.Th. The Reverend­ Batterbury, Charles The Reverend- Bean, Peter Douglas, L.Th. . Buchanan, John Dermot, L.Th. Beattie, Ian David, B.A., L.Th.,· Beattie, William Bruce The Venerable Archdeacon- Beauchamp, Donald Charles, L.Th. Buckle, Edward Gilbert, Th.L., Dip. Beaumont, Victor George, L.Th. C.C. Beckett, Bruce Arthur Westenra, L.Th. The Reverend- Bull, Cecil Stanley, L.Th., F.R.G.S. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Beere, Lionel O'Sullivan, M.A. The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend- Bull, Maxwell Lovelace Arthur. Bell-Booth, William Louis, L.Th. The Reverend- Bellingham, John Kingston Burgin, Eric Woollcombe, B.A, L.Th. Bendall, Kenneth Albert Burns. Percy. L.Th. Benham, Noel Francis Burt, Roger Malcolm. Bennett. Charles William. L.Th. Burton, Lewin Noel The Right Reverend Bishop- The Venerable Archdeacon­ Bennett, Manu Augustus, B.Sc., D.O. Butt, Gordon Alexander, L.Th. 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 607

The AngJican Church-continued The AngJican Church-cohtinued The Reverend- The Very Reverend Dean- Buttle, Richard Newman, B.A., L.Th. David, Conrad Frederick Adam, L.Th. Button, Graham John, BA., L.Th., Davidson. Graeme John. BA. Dip.Ed. Canon- Bythell, Noel John, M.Sc., Th.L. Davies, Walter Merlin, B.A .• Canon Calder, Matthew Lewis, Th.L. Cameron, Derek Cedric Graham, The Reverend- L.Th. Davies, Richard James, M.A. Cameron, John Steven Graham, B.A., Davies, Winton lames Detheridge, S.Th. L.Th, Cameron, Mangititoki, L.Th., Canon Davis. Brian Newton, M.A., L.Th. Cameron, William Steven Graham, Davis, Hector Percival Harold L.Th. Davis, Manuhiri Louis Campbell, Milton Hope, L.Th. Davis, Peter William, M.A., L.T.C.L., Carpenter. Theodore George, L.Th. L.Th. Carrell, Brian Ruane, M.A. Davy, Kenneth Thomas, L.Th. Carson, Richard Alcorn. M.A., Canon Dawson, Frederick Oberlin, M.C .• Carson, Richard Collingwood, B.Sc. L.Th. Castle, Wilmot Rodd, L.Th. Day, Frederick James. L.Th. Caswell, Colin Douglas, Charles. Day, John Ashley Garnet. B.A. O.B.B .• C.B.E., Canon Daysh, lohn Duff. B.A. Catley, Dr Allan Bruce, M.A .• M.Sc .• de Candole, Donald Vully, Hon. Th.D. Canon Caudwell, Rex. L.Th. Dempsey, Gordon lohn, B.A., L.Th. Chalmers. Arnold Lyall Roy, L.Th. Denny, Laurence John, BA.. L.Th. Charles, Edward Philip Grigg, L.Th. Derbyshire, Noel William. A.C.A., Cheeseman, Trevor Percival. D.R.• B.Com. M.Sc .• B.D., A.K.C. Dewar, Alexandar Montgomerie Hast- Cherrington, Philip Henry. L.Th. ings Cherrington, Wahi Johnson Dixon. William Gordon Murray, L.Th. The Very Reverend Dean- Dobbs, Clifford Leslie, B.A. Childs, Henry Arthur, M.A., Dip. Soc. Dobson, Ronald Keith, B.A .• L.Th. Sc. Dodd, John, M.A. The Reverend- Brother- Ohilds, William Arthur Donald, Hugh, S.s.F.• Th.L. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Chung, John Yan Leap The Rev. Canon- Clark. Gerald Hurley. B.Sc., B.A. Dorman, Denis John Brennian. M.A.• Clark, Richard Rex. M.A., L.Th. L.Th. The Reverend- The Reverend- Clarke, Anthony Ivan. L.L.B.. Canon Darrington, Hector GUIlIon, M.A., Clarke. Neil Stenson Dip.Ed. Cobham. George Albert Anthony Drake, Bryan Douglas, L.Th. Douglas. L.Th .• S.Th. Drake, William Nevill Cockburn. Bruce Alister Drury, Peter Alexander, L.Th. Cocks, Michael Dearden Somers, M.A. Dryburgh. Alexander Huntley. L.Th. Colegrove, Richard Selwyn. L.Th .• Drysdale, Munro, M.A.. B.D. L.R.S.M., L.T.C.L. Duffy, Alex Edward, L.Th. Coles, David John, M.A., B.D., M.Th., Dunlop. Rodney Owen. L.Th. Dip.Re .• Ph.D. Collard-Scruby. Allington Frank. The Venerable Archdeacon­ AX.C. Dunningham, Selwyn David Eden. Colley. Graham Albert. L.Th. M.A. L.Th. Comery, Arthur Clayton. L.Th. The Reverend- Coney, Gerald Frederick Duthie, Struan James, B.A., L.Th. Connor. George Howard Douglas, Dyer, James Henry, A.L.C.D. L.Th. Dyer, Paul, BA., L.Th. Cook, Frederick Walter, L.Th .• S.Th .• Eades, Reginal William Gaywood A.T.C.L. Eames, Hubert Hardisty, BA. Cook, Russell Victor Easton, Richard Huntingford. M.A. Cooper, Arthur Robert, L.Th. Eaton, Henry Jackson. Cooper, Christopher Neville, B.E. Ea.ton, Ross Seymour, MA. Cooper. Ian Douglas Lewis. L.Th. Edgar. David. M.A., L.Th. Cooze, Cyril Wakelin Edmiston, Douglas Seymour, L.Th. Corney. Samuel, Canon The Venerable Archdeaoon- Coulson, John Keyworth. Dip.Art Coulthard. Roy Edward, B.A.. L.Th. Edmunds, William Milton, BA., Dip. Couper. Roger Benson. B.A., L.Th. Ed. Courage, Anthony John The Reverend- Coveney, John Andrews, L.Th. Edridge, Peter Jack, L.Th. Cowan. Hugh Donald, Th.L. Edwards, Jan Camcross, L. Th. Cowen, Dennis Aubrey, L.Th., Dip. Edwards, Stuart, L.Th. Ed. Elliott, Keith, V.C. Cox. Bernard Sheffield, Th.L. Ellis. John Francis Craighead, , L.Th. Engels, James Michael, M.A., S.T.B. Cranch, William Maxwell, B.A .• L.Th. Erwin, John Desmond Deaconess- Evans, John Heber, M.A. Cranston. Wendy Beryl, M.A., L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon- The Reverend- Everall, Thomas Roy, Th.Scol., L.Th. Craogh, Dr George Terence. D, The Reverend- MIN., S.T.H.• L.Th. (Hons.) Everitt, Alan Kenneth Crawshaw, Geoffrey Colin, L.Th. Cull, Stafford Guy, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Cullen, Clifford Lloyd, L. Th. Fagg, Thomas Francis, L.Th. Cullen, John Austin, B.A. The Reverend- Culpitt, Ian Raymond, M.A. Fahey, Michael Wainwright, B.A., Cunliffe, William Richard, B.A., L.Th. LTh. Dalby, Ross Howieson Falconer, Roderick William Darlington, Wallace Garnett, L.Th. Fennell, Francis Vincent, B.A., L.Th. Dasbfield, Edward Maurice, L.Th. Fenton, Richard James, L.Th. Inset 1 608 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE1TE No. 29

The AogUcan Church-continued The Anglican Olurch-continued The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend­ Ferguson, Donald Thomas, L.Th. Harrison, David Shirley Harrison, Francis The Reverend- Harrison, Frederick Charles, B.D. Firebrace, Robert Cordell, M.A., Harrison, Harold Vernon, L.Th. A.K.C. Hartley, William Henry Darien Fisher, John Matson, L.Th. Haskell, Charles William, M.B.E., B.D. Fisher, John Samuel, B.A., L.Th. Hattaway, Robert Fitzgerald, Gerald, M.A. Hay, Douglas Ramsey, M.A., Dip.Ed. Fitzpatrick, John Hunter Heald, William Rowland, L.Th. Flatt, Herbert John Heath, John Gordon. L.Th. Flavell, Timoti Hami Paihana Heerdegen, William George Murliss. Florance, Lyall Peace B.A. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Hemming, George Ratcliffe (Canon), Ford, Frederick John, L. Th. N.B.E., B.A, M.B., B.s., Th.L. The Reverend- Hendery, William George, B.A. Ford, Gordon Rex, L.Th. Herd. Kenneth, M.A. Foulkes, Francis, M.A, M.Sc., B.D. Hewat, Robert Anthony Fox, Canon Charles Elliot, M.B.E., Hewlett, John Oswald M.A., Litt.D. Hewson, Alan Douglas, B.Com., French, Norman, L.Th. A.R.A.N.Z. French, William Alfred, AL.C.D. Hickman, Geoffrey Donald, B.A., Froud, John Dakers, B.Com., L.Th. A.R.A.N.Z., Canon Hicks, Henry Edward, B.A., L.Th. Fuge, Douglas Neil, M.A., L.Th. Hill, Christopher Matthias, B.A., Fussell, Raymond Selwyn Coldham L.Th. Gardiner, Anthony Reade, B.A Hill, Thomas Garraway, William Arthur, A.C.A., Hill, Thomas Duncan, L.Th. L.Th. Hislop, John, Th.L. Gaudin, William John, L.Th. Hodge, Warren Harry Theodore, L.Th. Gaze, Arthur Philip Atkinson, M.A. Hodgson, John Daniel Gamer, L.Th. Geering, Anthony Ernest, Dip.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Georgantis, Anthony George, M.A, Hogg, John David, M.A., L.Th. L.Th. The Reverend- The Very Reverend Dean Emeritus­ Holmes, Melville Edward, L.Th. Gibson, Osborne Stanley Oliver, L.Th. Holmes, Noel Edwin, B.A., L.Th. The Reverend- Hook, Herbert, M.A., Canon Gilberd, Bruce Carlyle,, L.Th. Hopkins, Henry Ivor, B.A Gilmour, Thomas Callum, B.A L.Th. Home, Graham Philip Ginever, Geoffrey James, M.A., B.D. Houghton, Michael Richard, M.A. Glass, Francis Lewis, L.Th. Hoult, Edward Ingham Glen, Robert Marshall, M.A., B.A. Howard, Alfred William, L.Th. Glover, Frederick, L.Th. Howe, Earle Dixon, L.Th. Goetz, Grevis, O.B.E., L. Th. Huata, Wi Te Tau (Canon) Golder, Stacey Mortimer, B.A Hubbard, Alfred Francis, L.Th. Goldsmith, Charles James Hughes, George Edward, M.A. Good, Ernest Charles, L.Th. Hughes, Robert Daniel Packenham, Goodall, Maurice John, B.A, L.Th. L.Th. Gould, Maxwell Selwyn Hughes, William James, L.Th. Gourdie, Rona McLeod, D.S.O., L.Th. Hunt, Nicholas James Irwin, M.A, The Right Reverend Bishop­ L.Th. Gowing, Eric Austin, M.A. Hunter, David Hilliard Cowan, L.Th. The Reverend- Hurd, Michael John, B.A., L.Th. Graham, Ian Hamilton, L.Th. Hurd, Neville Edward, B.A., L. Th. Gravelle, Paul Lynton The Very Reverend Dean- Graves, Barry Ashley Hurst, Walter Edmund Wilmshurst, Greaves, Anthony Victor M.A. Greenaway, James Bruce The Venerable Archdeacon­ Greenslade, John McDonald Hyde, Claude Edward Greer, John Edward, L.Th. Gregory, Kenneth The Reverend- Gribble, David George, L.Th. Ihaka, Kingi Matutaera, M.B.E., L.Th. Grinder, Ronald Derek, L.Th. J.P. Guthrie, David Ian, LL.B., L.Th. Ingham, James Barrie Hadlow, Gerald James John Aystin, Irwin, Frederick Leslie, L.Th. L.Th. Isherwood, Hector Lionel Richard, Hadlow, Selwyn Sidney, Th.L. L.Th., Canon. Hall, David Everson, L.Th. Jackson, Albert Henry, Canon, Hamilton, Brian John. B.A, L.Th. D.C.M., M.M., A.L.C.D. Hamilton, Hugh Staples, Canon Jacobsen. Kenneth Ian Hammonds, Paul Edward Russel, James, Walker Trevor Grattan, B.A. B.Com. The Venerable Archdcacon­ Hancock, Thomas Cyril John, M.A., Jameson, Bert Desmond, Th.L. B.D., Canon Hansen, Neil Bertram, B.A The Rev. Canon­ Hansen, Robert Jaquiery, Alan Victor Harawira, Herepo Ruawhe The Reverend- The Venerable Archdeacon- Jenkins, Brian Teychenne, M.A., L.Th. Harbour, William Leslie Scott, B.A., Jennings, Peter Harold Charles, M.A. L.Th. Jensen, Daniel Irwin, L. Th. The Reverend- The Venerable Archdeacon- Harding, William Douglas, M.A - Joblin, Vernon William, L.Th., B.T.S. L.Th. ., Brother, David John, SS.F. Harford, John Murray, L.Th. The Right Reverend Bishop- Harper, David Richardson, L.Th. Johnston, Allen Howard, LL.D., L.Th. Harriman, John Walter, L. Th. The Very Reverend- The Venerable Archdeacon­ Johnston, Edward Alexander, M.A.• Harris. Harold Mayo, O.B.B. L.Th., Th.M. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 609

'!be AqUem Chureh---eontinued The Anglican Churc:h-continued

The Reverend- The Reverenu- Johnston, Thomas Cosbey, M.A. Mak, Timothy Kwok Fai Jones, David Marcus, L.Th., B.A. Malcolm, John Douglas, B.A., B.Sc. Jones, John Edward The Venerable Archdeacon- Jones, Michael David, L.Th. Mann, Peter Woodley, L.Th., B.D. Jones, Selwyn Hugh, L.Th. The Reverend- Kaa, Gordon Hope Man.ning, David Tuini, L.Th. Kaa, Hono To Kauru 0 To Rangi, Marriott, Wallace Falcon, A.C.T., L.Th. L.Th. Kaika, Tikitiki-O-Rangi Marsden, Maori, L. Th. Kapa, Piripi Tutangiora, L.Th. Marsden, Taki Wairua Kearse, Eric Donald, L.Th. Marshall, Cecil Thomas, B.A., L.Th. Keith, John Frederick Butterfield, Martel, William Angus, L.Th. M.A., Canon Martin, John Steele, B.A. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Matheson, Roy Keith, L.Th. Keith, Peter Meredith Matthews, Oswald John, M.A. The Reverend- Matthews, Ralph Vernon, L.Th., Keith, Ronald Gordon Layard Canon Kemp, Allan James, B.A. May, Malcolm Ivor, L.Th. Kerr, Michael Henry, L.Th. Mead, Arthur William Rushton, Kevey, Lance Edward M.A.,L.Th. Kidd, Douglas James, B.D., L. Th. Meadowcroft, John Grey Kimberley, Owen Charles Lawrence, Mee, James Alexander, M.A. B.Com. Meharry, Robert Cyrus , Te Waaka King, David William, B.A., L.Th. Mellsop, Dennis Heywood, B.A., L.Th. King, Gordon lohn, B.A. Menzies, Ian Hamilton The Venerable Archdeacon­ Mercier, David Cuthbert, M.A. King, Leonard Mansfield, B.A. Merton, John James, B.Sc. The Reverend- Mete, Maaka Matiu, L.Th. King, Meyrick Vincent Bryan, M.Sc. Miles, Hubert Richard Kirby. Ronald George, B.A. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Kirkham, Paul, L.Th. Millar, Douglas Stewart, M.A. Knight, Clement Samuel Kyle, Leicester Hugo, L. Th. The Reverend- Ladd, Raymond Albert, L.Th. Mills. Murray John, M.A., L.Th. Lamont, Graham Strathmore, B.A. The Very Reverend- Professor- Mills, , LL.B., STM., Lancashire, Douglas, M.A., B.D. L.Th. The Reverend- The Reverend- Langrell, Gordon 10hn, B.A. Mitchell, Peter Cyril, L.Th. Latham, lohn Montgomery, B.A. Mitchinson, Ronald Le Fevro, Maurice Aubrey, B.Com., Molloy, Terence Harold L.Th. Leigh, Howard Vincent, B.A. The Right Reverend Bishop­ Leitch, John Winston, L.Th. Monteith, George Rae, B.A. Tho Most Reverend ­ The Reverend- Leaser, Norman Alfred, M.A., DD.• Moore, Bruce Macgregor, B.A. ThD. Moore, Mervyn Alfred, L.Th. The Reverend- Morgan, Gregor Allan Lewis, William Edwin Walker Morgan, Murray Charles Ught, Kenneth John, B.A., L.Th. Morrell, William David, B.A., L.Th. Ughtbourne, Derek Hugh, B.A., L.Th. Limbrick, Warren Edmund, M.A., The Venerable Archdeacon- B.D., L.Th. Morris. Arthur Robert Hampton, Loong Gon, B.A. M.A., Emeritus Loten, Terrence Marshall. L. Th. The Reverend- Loveridge, Barry Ernest, L.Th. Mortimer, Robert Edward Low, William Laird (Hon. Canon) Moss, Denis, A.N.Z.I.A. Lowe, Robert Arthur, Dip.Th., L.Th. Moontfort, Gerald Woolfield, B.A., Deaconess-- L.Th. Lyons, Kathleen May, Th.L. Mullane, John Murdoch, M.A., L.Th. The Reverend- Muller, Raymond lohn, LTh. McConchie, Stewart Donald, L.Th. Munton, Peter John, L.Th., Canon McCullougb, Robert Graham, M.A., Murphy, Rodney Morris St.B. Murray, Puti Hopaea Macdonald, Duncan Fraser, B.A. Mutter, John Charles Welham, L.Th. McDonald, Ian Ferens, L.L.B. Naera. Wiremu Paati Deaconess-- Nairn, Ian Charles, LTh. Naish, Raymond William, B.Sc., L.Th. McFerran, Julie, S.Th. Narbey, Dudley Cyril The Reverend- Nathan, Ngati-Pare, L.Th. McFerran, Leonard Mack, M.A., L.Th. Neal, John Vernon, L.Th. McGechie, John Kenneth. L.Th. Neels. Raymond James. L. Th. McGregor, David Stuart, B.A., L.Th. Neil, Allen George, B.A. Machell, Bernard John. Th.Sch .• Neild, John Reynell, B.A., LTh.. L.Th., Canon Hon. Canon The Right Reverend Bishop­ Neilson, Robert Geoffrey, B.A., L.Th. McKenzie. Gordon Melville. O.B.E .• Nelson, Ian Walter, L.Th. B.A. Newman, Mit:hael Robert, B.D., L.Th. The Reverend- Newman, Ronald William McKenzie, Thomas Alan, L.Th. Niblock. David Hale Alt, L Th. McKie, Ian Alister, L.Th. Nicholl, Samuel Amos McLay, Robert James, B.A. Nicholson, Godfrey, Carruthers, B.Sc.. Maclean, John Raglan, M.M., B.A. B.D. Maffey, Geoffrey Louis, M.A., L.Th., Nicholson, G1T! Colville, B.E. Canon Nicholson, Reginald lohn, L.Th. Mahuika, Apirana Tuahae. M.A., Nicholson, Robert Carruthers, B.A., L.Th. L.Th., Canon Inset 1* 610 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

The AngUcan Church-continued The AngUcan Church-continued The Right Reverend Bishop:- The Reverend- Norman, Edward Kinsella, D.S.O., Reardon, Kenneth Nash, B.A. M.C., B.A. Redmayne, John, O.B.E., Dip.Th. The Reverend- The Right Reverend- Oatway, Hugh Malcolm, L.Th. Reeves, Paul Alfred, M.A., L.Th. Okey, Richard John, B.A. The Reverend- Olney, Desmond Ronald, B.A. Rendle, Charles Arthur Olsen, Arthur Barry, B.A., B.D., Th.L. Reynolds, Ian Granville, B.Com., Oppenheim, Raymond Leonard A.C.A. Leander, M.A. B.D. Richards, Bernard Oxland, L.Th. Orchard, John David, B.T.S. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Otter, William Rodney, L.Th. Richards, Maurice Neville Oulds, Francis Ayland, L.Th. The Reverend- Owen, Lawson Fraser, M.A. Richardson, Edward Sunderland Oxen bridge, Bertram Riiwhi, Emera Paenga, Te Keepa Riley, James Foster The Very Reverend Dean­ Ritchie, Peter, M.A. Palmer, Clifford George, B.A. Roberton, Richard Arthur, L.Th., The Venerable Archdeacon­ AC.A., A.R.A.N.Z. Panapa, Te Pura Ngapera Robertson, B. S., L.Th. Robertshaw, Roger Charles, L.Th. The Reverend- Robertshawe, Ralph Bracken, B.A., Parkinson, James Henry L.Th. Parr, Alexander Francis Robert Robertson, Vernon Patrick Parr, Patrick William Denis, B.A. Robinson, Colin Bennie Parry-Jennings, Christopher William Robinson, Kenneth Arnold Pateron, John Campbell, BA., L.Th. Robinson, Lance Brandon, B.Sc. Paterson, Geoffrey Gordon, L.Th. Robinson, Philip Henry, L.Th. Paterson, Hugh Stanley, B.Sc., L.Th. Robinson, Philip Lewis, L.Th. Paterson, John Campbell, B.A., L.Th. Robinson, Robert Arthur, L. Th., B.A., Patuawa, George Wiki Nathan B.D. Paul, Francis Lincoln, B.A., L.Th. Robson, George Trevor, O.B.E., M.C. Pearce, Arthur Cyril Reginald Roe, John Patrick, L.Th. Pearce, Francis Charles Rogers, Edwin Lyall, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Rogers, Leslie William George Pearson, Tom Vivian, L.Th. Rosevear, William James Watson, The Reverend- M.A., B.D., M.Th. Peck, Robert Logan, M.D.S. Rounthwaite, Maurice, L.Th. Perkins, John Stanley Heathcote, The Venerable Archdeacon- B.A., L.Th. Rowe, Herbert Edward, E.D., Th.L., Peters, Robert Warren (A.C.T.) Pether, Christopher James, MA., The Reverend- L.Th. Rowe, Robert William, L.Th. Pfankuch, Lester Edward, B.A., L.Th. Rouse, John Ridley Philip, Peter Wells Rushworth, Jack Bmxholme, Honor­ Pickering, David William, B.E., B.D., ary Canon L.Th. Pierard, Beaumont Harold, Canon, J.P. Russell, Morris Charles, A.K.C. Pierre, William Antonin, M.A. The Very Reverend Dean- Pinker, Colin Stuart, B.A. Rymer, John Oliver, MA., L.Th., Pittman, John Allan, Canon Th.Scho. The Venerable Archdeacon- Rynd, Peter Alfred Tatham, C. de G. Plaistowe, Ronald Percy Frank, B.A., The Reverend- LTh. Sadlier, Thomas Henry, LTh. The Reverend- Sanders, Robert James Kendrick, L.Th. Plumb, Bernard Outing Saunders, Francis Alfred, L.Th. Poole, William Harry Hardwicke Schollar, Kenneth, B.A., L.Th. Poole, Wynnton Hardwicke Schroeder, William Fridolf, M.Sc. Porteous, Lawrence William, L.Th. Scott, Robert Edward, B.A. Powell-Evans, Owen Robert (Brothet The Venerable Archdeacon­ Owen, S.S.F.), M.B.E., M.A. Scott, William Atkinson Powell, John Arthur, L.Th. The Reverend- Prasad, Samuel Kampa Scott, William Brian, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Scutter, James Edward, A.K.C. Prebble, Kenneth Ralph, M.A. () The Reverend­ Self, David William Price, Benjamin Sell, Harold George, Th.L. Pryor, Henry Christopher The Rev. Canon- Pullar, Douglas Arthur, B.Sc., L.Th. Selwood, Francis Neville, AC.A., Purchas, Alban Alexander, L.Th., L.Th. Canon The Reverend- Purchas, Alban Charles Theodore, Sercombe, Theodore Friend, M.A., M.A., L.Th.. Canon Dip.Th. The Right Reverend Bishop­ SergeI, Paul Cement Scott, Canon Pyatt, William Allan, M.A. Sheaf, John Gale, B.Sc. The Reverend­ Sheffield, Laurence Pywell, Alan Baron Shennan, Maxwen Cassels, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Shields, Peter Anderson Shortland, Charles Brown Pywell, Arthur Baron, L.Th. Simmonds, Herbert John, L Th. The Reverend­ Simpson, Ulric George William Raggett, John Parton Sinclair, Allan John, A.C.A., A.F.N.Z., Randerson, John Richard, M.A., B.D., L.Th. S.T.M. Sinclair. Hopkins, L Th. Rangiihu, Rimu Hamiora, Canon Singh, Santa Kumar Raumati, Tikituterangi Small, Kenneth Roland Robinson, Raynor, Charles Hamblyn, L.Th. Canon Reaney, Harold Eaton Ivan, E.D., Smallfield, Geoffrey Mandeno, B.A., A.C.I.S., F.R.A.N.z. B.D. 2:2 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 611

The Anglican Church-continued The Anglican Church-continued

The Reverend- The Reverend- Smart, Michael Rawson, L.Th. Tisch, Gerald Winston, L.Th. Smith, Anthony Aclan Dalziel Titchener, Neville Cecil Knox Smith, Errol Gordon Stewart, L.Th. Titterton, Harold Graham, L.Th. Smith, Harvey Jackson, L.Th. Tonkin, David Graeme, LL.M. Smith, Ivan Charles, L.Th. Tonks, Colin Robertson, B.A., L.Th. Smith, J. Tremewan, Colin Wilkinson, B.Sc. Smith, James Huia, B.A. Trindall, Jack Allan, L.Th., AR.C.O. Smith, Neville Arthur, L.Th. Tripp, Richard Howard, M.A Smith, Norman Bach, M.A. Truman, Francis Cecil, B.A, L.Th., Smith, Robin Handley Stockley, L.Th. Canon Smith, William Wilmot, L.Th. Tuhiwai, Tiopira Joe, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Turei, William Brown Somerville, Raymond Blair Tweddell, Ian Henry, A.C.T. Southward, Walter Seddon, L.Th. The Very Reverend- Spackman, Murray Leonard, L.Th. Underhill, Michael Leeke, M.A. Spargo, George Spear, John Forrest Yeoman The Reverend- Urquhart, Dennis John, L.Th. The Right Reverend- Vaughan, Peter St. George, M.A. Spence, Selby Norman Venimore, Colin Whitby Squires, Trevor Alexander The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend- Venimore, Vincent Charles, M.A, Steel, Leslie Frederick, L.Th. B.D. The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend- Steele, Harold Joseph Venville, Francis Maurice Royston, L.Th. The Reverend- Vercoe, Whakahuihui Stephens, William Simeon Clarke, Vercoe, William George, L.Th. Canon Emeritus Vereker-Bindon, David Howard Stevenson, Lawrence Todd, L.Th, Vincent. Spencer William The Venerable Archdcacon- Waldron, Francis Herbert, M.A. Stewart, Alexander John, LL.B., L.Th. Walker, Frederick George The Reverend- Walker, Kenneth Donovan, L. Th. Stockdale, Anthony John Norman, Walpole, Geoffrey Everard, M.Sc., B.Sc., L.Th. B.D. Stoker, William Kenneth Walton, John William Stote-Blandy, Gordon Blandy, M.A., Wards, Lawrence Charles, B.A., L.Th. Honorary Canon The Right Reverend Bishop- Stuart, Peter Alan, M.A. Warren, Alwyn Keith, C.M.G., M.A Stych, Brian John, L.Th. The Reverend- Sullivan, Andrew Gray, B.A., L.Th. Warren, Martin Moutray, M.A., Sutton, Anthony William, LL.B. Dip.Th. The Right Reverend- Watkins, Laurence Neville, L.Th. Sutton, Peter Eves, M.A., L.Th. Weaver, Douglas Charles, L.Th. The Reverend- Welch, Malcolm Cranstoun Swears, Peter Hamlin, L.Th. Weller, Ronald Howden Sworn, Geoffrey Ernest, L.Th. Wendelborn, Robert Mark Tahere, Te Wheoki Rahiri, L.Th. Wheeler, Malcolm John Stuart Takens, Hendrik Jan, B.Ag.Sc., L.Th. Whelan, Weldon Deverell, Canon Takurua, Anaru Kingi White, Bruce Edward, B.A" L.Th. Talbot, John George Beamish, L.Th., White, Raynor James, L.Th. Talbot, Richard Edward Wickham, John Brooks, M.P.S., L.Th. Tamahori, John Thornton, B.A, L.Th., Wihapi, Paati Honorary Canon Wilkens, William Fredric, B.Com., Tamarapa, Wi Mauri-ora L.Th., Canon Tangohau, Harry Hauwaho Wilkinson, Bernard Ernest, L.Th. Tanner, Carl Errington, B.A., L.Th. Wilkinson, John Barry, L.Th. Tannock, David Alexander, B.A., Williams, Bernard Prior, M.A., L.Th. L.Th. Williams, David James Tanton, Peter Alec, D.F.M., L.Th. Williams, Donald James Tauhara, Waha Williams, Donald Peebles Taylor, David Mortimer, M.A., B.D., Williams, Earle Frederick, B.A., L.Th. L.Th. Williams, Jon Standish, B.A., B.D., Taylor, Henry Gordon, O.B.E., D.S.O., L.Th. B.A. Williams, Lloyd Lancelot James, L.Th. Taylor, John Denys, B.A. Williams, Nigell, M.A, Canon Taylor, Peter John, Th.L., Dip.R.Ed. Emeritus Taylor, Roger Patrick, B.A., Dip.Mus., Williams, Peter Ottrey, M.A., B.A, L.Th. Hons.Th. Teal, John, B.Sc., V.R.D. Williams, Philip Charles, L.Th. Te Haara, Waiohau Rui Williams, Ray Te Hau, Ngarangi, Honorary Canon The Venerable Archdeacon­ Templer. lohn Merson, L.Th., Canon Williams Reginald Ottrey, B.A. Te Paa, Mane, L.Th. The Reverend­ Terris, John James, L.Th. Williams, Richard John Teulon, Austin Harvey, M.A. Williamson, John Hawthorne, B.A., The Venerable Archdeacon­ L.Th., S.Th. Thomas, James, M.A. Willoughby, James Stanton The Reverend- Wilson, Allan Keith Thomas, Philip Harold Emlyn, B.A., Wilson, Godfrey Edward Armstrong, B.D. B.A. Thompson, KeV1in Craig, B.A., L.Th. Wilson, John Cecil Julius, L.Th., Thompson, Roger Frederick Norton, Canon L.Th. Wilson, John Robert Mersa, L.Th. Thomson, Henry Frederick. B.A. Wiltshire, Percy Thomson, Hugh Ernest, B.A Winfield, David John Thorpe, David Dumville, B.A., L.Th., Wiremu, Hape Carum Withers, James Arthur, L.Th. 612 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

The Anglican Chorch~ontinued The Presbyterian Church of New Zealan~ontinued The Venerable Archdeacon­ Witty, Robert John The Reverend- The Reverend- Brook, John Bernard, B.S.C., B.D. Wood, Stanley Ernest, L.Th. Brown, Denzil James, M.A., B.D., The Very Reverend- B.Phil. Woods, Samuel Edward, M.A. Brown, George Ernest, B.A. Deaconess- Brown, Lionel Edward, B.A. (Hons.) Brown, Liston Kirkwood Woodward, Carol Ann, L.Th. Brown, Maurice Anderson, B.A. The Reverend- Brown, Neal Rowatt, B.A., Dip. Ag. Wright, Cecil Leonard Brown, Phillip William Wright, Colin George Brown, Reginald William Wright, Francis Wilfred, L.Th. Wright, Frank Robert Harris Brown, Robert Andrew, B.Sc. Wright, Philip Nelson, L.Th. Browne, James Burgess, Nancy Joan, M.A. The Very Reverend- Burley, Samuel Yates, Gavin Harrison, B.A., L.Th., Burnet, John Leslie, B.A. B.Ed.Stad., Dip.R.E., F.T.C.L. Burnett, Harold Beaumont The Reverend- Burns., Robert Neville, B.A. Zimmerman, John Walter Richard Burton, Thomas Herbert, B.A. Butler, Noel Angus, B.A. Bycroft, Alan Christopher The Presbyterian Church of New Byers. Ralph, M.A. Zealand Calder, Bruce Miller Calder, Thomas George, B.A. The Reverend- Aitken, Mervyn Allison Calvert, Allen John Allan, John Aitken, MA., D.D. Calvert, David Alister Allen, John Cameron McDonald, Cameron, Kenneth Ian M.A., B.D. Campbell, Elizabeth Allen, Keith David, B.A. Campbell, Michael Jackson Anderson, John Duncan CamPbell, Campbell, Neil Elliott, B.Com. Cam~bell, Sefton Windsor, M.A., B.D. B.A. Camuchael, David Kenneth, B.A. Anderson. Robert Stewart, B.A. Carmichael, William Alexander Andrew, Maurice Edward, MA., B.D., Carruthers, John Robert, B.A. D.Theol. Andrews, Edward Ernest, M.A. Carston, Henry Fritz Angus, George Colville Manpes, B.Sc. Carter, John Alexander Lloyd Carter, Peter Cartwright Archibald, James Graham Caton, Eric Armstrong, Alan Weir Cattanach, Duncan McKenzie Armstrong, Peter James, B.A. Challis, Robert Lye, M.B.E., B.A. Ashwin, Allan Chalmers, Donald Scott Bacon, William Ivan, B.A. Chambers, Robert Gordon Simons Baillie, Kenneth John Ferguson Chan, Wan Kau Baird, James, B.A. Chapman, Eric Henry Zealand, B.A., Baird, Samuel David B.Sc. Baker, Winston James, M.A. Chapman, Maurice Albert Balchin, John Aubrey, M.A., B.D. Chisholm, Laurie Alister, B.Sc. Baragwanath, Owen Thomas, E.D., Chisholm, Robert Freeland, M.A.. B.A. B.D. Barker, Donald John, B.A. Churcher, Neil Gordon, F.T.C.L. Bartie, William Robert Clark. Dallas Ronald Bartlett, Henry George, B.A. Clark, David John. B.A. Barton. Alexander Steven, B.A. Clark. John Hugh Bates, John Maclellan, M.A., L.L.D. Clark. Stephen Bathgate, Alastair Kimball Thomas, Clark, William George Boyd. B.A. B.A. Clarke. Ross Keith John. M.A., B.D., Battersby, James Richard, M.A., B.D. S.T.M. Bayliss, Ian Winston, M.A., D.P.S. Clearwater. Donald Gilbert, B.A. Bealing, Frederick William, BA., B.D. Cleland, George Martin. B.A. Beattie, William Hugh Clow, Dennis Cyril, L.Th. Bedford, Christopher Keith Coates, Robert. M.A. Beere, Peter Colin Mrs Coleman, Vivian Faye, B.S.C. Bell, Andrew MacDonald Combes. John Hemingway Bell, James Brian Alexander, B.A. Connell. Patrick Lindsay Belmer, Frederick Roy, M.A. Connor, David Alan Best, William Alexander Corkill, Thomas Mackenzie. M.A .• Bibby, Lawrence Vincent, M.A. B.D. Bichan, Ronald Alexander, B.A., Cotter, Jean Ysobel Dip.Soc.Sc. Court. Gerald Clement. B.A.. B.D. Biddle, Purewa Cowie, Andrew Panton Bissett, Bruce McDonald Turnbull, Cowie. Neil Douglas, B.A. B.A., B.D. Crawford. Alexander John M.A .• Blyth, David Alexander B.D. ' Body, Edward William, B.Com., Crawford, Horace John A.C.A. Cree, Keith Sturdee, B.A. Bor~e, David Stanley, BA. Cre~, Kenneth Gordon, B.Sc. Borf!e, Ian Donald, MA., S.T.M. Creighton. Neville Thomas B.A. Borr!e, Ian Grant, M.A., S.T.M. Criglington, John Douglas ' Bottmg, Desmond Arthur, BA. Crump, Clarence Kenneth. B.A. Bowman, Harold Otto, B.A., Ph.D. Crumpton. Ian Spencer, B.A. Boyd, David Kirkland Cumming. John Alexander. M.A., Boyd. Douglas Campbell B.D. Bradley, Frederick James Cunningham, James Morrison B A Brame, Leslie Alfred, M.A. Currie. Leonard Forde •. . Brash, Edward Alexander, B.A. Dalll!-rd. George Ernest, M.A., B.Mus. Brettell, William Smith, B.A. Dalzlell, Scott. B.A., B.D. Br~ard, Ian, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Davidson, Allan Kenneth M A Bnn~ley, John Richard, B.A. Ph.D. ' .., BrodIe, Eric Leslie B.A., B.D. Davie. Archibald Dixon 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETrE 613

The Presbyterlao Church of New The Presbyterian Church of New Zealaud-continued Zealaud-continued

The Reverend­ The Reverend- Davies, John Butler Green, Francis John, M.A., M.B.B. Davies, Peter Norman, B.A. Greenway, Alfred Lacey, M.A., B.D., Day. Lindsay Stewart D. Theol. Grierson, Ian Douglas, B.A. de Bres, Pieter Hendrik, B.Div., M.A. Griffiths, Robert John, M.A., M.B.E. de Kock, John Groenewald Grimshaw, Frank Graham Densem, George Grosse, Lawrence Albert Deverell, Bruce John, B.A. Gunn, Arthur Graham, B.A. Dewes, Nehe Kururangi Gunn, James Thomas, B.A. Dickey, Mervyn Nathaniel Hadfield, Keith AlIan. B.A. Dixon, Archie Leighton Hall, Donald Woodward, B.A. Dixon, Cyril Ian LeWIS, M.A. Hall, Gordon Edward Dodds, Richard Thomson Hall, Murray Frank Doig, Barry Thomas, B.A. Hall, Robert lan, B.A. Hambleton, Warwick Joseph, B.E. Doig, John Charles Hamlin, Francis Rex, B.A. Downard, Wilfred Charles, M.A., B.D. Hampton, Lawrence Revell, B.A., B.D. Drummond, James Grahame, B.A. Hansen, Bruce Andrew, B.A., B.Com., Dun, Rawiri, D.D. B.D., Th.M. Duncan, Donald Edward, B.A. Harding, Geoffrey Duncan, Glenn Donald Harper, Alexander Reid Dunn, Alan James, B.Com. Harray, Alastair Spence, M.Th. Dunn, Alister Gibson Harries, Evan Rowland, B.A., Dip. Ed. Dunn, John Gilman Sharp, M.B.B. Harrington, Edward Albert Dunn, Stanley Clifford Harris, Neville Clive Dunnett, Ivan Leith, B.A., B.D. Haszard, Ian William Durham, Ross McDonald Hawe, Leta Dyason, Eric Brnest Hawea, Thoma, Barle, William Thomas, B.8c., B.D. Hay, Colin Francis Edgar, James Porter Hay, Gilbert Angus Bggelton, William Pringle, B.A. Hay, William Ronald MacDonald, EIisi, BIisi Sionetali B.A. Elley, Reuben Donald, B.A., B.Sc., Hayman, Franklin Thomas, B.E., B.Sc. B.D., Th.M. Hendrie, Walter Max, M.A., B.D. Elvidge, John Anthony, M.A., B.D. Herbison, Robert Graham English, Colin lloyd, B.A. Hercns, Duncan MaCKellar, B.A., Evans, David Charles, B.A. B.E. Evans, John Oliver, B.D. Hewson, Arthur Ian Evans, Kenneth Harold, B.A. Highet, Joseph Malcolm Henry, LL.B. Everts, Anton Hill, James Kori Faletoese, Kenape Hinchcliff, John Clarence, M.A., Ph.D. Falloon, George David, M.C., B.A. Hind, Eric Charles, M.Sc. Farr, Edward Francis, B.A. Hitchcock, Herbert Webster, B.A., Feist, Donald Chapple, B.A., B.Sc., B.D. B.D. Holdaway, Graeme Feist, Murray Holman, B.A., Dip.J. Horwell, Arthur Graham, B.A. Fendan, Robert Phillip, B.A. Hoskin, Claude Cannel Field, Pio Sovala Howard, Leslie AlIen, B.A., B.D. Fink, Newton Maxwell, B.A., B.D., Howat, James Campbell S.T.M. Howell, John Albert, B.A., B.Sc., B.Th. Fleming, William Ian, B.A. Hubbard, John, M.A., B.D. Flett, William Nu~ent Hucker, Bruce Mervyn, M.A., B.D. Foley, Grover Ellis, B.Sc., S.T.B.D. Hughes, Graham Robert, M.A., B.D., Theol. Ph.D. Fong, Yik Tak Hume, Fergus Allan, B.A. Foster, Jack Newton Hunger, Waiter Christian Foster, Warren Peter Hunt, John Burton, B.A., B.D. Francis, Norma Margaret, B.A. Huston. Archie John. B.A. Francis, Stuart Cyril, B.A. Inglis, David Jackson Francis, William Donald, B.A. Irwin, James Fraser, Ian Watson, M.A., B.D., Irwin, Kenneth Gerard, B.A., B.D. Th.D., C.M.G. Ives, Richard Dudley Galloway, Ian Alexander Jack, David Page Gardiner, John ThomsoD Jackson, George William, B.A. Gardner, Frank Leslie Jacobi, Susan Irene, B.A. Gardner, Peter Grant, Dr, M.A., B.D., Jamieson, Duncan McGregor, B.A., Ph.D. B.D. Garrity Maxwell James Jansen, Elwyn George, M.A. Geddes, Robert Ralph Jeffreys, George Alfred Geering, lloyd George, M.A., B.D., Jenkin, Owen Thomas D.D. Jenkin, Sylvia Lois, B.A. Gibson, William Wallace Jenkins, Luke Hampden. B.D. Gilkison. NotmaD Farquhar, M.A.• Johnston, Arthur Emest Byars, B.A. B.A. (Cant.) Johnston, George, M.A. Gilmour, William Black Johnston, Howard Whitfield Glassey, William Boyd, B.A. Johnston, Malcolm Hunter, M.A., BD. Glenny, Donald, B.A. M.Th., B.A. Gordon, Denis Gilmore, B.A. Johnston, Neil Walter Gordon, Ian Peter Jones, Allan Albert, M.A. Gordon, Thomas Jones, James Graham Gosling. Colin Leslie. B.A., B.D. Jones, Leonard, M.A. Goss, Alan Montgomery Jones, Victor George Clement, M.A., Graham. John Mus.Bac., B.D. Grant, David Roy, B.A., B.D., Th.M Julyan, James Mitchell (Princeton) KeaJl. David Ian. B.A. Grant, Gowrie Roderick, M.A. Keenan, Barrie Reginald, B.Ag.Sc. Grant, Ian, B.A. Keenan, Robert Stewart Gray, James Lundie, B.A. Kenward, Russell Frederick, B.A. Gray, Mary Alison, M.A. Ker, John Milne, B.A., B.D. 614 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZEITE No. 29

The Presbyterian Church of New The Presbyterian Church of New ZeaIand-continued ZeaIand-continued The Reverend- The Reverend- . Ker, Laurence Hamilton, M.A. Marshall, Peter, M.A., M.Th. Kernohan, Alexander, M.A., B.D. Martin, David Brown Kerr, Robert John Martin, Nolan Reginald, B.A., B.D. Kilgour, John David Martin, William Rutland Kilgour, Kenneth Craig, L.Th.. Masina, Setu King, James Norby Maslin, Robert George, B.A. Kinloch, Dennis Thomas Wright Mathews, John Guscott, B.A. Kirkby, Donald Alan, B.A., B.D. Matthews, Hikurangi Ronald Kirkby, Edward Leonard, B.A. Matthews, Robert Alexander Kirkby, Robin Walter, B.A., B.D. Mave, Teura Lucky Kirkwood, Archibald McGilp Mence, Donald Clifton Kitto, William Charles Arthur Merriman, Ian Raymond, B.A. Kiwara, Rere Moana Melherell, Brian Ernest Knight, Donald Stewart, B.A. Meyer, Gwendoline Gertrude Knight, George Angus Fulton, M.A., Middelplaats, Hendrik Peter B.D., D.O., O.N. Millar, Ian Koia. Rahuruhi Thomas Millar, Thomas Edward, B.A. Lafferty, Raymond George Miller, Leonard Ross, B.A., B.D. Lambie. Robert Neil, B.A. Miller, Ronald, M.A., E.D. Lane, Arthur Clement Millichamp, Roger Frank Lane, Robin Humphrey, B.A., BD., Milligan, John Martin M.A. Millward, William James Lange, Rex Watt Milmine, Mervyn Gray, M.A. Lapsley, William Robin, B.A. Milne, James David, LL.M. Larsen, Karl Theodor Fuglestad, B.A. Milner, Ian Arthur Leadbetter. Malcolm, M.A. Mitchell, Colin Arthur Leisha1an, Robert Mitchell, Henry Alexander McDonald, Lemuelu, Aotofaga Tupulua B.A. Levack, William Larnach, M.A. Mitchell, Roderick George, B.Com. Lewis, Thomas William leuan Moore, Albert Charles, M.A., Ph.D., Lewitt, Martin Jamieson B.D. Lilly. Karl Percival Moore, Dennis William Lindsay. William, B.Com. Moore, James Drakley Shaw, M.Sc., Little, Catherine Gwendoline B.D. Lorier, Karel Michel, B.A. Moore, William George Kitchener, Loughton, Stanley John, M.A. B.D., N.A. (Melb.) Lowden, Aubrey Heward, B.A., M.A. Moore, William Reuben, B.Sc., B.D. (Melb.) More, Lawrence William Lowery, John Lewis, M.A. Morgan, Allan, B.A. Lyman, Graham Frank, B.A. Morgan, Henry Clements McBride, Ian Gray Morley, Charles Henry McCallum, Ian Morreau, Paul McCaskey, Murray Raeburn, B.A Morris. Raymond William McCay, Samuel James Daniel, M.A. Mountjoy, Kendrick Archer Louis McChesney, Molly Elizabeth Mudie, Alec Victor MacCuish. James Barrie, B.A., B.D. Muir, Ivan, B.A. MacDonald, Ian Cairns Munro, Alexander Stuart McKay McDonald, Thomas Morrison, M.A. Munro, Graeme Douglas, L.T.C.L. McDougall, John Norman, B.A., B.D. Murdoch, Alexander, B.A. MacFarlan, Adam Maitland Lang, Murdoch, Robert Wilson M.C., M.A., D.O. Murray, Donald Hugh MacGregor, Ian Donald, B.A. Murray, Ian Graeme, M.A., B.D. McInnes, Garth, B.A. Murray, John Stanley, M.A. McIntosh, Ian Murray, John Stewart, M.A., (N.Z. McIntyre, David Lambert and Camb.) McKean, John Charles Murray, John Walter, M.A. S.T.M. McKenzie, Alastair Seaforth Murray, Wallace Bruce Mackenzie, Colin, E.D., BA Mushet, Alvan Mulford, B.A. McKenzie, Graeme Fraser, M.A., B.D. Nalder, Thomas William, B.A. McKenzie, Henry Stuart, B.Com. Naylor, Charles Hugh, B.A. McKenzie, John Murdoch, B.A., LL.B. Nevill, William James McKenzie, Roderick George Ng, Ping Nam McKenzie, Roy Haigh, M.B.E., B.A., Nichol, Francis William Rutherford, F.R.G.S. M.A., B.D., Ph.D. McKenzie, Wallace Nicholls, Stanley Tamatea, B.A. Mackie, Gordon Stuart, B.A. Nicol, Campbell McKinlay, John Bowie, B.A., B.D. Niven, John, B.A. McKinney. Kenneth William, M.A. Nokise, Pepi Mackintosh, Euan Wyles, B.A. North, David Arthur George, B.A., McLaren, Bill Robert B.D. McLean, George Archibald, B.A. Nottage, Basil Robert Charles, B.A. McLeay, William Maurice, B.A. McMeikan, Murray Ware, B.A. Nummy, Joseph McMillan, Donald lain, B.D., S.T.M., Oliver, Jack Hamilton M.A. Olliff, Lindsay James McNeill, Peter OlIiver, James Walter, B.A. MacRae, Kenneth Donald, LL.B., Orange, Albert John Edward B.D. Orange, Ernest Joseph Maddock. Rhys Arthur George, M.A. Orange, Ernest Kenneth, M.A. Madill, Crawford WJlliam Robinson, Pala'amo, Fosi M.A. Madill, Dawson Roderick Palmer, Elizabeth Beryl Maitai. Charles Park, James Alexander, M.A. Malloch, Donald Parsons, Charles Thomas Manihera, Tiakina Pascoe, Joan Merriless, B.A., B.D. Mann, John Paterson. Victor James Manson, Henry Sanders Paton, Francis Edwin Hacker Markley, Raymond John Patrick, William John Marshall, Alexander Patterson, Bruce McNair, B.A. 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 615

The Presbyterian Church of New The Presbyterian Church of New ~on"nued ZeaIand-continued The Reverend- The Reverend- Pedersen, Thorvold Joshua, L.Th., Sansom, Norman Francis B.A. Scarlet, John Stanley Penno, Ralph Ernest Schoneveld, Eijmbert Johannes, B.A. Pere, Ta Upu Schrader, Warren James, B.A. Perry, John Irving Schwass, Joy Patricia, B.A., P.D.G.A., Per!),. Stewart Warren, E.D., B.A. B.D. Phillipps, Thomas David Scott, Arthur Robert Phillips, Harold Justin Scott, Doris Helen Pierce, Ivan George, B.A. Scott, Harold Stevenson, M.A. Pierce, Leonard James, B.A., M.Div. Sellar, Keith Lawrence Pilkinton, Ross Hearne, B.A. Setefano, Leiite Pimm, David Wentworth Shaw, Donald Gordon, B.A., B.D. Pirie, Haydon Alexander, M.Sc., B.D. Sheat, Norman Roy, B.A. Poinga, Rongomaiwhiti Sherrard, Evan MeAra, B.Age. Sc., Pollard, Thomas Evan, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Ph.D. Sherriff, Collin Bedford, B.A., Ph.D. Polson, Ian Ross, M.A. Simmers, David George, M.A.. B.A., Poolman, Reginald Leslie B.D. Potatau, Hemi, B.A. Simpson, Archibald Houston Povey, Denis Michael, B.A. Simpson, Lester Warwick, B.A. Powell, Ivan Beatty Simpson, Raymond Claude Price, Cyril Joseph Rutherford. M.A. Simpson, Robert Allan Price, Gary Dennis Simpson, Ronald William Pritchard-Williams, Henry, B.A., Sims, Stanley John ThomlaS, B.A., H.C.F. BD. Probert, Isobel Jessie Sinclair, John George, B.A. Provan, Ian James, B.A. Sinclair, Robert William Pryor, David Nicol Sio, Leuatea Iusitini Purdie, Ian Archibald, B.Com., SipeIi, Langi Fatatoa A.C.A. Slattery, Frank Edward Rae, Alister Flett, B.Sc., B.A., B.D. Smellie, Allan Douglas Ralph, Franco Bruce, B.A. Smith, Ernest Robert Johnstone Ramsden, Ian Walter, M.A., B.D. Smith, Howard Mitchell Ranby, Anthony Paul, B.A., B.D. Smith, Ivan Alfred, B.A., B.D. Read, Stanley Charles, LL.B., B.D. Smith, John Nicoll AnJruR Reekie, Donald Harold Smith, Margaret Wynne Reid, Alexander Rennie, B.A. Smith, Robert Leonard Reid, Douglas Robert Smith, Robin Gibson, B.A. Reid, Helen Margaret Aitken, B.Sc. Smyth, Hugh Cecil Reid, Hugh Solomona, Setu Reid, Lester John, B.A. Somerville, John Spenser, M.C., M.A., Rennie, James Fyfe, M.A., B.D. D.O. Reynolds, Edmund Henderson Somerville, Thomas Cameron, B.Com., Richards, Alun Morgan, M.A., Dip. B.D. Journ. Spencer. Phil Mervan. M.A. Richards, Laurence Gilbert, B.A. Sprackett, Colston Robert, M.A., B.D. Riddle, Douglas Milne, O.B.E., B.A. (Melb.) Ripley, Ned Eric Sporry, Ria Alegonda Robertson, Alan Douglas, B.A. Starnes, John Horace, B.A. Robertson, Ian Manson, B.A. Steedman, David McGregor, M.A., Robertson, Struan Athol, B.A. B.D. Robertson. Stuart Alexander Stevens, Ewing Campbell, BA Robertson, Stuart Struan Stevenson, Eric Brebner Robins, Lewis Mervyn, B.A., Dip. Stewart, James Evan, M.A. R.E. Storkey, Douglas William, M.A. Robinson. Arthur Cedric, B.A. Stout, Laurence Douglas Robinson, Graham Harvey, B.A., Strang, John Stanford, B.A. M.R.E. Strickland, David Robert, M.Div., Robinson, Owen Sidney, M.A., B.D. Ph.D. Rodgers, Blair Steen Stuart, William Samuel, B.A. Roe, Gordon Galloway Styles, Charles Thomas, M.A., B.D. Rofe, Russell Barrett, M.A. Sutherland, Alexander Eric, B.A., Rogers, Lawrence Moter, M.A. L.Th. Rogers, Rowlatt Matheson, B.A., Sutherland, Arthur Francis, B.A. B.Com. Sutherland, Ewan Francis Ross, Andrew Robert Wayent, M.A., Taggart, Joseph Askew, B.A. B.D. Tait, Robert Beaumont Ross, Angus Alexander, M.A., B.Com. Taka, Ben Sister- Talagi, Lagaua Ross. Emilv Talagi, Pehalo Maika The Reverend- Tankersley, Hector Arch, M.B.B. Ross, Eric Robert Edward, M.A. Tawhara, Tete Ross. Frank Donald. B.A. Taylor, Gordon Lindsay, B.A., B.D. Ross, Ivan Gilbert Graham Temple, William Preston, M.A., B.D. Rothwell. Leslie William, B.A. Tennent, lain Baird, BA, B.Se. Routledge, Rodney, B.A. Tennent, John Roxborogh, William John, B.E., B.D. Thawley, Michael David, B.A., B.D. Roxburgh, Irvine Owen, M.A. Thomas, Glyn Edwin Roxburgh. Rymall Stuart, M.Com., Thompson, Cherry Scott B.A .• B.D. Thompson, Ross Cameron Rutherford, Robert Irving, M.Sc. Thomson, John Soott, B.A. Ryburn, Hubert James, C.M.G., M.A., Thomburrow, Andrew James, B.A. B.D., LL.D. Tibbles, William James, M.A. Ryburn, Ian Graham. B.A. Tioke. Tawhao Ryburn, WIlliam Morton, M.A., Townsend. Arthur Ronald, B.E. D.Litt. Trask, Ernest Edwin, B.A., B.D. Sage, David Frank, M.A. Troughton, Hessel] William Forster Salmond. James David. M.A., Ph.D. Turnbull. Desmond Harold Sands, Joseph Turner, Hazel Ethel 616 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

The Presbyterian Church of New The Roman Catholic Cburch-continued Zealand-continued The Reverend- The Reverend- Baillie, Bernard James, S.M. Tweedie, Albert Barr-Brown, Cecil Charles Uden, Eric Walter Bartlett, Graham Godfrey Valentine, Andrew Weston Batten, Reginald John, O.P., S.T.O., Van der Kley, Carnelus B.A., L.I.B. Van der Velde, Popko Camelis, Battersby, Peter B.Econ,. B.D. Bearsley, Patrick James, S.M. Van Royan, Jan Julius Alexander, Beban, James Joseph, S.M. B.A., B.D. Beban, Mark Albert, S.M. Viggars, Cyril Wynne Begley, Rex Thomas Vinten, Wilton Ronald Bell, David John Wade, Bryan Maxwell, B.Sc. The Very Reverend­ Walker, Peter Bennett, Alfred Ernest, B.A. Wall, Kenneth Gordon, L.Th. The Reverend- Wallace, William Jackson Bennett, David Michael Tiwha Walsh, Ernest Charles Bennett, Francis Walsh, Margaret Helen Bennett, John Bernard, S.M., B.Sc. Wardlaw, Andrew James Joseph Bennett, Ronald John Warin, Wyvern Herbert Dawson, Benton, David Michael, S.M. LL.B. Bergin, John Watt, Douglas Weild, M.A. Bierbooms, Peter John, M.H.M. Watt, William Bell, B.A. Blake, David Joseph Weavers, Keith Clement Blake. Peter Charles Timothy, S.M. Webber, Stanley William, B.Com. Blakely, Michael Stewart Webster, Alexander Clifton, B.A., B.D. Bland, John, I.C. Webster, Heather Mabel Blasoni, Ezio Henry, S.M. Wedde, Peter Nicholas, M.A., B.D. Bleijs, Wilhelmus Johannes, A.A. Weeks, Reginald Joseph Bliss, Frederick Baden Michael, S.M. Wells, Russell Hunter Bloore, Allan Frederick, S.M. Welsh, Robert Rae Bloxham, Bede, O.F.M. Weston, Brian William Bolland, Bruce Westra, Rintje Willem, B.A., M.Th. Bonisch, Desmond Kevin, S.M. Wharerimu, Taupoko Thomas Bourke, Bernard Joseph, S.M. White, Wallace Stuart Bourke, David Gerard Wiig, Roger Lindsay Dennis, B.A. Bourke, Maurice, S.M. Wilde, Arthur Bourke, Simon Peter, O.F.M. Williamson, William Thompson Bowling, William John Willis croft, Brian Phillip Boyd, Henry, M.H.M. Willitts, Marcus Richardson Boyle, Leonard Anthony Willoughby, Alfred William Bracken, Lorenzo Patrick, M.H.M. Willsman, Peter Humphrey, B.A. Bradley, John Wilson, Bryan Cleland Bradley, Peter, S.M. Wilson, Challis Rudd, B.A. Brady, Christopher John Wilson, David Joseph, B.A. Brady, Matthew Wilson, Donald Rutherford, B.A., B.D. Brady, Patrick Francis Wilson, Ian Bendall, B.A. Brady, Terence James, C.sS.R. Wilson, James Henry Brennan, Michael AlphonsJls Wilson, John Lewis, M.A., B.D. Brennan, Philip John Augustine, S.M. Wilson, Robert, M.A., B.D. Brice, Leonard, S.M. Wilson, Thomas Corbett, B.A. Broad, Geoffrey Wilson, Warren Geoffery, B.A. Broadbent, John Vincent Winskill, Neville Adrian Broekman, Theobald, SS.CC. Winter, Edwin Allan, B.A. Brogan, Francis Joseph, S.M. Winton Frank William, B.A., B.D. Brosnahan, Edward John Wishart, Peter Robert, B.A. (Hons.) Brosnahan, James, S.M. Wishart, Stanley Robert, M.A. Brown, Barnabas, O.F.M. Woods. William Thomas. B.A. Brown, Francis Xavier, O.P. Yule, Robert Morrison, B.A., B.D. Brown, Mark Mannix Browne, Denis George The Roman Catholic Church Browne, Michael Neville The Reverend- Browne, Neville Joseph John Aarts, Gerard, M.H.M. Bryant, John, S.M. Buckner, John, I.C. The Very Reverend- Bugler, Martin Airey, John Franklin, C.SS.R. Buist, James Bernard The Reverend- Buist, John David, C.SS.R. Ahearne, Michael Anselm, M.H.M. Bunbury, Denis John Airey, John, C.SS.R. Burgess, Peter Rigby Aitchison, Graeme James Burke, Edward Aitken, Hedley Robert, S.M. Burke, Kevin Christopher Aitken. John Robert Redmond. S.M. Burke, Patrick Joseph Alexan'der, Graeme John Stewart, Burke, Vincent Patrick. S.M. D.O. Bums, Kevin Christopher Allardyce, John Patrick, S.M. Butler, Patrick Joseph, S.M. Alleman, Nicholas Byrne, Patrick Joseph, S.M. Anderson, Frederick Michael Cahill, Joseph Alphonsus, S.M. Angland, Desmond John CabiU, Michael Anthony Peter Arahill, Brian Francis Cahill, Patrick Francis Arbuckle, Gerald Anthony, S.M. Cahill, Patrick Power, S.M. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Cahill, Thomas Joseph Armstrong, Michael Richard Cahill, Thomas Joseph (Papanui) The Most Reverend- Callaghan, Cyril Joseph, S.M., M.A. Ashby, Brian Patrick, D.O. Callaghan, Vincent Desmond The Reverend- Campbell, Colin David Atkins, Bernard Joseph, S.M. Campbell, Connell Kevin, O.M.I. Austin, Brian William Campbell, Donald William Austin, Christopher John, S.M. Campbell, Francis Patrick Carde, John Ellis Austin, James Jeffrey Carde, Peter James, S.M. Bachman, John, M.H.M. Carmody, Patrick Maurice Michael 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 611

The Roman Catholic Church-continued The Roman Catholic Church-continued

The Reverend­ The Reverend- Carney, Bernard Curley, Matthew Joseph Carr, Terence Walter Curnow, Edward John Carroll, John Joseph, C.Ss.R. Curnow, Thomas Colin Carroll, MIchael James The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Carruthers, Brian Johnson Curran, Adrian Patrick, V.G., P.A. Carter, George Trinder Cartwright, Cyril Thomas Gerald The Reverend­ Curran, Thomas The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Curry. Anthony Leo Casey, Vincent Curtain, Michael Vincent, S.M., B.A. The Reverend- Curtin. Thomas Casey, William Cashman, Edmond The Very Reverend­ Cashman, Michael Joseph Cushlow, Gerard. M.H.M. Catcheside, Philip, I.C., B.A. The Reverend- Caulfield, John Daly, Anthony Michael Caulfield, William Melville, S.M. Cavanagh, Robert, S.M. The Right Reverend­ Cavit, Alan Maxwell Daly, Gordon Vincent Cheesman, George Seddon, S.M. The Reverend­ Church, Peter, C.S.S.R. Daly, John, I.C. Clancy, William Michael Daly, Michael Clark, John Daly, Thomas Clark, Kevin Joseph Danvers, Leonard Charles Clarkson, Benedict, O.C.S.O. Darby. Desmond James, S.M. Cleary, John Gerard, S.M. Darragh, NoH Patrick. S.T.L. Cleary, Patrick John, S.M. Darroch, Paul Joseph Clerkin, Matthew, O.F.M., c.A.P. Davis, James Clenaghan, James Dominic De Bree, John Godfrey, M.H.M. Close, Leo, M.A. de Kort, Martinus Johannes, A.A. Cody, Philip Gerard, S.M. Delaney, Noel Thomas, S.M. The Most Reverend­ The Most Reverend- Coker, Brian John Delargey. Reginald John, D.O. The Reverend- The Reverend- Colbert, Anthony Joseph, O.MJ. Dennehy, Bernard Michael Coleman, Edward John Dennehy, Cecil Eugene, C.SS.R. Collett, Peter Anthony Dermody, Joseph The Very Reverend­ Derrick, Ewen James Collins. Denis Patrick Devlin, Emmett James, O.P. Devlin, Patrick John. S.M. The Reverend- Devlin, Robert Paul, S.M. Collins, John Devonport, Charles Edward, S.M. Collins, Patrick Dew, John Archerley Conaghan, Peter, S.M. Dibble, Terence Condon, Brian George, S.M. Condra, Edward Lloyd Dijkman. John. M.H.M. Connelly, Brendan Patrick The Very Reverend- Connolly, Grahame John, S.M. Dobbs, Patrick Gerard, C.Ss.R. Connor. Leo Camillus The Reverend- Consedine, Brian Joseph, C.SS.R. Dobbs, Raymond, C.SS.R. Consedine, James 1J0herty, Bernard Consedine, Noel Francis Dohgerty, Brian Consedine, Patrick John Dolan, Owen John Conway, Finian Doiphyn, John Gerard, M.H.M. Cooke, Gerard, I.C. Donnelly. Arthur Daniel Michael, Cooke, Patrick Francis S.M. Cooke, Walter Thomas Donnelly. Felix. B.A., M.A., Dip.Ed. Cooper, Charles Harold Pascal Donoghue. Gerald John Corcoran, Donoghue, Noel Cosgriff, Matthew John, S.M. Donoghue, Paul 'Patrick, S.M. Cosgrove, Paul Doogan, Hugh Francis Costello, Henry Antony Dooley, James, S.M., B.A. Costello, Timothy John, S.M. Dooley. James Thomas, S.M. Costigan, William Dooley, John Joseph, S.M. Courtney, Victor Hallinan Dooley, Patrick Francis, S.M. Craddock, Alfred John, S.M. Dorgan, Gerard Thomas Crampton, Gerard, S.M. Dorrigan, Thomas Crawford, Patrick John Dougherty, Brian Francis Creagh. Gerard James The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Creed, Berard, L.O.F.M., Cap. Downey, Leo Vincent, O.B.E. Crittenden, Paul James Crocker, Cecil Rothwell, S.M. The Reverend­ Crombie, Melville Frederick Bernard. Doyle, Denis Leo S.M. Doyle, Michael Cronin, Paul Drumm, Maurice Francis Crosbie, Syril Francis Duffy, Thomas Alphonsus Cross, Michael Leo. S.M. Duggan, Christen Francis, S.M. Crotty. Earl. S.M. Duggan, George Henry, S.M. Crowley. Terence Felix Duggan, Matthew James Cullen, Seamus Anthony Duggan, Paul Cullinane. John Denis, S.M. Duggan, WJlliam Joseph Cullinane, Peter James Dunn, John Leo Cumiskey, Patrick Joseph Dunn, Patrick James Cummings, Daniel John Dunn, Peter Clement Cuneen, Sydney Michael Durham, John Bernard Durning, Francis, S.M. The Very Reverend­ Durning, James Aloysius, S.M. Cunneen, John Jerome Durning, Matthew Stanislaus, S.M., The Reverend- B.A. Cunningham, Aiden Michael, I.e. Dykes, John William Inset 2* 618 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

The Romao CathoDe Chureh-continued The Romao CathoDe Chureh-continued

The Reverend- The Reverend- Eastwick, Peter Joseph, S.M. Geaney, Humphrey, S.M. Edwards, Barry Joseph Lawrence Geboers, Adnan, M.H.M. E~den, John Patrick, S.M. George, Raymond Peter, O.P. Eldhof, Antonius Joseph, A.A. George, Thomas, S.M. Ekelschot, Henricus Jozef, A.A. Gibbs, Philip James Joseph, S.M. Elliston. James Murray Gifford, Paul Joseph, S.M. Gilhooly, Albert Christopher The Very Reverend­ Gill. Gerald Patrick, S.M. Evatt, Leo Reginald, S.M. Gillian, John Theodore, O.F.M. Gledhill. David William, S.M. The Reverend- Goes, Gijsbertus Josephus, M.H.M. Ewart, Peter James Emery, S.M. Goldfinch, James Patrick, C.M., D.O. Fahey. Edward Jame! Goldfinch, Michael William, S.M. Fahey, Thomas John Goodman, Bruce Bernard, S.M. Fahy, Cronan, O.F.M., C.A.P. Gordon, Peter Anthony, S.M. Fahy, Peter James Gorinsn, John Ambrose, S.M. Faith, Andrew John Gorman, Michael Falconer, Roderick William, D.O. Gormly, Canice Falemaka, Mikaele Okusi, S.M. Gosano, Jose Maria Famer, Paul Edward Goulding, Bernard Joseph Farrell, Denis Frederick Goulding, Christopher, O.F.M. Farrell, Thomas Goulter. John Edward, S.M. Feebly, Christopher Fleming, S.M. Gray, Geoffrey Fenton, John Brian Gray, Peter Alexander Ferris, Raymond Joseph Greally, Patrick Dermot The Right Reverend MonsignOl'­ Green, Francis James Finlay, Francis. M.A. Green, Raymond Thomas Finlayson, Paul Gregory, Arthur Clarence Gresham, James Matthew. S.M. The Reverend- Griffin, John Desmond, S.Sc. Fitzgerald, Gerald Patrick Griffin, Matthew Fitzgerald, Kevin Francis Griffin, Thomas Joseph Patrick Fitzgerald, Michael John FranciS, Grounds, William Gerard S.M. Gryst, Edward, S.J. Fitzgerald, Patrick Francia Gupwell. [saac Joseph. S.M. Fitzgibbon, Gerald Mary Haase, William Ronald, S.M., D.O. Hackett, Kevin Bernard The Reverend- Hamilton, Donald Forbes, S.M. Fitzgibbon, John Mary Hanifin, Mervyn Thomas Fitzgibbon, Peter John Hanley, Leonard James, S.M. Fitzpatrick, Kevin Francis Hannah, Peter Fitzpatrick, Terence John, S.M. Hannigan, Timothy Fitzsimmons, John David Simon, S.M. Hanrahan, Denis William Flaherty. Vincent Hardiman, Edward Hardiman. Timothy John Hare, Michael Alexander, I.C., S.T.L., The Right Reverend Monsignor­ N.A. Flanagan, John Joseph, M.B.B., D.O., Haring, Gerard, M.H.M. Dip. Ed. Harrington, Bernard Thomas, S.M., B.Sc. The Reverend- Flanagan, Maurice, S.M. The Very Reverend­ Flannery, Peter, M.H.M. Harrington, James Morris Fletcher. Brian John The Reverend- The Riaht Reverend Monsignor­ Harrington. Thaddeus Anthony Fletcher. John Joseph Harrison, Anthony Albert The Reverend- The Very Reverend- Fletcher, William Robert . Harrison, George William, D.O. Flynn, Peter Bernard Flynn, William Barry The Reverend- Fogarty, Dean Michael Harrison, John Patrick Foley, Joseph Daniel Harwood, James Robert. S.M. Harwood, William Francis, I.C., The Very Reverend­ S.T.L Foley, Patrick Haughey, Laurence Patrick Foley, Stanislaus Cornelius, O.P. Hayes, Basil, O.C.S.O. Foote, Kevin John Hayes. Trevor Chanel Forsman, Edward Archibald, M.A. Hay-McKenzie, Peter Head, George Joseph Ainsworth. S.M., The Reverend- B.A. Forsyth, Douglas Joseph Peter, S.M. Head, Kevin James, S.M. Fouhy, Daniel Carl. S.M. Heagney, Patrick Eugene, S.M. Fowler. Warren Denis Healion, Vincent John Fox, Noel James, S.M. Healey, Wayne Michael Foy, Patrick Richard Healy, John Francis, S.M. Gaffey, Christopher Claver Gaines, Edward Russell The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Gantley, Brian James Heavey, William James Gardiner. Singleton George Garlick, Matthew John The Reverend- Garty, Francis Patrick Hehir, Bernard Thomas Gascoigne, Noel Hamlyn Heijnen, Johannes Antonius, A.A. Gaughan, Peter, C.P. Hendren. Jame.'! OUlZhten. S.M. Henley, Gerard, C.IS.S.R. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Henley, James Francis Aloysius, M.A. Gavin, James Ignatius, P.A. Hercock, Peter Joseph 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 619

The Roman Catholic Church-continued The Roman Catholic Church-continued

The Right Reverend Monsignor­ The Reverend- Herlihy, Patrick Joseph Kenny, Brendan Patrick Kenny, Patrick Anthony The Reverend- Kerins, Thomas Gordon, S.M. Heslin, Dominic Kerridge, Paul Michael Keyes, Thomas Gerard The Very Reverend- Kiernan, Joseph Considine Hickey, Desmond Leo, S.M. Kimble, Percival James, S.M. King, Bernard William The Reverend- King, Denis Kevin Hill. Augustine Kenneth. S.M. King, John, M.H.M. Hill, John Michael, I.C. King, Patrick Joseph John Hoare, Douglas Brian Kingan, Jesse Lawrence, B.A., S.M. Hogan, Cyril Anthony Kingi, Karaitiana, S.M. Hogan, John James, S.M., M.A. Kinsella. Patrick. John, S.M. Hogan, L. B. Kirby, John Francis Hogan, Thomas Francis Kirton, Michael, C.S.S.R. Holland, Patrick Gerard Klimeck, Esmond Louis, O.P. Homan, Thomas Theodore, A.A. Kolich, Matthew Hoogeveen, Nicholas Joseph Krielen, Lambertus Gerardus, A.A. Hoogeveen, Theodore, M.H.M. Kropman, Henry Matthew, AA Hore, Philip, C.Ss.R. Laffey, Thomas Michael, S.M. Horgan, Clennell Charles Laidler, Joseph, M.H.M. Horrigan, Denis, M.H.M. Lander, Peter John, S.M. Horton, Denis John, B.A. Lanigan, Phillip, C.S.s.R. Hughes, Robert John Gethin Larkin, Mathew Craig, S.M. Hunt, Vincent Joseph, M.A, B.A. Larsen, Kenneth James, L.Th., D.Litt. Hunter, Thomas Richard Lawn, George Thomas Hurley, Patrick Vincent, C.SS.R. Leahy, Thomas Joseph Hurley, Shaun Conal Leamy, Robin Walsh, S.M. Huteau, John, S.M. Lee, Robert Edward, S.M. Leech, Barry James, S.M. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Leeming, William Grant, S.M. Hyde, Alfred Huia Lenihan, Arthur Leonard, William Raymond The Reverend- Leslie, Terence Patrick Hyland, Kevin Francis L 'Estrange, Jiohn Michael, S.T.L Hynes, Kieran, O.C.S.O. Leuthard, Louis Henry Ives, Anthony Peter Levins, Desmond Jansen, Leo Edward Janssen, John, M.H.M. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Jehly, Bertram, M.H.M. Liddy, Thomas Joseph, V.G. JiIlet, David Mostyn, Th.L. Jillings, Henry William The Most Reverend- Johnsen, Graham William Reginald, Liston, James Michael, D.D., C.M.G. S.M. Johnson, Christopher Barry The Reverend- Jolliffe, John Peter, S.M. Littin, Clive Allen Jones, Allan Patrick, S.M. lloyd, Michael David Jones, Barry Phillip Lockwood, George Jones, Bernard Edward Gerard Loft, John Bernard, S.M. Jones, Michael Joseph Loft, Patrick, O.C.S.O. Jordan, William Sydney, M.B.E., M.C. Logll:e, Patrick Joseph, M.H.M. Joyce, James Nicholas, S.M. Lorngan, Stanley Francis Joyce. Patrick Anthony Loughran, Christopher James, O.P. Julian, John Arthur Lunjevich, Ivan Thomas Kane, Gerard Maurice Lynch, Flannan, O.F.M., Cap. Karalus, Colin Cyril Lynch, James Patrick Kavanagh, John Joseph Francis Lynch, Kevin Kavanagh, John Laurence Lyons, James Bernard Lawrence Lyons, John Edward The Most Reverend Bishop­ Lyons, Kevin Kavanagh, John Patrick, D.D., J.C.D. Lyons, Malachy Joseph Lysaght, Andrew, S.M. The Reverend- McAleese, Patrick Kay, Aidan, C.P. McAloon, Brian Jude Kay, Peter Francis McAlpine, John Kevin Kean, Kevin Brennan McCabe, John Patrick Keane, Patrick Gerard McCann, John Patrick, S.M. Keane, Phelim Michael McCarthy, Desmond William Kearney, Patrick Bernard, C.S.S.R. McCarthY, Keating, John Anthony McCarthy, Jude Leo Keegan, Bernard Michael McCormack, James Joseph, C.Ss.R. Keegan, Brendan James McConnack, Peter Gwynne Keegan, Joseph Michael McCormack, Philip Dewsbury, S.M. Keegan, Peter Joseph, C.S.S.R. McCrory, Patrick, M.H.M. Kelly, Brian Joseph McCullough, Patrick Joseph Kelly, Francis Owen Kelly, Gerard The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Kelly, John, O.C.S.O. McDevitt, William James Kelly, John Francis Kelly, Joseph Mary Patrick The Reverend- Kelly, Kieran Michael, S.M. McDonald, Alexander Ernest Bernard Kelly, Paul, B.A. S.M. ' Kenefick, Michael Conleth McDonnell, James Patrick McDonnell, Richard, S.M. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ McEwen, Theophane, C.P. Kennedy, Michael, B.A McFall, Thomas, C.SS.R. McGettigan, Mervyn John The Reverend- McGettigan, Patrick Alexander Kenny, Austin, C.P. McGill, Colin Bruce, C.SS.R. 620 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

'!be Roman CatboUe Chareb-continued '!be Roman Catholic Churdl-continued

The Reverend- The Reverend- McGivern, Frederick Desmond Moosman, Desmond John McGlynn, Peter B. Moran, James, C.SS.R. McGovern, Thomas Patrick, S.M. Mori, John Lopdell, S.M. McGowan, Robert Edward, S.M. Morris, Michael John McGrath, James Michael Morrison, Donald John McGrath, Jeremiah Morrison, John Gregory McGuire, Kevin William, S.M. Morrissey, Rory Patrick, S.M. McHale, Francis Morton, Kevin David McHale, Hugh Patrick Moss, John, I.C., S.T.L. McHale, John Mouat, Gerald Anthony McHardy, George Jardine, S.M. Mowbray, Kevin John, S.M. McHardy, John Stephen, S.M. MOYlllhan, Daniel, I.C. McKay, Francis Michael, S.M. Moynihan, James, J. McKay, John Finlay Mul, Peter Cornelius, A.A. McKendry, Ronald Thomas Mulcahy, Maurice Warwick, S.M. McKenna, Daniel Christopher, M.H.M. Mullen, Arthur Edward, LL.B., B.Com. The Most Reverend- Mullin, John Edmund Mackey, John, M.A., Dip. Ed., Ph.D. Mullins, David Wilhm, S.M. Munday, Bruce Patrick The Reverend- Muni, Tonasi, S.M. McKillop, Henry, M.H.M. Murphy, Jeremiah McKone, Kevin Dominic, D.C. Murphy, John Francis McLaughian, John Edward Murphy, Joseph, O.C.S.O. McLaughlin, John Murphy, Matthias, O.F.M. Cap. McLean, Anton Rex Murphy, Peter Francis McMahon, James Murray, Charles, M.H.M. McMahon, Jeremiah Francis Murray, Patrick Francis, M.A. MacManus, John Michael, S.M. Mutch. John George McNeill, James Hugh Nederhof, Hubert, M.H.M. McRae, Peter Christopher Neilan, James Joseph McSherry, Vincent Michael, S.M. Nielen, John, M.H.M. McSweeney, Eustace, O.F.M., Cap. Nicholas, James Patrick Madden, Michael Gerard Dermot Nolan, James David Magill, Daniel, C.SS.R. Nolan, Placid, O.P. Maguire, Joseph Noonan, John Anthony Maher, Anthony Declan, S.M. Norris, James, D. Maher, Kevin, S.M. Norris, Peter Mahoney, Michael Francis, S.M. O'Bnen, Brian Reginald Mallon, James Patrick O'Brien, Cornelius Christopher Malone, Barry William, S.M. O'Brien, Joachin, O.F.M. Maloney, Gerard, C.M. O'Brien, John Finbarr Maloney, Patrick Thomas, D.D. O'Brien, John Sarsfield Manning, Kevin Anthony, S.M. O'Brien, Maurice Frederick Mannix, Anthony John, C.M. ~'Brien, Thomas Christopher Mannix, James Joseph, S.M. ~'Brien. Timothv Patrick Mannix, John Aloysius, S.M. O'Byrne, Conleth, O.C.S.O. Marlnovich, George Mark O'Callaghan, Barry, O.F.M. Marlow, Oliver Raymond O'Connell, Brian Vincent, S.M. Marriott, Sydney O'Connell, Richard Aloysius O'Connell, Stuart, S.M. O'Connor, Anthony James, S.M. The Very Reverend­ O'Connor, Barry John, S.M. Martin, O'Connor, Cornelius, S.M., B.A. O'Connor, Denis Anthony The Reverend- O'Connor, Gerard Michael Mather, Ivan Joseph, S.M. O'Connor, James Mears, Kevin, S.M. O'Connor, John Joseph (Ashburton) Meates, James, D.F.M. O'Connor, John Maurice O'Connor, Joseph Gerard O'Connor, Leo Vincent The Very Reverend­ O'Connor, Patrick Edward Mee, Peter Reginald O'Connor, Stephen Francis, S.M. O'Connor, Thomas Patrick, S.M. O'Dea, Francis Desmond Aloysius The Reverend- O'Dea, Michael Arthur Meehan, Noel Francis, C.Ss.R. O'Donnell, Bernard Mertens, Gerard, M.H.M. O'Donnell, Michael James, S.M. Meuli, Peter Denzil, M.H.M. O'Donnell, Thomas Meyers, Anthony Charles, S.M. O'Donnell, William Edward Middleton, William George James O'Donoghue, Kevin, S.M. Miles, Bernard Bennett O'Donoghue, Kevin Francis, S.M. Mills, Gerard Matthew, S.M. O'Dowd, James Patrick Milne, Roderick, F., S.M. O'Dowd, Thomas Gabriel Minehan, Timothy Michael, S.M. O'Fagan, William Patrick. S.M. Minett, Desmond John, S.M. Officer, Geoffrey Marshall, S.M. Minto, Patrick Forbes, S.M. O'Gorman, Bede Brian Moesbergen, Mark Moffat, Terence James, S.M. The Very Reverend­ Molenaar, Peter, M.H.M. Monaghan, David Putnam O'Gorman, Ronald Joseph Montgomery, Brian John, S.M. Montgomery, Paul Wayne, S.M. The Reverend­ Montgomery, Terence Ralph O'Grady, Kevin Moore, David Geoffrey, S.M. O'Hagan, John Denis, S.M. Moore, Denis James, S.M. O'Hagan, Michael Gerard, S.M. O'Leary, Lewis Alexander, C.SS.R. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ O'Mahony, William John Moore, Nicholas O'Malley, Miles Alfred 2:2 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 621

The Roman Catholic Church-continued The Roman Catholic Churcb-continued

The Very Reverend­ The Reverend- O'Meara, Aidan, O.F.M. Ryan, Robert Francis Ryan, William The Reverend­ Ryan, William Edward O'Meara, William Ryder, Thomas Joseph, B.A. O'Meeghan, Michael Eugene, S.M. Sakey, Lawrence Victor, B.A. O'Neill, Bernard, O.F.M. Salamonsen, Peter, S.M. O'Neill, Brian James Saunders, Ronald James, S.M. O'Neill, David Patrick Scambary, Norman James, S.M. O'Neill, John Michael, S.M. Scanlan, Brian Joseph O'Neill, Michael Brian Scanlon, Patrick, S.M. O'Neill, Patrick John, S.M. Schmack, Raymond O'Neill, Terence Kevin, S.M., B.A. Orange, David Martin The Very Reverend­ O'Regan, Francis Joseph Scott, Bernard, C.M. O'Reilly, Hugh Anthony O'Reilly, John Clement The Reverend- O'Reilly, Kevin Anthony, D.D. Scott, Francis Raymond O'Reilly, Patrick Scott, Raymond John O'Reilly, Regis Aloysius, S.M. Scully, Denis Basil, S.M. O'Riordan, Joseph Scully, Kenneth Edward, S.M. O'Rourke, DecIan, O.C.S.O. Scully, Maurice John, S.M. O'Sullivan, Christopher Joseph Sellar. Stuart James O'Sullivan. Dennis Kevin Setz, Adolph O'Sullivan, Donal Sexton, John Thomas O'Sullivan, Eugene, O.P. Shanahan, William J. O'Sullivan, Jeremiah Joseph Shannahan, Francis Leo O'Sullivan, Kevin Barry Shannahan, James Cornelius O'Sullivan, Owen, O.F.M., Cap. Shannahan, Paul Gainsford, S.M. Owens, John Francis, S.M. Sharp, Ronald Alfred PaIic, Sebastian, S.T.L., D.C.L. Parish, Brian Arnold Francis The Very Reverend­ Parkinson, Joseph William, O.P. Sheely, William Parry, James Thomas Paulson, Robin, I.C. The Reverend- Pearce, Bernard William Sheerin, Peter Penders, Henricus Christiaan, A.A. Shepherd, Joseph Wolff Pervan, Michael John, S.M. Sherrard, Malcolm Pettit, Norman Stanley Sherry, Brendan Joseph Pierce, John Charles, B.A. Sherry, Brian Peter Pipe, Richard Norbert Sherry, Thomas Gerard Playfair, Brian Anthony Shirres, Michael, O.P. Pound, John Newport Silverwood, Leonard John, S.M. Power, Thomas Adrian Simmons, Ernest Richard, B.A., S.T.L. PratIey, Jeffrey James, S.M. Simson, John Joseph Prendegast, Paul Henry Sinclair, Owen John Prendergast, John Robert, S.M. Skinner, Francis Joseph Prendergast, Peter John Sloane, John Henry, S.M. Prendeville, Kerry Francis, S.M. Smith, Bevan Paul Price, David Desmond, M.Ch.A. Smith, Henry Austin, S.M. Pringle, James, C.SS.R. Smith, Joseph Lawrence, S.M. Pullar, Michael Smyth, Rodney David, S.M. Purcell, Philip The Most Reverend­ The Very Reverend- Snedden, Owen Noel Purcell, Philip Bartholomew The Reverend- The Reverend- Snowden, Patrick Arthur Quigley, John Christopher, I.C., S.T.L. Sorahan, James Joseph Quin, Brian Gerard, S.M. Spillane, William, S.M. Quinn, Charles Francis Stachurski, Raymond James Quinn, Francis Edward Stack, Joseph Damien Quinn, Michael Stapleton, Cornelius Rasiga, Joseph Stapleton. Stephen. S.M. Rasmussen, Francis Murray, S.M. Stewart, Kevin, S.M. Rea, John Joseph. S.M. Stieller, Michael Gerard Stone, John Blair The Very Reverend- Summers, John Frederick Reader, D'Arcy Albert, S.M. Sweeney, Austin Sweere, Michael Cornelis The Reverend- Tapp, David Edward, S.M. Reeves, Fergus Knight Tate, Henare Renwick, Theo Taylor, Alexander Dudley, S.M. Rice, Kieran Taylor, Cyril Douglas, S.M. Richards, Mark Phillip Taylor, John Justin, S.M. Rickard, James Joseph Teahan, Maurus, O.C.S.O. Roach, Francis James Te Awhitu, William, S.M. Roach, Kevin John, S.M. Temm, John Augustine, S.M., B.A. Roberts, Alan Michael Terry, Francis Henry Kittson, M.A., Roberts, John Godfrey, S.M., B.A. D.Ph. Roberts, Philip Bernard, S.M Thompson, Thomas Kevin Rodgers, Joseph William, S.T.L. Timmerman, Anthony, M.H.M. Rouse, Thomas Tomasi, Michael Leonard, S.M. Roy, John Paul Gabriel Tonks, David John Ryan, Ambrose, O.F.M. Tonino, Felix, S.J. Ryan, Bernard Joseph, S.M. Toomey, Terence David Ryan, John Robert Toothill, Arthur William, S.M. Ryan, Maurice Joseph, B.A. Ryan, Patrick Joseph, B.A. The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Ryan, 'Peter Michael, M.H.M. Tottman, Bernard Edward 622 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

'!be Roman Catholic Churcll--continued '!bc Methodist Church of New Zealand -continued The Reverend- Traynor, Brian Joseph The Reverend­ Tuerlings, William, M.H.M. Armstrong, David Tu~sina, Nikolao. S.M. Attwood, Arthur Francis Twiss, Francis, S.M. Bailey, Ivor Twomey, Michael O'Connor, S.M Bailey, John Heyes Unverricht. John Joseph, S.M. Baker, Edward Unverricht, Michael Baker, Frederick John Kennedy Vale, Brian Gerald Ball, Niven Graeme Van Der Kaa. Johannes Rudolf Bell, Anthony Norman Joseph, A.A. Bell, Charlc!s Harrison, B.A. Van der Pal. Gysbertus Johannes, A.A. Bell, George Basil William Van Der Vorst, Francis, SJ. Bell, Ronald Graham, M.A., B.D., van Enckevort, Matthew Paul, M.H.M. M.Th Vaney, Neil Patrick, S.M. Bennett, Enid Jessie, M.A., B.D. Van Haaren, Marlinus Johannes Felix. Bennell. George Leonard A.A. Bennett, Trevor Lewis Van Hees, Peter Adrian Benny. Thomas Ralph Van Lier, Floribert, Ss.Cc. Besant, Henry David, B.A., B.D. Van Lieshout, Theodore Bernard Billinghurst, Noel Dunkley Van Tilborg, John, M.H.M. Blakemore, Albert Vaughan, John Denis Blight, William Thomas, B.A., B.D. Vella, Bernard Francis, S.M. Blundell, Warren Hugh Verbruggen, Henricus, Ss.Cc. Bowden, Alfred Roy, B.A. Vercoe, James Bowen, Lewis Alfred Wagg, Julian Patrick Boyd, Edward Petrie Walker, Vincent Clement Brazendale, Graham Wall, Francis Patrick Joseph, S.M. Brookes, Norman Edward, B.A. Wall, James Michael, S.M. Brown, Clifford George Walls, John Henry Brown, Harold Kilford Walls, John Murray, S.M. Brown, Hubert Granville Walsh, Brian Joseph Bruce, Dougall Walsh, Peter Alan, S.M. Burrough, Amos William Walsh, William John Burt, Douglas Howard Wanders. Theodore Leonard, M.H.M. Burton, Restell Albert Ward, Alexander Stanislaus, S.M. Butler, Ralph William Ward, Patrick Cable, Wilfred James Waters, Bernard Francis Carr, Thomas Henry Watson, Terrence Peter, I.C. Carr, William Ernest Allon Weaver, John Patrick, S.M. Carter, George Gilmore, M.A., Dip.Ed. Wegrzyn, Bronislaw Brian Weir, John Edward, S.M., M.A. Mr Cassidy, Tohu Welch, David, M.Sc. Welsh, Albert Anthony Garfield The Reverend- Westfal, John Chambers, Wesley Albert, M.A. Whelan, David Gerard, M.H.M. Chapman, Wallace Qyde Whelan, Denis James, C.Ss.R. Chessum, William Allan, B.Mus. Whitaker, Francis Patrick Chick, Henry Hector White, John Patrick Christian, Owen Lancelot White, Maurice Clark, Colin Doddsworth, M.A. Whiting, Laurence David, S.M. Clarke, Edwin Bartle, M.A. Widlake, Bernard, I.C. Clarke, Ian Leslie, A.C.A. Wilkinson, John Patrick, C.M. Clement, Robert Frederick. M.A. Williams, Anthony, S.M., B.Sc. Climo, Frederick John Williams, Lawrence Patrick Clucas. Ivan James Williams, Thomas Stafford Cochrane, Herbert Alexander Williamson, Paul Anthony, S.M., B.A. Collingwood, Ronald Cameron Wilson, Brian Reese, S.M. Conway, James Hay Wilson, Neal James. S.M. Coombridge, Roy Wilson, Robert David Corlett, Ashley Ian Wilson, Robert John Cornwell, Gordon Albert Reid Winders, Bryan Patrick Couch, Moke Albert George, B.A. Wood, William Francis Woodcock, Alan John, S.M. Wooller, John Michael. S.M. Mr Couch, Wera Wright, Francis, B.Com. The 'Reverend- Craig, Hughan Morris The Right Reverend Monsignor­ Cramond. George William Wright, Francis Richard, B.Com. Crawford, Samuel James Cropp, James Frederick The Reverend- Currie, John Barrie. B A. Wynn-Williams, Damian Joseph Currie, Laurence Hugh Wysocki. Brian Thomas, S.M. Curtis, Darrell Royce, B.A. Zeyen, Nicholas, M.H.M. Darvill, Harold Alfred Dawson, John Brant, B.A. Dawson, William Selwyn. M.A Day. Reginald De Zoete, Jan Duck '!be Methodist Church of New Zealand Dickie, Arthur William, C.F. The Reverend- Dine, Mervyn Lee, C.F. Abbott, William Kenneth Dixon, Haddon Charles, O.B.E., M.A., Alexander, Roy Manson B.D. Allan, Robert Alexander Dorrian. Arthur Peter Allen, Robert Henry, B.A. Duder, Clifford Lambell Alley. David Raymond Eaglo, Brian Robert Joseph Eastwood. Eric Robert Amituana'i, Siauala Tevita Eisner. Wilt Gerald. B.A Anderson, Ian Eric Morton Falkingham, Wilfred , Robert Sheriff Fatai, Viii Ansell, David Heath Felderhof, Ludwig 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 623

The Methodist Church of New Zealand The Methodist CJ.ureh of New Zealand -continued -continued

The Reverend- The Reverend- Ferguson, Ronald Warner Ivory, Arthur Henry, LL.B., B.Com. Ford, Wilfred Franklin, B.A., C.M.G. Jacobson, Patricia Merle Fordyce, Robert Ebenezer lames, Russell Eric Fowler, Irwin John Jamieson, Colin George Francis, William Robert, B.A., B.D. Jefferson, Alfred Ernest Jenkin, William Charles Mr Fruin, John Henry Johnson, Francis Lathbury Johnston, Andrew James The Reverend- Jones, Alan Osmond George, Ronald Leslie Gerritsen, Hendrik, B.A. Jones, Barry Edwin, BA Gibson, Loyal Joseph Mr Kawiti, Tawai Te Riri Gibson, Roger Murray Gilbert, Geoffrey Thomas The Reverend- Gilbert, Wilfred Stephen Kay, Aidan, C.P. Gilmore, Leslie Robert Montrose. Keightley, Clifford John B.A Kendon, Charles Hubert Glensor, Peter Edwin Kent, Arthur Thomas Goodman, Gilorge Harrison Kitchingman, Henry William Gordon, David Bruce, M.A. Kitchingman, Owen Arthur, B.A. Goudge, Stanley Richard, B.A. Mr Kukutai, Waaka Graham, Duncan Robertson Grant, Ian Desmond The Reverend­ Grant, Stuart Cranfield, B.A., LL.B., Langley, John Elgar L.Th.(Hons.) Larsen, Norman Peter Laurenson, George Irvine, C.B.E. Sister Graves, Norma Mary Laws, Derek Gordon, F.C.A Laws, William Robert, M.A., B.D. Mr Gray, Henare Te Huia Leadley, Ernest Clarence Le Couteur, Ernest Raymond The Reverend­ Lewis, Evan Rhys, M.Sc., B.A Greenslade, Lawrence Lewis, John James, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Greenslade, William Wesley Hamilton, Mr Livingstone, Para Piripi M.B.E. Greenwood, Russel John, B.A. The Reverend- Greer, Michael William Loader, William Ronald George, B.A., Grice, Reginald B.D., D.D.Thel. (M.A.I.N.Z.) Griffith, Keith Clifton Lucas, Campbell Percival, L Th. Griffiths, William David Luxton, Clarence Thomas James Grocott, John Dryden, B.A. Mr Maaka, Herehere Maihi Grounds, Edmund David Grundy, Albert Arthur, M.A. The Reverend- Grundy, John, M.A. Mabon, John Craig Ferrie Gust, Warrick McDonald, Duncan Ian Alister Guthardt, Phyllis Myra, M.A., Ph.D. McDowell, Matthew Alexander, D.D. Hailwood, Charlie Oswald McIver, Graeme Maxwell Hakapa, Moera Whakaari McKay, Archibald Walter Hall, John Roland McKenzie, Ian Hugh, M.Sc., B.D. Hames, Eric Wilson, M.A. McLeod, Donald Ian Mr Makiha, Matu The Reverend- Hamlin, Richard John, C.F. The Reverend­ Hammond, George Mackay Malcouronne, Brian James Handyside, Allan lames Manihera, John Ian Hanson, Erasmus Francis Ian, B.A., Mr Manihera, Tuteao B.D. Harkness, Barry Graham, B.A. The Reverend- Harkness, Howard Edwin, M.A., B.D. Marshall, Cedric Russell Harris, George Raymond Marshall. Edward Major, B.A., Dip.Ed. Hawkey, Graham Earl Martin, Huia (Mrs) Hay, John Cedric Matthews, Howard Charles, B.A. Meredith, John David Mr Hemera, Hohepa Michie, Laurie Arthur Moala, Taniela The Reverend­ Mr Moke, Roi Henderson, William John Hendry, Richard John The Reverend­ Heppelthwaite, Ernest Moore, Harry Herbert, Colin Bruce Moore, William Edward Morrison, William James, M.A. Mr Heremaia, John Hoani Mr Morunga, Mack The Reverend- Mr Morunga Winiata Hey, Roger Joseph Edward Hight, Arnold aarence The Reverend- Hilder. Basil James Mullan, David Stewart, M.A. Hopkins, George Cuthbert Newman, Alan Hopper, Herbert Ian Kirk, B.A. Sister Nicholls, Margaret Waiata, Hornblow Edgar Reginald, LL.B. M.B.E. Hornblow, Maxwell Andrew HorriD, Charles Seton The Reverend- Horwood. Leonard Charles Nicholls, Trevor Leonard Hosking, Bruce Leighton, B.A., B.Com., Noble, Dorothea Mettam, B.A. AC.A., S.T.M. Norwell, Ian Chellow Hosking, John Samuel, B.A., Dip.Mus. Norwell, Leslie Thomas Hunapo, Raka (Mr) Oldfield. Charles Brightmore Olds, John Stanley Mr Ihaka. Wiremu Paid Olds, Norman William 624 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

The Methodist

The Reverend- The Reverend- Olds, Osborne McLennan SUinger, John Albert Olsen, Brian Leonard Stringer, Robert George Osborne, John Hylton, M.A. Stubbs, David Gordon Parker. Francis Henry Parker, Gordon, M.A., Ph.D. Pastor- Parker, James Wesley, M.A., B.D. Taha, George E.D. Parker, Walter The Reverend- Patchett, Ralph Ernest Tahere, Te Awha Wattie Mr Pate, Henare Mr Taka, Robert The Reverend- The Reverend- Payne, Herbert William Tardif, Alfred Edward Peart, Cuthbert Frederick, C.F. Tauroa, Lane Matarae, B.A. Penman, John Albert, B.A. Penn, Athol Roy Mr Tautari, Rewi Petch, Ashleigh Kelvin, B.A. The Reverend- Peterson, Frederick Donald Taylor, Allan Kerry Peterson, Gordon Richard Henry Taylor, Beverley (Sister) ,Phillipps, Donald James, B.A., B.D. Taylor, Keith James Mr Pickering, Alan Skinner Taylor, Philip Frank Mr Pihama, Ngerungeru Tame Mr Te Hiko, Wiremu Huirama

The Reverend- Mr Te Huia, Tumu P.ihama, Te Taotahi John Mr Te Marunui, Toki Sister Pointon, Dorothy The Reveeend- The Reverend- Te Tuhi, Eruera, O.B.E. Pomeroy, Harold Charles, B.A., B.D., A.CA, C.MA, A.C.I.S. Mr Te Uira, Philip Taharoa Pratt, David Courtney Pratt, George Douglas, B.A. The Reverend- Prince, Donald Frank Te Whare, Morehu Rakena, Ruawai David Thomas, Gordon Vaughan, B.A. Ramage, Ian Charles Edward, M.A. Thompson, George Raphael, E.D. Thompson, John Herbert Mr Rangitutia, Pukerau Thornicroft, Neville Thornley, Robert, M.A., Dip.Soc.Sc. The Reverend­ Raynor, Ivor Mervyn Mr Toia, Samson, J.P. Reid, Andrew Gibb Rigby, Russell Guise Mr Toki, Te Marunui Rigg, Frank Stoddart Me Tonga, Te Orahi The Reverend-· Mr Tonga, Wiremu Roberts, John Haig Robertson, Ian Henry The Reverend- Trebilco, David Leicester Mr Rogers, Aperahama Tutanekai Tucker, William Geoffrey Mr Turner, Charlie Here Mr Rogers, Mare The Reverend- The Reverend- Vickery, John Howard Roke, Charles Edward Voyce, Arthur Henry Rowe, Brian Keith, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Waaka, Te Napi Tute Wehi Wehi, Rowe, William O.B.E. Ruck, Idris James Rushton, Percy Perrott, B.A., B.D. Mr Waata, Himiona Russell, Kenneth Harry Rutherford, Maynard Grant The Reverend- Sage, Ernest Edward Waine, Frederick Edward Salmon, John Bradbury, A.C.A., Wakeling, Walter James Douglas A.C.I.S., L.Th., MA (Hons.), S.Th. Wallace, William Livingstone, B.A. (Hons.) Watson, Alexander Crushington Salter, Lawrence Edmund Watson, John Kellett, M.C., B.A. Sarchet, Eric West, Norman John Scammell, Bruce West, Stanley James Schroeder, Leonard Peter, B.A., B.D. White, Graeme Russell Shapcott, Leonard Widdup, Robert William Sharp, Gavin Bruce, B.Sc. Wiki, Waha Shaw, Harry Ivan Shepherd, Trevor Mr Wilcox, Hone Sherson, Donald George, B.A. Sides, Brian Wills The Reverend- Silvester, John, M.A. Williams, David Owen, M.A., D.Litt. Simpson, Ronald Nelson Williams, John Cedric Aldwyn Sinclair, Paul Frederick Willing, Leonard Victor Slinn, Stuart Graham Smith, Graeme Clive Mr Winikerei, Nguru Spindler, Sydney James Springman, Edward Eugene The Reverend- Stead, Peter Ayling, B.A. Witheford, Arthur Russell, B.A. 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 625

The Methodist Church of New Zealand Baptists-continued -Continued Pastor- The Reverend- Christmas, David Richard Woodfield, Frank Harvey The Reverend- Woodfield, Owen Theodore, B.A. Clark, Keith Ronald, L Th. Woodley, Alan Kenneth, B.A. Clifford, James Ayson, Woolford, Joseph Henry, M.A. Coad, Graeme Douglas, L.Th. Wright, Henry Robert Comber, Donald Richard L.Th. Wright, Jack Coombs, Gordon Frederick, L. Th. Copland, Horace George, L.Th. Pastor- The Congregational Union of New Cottrell, Colin McRae Zealand The Reverend- The Reverend- Coutts, Hugh George, L.Th. Chambers, Jim Bernard, M.A. Craig, Charles William, B.Sc. Check, Maru George, M.A., Dip.Ed., Crampton, Phillip Leslie Adams, B.A. L.Th., Dip. Tchnc. Crawford, Gladstone Lloyd Everist, Stanley, L.Th. Creighton, Frederick David, L.Th. Flower, Thomas, E-M. N.Z. Crozier, James Tennant Gammon, James Lloyd, C.U. Exam. Cumming, James Hodder, Maurice Richmond, M.A •• Dallaston, Alister Derek, L.Th. B.D. Isitt, William M., B.A. Pastor- Kennett, Peter Tredellyn, B.A. Davison, Laurence Alexander McKenzie, Roy Nelson, B.A. The Reverend- Smith, Barry Rumsey Day, Louis Alfred, E.D. Taylor, Maurice Hugh Denholm, Barry John, L.Th. Dickson, Donald Alexander Kempsell, M.A. Dodge, Ian George, L.Th. Baptists Donnell Trevor Garth, B.A., L.Th. The Reverend- Duncan, Francis Andrew Albiston, Bruce Noel, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Eade, Barnardo Nansen Alcorn, Robert Allan Bade, Donald Takle, L.Th. Anderson, Kennedy Stratford Eade, Malcolm John Armstrong, Leslie Schofield Edgar, Stanley Loraine, M.A., D.D. Arnold, David William, L.Th. England, Frank Arnold, Josiah Reginald Enright, Eric Michael Arnold, Leslie Samuel, L.Th. Fear, Alfred Avery, James Stuart, B.D. Finlay, Allan Herbert Ayrey, Joseph Colin Follas, Geoffrey Lawrence Barker, Frank Walter, L.Th. Freeman, William Johnston Batts, William George Eric Fung, Peter Shiu Wing Beaumont, John Roland Fursdon, Robert Leonard Beck, Murray John, L.Th. Gardiner, Henry Albert Edward Beilby, George Thomas, M.A. Garwood, John Lionel, M.A. (Hons.) Bellingham, George Robert, L.Th. Gaskell, Roy Frank Gibbs, Arthur Joseph Pastor- Gibbs, Trevor Best, Kenneth Eric Golding, Wallace Robin, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Goldsmith, Rex Charles Radcliffe. The Reverend- M.A. Blackman, Percy James Colquhoun, Gordon, Peter Hugh, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Dip.R.E. Grave, James Russell Boggis, Cecil Bertie Grigg, Edward William, M.A. Grimmer, Paul Herbert, L.Th. Pastor- Grinder, Robert Bruce, L.Th., Dip. R.E. Bollen, Robert Hamilton Guy, Laurence David, B.A., B.D., L.L.B. (Hons.) The Reverend­ Guy, Robin William, L.Th., Dip. Bosson, Allan, B.A. R.E., Dip. Theol. Bowden, Marcus Thompson L.Th., Hambly, Gordon Charles, B.A., M.Div. Dip.R.E. ' Hampton, George Keith, L.Th. Bridges, Heath Avee, L.Th. Hardy, William Gordon Brogden, Graham Frank, L.Th. Hart, Roland Charles Brown, Albert Victor Hibbert, Barrie Edward, L.Th. Brown, Ian David, L.Th. Hildreth, Errol Alton, L.Th. Brown, Ian James Hodges, Alan Arnold Browning, John Reginald Charles Hood, Colin Frank Allister Browning, Roland Joseph Hopkins, Donald Charles, L.Th. Bru~e, Hector Mervyn, B.A., B.D., Howan, Arthur Cyril DIp.R.E. Howie, Ivan Philip, M.B., Ch.B., Dip.Obst., B.D. Pastor- Irwin, James Ridley, B.E. Bruning, A:rthur Selwyn, J.P. Isaac, Terry Lynton, B.Com., B.D. Jackson, Gordon Noel The Reverend- Jacobsen. David Eric Buchanan. Peter Gordon. L.Th. Buckley, George Edward, L.Th. James, Keith Richard Bucknell, Stephen John Jamieson, Arthur John, L.Th. Bullen, Roy Edward, L.Th. Jamieson, Arthur Ridland, M.A. Burt, James Johnston Jenkins, Bdan Clive Charles B.A., Bycroft, Howard Raymond L.Th., Dip.R.E. ' Bycroft. Robert Redvers Gordon Pastor- Cadman, Thomas William, L.Th. Jenkins, David Keith, L.Th., Dip. R.E. Campbell, Mervyn Colin Chambers, Eric The Reverentd- Christensen, Derek Richard, B.A. Jensen, Robert, LL.B. 626 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

Baptists-continued Baptists-continued

Pastor- The Reve!rend- Joe, Charles Reddell, Francis George The Reverend- Pastor- Johnston, Victor Wallace, LL.M., B.D. Reddell, Graham Hamiton Jones, Clarence Desmond Burson, The Reverend­ B.Sc. Reid, Roy Mervyn Jones, Ernest Tasman Revell, Terrance Eric, L.Th. Judkins, Maurice Henry, L.Th. Robertson, George Alexander, L.Th. Keam, Trevor James Robertson, Murray Alistair, B.A., B.D. Sister Keeley, Diane Marie Roberts-Thomson, John, B.D., M.Th., B.Se, Pastor- Roke, Alfred George Keith, David Rout, Edgar Nathanael The Reverend- Rushbrook, Douglas Wells Kenning, Brian Ross, B.C.A. Pastor- Keyte, Ronald Eric, L.Th. Rushbrook, Leslie William, B.A. Kimpton, David Maurice The Reverend- Lai, Kok-Kiong, L.Th. Salthouse, Douglas George, L. Th. Lang, Walter Begbie, M.A. Sherburd, Ernest Foster Latta, Clarence Arthur Silcock, Alfred Lawrence Lloyd, Felix HaYlls Simpson, Alexander Finlayson Lo, John, M.A. Lockwood, Robert Anstiss Pastor- Lovatt, Clive Robert Simpson, Angus Mitchell Luck, Royce Albert, L.Th., Dip.R.E. The Reverend­ Macann, Geoffrey Tasman, L.Th. Simpson, John Ewen McCormack, William Kenneth James, Skett, James Henry, L.Th. Dip.R.E. Skinner, Norman Albert MacDonald, Ian Sinclair, B.D. Smallbone, Brent Maxwell, B.C.A., McFadyen, John Cockburn M.Div. McInnes, Rodney William Smith, Brian Kingston, B.E., B.D. McKean, Francis George Smith, Clyde William McLeod, Angus Hamilton, M.A., Smith, Noel Douglas B.D., M.Litt. Smith, Stephen Ross, B.Econ. McMillan, Stephen Bruce Smith, Terence David, B.D., Dip. McNee, Peter, L.Th. Theol. Marks, Gerard Thomas Marlow, Selwyn Walter Edward, B.A., Pastor- Dip.Ed. Spicer, Anthony Richard Matthews, Leonard Wreford The Reverend- Metcalfe, Arthur Scott, L.Th. Stevenson, Ernest Young Metcalfe, David John Stewart, Bruce Oliphant, B.A. Pastor- Stewart, David Garth, B.A., M.Sc., Mihaere, Truby Tauroa BD. Stewart, David Howe, E.D. The Reverend- Mill, Gordon Alexander, L.Th., Pastor- Dip.R.E. Stirling, Tamahae Bernard Miller, Donald Robert Gordon, B.A. Millichamp, Peter Edward, B.A. The Reverend- Mills, Edward Richard, L.Th. Stuart, Murray Pastor- Pastor- Mills, Ian Arthur Taikato, Motuhinau Richard Sister Milner, Joan The Reverend- The Reverend- Taylor, Allan John,, M.B., Ch.B., Montgomery, Malcolm Hugh, B.A. L.Th., D.P.M. (Eng.), M.R.C. Nees. Hugh Psych. Nicholson, Lewis Clifton, L.Th., Taylor, Ian Frederick, L.Th. Dip.R.E. Taylor, William John Nielsen, James Henry Valdemar Thompson, Noel Francis Steventon Norrish, Percy Wilfrid Thompson, Robert John, M.A., B.D., North, John Lawrence, M.A.. B.D. Th.M. (Rusch.), Dr Theol. (Zurich) North, Lawrence Alfred, O.B.E. Thomson, John Stockwell, L.Th. Osborne, John Gordon Pastor- Page, Trevor Ralph Tito, George Winiata Rex Pallesen, Terence Shaw, B.A., Dip.Th. Tito, Ngawati Ruwhiu Parry, Frederick Arthur Patrick, Douglas Ernest, L.Th. The Reverend- Patrick, Peter James Tong, Stephen Sai Wing Peters. Philip Allen Charles Turley, Bruce, M.A. Pidwell, Harold James, B.D., Th.M. Turner, Harold Raymond Pittams, Thomas Herbert, B.D. Turner, Stephen James, Dip.Th., B.D. Upton, Roy Maxwell, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Pastor- Utting, Alan Noel Pollard, Edgar John Wakelin, Arthur John The Reverend- Walker, Brian James, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Pollock, David MacLeod, B.Sc. Ward, John George Preest, Patricia Eunice, L.Th. Pastor- Pritchard, Benjamin Thomas John Webb, Ronald Herbert Pritchard, Peter John, L.Th. Puddle, Bruce Roy The Reverend- Pastor- Wheeler, Maxwell, L.Th. Ramage, Douglas Gordon White, Howard Benjamin Kenneth Whitten, Herbert Edward The Reverend- Wickens, Trayton NImrod, L.Th.. Rankin, Lawrence Joseph Dip.R.E. Rawlings, Leslie Norman Walter, Wilton, John Ansell, L.Th. M.A., B.D. Winslade, Norman, L.Th. 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 627

Baptis~ontinued The Salvation Army-continued Pastor- Hayman, Margaret, Major Winter, Paul Edward Heese, Terence, Lieutenant The Reverend- Henderson, Ruth, Lieutenant Wood, Nathan Rillstone Henry, Kathleen, Captain Herring, Alistair, Lieutenant Hildreth, William Joseph Allan, The Salvation Army Brigadier Hirini, Mavis, Captain Adams, Francis Neil, Captain Hobbs, Leslie Anderson, Captain Allott, Ivan Bruce, Captain Hodge, Rachael Margaret, Major ..'\.nderson, Robert, Captain Home, Earl Reid, Brigadier Arnold, Wilfred, Lieutenant Howie, Winsome, Major Bailey, John, Captain Hoyland, Wendy, Lieutenant Bailey, Thomas Albert John, Captain Hunter, Denis Hilton, Colonel Beale, Gilbert William, Major Hutson, Donald Arthur, Captain Beale, Stanley, Lieutenant Hutson, Joan, Captain Bell, Colin Gilbert, Major Ingerson, Harold Lewis James, Briga- Bennett, David Thomas, Captain dier Bilham, Alan Roger, Captain Irwin, John Samuel, Captain Boon, Arthur William, Lieut.-Colonel Jacobsen, Thelma, Captain Bridle, Eric George, Major James, Gladys, Major Bringans, David, Lieutenant Jarvis, Victor James, Major Brinsdon, David Frank, Captain Johnson, Rex, Lieutenant Brinsdon, Gordon Albert, Major Jones, Nathaniel John, Brigadier Brinsdon, Ronald Ernest, Captain Kermode, Margaret, Major Brown, Robert, Captain Kevis, Wendy, Lieutenant Brunskill, Christopher, Captain Kilgour, Ian, Captain Buckingham, Hillmon, Captain Knight, Raymond, Major Buckner, Desmond, Captain Knight, Rodney, Captain Burgess, Barry, Lieutenant Knight, Rodney Brandon, Major Buttar, Lyn Ernest, Captain Knight, William George, Brigadier Callagher, John, Brigadier Knowles, Bernard Desmond, Captain Canty, Dulcie, Major Knowles, Janice, Captain Christopher, Janice, Lieutenant Langdon, Joyce, Lieutenant Clark, David John, Captain Layt, Mervyn, Captain Cox, Louisa, Major Legg, Kathleen, Lieutenant Cross, Raymond Hugh, Captain Lord, Dorothy, Major Cross, Rex Walter Clifford, Captain Love, Margaret Isobel, Major Cross, Thomas, Major Lower, Jean Lorraine, Major Cruden, James Alexander, Aux. McBride, Barry James, Captain Captain McCaughey, Martha, Aux. Captain Daley, Robert Chester, Brigadier McCready, Hugh, Lieutenant Daly, Lawrence James, Major McDonald, Harold, Brigadier Davis, Arthur, Captain McEwen, Marjorie Hazel, Captain Dawson, Reginald, Major McEwen, Robert Graham, Captain Desenna, John, Lieutenant McFarlane, Noel Hilton, Captain Duffell, Athol Neil, Aux. Captain McGee, Douglas James, Captain Eichler, Eunice, Captain McKenzie, Garth, Lieutenant Elliot, Ernest Raymond, Colonel McKenzie, Thomas Alexander, Lieut- Eustace, Coralie Dawn, Major Colonel Farr, Glenda, Captain McMurdo, Graeme Edward, Captain Farr, William Keith, Brigadier McNabb, Noel Pearce, Major Ferrel, Isobel Maree, Aux. Captain McStay, Brian William, Captain Fitness, Evangeline May, Captain McVicar, Gordon, Captain Fitness, Gordon Ebenezer, Brigadier Major, David, Lieutenant Flintoff, Alvin, Captain Major, John Elliott, Captain Flintoff, Ethne Mavis, Captain Manson, Kenneth, Major Flintoff,·Gordon, Major Manson, Noel Clifford, Major Marshall, Heather, Lieutenant Fletcher, Jill, Captain Matheson, June, Captain Ford, James, Lieutenant Medland, Ivan James, Major Ford, Raymond Henry, Major Medland, Samuel Alfrcd, Major Ford, Susan, Lieutenant Medland, Violet, Major Gainsford, John, Captain Mehrtens, Sophie, Major Gibson, Eileen, Brigadier Mellsop, Ian Hamilton, Brigadier Goffin, Gladys, Major Mellsop, Kevin, Lieutenant Meyers, Kenneth, Lieutenant Goffin, John Dean, Brigadier Middleton, Lucien Walter, Captain Gooder, Richard Kelvin France, Millar, David, Captain Captain Millar, Graham, Captain Goodisson, Keith, Captain Millar, Gwenyth, Captain Gouldsbury, James, Lieutenant Millar, James, CaptaIn Millar, Leonard, Lieut-ColoneI Grant, Alexander John William, Millar, Robert Bryan, Lieutenant Brigadier Millar, William, Lieutenant Gray, Alison, Captain Miller, Jack, Auxiliary-Captain Greig, Gweneth, Major Miskell, Derek, Lieutenant Greig, Lillian, Captain Moreland, Caroline June, Captain Mounsey, Margaret, Brigadier Griffin, Denis, Lieutenant Murphy, Irene, Lieutenant Griffiths, David Neil, Captain Newnham, Peter Ian, Captain Gunter, Catherine, Brigadier Newton, Edna, Major Hales, Betty, Captain Nicholson, Stanley Bruce, Captain Nicolson, James Andrew, Major Hamilton, Russell William, Captain Nisbet, Dorothy, Lieutenant Hanson, Joy Ruth, Major Norman, Gwenyth Lily, Brigadier Harford, Alfred Henry, Brigadier O'Donnell, Colin, Major Harris, John Brayshaw, Major Oiala, Owen Lindsay, Brigadier Oliver, Donald, Lieutenant Harris, Nola, Brigadier Orchard. Murray, Lieutenant Hay, Ivan, Major Ousey, Margaret, Captain 628 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

The Salvation Army-continued Lutheran Church of New Zealand

Padman, Laurence, Major The Reverend- Palmer, Beatrice, Lieutenant-Colonel Beh, Rodney Herbert, B.Sc. Pascoe, Ruth, Captain Christian, David John Parsons, Enid Jessie, Brigadier Kempe, Robert John Pauling, Noel, Lieut.-Colonel Klein, Byron Grant Petersen, Robert, Brigadier Lock, Anthony Horace Phelps, Mervyn Leonard, Captain Nitschke, Theodor Roland Phillips, Ronald, Captain Rathjen, Arthur Charles Phillips, Victoria, Major Reinfields, Romans Reinholds, B.A .. Prattley, Richard, Major B.Sc., M.Th., A.N.Z.I.M. Primrose, Neil, Lieutenant Reu, Trevor Norman Rabbitts, Wesley Norman, Captain Steicke, Lance Graham Ransom, Joan, Major Sweck, Ian Elmore, L Th., Dip.Ed. Rattray, Graeme, Lieutenant Toming, Stephen Gordon ltay, Stanley, Captain Venz. Carl August Rees, Rex William, Captain Voorendt, Nicolaas Johannes Reddish, Graeme, Lieutenant Wiebusch, Robert John Richards, James Lindsay, Brigadier Robb, Alan Macdonald, Captain Roberts, Campbell, Captain Hebrew Congregations Roberts, Cyril, Brigadier The Reverend- Robertson, Leone Gillian, Captain Hirsh, Ernst Robertson, Peter Scott, Captain Horovitz, Maurice Robertson, Victor, Major Korda, Gabriel Moses Leverton, Jeffrey Roulston, Francis, Captain Mandel. Michael Raphael Rundle, Joan, Lieutenant Rosenfeld, Abraham Rundle, Lionel, Lieut-Colonel Sampson, Geoffrey Alan, Brigadier Savage, Peter James, Captain Greek Orthodox Churcla in New Scadden, Peter Murray, Captain Zealand Silby, Queenie, Aux. Captain The Reverend Apostolellis, Apostolos Simpson, Wesley Howard, Lieut.- The Reverend Lentakis, Constantine Colonel The Reverend Politakis, Elias Skilton, Margaret Jean, Captain The Reverend Tourlitis, Ioannis Smeaton, Kenneth John, Captain The Reverend Archbishop Psiachas, Smith, Dulcie May, Captain Dionysios Smith, Graeme Selwyn, Captain Smith, Richard Lindsay, Captain Smith, Selwyn Archibald, Lieut.- Associated Churches of Christ in Colonel New Zealand Smith, Thelma, Major Mr- Smith, William Henry, Colonel Beadle, Keith Norman Smithies, Janice, Captain Beadle, Ross William Spargo, Ian James Edward, Captain Benjamin, Geoffrey Hilliard Standen, Leslie Trevor, Brigadier Benjamin, Graeme Lionel Stanton, Janee Margaret, Captain Bischoff, Harold Charles Stark, Neville, Major Blampied, Raynard Arthur Staite, Peter, Lieutenant Bradley, Edward Lawrence Brown, David Hilliard, L.Th. Stone, Anthony, Lieutenant Buller, David Peter, L.Th. Stoodley, Gordon Albert, Major Chappell, Henry Robert Sunkel, Keith, Lieutenant Christie, John Crombie Sushames, Helen, Captain Cleaver, Albert Douglas, L.Th. Sutton, Arthur, Brigadier Cook. Eldred Francis Sutton, Hazel, Major Delaney, Brian Thomas. B.A. • Taylor, Joshua George, Brigadier FittaIL Adrian Edward Taylor, Melvin Charles, Major Fout, Richard, B.A. Fulford, John Stephen, B.Th., B.A. Teague, Lillian, Captain Grundy, Arthur William Thomson, Lynnette, Lieutenant Grundy, Clive Arthur Thorner, Gerald, Lieutenant Halliwell, Herbert Thomas Tong, Allan, Captain Heyward. Samuel William Ross Tong, Ernest Leonard, Captain Hinten, Hubert Roy, B.A. Tong, Grace, Brigadier Hodge, Alexander James, B.A. B.D., Townsend, Victor John, Captain Ph.D. Tracey, Alice, Major Hollier, David Edward Keller, Ricky Bruce, B.A., B.S. Turner, Pamela, Lieutenant Kirby, Bryan Varney, May, Brigadier Marshall. Roger Selwyn Verkaaik, Gerard, Captain Martin, Hal Henry, B.A. Walker, Donald John, Captain Miller, Robert Earl, B.A. Walker, Malcolm, Captain Munro, Gavin Donald, M.A., B.D., Waring, Graham Stanley, Captain S.T.M. Waring, William Rex, Captain Ogier, Ian William, B.A., Dip.J. Watts, Doris, Captain Rees, Frederick Richer, Ian Noel Webb, Graham, Lieutenant Russ, Clifford Martin Weggery, Sydney Lawrence, Brigadier Russ, Roger David George. White, Cynthia, Captain Small, Graham George White, Roy, Captain Sweet, George Lewis, M.R.E. Wiley, Rodney, Lieutenant Templeton, Arthur John, M.A. Wilkes, James Henry, Brigadier Vickery, Ernest Raymond, B.A. Williams, Betty Isobel, Major Vickery, John Howard Williams, Claude, Major Ward, Charles Leslie Wendelborn, Brian John Willis, John Prederick, Aux. Captain Williams, Eric Trevor Wray, Thomas Edwin, Major Woolf, D'Arcy Leonard 22 MARCH TIlE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 629

Churches of Christ (lJfe and Advent) Brethren-continued Association, Inc. Mr- Pastor- Ardrey, George Ashley Beattie, James Armitage, Ian Mr- Atkinson, Neville Ian Buick, David Alexander Baldwin, Alexander Henry Barr, John Sydney Pastor- Barris, William Edward Cameron, Grant Robert Barrow, Malcolm Heusan Mr- Bay, David Campbell, Douglas Bay, Robert Pastor- Beetham, Vivian Hugh Carter, Ross Yeoland Biddick, Rodney Arnold Chalmers, David Lloyd George Block, Ian William Cooney, Cyril William Blackman, Colin William Blampied, Brian George Hamon Cooney, Francis John, L.Th. Bowen, Ivan Verdun Mr- Brace, Charles Alfred Green, David Penman, B.A., Brace, Robert Ellett A.R.A.N.Z. Brighton, Laurie Bennett Long, Timothy Woodleigh Bruce, David Collin Rundle, Warwick Henry Bryan, Derrick Pastor- Bryant Henry Lessel Toothe, Frank Everett Burns, John James Warner, Colin Clifford Caldwell, Donald Ross Wood, Ralph Alveston Cameron, Malcom Alexander Ronald Carr, Colin Wynstone Coppin, James Colin Stanley Seventh-day Adventists. Dahlberg, Roger Gordon Davis, Henry Pahuia Pastor- Davis, Robert Carlyle Andrews, Ettol Bryce Dunbar, Wilfred Brownlee Baker, Francis Ernest Edwards, Rodney Loveday Barker, Lewis Thomsen Emmett, Alfred William Black, Ian William Eves, Cyril Nelson Bland, Kyrill John Faithfull, Leslie Ernest Botting, Gordon Ernest Falconer, Keith Saunders Brown, Ronald Pavitt Falconer, Robert William Brownie. Edward James Falconer, Walter Watson Bullock, Kenneth John Finlay, John Douglas Chambers, Joseph William Charles Flett, George Edward Anderson Craw- Christian, Clemens Victor ford Coombs, Graham Eric Forlong, Alex James De Ville, Keith Forster, Kenneth Owen Dickson, Kevan Joseph William Forsyth, Douglas Gordon Faithful, Ronald Rex Fulton, John Bernard Goldstone, Sydney Rex Gamer, William McNiven Hale, Desmond Allen Garratt, Noel Ashton Hokin, Douglas Albert Munro Garton, Gordon Hector Hollingsworth, Harold William Gauntlett, Douglas Arthur Howse, John Thomas Gay, Paul Ernest Jack, Peter R. Graham, Colin Cecil Jenkins, Douglas Ivor Graham, David Charles Johnston, Ian Gilchrist Grant, Cecil George Rignold Kranz, Alfred Frederick John Grennell, Dennis Lawson, David Edward Grey, Charles, Robert Lewis, Ronald James Groom, Edwin Lofton-Brook, Karl Derrick Hamilton, Malcom Robert Loftus, Graham Hardie, Joseph Mervyn Low, Kenneth R. Hathaway, Brian Geoffrey Ludlow, John Herbert Hawkesby, John Langley McHarg, Winston Bernard Hay, Edward George William McMurtry, Laurence Charles Heap, Albert Edward Henry Mitchell, Donald Elmer George Henderson, John Clark Nash, Maurice Frederick Henricks, James William Nixon, Roger Reginald Hewlett, Charles Douglas Oaklands, Gordon Wilfred Hewlett, David Andrew Peatey, Neil Kenneth HiIIman, Stewart Chades Henry Penman, Alexander Maclaren Hilton, Cecil Henry Presnall, Stewart Stanley Hockly, Norman Minett Rankin, Ian Hodgkinson, Ivan Stanley Stokes, Frank Lewis Hooper, Brian William Tesese, Tasi Houghton, Russell Douglas Tressler, Henry Joseph Howan, Leslie David Valentine, Gilbert Murray Hudson, Victor Joseph Veld, Jan Hunt, Arthur Martin Vince, Leonard Daniel Hyde, Allan Wainwright, Ross Ingram, Ainsworth Walter Wi1Iiam Waldrip, Arthur Harold Iremia, Ogealii Aketia White, Eric Charles Jackson, Robert Leslie Wolfe, Eric Paul Jacobsen, Balfour Wood-Stotesbury, Vere Jarvie, John Wright, William Errol Junck, Gordon Kepple, Lawrence Arthur Kerr, Elias Dunning King, Frederick Charles Brethren Komene, John Mr- Lambie, Stanley John Adams, John Lawry, Robert Courtney Allen, Roy Vincent Lemmon. Keith Joseph Anderson, Ralph Peter Lind, Thomas Rawcliffe Annan, Howard William McClune, Stephen John 630 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

8rethren--cOlltinued Liberal Catholic Clmrdt-contlnued

Mr- The Reverend- McKenzie, Allan Eric Pope, John Lawrence Benson McKirby, Murray Reid Preston, Edwin, L.L.B. Vienna A.C.A. McWilliam, Walter George Rosendale, Francis Malcolm, Bruce Robert Turvey, Alfred Ernest Malcolm, Geoffrey Norman Turvey, Walter William Malcolm, Robert John Martin Alfred William John Martin; Frederick Samuel Unitarian Church Meek, William Reverend Collins, Vera Elizabeth Meikle, Thomas Raymond Reverend Moorad, Graham Melhop, Alan Johnston Reverend Thomas, Kenneth Miller, Jeffrey Thomas Reverend Webster, Douglas Missen, Bruce Frederick James Missen, William John Nicol, Thomas Scoullar Spiritualist Ch1Jl'Ch of New Zealand Oliver, Richard George Mr Cliff, Hubert Ormsby, John Te Mahunga Mrs Farrow, Constance Oster, Gary Mr Gibbs, Romdd Parkinson, Robert Ralph Mrs Jordan, Lily Patchett, Eric Richard Mr Martin, Teruakirikiri Joseph Riwai Paynter, John Malcolm Mr Monk, Cyril Lewis Paynter, Maxwell Leonard Mr Parker, Henry Paynter, Roger Francis Mr Perry, George Pegler, Brian George Mr Sell, Harold Stanley Pinker, Ebenezer Mrs Swaby, Beatrice Elizabeth Powell, Norman Howard Mrs Williams, Gertrude Trixie Ola Prestidge, Arnold Walter Rakatau, Raymond Tukupai Rees-Thomas, Harvey Graeme Christadelphians Renton, Owen John Reynolds, Stanley John Mr- Ritchie, Herbert George Alexander, James Murray Robertson, John Bruce Beale, Maurice John Robinson, Herbert Mark Berryman, Ian Murrey Rout, Frederick Westbrooke Coe, Selwyn Robert Rowe, John Singleton Darling Dackers, Milford Stanley Jesse Samuels, Isaac Ihaka Evans, Trevor Simpkin, Leonard John Kin~, Ralph Daniel Bellugue Simpson, Garrett LeWIS, Alexander Sims, Barry Edwin Moffat, John Robert Smith, Geoffrey Ewen Morgan, Jack James Snowden, Edward Simon Roberts, Colin Lloyd Sorensen, Kevin Cedric Taberner, Donald Henry Sproul, Garfield Robert Yearsley, William Ronald Squires, Brian McLean Stevenson, David Bruce Elim Ch1Jl'Ch of New Zealand Stevenson, George Joseph Stewart, Donald James Reverend- Stewart, Ronald Walter Bilby, Charles Ronald Strachan, David Pringle Bilby, Ian Warwick Suckling, Charles Lincoln Covic, Leslie Taylor, Donald Dunk, Gilbert Thomas Samuel Taylor, Neville Johnston Frith, Malcolm John Taylor, Stanley William Haneh, Lynn Ivan Stanley Tolmie, James McDonald Jenkins, Herbert Towns, Robert Walter Alfred Verner, Brian Charles Tyler, Marcus William Underwood, Henry Clement Vigis, Peter Robert Ratana Established Church of New Walker, Alfred David McDonald Zealand Wilkinson, Murray Aposde- Witty, Horace Arthur Woodside, William James Ahomiro, Paora Enoko Wright, Douglas James Akuhata, Akuhata Tahu Wyllie, John Howard Akuhata, Tahu Yeoman, Richard Martin Aperahama, Manawa Aperahama, Rapine Aperahama, Tengara Liberal Catholic Church Arano, Whare Atua, Moana Tioko The Revercnd- Barlow, Taneti Burrell, Charles Wilfred Blake, Uta Clarke. Arthur Clarkson Brown, Haahipene Conland. Ross Christie, Parae Maraki Corbett, Philip , Pera Dorofaeff, Francis Desmond, B.Sc. Eruera, Renata Eyles, Alan MacPherson, Dip.Tchg., Eruera. Wiri Toka F.M.A.N.Z. Raika, Roma Gossage. Basil Higdon Hallett, Te Manamo Tuhake Gower, Dudley George, M.A. Hamilton, Te Kapua Hanlon, Alexander Connell Hamutana, Wi Hodson, Geoffrey Hemi, Takana Hopkinson, Wallace David Hepi, Thomas Raharuhi Lambden, Alfred Ernest, B.Sc. Hemana, Thomas Whanonga Lamont, Stephen Stuart, M.M., Heremaia, Charlie Ritani L.T.C.L., L.L.C.M. Hiriwa, Raunatanga-ote-ao Mathers, Reginald John, J.P., F.C.I.S. Hita, Manuao Hohaia. Manuera The Right Reverend­ Hohepa, Michael Tutere Nicholls, Stuart Gilberd Honetana, Hone 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 631

Katana Established Church of New Katana Established Church of New Zealand-continued Zealand-continued Apostle­ Apostle- Honetana, Rae Te Whena, Raureti Reweti Hura, Te Reo Tahupotild Wiremu Thatclher, Horl Tatia Ratana (President) Tipene, Apiata lhimaera, Ihimaera Tiribtene, Te Rino Johnson, Te Whetu Tito, Mohi Kawenata Joseph, Te Pare Kaui Tito, Tapihana Wati Kahui, Tokomauri Tooke, Pereki Kakau, Wirihana Totoro, Wlf'ihana Kareko, Papa Turereao, Te Manea Kereama, George Ngapukapuka Waaka, Rangi King, Arthur Aterea Waara, Mataara Raureti Kingi, Tauhinu Waho, Te Rata Kim, Cecil Mama Waihape, Henare Kiwi, Mita Walker, Sydney Lewis, John Wati, Matiu Lewis, Karaurla Watts, John Wtapo Luke, Henare Whakamau, Ratapu Maaka, Wharangi Robert Whyte, Mana Maihi, Tariuha Wiapo, Neri Rata Makene, Te Rere-O-Kapuni Wik" Hoani Manahi, Poai Wiki, Te Umuroa Manukau, Ahipene Manukau, Mohi Manukau, Tatana Tokio Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Matene, Te Mihaia Latter Day Saints Matenga, Pona Elder- Mateparae, Rangiwhaiuru Judd, David Leslie Mehana, Paati Potter, Joseph Edward Miru, Manuka Mikaera Potter, Regmald George Mita, Tildtere Takuira Vaughan, Heywood Harry Morehu, Te Reo Hapai Netana, Amohau Wrremu N gatuere, Tutahanga Ringatu Oaurch Nikora, Pukemarana The Reverend­ Norman, Brown Akuhata, Hiko Ohio, Monte Rereamoamo Black, Tiwi Oneroa, Homa Brown, George Otene, Tatana Mohi Brown, Mokopuna Ned Pakea, Robert Bruce Bush, Albert Paki, Haamiora Piripi Coates, William Paraone, Herewini Delamere, Monita Erei, J.P. Paraone, Paihere Hopa Delamere, Paul Pareto, Waihari Tahapehi Delamere, Peeti Paul, Piripi Ngapou Ereatara, Puriri Pearson, Tahuriwaka Albert Gage, Nehu Ben Pehi, Sonny Tuhohia Gage, Tama Peke, Ngaronoa Gilbert, Areta Peters, Kepa Gilbert, Tuki Pikimaui, Tahupotiki Greening, Johnson Piripi, Renata Kawenata Hakopa, George Pomare, Wiremu Haukamau, Heremia Porter, Tautokotanga-ote Haalli Herewini, Tony Winiata, J.P. Ratana Hiakito, Hori POll, Friday Hiki, Henry Pou, Temiha, Peri Mauu Houia, Duncan Pou, Teringakaha-o-Thoa Hurltu, Kapohau Pukeroa, Oneroa Huritu, Pita Rakaupai, Hira Jones, Moetahi Rameka, Ihaka Aparua Jones, Te Aomuhurangi, Mrs Rapihana, Poroa Te Oti Kaiwhata. Tamati Rata, Matiu Kameta, John Reti, Joseph Teotane Karauna, Huinga Rima, Pikiao Tori Kawakawa, Alexander Rollo, Andrew Milton Kelly, Teld Romana, Rapato Rapine Kemara, Taaha Rota, Pa-Te-Titaha Kereru, Kirione Rutene, Ihaka Kereru, Wilfred Ivanhoe Ryder, Ivan Kingi, Rangi Tawhiao Sadlier, Charlie James Kingi, Wikuki Smith, Te Waakaotinga Ronald Kiriwera, Kakoa Tahana, Te Ati-O. To Temepara Kokiri, Kio Tahau, Te Hononga Koopu. David Tahurl, Kapene Kurei, Paroa Takerei, John Hamuera Manueia, Emera, J.P. Tamati, Harepeka Waipouri Mato, Hurl Tamihana, Piri-Wiri-Tua Mika, Te Haumate Tamihana, Rewi Mitai, Rama Tamihana, Te Tiu Moko, Wetini Tana, Pita Hone Morgan, Rawinia, Mrs Tataurangi, Reihana Moses, Aperahama Tauariki, Harry Whakaari Ngaheu, Te Kaka Niao Tawera, Tauwhitu Noema, Te Mauri Te Hiko, Te Hikoterangi Northover, Joseph Tuahine Te Hira, Wiremu Papuni, Mokotua Sam Te Kahu, Whitiora Reewi Parkes, Rex Te Kani, Rawiri Paul, Rangihau Te Rangi, Joe Hopa Peters, Ngarimu Te Teira, Ruka Tipu Pewhairangi, Ngoi, Mrs Te Whare, Hare Te Weu Poihipi, Tapa Fred 632 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'ITE No. 29

Ringatu Chareb-continued Assemblies of God in New Zealand­ continued The Reverend­ Poihipi, Turapaki Pastor­ Ratana, Hare Nuku Price, Kem Ratapu, Keieopa Pulepule, Pulepule Samani Ratapu, Tuehu Rafferty, Michael Reneti, Hare Raffills, Sydney Wentworth Reneti, Wihi Saipani, Va'a Ulutunu Riki, Reuben Thompson Sherburd, James Eric, L.Th. Ripaki, Haimana Short, Desmond Trevor Ripaki, Tati Smit, Hendrik Roberts, Koro Te Hokotahi Steensma, Herman Ruru, Te Repu Stewart, Robert Ruru, Tupai John Sutherland, Donald Wallace Savage, Pokena Daniel Teal, Allen Gordon Tamehana, Rangi Tanakia Terrill, Herbert Hugo Taoho, Airini, Mrs Thomas, Edwin John Tarei, Akima Thomas, Thomas George Tarei, William Tronson, Barrie Preston Tarl, Rangi Uren, Bruce Chapman Taupo, Hori Wakelin, Campbell Frederick Tawhi, Pita Wallis, David Robert Teepa, Tapu Watson, John Arthur Te Kurapa, Hikaweia Watt, Peter Te Kurapa, Tumoana Wharemate. Edward Tuarea Tene, Te lwin$aro P. Williams, Sidney James Te Poono, Tikitu Wood,John Te Ua, Kapu Kakaho Te Whare, Ihaia Tukaokao, Paul Cbureb of the Golden Lipt Waaka, Kari Waenga, Hemi Anderson, Laurence Sigurd Whare, Ihaia Wharepapa. Ahikaiata Commonwealth Covenant Churda Williams, Reg Witeri, Puku Mr- Baigent, Alfred Stanley Belcher, Stephen Bythell. Frarik Brown Assemblies of God in New Zealand Fawcet, Alan Alec Fawcet, Alan Thomas Pastor- Fawcet, Walter John Ama, Frederick Aifala Grant, Leo Ross Ashford, Owen Frederick Ashton, Samuel John Mrs Teohaere, Sarah Averill, Thomas Lloyd Webster Mr- Barrett, Richard Stanley Tregaskis, James Macfarlane Blessman, Everett William Watkins, Stanley Thomas Brett, Graham Norman Wilson. Eric David Brett, Norman Samuel Brydges, David Jackson, A.R.A.N.Z. Cairns, James John ApostoUe Church Chapman, Daniel The Reverend- Chislett, David Edward, B.A. Arnold, Allen Victor Clark, Ian George, M.A. Arnold. Howard Leith Coleman, John Joseph Beach, Roy Collis, Jarmes Phillip Beattie, Milton Hamilton, Dip.Th. Connell, Raymond Belcher, Eric Joseph Raymond Crosbie, Donald Bruce, B.Com., Caston, William Edward A.C.A.N.Z. Cullen, Ivor Lawrence Cruickshank, Graham Adrian Doughty, Graham David Cullen, Ross Desmond Dunn, Donald Alexander, Dip.Tchg. PastOl'-4 Fatialofa, Makisua Davidson, David Fawcet, Howard Francis The Reverend- Fawcet, Ian Fawcet Lynne Derry, Lewis John Ferguson, Russell Robert Dickie, Blair Holden Harrison, Paul Brereton, B.E. Dickson, Allan Stephenson Hennessey, Lawrence Douglas, John Charles Hetrick, Neil James; Dip.Tchg. Pastor- Higgins, Peter James Faithfull, Leslie Hira, Peter Holloway, John Alfred The Reverend- House, Daniel Patrick Frater, Wilfred Ian Houston, William Francis Galletly, Peter Christie Jennings, George Cecil Gilmore, John Frederick Johnson, James Neville Goulton, Marcus Lloyd, Geoffrey Goulton, Ronald Marcus Lousich, Graeme Guerin, Edgar Joseph Louwrens, Richard Jourdain, Harold Neville McFarland, James Murray Keane, James Walter Kitchener Magele, Toniga Kirton, Bryan Ridley Martin, Barry Peter Meehan, Rex Norman Matia, Motu Mete, Marsh Maynard, Leonard Trevor Pearson, William Watkin. Robinson, Herbert James Moore, Neil Stanley Shaw, Stanley, B.A. Mulvagh, James Cecil Tasker, Ian Herbert Nickolls, Keith Graham Te Whare, David Openshaw, Peter Ernest Williams, Frederic Henry Parsons, Bruce Charles Wilson, Geoffrey Lewis Paulo, Savelo Paul Worsfold, James Evans, Dip.Th. 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 633

Seventh-day Baptist Church of New Jehovah's Witnesses-continued Zealand Mr- The Reverend­ Belcher, Leonard William Atkin, Alfred Bellamy, William James Bevin Barrar, Edward Bennett, Arthur Ray Barrar, Ronald Bines, Barry Johnson, Francis Stephen Boyland, Desmond Albert Brown, Barry McFarlane Evangelistic Church of Christ Brown, Henry Edwards Burch, Roy Harold William Pastor- Burns, Mervyn William Bloy, Frank Keith Butler, Neil Booth, Neville Frederick Cadger, Norman McBeath French, Warwick Milton Campbell, Robert Ashton Green, George Douglas Canty, Clyde Harman, Lawrie William Carrington, Lawrence Westcott Robertson, Ross Andrew Chapman, Barry Alan Thomas, Rex Clark, Robert Lyonel Wilson, Donald Owen Clarke, Jon Raymond Wilson, William Edward Clayton, Charles Milburn Cochrane, Robert Allan Church of Te Kooti Rikirangi Connor, Colin Keith Mr- Coombe, Edgar Herbert Ashford. Te Whatarangi Cooper, Kevin William Black, Tiwi Corlett, Alan Selwyn Green, Manu Cox, Donald Graham Hakiaha, Matua Craig, Francis Gordon Cumming, Trevor John Mrs- Dent, Arnold Stephen Hakopa, Rangiiria Dewstow, Reginald Albert Mr- Diedrichs, Russell Henry Mate, Nepia Donald, Alan Frederick Maui, Bishop Donald, Graeme Pakeha, Ngawhakarau Drysdale, John Pakeha, Wiremu Earnshaw, Russel John Neville Mrs- Earwalker, James George Takurua, Pare Edwards, Albert Thomas Mr- Edwards, Tapine Te Paihou Tarei, Tikitu Te Poono Ferguson, Robert Roy Tarei, Akima Henare Franks, David John Te Poono, Maki Teketu Gibbons, James Edward Te Poono, Te Kiria Tikitu Gillard, Graham Charles Tuka, John Glendining, Charles Cassels Gower, Arthur John Gower, Kenneth Montgomery Churches of God Gray, Waikato Mr- Gregson, Anthony Hugh Allen, Roy Thomas Gordon Halliday, Raymond Percival Collins, Paul Herbert, Dip.Y.L. Harvey, Kevin Desmond Crowther. Richard Rata Harvey, Thomas Allan Morrow, Peter McCallum Hawthorn, Malcolm Ross Hope, Richard Charles Hoskin, Andrew Levett Christian Spiritualist Church Howey, Harry Grant () Huston, WaIter Mr- Hutley, Clive Martin Moody, Oliver Gladstone Hygemann, Johannes Jacobus John, Wilfred Henry Johnstone, Donald Ernest George General Assembly and Church of the Keoghan, Clifford David First Born (Incorporating the Tokoroa Kushnirenko, Dmitriy Full Gospel Fellowship) Lee, Warwick Edgar Mr- Levett, Russell Wallace Given, Geoffrey Henry MacDonald, Alexander James Kopa, Whetu Mais, Stanley Warne Teinakore Kaara McGrath, Terence Leo McHale, Alan Wentworth Church of Christ (New Zealand) McLellan, Thomas Robert Frank Malpass, Donald Walter Pastor- McNeill, Angus Murray Bishop, Lewis Raymond, M.A. Marigold, Edward George Blackwood, Graeme George Matzura, Guenther Walter Blakel Mervyn Birrell Mayer, William Edward Cunrungham, Norman Millar Miller, Raymond Harding, Rodney Charles Mitchell, Robert Helg, Bryce Montgomery, David Patrick Humphries, Paul Moorhouse, Peter Colin Jacobsen, Gordon aifford, M.B., (b.B. Morgan, John Travis King, Cyril David Mossman, John Edwin Barry Peacock, James Maurice, M.A. Ogle, Barry Charles Pike, Garry David Osgood, William James Pollock, Norman Armstrong Patterson, Lawrence Philip Wilson, Frederick Arthur, J.P. Philp, Robert Pickering, Roy Ferbrache Jehovah's Witnesses Pinson, Kelvin Oswald Mr- Pope, Lester Gordon Adamson, Clive Walter Prentis, Anthony Edward Vernon Allan, Roger Priest, Hector Ronald Anderson, James Douglas Reihana, Peter Ashby, Herepo Richards, Ivan Geoffrey Baillie, Roy Shaw Ridling, David Jeffery 634 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29

lehovah's Witnesses-continued Church of .Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-continued Mr- Elder- Ridling, Jack Lawrence Hutt, Royce Grenville (President) Rogerson, Arthur Owen Ikimau, Ikimautama Niki Rolfe, Raymond James Jacka, Peter Mesley Rowe, James Oliver Jensen, Carl Dertel Dyrhberg (Bishop) Smith, Francis Jillings, Peter Charles (President) Smith, Jack Cecil Joyce, Brian Desmond (Bishop) Smith, Roger John Joyce, James (President) Solley, Robert Judd, David Leslie Stewart, Frederick Kahuroa, Te Kerehi Stupples, Arthur Robert Kamau, Rawiri Eparima (Bishop) Swenneker, Tony Katene, Herewini W. Tanner, Rex Raymond Katene, Te Puaho (President) Teasey, Jack Wilson Kehoe, Richard Henry Thomas, Owen Keil, David Arnoff Thomson, Murray Cameron Kennerley, Robert John Townson, Edward Stanley Kenyon, Brian Stephen (Bishop) Tuboro, Katene King, Alan F. Voyle, Leonard Derek Lameko, Mumu Litatautui Ward, Charles Edward Lardelli, Henry Kingi Ward, Malcolm Donald Laulu, Koloti (Bishop) Wharaerau, Thomas Lelo, David Louis (Bishop) White, John Arthur McCarthy, Brian I. Wills, John Verrant McDonald, Adam Wilshere, Gordon Arthur McDonald, Alexander Duncan (Presi­ Wilson, James Desmond dent) Wolfe, Leonard Joseph McDonald, Bernard George Wright, Ivan Trevor (president) McDonald, Mason McKay, lain Bruce Church of .Jesus Christ of Latter Day Mann, John Alfred Saints Manuirirangi, Tongawhiti Warick Elder- Marshall, Glendon Ray (president) Amaro, Willard Karaitiana (Bishop) Martin, Douglas James (President) Armitage, George Abraham (Bishop) Martin, Duffy (Bishop) Armstrong, Samuel Martin, Ronald Baber, Cyril HenI}l Grant (Bishop) Meadows, Selwyn Belbin, Robert James Mearns, George (Bishop) Berends, Hermanus Martinus Moemai, Letufa Iva (Bishop) (Bishop) Morley, James Anthony (Bishop) Bennison, Brett Moss, Ivan John Bird, Stanford Mowser, Eldon David Henry Blayney, Ivan Thomas Moyle, William James Blazey, John Sidney George Murphy, John James Brooking, George Sidney (Bishop) Murray, James Brookiing, Peter James (President) Nathan, William Thomas (Bishop) Campbell, William (President) Ngaira, Harry Uropa Chambers, Graeme Leonard Ngawaka, Erin B.B. (Bishop) Chase, George Hape Ngawaka, Nathan Thomas Walter Cherrington, Hauhau Teneiterangi Oler, Larry (Bishop) Ormond, PatJ.1ick Richard Chote, Matthew Terrance Osborne, Charles Sidney (President) Claydon, Coromandel David Osborne, Leonard William (Bishop) Collier, Sonny Osborne, Paiura Henry Cooper, George Paerata, Te Rawbiti Crawford, Michael Armon (President) Palmer, Kenneth Moloney Crichton, Fiaga Sua Parata, Joseph W. Day, Laurie Stuart (President) Dell, Kenneth Sydney John Patterson, Alan Robert Dil, Wilfred Thomas Paul, Joseph Dixon, Albert James Pears, Roger Rewi Kohea Domney, Kenneth John (Bishop) Peck Eric James Dorman, Arthur Francis Pere, Baden (President) Douglas, Alexander Hugh (Bishop) Pere, Geoffrey Dowe, Albert John Frederick (Bishop) Philip, Stanley Craig Dunlop, James Pote, Hini Sam (Bishop) Edwards, Peter Colin Enoka, Waaka, T. Potter, Joseph Edward (Bishop) Evernden, Gordon Desmond (Bishop) Rakena, Tai Thomas Fitisemanu, Polisi Raroa, Natana (President) Gardner, Bob Reid, Sana Toliun (Bishop) Garlick, Geoffrey Richard Richards, Jack (Bishop) Geroboefer, Ian Roberts, William Gillard, David Allan Robinson, Henry Greening, Hugh L. Gudgeon, Mulligan (President) Roiton, Arama Anderson (Bishop) Hamon, Francis Rei (President) Roper, Charles Hansen, Laurence Edward Sant, Merlin Wilson Hanson, Denis Albert Shepherd, Charles Sidney Osborne Hanson, Roy Baden (president) Hapuku, Te Pohuka Roley (president) Simpson, Robert Leatham Harvey, Hori Smiler, Hani Ihimaera (Bishop) Hay, Stanley Joseph Smith, Wi (PreSlident) Hettig, John William Stafford, Peter Moore (Bishop) Hippolite, Eparaima Lionel (Bishop) Hodgkinson, Howard Hewitt (Bishop) Strother, Douglas Herbert (Bishop) Hoori, Walter Sandfroid Tahau, Erika (President) Hotton, William George James Tangaroa, Te Naera (Bishop) Hudson, S. John Taurima, William Pakimana (Bishop) Hunt, Brian W. (Bishop) Te Hira, Tianotana (Bishop) 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 635

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Bethel Christian Fellowship Saints-continued Mr- Collier, Dou~las Alan Elder- Greening, Kindah John Te Maari, Wairuhirangi Jack Parr, Frederick Thomas James (Bishop) Stutt, Robert Te Maari, Whare Gary Teholcimate Young, David Te Ngaio, Pera (Bishop) Thomas, Paul Robert (Bishop) Tipene, Hare Wirihana Open Door Missiou Tipene, Sydney Brown Mr Francis, Rodney Walter Tipene, Te Mana Ropere (President) Tipene, Wiremu Paraika (Bishop) Tukukino, Watene Liberal Jewish Cougregations Vickers, Harold Allan Walker, Albert Rabbi- Wallace, Arthur Kenneth (Bishop) Emmanuel, Henry Karo Waretini, Tutuira (Bishop) Tov-Lev, Samuel H. Wehipeihana, Robert Wells, Frank N. Westerlund, Oscar The New Apostolic Church Whaanga, Paora (President) The Reverend Hofmann, Heinrich Jakob Whaanga, Tureia (Bishop) Wharekura, Thomas (Bishop) Open Air Campaigners (N.z.) White, Peter Te Maihengia (Incorporated) Wihongi, Taoko Wilkinson, Colin Percy Evangelist- Wirihana, Rangiaranaki (President) Bacon, John Russell Booth, Brian Church at Auckland Bradley, Gerald Herbert Mr Le Grice, Albert Lawrence Bremner, George Ernest Ferguson, Robert George Reformed Churches of New Zealand Fouish, Bryan Ronald The Reverend- MacKay, Bruce Berghouse, Peter John, Th.Grad. McNaughton, Robert Gowrie Campbell, Kenneth James, B.A., B.D. Miers, Bruce de Graaf, Arent, B.D. Mr Partridge, Cyril Walter Gillard, Bruce, B.A., B.D. Rout, Ken Ernest Goris, John, Th. Grad. Kroon, George Heinrich Wilhelm, Th. Grad. Youth for Christ (N.z.) (lncorpol'llted) Larsen, Carl Andrew Robert, Th. Mr- Grad. Grant, Ian Montgomery Palmer, Arthur Wesley, Th. Grad. Lennox, Seann Murray Reurich, Lambert, Th. Grad. McBirch, Graeme Ivan Scarrow, John Alexander Muys, Gerritt Jan Wiersma, Willem, Th. Grad. Parker, Ronald Charles Heaton Williamson, Gerald Irvin, B.A., B.D. Wright, Wilbur Shepherd . Church of the Nazarene The Reverend- Waimate Mission Archer, Edmund C. Granger, Brian Leslie Bartle, Graeme John Bennett, John Byers Bentham, Joseph John National Spiritual Assembly of the Burton, Phillip Arthur Baha'is of New Zealand Davis, Jervis Thomas Hansen, Hillary Allister Mrs Ala'i, Margaret Elizabeth Mackenzie, Hudson Findlay Andrews, Vera Hight Ranger, Franklyn Mrs Boyce, Lynette Taft, Annette Faye Mrs Cookson, Alexandrina Robina Taft, David M. Mr Elsmore, Kenneth, Harold Teare, Darrell Boyd Mr Giffin, John Searle Wheeler, Raymond Ralph Mrs Grigor, Helen Yearbury, George H. J. Miss Hilton, Margaret Lilian Mrs Kinraid, Dorothy Alice Absolute Maori Established Church of Mrs Pratt, Janyce Elizabeth Aotearoa, Waipounamu and Mr Mosaed, Tony Hooshang Wbarekauri (Trust Board) The Reverend­ Russian Orthodox Church in New Herewini, Rapine Zealand Ngawati. Henare The Reverend Godyaew, Alexey Rihari, Hare Himi Paerata Absolute Established Maori Church of New Plymouth Universal Spiritualist Aotearoa, Waipounamu and Church Wharekauri (lucorporated) Mrs Mackinder, Margaret Oara The Reverend Teacher­ Mr McWilliams, Percival William Holstead, Geoffrey Kingi, Henare Whitu Maori Evangelical Fellowship Manuhuia, Hoone Manuhuia, Waitai Hone Mr- The Most Reverend­ Andrews, Michael John Monga, Te Aka Mingiti Eade, Kenneth Malcolm Hayward, Te Wahungu The Reverend Teacher­ Kake, Samuel Paora, Wiremu Rapata Matiu, Tia The Rev~end Seoretary­ Naera, Louis Parangi, Poneke Phillips, Dick The Reverend Keeper of the Door­ Raharaha, Edward Poa, Hawhe Tahitahi, Thomas The Very Reverend­ Werohia, Benjamin Pukeroa, Kopa Williams, Wilson 636 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETfE No. 29

Word of Faith Ministry (Incorporated) Presbyterian Fellowship Church Mr- Buckley, Barry Francis The Reverend Nightingale, Thomas Cheyne, Alan Gordon (pastor) William Hartley Davies, Ross William Kearney, Shaun Thomas Word of Life Tabernacle Nixon, Roger Allan Pastor Shaw, David Leslie Patterson, Sydney Neal Read, Graham Kenneth Uewellyn The Spiritualist Churcb Wheeler, Robert Bertram of New Zealand, Glenfield Mrs Frost, Elizabeth Emily Florence People's Worship in Freedom Mission The Independent Church of God Pastor Kake, Ngutana Mr Harris, Warren Charles Worldwide Church of God Open Door Full Gospel Centre Mr Comino, John Stephen Mr Davy, Louis George Mr Croucher, Jack Mr Gubb, Kerry Mr Harvey, Gary Congregational Christian Church of Mr Johnston, George Lyall Samoa in New Zealand Mr Marshall, Graemme John The Reverend­ Afaaso, Alesana Orthodox Presbyterian Churches Afoa, Kaio Amosa, Amosa The Reverend Adams, Graeme Alexander Ete, Risatisone, B.D. Bishop, Gibson Ivo Faletoese, Tepa The Reverend McKenzie, George Allan, B.A. The Right Reverend­ The Reverend Mitchell, John Andrew Ieriko, Siaosi The Reverend­ The Churches of Christ Leilua, Ekepati Lemalu, Sami (Undenominational) Manase, Matapoo Mr- Nuualiitia, Ofisa Bizzell, John Paul Perese, Kalati Boggs, Dawd Peteru, Fa'Amalua Chamberlin, David Clark Poloaivao, Anetere'a Hayhurst, Welborn 'Pula, Seuga Kyle, Rodney Alistair John Su'a, Popo Lyons, Clifford Lee Sua, 'Pouvi Merrick, Peter Francis Talalelei, Pa Te'o Merrick, Rex Dudley Te'O, T. F. Poasa Mostert, Ia The Right Reverend­ Murray, Christopher John Talamaivao, Tavita Such, William Alfred The Reverend­ Timaloa. Fareti The Samoan Methodist Church of Tipelu, Arie1u New Zealand The Reverend­ Builders of the Adytmn Apelu, Feagai Samani, Mose Mr Chesterman, William Albert Toatua, Keresoma Tulimanu The Reverend Duggan, David Bryon Timoteo, Tupe Peter Toso, Pati Tufuga, Faatau Ukranian Antocepbalic Orthodos Churcb in New Zealand Asbburton Berean Bible Fellowship The Reverend Sementschuk, Jurij The Reverend Gear, Frank William, M.A., B.Th. Christian Revival Crusade Pastor- Betbel Bible Institute Allen, Roy Thomas Gordon Mr Hall, Henry Alan Thomas Burt, Lionel William Cooper, Dudley Robert Craig, Norris Allan United Pentecostal Churcb Furniss, William Rex The Reverend­ Hayward, Charles Wilfred Graham, Anthony Hayward, Clive Horatio Graham, William King, Norman Bradley Hei Hei, Mane McGlinn, Benjamin Hei Hei, Ringakaha Whitley, Clifton Hei Hei, W1illiam Whitley, Wilson James Hudson, Ronald I'Ti, John Wellington Christian Fellowship Kaiawe, Richard Kopa, Dan Mr Christie, John Corr Kopa, Tau Makina, Steve New Zealand Muslim AsstKiation Moreau, Uoyd E. Rimaha, Edward Mr Ali, Abbas Rountree, Neho Mr Patel, Ahmed Said Musa Tapara, William Taratu, Don Kotahi Takaka Christian Assembly Te Maro, Ginger Thompson, Burns Henry Schwartfeger, Arthur Percy Thompson, Lewis 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 637

Christchurch Revival Fenowship The Maori Christian Baptist Church Pastor- Mr Wairua, Peta Rutangiwhenua Parr, John David Mr Withers, Arthur Robert Ranchord, Rasik Lal Madhavbhai Christchurch East Revival Assembly Turangi Evangelical Church Mr- The Reverend Mattocks, Myron Earle Donaldson, John Spence Hood, Roy Jones, Henry Francis Petone Full Gospel Fellowship Mr- Ashburton Christian Fellowship Hikuroa, Harry Mr Ellis, David John Pastor- Hiroki, Koro Gisborne Christian Fellowship Pouwhare, Taua Pastor Searle, Reginald Ernest

The Sufi Movement The Church of Pukemiro Sheik Dougan, Abdullah Isa Neil Mr Pahl, Meryth Arnold

Auckland Revival Centre United Christian Fellowship Mr- Mr Needham, Frederick Johnston Davis, Tom Karena, W,aipa Hauparoa Gospel Outreach Assemblies United Maori Mission Mr- Mr- Chamberlain, Arthur Jack Edin­ Bennet, Charles Basil borough King, George Laurence Harnett, Alan Clive McKay, George Alexander Tucker, Eric Donald Rongopai Assembly The Church in Tauranga Mr- Mr McDougall, John Upton Te Pou, Moana Puruhi

Te Aranga Fun Gospel Assembly Orama Christian Fellowship Mr Stevens, Geoffrey David Eric Pastor Heta, Dave Rewi Maki Household of God Mr McKinnon, Victor Hawes Full Gospel Mission Metcalf, Douglas Alexander, Ph.D., New Life Centre D.Litt. Pastor- Cooper, Graham George Lowe, Auster John Christian Centre, Palmerston North Pullar, Robert Alexander Ranchard, Rasik Lal Modhavbhai Campbell, Colin Ravenhill, David Colpman, Richard Arthur Stephen, William Alexander Hum, James Charles Thompson, Robert Thomas Bruce Wagener, Owen Wilfred Family for Christ FeUowship Walton, John Frederick Mr- Wright, Kenneth Watt Poi, Anzac Edward

Sydenham Christian Spiritual Centre Tawa Christian Fellowship Dunn, Annie Conwell Mr Scrimgeour, Graham Ross

Ambassadors for Christ: International Western Districts' Christian Mission Mr Hill, Arthur Raymond Pastor Gutschlag, Ivan Alexandria Syrian Orthodox Church New Age Christian Spiritual Centre The Reverend- Mrs Foote, Lilly Anne Dorothy Marie Witbrook, John Anthony The Maori Gisbome Christian Fellow­ Richmond Christian Fellowship ship Pastor- Mr Wood, Cyril Roy Te Maro Ngakukuta Hatarei

Auckland Chinese Church Christchurch Full Gospel Fellowship Pastor- The Reverend Tong, Stephen Barton, Dennis

Gore New Life Centre Tangamanawa Church The Reverend Dornan, John Watson Renata, Samuel H. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'ITE No. 29

Chureh of Scientology Christian Youth Camps (Inc.) Reverend Roundill, Bernard Harrison, Benjamin George

FrifllCls of The Western Buddhist Order Haahi Ote Wairua Tapu atureh (Inc.) Reverend- Mr Atkins, Warren Brown, Edward Mokopunu Huhu, Te-Rieki United EvaDgelical Chureh in New Kiniwera, Dick Zealand Morgan, Mrs Rawinia Lovey Pari, Patrick , James Riki, Reuben Thompson Vowell, Harry Ruru, John Tupai Ruru, Teiepu Tuhi, Mrs Nohopari The New Plymouth Christian Spiritnalist

West City Free Spiritual Church The Anchorage

Romania Orthodox

Calvary Baptist Church Wanganui Assembly The Reverend Grant, William Robert Haapu, Samuel Marangai

Free Presbyterian Church of Sovereign Grace Churdl The Reverend- Griffiths, Owen Kenvyn MacLeod, Donald Malcolm Van Dorp, Johannes Anton Tennis Divine Life Society Postlewl¥ight, Lewis Bible Presbyterian Church The Reverend- Kaikonra Christian Fellowship Channing, Frederick Mr Hay, Brian Christ Gospel Church, Hawkes Bay, N.z. Beckoning Star Spiritualist Chureh Reverend Trotter, Murray Charles Donaghie, Mrs June Gray, C.S.N.U. Emmanuel Church The Rangiora New Life Fellowship Yan-Hong, David McMechan, Graham Harold New Zealand Christian Centre, Whangarei Student Christian Movement Dyson, Kevin The Reverend- Kingston-Smith, Graham Corry, Howard Duncan

J. L. WRIGHT, Registrar-General.