No. 29 605 SUPPLEMENT TO THB NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OP THURSDAY, 18 MARCH 1976 Published by Authority WELLINGTON : MONDAY, 22 MARCH 1976 OFFICIATING MINISTERS 606 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 29 Ofjiciating Ministers for 1976 PURSUANT to the Marriagef Act 1955, ~he foll~wing li~t ?f Offici a~ing Ministers within the meaning of the said Act is published or general mformatlOn. This list comes mto force on Monday,22 March 1976 The Anglican Church The Anglican Church-continued The Reverend- The Reverend- Acland, Simon Henry Harper Bennett, Reginald Marchmont Adams, Geoffrey Owen, B.A., LL.B., Bent. Michael Charles L.Th. Benton, Kerry William, L.Th. Addis, Ellis Avenel Best, David Christopher, L.Th. Aiken, David Leslie, B.A. Beyer, Andrew Phillip, L.Th. Aires, Raymond Charles, M.A., L.Th. Aldworth, Alexander William Allen, Francis Lechampion Deaconess-- Allison, Lester Frederic Bindon, Joan Vereker, Dip.Th. Allom, Barry Haldane, L.Th. The Reverend- Black. Montague John, B.A, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Anderson. Alfred Reid. M.Sc. The Rev. Canon- Blackburn, Alan Hopton, L.Th. The Reverend­ Anderson, John Clement Anderson, Leslie WilJiam Shallad, The Reverend­ Canon Blackwood, Gary Dean Anderson, Stuart, B.A., Canon Blain, Michael Winston, M.A Anderson, William David Blair, Riga Wells, M.B.E., L.Th. Andrews, Roydon Percival, B.A .• Blakie, Cecil Douglas L.Th., Canon Blakiston, Peter Henly, L.Th., Hon. Ardley, Evan Lloyd Canon Arlidge, John Brett, M.A. Bluck, John William, M.A., B.D. Armstrong, Dr George Aubery Whit­ Blundell, Gary James, L.Th. combe, M.A, B.D., PhD. Boniface, Herbert Garway, M.A. Arnold, Walter Charles, B.A., Hon. Bool, Wilfrid Arthur, L.Th. Canon Booth, Kenneth Neville, M.A., B.D., Arrowsmith, Alan Winston M.Th. Arthur, George Alfred Roger, L.Th. Botting, Ian James, M.A Ashton, Patrick Thomas, M.A., M.V.O. Bourne, Ian Grant, B.A, L.Th. Aitkins, Peter Geoffrey, M.A., B.D., L.Th., Honary Canon The Venerable Archdeacon- Aubrey, Keith Gilbert, Th.L., Canon Bowyer, Henry George, B.D., B.Sc., Ault, Harold Frank, M.A., B.D., L.Th., L.Th. Th.Scho. Axcell, Peter, L.Th. The Reverend- Baigent. Kempster William. L.Th. Boyd, David George, B.Sc., L.Th. Baker, Cherie Violet Dorothy Boyd-Bell, Henry James, E.D., L.Th. Baker, Gerald Stothert, M.A., L.Th. Boyes, Jonathan Richard, B.A. Baker, Philip Bartrum, B.A, L.Th. Braddock, David Alwyn, L.Th. Balfour, David Ian Bailey Braddock, Kenneth Frederick Langley Ballantyne, Simon Thorne, B.A, L.Th. Bradley, Wilfred John, M.D.E. Bambury, Owen Ronald, J.P. Branthwaite, John Walter, B.A., L.Th. Banfield, Colin Clement Brewster, David Pearson Barber, Elton Clifford, B.A. Brittenden, Christopher Ronald Scott, Barker, John Llewellyn L.Th. Barnes, Lewis Agassiz, M.A, L.Th. Brockbank, Leslie David Barnett, Kevin Percy, B.A., L.Th. Brokenshire, John Joseph, L.Th. Brooker, Stephen John, B.A.. L.Th. Broughton, Alan Rangiahuta Herewini The Venerable Archdeacon­ Brown, Alec Charles, AK.C. Barrett, Denis Brown, Colin Greville, B.H., S.Th. Brown, Eric Donald The Reverend- Brown, Graeme Eric Barrett, Robert Edwin, B.Sc., L.Th. Brown, John Lawley, M.B.E., B.A., Barton, Terrance Moore, M.Com., L.Th., Canon F.C.A. Brown, Michael Henry, B.Com., L.Th. Basire, Ian James, B.E., L.Th. Browne, Cyril Franklin Browne, Ross Douglas, B.A., L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon- Bathurst, Keith Orton, M.A., L.Th. Deaconess- Brunton, Heather Jacqueline, L.Th. The Reverend­ Batterbury, Charles The Reverend- Bean, Peter Douglas, L.Th. Buchanan, John Dermot, L.Th. Beattie, Ian David, B.A., L.Th.,· Beattie, William Bruce The Venerable Archdeacon- Beauchamp, Donald Charles, L.Th. Buckle, Edward Gilbert, Th.L., Dip. Beaumont, Victor George, L.Th. C.C. Beckett, Bruce Arthur Westenra, L.Th. The Reverend- Bull, Cecil Stanley, L.Th., F.R.G.S. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Beere, Lionel O'Sullivan, M.A. The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend- Bull, Maxwell Lovelace Arthur. Bell-Booth, William Louis, L.Th. The Reverend- Bellingham, John Kingston Burgin, Eric Woollcombe, B.A, L.Th. Bendall, Kenneth Albert Burns. Percy. L.Th. Benham, Noel Francis Burt, Roger Malcolm. Bennett. Charles William. L.Th. Burton, Lewin Noel The Right Reverend Bishop- The Venerable Archdeacon­ Bennett, Manu Augustus, B.Sc., D.O. Butt, Gordon Alexander, L.Th. 22 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 607 The AngJican Church-continued The AngJican Church-cohtinued The Reverend- The Very Reverend Dean- Buttle, Richard Newman, B.A., L.Th. David, Conrad Frederick Adam, L.Th. Button, Graham John, BA., L.Th., Davidson. Graeme John. BA. Dip.Ed. Canon- Bythell, Noel John, M.Sc., Th.L. Davies, Walter Merlin, B.A .• Canon Calder, Matthew Lewis, Th.L. Cameron, Derek Cedric Graham, The Reverend- L.Th. Davies, Richard James, M.A. Cameron, John Steven Graham, B.A., Davies, Winton lames Detheridge, S.Th. L.Th, Cameron, Mangititoki, L.Th., Canon Davis. Brian Newton, M.A., L.Th. Cameron, William Steven Graham, Davis, Hector Percival Harold L.Th. Davis, Manuhiri Louis Campbell, Milton Hope, L.Th. Davis, Peter William, M.A., L.T.C.L., Carpenter. Theodore George, L.Th. L.Th. Carrell, Brian Ruane, M.A. Davy, Kenneth Thomas, L.Th. Carson, Richard Alcorn. M.A., Canon Dawson, Frederick Oberlin, M.C .• Carson, Richard Collingwood, B.Sc. L.Th. Castle, Wilmot Rodd, L.Th. Day, Frederick James. L.Th. Caswell, Colin Douglas, Charles. Day, John Ashley Garnet. B.A. O.B.B .• C.B.E., Canon Daysh, lohn Duff. B.A. Catley, Dr Allan Bruce, M.A .• M.Sc .• de Candole, Donald Vully, Hon. Th.D. Canon Caudwell, Rex. L.Th. Dempsey, Gordon lohn, B.A., L.Th. Chalmers. Arnold Lyall Roy, L.Th. Denny, Laurence John, BA.. L.Th. Charles, Edward Philip Grigg, L.Th. Derbyshire, Noel William. A.C.A., Cheeseman, Trevor Percival. D.R.• B.Com. M.Sc .• B.D., A.K.C. Dewar, Alexandar Montgomerie Hast- Cherrington, Philip Henry. L.Th. ings Cherrington, Wahi Johnson Dixon. William Gordon Murray, L.Th. The Very Reverend Dean- Dobbs, Clifford Leslie, B.A. Childs, Henry Arthur, M.A., Dip. Soc. Dobson, Ronald Keith, B.A .• L.Th. Sc. Dodd, John, M.A. The Reverend- Brother- Ohilds, William Arthur Donald, Hugh, S.s.F.• Th.L. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Chung, John Yan Leap The Rev. Canon- Clark. Gerald Hurley. B.Sc., B.A. Dorman, Denis John Brennian. M.A.• Clark, Richard Rex. M.A., L.Th. L.Th. The Reverend- The Reverend- Clarke, Anthony Ivan. L.L.B.. Canon Darrington, Hector GUIlIon, M.A., Clarke. Neil Stenson Dip.Ed. Cobham. George Albert Anthony Drake, Bryan Douglas, L.Th. Douglas. L.Th .• S.Th. Drake, William Nevill Cockburn. Bruce Alister Drury, Peter Alexander, L.Th. Cocks, Michael Dearden Somers, M.A. Dryburgh. Alexander Huntley. L.Th. Colegrove, Richard Selwyn. L.Th .• Drysdale, Munro, M.A.. B.D. L.R.S.M., L.T.C.L. Duffy, Alex Edward, L.Th. Coles, David John, M.A., B.D., M.Th., Dunlop. Rodney Owen. L.Th. Dip.Re .• Ph.D. Collard-Scruby. Allington Frank. The Venerable Archdeacon­ AX.C. Dunningham, Selwyn David Eden. Colley. Graham Albert. L.Th. M.A. L.Th. Comery, Arthur Clayton. L.Th. The Reverend- Coney, Gerald Frederick Duthie, Struan James, B.A., L.Th. Connor. George Howard Douglas, Dyer, James Henry, A.L.C.D. L.Th. Dyer, Paul, BA., L.Th. Cook, Frederick Walter, L.Th .• S.Th .• Eades, Reginal William Gaywood A.T.C.L. Eames, Hubert Hardisty, BA. Cook, Russell Victor Easton, Richard Huntingford. M.A. Cooper, Arthur Robert, L.Th. Eaton, Henry Jackson. Cooper, Christopher Neville, B.E. Ea.ton, Ross Seymour, MA. Cooper. Ian Douglas Lewis. L.Th. Edgar. David. M.A., L.Th. Cooze, Cyril Wakelin Edmiston, Douglas Seymour, L.Th. Corney. Samuel, Canon The Venerable Archdeaoon- Coulson, John Keyworth. Dip.Art Coulthard. Roy Edward, B.A.. L.Th. Edmunds, William Milton, BA., Dip. Couper. Roger Benson. B.A., L.Th. Ed. Courage, Anthony John The Reverend- Coveney, John Andrews, L.Th. Edridge, Peter Jack, L.Th. Cowan. Hugh Donald, Th.L. Edwards, Jan Camcross, L. Th. Cowen, Dennis Aubrey, L.Th., Dip. Edwards, Stuart, L.Th. Ed. Elliott, Keith, V.C. Cox. Bernard Sheffield, Th.L. Ellis. John Francis Craighead, John Miller, L.Th. Engels, James Michael, M.A., S.T.B. Cranch, William Maxwell, B.A .• L.Th. Erwin, John Desmond Deaconess- Evans, John Heber, M.A. Cranston. Wendy Beryl, M.A., L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon- The Reverend- Everall, Thomas Roy, Th.Scol., L.Th. Craogh, Dr George Terence. D, The Reverend- MIN., S.T.H.• L.Th. (Hons.) Everitt, Alan Kenneth Crawshaw, Geoffrey Colin, L.Th. Cull, Stafford Guy, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Cullen, Clifford Lloyd, L. Th. Fagg, Thomas Francis, L.Th. Cullen, John Austin, B.A. The Reverend- Culpitt, Ian Raymond, M.A. Fahey, Michael Wainwright, B.A., Cunliffe, William Richard, B.A., L.Th. LTh. Dalby, Ross Howieson Falconer, Roderick William Darlington, Wallace Garnett, L.Th. Fennell, Francis Vincent, B.A., L.Th. Dasbfield, Edward Maurice, L.Th. Fenton, Richard James, L.Th. Inset 1 608 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE1TE No. 29 The AogUcan Church-continued The Anglican Olurch-continued The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend­ Ferguson, Donald Thomas, L.Th. Harrison, David Shirley Harrison, Francis The Reverend- Harrison, Frederick Charles, B.D. Firebrace, Robert Cordell, M.A., Harrison, Harold Vernon, L.Th. A.K.C. Hartley, William Henry Darien Fisher, John Matson, L.Th. Haskell, Charles William, M.B.E., B.D. Fisher, John Samuel, B.A., L.Th.
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