Lfnbex 159 LEGEND: Baptism (Bp); Death (De C); Ma Rriage (Ma R I )

Lfnbex 159 LEGEND: Baptism (Bp); Death (De C); Ma Rriage (Ma R I )

lfnbex 159 LEGEND: Baptism (Bp); Death (De c); Ma rriage (Ma r i ) AIlBY BETHUNE/BEATON/BENTON (cont ' d) Jerassia,wife of Stephen CASS(Marr) 138 Ann , wife of Roderick McGILLIVRAY,54,67,77,87- ADA.'!S Ann,wife o f Roderick McLEOD , 61,73, 81 97 Susanna Jane , wife of John A.SIMPSON 53 , Cathe rine (Bp) , of John & M. McMILLAN,48 63 Cat he rine,wif~ of Patrick McCUAIG,65 , 76 , 85, ALLEN (ALLAN ) Catherine,wife o f Peter HcCUAlG . 95 Ann ,w ife of Henr y GEORGE 18 Chr is t ina(Bp) , o f Hecto r & M.McLEOD,88 Emily Marie, wife of John SIMPSON 113,119 Christena(Bp) ,of Norman & A.FLETCHER,IOS 128 Christian,,(Bp) ,of Norman & A.FLnCHEk,l15 Joseph(Bp)of Richard ALLAN & Jackson 33 Betty(Elizabeth?) (Bp),of Donald & Janet Joseph (B p) " 46 McPHAlDEN , lB Thomas (Ma rr) , hus of Jane HALL 136 Donald , hus of Janet McPHAlDEN ,18',39, Richard(Bp)of Richard ALLAN & Jackson 21 Donald (Bp) , of John & M . M~~I L~~, 21 Richa rd, hus of Nancy(Ann) JACKSON 21, 33 , Donald (B p) , of J ohn & M. McINTOSH,3 5 46 Donald,hus of Catherine McLEOD , 53,6B,79, 90 ANDERSON Donald(Bp) , oi Donald & C. McLEOD,53 Alexander(Marr)hus of Isabella MITCHELL Donald (Bp) , of Hec t or & M. McLEOD , 67 137 Donald (B p) , of Norman & F. McCRIMMDN,68 Ann,wife of Donald McGREGOR , 64 Donald (Bp) ,of Duncan & A. FLETCHER , 126 Cath~rine , wife o f John McCUAIG,17 Duncan, hus of Ann FLETCHER,lll , 126,126,126, Ch r isty(Christine/Christina) , wife of 126, 126, Donald McALPlN,11 , 21 , 28,56,7 4 Duncan(Bp) ,of Duncan & A.FLET CHE R, 126 Elizabeth,wife of C.McLEOD , 96 Ellen,wife of Ang us SMITH,I7 James,hus of Maria J OHNSON , 119 Elizabet h , wife of Don3ld DEWAR , 94 Hichael, hus of Christina McGILLIVRAY , 129 Elizabeth(Marr) ,to William McDONELL , 153 Nancy(Ma rr ) ,wife of John GORDON,145 Harriet(Bp),o f Norman & A. FLETCHER,1 26 William Clark(Bp) ,of J.ANDERSON & Maria Hecto r,hus of Ma ry McLEOD,54 , 67 , 88 , 95 JOHN SON , II 9 Isabella,wife of Donald DEWtJR , 61, BO William Rob~ rt (Bp) ,of M. ANDERSON & Ch ris. James , hus 0 f Margaret licGI LL I VRAY , 55 , 70 , 79 McGILLIVRAY , 129 91, (Marc) 14 3. ARNOTT John, hus of I Hare I McMILlAJ.\l , 2 l ,48 , Rebecca , wife of A.MciNTOSH , 81 , 9l John, hus of 'More'McINTOSlI , 35, 35 , 52 , ARTON ? John Joseph(Bp) , of James & M. McGILLIVRAY , 55 Louisa,wife of Clark CHINEY , 4 John,hus of Sally' McINTOSH,66 John, hus o f Sally McMI LLAN,73,90,99, (Marr ) 137 John (Bp ) , of John & Sally M~~ ILLAN , 73 BAKER(Barker) John (Bp) ,of Donald & Catherine Mc LEOD ,7 9 Hannah P. ,w ife of AIber HAGAR , 24 ,37 John (Bp) ,of Norman & Ann FLETCHER , 109 BAIN John(Bp) ,of Duncan & Ann FLETCHER,126 Jane t,wife of Malcolm '1cCUAIG,13 Joseph(Bp ) , of James & M.McGILLIVRAY,7 0 BAGS (Beggs ?)or (Boyd?) Mary,wife of Angus LI VINGSTON , 39, 47 , (l1a rr)140 Alexand~r(Bp),of J . BAGS & J . JAMIESON , 14 Mary (Bp),of Ang u s & Christy FLETCHER ,128 Eli<abeth, wife of R.McCILLIGAN, 61 ,67 Margaret (Bp) of "" " ) 124 J ohn , hus vf Jane J&~IESO N , 14 , 3 3,33. Margaret (Bp ) ,of Duncan & A. FLETCHER ,1 26 BANCROIT More(Bp) , of Angus & Peggy McCUAIG , 20 Mary(Marr) • .rife of Elonza BANGS , 137 More (Bp) , of Donald & J.McPHAlDEN , J9 Mary(Ma rr) ,wife of George WILLIS,146 Nancy(Bp) ,of James & M.McGILLIVRAY , 79 Sar ah L(Harr) , wife of L.DUNNING,139 Neil(Bp),of John & M.McINTOSH ,35 BA. .''lGS Neil(Bp) ,of Norman & Ann FLETCllER ,l17 Elonza(Marr),hus of Mary BANCROIT,137 Nelly(Bp) , of John & Sally M~~I L LAN,90 BARBER Norman(Bp)of Hector & Mary Mc LEOD,5 4 John, hus of Sally ORMSTEAD,7 Norman,hus of Flora McCRl~~ON , 6B,75 , 84, John (Bp) ,of J.BARBER & S . O&'!STEAD , 7 BARNS Norman ( Bp ) , of Norman & F.NcCRIHMON , 84 Jos eph (Mar r ) ,hus of C.CLARK , 140 Norman (Bp) ,of Donald & C. Mc LEOD , 90 BAS LEY Norman (Bp) ,of Hector & M.McLEOD, 95 Leviqa,wife of Robe rt REI D,1 7 Norman , hus of Ann FLETCHER,lOB,109 , l15 , I17, BARNUM 126. MarY , wife of Elisha BEARS , 40 Penelopy ()!arc) , to Alexand er McLEOD , 152 BATES Roderick(B p) ,of John & Sally M~~lLLAN , 99 Ann (Bp) , of Robert BATeS &(E . MELLON?) , 48 Sally(Bp) , of Norman & F.HcCRIMMON,75 Robert , hus of Elizabeth (MELLON ?) ,48, Sally, wife of William McDONELL,7B 146(Ha~r) to Eliza(~~LLAR) Sally(Bp) ,of Duncan & A.FLETCHER , lll BEARS Sarah,wife of Roderick McRAE,120,125 Charles(Bp) ,of El isha BEARS & M.BARNUM , 40 William Thomas(Bp) , of James & M.McGI LL IVRAY , Elizabeth (Eliza) , wife of C. LIG HTHALL , 29, 91. 48 , 48,135(Marr) t o C. LIGHTILALL . BECKWITH Elisha,hus of Mary BARNUM,40,40 , 40 Submit Matilda, wife of J.T. WHIRL , 28 , 29 , 29. Polly,w ife of James Sl}WS ON,37, 48 , BEAREN (Beaven? ) 141(Marr)to James SIMPSON Stephen, hus of H. A.LONG , 31,34 , (Marr)141 Richard(Bp)of El isha & M. BARNUM , 40 Stephen 8enjamin (B p) ,of Stephen & LONG , 34 141 (Marr)to Fat ise DeMERS BINNET Sarah(Bp ) , of Elisha & M.BARNUM, 40 Dorothy,wife of D.MacDONALD DUNCAN , 88 , 88 Peter(Marr) ,hus of Margaret (HOY?) , 146 BL-'.CK BELL J anet,wife of Murdoch McPHEE , 44 , (Marr)144 Arthur, hus of Ma ry GILL , 25 , 34 Kitty ,wife of J ohn CAMERON,45 John(Bp)of Arthur & Mary GILL,25 BLACKWELL Rosan(Bp)of Ar t hu r & Mary GI LL James (Bp) , of William & M.McLELLAN , 41 BETTUE(Bethune ?) William,hus of Mary McLELLAN,41 James,hus of Nancy TURNER, 26 BLEURY(?) Maria (Bp )of James & Nancy TURNER , 26 George(Bp) ,of Olivar & L.LO UIS , 47 RETHUNE/BEATON/BENTON Olivar,hus of Lucy LOUIS , 47 Aiexander (Bp)of J ohn & Mo r e McINTOSH,5 2 BLOND (?) Alexander(Bp)of Duncan & A. FLI::TCllER, 126 ( ? ),wif~ of O.F.WI NTERS , 15,15 ,1 5. Angus,hus of Peggy McCUAIG,20 BRADD (Brahad ) Angus(Bp)of John & Sally MclNTOSll,66 Margaret Janc(Bp ) ,of ? 6: ? Angus(Bp)of Donald & C.McLEDD,6S Sarah, wife vf Alldn M~~IL~~ , l17,1 1 7 , 117, 120 An~us ,hu s o f Christy FLETCHER , 124,1 28 BRADLEY Margaret ,wife of Cha rles CHESSER , 24 , (Harr ) 137 ~ l6 0 BRE CO CAME RON (cont ' d) Antoine(Marr) , t o Mar ia (WINTERS ?) , 147 Christina , wife of Allan ~~~ERO N, 45 BOND Christ ine,wife of Patrick FRAlNER , 45 , 45 Ann,wife of Simon VAN KLEEK,4 Christina,wife of John FRASER,52 BOYD (?) (Beggs/Baggs?) Christina ,wife of Ewen McLEAN ,65 Agnes,wife of William John (HILL?)lOl,lOl Christina(Bp) ,of,Angus & Ann McMI LLAN , 89 Ann,wife of John CAMPBELL,S Donald , hus of Ann ( McVIC&~? ) , lO Ann,wife of Donald CAMPBELL , 33 Donald (Bp) ,of Angus & Jane CAMERON , 21 Elizabeth(Bp) ,of John & E . J&~IESON,38 Donald , hus of Ki t ty CAl'!ERON, 22 EllinorCBp) , of John & El iza JAMIESON, 33 Donald,hus of Chr isty FLETCHER , 26, (Ma rr ) 139 Ellinor,wife o f Joseph H&~UL , 38 Donald (B p) ,of John & Christy McLE&~ , 41 J ohn,hus o f Eliza JAMIESON,33,38,46 Donald (B p) ,of Duncan & Ma r y C~RON , 43 John(Bp),of Nathaniel & Sar ah STEWART , 39 Donald,hus o f Nancy CAMERON , 47 June(Bp),of John ~ E .J&~I ESON , 46 Donald,hus of Peggy McFEE,52,61,71 Nathaniel,hus of Sar ah STEWART,39 Donald(Bp) ,of Duncan & C.MO RRISON,59 BOYDEN Donald (Bp) , of Donald & Peggy McPHEE,71 Eliza(Marr) ,to Lamuel COLVIN,141 Donald (Bp) , of Jo hn & Ch r ist i na McLEAN,63 BROADIE Donald,hus of Grace McLE~~AN,73,94,(Marr)150 J ean(Marr) ,to William J&~IESON,142 Donald , hus of Christina McLENN&~ , 83 BROCIi (Brock?) Donald,hus of Catherine ( ) ,111 Ellen ,wife of William CO FFIN,39 Duncan(Bp) ,of Allan & Ann McMILLAN, 22 Hannah(Bp) ,of Robert & Loley (FROTT E?) ,14 Duncan, hus of Mary CAMERON , 29 , 43 Mary(Bp ) ,of Robert & Loley (FROST?) , 34 Duncan,hus of Clem intine ROBERTSON ,47 , (Ma rr) 144 Robe rt , hus o f Loley (FROTTE) ,1 4 , 34 , 42 Duncan , hus of Ca t herine MORRlSON,59,67 , 75 ,86 , 99 Robe rt St ewart (Bp) ,of Ro bert & S.FROST,42 101, (Ma rr ) 148 Stewart (Marr) , to Phoe be SKINNER , 145 Duncan (Bp) ,of Hugh & (Came ron ?)CAMERON ,11 8 BROWN Elizabeth,wife of (Hugh?) FRAS ER, l Allan(Marr ) ,to Catherine GORMAN ,147 Ely, wife of J ohn HcNAUGHTON , I2 Edwa rd (Bp) ,of James & E.BROWN , 15 Ephy (B p) , of John & Kitty BLACK , 45 Elizabet h, wife of James BROWN , 15 Ewa n/Ew"n(Bp ) ,of John & J.McLACH LAN, 13 Elizabeth(Bp) ,of Mark & E. BROWN , 2S Ewe n, hus of Sar ah CAMERON , 18 Elizabeth, wife uf Mark BROWN,25 Ewen(Bp) ,of Murdoch & Christy McDONALD,37 J ames , hus of Elizabe th BROWN , 15 Ewe n (Bp) , of Donald & Ch r ist i na McLENN&~,83 June,wife of Ralph (HORNER?),43 Ewan(Bp) ,of Duncan & Catherine MORRlSON,99 Lidia,wife of Major DeHARTEL ,1 4 Ewen, hus of Ca t herine CAMERON , 123 Margery(Marr) , t o Thomas HIGGINSON , 146 Ewen(Ma r r) ,to Mary(C&~ERON')146 , *McGIL LI VRAY Ma r k, hus of Elizabeth BROWN , 2 5 Fa rquhar(Bp) ,of Duncan & C.MO RRISON ,86 BRUSH Flora(Bp) ,of Allan & Ann M~~l LUU~,3 Ergo(Marr) , to Elizabeth WADDLE , 142 Flora, wife of James CAMPBE LL, 11,(Marr)!34 BUCHANAN Flora (Bp) ,of Ewen & Sarah C&~ERON,18,20 Catherine,wife or Rev.John McISAAC,52,74, Flora (Ma rt) , t o Colin SINC LAIR, 1 34 85 , 94 Crace,wife of No naan HcLEOD , 2 Malcolm , hu~ of Mary G~~,84 Grace,wife of Hu&h McLEAN,ll John (Bp) ,of Malcolm & Mary GRfu~ , 84(Ma rr )14 Grace,wife of John McLEAN , 24 CAINE (Cubu?) Hugh,hu s of Sar ah CAl'!E RON , IO Jane,wife of John McKAY ,31,31 Hugh (Bp) , of Murdoch & Christy McDONALD,30 CALDWELL(Colville ?) Hugh,hus of (Came ron?) C~RON , 118 Henry,hus of Fanny ROBERTSON , 24 , 41 Hugh,hus of Catherine CAMERON,124 , 129 Peggy An II (B p) ,of Henry & F.ROBERTSON,24 Hugh Allan (Bp ) , of Hugh & C.

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