Lfnbex 159 LEGEND: Baptism (Bp); Death (De C); Ma Rriage (Ma R I )
lfnbex 159 LEGEND: Baptism (Bp); Death (De c); Ma rriage (Ma r i ) AIlBY BETHUNE/BEATON/BENTON (cont ' d) Jerassia,wife of Stephen CASS(Marr) 138 Ann , wife of Roderick McGILLIVRAY,54,67,77,87- ADA.'!S Ann,wife o f Roderick McLEOD , 61,73, 81 97 Susanna Jane , wife of John A.SIMPSON 53 , Cathe rine (Bp) , of John & M. McMILLAN,48 63 Cat he rine,wif~ of Patrick McCUAIG,65 , 76 , 85, ALLEN (ALLAN ) Catherine,wife o f Peter HcCUAlG . 95 Ann ,w ife of Henr y GEORGE 18 Chr is t ina(Bp) , o f Hecto r & M.McLEOD,88 Emily Marie, wife of John SIMPSON 113,119 Christena(Bp) ,of Norman & A.FLETCHER,IOS 128 Christian,,(Bp) ,of Norman & A.FLnCHEk,l15 Joseph(Bp)of Richard ALLAN & Jackson 33 Betty(Elizabeth?) (Bp),of Donald & Janet Joseph (B p) " 46 McPHAlDEN , lB Thomas (Ma rr) , hus of Jane HALL 136 Donald , hus of Janet McPHAlDEN ,18',39, Richard(Bp)of Richard ALLAN & Jackson 21 Donald (Bp) , of John & M . M~~I L~~, 21 Richa rd, hus of Nancy(Ann) JACKSON 21, 33 , Donald (B p) , of J ohn & M. McINTOSH,3 5 46 Donald,hus of Catherine McLEOD , 53,6B,79, 90 ANDERSON Donald(Bp) , oi Donald & C. McLEOD,53 Alexander(Marr)hus of Isabella MITCHELL Donald (Bp) , of Hec t or & M. McLEOD , 67 137 Donald (B p) , of Norman & F. McCRIMMDN,68 Ann,wife of Donald McGREGOR , 64 Donald (Bp) ,of Duncan & A. FLETCHER , 126 Cath~rine , wife o f John McCUAIG,17 Duncan, hus of Ann FLETCHER,lll , 126,126,126, Ch r isty(Christine/Christina) , wife of 126, 126, Donald McALPlN,11 , 21 , 28,56,7 4 Duncan(Bp) ,of Duncan & A.FLET CHE R, 126 Elizabeth,wife of C.McLEOD , 96 Ellen,wife of Ang us SMITH,I7 James,hus of Maria J OHNSON , 119 Elizabet h , wife of Don3ld DEWAR , 94 Hichael, hus of Christina McGILLIVRAY , 129 Elizabeth(Marr) ,to William McDONELL , 153 Nancy(Ma rr ) ,wife of John GORDON,145 Harriet(Bp),o f Norman & A.
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