Medical News. Thomas William Short, London Hospital; John Forest Smith, St

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Medical News. Thomas William Short, London Hospital; John Forest Smith, St 1100 at lower terms than those sanctioned by the British Medical Women; Edith Caroline Hudgell, London (Royal Free Hospital) " School of Medicine for Women; Philip Hudson, University Association. College; Henry Cecil Jenninga, St. Thomas’s Hospital; The honorary secretary reported that the following letter Rhys Bevan John, University College, Cardiff; James Gaymer had been received from the National Health Insurance Com- Jones, Guy’s Hospital; Percy Tudor Jones, University College, Cardiff; Frank Alexander Knott, Hospital and a for information as to the date Guy’s Imperial mission in reply to request College, Royal College of Science; James Kyle and Herbert John of issue of the Regulations for Medical Benefits," and the Leviseur, Guy’s Hospital; David John Adams Lewis, London probable date of the formation of the District Insurance Hospital; Kenneth Thomas Limbery, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Annie of Lewisham :- Lloyd, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; Committee for the borough Vernon Edmund Lloyd, Guy’s Hospital; Walter Henry Lloyd, April 16th, 1912. Middlesex Hospital; Hugh Montagu Cameron Macaulay, St. SiR,—With reference to your letter received on the 12th inst., I am Bartholomew’s Hospital; George Alex. Sheridan Madgwick, London directed by the National Health Insurance Commission (England) to Hospital; Peter George McEvedy, Guy’s Hospital; John Edward state that the regulations for the administration of medical benefit are George McGibbon, University of Liverpool; Ralph Godfrey under consideration, and the date of their issue cannot at present be Michelmore and Hickman W. Lancelot Molesworth, London Hos- stated. With regard to the formation of the Insurance Committee for pital ; Ferdinand Molina, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Allan Hawkins the metropolitan borough of Lewisham, I am to point out that under Morley, London Hospital; Duncan Collingwood Ogilvie, Middlesex the proviso to Section 59 (4) the formation of District Committees will Hospital; Hugh Roger Partridge, University of Leeds; Doris Mary depend in the first instance on the scheme to be prepared by the Pearce, The University and Municipal Technical School, Birming- Insurance Committee of the county, subject to the regulations to be ham, and private study; Enid Maud Pfeil, London (Royal Free made under that section. These regulations have not yet been issued, Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; Griffith James Randell but intimation of them will be given in due course when issued. and David Rees, University College, Cardiff; David William Ryder I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Richardson, St. Paul’s School; Arthur Eaton Richmond, S Thomas’s Hon. Secretary, Lewisham Medical Committee. L. S. BROCK. Hospital; Eveleen Blanche Gibson Rivington, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; John Elvin Rusby, University of Leeds; Trevor Cecil Russell, St. Mary’s Hospital; Ephraim Sakoschansky, University College, Nottingham; Enid Eleanora Sanger-Davies, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; James Ernest Scanlan, St. Nlary’s Hospital; Medical News. Thomas William Short, London Hospital; John Forest Smith, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Michael Cecil Stark and Robert Gee Sterling, London Hospital; Aubrey Lennard Stokes, Guy’s Hospital ; Godfrey EXAMINING BOARD IN ENGLAND BY THE ROYAL Trehane Symons, King’s College; Glyde Philip Tatton and Hugh Watts London Donald Carmichael St. COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON AND SURGEONS OF Taylor, Hospital; Thomas, Thomas’s Hospital; James William Tudor Thomas and Rufus ENGLAND.-At the quarterly examination in Practical Clifford Thomas, University College, Cardiff; William Leslie Pharmacy of the Examining Board in England held on Thomas, Middlesex Hospital; Ralph Reakes Thompson and James Valentine. London Herbert Stewart llth the were Douglas Hospital; April following gentlemen approved :— Wacher and Morris John Theodore Wallis, Guy’s Hospital; Hugh Lancelot White Barlow and Robert Eric Barnsley, St. Bartholomew’s Wearne, Middlesex Hospital; Phillis Emily Webb, London (Royal Hospital; Philip Norman Button, Middlesex Hospital; Maurice Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; Philip Hewer Wells, Hereward Cane, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Henry George St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Arthur Willatt. London Hospital; Richmond Canning, private study; William King Churchouse, Alban Wilson, University College; and Wilfrid Conrad Stanley Charing Cross Hospital; Eric Clarence Cline, Guy’s Hospital; Wood, King’s College and Birkbeck College. Eliezer Coplans, St. George’s Hospital; David Hamilton Derry, Part Il., Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology.-Guido Carlo St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Edward Garlick Fisher, Liverpool Giulio Baldini and Francis Gregory Lawson Barnes, St. Bartho- University ; Ronald Hodson, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital: Frank lomew’s Hospital; Frank Montague Barnes, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Cornwell Hunot, Guy’s Hospital; Claude Stewart James Kearney Thomas David Collis Barry. University of Liverpool; Stanley and Guv Kinneir, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ; Harold Bishop Batchelor, London Hospital ; William Roy Blore, Victoria University Logan, Bristol University; Percy East Lones, University College of Manchester; Frederick Hubert Bray, London Hospital; Isabel Hospital; William Ulic Desmond Longford, St. Bartholomew’s Florence Buckle, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine Hospital; Owen David Baker Mawson, London Hospital; for Women; Harold Garrett Chaplin, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Louis Marie Jacques Menage, Leonard Milton, and Alan Dorothy Chick, London kltoyal Free Eoapital) School of Medicine Vivian Moberly, Guy’s Hospital; Richard Frith Quinton, for Women ; Ying-Jue Cieh, King’s College ; Lilian Annie Clark, London Hospital; John Magnus Redding, Charing Cross London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; Hospital; Joseph Edward Rivera, Manchester University; William Edward Kyte Coles, University of Edinburgh ; Herbert Charles Meadows Ryley, Guy’s Hospital; John Thomas Samuel, William Cooke, University of Bristol and University College ; Percy University College, Cardiff, and private study; Humfrey Vernon Davies, University College, Cardiff; Alexander Decimus Newnham Sealy, London Hospital ; Basil Lyndon Skeggs, St. Bar- d’Avray, University College; John Alfred Wylde Ebden, King’s tholomew’s Hospital; Kenneth Vickerman Smith, Charing Cross College ; George Dunluce Eccles, Guy’s Hospital; Ahmed Fahmi Hospital; William James Dobson Smyth, Guy’s Hospital; Douglas El Hakim, London Hospital; Robert Ellis, University of Birming- Leigh Spence, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; James Randolph ham and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Richard Feltrim Fagan and William Stephens, Manchester University ; William Allan Stewart Hugh Alderson Fawcett, University College; Joseph Fielding, and James Simpson Strachan, London Hospital; William Frank Victoria University of Manchester ; Septimus Alexander Forbes, Thompson, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Vernon Charles Whitby London Hospital; Humphrey Leonard George Foxell, University Vickers, St. Mary’s Hospital; Walter Geoffrey Watson, St. College; Samuel Lionel Green, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; David George’s Hospital; and Frederick Langton Webster, Manchester William Griffith, University College, Cardiff, and Middlesex Hos- University. pital ; Herbert Stuart Griffith and Hugh Ernest Griffiths, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ; Norah Hamill, London (Royal Free Hos- UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. - At the Second pital) School of Medicine for Women ; Ranald Montagu Handfield- Examination for Medical held the Jones, St. Mary’s lHospital; Arthur Geoffrey Paterson Hardwick, Degrees recently following London Hospital; Cyril Edward Harrison, Middlesex Hospital; candidates were successful :- Stanley Sextus Barrymore Harrison, Guy’s Hospital; Jessie Eva .Part I., Organic and Applied Chemistry.-Arthur Wilfrid Adams, Hart, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for University of Bristol; David William Jabez Andrews, Middlesex Women; Horace William Hay, University College; Alec George Hospital; Mary Neville Andrews, London (Royal Free Hospital) Holman, London Hospital; George Maudslay Jackson, University School of Medicine for Women ; Ivor Aubrey, University College, of Bristol; Hilda Grace Johnson and Mary Emmeline Joll, Cardiff; Donald Ancutt, King’s College; Charles Hunter Donaldson London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; Banks, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Christopher Percival Barber, Samuel Walter Maslen Jones, Middlesex Hospital; William Morris King’s College and Charing Cross Hospital; Edgar Broughton Lansdale, Guy’s Hospital ; Hugh James McCurrich, University of Barnes, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; George Charles Berg, St. Bristol; Helen Marion Macpherson Mackay, London (Royal Free Thomas’s Hospital; Christian Frederick ’Beyers, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; John Finlayson Hospital; Eric Biddle, Guv’s Hospital; Gilbert Blurton, University Mackenzie, Guy’s Hospital; Showkiram Sahijram Malkani, Uni- of Birmingham; Charles Vincent Boland, St. Bartholomew’s Hos- versity College; Vivian Mercer Metivier, St. Bartholomew’s Hos- petal ; Maurice Charles Breese, King’s College and Westminster pital ; Allan Noel Minus and James York Moore, Guy’s Hospital; Hospital ; Charles Hugh Colclough Byrne, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Henry Ray Parsloe, London Hospital; Margaret Russell Paterson Frank Chadwick, Victoria University of Manchester; Hetty and Innes Hope Pearse, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Bthelberta
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    m. M •^.^nr> ..«/ 'V.y 1. Vv y XHK &Feat Scoteh Wineey Manufactured exjaressly for JOHN FORBKS, Itiverness, in New Stripes and Checks, also in White and all Colours, IS the: idkal. fabric for Ladies' Blouses, Children's Dresses, Gent's Shirts and Pyjamas, and every kind of Day, Night and Underwear, ENDLESS IN WEAR AND POSITIVELY UNSHRINKABLE. 31 inches wide, 1/9 per yard. New Exclusive Weaves. All Fast Colours. Pattern Bunches Free on application to JOHN FORBES Hig^li Street Sc Ingrlis Street INVERNESS. "ESTATE DUTIES.'* Distinctive System OF Assurance. I4OW Premiums. Lo^v Expenses. SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSXmJTION. AccuHinlated^iFunds jeiceecl £13,750,000. Aberdeen Branch : 166 UNION STREET Inspector of Agencies (Northern District :) WILLIAM FARQUHARSON. rJAMES D. MACKIE. Local Secretaries j^j^^^j^j) TENNANT. AGENTS IN INVERNESS; Messrs ANDERSON & SHAW, W.S, Messrs JAMES ROSS & BOYD, Solicitors, DAVID ROSS, Solicitor, 63 Church Street, Head Office—No. 6 St. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH : ® Dortaem $ls$urancc ConqKini^ l2ead Offices flbeMeen S London FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. Accumulated Funds, £6,782,900 FIRK BRAKCH Large Keserves, Prompt and equitable settlement of Losses. Surveys made and rates quoted free of charge. I^IFK BRAKCH The "with profits" section has many features attractive to Assurants, Amongst these are THE STRONG RESERVES.—Very stringent Eeserves, on a 2| per cent, basis, have been set aside. THE LOW EXPENSES.—The expenditure is restricted to 10 per cent, of the premiums. ALL PROFITS TO ASSURED.— Policy-holders receive the entire profits. They thus obtain the advantages of a Mutual Society, and in addition the further security afforded by a Proprietary Ofiice.
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