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LEVITIC AL HIGH PRIESTHOO D IN THE \.,rRCTIHGS OF JOS EPHTJS by Fr. Peter KU11l1e, C. P. A Thesis SUb ~Ili tted t o the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University, i n Partial Fulfillment of the Re quire:nents for the Degree of Master of Arts i>ulwaukee, Wis consin July, 1967 " i TABLE OF CO NTEUTS ACKN O;;fu3DG Ei·1ENTS ............................ ...... i i I NTRODUCTION ........................... ........... 1 CHAP TER 1. THE APPOIN"l'IENT AiTD COl'JFlm ·I..'l.TIOlJ OF AAHON AS :HIGH ? ~I ES 7 • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • 3 2. 1i'fE PURITY AIm HOLINESS REq UIRED OF 'TIl: E HIGH PRI EST •......... .• lL~ 3. THE SACRIFICES OFFEREV BY THE HIGH PRIEST 35 4. THE HIGH PRIESTS F:rWH ELEAZAR TO PHiUfASUS 47 APPENDIX A · ...... ................................ 76 A?PENDIX B · .. .................. .......... ........ 88 APPENDI X C · ...................................... 93 BI BLIOGF~'l. PHY .. "............................. ..... 9 L~ '" ii ACKHOHLEDG:2EENTS Josephus belatedly recognized the h elp he received in writing The JeVIish Har, Hhen he I,rrote his P_sainst Ap ion some t"VJenty five years later. I On this page, I Hould like to recognize promptly and sincerely all those Viho have helped me to c omplete this ~JOrk. This thesis OHes its inspiration and completion in great measure to Fr •. Q,uention Q,uesnell S. J., VIho served as my advisor. His never failing encourae;ement Has a rock of strength. I also Hish to thank the t,.. o readers, Dr. Barr and Fr. CaldHell for their kindly and positive criticisn. Hany h ands have helped in orgaIlizing and typ ing the manuscript of this thesis. An eCUli1enica l note Has added Hhen Nr . and }lrs . John Gregg helped me . Bud Smith and c~is Hife were very helpful in every Hay. Franl{ Nieman, Dave Killen and Hillifu'11 DreHs proppe d up my arlLl S Hhen I greH Heary. Ellen Haferkorn, harie Niedercorn and Hiss Ha.YJ.da Szczerbiak made time to be able to help. Spe cial mention goes to Gloria Rechlic z .rho helped so much in the org anization. Helen Graf dese rves my heartfelt t hanks for her patience and generosity for helping me c omplete the Hork during the , ; days of her vac a ti o n~ ' Finally, I "TOuld like to tha.YJ.1c hiss Bryce Farinacci 1-1ho typ ed t he final c opy. IABalDs . t AUlon· · I, 50. 1 INTRODUCTION This thesis is an effort to ShOH i.-rhat Josephus wrote concerning the Levitical high priesthood and to present this material in a "JaY which thrcivrs light on the Epistle to the HebreHs. The thesis does not propose to ShOH a..TlY direct or even indirect connection betHeen the epistle and Josephus. It merely strives to pr-esent the thought of Jose- phus in the "lOrds of Josephus. The ambition of this thesis is to help scholars b~ bringing together in one place the c ontribll"Gion of' Josephus on the Levi tical high priesthood. The method I folloHed Has this: First, I researched the Horks of Josephus for pertinent texts. These texts will be fOllild in Appendix A. JvIy second step Has to establish an objective l ist of texts fron the Epistle to the HebreHs, ,-,hich pI'esents the basic teach ing of the epi stle on Levitical high priesthood. Since C. s ) icql and C. Shrenk2 explicitly treated of t h e teaching of the epistle on Levitical high priesthood, I used lists drmm from t c.. em as a basis of my m-m research of the epistle. Since the list of C Spicq Has drm-m up for a specific, limited pur:; ose of contrast, I found his list too limited. C.""Shrenl(ls t reatment introduced moore of the positive elements from the e ~ i stle . I added still lC. Spicq, LI~Pitre atu H:bre~~ (Paris, 1953) Vol. 2, p. 126. 2C. 2 other texts that seemed to be necessary t o give a r ounded picture of the teaching of the epi stle c oncerning the Levitical high priesthood. These lists are presented in Appendix B. As a third step, I then tried t o arrange the material of Josephus in such 0. Hay that it serves as a cOn1..llentary on the teaching of the epistle. The material s eemed to natl..lrally fall into the four divisions, Hhich I have made into chapters. 1. THE APl.' OI NTI-LEN'r Aim CONFI RN.ATI ON OF A...J1..RON AS HIGH PRIEST • . 2. THE ?URITY AITD HOLI:N~SS REQUI RED OF TI-:IE HIGH PRI ~S T. 3. THE SACRIFICES OFFERED BY THE HIGH PRI EST . 4. THE HIGH PRI ESTS FRON ELEAZAR TO ?HAHASUS. Appendix C contains Josephus! treatment of He lchizedek. I t hought it would be of interest to every scholar of the Epistle. to the Hebrews • ..-, 3 CHAPTER ONE THE AP POINTHENT AND CONFI RI'LA.TIOH OF AARON AS HIGH PRIEST , .)~ ~ '" A ~/ , {r(tX,1 e" ;.% vr ~ 'T/J ~4J ;lVii' T li Y ~ . ? ( I ~,/ c;..." '" TIM'/ ~ ~«..)ll" ,< ~( ~ 0 V lA.i,J"'aS II fro T!J IJ ~ / 1 (}'"~"UJ 1<<< tJ wd'-/ iTe.;P t <'«'(r),A..... 11. '''''~/ (No one takes this honor on himself, but each on is c a lled by God as Aaron was .) Heb 5:42 ~'" -;:. -;r-::~," Ny family is no ignoble one, tracing its . descent f ar back to priestly a:.t1 c estors. Dif ferent races base their claim to nobility on various grounds ; Hi th us a c OD..Ylection Iii th the priestho~d is the hallmark of an illus trious line. These opening \wrds of the autobiographical Lifo of Josephus, reveal to us hO;'T highly Josephll.s thought of the priestly dignity. IGreek qlwtations from Epistle to the Hebreus are te..ken from NOVll.rn Testament"llll Gr£1.ece et Latine, ed. Augustinus Nerk, S .J. (Rom£1.e , 1 96Ld 2English quotations fror'l Scrip t u.re are ta!.-:en f ror.'l Tr~e J erusalem Bib2.e (HeH York, 1966) . Abbreviations for books of t h e Bible are a lso taken fj.~om pp . x-xi of The J eruso.len Bible. The rendition: and spelli ng of Biblical n:J.lllGS is £1.130 b ased on t h is Hork. 3Flavius Josephus, Life of Josephus (hereafter t o be i dentified as Life ) 1. Tile arabic m.U1'.e:;.~a ls refer to the nUlnbers used in t ::G Loeb Joseuhus . English translo.tions of Josephus are t aken from Josephus (The Loeb Classic al Library, London 1 925-1965) eds . E. st. J. 'l'haclcer£1.Y , Ralph Barcus, Allen l:ii ksren £t:l.d Louis H. Feldxlan. Vol. 9 . Tbi s Hork is a l so used for the Greek t ext of Josephus. 4 In the openinl3 lines of 'me Jewi sh War , he proudly clai r.1s priestly ancestry.l In his Against Apion, Josephus has this encomiUIll of priests : Coul d there be a finer or more equit able polity t han on Hhich s ets God at the -head of t he universe, Hhich assigns the adrainistration of its highest affairs to the "lhole body of priests and entrusts to the supreme high 2 priest the direction of the other pri ests ? Josephus constantly u ses the term rS~l li for the hi gh priestly dignity.3 This Hord occurs again and again in t he accoun t Josephus gives of the appointment of Aaron to be high priest and in the vivid a ccount of Aaron' s confi rmation in offi ce by Go d.4 Before his appointme nt as high priest, Aaron plays a very minor role i n t he a ccount of Josephus. Although Jose - phus clai:ns to be no i t her adding nor am t t i ng anything from t he HebreH records,5 he does ski p the tHO em.favorable inci- dents that Aaron is c onnected Hith. Ther e is no mo l ding of t he golden calf recol'ded. 6 The incident of the murmuring of Aaron aIld Hiriarn7 i s also passed over in silence . l Ibid • The Jevlish \'Tar (hereafter t o be i dentified as i'lar ) I, J:- The ROlnan l1.1.u-:J.o rals refer to the nUIllb er of the Book. .; 2Ibid • A~ainst Anion , (hereaf ter to be identified as Anion.) II, 18 • 3I bid• Je,-ash ~\ ntiqui ties , (hereafter to be i dentifie d as k.n.t. ---rIlthe notes and as .~.l1tiou i t i es i n the t ext.) X, 152; XI, 297; XIII, 300 ; XIV, L~9 0'; .i~II , ,~ ..3 . 4Ant • III, 1881'1' .; IV, 241'1'. 5Ant • I, 17; X, 218. 6Ex 32; Dt 9: 20. 7}fu 12:1f f. 5 But on the other hand, Josephus also omits items 'Hhi ch favor Aaron. Aaron is no t spoken of as the mouthpiece of Hoses. 1 In t he account of Josephus, 1-,10ses does not plead t hat he is slow tongued and in need of a spokesman. 2 Tne IIstaff of' Aaronll is not mentioned as in certain biblical accounts. 3 Josephus does mention Aaron as one of' those holding up the hands of Hoses i n the victory over the Amalekites,4 and , 'He read that t1Aaron with his company joined by Raguel, chanted hymns to God as the author llild dispenser of' their salvation and liberty. 115 B ut Aaron is only introduced in a prominent lvay in t he .iffitiqui ties af'ter Hoses has everything ready for the ',sacrifice at Sinai.