Welcome to 1484 N INTH S TREET · G REEN B A Y , WI 54304-3061 PARISH INFORMATION Phone (920) 494-2534 Email
[email protected] Website www.stagnesgreenbay.org Parish Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:00am -12:00pm 12:30pm - 4:30pm Alex Broullire Fri. 8:00am - 12:00pm Nathan Challe Pastor Father Patrick Beno Bridget Charles SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE Colby Drefcinski Saturday 8:00am Mass Hannah Ferron 3:15pm Reconciliation 4:15pm Mass Kintressa Gosz Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:00am Emily Mathias Masses Monday Avery McClain 6:45am Mass 7:00pm Family Prayer Night Orin Neta Tuesday 6:45am Mass* Gabrielle Schmit Wednesday 8:00am Mass Adilynn Schroeder Thursday 6:45am Mass* Anna Statz 8:45am School Mass Friday William Urick 6:45am Mass* * Reconciliation following the Jake Voigt 6:45am Mass (Tues., Thurs., Fri.) Conner Wendricks TO OUR VISITORS We welcome new parishioners to Hannah Wery our Saint Agnes Parish family. We invite you to join us by Jonah Wieske contacting the Parish Office to find out more about our parish Josey Wolf and to register! NEXT BULLETIN DEADLINE Jackson Youngwirth June 3rd (Noon) for June 9th bulletin May 26, 2019 · Sixth Sunday of Easter Parish News and Events J.M.J. SAINT AGNES Fr. Patrick Saint Agnes was born in 291 into a Roman family of The parish is required by Diocesan policy to have two trustees and our nobility and raised in a current trustees are Bill Vande Castle (Trustee Secretary) and Melissa Christian family. She Wolcanski (Trustee Treasurer). The trustee's term is for two years and suffered martyrdom for her they can serve three consecutive terms.