INTBODUUTION. The information contained in the published report of the First Census of the , a small vol- The l?irst Census of the United States (1790) com- ume of 56 pages, was not uniform for the several states prised an enumeration of the inhabitants of the present and territories, For and one or two of states of Connecticut, Delaware; Georgia, Kentucky, the other states the population was presented by coun- Maine, Maryland, Massaclmsetts, , ties and towns; that of New Je.rsey appeared partly , , North Carolina, , by counties and towns and partly by counties only; Rhode Island, Soutll Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, in other cases the returns were given by counties only. and . Thus the complete transcript of the names of heads of A complete set of.tho schedules for each state, with a families, with accompanying information, presents for summary for the counties, and in many cases for towns, the first time detailed information as to the number was filed in the State Department, but unfortunately of inhabitants-males, females, etc.-for each minor they are not now complete, the returns for the states civil division in all those states for which such infor- of Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennes- mation was not originally published. see, and Virginia having been destroyed when the In response to repeated requests from patriotic so- British burned the Capitol at Washington during the cieties and persons interested in genealogy, or desir- . For several of the states for which ous of studying the early history of the United States, schedules are lacking it is probable that the Director Congress added to the sundry civil appropriation bill of the Census could obtain lists which would present for the fiscal year 1907 the following paragraph: the names of most 0 the heads of families at the date of the First Census. In Virginia, state enumerations The Director of the Census is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in a permanent form, by counties and minor civil were made in 1782, 1783, 1784, and 1785, but the lists divisions, the names of the heads of fsmilics returned at the Pirst on file in the Stuta Library include the names for only Census of the United States in seveliteec hundred- and ninety; 39 of the 78 counties into which the state was divided. and the Director of the Census is authorized, in his discretion, to The sched~rles of 1790 form a unique inheritance for sell said publications, the proceeds thereof to be covered into the the Nation, since they represent for each of the states Treasury of the United States, to be deposited to the credit of mis- concerned a complete list ol the heads of families in the cellaneous receipts on account of L’Proceeds bf sales of Government property:” United States at tho time of the adoption of the Con- Provided, That no expense shall be incurred hereunder additional stitution. The! framers wore the statesmen and leaders to appropriations for the Census 05~0 for printing therefor made of thought, but those whose names appear upon the for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven; and the Director of schedules of the l?irst Census were in general the plain the Census is hereby directed to report to Congressat il;s next yes- sion the cost incurred hereunder and the price fixed for said pub- citizens who by t!heir conduct in war and peace made lications and the total received therefor. the Constitution possible and by their intelligence and self-restraint put it into successful operation. The amount of money appropriated by Congress for The total population of the United States in 1790, the Census printing for the fiscal year mentioned was exclusive of slaves, as derived ,from the schedules was unfortunately not sufficient to meet the current re- 3,231,533. The only names appearing upon the sohed- quirement of the Office and to publish the transcrip- ules, however, were those of heads of families, and as at tion of the First Census, and no provision was made that period the families averaged 6 persons, the total in the sundry civil appropriation bill for 190s for the number was approximately 540,000, or slightly more continuance of authority to publish these important than half a million. The number of names which is records. Resources, however, were available for print- now lacking because of the destruction of the schedules ing a small section of the work, and the schedules of is approximately 140,000, thus lea+ing schedules con- New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maryland accordingly taining about 400,000 aames. were published.


The urgent deficiency bill, approved February 15, ceived their instructions through the governors of the 1908, contained the following provision: states. This inference is strengthened by the fact that Thatthe Directorof the Censueis herebyauthorized anddirected in 1790 the state of furnished the b expend80 much of the appropriationfor printing for the Depart- printed blanks, and also by the fact that the law re- ment of Commerce and Labor allotted by law to the Census Office lating to the Second Census specifically charged the for l;he fiscalyear endingJune thirtieth, nineteenhundred and Secretary of State to superintend the enumeration and eight, a~ may be necessary to continue and completethe publica- to communicate directly with the marshals. tion of the names of the heads of families returned at the Fir& Cen- 81.18of the United States, as authorized by the sundry civil appropria- By the terms of the First Census law nine months tion act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and 6i.x. were allowed in which to complete the enumeration. In accordance with the authority given in the para- The census taking was supervised by the marshals of graph quoted above, the names returned at the First the several judicial districts, who employed assistant Census in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massa- marshals to act as enumerators. There were 17 mar- chusetts, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, shals. The records showing the number of assistant Rhode Island, and South Carolina have been published, marshals employed in 1790, 1800, and 1810 were de- thus completing the roster of the heads of families in stroyed by fire, but the number employed in 1790 has 1790 so far as they can be shown from the records of been estimated at 650. The schedules which these officials prepared consist the Census Office. As the Federal census schedules of the state of Virginia for 1790 are missing, the lists of of lists of names of heads of families; each name ap- the state enumerations made in 1782, 1783, 1784, and pears in a stub, or f?rst column, which is followed by 1785 have been substituted and, while not complete, five columns, giving details of the family. These col- they will, undoubtedly, prove of great value. umns are headed as follows: Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of THl3 FIRST GENSUS. families. Free white malea under 16 years. The First Census act was passed at the second ses- Free white f&&es, including heads of families. sion of the First Congress, and was signed by President All other free persons. Washington on March 1, 1790. The task of making Slaves. the first enumeration of inhabitants was placed upon The assistant marshals made two copies of the re- the President. Under this law the marshals of the turns; in socordance with the law one copy was posted several judicial districts were required to ascertain the in the immediate neighborhood for the information of number of inhabitants within their respective districts, the public, and the other was transmitted to the mar- omitting Indians not taxed, and distinguishing free shal in charge, to be forwarded to the President. The persons (including those bound to service for a term of schedules werG turned over by the President to the years) from all others; the sex and color of free per- Secretary of State. Little or no tabulation was re- sons; and the number of free males 16 years of age and quired, and the report of the First Census, as also the over. reports of the Second, Third, and Fourth, was pro- The object of the inquiry last mentioned was, un- duced without the employment of any clerical force, doubtedly, to obtain definite knowledge as to the mili- the summaries being transmitted directly to the tary and industrial strength of the country. This fact printer. The total population as returned in 1790 possesses special interest, because the Constitution was 3,929,214, and the entire cost of the census was directs merely an enumeration of inhabitants. Thus $44,377. the demand for increasingly extensive information, A summary of the results of the First Census, not in- which has been so marked a characteristic of census cluding the returns for South Carolina, was transmitted legislation, began with the First Congress that dealt to Congress by President Washington on October 27, with the subject. 1791. The legal period for enumeration, nine months, The method followed by the President in putting had been extended, the longest time consumed being into operation the First Census law, although the ob- eighteen months in South Carolina. The report of ject of extended investigation, is not definitely known. October 27 was printed in full, and published in what is It is supposed that the President or the Secretary of now a very rare little volume; afterwards the report State dispatched copies of the law, and perhaps of in- for South Carolina was “tipped in.” To contain the structions also, to the marshals. There is, however, results of the Twelfth Census, ten large quarto vol- some ground for disputing this conclusion. At least umes, comprising in all 10,400 pages, were required. one of the reports in the census volume of 1790 was No illustration of the expansion of census inquiry can furnished by a governor. This, together with the fact be more striking. that there is no record of correspondence with the The original schedules of the First Census are now marshals on the subject of the census, but that there contained in 26 bound volumes, preserved in the Cen- is a record of such correspondence with the governors, sus Office. For the most part the headings of the makes very strong the inference that the marshals re- schedules were written in by hand. Indeed, up to and INTRODUCTION. 5 including 1820, the assistant marshals generally used The gross area of the United States was 827,844 for the schedules such paper as they happened to have, square miles, but the settled area was only 239,935 ruling it, writing in the headings, and bin&g the square miles, or about 29 per cent of the total. sheets together themselves. In some cases merchants’ Though the area covered by the enumeration in 1790 account paper was used, and now and then the sched- seems very small when compared with the present ules were bound in wall paper. area of the United States, the dficulties which con- As a consequence of requiring marshals to supply fronted the census taker were vastly greater than in their own blanks, the volumes containing the sched- 1900. In many localities there were no roads, and ules vary in size from about 7 inches long, 3 inches where these did exist they were poor and frequently wide, and 4 inch thick to 21 inches long, 14 inches impassable; bridges were almost unknown. Trans- wide, and 6 inches thick. Some of the sheets in these portation was entirely by horseback, stage, or private volumes are only 4 inches long, but a few are 3 feet in coach. A journey as long as that from New York to length, necessitating several folds. In some cases Washington was a serious undertaking, requiring leaves burned at the edges have been covered with eight days under the most favorable conditions. transparent silk to preserve them. Western New York was a wilderness, Elmira and Binghamton being but detached hamlets. The terri- THE UNITED STATES IN 1790. tory west of the Allegheny mountains, with the ex- In March, 1790, the Union consisted of twelve ception of a portion of Eentucky, was unsettled and states-Rhode Island, the last of the original thirteen scarcely penetrated. Detroit and Vincennes were to enter the Union, being admitted May 29 of the too small and isolated to merit consideration. Phila- same year. Vermont, the first addition, was admitted delphia was the capital of the United States. Wash- in the following year, before the results of the First ington was a mere Government project, not even Census were announced. Maine was a part of Massa- named, but known as the Federal City. Indeed, by chusetts, Kentucky was a part of Virginia, and the the spring of 1793, only one wall of the White House present states of Alabama and Mississippi were parts of had been constructed, and the site for the Capitol had Georgia. The present states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, been merely surveyed. in 1790 pos- Michigan, and Wisconsin, with part of Minnesota, were sessed a population of only 33,131, although it was the known as the Northwest Territory, and the present largest city in the United States; Philadelphia was state of Tennessee, then a part of North Carolina, was second, with 28,522 ; and third, with 18,320. soon to be organized as the Southwest Territory. Mails were transported in very irregular fashion, and The United States was bounded on the west by the correspondence was expensive and uncertain. , beyond which stretched that vast There were, moreover, other difficulties which were and unexplored wilderness belonging to the Spanish of serious moment in 1790, but which long ago ceased Eing, which was afterwards ceded to the United to be problems in census taking. The inhabitants, States by France as the Louisiana Purchase, and now having no experience with census taking, imagined comprises the great and populous states of South Da- that some scheme for increasing taxation was involved, kota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and were inclined to be cautious lest they should reveal and Oklahoma, and portions of Minnesota, North too much of their own affairs. There was also oppo- Dakota, , Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, sition to enumeration on religious grounds, a count of Texas, and Louisiana. The Louisiana Purchase was inhabitants being regarded by many as a cause for not consummated for more than a decade after the divine displeasure. The boundaries of towns and First Census was taken. On the south was another other minor divisions, and even those of counties, were Spanish colony known as the Floridas. The greater h many cases unknown or not defined at all. The part of Texas, then a part of the colony of Mexico, hitherto semi-independent states had been under the belonged to Spain; and California, Nevada, Utah, Ari- control of the Federal Government for so short a time zona, and a portion of New Mexico, also the property that the different sections had not yet been welded of Spain, although penetrated here and there by ven- mto an harmonious nationality in which the Federal turesome explorers and missionaries, were, for the authority should be unquestioned and instructions most part, an undiscovered wilderness. promptly and fully obeyed. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ENUMERATION OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE UNITED STATES


&XTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprcsont- SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That every assistant fail- atives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ing to make return, or making a false return of the enumerat;ion to That the marshals of the several districts of the United States shall the marshal, within the time by this act limited, shall forfeit the be, and they are hereby authorized and required to cause the num- sum of two hundred dollars. ber of the inhabitants within their respective districts to be taken; SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That the marshals shall omitting in such enumeration Indians not taxed, and distinguishing file the several returns aforesaid, with the clerks of their respective free persons, including those bound to servicefor aterm of years, from district courts, who are hereby directed to receive and carefully til others; distinguishing also the sexes and colours of ireepersons, and preserve the same: And the marshals respectively shall, on or the free males of sixteen years and upwards from those under that age; before the first day of September, one thousand seven hundred for effecting which purpose the marshals shall have power to appoint and ninety-one, transmit to the President of the United States, the as many s&&ants within their respective districts as to them shall aggregate amount of each description of persons within their respec- appear necomary; assigning to each assistant a certain division of tive. districts. And every marshal failing to file the returns of his district, which division ehall consist of one or more counties, his assistants, or any of them, with the clerks of their respective dis- cities, towns, townships, hundreds or parishes, or of a territory trict courts, or failing to return the aggregate amount of each descrip- plainly and distinctly baunded by water coursea, mountains, or tion of persons in their respective districts, as the same shall appear public roads. The marshals and their assistants shall respectively from said returns, to the President of the United States within take an oath or tirmation, before some judge or justice of the peace, the time limited by this act,, shall, for every such offense, forfeit resident within their respective districts, previous tu their entering the sum of eight hundred dollars; all which forfeitures shall be on the discharge of the duties by thie act required. The oath or recoverable in the courts of the districts where the offenses shall affirmation of the marshal shall be, “I, A. B., hfarshalof the district be committed, or in the circuit courts to be held within the same, of -, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and truly by action of debt, information or indictment; the one-half thereof CBUBCto be made a just and perfect enumeration and description of to the use of the United States, and the other half to the informer; all persons resident within my district, and return the same to the but where the prosecution shall be first instituted on the behalf of President of the United States, agreeably to the directions of an act the United States, the whole shall accrue to their use. And for of Congress, intituled ‘An act providing for the enumeration of the the more effectual discovery of offenses, the judges of the several inhabitants of the United States,’ according to the best of my abil- district, courts, at their next se&ons, to be held after the expiration ity.” The oath or afiirmation of an assistant shall be “I, A. B., do of the time allowed for making the returns of the enumeration solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will ‘make a just and perfect ennxn- hereby directed, to the President, of the United States, ,shall give e&ion and description of all persons resident mithin the division this act in charge to the grand juries, in their respective courts, sssigned to me by the marshal of the district of -, and make and shall cause the returns of the several assistants to be laid before due return thereof to the said marshal, agreeably to the directions them for their inspection. of an act of Congress, intituled ‘An act providing for the enumere SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That every assistant shall tion of the inhabitants of the United States,’ according to the best receive at the rate of one dollar for every one hundred and fifty per- of my ability.” The enumeration shall commence on the first sons by him returned, where such persons reside in the country; Monday in August next, and shall close within nine calendar months and where such persons reside in a city, or town, containing more thereafter. The several assistant.3 shall, within the said nine than five thousand persons, such assistants shall receive at the months, transmit to the marshals by whom they shall be respec- rate of one dollar for every three hundred persons; but where, from tively appointed, accurate returns of all persons, except Indians the dispersed situation of the inhabitants in some divisions, one not taxed, within their reapectivc divisions, which returns shall dollar for every one hundred and fifty persons shall be insuficient, be made in a schedule, distinguishing the several famiJ& by the marshals, with the approbation of the judges of their respective the names of their master, mistress, steward, overseer: or other districts, may make such further allowance to the assistants in such principal person therein, in manner following, that is to say: divisions as shall be deemed an adequate compensation, provided The number of persons within my division, consisting of -, the same does not exceed one dollar for every fifty persons by them appears in a schedule hereto annexed, subscribed by me this - returned. The several marshals shall receive as follows: The mar- day of -, 179-. A. 33. Assistant lo the marshal of-. shal of the district of &Iaine, two hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of New Hampshire, two hundred dollara; the mar&al Schedule of the whole number of persons u&$in the &&ion allotted of the district of Massachusetts, three hundred dollars; the marshal to 4. B. of the district of Connecticut, two hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of New York, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of New Jersey, two hundred dollars; the marshal of the dfs- trict of Pennsylvania, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of Delaware, one hundred dollars; the marshal of the dis- trict of Maryland, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the dis- , -- trict of Virginia, five hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of Kentucky, two hundred and fifty dollars; the marshal of the dis- trict of North Carolina, three hundred and sfty dollars; the mar&d of the district of South Carolina, three hundred dollars; the marshal 1 I I I I of the district of Georgia, two hundred and iifty dollars. And b (6) FIRST CENSUS ACT. 7 obviate all doubts Which may arim respecting the persons to be beet of his or her knowledge, of all and every person belonging to returned, and the manner of making the returns. such family, respectively, according to the several descriptions SECZION 5. Be it enacted, That every person whose usual place of aforesaid, on pain of forfeiting twenty dollars, to be sued for and abode shall be in any family on the aforesaid first Monday in August recovered by such assistant, the one-half for his own use, and the. next, shall be returned as of such family; the name of every person, other half for the use of the United States. who shall be an inhabitant of any district, but without a settled SEMON 7. And be it further enacted, That each assistant shall, place of residence, shall be inserted in the column of the aforesaid previous to making his return to the marshal, cause a correct copy, schedule, which is allotted for the heada of families, in that division signed by himself, of the schedule containing the number of where he or she shall be on the said first Monday in August next, inhabitants within his division, to be set up at two of the most public and every person occasionally absent at the time of the enumeration, places within the same, there to remain for the inspection of all as belonging to that place in which ho usually resides in the United concerned; for each of which copies the said assistant shall be en- States. titled to receive two dollars, provided proof of a copy of the schedule SECTION 6. And be it further enacted, That each and every person having been so set up and suffered to remain, shall be transmitted to more than 16 years of age, whether heads of families or not, belonging the marshal, mith the return of the number of persona; and in case to any family within any division of a ditrict made or established any assistant shall fail to make such proof to the marehal, he ahaJ.l within the United States, shall be, and hereby is, obliged to render forfeit the compensation by this act allowed him. to such assistant of the division, a true account, if required, to the Approved March 1, 1790. 8 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

Population of the United States as retwned at the First (Tensus, by states: 1790. = Free white males of IG Free white years and Free white females, DISTBICT. upward, aales under includin Y&tiher Slfwes. TOtEd- including 16 years. heads oB perwns. heads of families. families. _- Vermont...... -. 2s5,s@ New!Iampshu-e 141, e ...... YB,i54~ ~usetts...... 378,787 RhodeIsland ...... 68.8=-j C!nnecticut ...... 237. M0 New York ...... 340,3-2Q NewJersey ...... 184,130 Pennsylvania ...... 434,373 Delswam...... a L$3,004 &&r&l&;”...... 310.7s 747,010 Kentucky ...... 73,677 NorthCarolina...... 393,781 8outhCarolina ...... 2*0* 0.73 Georgie...... 82,548 Total number of inhabitants of the United States exclusiveof S. Western and N.territory ...... = Free white males of 21 Ali other years and persons. Slaves. Tot&L upward. -_ 6,271 _. 331 - I The censusof 1790,published in 1791,mports 16 slaves in Vermont. Subsequently, and up to 1860,the number is iven as 17. An examination of the origlnm mfimI.%ript returns shows that therenever were any slaves in Vermont. The or1gim.L error occurred in preparing t g e results for publioation, when 16 persona, letamed as “Free colored,” were elassifled as “Slave.” ~Corrse+edfigureSaE83.425, or 114less than &ures ublishedfnl7QO. duetoanorrorofadditionintbereturnsforeachofthetownsof Fairfield, &$jlton, SbelburnO, and Willston, in the count of Cbittenden; Brookfield, R ewbury, Randolph, and Strafford. in the county of Orange: Castleton, CJxendon, Hubbardton, Poultne Euthd. Shrewsbury, and b aIlingford, in the county of Rutland; Dummerston, Coilford, Hal&%x, and Westminster, in the county of Wind&m; and Woodatou in the county of Windsor. 32 1Corrected figures are 69,095,or 2 more than flgxes published in 1790,due to error in addition. HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 9

Summary of population, by counties, towns, etc.: 1790.


= =


.- I- -- Bakerstown plantation...... _.___. Otis&&l plantation.. . _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . Bridgton ______.______, i PlantationNo...... _ _.______. _. Brunswick. ____ _ .__. . ___ ._. . ____. . . 1, ;g Portland.. .___..___._.______. Buoktown plantation.. ______. __ _ . . . Raymondtown plantation.. _ _ _. __. Butterf@ld plantation. _ . _ _ _ . __ __ _. . . . 189 Rusfield gore. __ . _ _. . . . _ . . __ . _____. . . C$qE$abeth. _ _ _ _ . . ._. _. _ _ __ . _ _. 1,350 Scarborough (see Gorbam and . . ..~-...~*...... _._. i 724 Scarborough). Fatmouth.. ._._ _ _..._.___ _.______2.8 2, if@4 Shepardsfield plantation. _ . . . _ _ ._. 126 $?&;wn plantation. _ . __ . . ______. . . Standish... ______..._ _ _.___. 183 ~..._.__.__...... __.._.__ 1,320 Turner...... 87 _. Gorbnm and Scarborough.. . . . ___ _ 4: 4,475 Waterford plantation. _ _ _ . . __. _ _. ._ :I Qray...... _._ . . . ..-.. _ . . . ..-...... 677 WlMhRm ..,...... _..._. _._. 2E! Harpswell ______..____.______253 268 11 1,071 _- New Gloucester ___..._.__.._._.____ 320 338 1,358 Total.. ______. . ______. < 1,342 6,214 25,680 NorthYarmouth...... ______474 505 1: 1,978

------i- HANCOCK COUNTY. - - - Barrettetown ______. ______. 08 .__..- 173 orrington.-_ -- -. . . . , ...... 86 114 471 Belfast . .._.___.__.___. ___. ..__..__. Penobsoot... _. . ._ _. _ _. . . _ __ _ . _ . _ 189 240 iii E;: 1, og Bluehill. _ _...... __ ___. ._ ___. . _ :iz ---.-- 1 245274 Sedgwick.. . _. . . ._ _ _ _. _ _. ______100 144 155 270 . Camden.. _. _ . __ .: _ _. ______. _ 153 ._..__ 331 Small Ialanda not belonging to CEUlRall.... ._.. _ ...... _ ._._...... anytown...... _ ...... Conduskeeg plantation. _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ . _ lTQ -*--i- ii? Sullivan.. . . -. -...... _...... 12 12 2: 50664 Deer Isle . . . .._ _ _.______.. ifi Trenton (including township No. Ducktrap.. __.__. _. _.__. _____. . . ._ _ 118 . ...“. x 1, east aide of Union river) . . . _. _ 144 312 Eastern River township No. 2 _ _ _. 118 ___.__ 240 Township No. 1 (Bucks) ______148 316 Eddy township ...... ______59 ___.__ 110 Township No. 6 (west side of Union Franktort...... 419 riVW) .______._ __._,_____.___..._ Qouldsborough. _. _..._. ._. .___._. _ 116 ; % Vinalhaven.. __ ...... _ _ _ _. ______1: 12 2 i!i Isleborough. 1.. . ._. . ._.. . . .______177 : 382 -- -- .- -- Mount Desert. ______345 744 Total...... 2,436 2,531 4,544 Q, 649 Orphan Island.. _. ______. . . __. Bo _...__ 124 - - - LIXCOLN COUNTY. ~

425 . ..I. Pittston ...... 281 Pownnlborough...... iii 989 450499 i I’rc~;~t~ts pnd Whitchsrs planta- ;Ti 15 f...... 1: 11 Rookmeoko, east side of river.. . . . 26 257 : Sandy river, first township- _...... 98 2;: 221 ._... Sandy river, from its mouth to Cam lactation . . ._...... _. _. ii :‘:I: Sandyr Pver, middlotownshlp...... 1”: 27 .:... Sandy river, upper township.. . _ . . $ 451 *. . . SevenMileBrook ______.__.______413 . . . . . Smithtownplantation...... I0B 222 . . . . . Starlingplant&tion.. .___. __._ .__._ 655 11 Thomaston ______.__ _._.___.___ __ 12 69 . . . . . Titcomb .._._... _ .______.______173 . . . . . Topsham...... 1: Twenty-five Mile PO&. _. _. _. ._ .._ 30 E l2 UllIOL. .-... ___..._..__.____ . . ..__ _ 32 . ..A Vaasnlborough... ______l$ 110 11 Waldoborough...... __.. Tv~veyRutatlon. _. . . . . ___._ -.._._ “2 “ii ::::: . ..-._*_._..______108 127 7 washington.. -.-.- ______._.. _ Winslow, with itssdjacents. ______:s 21 .-... WinthFo{ ..__ _ _._. ______;$ 153 . . . . . woolw~o ______.______BetweenNorridgewock and Seven % 2 Mile Brook _.._....______26 73 544162 ! Total .____..__ _ _.._ _._.______6,399 7,709 7,761 14,052 151 20 . . . . . i- - - WASHINGTON CO~TY.

Bucks Harbor Neck _ ...... _ . _._ _ 12 29 ...... Plantations west of Machias- MaOh . . . .._.. __ ...... _.._____.... 177 372 ‘I No.4 .._.. __._.______40 Plantations east of Machias- No.6 ______.___ No.1 ______.___ “..... _._ 32 _____. No.&..... __..r __ _.._.______ii No.2 ...... __._ ...... *.. it No.11 .__._.__._..__. ______16 No. 4... ______2 2 No.12 ______3 No. 5 _.______.______..__ _ __._ :: 34 . . . ..I No.13 ...... _...._.._.... __.__. NO.8 ._.____.__._..._..__f..._._ 54 109 ...... No.22 _.._ _ .._....._..._..______:f No.9 ______14 ...... No.10.. ______. _._.______1: 23 . .._.. Total-...... 604 No.11...... _ _...._.__ _ __I...___ 19 . .._.. No.12.... ____.______1; 26 . ..*.. No.13..... ______1 1 . ..*._ 10 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

Xummary of populatiorb, by counties, towns, etc.: 17$0-Continued. YOEX COUNTY.

l---+- brunde,...... -I 259 NewPermcook _.,. _____._____._.. __ 18 Bcraick _____.___._.._.___..._ _..__I FO Parsonsfield.. __. ______. ___. . . __ _ 132 Biddcford...... Papperellhorough. ______. __ _ _ _ 2% Brownfield township.. _-_...... _-*I xi Porterfield. _____ .______. ____ _. __._ _ 16 BrownIield town&p-in tbo gore Sanford _... ____.,.. ____.______..__ adjoining __.__.__._...., ,_. ___.__ 4 Sba leigh ______._ _._ __.. _..-- iit Buxton ___.____.__ .__._,._ __... ____ 238 Sud% my-Canada. _._...___._,.... _ Go Coxhnll_..._..... __..__.__.....___., lof, Sudbury, scttlcments adjoining _. _ $ Fran&borough plantation.. ._ ____I 2 Suncook ______. ..__..______._.._ F&.y;g-rgh---.- ..__...... _. .._ __._i Washington lantntion. _____.. . _. _ I(ittery ._._._.. _. . . .._..._...... _ wRterborou.& ..,.... _..____.I . . . . . 1: _... _.._._ ...... ____I Watcrford .__._ _.._ ._.._. __._. . . .._ Le~non _.___...__.._.____..... __.- Wells .___ _.__.__ _ . . .._. _...... _ & Limerick .____.__ ___.._.._._....__. _’ York...... 504 LittleFall*... ___..... _._.,,.._. _._/ Little Ossipcl:.. . .__. . . . . _ . . ______I Total...... ______.. _ &,&X7 14,595 / 2Y,i78 -____-.-._____-

Assistant marshals for the state: 1790.

NA?dE. -.~~---- Cumt~rLndenanty(partofl...Cumt~rLndenanty(partnfl... ..__.._ _.______. ___ None given. Bridgton,St:mdish, and Turner towns; Bakers- town, Bucktown, Butterheld, Flintstown, ?io. 4, Shepard.lield, and Waterford planta-@anta- tions; and Rusfield go-m.gore. Cumberland county (part of]... _.___._...... _ .__. Henry Dearborn. c%i%-Brunswick, Durlram, Freeport. 1Iarpswel1, an& LururXorth Yannoutb1 UIrlllOULLl towns.L”W112i. Thurston Whiting. Cumberland couuty (part of) _. . ______._ _. _. _. ___ William Hobby. Elinlbeth Fslmouth, Gray, and Kiaw %iL!!stBi%iYm!!stei to&i9to&is Simon Dearborn. Cumberlandcounty ( &taf) . . .._ __.__,______.__ PIerson. Gorham and Scar.ff ~orcqhborough towns. CamberlandCUld$31nI~- county (part of). ._. ___. . ____ _. . ____ Barker. Windham town; and Otisfield and Raymond- town lantuiions.hntuiions Cumberlan f county (part of) . .._. __.__ I__..._ __._. John Hobby. Samuel Grant. Portland tnml. Hancockcounty .______._..._-.___ . . ..I. ______David Howe. Jv Avery. Barmttstown. Belfast, BlnehUl, Camden, Camen, Deer Isle, Ducktra Gouldsborough, I&borough,Isleborough, iiLxz%%’ Orrington, Penobscot, Sedgwick, Sullivan: Trenton (includin township No. 1east aideof Henry Dearborn (marshal) Union ricer), an 8.Vmslhaven towns; East- em river township No. 2, Eddy townahi township Xo.X‘o. 1 (Bucks), and township NE Wood, 0 (west side of Union river); Cnnduskeeg plantation; and Orphan Island, and small Islands not belonging to any town. ~iiWd?JC~llnt~LiiIcolncolmty (part OfJme...... _____.______StuartHunt. Philip Pago. Balltom town and Great Pond plaatation. artoil ...... _ * .__.--.-. __._.. Henry Doerbom (marshal).

Peter Ayer. LincolpcomtY @moo... ----...-.... _ . . . ..- __._. John Folerezcky. Annis. BII;I; Nobleborough, and Weldoborough Leavitt. Linco1nctru;lty (part of)...... _.----- . ..I.. . Bowdoin, Canaan, Carratrmk, Fairfield, Han- York coun% (part of) ___..____.. ._ __.______. IIumphrey Pike. cock, Lewistown and gore adjoining, Little PeppereT lborough town. River, Nnrrid ewock, Sor~en Mile Brook, York county (part of) ..______._____..__. .._____. None given. Tnpnty-fi-flvcV~f e Pond, and Winslow fwithits Fryeburgh town. adjaceuts) towns; Sandy river, first, Sandy HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 11




Davis, ‘Zebulon.. __ ._ . . . . . Allen, Isa@.?._. __...... 13 .-. Rollins, Stephen. __ _ _ . _. : . . - :Harlow, Ebenezer,r...... ; Richard, Jur. __. 2 _.. Nevins,Jolm...... _. _.. . . :Bradbury, . . . _. . Richard.. __ _ . __ Bailey, Samuel.. . . _. _. . : . f Allen, ._.___... _. 4 Omen... .__._. ! -:: Bailey, Edmund ____.._. . . ;Merrill, Giles. ___ _ _ . . Wlk...... _... 4 :... Dunn, Josiah. ______. i . - :Pwkor, Nehemiah. ._.. . “UWI!, Wm. --_ _-_. . . Strout, Nehemiah.. . _. _ . . ]Dwinell, .. __ _ _. . . . lte, b&ml. __.______. . i ::” Bray, Henry...... Dwinell, .. __... . _. Ito, Tho8.w-v .._. _._._. 1 ..: Wescot, Daniel... __.__. . . : i Xl mm, WUm____..... !+I, ... ______Strout, Jacob.. ______. - :Dw ‘I noll, Anron... _ . . . . . ?,+I, Jafpes, _.______2 1:: Davis .._.___._.. : . -Waterman, Jose h. _. . . 3 -*. Stroui, Joshua. __ _ _. . _. . 1Wetormnu, No a!i . . .- . Davis, Wllm. __ _ _. _._ __. : ;,; IIawk, Edward...... ; ::: Davis. . _...... 1 : ;Buekmm, Dan’. _...... Marblb, Ebenezor.. _._ _. . . 1EOUSO, MOBQY...___ .-. . . : :-’. . Dunn, Joshua.. ____.... . IBrigham, Joseph. _, _. . . 3 I._ Camel, Elexander. _. . _. . - Srlgham. Willard. __. . . Mores, William.. . . _. . _. . f !Brlgham. John, Jr __.. . . a.S; Jovia-h - ..__ ___._I : .-.--- . B rlgham, John. ______. _ 3 ___ . (Xumdler, Reuben.. . _ ._ G ___. . (:handlcr, Ichabod...... 0 ___. . :handlor, NathI. ___. . ._ Mom-&. Sad. __ _ _. . . _.I . : IFreeman, Joseph-... . . l :::: . :Fmoman Chandler.. . . . G ___ .__ . Bradford, Peabody.. ._ _ ..” . : ;Bradford. Jonathan. __ _ 1, John . . . . ____._ : :::: . . . . i'hstin, dc?oIgo. ---- .-_- nassod, Wll=- _. . ______..e . (:rookor, Joshua. _. -. - __ Parsons, Edward.. ____ ! :::: . (:roolrer, . ____-.--- E11y,Sam’.___. _.__.___. Tucker; .:...... I 2 I:nrdller, Jolm. ____ ._._ Worcester, John... _____ i :::: . Benson Caleb.. . . __ . ___ Tripp Richard. ______3 __- : 3Noyes, INicholas-. __.___ Saunders, Jon&. _. ______3 .__, . . . Ksssa, _.._ __-.- _- Shillings, Daniel __.. ____ 3 .“_ . . . : ;[Ttms, James . . ___-..__ 1Beds, Benjamin...... IIBIDOTONTOWN. 1.&pa, Amos.. . _. __ -. --- 3rackson, nnry. -. . . _-- (iumey, Thos.. . _. _._._ (;uruoy, Jon*. . . . __-. _-- 1Sates, Jacob ______.__ Poole, Samuel.. . ._. .-_- : 3?ooIo, Joshua.. . _. . . .__ I Toyes, Belia. ____ _ , . .__ I Ilsvis,+uleu -... ____.__- tvuus, James * .* t . . . . f . . : ; gash, Jonm...... (:handler, John, Jr __. . _/ :handler, Jolm. __ _.. _._ Lander, Edmund. _. . . . . Snml...... -. . Ha&et ...... _. t i leabury, Paul. _. . _.. .__ 11;I+hmd. _- . . . j Rim%, Ambrose. __.__._. 1hvis, Zebulon, Jr _. . . _ Cotton, Thomas.. _..._. 1 Hammon, Bebia...... ( Co John _ _ __ .___ 1 M.&t DaiGd:.:..: ____I Cloffo;d, Benjamin.. _. . : F Millet, X0bn.l.. _. . _. _. _ 1 Roe. John. _. ______1rmreu, Sam’...... __ ___ . . 1~arrcl, Sam1 Jur. _. .__. 1TaxmU, Davis. _. . _...... _. ‘icarrel, Wllm...... _.. Prince,~John.. __._. _. . . _.- 3lodgkms, Ebenozcr.. . . ___ . . lodgkfns, Joseph. __ _ _ . ..* Paiker; James. __ : __ _ _ i iodgklus, James. __ . . . . -_. ggg@“““-: Jrumpor, Edward. _. ._ _. I ‘Iill, James. _.____.__...... Brig& Rufus. ______. . 1Leach, Joseph. __ _. _. . . . Briggs Dan].. . __. ___. _ f Zhaw, SamI. __ _.______. Safford, Moses...... __ _ f maw, . ___. ______. . . Castle, simeon .._...... _ jottle, Henry. __ _ _ _ . . . _ Mead, 1QQOrgQ...... Hood, David ___._____._ 4Leach, John...... L-2el__.____.... lIolmes ff ershom. . . . __ . . 3ray, Israel... _._...... AlrqJlLn, John..... __-.. True, 1ti11iam. __...... : %rrick, John. __.._ _ . . . . 3imons, Thos.. . ______Dilllneham. Jolm ______. . Xodgkfns, James, Ju’~ _ 3lmoq Francis. ______i :ordwell, WI&x.. __. . . . Cngalls, Francis.. - __ - ._ . . rumper, Dan’.. ..__ -... Burua~$ Jeremiah. __ _ _ . . i Jarrel, Joseph. _____. __ . KOWO,lull.. . . . __.____ rl’od, John.. ______..__ Brockelbank, Joseph. __ Richardson, Elijah. _. __ Kimball, Benin, Jur.. . __ . . . . ; ‘et&gall, &ml... _. . _ %yles, . _. _. ____ Haikel; 18rae1. _...... __ . . Immory, Moses.. __ . . . 3tvlos. Noah. __ . ______Castle. Wllm ______I 1 : 3alley, Thea ._____. _. ._. G&?s; Stephen. ____.__. Andre’ws, Perez.______hlmerson, Sarn.l.__. . . . . Sri ham,Daniel...... _. Castle, S uire.___. . ______. . . i :oomba, Benjn. __ __-_. . ‘i fSib % s, ... _____.___ . . . l33;y, NIC% alas. ______1?ason, John.. ______. . . . Porter, David. __ _...... Dimon. __.______itevens, Jacob... ______. 13tyles, Ezra. __._.. __.__ . . . CastT 8, Job...... __ ; Jibby, James. ______. . _ , j Lowel, Thos. ______. . . Simmons, ______Itaxboard, Samuel. -. __ . IEmerson, Wllm __ _ . __ _ ” _ 1.. Sampson; Seth. ______. . EimaU, Davzld...... IKorrison, Wllm.. . . . __ __ . . . Varrel, Jeremiah. __ _ . . . . . Tohues, Greehom. __ _. .;! :lark,David...... ____ 1:. . . Bradbury, Moses. ______I : .aakson, Da@. ______.__ .I. Cumball. Ass,. ____.___. _ 1:. . . INo attempt has been made in this publication to correct mistakes in spelling made By the deputy marshals, but the names have been reproduced as they appear upon the censusschedules. 12 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

CWIMBERLAND COUNTY-Continued. = = f 2 ‘ij i i j NAME OF BEAD OF NAME OF HEAD OF FAYILY. m FAMILY. d ! I z i d 5; .- -- -

BRIDCTOW T”Wv-oOn- BRUNSWXCRTOWN-eon- BR”NSWICRTOwx-c0D tinucd.~ II tinued. II tinued. Eimbell, Asa, Jnr- _ . . . . 1 .__ . Davenport, .4bner. _ __ _ ’1 mme3T 1 __- : ::: . Davenport, John.. __.__ 2 I.__.__ 1 i.__ . . . Beaman, Aaron...... 1 /______1 .-* i ::: . Kimball, Benjn. . .._.... 2 /_..___ 1 .__ . . . : 1:: . BBDNSWICK TOW. I 4 .._ -__Hallet, Jdhn. __ __ _. _. . . _-_ Toothsker, Ro er.. . . . 4 ___ ’ i ::: _._ Toothaker. Gld eon. __ ,. MlUOT, JOIlL -.-----.. . 6 .._ __. Owens, Philip. __:...... Ecnnady, Patrick. _. . . 4 ___ : ::: ___ Dunlap, Hugh .._.. _... . ScoBeld,Thomas.. _... 4 _.. . . I. , . . __ _ _.. Dmdap,Saml... _____. . Gmtton, ...... ,._. 1 .._ ___ Flahartha, panlel 0. _ ._ Miner. M.arrraret...... ! ..” ___ Spark, David ._.... _... ,. 5 . . . f ::: _-. Eaton,Mosea...... 7 . . . comas...... -. 3 . . . nrcnibald...... 5 ::- .-.BUCETOWN PLANTA- 5 . . . halet.... _____ 3 ..: ___ TION. 3 . . . (f Ebenezer.. _ _-_!I 8 ._. LT Amos - . .:. . . z 1:: .-- Hod don, Jeremiah. . . 7 . . . oh& T&o::.:... . --- Smlt.‘i, , Israel.. ..__.._. ,_ renne,, Isloe-. * _. ._... . +.wis______:: ::: .--. Rich,Joel...... -. . Girem, Robert. ____. : 1:: French ‘Willm- ______. . ._.._ .._ ,--- Qammon,Nath~...... _ Gisens, John, Junr. _. . . 4 . . . Hunt hy . .._-.-. ___. ..._ . . 2 .._ ,._- Roberts, Joseph. ._...I I. Giveas, John...... 2 . . . Lowei, Paul.. . * ___..__f 2 _.. ,--. Irish, John, Jm ____.... . Mnseley, Willm... . ._ . . . 6 . . . .--- Irish, John ._.. __._.__. ._ Sco5eld. Joseph____ _ . . _ 2 -.. 1 ;;f .--. Parsons, Phillemon.... ._ Spear,Robert...... Ii _.. Dunning, Robert _..__.. ,... Lowel. Thou. _.______., . Jordan, Rnlxrt...... _ 4 _._ Chase, Judah. _. ___. _. . . 5 . . . .- Shnom, John .__..._.... 4 .-- Stanwood, Robert. __ _ _ _ 5 4 ._ cotton wib- . . . . __. . 4 ._- Goss, Ebenezer li. __ _ _ _ 6 ___ ._ FlXrell: John. _-. --. . . . 2 _.- Starboard, Willm...... Ferren, John, Junr.- _._. 4 .-_ Dunnln And”.. __._ __ _ “7 -5 . Doa htg, Willm... _. . . . 2 ___ Woods13 e. Anthony.. _. . . Gitc ael, John _.._ .._. . . . Chase,James ______i ::: .--- Teague, Beni _____.___.. . Pennel, John...... I. Wrodside, Willm._____. _ 4 ._. -_ - Croaker, Lemuel. __ . _. .- ?darriner, Saml. ______._ Dunning, Will=. ___.. . ._ 5 _._ .-.- Young,Joshua.. ___._.._ Woodmml, Sam!.. _. . . Swett, John _... ____..._ . -- _ Irish. Joseoh. ______. . Ferren, Richa.____. _. . . Morse, Joseph-.. ___ __. ; ::: ._ Danforth, Willm.. . _. . . . M&her, Joseph. __ _ _ . _. 4 _.. . . Gitchel, SamI... . .__.__. Woodside, )‘inccnt. __ _. 6 ___ . Chase, Ren]l..... ___. _. . . ~2&+~3$“:::::::: Ross, Willm. ______0” ::: ._ ...... Elliot, James. __.___. _ _. 6 ___ ._ Gitchel. Stephen, Junr.. Anderson, Jacob.. ._. . . 6 ___ ._ Gitehel, Willm, J un=. _. . Woodside, Will=, Junr.. 6 . . . ,. Marriner, John. __ _ __ . . Hunt,~SamL....-.. _____ Me~~iner,John, Jur.. . _ Kincald, Peter. ______5” ::: . Winslow-, George...... Linscut, David...... _. . 1 . . . . Mariner, Will= * ...... Ross, Jose h ._._....._. 1 ._. Cooms, Nathan.. .__ . . . . Gross, 3410i 1,Junr. _ . _. 2 _I. Woodward. Peter.- ____ Toothaker, Abraham... 4 . . . Conms, Aed ----. . . - . . . Stanwood, Saml.... ___. 7 . . . Cooms, Peter. ._. . . _. . . . Eaton, Daniel .__. _. . ._. 2 .._ Stickney, Bailey.. . _. . . . Ryan, Charles...... __ 2 .._ Snow, Joseph...... + . . . . Dunning, +4ndrew-_ _ ._. Thomas, Concider. _.__. Dunning, John ______: ..” ,--- Mayhew;~ames...... Thomas, Charles____. _. Dunning, David. __. . . _. .--. Warren, Tristram . . . . . Jordan, Peter.. . ._ . ._.. Stanwood, Willm. __ _ _ _. i :-: .:.. /I Buck. John. Jur...... Cowen, Charles. .._ _. ._. a.m$p& .._-- __-_. . 2 ‘1 . Cooms, Thomas.. .__. . . .1_..__._... cooms, cum...... _._.. Cary:James.. .._. _._._. “4 ::: Gross, S&ml. ___... _._.. Hunt, Daniel. ______a .f_ Lewis, Than.. ___ .______Garden, James.______._ 3 -_. snow, Isa%...... Nunan, John.. __.__. . . . Cooms, Jose h.- _. _. ..- Hobbs, Obed... .._ ._.. . : ::- Hmmiford, 16avid. ____. Thompson, Thomas. _ _ 4 ..: -.. Harlan,. Andrew. .___ _ . Godfrey, Thomas .._._. . Cotton, Thomas...... _ 3 . . . .--- Davis, Joshua.... _____ Laraba, Benj* _-_____... Dunlap,John...... 2 .__ ._-- Damon, Jona. ._.._.._. Melcher, SamI. _. . . _. . . . Morse, Anthony ._._ _._. .--- Broeh.John.... ______Peterson, John.. . ._. . . . Crips, John. ______: :-’ ‘OIL _ _ -. . _ . Hirikley. Aar L- Dunlap,John...... 4 .:: Dwhmels L.-~~.Jo-. __._.__. Brooks,-. . _. . ._ _._. _ ._.__ . . . creorge.. . . _. ._ Gross, Michael __ _ _ . __ _ . 5 I.. iii?&% James . . . . _._. Gross, Jaoob.... ______1 .*_

Friend, j ohn ...... ,... Gross, George______3 .-. , JO&. . ___.I.. ..__ M&her, Noah- .___. _. __ 1 . . . re, Joseph...... Merrlman, Thomas.....

pas. _. . . _-. . . , . . . . Chase, John... ______; :::

-_...... ‘-...... Morse,Paul______.__ 2 _._ __*...... Barrel, Humphry...... 3 _.. __...... ,_. .__. Phllbnck, Georga _.____

__. _. . . . ._.. Rogers, Josiah. __ _ _ . ___ ; 1;;:

.h. -...... Pierce...... __._._._ __.

...... Spaulding, Saml_._..___ 2 ..: ,-.. Dana. Gardiner. ______1 _._ . . _. . .. / . . . 2 .-.

(I...... ,... 4 *_.

_-...... __.

,... : ..‘: Shaw;j‘otham. . . __ . _. . ‘&cB. - ______. . . . ,_._ 2 _-. ::::IRoberts. Jonathan. __ qh ______.__. ._._ )__IJordan,~ames... _____I Ham; Tobias. _. ____ . . . .’ -._ “4 ..” _._ Leathers, Enoch.. __ _ . Keith, Cornelius... __. __/ _.f Eaton; Saxal... _..______2 ..- .___ Roberts, Joseph, Jut... C&lord, James...... 1 _.I Eaton,Daniel...__. ____ 1 . . . ._f /IBrown, Amos.. I______HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 13

CTJMBERLAND COUNTY-Continued. =1 = I 1 1 NAldE OF EEAD OB NAME OF EEA,, OF < g : FAkfILY. FA?&ILY. 5 .? 3 f 1’ 3 : E r ’ ; d I- -- _- - BUCKTOWN PLANTA- CAPE ELIZABETHTOWN- :A.PE ELIZABETH TOWN-- TION-COIL oontinued. continued. Chase, Jose h.. . __ __.__ ! . Nil&r, Joshua... _ ...... Jorden, Trustim...... _ 3 .--. ._. Chase, Nat I: 1. ______rslaxw0u, J am*5 . _. _ _. . . Bucks, Abraham. __ _._. ._ . . . Tilly, ww...... _...... i . Marrs, John-. ______. . . . Jorden, John. ______i :::: . . . Taylor, S&ml, Jr. . ..____ Jorden,Secomb...... Jordcn, Abraham.. . _ . _ _ .. . Crock&, Dan’. ______._ Jordan, Noah.. _ _ ._ _ ._ _. Jorden, Isaac...... _.. i :::: .. . Roberts, Joseph. ______JordqNoah...... _... 7--._-Barnsbotom 73-T. ..I Ja mea.... _- 1 ...... Wbltmw, Jacob. _. . . . . Jorden, . _. . _ . . . . .uyc;r, xsooeJTL...... _ 6 .._. .. . Jorden, Benjamin.. _. _. Robertson, John.. . . _ . . 3 .-_. BUTTERFIELD PLAX- Johnston, Samuel.. -. _. Woodberry, Jphn...... 0 -__. TATION. Trundy, Qcorge. _. _ -. . . rammer, ~ooel rt...... __ 1 . . . Clark, Robert. _ _ _. __..A Hatch, John..... _..... _ 1 *...... cummins, Oliver...... Davis, Sirneon..... __.__ Roberts, Ephraim.. . . . _ 2 -.-. .. . Ford, Joshua. _ _. ._...__ Abbot, James. __ .-__... York, Joseph ._____.__ __ 2 .--. . . . Fletcher, Tbo~...... _ . . ALwood, Stephen...... Woodberry, Lucy. _ _ _ __ . ._ 2 -...... Bisby, Moses.. _ .._ ._. __ . Leach, James ______._. Sawyer, 1E%ry ...... _.I 4 -..a . . . Ilf--2. . . Fletcher, John. ______-. Theel$r, John. _.__ _ ..__ Stanford, ILDlga 0. . . . _ _ . , . _ . . ._ 3 -.-. .. . Parlln, Sam1 ._._____.___ . . ..--..- Gushing, John. - ...... 3 .._I . . . Brlggs, Jobn...... Nawmuiel. _. _ _ p”yg nmgaL...... ’ 1 3 -.., Sturdivant, David. _ _ . _ y,-J onathan _ __ _ -. . I- Lvld ...... _. 2 -... Sturdlvant, Isaac. ..__ _ UlWB, John ...... 1 ..-. Robinson, Increase.. _ . _ . Stanford, Christopher _ _ . . 2 .._. .. . Robinson, Asa ...... _ . . Surline, J&n...... 2 . ..a .. . Jennings, Eliphalot. _ _ _ M&yew, Whitewood _. . .I 2 . . . . *__ Jemin 8, Benj* . . . . _... . . snwgor, Jonr ttlpn...... 3 .._. __- Heffor B s, Wllm... _____. Gushing, Ahi . 2 . . . ..* mlie1.. .._. _-... pnf~rc$ J,O! I. 1 . . . ..* YOrK,John...... py”rcl,,n.griri.it .’ . . 5 .._. __* Sawyer, Peetor. _ _ _ _. . _. smmoro, J onn...... 1 . . . ._- riles ...... I. Sawyer, Rcubin. _ _ _ _ . _ _ sawy1 BP, Jeremlab- ...... ‘ml ...... Small, Timothy _ _ . . . .- - Marir er, J_oseph ...... ; :::: *.. 1el...... _ Allen, David ____ _. . .._. Mariner, J Ohn. _ _ . _ . .*.. 4 .*_. ;hnIks ...... Dyer, Paul _.._.. ___ -.-. Bryant, Abraham...... -.. t, Isaac...... Sawyer, Daniel. _. . . _ . . . Westcot, Josiah. _ _ . . . . i :::: .._ \Vllm ...... _ Dyer, Pphraim...... _ Millet, _ _ _...... 2 ..-, . . . Bisby, ?Elisha ...... Dyer, Isaac ______..__ Piummer Jesse.. . _ _... 2 ..-. ___ Boswornl,~-A% Noah ...... Dyer, Hanry _ _ . . _ __ .._. Crock& hicl hard. . _ . . 6 .._. -_- Robinson, .loseph ...... Parkcr,.Ebenezer . .._... Deane, $!E #award...... ‘-~ . . 4 . ..I -.- Cane, Mesh cck . . _ _ _. _. _ _ Thorndlke, Ebenezer . . _ .Shillings, . . . . . John.... __ _. _ 3 e_. Cane, James ______. Jorden, Sanmel.. _. _. . . _ tmulngs, Samuel...... ‘i’ Stetson. Iiczeklah. _ _ . . Simonton, London. _ . . _ _ Shillin s, Joseph...... Hale, Bknjn...... _... ._. Flint, Thomas ____._... _ York, B nmwl__.._...... i :::: . . . Donne, Ebenezor...... 1 ...... Crocke, John.. . . ._ . . . . . Davis,.--..,- .Christopher. I _ . . . Hall, Enoch. _ _ _ _ . . . . . _. YY maru, J esso...... _... Shillings, Nehemiah. _. . . . 1 . . . _-_ Buck, Moses...... _. Simonton, Andrew.. . . . westcot,Samuel.. -- --. 4 .._. __- Barret, Slmcon...... stmonton, Matthew. -- - Libby, Jotham...... 4 . . . . ___ Cane, John...... Thomdiko. Christian.. .I_ . . . Dunn, Enoch. ___.. . . ._. 3 . . . --- Clarke, Ephraim _ _ _ . . _ _ Triokey, Zebulon.. _ __. . . . 4 . . . -.- CAPE ELIZABETII TOWN. Deakes, George ______... Jacmon, Thomas.. _ __ _. 2 . . . Welch, James.. . _ _ _. ._. Bigford Joshua. __ . _ . _ . ,. 1 . . . .__ Dver. Nathaniel.. __ ___ Cobb, JO Nuson, briuh .____.__ __. 4 . . . ___ Webster, J w.nes Thombs, Benjamin...... 1 . . . Richarcls, Bezill Shillings, Samuel.. _ _ _ _ _ 7 . ..1 .._ ._ hrmstrotig, John.. _ _ . . . Shillings, Simon...... G . . . . -*. . . . Small, Elisha. ._.._ . . . . . Gummmgs, Thomas.. . . .*_ Crockott. Samuel ____._. Shillin s Josiah. ._...__ . : :::: __- Dger,Samuel...... _..__ Pratt, ?d enas. _ _ __ . . ._ . _ _ 3 . . . ._- stout, George. -. _. . ..-. MoKenny, Iloazer.. _. . .. . &i&ton, Ebenezor. _ __ Stout, Levi. ______. __. Fog , John.... __._._ __. : ...’..-, ___ Dver. Joshua. ______Bowa, George. _ _ _ _ _. .__ Jor if en,Ricbard...... R&%al, Stephen. _ _ _ _. _ Jordeu. .. _ _ _. _ a :::: .. . stoub, Elcazer.e.--~ ._. . _. . . . Dyer, Caleb. __ _ _. . __.__ . . . . . ~_.. Jorden; Stephen. ______5 . . . Amory, John..... __.___ , mmamel. _ _ _, ._. Jorden, Jonathan.. _ _ . . . 5 . . . Sawyer Joseph. _ _ _ __. _ _ . t, _Geofsc. ._ _ _ _,.. . Jorden Ells&&.-...... 4 . . . .__ Ryon,jolm.. ______._. . . Ytout,Lem..... ____ _.._ Real, tibenezer.. . . _. . . . 2 . ..( . . . Sawyer, Jacob... __ _. ___ _. Brown, Jacob. ______._. Maxwell, Thomas. _. _ . . 4 . . . ___ Mariner, Moses. ______Cash, Samuel ._.._ ___... .r~Maxwell, --.. Wil+m..* __ ._ 0 .._ _.- Woodberrv. Israel _ _ _ _ . Elder, Qoorge. _. ._ . __...... 5 . . . .-- . Elder, El11 IS _....._. __.._I 7 .._ . . . ! . Elde- V-L Elde “4 -.. l i . ?nbl Jorden; Jorsmiah. .__ __. 2 . . . cushing, Lorlng .-.__.__ 4 .._ Jorden, Nathaniel ______. . . iiEg?EF;: ...__._-- 7.-_- T.,._^ . . Woodbeilp, Peeter.. ._. Westoh Be&h.. _._... ~uytlr,.tauua...... 2” :” Hatxh, Ezakiel. _. . . . ._ _ .I Dyer, &mah. ..__. _... . . Mitchell, Jonathan. _ . _ _ 7 .:: Hooln. William. ______, Roberts, .._...... Small, Edward..-..-... 5 . . . &no&on, Thomas..... Dyer, Isaac...... _._. _.. Jorden, Jeremiah ..__._. 2 . . . Thompson, Robert...... Friket, Ben: j@lin...... _ Olarkes, John R.. .__ _ __ 4 . . . Pollock, Deliverance. _ _ _ . _ . 1 . . . Robinson, Samuel. ___. . g?~er, Samuel.Y---. _ _. . . . _ . . . Simonton,Mary...... i . . ‘muTIer, J axles.. . . . - . . . . Welch,Marg...... ,f. 6 . . . Thrasher, Benjamin.. . _ _. Douglis, Archbald...... Jorden, Elisha. .______. 3 . . . Thrasher, Ebenezer.. _ _ Friket, John _..._.._.... Hunscorn, Moses. ._____ . 2 . . . Wallsoe, . _ _. _. _. _ _. Friket,W!!!lam- . _ _ _ _ _ . . . Jorden, Nathaniel.. _ _ . _ . Webster John...... kme Wlllinm _.._ _._.. Jorden, Timothy.. . _._ _ . 2” ::: Stout, N)athaniel. ______Leat P erby, Jonathan.. . Robertson Joshua. _ _ _. Delano, Bezilla...... Frikit, John. _ _.______. Maxwell, Partriak...... f 1:: Richards, l%unphrey.. . . . Stanford, Benjamin. -. - Jorden, Thomas . ..__. . . . 1 -.- Jorden, Samuel...... _. 6 --* Jorden, Samuel. ______,,-...JFriket N$ haniel...... l Richards, John.. _. _. . _ _ . Lllg,gms, msssy... .f. . . . Jorden, John. ____.__ ._. 5 *.. Wobstcr. James.. .._... . Dyer, William. .______. . Avery, Jane. . .._.. _ _... ., 2 -.. Robertson, Samuel. _ _ _ _ Gaminon, William. _ _ . . _ Robertson. Joshua _ _ _ _ _ 1 Calif, Samuel.. _ . . __ . . . . DvRsud TOWN. Miller, Janies...... 2 Wuman Volentlne. _ _. . Miller, Hugh. _ _ _ _. _ ____ -. Jorden, %&.%thaniel. _ _ ._ _ Goodwin S’s& ______... Mffler, David...... : . . Jordan, ... _. ._. . Adams, An& .___._._._. 14 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.




DUEEdM TOWN-con. DWHAM TOWN--CO% FALMOUTE TOWN--COIL Cusbing, John.. __... __. 2 Duglas Cornelius - . - _ - - Rand, Lazarus.. . . _ . . . . Neal I Widow) .______-_ ...... Jones,~oah...... Small, Zachariah.. _ _ . . . Bavage, James... _ .._. _ 1 hiitch& Thomas _ _ .._.. Small, John.... __.__... wag, John...... - _ Pinkham And*....e.-. IXaskell, Thomas.. . .._. . Btudson, Elisha ._._ ..__I : Esthers, Bdmard. -._.-- swett, Israel. _ .-...... Lewis, Natban. _ . _ _ __-- Gitchel, Hugh.. __..__- _ Partridge, David. ._. . . . Lincoln, John ____. _..___ : Dudley, Micejab --..- .-- Grant, James...... _._ Getih, Charles. -... __. Du Las, Joseph... ..-.-- Fmtbingham, John.. . . Gerrish, George...... -. : Fis %er, Thomas.. _ - --. - Elder, John...... _. _ . Pearson, Thomas.. . .__. 1 Cros~nlan, 6olomon f . - - Cobb, Peeter . . ..---. __. _ Webb, Sam’.., ___... __- Welch, Patrick. _ _ _. . _. . Cobb, Joseph.. _... _. 1.. Warren, Wlntlah.. . .-.- E&hers, Jose h...... Small. Jeremiah. _. . . . _ . Gtudson. Elijah ._...... _ Esthers,Cale %____ . . . . _. Bra&t, John.. .-.-_- -. Jones, Eze!&l.. . _. . . .._ Varney, Nicholas. _ ._ .-. Huntriss, Pearson ...... Duran, Xatthew _.__-__ TuttIc, Reuben. _ _. . _. . _ Thombs, Benjamin...... Roberts, Ebenezer...... Collins, Sam1 _... . _.--_- Baley, Benjamin ...... _ &nhrn, Simeon.. .._._ Clough, &ml _...... -... Riggs, Enoch.. _.-. -___ _ Bnow, Joshua .__._.._... 1 Ring, Batoheldor.. . _... Riggs, Joseph. _. _...... Bagley, Enoch __._._..__ Riggs, Jeremiah.. _ ...... Da&y, Israel. _ _ _ __- ._. FALMOUTH TOWN. Frost, Johanna _..._ _... . Weston, Stephen- .-_-__ Means, James...... _... . wamn, mnry. .__..__. Nmrell. Elias ____. _ .._._ Smith JohuH ...... Curtier . _ __...... _. Cox, Jbsiah .__..______. True,&+ilim . .._ . . .._.._. FaF2$ J;,$&g---::: - . Tme,Ab&..... ____..__ . Osgood, Aaron. ___._ __. Stevens, ‘Trusturn. _ _ . _ : _ Randal, sohu. ..__.._.. . Lom,...... -. _.__. . Roberts, Will- . ..-..... Brooks, Daniel.. .---. _.I . York, Sam’_...____._.. . Partridge, Jesse... ._ . . . . Tumer,Isaao.~.--...-.. Dole, Daniel. __ _.....___ _ Roberts Vincent...... Titcomb, Andrew.. _ _ _ . IJh+e, $ill., -.._...... T&e, Gear e ___. _ . . .._. JJBvlB, .losepn. ,.___.____ Lewis, Arc %eles... -. . . . . Hoit. John.. ______... Dyer, Josiah. _ _ . . . . _ ___ . .___..___. I’terce, Thomas.. . .- -_. _ d _ . . . . . _ , Porter, Benjamiu J..... -.-*._.... Bartlett, Caleb...... __ 1 ._.. __..I Murrcy, James.. . . . _ _ _-1 . L...... Brooks, John ___...----_ . orge..... M=Donald, John _.______nyem, Lotll’. -. _._ . . ._ . Billtngs, Mary. . . ______

Goodwin Gem@ ...... I Thombs, Samuel.. . _ . . _ .

Warren, hfm...... Ticket, Jonathan _ - - - . _ _ . Tam, IJenrymzunFI. _ . . _ Wsbb.Iienrv.. _I.._ _.__I . ~._.. Broti, %a. __ ...... _ _ Pall, JOBIS h. __.. ______

Bragdon, E benezer......

Gushing, Charles, Junr.. . Gorrish, Xath’... __, . __ _

York, Joseph. __. . .,_. . . . Roak, Martin.. . ._. ,_ _ _ _

MGra, .W” ..__... _ . . . . .

Nichols, w .ml.. . . _, _. _ . Spafford I ‘hinehas..... ” --, Stoddard, Willm _ ...... Goo ‘n, Simon. _ . _ . _ __ _ Wiuson, Jmes...... _. Rco f , Jonathan.. _. . ___ Mtchel, Richd. _ . . _ . - ._ _ Stevens, Joshua.. . _. __. Procter Sam’-_...... _I I Adams, Jacob...... --- . stout, joahua...... Night, Thomas _____- ._ _ Plummer, Robert __.___ Sawyer, Merrel.. . ..__. _ Jordq~ecomb...... Bishop,hfary...... __ _- .. Dyer, ?dx9lE&el.. __. . .__. Bracket, Thomas......

Dyer, I Bracket, Peter.. . _. . .._ . Parker, J 0-v ...... I_._ packet. Wdliam. _ _ . . _ _ Men%, Ro ;a=-~ ...... _ ---.

Jonas Jos f laa ___--_ _.-. . Newal, E” sn., Jlmr..... - .-. . uugtrts, John...... _ Ncml, Ebenezer.. . _... McIntosh John . ..__. __ Gerrish, 6illm. ______. Bailey, Timothy... __ . . _ . 6kinner,John.. _...._ __ . MItchal, Jeremiah......

Parker, James _.._.._ -. . opp; James ._..._ __.__-I _ Farrow, 3obn...... TII-i-^ I_,.- _ ._.. .-, . _ rer., ,e: .I . s......

onn.... ._-... . listopher.. . . I . .-. _ _ - . . . *.._.. .___,_. . ,..+.., . -...... _


_ .- . . _. -I . , _. :I . . HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 15



**LhmUTsI TOWN--Con. F*Ia*uTlI TOWN-eon. Hall, William . . . . . _.-.. _. . . . . Davis, Roiand. _. . . . . _. . . . . Later,, George. ______. i -:*: -:: ______Mcrrel, Enoch . . . .._.___ : . . . Winslow, Thomas. _.__. 4 1.:. 1.. _. _.__ Jones, Jr&s.. ._. _. _____ 2 . . . Baker, Jonah.. _. . . _____ 4 _-__ .__ __ . . . . Jones, Francis ______._._ . . . Hanson, Ruth... __. . .._ ___.. 2 __ . _ . . _ __ .._. Bonoylord, Thomas... . : . . . Crocket, Simon. .__. . . . . ______Foster, Charles...... ___ . . . Winslow, Benjamin.. _. g 7 1:: Toppin, John .__. . ..__._ : . .. Winslow Olive ..___.__. 7 -- .- . .. 1: 1::: Qrant, William .__._.._. . .. lLorrel, hlliam.. . _. . . . __ _.__ rota. willtam -.._-..... : . .. Morrel, Stephen. _. . . _. . “0 I-”.a- .__... __ . .._ Pote, Samuel. __. . . _. . . _ 1 . . . Winslow, Samuel.. . ___. 4 . - . - . . . Roughf, Barah. _..._ _._ _. ,-..- . . . Torrey, James.. ___.._.. 1: ::I: Pote, Qreenfleld .__...._ . .. Frost, Charles.. ___ . . . . . “4 --.-F...... ote, Qamaliel.... __.__ : ..- Tripp, Nathaniel. _. . .__ ittle, Sarah.-. _. . . . _. . _.,I_._. .. . Tri p9 I’eleg. .._ _...... dohardson, William _. _ 1 .. . Coo% , John. ______. llen, Hannah. ______. .__._ . . . Night, Job ______.... ,‘ork, Samuel.. ___. . __. . 1 . _. . . Pope, Eli’ah... . . _...... Wormwell, gathanlel _ . . _. .. Morrell Jlobn .____ ._. . . . Pate, Jeremiah. __ . . . __. : . _.-. Night, &hard. __ _. . _. _ Lowell, Mary... ______.____ . __.. Nf ht Peeter ______... Jaclonan, Anna... ..__._ ._.--_ i. . _.. Wf;lsdn Mark. . . . .:. ___ Bartlett, Thomas.. . __ .’ .._ Pride, denjamin. ______Delano, Thomas.. . ___._ :/: ..I Berry, George.. ___..... Dodd, Thomas.. . _____ : . . . 70&i, Ste hen. ______:1:. . . Doubty, Thomas. . . .._. 1 . . . . __. __..._ ; Thurstin Paul . . . ..__ __ 4 . . _. __ . .. .._. GTiiliams, % benezer. __ _ Qibbs, \V%iiam .___..__. 2 . . . . *.. ioody, Benjamin. __ _ . . 2 .-.. _-. .. ..__ ock, Josiah. _. . ______!. Armstrong, Jonathan...... _ ifawyer, Elisha. __-_ .___ Night, Samuel... . _. _. . . 3 . . . . .__ .. . .._ ; Sawyer, Urns. _____. . __. 3 . . . . __ _ 1 II Merrel, Joseph. ______. 1 _. . . __ . 1 Moss, Anthony. _...... 3 . . . . __...... Willson Nathaniel.. . . . 6 ._.. ___ Night, Amos...... 2 . . . . __ _ : Night, Joseph...... 4 . . . . __ . __ .._- 1 Night, George.. . __.. . . . 7 ._.. . . . __ ..__ ~~&I Joshua _-_ Night, Jonathan.. . __ _. 3 .._. ___ . . . .._ ierrell:Adam.:::::: ___ Cutter, Ebenezer. __ _... 3 .__. ___. _. . .._ ! lerrell, Jacob. ______Night, Stephen. __ _ . . . . . 3 _-_. .*. ___. . . . derrell, Humphrey.. ,___ Waite, John. _. .___. . . . . 5 . - . . __. ! ?ettengUl, Benjamin ___ Toby, Pa e...... 7 _-.. _*. ..__ __ ...... aTderrell, Amos. ______.___ Colley, Jo% n ______. . . 2 ___. __. __ )oubt James..-... .__. Colley, William.. __. . . . . 3 _--. __. _ . .. . i .nnt. &hrafm...... ,... .- Carl1 Nathaniel.. _, . ._. 4 *_-. ._. _.- .... I mud...... ^-:_, . . . .f. .. Bracket, Abraham __ _ . 3 _--. .._ --_ .... a ,___ ._.. . Allen, Zacheus...... 3 . __. . . . -_- .... I .___ .. . Weld, Stephen.... ___. . . . 3 . - _. . . . --- .... ‘J ._.- .. .. . - - . . . . -...... ‘1 ._...... Relds, Zachanah. __ . _. . 2 ..I:._ Merrel Moses. ______.. 7 . - _. . . . --- -.-. a ___ . .. 4 .--. .._ -__ .... 1 ..__ ._ . .. Allen, haac. _ _ __. _.___. --_ .... I ___ ._ .. . Anderson John. __ . . _. . 3 _-__ ...... Adams, doses. _. ___. . . . ---__ _ -.-.. .. c..- ~~ .-_ “4 ‘::: 1:: JohnntonlJoseph...... I .t __.. Watts, Samuel...... - I.... I/ 1 ._ ,... Merrel, Silas_ _ . __ _ _ _ . _. _ 9 :...... _ _ _ . . . ._

5 _--. . . . -_- . . . . Yerrel, Edmund...... illiam...... Merrel, Humphrey __ _ . . ___ 1.1. __.... _.. I. ._..

1” :::: ::- _ _ . . . . . Hutchins, Jpseph.. _. _. . ph......

1 _-_. ..: ___ . . . . Fields, Benlamm. ._.... ,seph.-...... Fields, Joseph.. .___. . . . .ff . . . . awl..... ‘-1’ ._.. Lunt, Nathan.. . .__- . . . *._ . . . . R I . . . f . . . ._.. Cobb, Benjamin. ___. . . . _ _ . . . . am...... __.. Hustesd, Robert...... _ . . . . . m _- ...... -. Saw er, Jonathan. _. . . . .__ . . . . osepn...... ,_.. Sma9 I, Daniel __.____...... - . . ohn - - _...... Barber, Adam... _._. _. . _...... f;;hL&. -. _...... __.. Bracket, John.. .___...... 1 Clark, iv- -______. ._.. Cobb, Ephraim.. ___. ._. 4 ._._ Lock, Jonathan... ._. . . . ,_.. Purlngton, Abraham.. . 4 --._ Bookmofl, Jeremiah.. . . L ._.. Purington, Elisha...... 2 _... Pate, Increase. __. ______. . ._.. Hustin, Stephen...... r;l*-rtrick. Iland _. . __ _ . ._.. Conant, Bartholomew.. &%%a Andrew. __ _ _ _. _ . ._.. Conant, Joseph ...... Hinsha\T, Sarah _____. . . __... ..-. Twamley, Daniel. _. _._. Prince, Benjamin.. _____ ::I: Woodberry, Joshua. __ . . . Prince, Amos. ___ _...... _.. Lord, Nathan. __ _ . __ . . . Buckman, Nathan...... 1 ._.. Abbot, George...... _ . . ._.. Morrison, Robert.. . . . _ Kilpartrick, Daniel.. . _. Bangs, Joshua...... _ . . .e.. Bacheldor, Joseph.. __ . _ Wormwell, John _____ ._. . __.. Knights, Moses... .._-.. Black&one, Benjamin.. . . ._.. Webb, John _._.. ___I... , Yoyes, Samuel.. ___ . . . . _ . . ._.- Hale, Nathaniel.. . . . -. _ . Toyes, James.. . . __ _. _...... Pride, Henry. ______.. . Toyes, Nathan. ______. ._.. Pride, Joseph. .___._. ..- berrel, Stephen __ . _- __ _ . . __.. Austin, Benjamin. _, _. _ Thompson, Nathaniel. _ ...... Pride, William. _. __. . . . Thompson, William...... _.. Walker, William. __ _ - _. Iwett, Samuel _____._.__ . Walker, Charles.. . . . - ._ Thompson, Edward -. _- ._ Lunt, William...... _. .-.. Pride, Joseph.. _____._._ - . . . . I.._ FLINTSTOWN PLANTA- Grant, John...... -. 7 __.- TION. Webb, Elisabeth. __ _ . . .:. . _. _ __. ._. --._ Lunt, Daniel.. __. ..__. . ._. .-.. Larribee,Zebulon...... 2 ._. .. . . Ireiah, John. _. _. _. __ -. . __. _-.- MuIlikin, Josiah...... 1 ._ ,... Winslow, Job. _._.. <._. I . . 1 . . ._.. Merrel, Jacob...... _. . ._, ._._ ! Bandford, Wllm. . . _- .-- 36271-08- 16 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.



FREEPORT TOWN4OI1. FBEEPORT TOWN-COIL Brown, David.. . _...... Dennison,David. __ _ . . . Whitturn, Jedadiah..... 3ilvostir. Amos. .__._ ._. Sweet, Benjn. .._ ._ _.._.. 3ilvoeter;John. _. . _. . . Fitch. W11m______. . ___. Frost Phinchas...... Roe, Benjn...... _._... rowsend, John. _.____. Flblt, Imazer...... Xfvester, Abner, Jut-. __ Thorn, Bartholomew.. . Prout,James.. . L.. -- _ _ _. . . . ._, Thorn, Jose h ._.___.... 3ilwster, nwer __...... Sabine, Lew Fs __.._....._ lilvester, Caleb _____..__ Sandbourn, David .__.. . lilvestcr, Joseph. ______, Noble, Christopher, Jo . 3ilvester,Hinhman. _. . . Noble, Christopher. _. . .i Samuel. ..I...... Roe, Webber... . I_. . . . .: N_athl.,-.. ______/ Roe, Lazarus...... __.. Roe, Nosh. ___..__. , . . . .! Sandbourn, Jona...... : I’Mbrick, Michael. _. . __; Richardson, Joseph- __ . j Bums!, John, Jr.. . , . _, , Bnmal, John ..___. .._. Fly, Isaac. _____.___ ._. ;∨ Robert. ______Fly, JWWS..._...... icgers, Mark. ______. _. Korsh, Stc hen_._._._ 3unhq Dan’...... j I::::: ; !:::: Bachelor, d am’.__.._... :urtes, James. __ __. __ _. 2 I.__. Flint, Cummins__...... , ,.. Povmsend,Be+. ___ _. _ 21 1 1 I___. iilby, Richa. ______. _. 4 _.. ~3&E?.-.:::::::I lole, James.. . _...... _. iI ; 4 i:...... iole, Jedediah.... ___.__ 42 I.... Fiteh,‘Kichard...... _ 3ickna1,The’.. ______2 -2 :___. Pierce,Josiah __._f..___ 3uzzel, Noah ..__._. . . . . Bachell. Ephraim. ____ ?rat, Noah. ._.__ . . . . . : i j;f; Ingalls, I3enp ..__ _. . . hrtis, . . . . . : Laiken, Joseph.. _. . . . _ ,urtis,. David...... ____ : 1 ; I-::: Howe, Jsoob.. .__. ._.__ ... ______‘z’ : 3 :... FREEPOBTTOWN, , 4 .._. ; : 2 . . . “4 : : : : . : 4 . . . : ; 3 . . . 4 ...... 1 I .._. uumIlg, JUhU. . ..-..... 1 . . . _. . i 3 ._.. Wentworth, b’ilas.... _._ 2 . f . . _. . Noodman, Jon* _.. . _.__ ; 5 . . . . Carless,Wiltm.... ______I 2 . . . __ Curtis,Joshua . ..__. _... 1” 3 . . . Peclmlan, Bettey- ._. .._ .Ir --.. . . . Poibart, Sam’. ______; . ...“. . _.._.. .._. Rogers, Willm. ___.. . . __ 2 . . . . ._.. 3vram. Jon*-. ______4 .-.. Kendal, Benja.. . _._ _ _ 3 . . . . . _., lhnhain, Amaziab __ _ _ _ 1 : 1 .I_. IlogersrvGeorge.. . __ _ . _ 3 ...... rolbart, Ambros.... ___ 1 ._... . _. MimB, ‘rim.. * . ..__._... j 3 --.- ._.. Roodworth, James._ . _ 1 Mans, John ...... __..__ 5 . ..- ._.. Xoodworth, James._ _ _ _ 1 . ...’ Anderson, JIacOh...... 4 ...... ?inkham, Elijah.... __. _ 2 Anderson. ; ramcs...... I . . . . . _., ?inkbam, Stephen.. . .._ : Anderson, ;ioseph.-.... hi . . _. . :ole,Jona__.. __.______: Anderson, ?plIl~ * * . . _ 3 . . . . . _., 3urbank, John... ______; Anderson, huot I __-..- 3 ...... xlspman, 1 : _.... Andersr-111,dtJUll...... T^L- 3 . . . . _ derril.SosRnne...... l 1 3, James...... 1 ...... : Ee% men. . . .._. * . . . . a . . . . 2 mwre,rr--i Elkins... . ______2 ...... m--.~.Adridge, Nath’______-.-. 1 __ a . . .._ __. UOOKmS, iwx~. ._._._... 1 . . . . _. 5 Sole,Willm... ..______._1 “4 : : . : - : : : : 3 ..:.:...... __ 2 1. . . . __ 2 . . . . .*.. : 2 . . . . _. Edes,Jos;p& _.______2des, Gideon...... : ; I-- --_’ hglas, Job .._.______“4 1;;:; ;;:; Merrill,John.. ..______: iilvestctr,Be&r. _._. _._ ; 1:::. ::i: ~ogcr8,James. __.._.___ : __ JsCob...... _. .._ / . . ohnson, Revd Alfred __ AAWXIW~~,Nathi ______” . - . . . . lowmend, Beleg. ______: Le@?Meld,Ssml______7.1 d .*.. . .._ )illenham, Sam’. _. . __ _ . Leech&cld. . ” . .’ Noah...... ______3 , - . . . . . i m.---... 1 - . . . . . %i~g--~f?!~~~~ MUI’..... _..*.._ i Dan’, Jon’...... ; j::::j:::: Ruth ._.______/.-...... ~~,!Eg?~~!~~~~~ : GORIIAXAND SCARBOR- 4bra= . . . ..__ __._ 2 OUGETOWNB. Dan’...... _.. . 3” I:::: :::: hrvar, Reuben...... 1 . in, Ame-._._ _... __ g .y :::: :arver,Seth...... 1 . . Alden, Austin... ..____. John .._.______;ok?,Moses. __._*.. .____ 3 Alden, Josiah...... -> Joseph...... ; : : : : :. . : :riffen, Epbraim. ._____ 1 . Adams, Joshua, Jr _____ ‘ml .______._ W&n, Seth. _.______1 Adams Benjo-* ______xj,-.... f l::::i:ii: Ijtchel, Abraham...... Akers, hoses.. _____ .___ L”“W. _. ._.. ‘3Nathan...... 1 : Adams, Joshua..-...... lideon...... I i____ /_. . Akers, John...... 1 . . ..i.... : Ashley, Abner. __ .___.__ i) .-..:. . . . 1 . . Andrew, Jona, Jr. ._._. 4 .-..I . . . Andrew, Amos. ______4 __..I. . . . ‘OhU-*.... _..*___ : Andrams, Jona.. ______3 .-.. I. . . . .0&h.. _._ ._____ Andrew, Stepho. ______Evans, ~~iU-. . . Amos. -.... *-_. : Alden, Abiather.. _. _.__ Mltchel, will-. . ; ::::I:::: iole Jc-Ihn - . . ..A... _.-._/ 1 Anderson, John __ _ . . __ _ HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 17



_- I __ GOBIIA?d AWD BCARROR- GORHAMAND ECARBOX- GORIXAM ANDSCARROR- OUGIITOWNS-con. OUGX TOWNS-con. OUGU.TOWNS-con. Bolton, Wm-.. . ___. .:.. 1 . . Davis, Smnl. _ ____._ ?ilkey, Jw... ._____.___ Burn& Jnn, Jr.. _, _.__. . . . -/. Dm,John ...... __ 1::: .mnmon, Moses...... ‘. Brown, Simeon. ______: . Duns, prince _. . . __ . _. . :ilkey,_Isaao. __ _. . __ . __ -1. Brow% BonP .I._._.__.. 2 . . Dyer, Wm...... _._._ ;reen JoBlah__._.______’ . Bacon, Nath’, Junr. .___ . .I--i Davis Josiah. . .._. _____ wmh’, John.. ______. . Bangs, Barn’...... i . . . Dan, $- {athI . . . .._.____._1 _l^--^x Philip ____.. . _I 1 . Bromhall, Sylva _. __ _ _. _ . T-L.. I Dyer,Jolln JI ..____ _._ ll”im ..-__..__. *_ I - . Bangs, Eerman. __ _ _ .__ ; . Dun, Christopr.. __ . _. . . , Jona.... ___. _ __ _ - . Blake, Ithid...... _ ___ 3 . DUVIS,John.. I_...___._ i . . . Bleko, N&h’. . . . . ___ _. . Darling, Jno.. , . . . __ _ _ , . 2 ...... ‘. Bracket, J. i ._ . Davis, David . . . ..-_.... 1 ...... -1. Bangs, Jaruu.... _____. . Dorset, Jera’l...... __._ ...... I. Blaka, Bed*... .._._____ : . . . Davis, Eben~.. . ..____I_ 1 ...... i. Bangs, Barna, JLW.. _“. . Davis, print I /I _I. Ban@~,Thos.. ._. ____.__ :, . Davis,Eylv~ . . . . . _._._.. - . Blnncharcl,,Jnx _. ______. DyeqLevi...... __.__ __ . . Blnko, BC~JR,Junr.. . ___ : . Duggins, Mro...... ___._. Bishop, Enos.. _. __.__._ 2 . . Dresser,John. .______.. . . Bacon, Jo&h.... ____._ 1 . . x. n”-,., ml,.. Dresser, Mindwell. __ .._ .I. Day, James.. ._. . ._____ .I. JzUbl”I, .I”1111.. : Dresser, Wentworth.... .-i...... ~ ...... J. Bangs, l3banr. . ..______“5...... ; rwm’,M’ 7 -‘- 1 ...... Bovorly, Fnrnham. __ . . . : :: ILL, dennit ..__ ___ ...... I . Brimhall, Corns.. . . _.__. . Dearin . . . . . _. . _ 1 4 ...... !. Blako, Jno.. -. . __.. ._ _. _ : . Eldridgu,lTJ %%.L . _...... 4 ...... /. Bowman, NathI.. _.___. 2 . . Edwards, I tichd. _. ___ _ _ 3 4 ...... Bolton, Thea.._._._._.. 2 Elder, Saml. __._ . _.____ 4 8 ...... :/: Barton, Wm. . ..__._____ Elder, Reuben _.______4 .... I.... .i. Bacon, Nath], Senr.. __. : .: Elder, Isaac.. _. . ..__.__ 2 ...... j. Brown, Luthur .__.._... 1 :. iw.&J,““” ...... __._ 2 ...... Bragdon, Jona.. _._.____ . 2 ...... ‘1.. Brown, Hon. Jw Jo&. f Elwaru., J “BIIUU...... I 4 ...... Bragdon, Gideon.. .“... 1 . . Edwards, Nathl, Jr.. __ 3 ...... _ Bragdon, JP.. . _. . . . _. _ Epwards, Nathl. .______6 ...... _ Beals, .. . _. _. ._ _. : nmersdn, Jos____. .___ 5 ...... Iamb lin;_CFprge...... l . Bragdon, f 101~.. -...... 2 lgcomb, Gideon_._. . . 7 ...... Iarding, tioth.. ..____._ . 1. Burnam, Aaro---n . . . . I... 3 :: lgcomb, Robert.. __ ._ 2 ...... Ianacomb, Gee.,Jr.-... Bootltb Nat1 1’ ...... mham, &neon. __ _ _ _ 2 ...... Liggin, Joa.-. .______4: Burban I2, SilaeI. . _ ...... i ‘ost, NathI...... ___._ 4 ...... Iunt, Iohabod. . . ____._ . %&I, Jacob.. ______Burbank. Dnv id. _. _. __ _ .^^Lle, Wm 1>^..1__._____. _ ___... _ 4 ...... : FruaL, Da”,“...... _-‘g, Nich’....n-..,_l _____( 2 ._ Frost, Duvid. __ _. _____ ...... Iardivs, ULLVIU. ______. 1 . . Frost, Peter (Widow) ...... ; 35 ...... Earding, Jno______Frost, Enoch. . .._._ __ _ _ Fj ...... Iarding, Elkanah.. __.. [ . . . Preeman, Jona... ______:,I 5I...... / Iardln David, Jr. __ _ hyn$nn, NatlO,Jr...... Fatch,R athI.... ______hElF...... 3 3 ...... Iateb, Asa.... ______i :. keg;: ‘I3et11...... 2 (...... Iatch Ebenr. ____.__.__ . Jer&...... i I I/ Iamb/in Nathan.. __ ._ . p& ; Inrris, &pm.. __ __. _ _. . : ~gjg”Kp:--:-:-:-: Iall, Abm-____. .__.___.. . . .1&h...... Pilo,Sa&l.._. I:...: ___. dopson, Wm...... __.. . 1pu...... _. . . i . . ~‘eony~, [email protected]... Kamblin, Seth.. ._. _.__ _ . . ha. -...... I J) 110, ucorg /e...... __.. LIarding,. Jna, Jr... _ _._ . !bBW...... t . . Frost, Abm_____..______Aims, Rlohd...... _.. . 10.-.._ _.-.... . Frecmnn, Nathl. __ .____ Kodgsden, 508.. __. __.. . . Barding, David, Scnr._ . . qshn, JUIF.. . . f . Fog Moses...... p& 5 y-son, Pelatiah _.._ KOhnQ8.- ._...... : . ‘, lbadinh . . . _...... _I 21.... I___ . -~-_, .eter...... m---cow, Jose h .__.....___...... Cobb, Jededitxb. ___. . .__ k . Fabin, JO8Pma. .._ ...... 2 5 ...... adhurn, Sllns. _...... Foss, wm ...... 7 ...... I Cbamborlain, Benjab._ . . . I ...... Fendorson, Nath’______...... I 2 II...... _I_ . Cobb, Elisha. Jr.. . . _.. _ 1 :: . - . . . _ _ . . Bondorson. Nathl. Jr.. . 4 ._.. . . . ~reario~ Josdph. ______a 3 .-. . li 4 ...... Catos, %benr. ______. . ._. 1 ...... 3 6 .._.*.. . . c&ton, EbQW... ._..... 2 2 --. . 1 3 . . . . _. . 2 ._...... 3 ...... cliubuIIL”, ~11Lu’_...... : I. 2 .I. . 2 2 ...... shmniwe~ non]‘.. .._. . . Carsloy, Jno, *Jr...... 1 . 1 ._...... 5 . . . . . _ Kolmes, $phm..--. ____ _ .If Crock& Joeboa. Jr. . - ...... Fltr., Simeon...... 2 3 ._.. . . Eodgsden, John. __._ _ ._ CofXln, Isaac. . . . .__._... ; 5 . . . . Fogg, James...... 2 3 ...... Ertrman, Geargc.____.__ _I. Crocket. James.. __ _ _. . . 1 . . . Fogg, N&on...... 1 ...... hnn~e, Nlcha.. ____ _. . _i. : 1 . . . . Foss, Sam$ Jonr ...... 1 ...... m, Jr%.... _____,.1 .I. 1 . . 1 1.. . Pits, Sam1...... 9 2 . . . . __. i-’oum, Wm_...... 1 . . _. __ . _. . FOSS,Wm, Jr...... ,....2I___. .._armnn, Wm.-* ...... i- . Foss, ...... 3 2 _._. . . . [I arman, Elias..... __.. _:. i: ::: . Fogg, Reuben...... _.. a 1 . . . ains, Dani....I . ._._ ___. _I. 4 _. . . . _ l&mnan, Zem’. - - _. . . ._ . . i :: 1 . . . . Fogg, Reuben, Jr...... I I . . . . Fogg, Wm...... : z ...... _ Barman, Dan*.. __ .__ _:. .I- : . . . Foss, DanI ...... I :I Emmun, Benjn... ____._ .i- ,>ohn _._._ _. . . . . 1 ; f.. Fog& MO808...... Earn.-an,Eliz* T-_ .______._I .I. Cutler Timo . _. _...... : . Foss, Abner...... Barmen, dU”...... _.. _I. Chad&k, Benja. _. . _. _ “z :: . Bogg, HrLnnRb(WW) ... Uodgsdon (Widow) __ _ _ . Colebroth, aGorge. _. . . . ‘; ::: Fogg, Aaron ...... E+nay, J_am~~,Jr. _. _.I . - Colebroth, Jo3_._._...._ 2 . . . . Ficket, Vincent ...... aarman, aam~.___.___.. Colebroth. Same___..... : 3 . . . . Gorham, Wm...... E&sty, Robs..... _._.._. Carter, Btinjn. _____. . . ..I 1 ...... _.. . Gmnnon, Jos...... Kannrtn. Jon*. . ______. ‘ktor. Beni’. - 5 . . . Gilkey, Jam08...... Barman, Moses.____. ._. f Qllkey, SOS...... Barman, Ja%..----..--. : :*: ;,: Green, Thofi...... Karford, Solo-...... _ . : 4 .:. Gnmmon, Jos., Jr...... Barman, Abner.. _____. Gammon, Dan’, Jr ..... Barman, Joseph,. ___ _. . : ! ::: Qmnmon, Jona...... Eoit, George...... 1 4 .._ .ll r&mmon, Denju...... Elalnes,Timv _. . . . . _____





HABPBWELL TOWN-‘?On. .,.. Bailey, Jacob. _...... ,.._. W&lx?r, Mary.. .._ ..-. . 4 Athertoti, Jo&.. . __._. _ ,I... Booker, James.. -. - ._. . Curtis, Caleb..... __.. _. 3” Curt#,Benjn .__.-. _.._. Pierce, Jtise h.. _.. . . .- ..f. Cm-tea,Ambros. _...... Merrell. Josfi na ..-. . . .---I 2 Allen, Elijah.. __-- -.--. Metguih, John...... _._ 2 Whedler, David. .__.--_ Yetguin, William...... Buker. Daniel.. . _. _. . ._ Emmory, William...... “‘i Dugbs, Daniel ____... _ Allen, Joseph. __-._ . . . . . Wheeler. David.. __. .__ Picrca, Joseph...... : Eaton,~aml.....-...... Witham, Thomas.. . _. . 3 t :” Farr, Thp... _.A.. __..-. Gore, Joshua.-.. _...._. 4 .:: Merriman, James..- . . -. Witham, Jeremiah. _. __ : . . Redock, John _..._. _._. M~Intiro, David. _...._. 3 ‘1.; Stover, Alcot ___..._.... Titcomb, John ...... ; Easters, John. ____ _.... StinohIield, Ephralm __ _ 3 :.. Blake, John, Jun’-.. . . .r. Bennet, Isaac .____._.___ “‘i’ 2 .__ Dug& Elijah... .._...... 5 ___ Blake, John.. ______.. _. Stinchfield, John. ._..I. 3 .._ Orr. Clement __-- _--.... Penny, Thomas.. . ___.. 4 _._ On, John...... - . . . . IIoneyford, Robert. .._. 3 .__ IIaskell, John _...... d Sinnet, Mlci7.l._ _ ._ ___ . . . Blake, James...... _.. .._.. 3 ___ Smith, John.... .___.--. . . . . 3 . . . Biaho Luke. .._.._.... Bennet, Jonathan. __ __. ii .__ Rsid.Pbhn _.__.... _.._. Bannet. Nathaniel. _. . . . 4 _._ ? 3 _.. : ii -:* 4 :.: : 1 _-_ 2 4 .__ B&k&, Job ______...____ . . . . 1 .__ Pierce Joseph...... _. _ 4 .__ Irish, tvillwm.. _..._... : Hsskel. Jonathan L. __ _ _ . . . . !f 1:: Curtei;Jacob...... __.__ ; 2 ._. Gcofleld, Clement.. _. ._ _ 3 2 .._ Tinnov. Seth... ___ .___ _ . . ..( 1 ___ Browii; John ____._ _._._ 1 1 ___ Jordan, John. ___ _.__ .__ . ..- ; .._... Martin, Matthias ...... 4 Booker, Joseph. ____._. _ Stevens, Piml__._ .____. _ . ..a ; I:- Goodridge, Jewett...... Wfnslow. Barnabas _. _. 2 2 1..- Nelson, The*...... Foxcroft; Samuel...... _ .I._ 3 .__ Wilson, James...... Allen, Nathaniel C. . .._. 4 _._ Alexander, Will=-. __ __ _ Arnold, Bildad...... __ _ : 2 -.. Doile. Elijah ...... AlIen, James. ______A am Thomas. _.._.._ _ z ::: A$en,‘Nehemiah...... s 4 ._. num; Ieaao ...... ~.. 3 .__ Atwood, Solomon ...... I 3 _-. Bradbeiry, J&be&...... i Brid ham, William.... _ i ::: Brat Pborrv.Beniamin... i 2 ___ Bnley, Jo%.. .:. .______2 2 _.. Bryant, Baldldon._..._.__ .,.. 2 ._- Chandler, l’eleg. _._._._. 2 .-_ Collins, Ebenezer. . ..__ _ : 7 ___ Davis, Ebenezer ______. . 5 __. Dyer, Lemuel. __..___. __ . . . 2 __. Day, Zebedee__._.._____ ._. 3 _.- Bisbo James _.___.____ 1 ___ Brad Pord, Ephraim. __ _ _ i 5 _-_ Bennet. Francis. __ __ . __ 6 .-. Coomi. Will=-. ______I : *_-.-_ Holbrook, Jon&.. ______i 2 _-_ Haynes, David. _. ._____ . . . 6 _-_ Lsavitt, Naphtheii. ____ . . . 2 I__ Andorson, Dan&l. ._ _.__ 2 4 _-* Cooms, John. ___ . . . . . __ 4 I Fiiw, Seth.. __. . - .__. ,.. 2 :: Browfxl Daniel... ______c;ums, mm... C?bb,~~osqh.. .. _. I. .____.-1 .._ Webber, David ____,_.. . i :: Snulll,Saml...... _ Stove& John., __. . -_ _._ 4 ._ Totman. Joslab.. ______B’og , l!mocn.L.. Clever Harrison...... 4 . . Gr d am, Mary .______. ._. Randal,DanieI _____._._ 3 . . .. Glass, Ezekiel.. __ _..__ _ JoTonlI--~~-..- 3 . . Haskell, Jacob ______‘--. .-..., . . . . Grover, William. ______. . %!$~~ nuel... _...__ 1 i :: Soames, Jonathan. ___ _ _ LIWKBI, ward _..__....- I -x.Black ..I -’ 1Boston _...... __ ._. Ha&l, Ruth.... -...... I..____ ; :: rump, Eliphus.. ______. . mm-_. . “~,. ~e~sl.S~*uel.. _. __ __ _ i: :: ~Ross, Thod-.me__.._ ____ fl&Sm3l, $wy...... (I . . Linscott., John.. _. . _.. _ _... . . RyalI, Eh. _._.______. 4 ._ Morse, Mary...... __._ 2 r._. . . Itaskell, Nathaniel. __ _ _ 2 Pumton, Joshua... ___. 1 _.__ ._ Uorrish, Joseph-...... : 5 :: ~Hall,Nath~______. __.__ 2 _._. . . fee yt, DameL...... Hall, Joseph... . _. . . _.__ 13 / -... I. . 5 ‘avid ._.__.. _ ..-. 1 I I_.. _-__ i ;; Pumton, Joshua, Jur... 3 -_*. -. Taxbox, ultlx~uu.“^_._^l ._ _. _._ ..-. . ..- Hall, John...... 6 __.. . . Woodberry, Joseph.. . . . 4 _. . . --. _ 4 __ Pm&on, Robert-. _.___ 3 I . . .._.I Royal, EII. . .._ ._...... 43 I _-.. I .._. HEADS OF FAMILIES-MATNE. 21 CWMBERLAND COUNTY-Continued.


__ -II I- NEW QLOUClSTlR NEW GLOUOEBTEB TOWN-Con. NORTH Y.X‘MOUTH TOWN-c.on. TOWN-C!On. 2 Bradberry William __ _ _ 4 __...... ktchol, Daniel. ______cleaves,blonozor...... 3 . . . . . i I:’ . . . Lewis,Asa . ..______M~CWlro, John ...... : 3 ...... Brown, Moses.___._ ____ Stlnohficld, John. ______2 3 . . . i :::: . . . True, Willm._..__._ ___._I Haskoll John.. _. _ _...... Brown, Ephraim...... ’ Ingersoi, Natbenlol.. . . _ :: ii ::: . . ; :::: . . . Weare, Peter. _. ______Low, Nicholls... . . _. . . _ 4 . . . . . 3 ...... True, JOP _.__.__.__.___ Lane, Ehenesor.. _. . . _. . : 4 _...... M~Quln, Edmund. __ . . 2 _.. . . i -::: . . . g::z gggyj;;;;.:::: Mastin, Rob&. . .._.__. .._. . .t . . . . . get;~~~&llj;~~~~~~~ Morgan John.. ___ __.. T ::: . . “4 .::: f.. Noycs, &noon...... k . . . . . Staple, D&l& __.. _____ Parsons, Isflac...... i ::: . E :::: . . . Hobbs, Willa...... Rcarson, Luke... __ ._. . i 5 ...... Moxy, Mercy...... -. stevene, Paul.. _...... 2 . . . . i :::: f.. Tuttle, Burrel. ______Stlnchfleld, Mary.. . . __. : . . . . Mitch& David. _. . . ._ - _ Tufts,John...... _____ 7” ::: . : :-:. . . . . Mitohel, Loring. __ _ _ _ . __ Tucker, William...... _ : 5 __. . . Drinkwater, David. ___ _ Toal, Micnol.. _. . ___. _. . 2 4 ._. . NORT5 YAR?~OUTEI Mitchel, Jon*. ______Witham, Benjamin.. _. . . TOWN. Currey, Mehltable.. ____ Wasbborn, Stophen.. . . if : ::-’ . . Melcher, Ammi...... +. Davis, Sarah. ._. . . ..I.. _._. .__ 1 -.: . Iavis, Timothy. ___. .._ _.. LorIng,Ance.. ._.. _.__...... Bartlett, Josiah. __ _. 6 . . . . hvis, Thonn~s._ _. _. . . _ . . Dinsmore, John.. .__._. 1 Bartlett, Mnlchl...... 1 . . . . 3avis. John ______.._.. 4 I I.. Young, Joseph.. ______Emmory, Mark. __. . ___ . . . 2 ._. . .~uwronce,Jolm. __ _. __ _ . . . Bark, Polly. __. . ______Buxton, Samuel. ..__._. 2 1 . . . . . Parker, Sam’. . _._. ._._. . . . Gflmnn, Revs Trlstram. Allon, Nehamlah...... 2 ._. . :handler, Joshua. .._...... Gorden,Nathl...... Bennot, Nnthnniol.. . _. . i! 1 ._. . . Worthley, Daniel.. __._ _ _._ Sanborn, Bsnj*.... _.._. Welch, Joseph. __ __ _. ___ 2 . . Parker, Joseph. __. ____ _ . . . Sanborn, Paul, Junr.. __ cotton, Adam...... 3 !I ::: . . gitohel, Horton...... _ . . . Buxton, Willm. ______Cleaves, Ebonoeer. _. . . . 1 .-. . . Ross,Isaac. .._...... Titcomb, Edmund...+.. Cleaves, Edmund... __. _ 4 . . White, Abel ______. . . Titcomb, Joseph.. ______, Cobb, Silvenus.. . __. . . . 2 : ::: . Winslow, Benja .._...._ n-l--L.- n.Ac Evelith, Nathanlel . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . Worthley, Sam’.. . __...... 3)W‘LcIle~,aeEnBlanohsrd, Be&ah.f..._-_.-_ ___ Evelith, Isnao ...... _. _ . . . . . gcberey,Sami. ______. . . Blanchard, N,~”RZIl~...... * Fogg, Samuel...... goore, Joanna. ______. . . Swltzcr, John ..f... -_-.- Fog& Edmund.. _. __.. _ : . nitohel, Sami...... Merril. Natha n ...... *_ Mason, Ebonasor. _. . . . _ . . ditohel Benjn. _.___ _... I/Prinoc~ -. Merrel, Paotor ...... 2” . . :ebr Elizabeth _____. :::I1switzl pJ;f Am...... dltogkl, Mshltabie . . . __ NOyeS, blOse8 ______55 onj*1Ilin...... Noyes, Zebulon. __ _ _. . __ Lor&, Boao11o1...... i s~~~[.~~~‘::.-.:::::: Noyes, Willm.. _____, ___ Haskol, Moses.. . . __...... blwel; Henry. __.______Stubs, Jon* ____.______Haskol Benjnmln. __ __. 1 . Llwel, Pain, Junr.. __. . . Hurrls, Amos __._.._. . __ Qroce, isnao...... , ...... tussel, Hannah. .__ .__. Merrll, Sarah.. ______.__ Qlover, John...... 1 . :utter, Sami______.__ Thorn, Ebenezer.. _. . _. Forbush, John.. . . _...... dltohol, Seth.. ..______True,Israel.... _._. . . . . Honeyford, Robert B __ 3 . lumphry, Ebenez.. _.. . D&&water, Sllvanus... Haskoll, Moses...... ,. . “aster, Nath’. ______. ._. Stubs, Rich%- ___.___.__ Hutohorsan, Wllllnm . . . : . 3atoheldor, Peter. __ _ _ _ Stubs. Ben+...... _.. __ Hammon Sn.muol...... 3ysom, Oliirer.. _. __. ._. Stubs , Zerf . . . .._.._..__ Hatch F/shor.. . . _. . : : : :- Prat, Shcrebiah...... _.. S O&r,JO8JlU& . . . . . __.__ Haskejl, Gldoon ...... Bargeant, Wlllm.. ______. .. A?I en, Ebenezer.______Lana, Ebenezer...... Blaisdel, Jeremiah.. _...... Stubs, Moses___._....__ Lukes, Elkany...... Mitohel Willm. __.____. _ . .. Reid, Willm______Lukos, Ebonezor.. . _.._. . . . White, Luther ______.. . . ,... Wyman, Josiah___.. . . ._ Lorlng, Eaeklol...... Weeks,ii lath]. ______.. _. Morgan, Luke. .“...... _.. sellp...... Morroll, Elins...... imos ______Merrell, Moses. ._. . . _._ _ . .. ,Rotert.,.... _. Memo11Samuel...... , . . . . Drinkwater, aam. _. . __ Haskeli, Joel ______. . ._.. Tuttle, Elijah . . . . . ____. Haskell, Nathan.. . _. ._ _ . . . Sawyer, John.... .______Hnrthawny, 80th.. .___. . . . Guemey, Lemuel. ___. __ Hnyes, John.. . _. . . __...... Prince,James...... Merrell, John. _._. __ . __ _ . . . d, Ebenezer.. _ Morrell, Esokiol ...... ,_.. EElh% iephen...... Nollson, David. ______. Loring, Sami.. _._...... d, Nathi....-. _ Parsons, William.. . . _. _ Loring, Richmond. _...... !%:P; Iavid...... -. Prlnoo John ...... _. . Hix, Joso;ph___...... “-i- ::: . . . Shaw,bE miel..._.._. ___ Row fonathan. _ __. __. Mitahol. on"...... 2 ___ ._.. gg I-Joseph . . . . _..____ Webier, Mioaal. _1. _. __. Marston, Lavi...... 3 ...... ‘Ellab.. ______Whorfo, Josoph...... Rider, James...... 2 ...... 18,Josiah ______1: Walkor, James. ______. _ Johnson, Tha ...... %%__... , Jacob.. ______Tyler, Joso h...... ___. Marston, Simeon ...... i ::: .___! ~inl,Thomas...... _ 4 ._. .__.! Fieldt Zacharlah. ._. _. ._ Shuw, Bon Bamln ...... Chandler, Jon’. . . . _._. - Harm, Amos.... ___._._ Hall, William... ___._ _. _ . .. Jones, David...... 8 . . . ‘---. Ramsdel, Elmball. _. __ _ . .. Hatch, Abljah.. ____...... Rlnnchard.Hozea...... Wells, Simoon. _. . _. . _. . True. Hannah. _...... i ::: ._.. Buxton, B’mj*...... - White, William. ______2 ...... Prat,Thomas.....+.... Parsons, Edward... . __. ._.. Wilk ._ .__ I... K8%$anl. ._..::-. Penny, Thomas . .._.... z ::: 3 .._ . . . . Black,‘JoabLb... ______.-: Pierson, SamUOl...... _.. Skillens,Isaac.. _.______Widgory, William. __ _ _ _ : z ::: ._.. Goodwin, John. _.._..__ Walker, Micnol...... 1 .._ . ..1 Bracket, Jeremiah. _. .__ Robertson, Solomon.. __ . . . . Lei hton, Andw. _.______Parsons, Moses.. ____ _. _ Latherby, Sami.. . _. . . . 6 . . . 2 .._ . . . ~~~on~,-~,lp~...B ------Row, William...... Fellows, Sam’... _... .._ 4 . . . Row, Zobedee______.__. Pleld, James...... G . . . Gurney, Lemuel, Jnnc. _ Stevens, Nathanlol. _. __ Mitahel, Solomon.. .-. . . 2 ...... Cleaver,Wiilm _.__..._. _ Sawyer, John...... Winslow, Else. _...... I...Reod, Zebnlon. ______Suwyor, Parker... __ ___ Woodward, Davis ...... 1 D . . . ._.. Wortle+, John...... 2 2 ...... Knight, Enoch. ______Tyler, John.. . . _. . . _. . . mthrop. __ _ . . . Small, John.. . ._ _.. _____ Tuoker, Lomuol.. . _. . . . 3 3 *.. f ::: ... . bfarthl, Wills. f . . . - . . -_ Smith, Jonah.. _. ___. ___ : 3 I... %$J, John...... _. i ... . II 22 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. .


= ZZ=== = I 4 .E ;i $

NAME OF EIEAD OF I FAMILY. ti , ei e 2 ’ a, E M Ld 3 9 I ! 3 -- - .i


L . fl. . . . - . . Chandlor, David. _. . _ . : Uubblwd, LOVI ...... 2 -I- ! . Walt, Daniel.._. __..___ warron, Abijall., ...... -. ,... v.. t . I . T1”: .. _.... . Chandler Rufus. __._ __. . 1wly, John...... _. .I. _. ! . _____.....__Oaks John...... _. __. Pratt, Luther ...... ,... -*. , 4...... _Prim&, Thos. ._ _. . .._ _. _ 1 7j ~OWQll, John ...... i . 3 ...... Loriq Young, Nnthl...... f . . . 2 ...... Bin A~uw...... _ bnith, Joslah...... ,.._ ..I 2 .___ . . . Yor E , said...... I Hammond, Banjo, Jnr . . -.- I 2 _.__ . . . Cushman, Isaiah. _. . ___ . (:hesley, David ...... ri . . . I 2 _.._ . . . Switcher. Wlllm. __... _.. loan, Jaoob...... _ . . ..- . 2 f . __ . . I ~l;OWOl,Elins...... ,...... : I 3 .-__ ,.. :, 63towo1, Nnth’...... ,,_. . . ..* 3 _...... ! 1Pullor, Aaron ...... 2 .I. i . 1 ..I 5” :::: ::: :, ; . ,...... I 3 _--...... 6 - . . . , . . :I ( . . ,...... 4 .._. ..-. . I . ,...... - 6 -. . . . _I . 3 . . ,... . . *.. 2 . . . . _. . . . ,...... 3 . . . . __-. :! ; 30ss00,Than ...... (I 4 . . . - . . . .I 1ihi ht, Daniol...... 3 .-. 3 . . . . . _ -, .: 1Pra f t, Nathi...... I 2 . . . . _ . _ _i 1Wightman, Robert ..... : . . . 3turdivant, P’manooe...... _. i .‘i‘ I‘-’.., _) i 3Curdivant, Asa ...... :: 1 . . . . __., .prt?r; Nghaminh. _ . __ _I Dunhun, haa ...... B . . . . __. bdarston, Jespor. __ . . . . . BQSSOQ,John ...... :, i . 8 ...... _ Maraton, John . .._....__ :’ i l3aker, Jamos...... _. 1 ...... Marston, Joshua.. . . __ _ Rcrco,Nathan ...... : , 4 ...... Allsn,Job ._..: _.._.__.. 1, j Parry, Joseph ...... ! . 3 ...... - giandler, David...... I . :Rlckot, John ...... i. 1 . . . . __. rait, __Dani -..I ...... Riokot, Iaaao ...... i . 3 . . . . _.. 6hanuler, Kums.. . _. . . _ : 3 : 6 . . . _. - Botstor, Isauc...... 2 ...... _ Sela,Jessa.. _. . ___. .__. . . -Whitney, Dan’...... Rlcker, Wintworth.. _. _ Korsa, hn08 ...... ,... 4 ...... Webbor, Jono.. ___ . .._. : ; Uall, Sonn...... Sawyer, Solomon .._.. . . : .._...... --* . . 3 _--. . . . Sawyer, Solomon, Jur.. ! j i 6 __-. . . . Bemilton, John. __. . . . _ . . ,... . _ Bam0ton, hmbros.. . __ - t I . 1 .___ . . . Johnson, James.. __._.. 2 _.._ .,. . ! 3towo1,WI17 ...... ; 6 _.__ . . . Dmlla, Allsn...... ‘3 OTISFIELD PLANTATION. ;IBriggs Seth...... 3 - . . - . . . :rmlmius, Elisha ; ; :::: ::: Pierce, Ceorgo. ._.______. I Morae, Seth...... I -. 3 - . . - . . . Bartlett, Eleanor. _. .._. Bock, Peter ...... ,: 3 .___ . . . . 3‘Iuhbnrd Rouhm...... )... 2 . .._ . . . :tovons, Il’hoo 3 ..f. . . . : i :o1s Elaazar.. : 5 ...... hith, Morodiclc...... I . ,... . . 3 . . . . . - -. . 3swift, Jose h...... 2 0 .*.. ___. swan Wlll f am ...... 3 ._.. ___. 1 i 3ardinor, Snmi. 2 _. . . . ._. 3ardlnor, W’llm ...... : . . . ; : : : : - _. : i ;hirtlifl, Jon* ...... ,...... L3hirtUfl, Jon%+Jr...... _-, Barrows, Am ...... 2 . . . _ _. ! 3 . . . . . _ . Washburn, Jacob ...... 3 7 ...... Duval, Poter...... 4 . . . . . _ - : 3Bryant, Soloman ...... ; 1Brooks, rotor ...... 3 ...... 3 i : : : : - . . . Danielfl, John ...... t ._., ?,--.Joseph.. . . __. . . .I ; . : : : : - : : Reed, mary.. . . _. _. ___. . PORTLAND TOWN. . . Gammon Samual. __ _ _ . Brition, donathan. .,._. . . 2 -_.. .._. . !3mith, Thomas.. .__. . . . Turner, Bh81la.. . __ _ _ ._ _ man, Samuel...... _ . i ...... _.-.’ _. Harnook~ Elias.. _. .___. ; i 3tephenson, John.. . . . _ 1 . . . . _. . z&h& hsbulon.. . ..__ rhorlo, John.. . _._. . . . . 1 ..*- . . . John...... __ _. _, . . IzmmmBt, Dudloy...... _. . . . _. Gates: Joseph. ___. . . ._ _. . ; ...... _ z . . __ . . . 11,Catharino.. . __ _ pg:; :: : :: : : . 4 .--* . . . EL% , +nja$n. __, __. : I . . Mores: Jonatnan. ___... . . ; ,ettlos...... _. . I. ? ----.-.’. ..- . . . Mayberry, Thomas. ____ . nd, Samul. . .. . _. ; :::: :... Mayberry, David.. _.__. . ; s,Matth!as...... ,, I . . PL.~.NTATIo* i-70. 4. .- : ----. . . _ ...’. . . I _- ..__e.-_..., Jaokson, Levi.. ._ __ _. __ _ . . . _. 3 .-_. . . . Twichel, Moses-.- ._.... . : I .I 2 - . . - . . . Jackson; LenmeL __ _ _ . . . ( 1 .--- . . . Jackson. Esaao______._. _ -. 1 . - . . . . Jackson; Lemuel, Jnr. __ . : __ 7 _-.. .._. St& Ies, Daniel. ..____.. . : radbur~;~&nuel. _ . . _( 3 _. * . . . CusE man, Caleb. _. ..___ . i ., __ Jackson Barnabas. __ _ ._ : ::--. . .__.. ..’ Nelson. hathan. ___ _ _ . . _ 2 . . . . ___. Rawsoh, Bbenezer..____ . : __ 7 . . . . _. Whitney, Clark. __ _ _ ._ __ . I i ., 3 .-.. .__. Barrows Malaga. _. _. __ . : I . . Dean, Edmund. _..__.__ . i :::: .---. . . . Andrewa, David. ___ ..__ . I3anfor ‘d; Thomas.. . . __..I _ ,, /. 4.,.. &rrl* ‘;a HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAIN Q



-- PORTLAND TOWN--CO& PORTLlWDTOWN-COII. ?oBTLANDTOWN-con. Hardon, Sto hen. ____. 4 P Ian&, John...... _ *. Cox, Lemue __.. ._. _.. _. . .. . ; Thompson, Thomas.... stout, willhJn...... I 6OOl-3,John . . . ..__ _._.. Starberd, Xbonozor.. . __ ; . ~ : 3arber, Joseph.. _. __ __ _ gnlghts, John. . . ._ _._ _. . . .. 1’ ; . . . . hwell, Zschariah. _. _.. Cbilds, Mary.. _. . _.______. 1 2 Cni ht, Robert .._.__.__ Mailen, John... ._ . . _ __...... t . . . . b”Is! ensie, Mary. ______. i ‘--‘-‘---*.._...*. _.-..a-. Winslow, Samual...... ! . . . . Tilton, Isaac .______. 2 ._._ _... ,Beman, Abraham _.. __ . I 2 Veldridge James_ _ _. . . “5 ..i‘ :::. Jones, John. _...... ____ P . ! . . . . :odman, iticbard.. . . . __ Thombs, Joseph ._._._...... I &cLellan,Arthur. __._. _ 72 i,__._! 1.._.- Thombs, Joseph . . ..__...... 1 : 3radborry, ..___ _. 2 :._,.! . . . . Boynton, Theophilus.. . 1 . 1 .._. k’yer,Dtiel...... _____ 2 /__._‘..._ Big 8, Josiah ...... ___...... 1 .-.. Ziggs, . ___ __ ._. _. 2 I__._L_.. Poe? , Abijah ___..__.... 2 ! . . . . 11088,Nathaniel.. . __._ 2 j 1 i.... Moss, Ellphalet...... rhomaE, Peeter.. -. . _*. 6; /__,. i.-._ kfoss, Eliphalct. .._. __._ : ! ITerie,John ,_ . -...... __, ’ : iawyer, Philip... ______Price, Elisaheth.. . _...... i 1lyers, Jemime.._ _. _ _ __. Xerk, Elieabeth ______. Noyos, Da&L __...... _... I ! :lough, John. _. __._ _.._ Hood, James...... ___ __ . I Yumer,Elisha... . ._.. _ 2 j.:.‘f;::,.:../..:: Baker,Johnn...... _.. : 1 ; ‘erviah, Adam.. _.__ _. _ 1 I____:._._ Wyloy, James...... __. 1 :reenleaf, Joseph .____ _ ~ /:-.:/:::: Berry, Jeromiab. . . ._ __. ; E 3” Nowman, Thomas _____. :hilda, Rebecca._ _. __ __ . 7(:reenloaf, i Imos. _._ . __ _ 2 Yemen, Samuel._ __. _ ._ 2 i.::.;.... Thrasher, John... __.___ ; . k’onng, AhI%pl...... f.. Ielf, Stephen.. . _...... 2 / 1 Barrot, James.. . . . ____. _... Jrewett, JOSL,,-...... __ ilggim, Sanmel..~..... 5 I____/...___.. Brow&or Willian~ ___ _. ,... Jlewett, James.. ..___._. i ‘o e,Robert... ______2 I____‘_... Gustin, $bonezer.. __.. . 1Lowther, John. ____.___ ‘OPI ard, Hezekfah. ___._ 2 . . . - . . . . Psnnel, Matthew. _. . .._ ; . 13errv. Joshua. ______. : ‘ones,James . . . . . ____.. .__. _.._ Moody, William.. _.___. 1 (:lapP; hsa.. _...... ___ _ )lnsdell, Henry.. . . _.._ 4” __.. ._._ Brazier, Sarah.-. . __ . . . 1btklns, Nathaniel...... f :ox, James._.______4 ____~.___ Brazier, Enoch.. . . . __ _. : I 3ryant, Jonathan. _____ 7 Iaite,John ._.______; _. _...-’ . ..I.. . . . Paine, Jonaihan... ____. 1 hwns, James..______. foodwln, John ..___. _.. Cobb, Ebonozer. ___...... i ?ool, Thomas.. __ . . . .., “‘i )avis,Ebenezer...... Cluston, Alexander. __ _ _ . . . . 3ailey, Nathaniel...... 2 ihaw, Nathaniel. _. __ __ ; i~~:~~~~1 Pool, James.. .__....__. ; Iore, Phili ______. .._.. Iherman, Barnabas. __ _ Cobb, Smith ____..___._. : sstone, Be$ smin .._____. lailey, Hudson.. ______2 _....I . .._- Cobb Enoch. . . . . ___._. dalker, Peeter.. ___ _ ._. : Vehb, Micael.....~. _. __ 3 .__*‘...* Knlgh, John.. . . . __ _ _. i darhlo, Nanc .______4owe11,MG-y.-.. _.._ .._.. Lowell, John. ._...... _, 4 %dusay, Dame.r _. . . ..___. .“i Ielley,Mary ..______. i Maston, Daniel. _. . . . _. adotley, Alexander...... 2 Iance, John... .______. 1 ::::i::::...... -- Bootman, proadstrost . ; EItsrrot, David ...... _...... ,unt,Job... _...... 3 . -. . . . . _ Sweetser, 30b.u...... _ . . . . Smmons, John.. ______1 bjor John . . . .._. . .__ 1 _._.‘._<. ROSS,David .._...__. ._. 5 : ,eatherby, Denjamin.. . Barn6 erlain, Aaron.. . _ 2 ..__ ._._ Ilsly, Joshua. ______. __. . . ..I ( *men, Dame1. .._._. . .._ “‘3’ tould, Joseph..______. 4 . . ._I.-.- Tuokneld, Mary. __ . ._ ._ . ._ .., . . . . ;reen, William...... Iarwiok, Hugh... _. ____ 5 _._.: __-_ Waite, Thomas B. __ _ _. f Jrake, Robert.... .__.__ .I... Green,Casiah.... _. _.__ _. 3 . . . . _-_. Bryant, Samuel. __. __. . 1” :oley, Noah...... _._ ___ ; ::::’ :::: Berry, Thomas. _. __.. . . 0 : “2 ;awyer, Ezekiel... . .___ Wadsworth, Poleg. _ ___ 5 .._.. Viswall, Enoch.. _. __ __ 5 .__. ____ Noyea, Moses...... _. . . 1 : LoiT,Benjamin ._._.____ 5 . . _.‘. .-_ Prooter, Semaal...... _ . . . . “‘i %roadstreet,Dudley. ___ 1 .__.I.-_. Mot10 William. ______. . . . . : 3 lichardsoq, Edward. __ 2 . . . . ‘-.-. N&hog Elisahath.. _ . . __.., . . . . Iryant, Wdliam.. . . . ___ ...... _._* Low, I&&h. . . ._. .I. 1 : : srackett, John...... __. 1 ..__‘____ Rollms, Bethoah. . . . . _. . : ireen, henry. _._ . . . . .__ awyer, James-. __. __ _. 2 ___.‘.-__ Laroch. Thomas.. . . I . . . dolton, William. ._. . . . . : awver,_ Samuel..~. ___. 4 ___.!___. “‘i’ i :ook. John.. ______._._ ‘iummer,. -. Asa. .___ _. __. 5 __._‘._.. 3arton;James...... ; IoLe, Jonn...... ‘...~~.. i 3raokett, Thomas.. _. . loffin. Nathamel. _ ; ~~~~I~~~~ . . . . Naterhouse, Jacob..... --i Jezies,Joremlah... .__. . 1 ._.I .-._ : Znirrhts. Bsnjamln..... : 3 ._._ .-.. 3ur~%bnin,John.. ._ _. . . 2 4 *._. ____ i Iant, John .,___...... 5 .._. ____ . . . . Icott, John _...... _ “‘i‘ 2 . . . . ---- 3wan% Ebonezer.______4 . . _. _- __ 1 : 1 __..I_... “2 1 !ammet,~Thomas._. . _. f... .._e ...-. voodman, Sarah.... ___ __ z . . . . - - -. f licb, Zephanlah. ._____. 2 . ._I * - -. -7 )xnerd, Thomae ._-__.. 5 - _. . - -. i Puke?, Stephen.. . .._ . . . roedick.Nathaniel _. __ _ 3 -._. ..*- .._. ;now, Ebenezer. __. _. . . 2” 3alley, lolm-.. . .._ . . . . _ ; I.“:‘“‘- , ..s. : ?etten@l, Daniel.. . . ._. i 3oodwm Samuel.___.__ ; :::. , ::~’-. ’ ‘4’ 3racier hoses...... -.- 1” 3 _- _. . f.. 3arr, Aiexander...... 2 2 .._. s-e. Itevens, Abraham ...... 1 2 L._..__. --... ..- I ;hattuck, Moses...... _ Aper.. ---- _-_. i?rarren, Gsorge...... _ “3 Y wren, ree iter . . . . __ . _. 5 - - - . . . . . : :orrey,James...... 1 jewman, Thomas ____.. 4 __..,.... N&her. SnmUel... ._. .._.. Yoodman, Davfd.. .__. 14 ::::j.:-. 3 lonstable, James._____. 1 .-..::.:: : .“i’ ,ylvester, Joseph-__-._. Ihattuck, Summers.. - . 2 ‘inkham,, DalUel.---_.. 1 ____‘.___ 2 lox, wuham, . ..-.--.-. 2 ____!____ ‘-‘i’ ;unt, Moses. . . .._...-.. iwan,John...... 1 ._..I . . . . lay, George. __... _ . . . . _ 3 __..I.._. “‘i’ Kaldo, Samuel.. _...... “7‘ :&ham, f&ah.. ______2 ?razier, Alexander.. __ _ litchell, Robert.. __-__. :odman, Richard...... Founder,William.. . __. i lobby, Job$l. .- ----. i leering, Eunice...... lobby, Wlluam.. . ____.1 4 Naite, John.. .._ ...... _ ?rotb.mgbsm, John...-. ,.... iming, Shirley...... _ : 24 FIRST CENSUS OF Tm UNITED STATES.

CUMBERLAND COUNTP-Contiued. = I d NAME OF HEAD OF NA.hw. OF HEAD OF FAMILY. FAMILY. i :I !,a -_ SHEPABDSFIELD PLAN- POBTLAXD TOWN- I AYMONDTOWN PLANTA- continued. Troa-continued. TATION-SODtiDuSd. poor, Samuel.. .._ . . . . I 2 . . . Layberry, Richard _. _. . kfason,Broadstreet. _. . . . Toby, Samuel. ______. : 5 . . . ‘orden, D ominlcus _. _. _ _ :uahmau, Gideon_._. . _. . . Shsw, Josiah. _ . _ . ____I 4 . . . Jowell, Daney.-...... _ . . Packer.Reuben ____._.. ._ _ Patterson, John...... : tawyer, JomLth5n...... _ Packer;lcbabod. __._. . . . cbellis, Joseph... , , _._.. 2 i '-i- ::: ,omborde, John.. . .__. . . . Washburn, John. _. . . ._ . Prlor,James...... _..__ i i... orden, Timothy. __ _. . . Baker,Samuel... ___ . . . _ Brown, William... _____ ; 4 ,.. vestson, James. - - . . . _- . . ;eBroke, James.. . - . . . . _ Seymour, John _--.-.. _.

CUMUBRLAIYD COWTY-Continued. =, ie NAME OIPIIBAD OF B’AMILY. NA?dLMEOr HEAD OF $3 FudILY. %$j i!-~ STANDIBIITOWN-Coil. II TURNlR TOWN-COn. Moses, Joslnh.. . . . _. . ._ . :: . . . Ilrigga, Jothnm , _ . _ _ _ _. Dennis, Andrew.. _._. __ 3 . -- . . .. Phllbrlolc, Jon” ...... Brig 8, Jotham, Jnr __ _ _ 1 . __ . . .. . Phijbrlck, Mich lKll...... I ; . . . l3m s:ford, Ezoklel.. . _. . _.~I.l-IIl‘unuIc, 1._1^1. .rr,.__ YYII”’ ...... !E%gYh,JY”::::::: (3 __ __. . _ 1 . . . Bradford, Chandler.. __ Millens, Robert 3 ..I. ._.. Philbrlok, Gldoon ...... Elliot, Aodrer- ._ .*_.._ Parker, &ran ...... K ...... Millens, Thomas. __ __. . _ i _-.. *.-. . . . Illako, Salmull ...... Stevens, Jonathan...... 6 . . . . . Pioroe, John ...... Blake. Calal)...... _ __ PLWCQ,IUchnrd ...... : Barker, Thomas. _. . __ _ 4 .._. _.-. .. . JOWL...... Elder, William. __ _ . . . . _ 2 ...... Paine, Joseph...... e ban...... __ Toler, Samuel-.. __ . _. . . 1 ...... *\*rnino, .. L^ TllO~_I * ::-...... 1 Young, Martha. _. . . _. . _ 1 _. . . . _. .r‘nlH L”U) L, onn .,:...... _, .. . . Chesley,Joseph.. __. __ _ 8 ...... _. Rockloy, Chonamr...... Ei LI.. n-__I .. . ccw, L-wll...... _...... ; : :. : ; :. . Rich, Jnnlos...... Brown, John.. __ _. ._ .__ Rloh, Lomnol. .._...... i ,..I1 Broti JeuRscm,John...... _ 4 ..:. ..:: now, ClLlOb...... ,... l$x&s’,o&osenh. __ _ . _. . . 3 _. - . _. . . Row,r.....___ Rphrr ^... lh...... 2 2 . . . . _-._ I~LIILTUBOII,Dnvhl . . . . . Merre? I, Ebenezer.’ __. . __ 1 . . . . 1. . . lt!u$wc!son, rgrosoa... . .I ; . Maybsrry, Richard. __ . _ 1 ...... _. IF...... ,... Hnmon, Elijah. .______. 4 . . . . ___. onn ...... Hutchinson, AM.. _. . _ ...... 1 . . . . _ . - . Shnw, Jodiahi ...... : OJUJ...... Hutchhlson, SamUOl... . ,__. - . . . . ___- Shnw, Sorjn mol.. ____. ._ Hutohlnson, Josa h. __ _ 3 . . . . -. . . Shnw, ma11 .omr ...... : . .I1 Brvn.nt.I ~~~-~. 11ezekilth...... Starbord, Hauua I: ___. . . . ,.. 1 ...... _. Shaw, l’hoa ...... I.. JonoN, I&?1 Cook, Dan111 1 . . . . _._. i ,.. Shaw, doannh ...... Bradford, Y1111mn...... sn~~tibow~; ,Toh...... ,... ,.. AlKllV3WS, jamin .._ __ ._. 1 :‘:’. . .*..--_- snndbonrn, ,lehn, aup.. . 1 ,.. Androws umm.. __. _. :hard.. __ _ _ 3 . . . . _ . . . sandl~onrn, David...... 33onnay,iohabod. __ . . . . . haL.. __..... 3 . .._ _._. Snndbonrn, Jorominh...... Bonnoy, John.. . _. _. . 1 IBrael...... 4 . . . _ . . . ^.snndbonrn, . ..-.. ,qlp10011.. . . . 3 . . 13onnog,Xchabod, Jur. . . . mel. - ...... 3 . . . . _-_. *nnllUOllrn mnry...... l.Iouso, Caleb.. __ __...... ----731. ._ __ --. 1 ...... sawyer, SOillL ...... :. . 2 I.. Uradford, Martin...... YYIlm.m...... 1 ...... _. Smith, Arohlbald.. . . __ . ,.. , Jacob. _ _. _ _ __. ._ 3 . -. . _. . . sWuOC,JonL ...... ? ).. WATBBB’ORD PLANTA- Petth mll, Moms. _ _ _. . . 2 . . . _ ...... TION. ,7tiOb. -__..._... 3 . . . . __.. II 2 . . . . *. . . !7&%%%??“*.::: : : a . . E? Whmlow __...... 2 . . . . _. -. Thornjx%~n,Isnn 8. I.. , . . . Jowot, Stophon. ._ __..__ 6 . . . . . Hall: Wfllism. _- - _ . . . . . I 4 . . . . _ . . . T_pppipg,$lt11or...... F . . cironn ‘I’llo~. . . . ,...... _ 6 ...... 4 . . . . -.-- ‘I‘ll”nuL9, *mOR., ...... War& Bar&. __ _ __ .___ . . ..( ...... _

Wntorhouso, Josaph...... Gntos, Wllm...... _._ 1 2 ...... 1 . . . . **.. i 1 . . . . _.. . Wood, John...... _. . . . Johnson Asa...... 3 . .._ . . . 1 4 . . . . _*-. Whilnoy, Dnvld...... Grr, Phlfh . . . .._._.___ . . . 2 _...... 2 . . . . _ - _. WhItno Joshr-,a...... Rrynnt, RT- ohard. ___ . __ _ .._. 2 ...... 2 _ . . 5 . . . . - . . . White, F abor...... Sun son Phinoaa.. , ...... : 3 ...... Whey, Wlhn , ...... , . . WhlFoom!b David... __ ,_...... _ ._..... 3 2 . . . -. . . %“,‘,t”; gall+...... “. Chnmborldn, John.. I.. ,.... Winslow, Joseph... . _.. 1 ; : : . : : : : . LOOU...... 1 . . Longloy, Rly...... _. 1 swett, Samuel. __...... Yorl( JIOb ...... Rrown, Sllns.. _....____. Robinson, Ste hen. _ . . _ . . . 6 . . . . - . . . . . ; B&ton, RacheT _ _ _ _. _. . pj;a+ :! ‘OhIl...... 3 Drown, Thnddeus _. __ _ _ 3 . . . _ . . . . Ullbl”, ranno...... Chnmborlain, Ephraim. 1 Estis,Samuel. _. _...... 2 4 . . . _. -. ~llll1l~~~,~s(;q~l~un...... ” . . RURS,John .__..,.___. _. . . Robinson, John. ____... 2 2 . . . . -._. Itow, l‘“LlDPti . . .: ...... 1 2 . . Wlritnoy, I~l~inoas... _. _ BaskelI, John...... 1 ...... Parker, 111 malas...... Stlolmoy, Jon’...... Rogers, Nathaniel __ _ . _. 2 1 _ . _ . . . . . Higyhls, El>I ClUll~h...... IIonmn, Jonas. . . . __._ __ Mugford, Natbantcl __ _ _

Lombard, Iphnfl...... McWnno, David. ______Punlngton, Sarah. __ _ . _ . ..- 33 m’i’:I:e . . Ho100er, Robert-.. _____ Lombard, Jodndinh . . . . : Longlny, Jon’. . ._ ...... 5 __._ . . . .

. . MU ord, Robert.. _. ._ . Woods, Joso ,h ...... , Hamblon, Africa...... _. 8 4 . . . . _. . . Eaton, Xsrnos ...... f . . IInmblon, Amorioa.. - . . Lovett. Jonathan.. __. _ 2 *...... Woodman, Nathnn.. . . . 1 . . Jowol, Ezra ...... _ 3 . . . . _. . . Wllotoornll, sllns...... Halo, Isrnol...... _ 3 ._.. _...

. . . Wtlay, David...... F 4 _... __.. Tg;rk~r~blmamr.. . . . , ...... ,.. 3 . . . _. . . MYS~ld;. 1...... I 3 . . 2 . . _ . . . . n Ilean& ...... ; 1: -: 1::. Hnnnori. :T’cZXl”.:1: 1: 1: I : . . 2 hndeison, Nancy. __ _ - . _ Harvey, ‘John ...... _. ; Mayberry, William _. - . . 3 .-I. . . . . Cookson, Ellsnbath ...... : Dorrey, Jonathan. __ - _. Dorrev. Elliah. _._ ___._ 2 ::::I:::: ~rwnNmrTOWN. 3 . ...‘..... i 3 ._._ ..-...... _ _ _ ...... CO olln Joseph.. 1 I.. 4 ____ ...... ,...... __.. .._ N&s Iloniah,...::::::: ...... 2 ____I. . .. Smld Jnsaol...... 1 --__. . . . I?ronch, Dnnlol.. _...... ‘::I/ WINDIIAM TOWN. 4 _-__ .-.- i! . . 4 __.. .._ 1 _*__ . ..- a . . Ingersoll, John ...... 1 ____ ...... _... .*. 4 . . crni 0, Evolotl1...... 3 ..__ _... 4 _-._ . . . Crockett, Daniel. __. _- _. . . Mug7 vxrg, John ...... 3 ._-_ .-.- 4 _“_. . Hawk&s, Nathaniel.. . . _ ? . . a ruffmn, Cnleb...... 3 _.._ . .._ 5 ...... ‘Hawkes, James.. ___. . -. . . RUWkOY,AmUS., ...... f 3 ____ . . . . 5 ._.. . . . Dolley,John.. __.___.. _ . . I’lnwlros, Ebonexer...... 4 _-__ . . . . noneywvoll, Elijah ...... 3 8 ____ . . . Dolley, Samuel. __ _ __ -. _ i . . 2 __._ ..- Jordan, Jeremiah. ___... 4 ._._ -_.. . . Andorson, Ann., ...... 4 __.. ._.. MOiOY ...... Andorson. Abraham .... 1 1 ...... Rand, John ____i____.._ JmY\Y, J Imob ...... : . . 3 __._ .._ Fields, William.. . . __._ _ 2 _ _ - _ . . . . f33rickl$d, John ...... 3 . . -wilkor,hhn...... 3 . _ - _ . . . . Hall Hntevll.. .__...... “‘5 4 __.. . . . Hutchlnson, Stepheu- - - flw3, Narnnn...... 2 . . 3 . ..- .._ Elder, Joseph.. . . . _.-.. 2 __._ .--* . . . . . 1rar6 Isnaa...... 6 __.. ..f. Pratt, JIon-at ...... : 5 ._.. . . . Kemmrd, Samuel.. . _-. . Young, ;IOb . . ..*...... Camp? ,011, Elisnbeth...... -. 2 ._.- ..- L 0 Elias.. ______.._ 3 --__ ...... _ Knights, John...... 3 ____ _._. &yygl Isniah...... T &$e;, Josiah.. . . __ _.__ ,T$&tll...... 8 .. Qnmmon Piilp. 4 _-._ . . . . .~. I : :::: ::: Dorrey David.. . . __-_- . . 4 .%I hts ‘John..:::::::: 1 -___ . . . . Phi&p;, nonor ,” .. i: 2 _...... Clark, her shorn. __ _ _ _ - . _ Smith, hsn... .:: . . . . ,.. . . Wlr&duao, Pomphrit . Mancheater, Ste-phen . * *

I. . . . Morrcll, Renjamln...... ‘4 :-::---- Phillips, Riahard ...... “I Mannchester,Gershom . - . . a . . Mn,yborry, John.. _. . . . . 4 A.. :::: Brl gs, Dnniol.. ,.. . . 2 Allen, Joseph...... -.- 1 Maybarry, William.. . . . 3XnsLi, 01, Israel.. . (I. . . ,a . . FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.



WIND- TOWN-COD. II WINDHAM ‘J!OWN-COn. I I I -.- Tobin,Matthew . ..__ _._ Lowell, Jo&la...... ; . . . ..- Dole, Richard. _ . ______Hawkes, Amos. _. . . _. __ .-. Windship Ephraim. _ . _ Allen, Pelatiab __.. . . . _ -.. ::: Chute, John...... __.. Mayberry, William.. . . . 1’ . . . --. Chute, Josiah...... _._ Roberts, Jonathan . . . .._ . . . --- Swett, John _.._..__ ___. Mitchell, Benjamin. _. __ f --. --. Willson, Jonathan-n...... Rogers, Gersbom. _.____ ...... Chute, Thomas. ______Stevens, Chase. __ .._.._. f ...... Andrew, John.. . __ ___, Jorden, Nathaniel _...__ -.. ..- Smlth,PeterF.... ____ _ Crockett, George.. _ ._ . . : . . . .-.- Chase, John . . . .._--_._. Hawkes, Amos.. . __ . . . . 1 ...... -- Trott, Thomas. _ _ __ ...... Barker, David.-...... II I I I I -

HANCOCK COUNTY. --i---- - l I I II BELFAST TOWN--OOB. I I IIBLulzinL TOwN--cOD. WhItcomb, Abner . ..-.. Willeon Jonathan...... 3 . . _-. . Candlsb, James. _ . . . _ _ _ _ Ebauezer. ._ ...... ‘-Y’ :::: 1::: Tufts, john .._.f_._____. . . . . -- . * IIinkley, Susamuh...... _ .i . . ..*-...... _ . . . . Stephenson, fiolon.. . . _. c ...... - Day, James . . .._...... __ ._. .* . . . . I.__ . .._ Durham, Talford. _ . . . . . 4 . . . . -.__ Carter. LWUY . ..--..... - . . ..___.. ____ . . . . Doll& John.. . . ._. .._ . . -._ . .. . . _-_- Ctwtei, JameS. _ _. _ _. _...... _--__ _..- . . . . Durham, John .______2 .. . . . -. . Carter, James, jun ._._._ . . ..-.__...... Patterson, NatI- _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . _.. . Carlton, Moses.. _ . . . . _ _ 1 3 _-_. . .._ French, Nathaniel ._.... !! .. .. --.. Carlton, Edward...... ^ terson, William. _ _ _ _ Jaoob . . . . ______.. ; t::::t::::tt CAYDEN TOWN.

MClane, i+wgus.. .__.. Katon, Willlam...... Davis, John. _._._ _ .._.. colkl.morc, IBaac~...... iYlluL, IJo,,,-...... Temple, Natham&. . _. _ -.i’ -.-I .-.. Rol ?inrron, John. .__ _ . . . pm&-Pease, n..t-__Prince, j~rnr _. -__ ...... - cot bran, John.. ______-_-” e, L-nu,:B. ._. _. -. . . . f :-:. . . . . Ale xander, John.. . . . _. . CC& more, Joshua, juw...... SCu npson, Richard.. _ _ Collamare, Elisha _...... Pease, Shubad., . , . . . ._ Ripley, dbrabam. ______!l’hompgon, John. __- _-_ M+Surphp, William. _ __ Wentworth, Shuhael . . . wentworth, sion ...... Messerw, Joseph.. ..___ 3 _ ___ -_._ Harkness, jobn.. . . ._ _ _ _ Easinsy, Henry _.______Ott, Peter _..... _,....__ Sucbfort, Andrass...... ! “i’--*- .-a_ Ott. Peter, juw .___ _-__ _ Jacobs, ADdrew. ____..I 2 ___. ---- Bradford, Rlijah- - __ _.. Thompson, Robert..... _*_. --.- Upham, William.. _ . _ . _ Wentworth, Lemuel.... ; ____ ._.. Porteffield, Wm..-. _____ ?d~~rSamnel. _ _ . . _ ___ Nutt David . ..___-- ____ .I->---Fm&l...... l ! :::: :::: Joner; Abraham..... __ Jonet+, Wuusur...... Gorddn, John. ____A..:.. Yaddocks, Icbabod... . . Buckling, Barrack. _ _ __ _ Newbet, John --__ - _.. . . Gregory, William uw. _ ;n&th, Charles -.._-_..__ Jemineon, Alexan ;i er. _ _ : :::: :::: forkbg~ James...... Am6 ; _-_. . ..- William...... Hew%,“%%~:::::: ..-.... _ Cobb, Y’ hornas...... EM, Mmgaret . .._--. __. . , mge, Ylima.. - ______. 2 .n__ . ..- Spring, Thomas. ______ITfIt, John.. ._ _-___.____ tulkner Daniel...... _. . . .__. . . . . Reed, Frederick. _. . . . ._ Barrett, Natban...... __ inkley, Zsaiab ______. . . . I _ _...... Dunbar, Hannah. ______. Barrett, fihon . ..__._.. Lrker, Ezra.. ______. . . . _ .___ . . . . Gay, Ephraim.. _ _-. ____ Mnes, Nathan -...-.._.. oyd, Ebenezer- ______...... Gordon, John, juw _.._. Bartlett, Samuel. _. __.. ..-- ...... ___. Brooh, Silas __.__._.... white, Edward -_._-__.. .__.. ___. . .._ Conklin,Samuel...... *--* *e*--- -*------White, Daniel.. _ ..____. “.i. .-_. . . . . Mace, Thomas. ______Clay, Jonrtthaa. ______.. -.._ Hsrnp, Thomas- ______BELFABT TOWN. Einkley, Ebenezer-. ____ ...... Nutt, John .__- ___ _.._._ f _._. ._.. Tibbitts, Thomas .__.__ . . . . . _...... _ MoLay?hlin, Samuel..-. _.._...... __. Thorn Ike, Robert --__. Osgood, Ezekiel _ .______5 .--. .*.. Shays, Michael. __ _. . .._ Igood, Dcniel. _.__._. _ 4 _ _ -. . . . . Simonton, James...... - rgood, Phineas ______4 ____ . _._ Slmonton, James, fun.. dt, Nickolas, junr _ . . . 1 ._.. -... Simonton. William -__.. E~W, Susannah... _._ _. 1 ____ ._._ Gross, John.... _._.__ __ &good, Christopher. _ _ 2 ____ . . . . Hrtrrin ton, Isaac .._.__ Osgood, Nathan. _. . _ _. . 1 ______Ogier, f braham _____-_ _ Osgood, John... ___.I_. _ *._.~_.*_---. Everton, Thomas. _ _ . . . Dodge, Sarah...... _. . . _ 1 _I_. ___. Jacobs, Samuel _...... Parker, Peter. ______. _ 4 ____ _.__ Eaton, Joseph . . . . _ ._.._ ‘%a, Reuben, juw- _. _. . 2 ______Richards, Dodefer ._____ tndlsh, John... . . _. . . _ 3 _ . . _ - __. Riobards, Joseph. _ -__. . ounda John. ______5 _.._ ____ Richards, Jonathan . . . . ?abb. P ozatban. _ _ _ _ . . 1 __._ .___ Demorse, Charles . . . .._ jl ; j::::/::::(l by, jonathan.... ._... 1 4 ___. ____ Young, Gideon .__.__... 2 .______. Candish,Joseph ____. _._ 3 ,_ . . . ____, DilImgham, Joshua .___. HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 27





2 z / - -- CAMDEN TOWN-Con. CONDUSKEEG PLANTA- TION-CDutinUed. DEEB ISLE TOWN-COn. Dilllngbam, Lomuel.... Tibbetts, Abner _. . _._ _ _ II Palmer, Nathaniel.. __. . . , Cook, Croell...... __.___ -.. . . Sherman, Joseph.. . . ___ . . . Irticis. -- -_-_. Davis, William. i ._ ___._ 1.. . . Palmer, Joshua...... _ ._ ‘---‘am-..... Mann, Amos ..__.. __...... Lam..... --__.. . . Palmer, Bonjn . . .._..... Tozier, Lemuel...... __ . . . r!kIlh~,“p”u’-...... Hewell, Henry ...... ___ Clark, Jose h ...... _____ . . . .*._.__._. . . Casey,Wd .P lam ...... ___ _.- Carlton, Jonathan. __ _ _ _ . . CANAANTOWN. Neven, Eli&a .__._.._. . . . . Haskcll, Nathan.. _____. . . Tibbltts, Willlam...... *. Dow, Nathan, junr. ___. . . Thomas, Charles.. . _. _. . . . Eaaskell,Abijah . . . ..__.. . . Raredan, David...... _. Eaton, Wllgam ._.__._.. . . Miller, Noah _...... _. _-. Eaton,TI^-.^..A ET liakim. ______. . _ Knights, Nathan...... _ Banks, job, . .._...__.__ ._. YVW~AU,John ______. . Norton, John. . .._._.... Earlow, Nathaniel. __ _ _ ._. Eaton, Jeremiah ______. . . Heal, Isas ._...... but, John ...... -. Haray, Peter. ~:, . . Heal, C; ...... ribbitts, Daniel. ___. _. _ .. . fkott, NV”--- - _ Ogier,n .A- I!%?!n..___ _. __ _ . . . _. . Uichborn, Robert, jour. _.. Closaon, . . omen, relay ...... Plympton, William. __ _ _ . .. closson, _ . Smith, Jose h . . ..__._.. Lowe, Thomas.. . ______.. . Thomas, *IlEan - . Sheldon, EpIi, raim...... Lowe, Charles._ _ _...... _. - . Atkins Cornelius...... Burges, Peter. _. . _...... -. EO%Y’ _ . M~Farfin, William...... :rosby, Simon...... __ .. . ShePdO&‘Nathmel...-. . . Zary, Samuel. . . ..______.. . will8on, SamuQi. -__--__ . . Joshuah--l.7 ...... :sry, Richard. ____. .._. . .. Lii,Robert....-.. ____ _ ...... Emery, John, junc .._.__ . .. Staples,Moses... ___. ___ . . qn; Jo’9 ...... Patten, Willium _.______.._ Torrey, Jonathan __... . , . Dunton, J OM...... UaKenzie, Kenneth _. __ .. . m^__^-Torrey, David,T..>_l jl , . $omas. Joseah. __._.__ :rosby,n Abner... ._ .__. _ .. . . . mhith-&,. Jo&ma _. . . . .I bTorton,SImson...... 8 “i%W, YY Illltuu. - _ _ _-_. _ _ Gray, Levi...... _._... Dole, Amos ..___. .__.___ ._. Dexter, Willlam P. _. _. . _ . Quin, James. __._...... smith, Zebulon .______.. . Hamblin, Nathaniel.. _. - . Miiikin, Abner...... I sweat, Shebna._ _ _ _. . ._ .. . CamDbell.John.. ______. . . ~loodv. ~William...... -. 3rosby John...... I_...... Joi&, James...... e@~?, Eph+lm... _.. Blasdefl,Sanbum. _. ___ ._. Greenlaw, William. __ _ _ . . Flevzner. ~onatoan.. . .s Emery, __._____ . .. IJray, wiluum.... .-. .._ _ _ Hilt{ m, tiathaniel...... Emer James...... _.__ . . . LmLy, Natuml_ .. iel...... _ . WheeP er, Benja...... _ . . . Lane, Oliver.. ._. . . _. . _. I . CONDUSREEG PLANTA- 3raves, Moses.. . , . . . . _ _ . . . Frees, John__.____. __ _._ . . TION. Phillbrooks, James...... Robbms, Nathaniel.. _. .- Parr, William. __ _ _._.._ . . . Bsbbige, Courtney- _ _ I . Budgo, James...... Patterson, Andrew.. . __ . . . %$;mdeThomas. __ . __ . _ . Lovett, Francis.. . ._ . . . Patten, John.. _.._..._. .._ 1 , . . Ca era, John. __. _...... Pickard Jonathan. __ _ _ mc _...... _. . . Ti l?bitts. John __...... Eewes,bllu.. _____..__. Stephen...... __ ._._.._.., Blagden,Charles...... __ xyqaoseph...... _____ .-...* . . . . Pomroy, Joseph...... Tyler, George.___ _ . _. _. . :/: l&8...... 3wan, Gustavu8...... II !Py;er,gelcher. ___ _...... _ L1. _ ...... _ Pierce,L&ice... _.__...... _-. . . . lioloy, J 0seJp .__ ---....I . . iel __ . . . . . :arrlsh, Jack. ___. ._...... * . . . ster, samund. _. . . . _ ..,..m.... %% h,ghmph,...... - DEER ISLE TOWN. Colby, Josepn, junr. ._ _. . - . _ a...... Stlnson, Thomas, JUG._ _ . . :ew...... ;ellers, Joseph...... Smith, David... _..... __ ...... Crockett Josiah...... -. Robbins, Thomas ...... ibell ...... Forrev, kTil1is.m. . . . Robblms, Thomas, jun.. . . 3mall~; Job.. ______..__ . . . Stinson,nLf---- “_-__Than . - 3mally, Thomas.. . . ._. . DLUSOU,uutiel______3maUy,Thomas, june . . Stinson, William.- __ _. . _-I- - Webster. Ebenezer._ _ _ _ Babblge, William... . __ _ _ _ Raps, Anna. _ __... _..‘._. . . Hateh,Seth...... - Raynes, John.. _...... _ Staples,Samuel.....-.. . . ____... Thurston, John______._ . Rayncs, Martha ...... ____ Lane,Hezekiah...... _ . Raynes, William...... ____ Richards Willlam...... Lunt, Michael. __ _ ._. . ._ .? Jordan, James._ __. .._. . II- Epmj*--.-- .- . . . Trendy, Samuel...... Emerson. Joshua.. . . ._- . . S enoer,‘Danicl...... Boynton; Isaac...... _. ab’adden, Owen _...___.. . * . . Rntnn. Jonathan ...... Russell, 1aaac...... _.. _ . . Sanders,James...... Tourtellott, Reuben...... Sanders,Timothy...... !harles.. . . _. _. .I . . Loushon, Anthony. __ . . . . . Pressy, John, 3d. _--..-. I ______. Page, James. ___.__...... Preasy, John...... -. _.. mpDlhl~.~-- __. . . . Pa-o. Joseph junr . . . Pressy, John, juw.. . _. . Mopher.-. . . ._ . Ma!%etres. &oh&%. Pressy, Chace._ . _. _.._ ...... _..__. __. _. . <...... Johnson, Nathan...... _._. G%w%$?k%uel ...... _..- BllUngs,‘Timotb;:::::: . . ..-...... _ Harris, Joseph....-. ____ . . G...... I. ._._ Blastow,Noah..-...... _.

. ,. ._ .-.e Gejy’ Elias...... - Conry, Thomas . ..___. ._ . . Haskeb, Joshua...... York Benj*.-. . ..__.._. .- 7.-v . . ,. Cole, Benjamin. .__.. . . . :::: Matchant, Anthony. _-- . .m.. Marsh, $obn ...... Cole, Benjamin, junr.. . . ____ Kimball, Solomon. __ __ _ . . ,..-. White, Samuel...... Powhrs Peter...... _... Moody, Moses... _--_._- . . I.-.. Stanley David ...... Colby, Ambrose.. . _. . . . _... Brick&t, Moses..~.__ _ __ .- 4. . . . ;?e? .d.brabam.. . . Howard, Ezra...... Willlams, Peter_..__. ___. 4 . . . . . John ...... _. a...... - . Fullerton, William.. . . - Eayd, .I--Thusoe ____._...... DUCK= TOWN. ko~...... Dunham, Elijah ...... Haskell, Mark.. _...... ~~~o~..“- ...... :::: BnrlanaqThomas...... _ ...... HaskcJl, Thomas. _. ._. . Burrill, Philllp Haskell, Ignatius.. . . ._- _... Presscott, Samuel. ----- *. . . ..- ...... I_ . -.. Qross, Poses Whitelaw, James...... _ . . . . Adame,Datid ___.______Denning, Jane...... ___. stiller, David... _._.._ __ .-. ,-.. . . Haskell Caleb. __ ...... Deting James ____ Knowlton, Reuben. ._-. ._ . .-.. . . MarsbafI, Ezekiel.. .-. . - Cam bell Daniel...... _.. . Knowlton, William .._. _ ,_. . . . Tibbytts, ‘George . . Mar&a!& Joshua.. .._. .



IBLEBclRouGn TOWN- FRANKFORT TOWN-COIL continued. Pendloton, P&g...... Pendclton, Thomas, Crary Joseph- . -. - -. . . . jlmr.....- .-.-.~...... Nickoils, James. ~ ~...... mdelton, Oliver -...... Nickolls, James, junr-. . . mdelton, Thomas - - -. Lords, Piermy. .--.-. . . . . mdelton--.t... Gidson.. . . ~ ~ Porter, Robert...... Ellw111, Willimnv. ~. -... Stimpson Ephraim -. . . Pendelton, John-m. ~. -. . Corsson, &habod -.-. . . . carver, Emp ---...-.. . . l?.lill, John.. -. .-.~. . . .~. PendIeton, Jonathan.. -, Tumer,I~a~~.-~..~..-~l Adams, Thomas.. . . ~*. ~ Homes, Tilden.- . . . . ~-~. Nickerson, Aaron. ~. . . . Pendelton, Llenry-.-. -- Hoyt, Solomon A...... Pendelton, Wm--. . . . . -~ Royt, Richard.. .-.~. . . . * Gatchall, Nathsnlel. .~ .-I Richardsoni Job Pendel GOULDSBOROUQIITOW'N. Lasdeb, x,uison~~...... Harthorn, Thomas.. . . fiaton, Davra-. - - - ~ --~. Robinson, John, jimI. - - m.-.~Smith, ,John.. - . --.-.-.... Jones, Joseph...... ~- DargenT, ucn,*T -. -~. . . . . Amos Thomas...... Af~Kensie, John...... &gent$iamond...... Pm r, Ephralm, ,unr- ~ - ‘rh0ma.q ti 7Ho ..-~ d gdorl,4 *.--- Jo Fmlmw. Jr GIlkey, Jot MnDonald, Pendelton, 1~~s...... Freeman Thomas, David-.- . . .~. ~ Bartlett, 4 -...... BartlcLt, Uavio.. . . ~ ..- -2-i 2 -..- . . . . BartUt, Christopher.- - , 4 ...ul . . . . Bartlett, Christopher, , Ii Guotail, .Jolln.-*--..--. ---. 2 --..I . . . . Gubtail, Thomas- - ---. -.*~ .,...... 1 II-~...... Libbey, Samucl.~...... ~ Godfrey, Benja. . . ..~... Shaw, Hannab .------.. Allen, Tobias...... Noonan, Abigail.-. .-... . . Wright, Danlel. - ---. .-. Burns, William...... Alline, Benj*---... .~. . . . w*men, SmlUCl~ ...... Shaw, William.~..~~ . . . . Thomas, More, Joel ----.. ~~~ . . . . . ?,muNT DESERT TOWN. Tracy, Asasv~ --...... - Thomas, Traoy, Jonathan-. -. . .~ Robinson, John...... Richards Tmcy, Samuel... .--. ~.. Tinker, David-. .--~- .-. Radle 1 Gubtail, John, jnm- -. -. Noble, Reuben ~. -. - ~ ~. Lelan7 -,- 2~~, 2 Cole,Abijab -..-.... ~~~. Reed, Jacob . . . . ~~..~.~. Allen, Nathaniel...... Heath, Richard.. . . - - ~. MuDaniel, John- .-.. ..- Heath, Willlam-...---- Petty, Oliver- --.-.---.. A p1eton, Fl%n@i.% ~~~~. Young, SRrnucl...... ~.. 2 entworth, Rnoch.. . ~. .t%me ‘rnomas- Pe~y,Jesse.-..~.-..~.~ Norwood, Stephen--.-. Maso; William- -. . . . Simonton, William- - -. - Rich, John. .--.-. ~.--. Doane’Seth ...... m..: Gubtail, Abijah. ~-. - ~~. Barton, James--- ~ .---. Cozen; John-..- ...... Pinkham, Tristam. . . ~. . Richardson, Stephcn~ - ~ Hamer; John-...... ~ . . . S urlin, James-. -. . -~.. Gott, Daniel, junr.. ------.~Knowles, ~. vHenry.. ...-z . . . . . #hl ttm, Phlneua.. . . ~. . Gott, Daniel. -. .--~ .-.-. .tu&ps, .LA3”,...... Joy, Jolm... . . ~...... Gott, Natham&--. . . . . Riggins, Jerusha- ~. . . . . Joy, Samuel~ -.--...- ~.~ Gott, Jose h---v...... Smellise. Timothy...... Fernalld, Clement. -- -.- Nor-wood, 3 0shua.m...-w Traoy, Elizabeth.. . . ~. . Richardson Thorn&s- -. kmuar, m3v1a ...... -4sh, Benjamin ...... Gott, Petert---.e--..O-- Thompson,, P&g...... Ash, Robert- ~...... Richardson, T h o m a s, Cozens, Ehsha ...... Fraser, Thomas - - - ~ ~. . . . . $IlL~.~ --..- ~~ . . . . ~ Thompson, Cornelius.. . ard, Ben]8 ---..--...-- Yotmg, E7.rrLm .-...... ISLEBOI~OUGII TOWN. 1 Bowden, Samuel- . . . ~. ~ Young, Robert-. -. . . . . Mayo, Joshua.--- . . ..-. Stanwood, 3enja --..... Page, Simon...... ~. . . Sahsbury, Jabez.. -. . - -. godgkins,. . William.. . - Langley, Phllllp- - -~ -~. - J.loclglimk!,J osep Ihe.-... %Pi&F::::::::: Spnrhn, BsnjaV.- .-...-. Day, Job Coombs, Anthony, jnm. Rich, Jonathan. ~. . ..~. . Wescott. Coombs, Fields. . . .~.~~. Stanley, San~~..~~~~ ..-- Riggins,‘Solomcm ~ ~ ~ ~. . Woodward, Peter. - ~ -. . Stanley, Thomas. - . - - ~ ~ Higgins, Israel. - - - ~. . . Woodward, Joseph-. . ~. Bunker, Aaron...... ~. . Rodick, Daniel- - - - -. . . . Dodge, Noah...... ~.. Stanley, Margaret.. . ~. . . . Wescott, Thomas, junr. Thomas, Benja-.. -. -. . . . Stanley, Samuel.. ~. - ~. ~ Stanwood Humphry.. . Hopkins, Smith- - - ~. . . zgrn, Godfrev.. . “,- mmV ~ ~. Stanley, John -..... ~--~ ‘mm, tioafzreys...... Stanley, Peter-. ~. . .~. . . 33n$er, {cseph-...... Marshall, Benja..-. .*. . . Fllnn, Thomas.-. . . . . ~ .ll,ggux3, iszepn”~- - . . . . . Marshall, Zaohariah- -. Poache, John.. .---..... Gillcott, George--. ~ -.. . Dod e, Rathbm-n ---. . . Nore, Jeremiah.. -. . -~. - Lynam, Willlam-. .- .-. Las cfell Ellison, jum . . . Tucker, Andrew- -. . . . -. Neptune, Junlor-. .-~ ...... Grinns& William ~ -. . . . Rafancl, Augustus.. . . ~ Coombs, Peter-. . . . .~-.. Emerson, Samuel- ~. ~ ~. - Coombs, Rosea.. .~. . . . Groo, Joseph, jmr -..- ~. Coombs, Anthon -. . ~. . Groo, Joseph... ..~ ..-. ~ Collins, Syrenns. - -. . .~. Willlams, Samue T~ ---. . . Brown, Jonathsn.V.~V.~ Hopkins Basllah...~~~~ Williams, Shubael- -. ~. . Baker, Willlam .--- ~--.- IImrsy, beleg- - ~ - - -- .-. Cottreli, Silvoster...... WhItehorn, Willlam~~~~ Scott, Jamos.~~ .-... ~~~. l!I!IF Paohesz --...... Stisbury Reuben.. ~. . ~ Nickerson, Will&m---. . . ..~ a . ..- . . . . Simon,.nm~~.~.. Bunker, iohn...... - ~~ Cunninghsm, James--. 2 2 . . . - . . . . Pen IFleton, Samuel. .~. . . Bunker, Isaac-. - - -~. - -. JSuckley James.-. .~ ~--. 1 ..*~ ..-. gcx& e, Simon...... Bunker, Benja -.-- ~.. . . . MRce, %hl.kLm.~~. .~. . ; 3 . ..~ . . . . &n sn, Joseph-..... Bunker Mark-. . ~ . . . ..~ Blasdell, Moss& -. .-. . . 2 . . . - -. . . Pendelton, Joshua-. . . . Gil@‘, +Vlllim.. -. .- -~ ~ Sanders, Moses. - . . ~ ~. . ; I 1 II~..~ . . . . 30 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

Z ,


! : i .-

Cm.PlUN RHAXDTOWN- OM’JX+TON TOWN-+OL P~NOLWCOT TOWN-COIL mrrili, rMob...... Harthorn, Solomon . . . Coatin, Daniel-. -~...... Hainesp Frederkk.. -. . . . . Man66el1, John ...... ~. Nag@, Neil...... Webber, Itx+zu~ ...... Manssell, ,Jo.sephv.. . Lowe, Daniel.- ~ ...... ~~ Liuie, BerIp? -..-...... Howard, Be&*-.- ...... Walker, Eleazer.. -. . . . . Howard, Benj*, junr.. . ~ Perkins, luiphalet,. . . . . Orcutt, Jaoob...... ~. Abbott James-m- .~ . . . . omltt, ?&laohl~ -.-.--. Grout, billlam...... Condon, John.. . . .~. . . ~~ Robebaw,?Peter-...... Wmon, John...... Mann, Earmah.. - .~. . . . Wmon, Thomass.e.v.. wamon, Samll&-. ..~.. PElWB8COTTOWN. Hawea, David+. . ..~. . . . Henry, Aroblbald...... Eowe David. .-..... ~.~ Perkins, Nathaniel.. . . ~ Crawlord, James-. - - .~ Slaok, Thomas..~ . . . . ~~. Halliburton, George.. . . Perkins, Abraham . . . -. Jmin~~~~G;.~.~~~; Lunt,Benj* ---.- ~..~~~. Wardwell, Jo8ophs- -. . . Whelden, Ebenezer-...m Lee, JoJY& -~...... Wardwell, Yeremlah, Whelden, Joseph-...... -. Rogers, Samuel. ~...... Smith, Thomas...... IIigglne, Barnabas.. . ~. Wentworth, Mostis----+ &Mlbead, Wilhm.. . . . Eomw, Jeremlab ~. . -. . Maim, Oliver. .-...... Bartlett, Sxrr~uel--.- .-. . . ..~...... Snow, Edward.. .-~ . . . . %~d??%mas...... Vamum; Mathew ...... Froaman, Timothy---+. Polla;d, Avis -.-..... :s. ~. Jones, Jeremiah- - -. -~ -- Snow, Ama@& juwmee- *. Cook, Ephralm.-v... .-. Jones, Samuel. -.-... ~.. Cole, Henry-...... -. .-. . . Robbins, IBIIZ -.-...... Bowden,“z----- ..,...*--.Jacob-.-.- .*.. Nicker&m, l’aul-- . ~. .-~ Littledeld, Joseph.- ~... lYG"VcK, wul,am .---..- ~ -. Perkins, Johns .-~ .~ . . . . stove~,Isa~~~~~~..~.~. Tapley, P&t&h...... ]un~*mds ...... ~- Webber, Jose h. ---.. ~. Nickerson, Warren-. -- - Blodgatt, Set ii. -...... Nlckerson, Ilaniel~ -- --- Allen, Peter--- ...... ~~ Dean, ~mmas ...... -. . . Davis, Thomas ...... ~. Dean, Thorna% JUU~. .-. . Swain, MeriamsM - .-. .-. ~.~. Deane, Oliver ------.-- Curtis, Benj=, jutv- . . . . . Atwood, Jesse- . ..-.-.-- Parker, Oliver...-...... Morgrage, Peter- -.~. . . . Nom, Jobne- ---.-.-.. .~ . . Nore. James- -~. . ~. . . . sweat, Sl . . severarlce, Law” Rogers, Jesee- ..-~ -.-.- ~ . . Rogers,Ncx+e~-.~..v.v- Pierce, Nathaniel-----.- Freeman. Semuel~~~. -. . --- IZerrick, J&eph-.. .- .~. 2 Binney, Joseph--- -.... ~ .1 . . Powaq Battry-. . . - ~ ~. Webber, William .-.. .~. Mom, Davis*.-...... w meon, J 0 Goodlug, Luzford- - -. . . Vezie -- Buckby, Daniel. -...... %wde Burges, John, junr . . . . . Debbie, JOM...~ . . . . ~.. Blake, Moses--- --.... ~. Curtis, Jo&?ph -...... Avery, Thatcher...... Bowden, Wdliam-.-.-.. Freemsn, Peletiah.. ~. ~. I3;3~n, Abraham.. . -s, Stove& Nathaniel- - - ~ -. Richei, Mathew- ~...... Hibben, doanpu .---.... Johonnot, Gabriel- -. . ~. Devereanx, Ralph. ..-.. Grlndall, Iohabod.. .--. nibbert, Joseph, Jones.- Eaton, Thirza- -...... Bowden, Thomas ...... Atkins, Nathaniel. -. . . . Bowde Ketch, Thomas...... ~ Bridges, Hc Nagee, Robert. .~...... - Stover, Jen Loid, Jeremi&h. -. . .~. . . 6tover, Ab] Vezie,Nathaniel...... Stover Jot nd,b2. meham..- ...... I Leach. Peletiab.. . . ~-. . . uzLu oa &mund -...... Connor, Alice.-...... ~... Hea& bIdad . . . .-. . . . Webster, Dani&. .~.~.. Bowd& Caleb--...... Rhodes, Esther-...... Bowden, Paul. ~...... Hutchins, William.-. . . . Bastean, Joseph.-- . . . . . Grind&, John, junr.--.. Bowdq &mm& . . . . Gay, Idose.% --.-.... ~~~. Perklna, Iaaaov-...-.-.. Perklq Sparks. ~. . .- -. Ear

mxncx, *norew-. -- .~. Nutter, Thomas--. .~. . . Woolline, John-. . . . .-~. Vezie Samuel. -. . . --.. . Wardwell, Josiah. - -. ~ ~. Winslow, Elijah- -.-.... Sr~owm~, John...... HO&%,X..--- . . . ~.. Perkim, Daniel ...... -. Adau, Francla...... : :i Nutter, William., ...... HEADS OF B’AMILIES-MAINE. 31



PENOBSCOT TOWN-oOn. SEDGWICK TOWN-OOB. SULLIVAN TOWX-CoIl. Grant, Alexander-...... 4 ...... Gra,Andrew . . . . ~~.~-~. weecott, Samuel...... Door, John ..-.. ~.~.-.~. Wescott, Andrew...... f ::--. . .-.. . . Qra., James ..-. -.-*.:--. .Tohuson,Giles...... Walker, John . . . . ~..-- ~. GrindnIl, Reuben- ...... ; :::: ::: Watson, Shadrack..-.. GrIndall, Da&l ~. . . . , ...... Black John.. . . . - ..- . . . Varnum, Gemhorn.. . .-. 4 . . . . . - * Gra,~euben~-....~.--.. ml, Geof ...... -..-. ,.... ~~-. . . . Gra, SamuelM-. . ~~- . . - -. Stevens, TY omae...... ~..- ..-* . . . Gra, Samuel, jun? ~.~. . . Larry, Michael...... ~ .---- ...... Stuart ;, Charles. --... -.. Taylor, James. -. . -. . . . - ..*...... ae, Jnmes .---.. .-. Jenkim, David-...... Joshua.-.-.-..-.. Mathews, gamuel..- . . . . Bcnj*...... -.. Mhaniel.. . ~.~--. SEDGVICK TOVX. oshga, juq -... ~~. Knowles, Samuel. . . . ~-. stan1e Kenny...... I Davis, Israel --...... ~-. Her& P, JOE ~~.~~e~I!?,~~~~~~acr.- . gl+yIl, @lT?E urnlwu,, w UU&“L. ~. -. . fienxx, ~oeepn...... Dodge, Abraham.. ., ~.. Hale, Samuel...... ~. . . . Parker, Oliver, junc- . . . . Holly, Joanna. ..~ ..-. ~~ Friend, Benj*..mbs...... SMALL ISLANDS NOT Carlton, David...... DXLONQING TO ANY Allen Joanna...... ~~.. TOWN. Blasdell Enoch ..-.--.. Over, tiilliam.. . . .~. . .I Blake, Daniel.. .~...... Over, VMiam, junr+.. Webster, Andrew...... Dodge, . $bFfr.. .~. - . . . . Russell, Samuel. ~~. . . . . Alooge, J,OImLl~.~ . . . . ~... Corsson, Nathaniel ~.-. Dodf Corsson, John...... Cole1 Annis, Ralph ...... AlIe& NSDSmlan.s. -. . -. Pickering, Samuel ~~. . . . Fly,J~es..-..--..~... Pickerin Daniel...... Dorothy, Robert...... Dow, Jof n ...... Dorothy, Dt Prince, Joseph...... Freathy, Jotiep~ Prince, John...... Bunker, ““- White, Thomas...... Robinson, Daniel...... Cunningham, Thomas.. Herriok: &oene? Orr, William-. ..- . ..~ . . Black, Dani’ . Walker, Charles. -- . . . . . Freathe J< Woodhouse, George.. . . l&cd, A x raham-. . .--.. Grean,Anna.--.-- ...... -... Black, John, junr.. . ~-. ~ PRBNTON TOWN (IX- Black, SamI SULLIVAN TOWN. Eeed, William., CILTDING TOWNSIIIF Cozens, Thomas Buokle John -..- ~---. . NO, I, 23AS.T SIDE O?? Mahoney, Jarnet . .. ..~....~ Bsan, t?amucl m...... UNION RlVmL). York, Solomon. 2 . . . . .~. Biclcford, Joshua --... . . Wig ins, Benja --...... Cozens,Samuel, lUckford, Joseph. --.-.. For cf, John-s . . . . ~. . . . ~. Cozens, Samuel, i :::: ::I Dver. Enhraim- .-.~.. . . tlod@rins, Rdward- . . . . Hutchinson, Jo: ...... Babson, Joseph...... ~ ma& yes. - - - -. . . - - - i ...... 2 . . . . . Black: h~tz Earper, Wil Ementon, Josep Sinipion, Jabez.. -. . . ~~~ Earding, John...... Herrick, Shadra Ash, Thomas .-.... ~..-- ~oolklgc Silas...... Wells, Richard. Eammond, John. - -. --~ Foster, .fs.oob...... Wells, William.. . . -. . . . Whctaker, Elisha...... Staples, Jolm. . ..-...-.. -Black,-Edmpnd.. . - -. , . . 3-and, John- ~...... , . . M&y Job...... aim- . -. . . !Ys- - - - . . . Gra, J&U&...... ~.. CRin, Samuel. ~. liam.--... Hardin Josiah bXUCll,J”UU...~ ...... Carter, 9 elm.-.- ...... --I Farrell, Farrington-. . . . vu:ch, JohQmr. .-...... mwnm* *. . . .- ?, Thomas-. - - G&en, John. -. . . . . ~. . . -1I Farnsworth, Jonas” -. . - -&LW,AlIen ...... ~... Dutton,Jesse- ---- 77.s.. Nor& William.- -. - -.- Jordan, Solomon. - - - .~. JXooper,John .--- .~.~~.. Jordan, Ebenezcr.~-~.~~ Eaton, Jonathan...... h%orrison,Joseph----... Hutohinson, John. -. -.- Tinker, John.. . ----- ~-- BilIings> Be&-.. ~-.. . . Sim$soni Paul.-...... -~ Beal, Joanna-. -. - .~- ~~- . Billin s Abel..-...--..- Sim son, Samuel. --.--- Zard, Joseph. -----. ~.~- Byar cf, hobert . ..-. ~..~ Gor?I on, John .--. ~.-~~-- Lord, Isano-M-MM----m.-s ??iUings,John -.-..- ~.~- Mflkr, James.. -...-.- . . &ne& ThEodore- -- ~-. ~- Billings, Solomon-.. . . . BIasdell, Abner..--..--. IX0 kins, James--. .-.. . Maker, Jose h-...... ~ Springer, James.. - ~.- -. Jea? oson, Nathaniel- -. - Williams, Tii ornas-----. Everett,Henrv-.- . ..- ~~ Haddox, Henry.. . - - --- FFrkFr, SimeG+.m.~ ~~ ~. ~ York,. ljarthoiomew. -. . Millikin, Robert- - - - ~~ - - w-mourner, J 01 ..~... Har&son. Nathaniel. - - Fletcher, Wii Grindall, Joshua.. ~.. . . . Braeden. %xemiah-. . . -1 bfore, Jtiseph Bartrick Dolly -.--..- ~. Bragden: John.. . . -~. . ~. Smith, NathI Butler, deorge.. . ~. ~. . . Bra den, Jeremiah, jun- Debeck, Samuel.. . -. ..- Dou&-ts, John...... -.* Clar% , Ben+- .-~ ..--...- Jcalouson, John.. . .s... Snow, NickoIasme...... ~, Johnson, Doroas...... -- . Jealouson, Wm-- .-- --.- ~ 36271-08-3 32 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.


TRENTON TOWN (IN- TOWNSHIP NO. 6 @‘EST VIRALIIAVEN TOWN- CLUDING TOWNBEIP SIDE “F UNION RIV- conthmod. NO. 1, EAST 8I”E OF na)-continned- UNION XIVER)--ZOD. whitf3, c+eorgo...... Dyer, Anthony...... Brambflll, Cornolms. ... Woostor, David ...... Wooster, Nathaniel. ... Wooster, Joseph...... Parry, John ...... Ames, Mark-...... Barrlok, William ...... &l.l$lg. ~~~~~:.:: ~~~~~. I3rowIl, 0 rol...... TOWNBHIP NO. 1 Ham&ndf Moies-. .-m: .. Parry, W rlliam-...... (BUCK.@. Ross. Vinal, William...... Patterson, Jolm . ..-.... Soevy,James ...... Cottroll, Ezra ...... Caldorwood, James: Page, Benja.- ..~ ..----. Caldorwood, John, inn...... Page,Moses- -....-. ~~. Moray, Ezokiol...... Brown, Theophilos..--. . Norton, Uriah...... Luco, Bothuol.. .. . Daggott, Bonjn, jun...... Daggott, Bonja ...... Young, Samuel...... Phillbrook, Jcromiah-. Loadbottor, Inomaso ... Dams, Bangs . . . . . ~..-. Loadbottor, John...... Homer William. . . . .--. Loadbottor, Luther . -. Clements, James.--. - -. Cr”okott Iaaao.. Fowler,Le~~-~---~..-~- Burgos, f”hn ...... Kenny, Stephen...... Brown, Thomas...... Snow, Renben . . . . . ~.~-* :::I/ VINALHAVRN TOWN. Qhm, Thomas...... Carr, Silvmus .....----- Qreon, Joseph ...... Snow, Ben’n .-.-...----- Stlnson, James ...... Conllard, i oshna.-- -.~~ Curtis, Ahel- --~. . . .-. . . $$$~~#&&&i: .. 1 Harding, Ezcklel.. . . . ~* Carver, Thadous...... I. Smith, Z&h--. . . . ---~- Aroy, Isaao...... Kent, William.. . ..--- .~ Loadbottor, Inoreaso, Stubbs, Samuel.---. . .~ JUIl~...... LowelI, Benja- ...... ~. Jowoll, Jamoa...... Hl inB,Jamcs...... ~~~ Lane, Jossph ...... Paft e, Joseph.-. . . ----- 1 Amy Ebonozor...... seam, Pa&--.- ..----- *, Jowoil, James, jum. Eldridgs, James.. .-~- .-, Cal& John ...... Hl gins, Joslab...... s.e! Phillbi-o”k, J”h...... Ba% ard, Base ...... - 7mi Smith, John . . ~-.-. .- . . Lewis, John -...... - ~-~ Phlllbrook, Joel ...... Lewis,LathIsy . . . . 7-w-m; Coombs, Anthony.- . . Colls”n, Ebeneser-. - - ~ ~ Lane, Isaohar ...... Lowell, Nathamel.. . --I\ Hall, Ebonezor ...... hfliier, Robert...... ~ Young, Ahraham . . -. . JohnB . . . . ~.-.~.. ;;ey ;;soph...- f Mdmlel, Jamos...... Tolman, Isaiah ..-..-. . Niokolls, ... Hack, Samuel. . . . . ~~.-. ~. Aloxandor fitnrgls, Edward... .--~ ~-. Androws, Amos . . -. ~. .

TOWNSDIl NO. 6 (WEST 8IDE OX UNION BIVEI‘). Joy,Benjsmln.~ -.--- ~- , Mumh, Joseph.-...- ~~~- 1

BAUr”m s’“wX. BALLTOWN TOW?i-a”n. BALLTOWX TOWN-COD. Bond, David..-..~~~~~~ 3 . . . . .~. . Trask, Thomas, Jnnen - Whiten, Joseph.-- .-. . . i i 2 ..~. -. .- lI0pklDs, WilIfam~. .- - i 2. ii :::: -:: Clark, James-. . . ~... .~. 1 3 .~...... Hopkins, Willlam, Jnnei Rh?e,John.- ...... - *~ i 3 . . . . :...... 1 . ~.- ~... Ho klns Solomsn. . .~. i : ; : : : . : : Rk% .Foh%Jnnler-.-- 1 *...... Sdoldor Arohablo . . Jones John...-. Trask, Thomas.. . .- ~--~ i flsh i”nathan..::::::: i 3 ...... MGollistor~ Rfchard.. . i ‘-..i* 3 :... :., Jacfrson, Joseph...... IlEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE, 33

IxNc0J.x colJwTY-continued.



BALLTOWN TOWN-COD. BATH TOWN-COII. Jaokaon, Samuel. --...... Dow, Peter, Juner...... fK%aFd$Enooh. - - - . ~...... ------“, Rollins, John. ~~.-...... -~ Avrill, Samuel.-. . . ..-.. . . -- Perham, Rias.. . . -. . . . . Ha&John --.. ~..-....-. Crumell, Thomas. ~. . . . . HaIl,Isac .-.....-. ~..~. . . farnau Dauiel.. - -...... Hall, .Tames.q..V--.-..-- . Nom, jouathand...... Thomas, Ueury.. . ~- ..~ . . Eorks, Joseph.-...... ~. . . J&u&, John.. . ~.. . . e-1 . . Weak& John, Juner.. ~. . . . . Weaks, Joseph. -. ~~ -. . . . We&s, Thorns&. ~~...... Weaks, lx&k.. . *. ~~-. . . . . Weak& Johu.. . . . -~. . . ~ . . Rollins, Nathaniel-. . . . ~ . . . . Rollins, Eliphlot.. . ~..~. . . Parker, Joseph.. - -~. . ~. . . Ames, . . Earns, ~muas.. . . -...... Shepard, James. - - ~. . . ~ . . Day Thomas . . . ..-...... sm& . iiii$iid Willjam...... ~ Brand, &a&...... ~...... Johnson, s . . Plumer, Tirmmy.. -, ~. . . Sti&uev. Beujameu. . . . . ipiey, Josiah ...... ra!k, Jgmthan ...... ~ ‘rnomas...... -1 ...... - ...... - . . ~......

~ ~ , John --... ~~. . . . . 1 ~ . . . --- T.,.- . . ~ . ~ ...... - ~ . . ~ 2 - . -. . . . . ~ 6 ~.-- ..~. . 1 -.~~ . . . . ~ ...... iI :::: ::I: ~ 2 -. . . - -. . . . f : : . . : ; : . . . G ..:: ...... -.. . . . mm...--- ...... ~-- - -.~. ---- ...... -.. . ..“. -~.- . ..~. --~- .-.. --...... , - -. . .~...... ! --..---. ~. . . . . ,---...... *l- 2 ..~. ~--- 4 . ..~ -*.- t .:-: :--- 3 :.:. .:::


BOOTHBAY TOWN. rooks, Ebenezer- . . Brown, John.. - - -~---. - ! - Pbilbrooks, Jolm.. . . . -- Burnbarn, Solomon-.--- Potter, Eolomon -. -~. . . Brown, Mar aret -...--. vlning,Jonsh~~~....~~. Burnham, If phmim . . ~- ’ 34 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STAT&‘S. LINCOLN COUNTY-Continued.


. .

. s

. .

. .

. ~

. .

. .

. ,

. .

. .



. ~


. .

. .

. .

. -

. . B&h, Jer* ...... ~ . . HoEton, John- . ..-.-.- ~. . . Dmvo~,John--s-.- --*~. . . Idcobb, WilM ---- ~.--* ~ . Reid, Jaaepbes------.-- . . Booker, John ...... -.- . . Montgomery, Lydia...... Montgomery, 5fun’..--. . . .‘.

. . 1 .


~ ...... ~ ...... 3 ...... --. . 1 ..~ ...... -.- ...... 1 . . . . 1 ~~- . 2 ..- . 2 . . . . 4 ..- . 2 ..- Be&h, J&n.- .~.-.----. . 4 . . . Be&h. Joseuh--.-. .~~-. ~ 5 -.. . 4 ...... ~ -...... -- . . . . 7 ..~ . 2 . . . . 2 . . . 3 ..-

. 4 . . .

. 2 . . . . fj ::I -. Kixmio~m, Danie~~...... , Kinnicum. F.dward ...... ~.

q. 4 . .



-- BOWDOlN TOWN. -. I::::/

Campb&, JoIn.. . . . ~-. . Buker, Job -.---. . . . . ~-. stinsoIl, Robert - ~. - ~~ -. HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 35

LINC0I.X COUNTY-Continued, zzz


-- BOWDOINEIAM l’OWN-- continued. BIUSTOL TOWN-@Xl. h!?gekins, David...... wmdow. E+--Ae - - . . . . .

Qar&er, marm .---... C!o3lb1(Widow) ------.~~ Thomm, George---.-.. ~ Takkw, Thomas ....-.-e Elatch, Clark.. . - -~- -. -. Dinsniore, Thea- ~...... Dinsmxe, Thos, Juv.. - Prsble, Zebulon. .e.. . -- Preble David-a. ~. -.~. . flint, Jas.-:...-.-.-- ---. Bee1 gachariah- -...... hogedsn,Stephen-s.... 33d Joaia?.L-...... hoEeden. bsnjamin.. . . ~~I B&’ Joshua...... ~. . . kacanagh, J&nes~ . . . . - Hat&h, Jothro...... ChQUUtUl,JOhIl...... Adams, John...... chamnan~&gral.. . . . ~. . . Adaln5, JeFJem...... Booker, James ---- -. . . . Sedgley Joseph ----. . . . hhXWd. James--. ~...... Psrkins.‘Jame& -. . . Raman; Elaphan-.----. Prsble. Jon&- -... ~.--~.. . . Pr&$isha --.- ~-. .--.. I . .

. . CAhQAN TOWN. Wood, Rob&. -~. ~----. . . Steward Willlam...... tIleritames -..-.. ~... Kindal, &thy.. -. ~. . . . Ross, joseph-u ~-... , . . castle, lc luonL. .~. . .-. Macomber, Job...... ~. E me*.-...-.. Adams, Nathan-...... ?ii7Th*~aniBls.. . . Preblo, Abraham, .Tun~-. Stowakd Phinlbas.. .I :z Cobb, Abiab --.-...... Stsward; Samuel.~ . . . . . mu-.. ” Wyman, Seth -----. . . . . Pratt> Elam~ ...... ~. R< Hunt, John..>.-..-- . . . . Staboara b Stewart, Wilhsm.. . . . -. . ., Booker, +‘iu-, .---.---. Jew&, Maxie ----...... ~. DInslow, - -..--.-- ~. Irclantl, Abraham-. . . ~. ., Dinslow, Willm------. . Brown, Rob&ah ----- .- - ~. Ok;~pSO&DlOIi. ..---- ~~ ERIBTOL TOWN. .*.--.------.. 37owlbr, John .--.--. ~--- Rolling5 John-.---..--. Turner James- - -. -~---- moody, &hard. -~. . ~-. Smith ?saao- -- - ~--~---- . moody, John.. . . -~.~--. Ross,!t,uther ---- ~-.~--- . . . moody, Cernes--...... l&i&k Andrew...... - - ., Grant,Mos@a .-... ~.~~.. Okes john.. . . --~------. . winslow, David. -...... Stew&d, Pbinihas. - - ~-. ., . . umbshind, Charles . ~. . . Steward, Abraham. - - -. Husmy, Abner-. . . . .-. . White, Solomon.. . -. ~- ~ Joshua...... weason samuel...... -- ., . mn, stfwen...... Howard, P&x, J”.-. . . . mbar, X2.l!!,or~.~. .-. . . Macblin, Brico. . . .~. . .~. ! 3rri1, thomaa-. -. ~. . . . Dartman, Noah...... II, Jame14e...... Okk, Noah..-. . -. . . ..- ., ha 11,SeuJ.. ..~...... Stew&, Solomon, Jr.. hussy2 Josepi~. -- . . . . . Fletcher, William. -. ~-. . ., hussey, Josspb Jun.. . . . Webb, James...... ~. ~. . . hussay, Sam&. . . .~-. . Homestead, D anieL . . . ~ winslti Carson, Adam. -...... BOwDOI?ZMldTOWN. 1 Zmtner, pnuw...... Russel,Isaao~~~~ . . . ..- ~ waits, Andrew.. .---- . . snow,Ds‘niel~.~~ ~-~. . . . Sidslinger, George---.-- Howard,Peter-----~... , km&l, fredrich. - -. . m-v Whittm Toboiaa..-.--- Sidlinger eter .-. .~- -- rratt,&dichti *.*.. ~.--.. . awstiu lhla bod .---.--- Savage>Joseph- ----.--- clerk,fobn.- .-----.. ~-~ Vamum, Samuel- - ~-. ~. 1 Oliver, Jonathan.. ~.. - -. Castle, Will&q -.------Chapman, Jonathan- -- - Lambart, Damel-. ----- , lmowltoq andi-ew m..--. Kiicade, David-s. ~e-m- ~u~~~en, Thomas. -. - - - Lmvi8, George.. . -bess Lsmbart, Sherebiti. - - - bbcker, ulx-. .--.--- .-.- Lambart, Shereblah, Jr ~ , hatch, fridrlk- ~. . . --.. . Etndal, Barzeliel . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hall, levy.. . s.. . ..s...-- Maulbone, James.-.---- 36 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.



I--- CEF‘STERFL*NT*TIoN- CANAAN 7!owN--con. continued. CUSUING TOWN-Con. Ireland, Abraham...... Henderson, Jabez .-.. . . . Plshq Charles...... Elartborn, Alexander, Emery, J&n, Jura ...... Joor. -...... ~. . . Robins, Jonathan. ~. . . . Starling, Riohard. ~ ~ - -. Emery, Levi ...... Rawley, Michael.. . . ~. . Lanklster, Joseph. -. . Murphy, Jeremiah.. . . . Davis, Jonatlutn...... Glover, Thomas- - . . -. . Emery, John...... Jameson, Ebenezcr . . . . mnery, Samuel . . . . ~ . . . . Xoward, Daniel.. . ~. . . . Ireland, John ...... -.... Hillwell, Thomas. ~. . . . Ireland, Jolm Ju ...... Daly, Ellis-es.. -- . . . ..- Kindal,DaYid.e ...... Kiff, Thomas---e- ...... White, John -...... ~ . ..- mart, Avery.. .-...... , . P?sm&, JoTph .---... ~ Hmt, J&n..-.* .-.--. ~~ -..~ ...... ~ Hart, Jesse .-.. ~ .-.. ~... Piper, Gdward...... Maddon, John- -... . ~.. Clerk, EO~OIIIOL. .-~... . Norwood, Isaao.. . . .-. . Whitiker, Natlumiel... . Butler, Abraham--.---* Wbiteman, Samuel..... Ripley, Enoeh- -~~.-.. . . Rogers, Darly m...+.... Wall, Patrick...... Iltewart, 8olomon. ~. . . . Lionike.& Clark.. .-. -. . . BigSlOW, .JRDlS8*...... !&y&~~~~~~~----~ Bigel0w, Gecrge..q-.--- Pratt,&ficah -...... ~ Molzar: John.. . .I 1.. . . . 8mlth, Daniel . . ..-..... l’sel,Adam~~~.- .-.--..- Webb, Chrlstlpher-e.... Barter, Pelatlsh.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hartwell, Edward. . . ..- Barter, Jolm.. . ~. ..~.. . Wesson, Jolm... ---... ~ Allen, Gideon. - -. . . .~. . ~ PI r John-...... W%& Jolm -...... - cAER*mIt TOWN. Graffam, Pierce-...... - Williams, Jacob ...... Rawley, Edward.. ~ . . . ~ Ball, John..--- ...... Norwood, Solomon. -. . . Foster, Dar&l-~...... ~ Slmmonds, Aaron-. . . . - fide; EAp;$om...... ~ Slmmonds, Nathaniel.-- ...... ~ Wells, John .--. ~.~ . . . . ~. Ross&, Joseph. .--- ~~.~ . . . . . Vickery, Stephen-. . .~~. &ace, Rogers. -. . .-. ~ Davis, John-. -- .--.-..- Chace, Ezeldels -... ~...- Jameson, Martin.-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gutrid Josboa-.--...- Ro em IIowland..~.... wood, % phrom...~~ . ..- M&b6 James ..~~.~.. Russ& Solomor~.~~.... Wiley, Ikaae-mr ..----.. BoBworth, Jonatbrm .-. Pickard, Nathan.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ chamberlain, Moses.. . ~ Thorndike, Joshua .--. . . Wibon, Jobnevm..v -.... Ellwell, Andrew. ~. ~ -. . . Cleavland, Joseph...... Roundy, Azor --...-.... Cleavland, Timothy”... Mathews, James. . . ~. *. . Trombul, William.....- Elawes, Robert--...--.. Fletiher, Amos . . ..-...- Raokleff, Wlllian - . . ~. . Baker, Joseph~~~.~~-..~ Gardener, Daniel ~ ~. . . . . Chorcbbiil, Johns ...... Wheeler, William.. . . . Fletchsr,~Willlam ...... Linniken David-. . -. . . . Parlin, S&s .-... .--. ..~ Willis, Thomas - -. . . ~ ~. - Pattlm, Thomas .---.-.- Lea, James ----...... ckU’&hiil, JOasph~u.~ Davis Mary+--- ...... --. Whlppls, Elezer. -- --.. . Linnekon, Daniel-...... Mathews, Daniel. ---. . . CATS8 PLANTATION, OS ' Smalley, Joshua- ~...... UNrrY. Eall, Isaac.. . - -. .--. . . . Hall, Isaao, Jun~.~~~~.-- Baker, Prince.... .~ . . . . ~ Hall,EIljah-A-V ----... ~ Rolllngs, Benjamin....- Curtis Jolm---..-.- .-.. Laukis~r, Ezeldel-~. . H~U,~aleb-..~.~...-..~ &loon, Elizabeth --... ~ ~. HaU,Peter ..--.. -~~~-.~ RoIlings, Joseph .---... - Hall, Ephralm--- .--- --~ Tibbits, NatbsnieL-...- Hall, Ephralm, Junp. ~. . Blackston, WlUim.. . . . Pearson, William-. . . .~. Welts, N&ha&l ---...- Dyer, Anthony-. . . ~~ - -. House, James .--- ~-...~ Amcry, George--- .--. ~~ Blackston, WIlllam.. . . . Cracker, Paul-- ---. ~. . . . Webber,Jobn.-b ---... ~ Cracker, Timothy- ~. - . . Russ,Jo&han ..-.- ~.- MCarty, Thomas.. -. . ~ Chambsr~, Benjamin~.~ Coombes, Joshua------. Davis, 8imon -...---... ~ Clark, Willlam~~~~-~~... Stow, Thmthy.. . ~... Foster, Ebenezer.. ..-.. Dutton, Ris.l---...... ~* M~rebal, Samuel.~.~.~~~ Ym@l, Enochu ...... - Marshal, Samuel, Jmx. Al@, Epbrom -.--. -. .- Stone, John--- -.-. ~.~~.. Rollinga, Benjan&, Jr ~ Boubey, Gideon .-~~ . . . . Weits, John --.. .~-. . . . . EDGECOMB TOWN. Fdlows, Joseph.+- -~ .-- CleEord, Wllliam~~~~... Trask, David -.-. ~. .-.. . Dmis,Mo,%.¶ . ..- ~~*~-.~ Patterson, Wllm- - - - -. . cmulingham, .JoluL - -. ~ B~k,David~...~.~..~.. Patterson, James. ~. ~ - . . Dodge, Moses .---. . ~. .-. Trask, Moses- - .-~--~. -. Trask, Jose h-- ..~.~... Trask, Sam ? - .-.. ~~ ..-.. Gove, Enoch.---...... Hongh, Joseph- .-~ ..-. ~ HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 37


?U?dE03 HEAD OF XAME OF HZAD OF FudILY. FAldlLY. 1 ; ! ’ I G 1


Theodore. ~.. . . - 3 . . . 3owlzmd, John-. . . .~... 2 . . . oen.. . . - - -...... 4 . . . ?ardiner, John- - ~...... V$lly...... 2 . . . Mhltten Joseph. . . ..-. ~ : ::: ~...... -... 5 . . . Vewell, hobuM.. Vml, David-. . - .-.-. . . . : ::+ . . . . - . . - - -. ., ; ;;; ~allacs,John.* 1 .-: Davis; Eber...... -.. Xodgdon> Benj* -....-.. ktwood, Nath’.....-.., ., 1 . . . Sdgdon, T omas, Juw : :-:’ E’ulkm,Alden...... 4 . . . sodgdon, Tk omes.-.... 4 ..:. Burquie, Josiah-.-. . . . . 1amerir1, Zabiah...... 3 ..-. Lawrence, James...... f ::- Vehber, Sam’.. . ..~...... ~.. ..-, toby, Sanmcl~...... 2 ..: Xarrin on, Benj*.-. . . . 1 . . . roby, smoe1.. ~. . ~.. . . Gove; I 2 . . . d cC7ax-t?za Florence. . . . 1 . . . Blossom, Benjamin..... chase, * Ubbard, baniel...... b .~-. Lovewell, Zelottus ...... Horn, Jacob?... ; -... . . hmtm, Semi...... 7 .~-. r0m.9, John..- . . . . .~. . . . Tm.sk~~~Dl y 3 . . . hmtan, Daniel.. . ~.. . . . 3 .~-, rows, Ephrom.. . .~. . . . 4 . . . >lmtEm, Joseph--...... 7 .-~. uller, Seth.. .~...... -. Il3ntchins, J ’ hmtaq John...... b .~-. Landers, Thomas...... 3utchins, 1 i ::: hhm, ...... 4 . . . Vigh, Samuel~...... , Nerril, Stex :hadwick, Levi...... 2 .-.. iawrrance, John. -...... , FIough, Moues...... i ::: mght, N&h’.-...... Holloway, P&C&. . . . ~. . Cmmingham,J( hl, Jlmr. 2 . . . l’homtm, James...... i :::: Vigh, Ehsba.. , ...... Sullivan, John...... 1 . . . :born~~~,Janm, Junr.. . 3 .~., Foster, John.-...... , -.. 3 . . . ?arbox,?arbox Conelius. ~.. . . . 2 .a., rosier, Benjamin-...... , -.. Ial& Same...... 4 .-*. ?onp Hmnbs~~ .- .~...... ~. ; ::: Pas w, Jeremiah.. ~.~. . . -.. 3 . . . l?AlRX'IELD TOT,T. Fushan, Peter...... ~ -.. 5 . . . rosicr,Amos...~~..~..~ . . . . 3 -.. ‘ushan, Peter, Ju...... IEh,Eliab ----. ~.-~~~.~. . . . 4 . . . Lusbum, Jonathan.. . . l’oder, John, Ju1.m.~...... 4 .~. Xutaon, Timothy -.---. l?osier,Jonathan- -. ~-. . 2 .~. zmtinga, James.. .” . . . ‘ushan, Abraham...... QEORGETOwXTowN. : ::: ClndaI, William.. ~. . . Hodge; 1 . . . bme, Jeremiah. ~--. .~. . Hedge, vary...... ~. . . 1 . . . &’ an, Daniel. --...... l&man, Dan’. . - . ..---. . 4 . . . Iii,Y James ..--. ~.~.-.-. Bemy Thomas. ..-.. ~. . il . . . Jonathan .-.--.. Fb, @ 4 . . . . i :::: ewit, 4 . . . Litridge, Benj~.~--.---. 5 . . . ‘emma. David .--... ~.. -. 4 . . . hnery J&mea - .~--. ~~-. 4 . . . Goodwin, Daniel.. . --~- -. 3 . . . ackin~s, James. - - ~~ -. . 2 . . . :ulli&on John..mm..-- ~. 5 ..*. Vhit?, joehub. .-. . .-. .- pemng,perring, John-..-..--.-Johns..s..ev.m ! :-:: mery, Edward. -~.~... 2 .:., hnery, Dayid. . . ~-.~... 2 .-., Table, Benjmnin.. . ~-.. -. Ha &A, 4 .~. Wkkee, Gear L..~~.~em..--.- Do 3me, camel ...... -. larlinglarlin~ Josepf! ...... , . ?owek!’ Jon*...... ~ 5 . . . Wilhams, Henry -..-.... 2 ::: ,ibley, iobn.. -...... ~. Niver, bbeus...... 3 ...... Richards Jesse...... 3 . . . Vhcoler, Daniel-.Danlel-. ~.-. . . lowe, Ebenezer.. . -. . . . 2 . . . .-. Du&m, +Vill%.: ...... 3 . . . soxie, Ludwiek. - - . . . . . 3wm, A.ndw...... 3 . . . .-- Emereon Edwj 2 .~. 3laokwel1, Joshua ~. . . , . tfallee, Daniel...... 3 ...... m-2.--- d%- 2 . . . 3laokwell Jabez..--....Jabez..-T.... &M&hfln, Daniel...... 5 ...... hmquis, .&-rid . . ..e.... dQ.fahau, Tim0.e -...... -- JdlLrmO~, vY,u- ! ::: Uackwell,ilackweU, Thomas -. . . . ?vymftn, Willing ~...... Deering, John. 3 ..~ KOllt?~,JOlm...... 4 . . . Cunningham, V 3 . . . 3shan, James. -...... 2 . . . Piti&Dl,JO8C3ph...... j Mey, MUI..- ...... 3 . . . Gove, Nathan.. -...... ; :;; . . . . . - . -. Toffee,Edward...... 2 . . . Baker, Solomon- - ~-. . . ~ 2 -... Whalen, John-...... -. . . . 3 . . . White,77-:-l.. N&h’-.-.T-L-. . . ., .~ 3 :.. 1 ..~. ??halen, Thomas- - ...... b . . . . hummon, Elijah.. - - ~. ‘--is 111 t -:: 5 ~.~. 3ubler, ‘rhoa..-. . . .-. . , . 2 . . . 2 :.., 4 ~~~. geloh, James.-..-...-...... ---~ ..- 2 . . . . 3ooker, Joseph...... I3 . . . rrLr*om, .I osep1 ; ::: 5 . . . . &@ob, Mary--...... Fowle, JoskIUCL.~ . . . ~... 1 . . . 3 ..~. 7olvard. Charles...... Knirht. Wf !stb&‘ook. . . . 6 . . . Ioh, Gidioi-- . . .-. . . . 4 ...... dlon, Ebenezer..-. . . . .- 2 . . . . ! :::: Ioxie, Barr&~-.-~.---- ~ ..-- ..~. . 5 . . . Iolloway, Barnibus.. .~ 1 . . . . . lopland, Abraham.. ~~ ~ 2 ..,. LmKty,rxvester. ~. . . ii :::: Io~oway, Gideon-. . ~. 3 . . . . . Mutehmore, Jacob.. 3 . . . !kmnon, Nathen.. ~. .~. 1 . . . Yotm Betiaiah. ~.. . 2 ..*, Ugh Bartlett-..-- . . . . . 2 . . . ~, Greea eaf, Sam’...... 2 . . . )oc Joseph.. . - . . . -.M.. 1 . . . . Greenleaf. Enoche - -. h&. Beniamln. -- .-.~ b ...... : ::I: -.--- ..~. .. . 3 ...... 2 . . . : ::+: .. . 3 .~.. ; :::: ..~ 2 ...... b . . . 2 ..:. .. . .*. 7 :::: F :::: -. . . 2 ...... ; :::: 4 -...... 3 . . . b . . . . $ :::: ~. 38 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.



GEOEGETOVN TOWN- GEOllGBiTO’ WNTOWN- GXEENE TOWN-COL oontimed. conti med. NlverI Dkvid, ,Jun’-. . - . Sprage, William, Ju . . . . Turner, Forbs-v...... - ...... Lanes, Edman. .~. . . . . ~ Parsons, John. -...... Call, Benjm-.--.-...... !, Edward...---... , ...... harrb, Silas .-. .-~...... * . . . . . %nt, Willm...... Wilmy, Da&l...... ElnkIey, Edmund :. . . . . barris, John -...... Zreen, Rlchd. ..--...... Cobii, William.. ~. . . . . Pe&iie, NathI-- -.~ . ..- Cobin, Jesse...... ~ Blngs, Elijah- . ..~...... Sargant, David.. . . --. . . iYLlnEOU, .I wm ...... Cobm, Reuben.. . . . ~~..~ 6thlBOll, wim*-...... he&k, Joseph...... ~. . . eolyar$.Mary ...... Stodard, Phinbas..-A.-s ...... t&mill, Benjn ...... 1, ktocert ...... Marill. John. -. . . . .~~... -.-...Fmmi8.~..*..

Butler;Jobn. -. .~...... ivarry, John.. -...... ~ Cole‘,samoel. . ..-...... 3acbeldoq T&o*...... Stevens. Jacob...-*.. . .~ bmv, Joseph. ..~ . ..-..- 3&heldor, Tim*- .-...- ;palding, Ezekiel. .~. . . . WIlI~@,.lOllXl..~~...~ . . . . 3atcheldor, Elijab ...... Fisher, Hcnrv...... Uorrison, Moses~ -.-. ..- swtt, 33enjc ...... 1 3atcheldor. Josiah. ~.~ - suulvan, IJaIl’.-...... mum, John.. . ~...... bfatiill, Benjn.. . . -. . . . - Pettey, Earn’...... *all. Josmhe -..--. ~..~. MmrUl, Benj=, Ju...... Pettev. Beni% J mrabb. Steohen- - . . -. - larrabb’fo&.V...~ . ..-. Night, &man...~...~. . Brown, abmr . . ..-.. ..* Rackley, Benp. ~~ .-. . . . A&ins, Jacob...... ~. .-- Barker, WlUiam.. ..-...

Dnmmin, James. . . . . M~Fadan, Abigsil...... McFredericks James... Drumnon, A& ander. .I M*Fadm, Dan’.------.’ Stimon, James.m.~ . . . . . 6ni e, Johum..- ...... Preit le, Joseph.-...... pjm>---- Jame&.* ...... 1 ZLEAT FOND PLANTA- ~NUL~WI,John ...... TION. M~Kenn Roberts ..... Preble, Pona ...... gh+v$f$i&.

HaJl,~obn.-.~~...... !&In...... Reardon, John ...... bM- ~-. . . . . hiland, abner . . . . . ~.. . . . UOlOIl....~.. Oldon, Benjn.-..- ...... 3,wJ‘mUeI~..~. . . . Sampson, Josepbm-. . . -. 3Iay, Daniel.. . . . ~...... Lined&y, thomas. .-.. . . Zlvestor, Ebenesor. ..-. ~&&d~~e~w . ~...... :oy, Robert.. -..--...... ~.~~.... Gtiey, Jamb.. . ~~. . .-. . Mow&, Jonm . . .- -. -. . .~ hsey, Abe- Mower, John -.-- ~...... Sanford, DI Silmster, Elisha .-...... e-7:- Tx,,na Bates,Do~y--...... Bates, Samuel.---...... t.-.*. .I Brown, Benjx..m-A... . . rook...... Brown, Moses...... z,nnd~...~ .... Man, mdrew.. . - -. . . -. . f, Jams ...... berrick,Ely-m-e -..--- ~. avid ...... y, Jo&han- -...... 1 herriok, Samoel.. -. -~. . . lander, Robenson ...... Mower William.. ---. ~. Keen, %Iezer-. . -~. -. . . . Saford)ha . . . . . ~~..~.~~ petergdl, Ii?pbmm ~. . . . . ~imbey,Benj..~~~~ . . . . 1 ate!, LamlIe ..--. . ..-. Bates,Josepb.mb.e . . . . . Drew, Clement...... ~

.I. nuv.m, J osepn XALLOWELL TOWN. Trafto~, Thorns, GREENETOWN. XImkley Jo&b+ Perklna, E&b..-.- . . . . . Beal, Job . ..-- ~...... Clark, Uriab. ~.. --. -. .~. Oliver, David, 4*. . .-... .- CIark, Charles-m- -- ~.. .~ Oliver, David. -~-...... Cobb, David- . ..--....-. Oliver. Davi Smith,~oses~~.~~~-~.~. Bolton, Daniel--.. .--- ~. Doin,Sam~~~~.m~~~-~... Bisby, Elislm . . . ..-.... Springer, James~.~. ~--. $i&$ +;, HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 39 IXNCOKN COUNTY-Continued. ..” -.z



” -~ ~ALLOWXLLTOWN-eon *I ELdNCOCKTOWN-Con. DILIIO, Eliiiit~on ...... ; ...... ~hltloook, I ttmry ...... 4 ..~...... * 3 . . . #prlIl@lP, lcdwltlY~...... *5 1 s lrll~lln, wilHt4ul 1 ::: ...... 3 dcllti 1hvKl.. ..::::::: ...... Md.~or~~, .lO#hlI ...... * .., : :::: ~XlwlIl, ~llhlll~...... ii ::: . . .., 5 . . . Cowul, JlthW ...... 2 . . .., ~n~l*lblllI~Ill, ~hlM1...... 3 :::I . .., ii ..a.. . . . wood\vt~rd, ~Wlll...... , . .., ~~~hUlltI, diNlL ...... i **-’..,. . . . . i :::: klUIKUY,.I 00...... ---- Roi11,lkl0l~O~ ...... , hmKlly, Mk!ah.. -. ~~ - - m,W, .~01111...... i :::: . .., ; :::: iandes, Joseph. .--- . . . . w lllhllIlS, kkdAL...... , . .., 1 . . . . ‘hilbrook, Jon&than.. . Sh\V) Wlll~~~ ...... i :::: . .., G . . . . Goodwin, Stephen.----- s11nw, Jt1hn ...... !porn, Benjamin.. . . - -~ sl4\~llgll~ Itilllla ...... ‘\ . ..*, . .., 3 . . . . ackin s, Fredrick-. .-.. sllvRgll, Jlnllw...... Yuuu,JOHiO ...... ‘oll&r~7 , Barton.. - ~-.~- l3~‘o\vll, unnp~...... i :::: * . . . lhti~nli, John...... i ‘-i. Qw, Gorshom.. . . - ~--- AlldwHan, #r~llu~...... mhl*, St1 11ly ...... ~pQnsoP,lsaw. .-..--...- J~nlh11 stI#vll.@~, 2 . .. . . “.. IRlOkfl, WI Y11% ...... : :::: Lead, Ssmuel, Jur. -. -. . SlllL\Y,~.Xl&h...... d4...... CNVIO~,NntbJ ...... uller, Bartholomew-. -. CXl~mtlwlln~ RttmI ...... 3 ,,.. . . . rt~\vtuYI, WIW~...... i ...... !ost~gon, LRwrRuco. -. - AllhtI\vti, Gotlr~t\...... 4 ...... !thllm, EhlII ...... 3 . . . . lrown, J&mea -...... sfll\~nl, 4 I wry...... 3 ...... ‘nrkor, l’ntol-...... 2 1 hmes, Silas.. -- -~-. -.- ~owllultl Jthn ...... !I . . . ~l’ooly, ~~110& ...... 5 . . . . toundly, Lacet.. . . ~~. - SfLvllgl~ hw~tl. II :::: . . . hlIpp4, K llrl~illl...... 2 . . . . toD?~dly, Ebixmzer.. . . . Utilitlr, $Vlllw ...... -a;.‘*-* . . . ~~IlMklI, I$4’ lphltlt ...... Ii . . . . Patth fIlt1, l3OIlJh...... * ...... vl~llcur, amj~~...... kLz3?:~~.~:::::::: Alltm, 7 ‘hh~hlLH...... +I “...... hIInmw, NILW...... ! .::: m10111lui,mvlG ...... lh\\vlll, Motlw ...... 3 :... i .. 4. . . . . ‘llhlltl~, \Vlll~~~ ...... 2 ...... ‘llnrllnrll, AlllO ...... “i’ “” . . . ~IvtM, bhmI ...... i :::: 4 :::: . . . W~lnt4, EL~~xI~~x...... ~tItcllLlf .Tntiopl1. i ..I i :::: . . . ~lL\VS, ~Vlll~~~...... 1 ..:: !rosb$, Robert . ..--. -.~ .“. wnluV\\~Il ‘lwl~ Ugsby, Solomon-. ----- !I :::: . . . ht1:01I wh0w Y.:Y::: .-!i. :.-*. . . hvis, Samuslv-----...... lood\vln, LiwLrtul...... 3 . . . . ligolow, James:... ..~. . iI :::: ..* ryn, ~ClMllt...... 0 . . . . ,ovojoy, ?3wms. - - ~-. ~ . . . ‘IVNtNtt, .rlOtlj%...... 2wlor, SlmlUOl.. . . ~. ~-- /I :::: . . . ‘l~ofwtt, D.lHqlll...... t! :-:: Uitton, Reuben. -~---.. ,L ...... hvki4~Tolln ...... ; .!& lur~~oin,John.-w .------4 ...... Pfn, J!AlVOl...... fecahm Miohtxl. ~. -. - 2 ...... ~hikltIy Jn.mnt3 ‘j ..i. !coshy, Ponah, Jur.. . -. 4 ...... iiiltlt, hiIn ...... ‘holdon, Henry -....-.-. lmpson, Slmaon. - -. --- ; 11-1 . . . wltlrmcl Nnth’. ,.. ~IVw11, JhopL ...... i :::: ;t;w$& Nathan.. -. . ., . . . QtAJlfl4h\nj~b v,--- ii :::: P.. hl,ro~L I~bnlloKor...... ! :::: ., . . . ~~ll.lfl,.~~~li~~lll~lI...... i **-*. . . . Q 3.. hylluH, ,TOhll...... i :::: RJNTSMEdDOW TOWN. 4 . . . . h”. II~II~~I~~, &in1 ...... 8.. lmlmlIl&, AtIlL ...... i ;;;; ‘earson. Mark-. . . ~- --- i :::: ., *.. tmimlIi /@I ., ..” Iirtox, 8 ..::::I::: ...... 2 ***- ., a.. ~ro\vll CrOllIl. :I :::: ., ,.. ‘lolcl, htl ...... i :*-.. . . 4 . . . . ., . . . l&H&d,:l~llhr&lm ...... 4 . . . . ., ,.. wtqq7 hw, TiIr...... ii . . . . ii :::: *x . . . ~olltud Amos...... ‘mblo James.. . - - -. -.. *< t.. !lilOlC, &flmli3~...... i :::: Qv,t, 63th. -...-...-..-. i :::: ., ,.. ‘win& N&UC”...... !ooper MOB&S.-*-- -.-.- ., . . r&t 0, Elltm ...... mnt, dills -.-.-. ~~----- ii 1::: . ,%. tdc? f3lull1...... ij .:A: . ,.. JONESFLANTATION. 2 :... fi .“..*-*- .< ,.” . . . . 1 . . . . forton MIchftel.--.-... y . . . . rragg, &‘&I------~-~ i ::;: ,. ,.. ., ,.. totchell, Elihu. ~~ ------i :::: lu~rel, Abr=. . . - -.-.-.. . ,*. Vfwd, Josiah --....- we.. i :::: . . . . lrl s, Wlll~~~...... i :I: KaGlothliD, @o--S---7- . . .., i!jl,y3 Ol’, zY.lollo~0r ..-. . . . 4 .~. -,--* ...-----.-.- ~~ i --i: .., ,lQdgoR, Ezra.. . ..-... ~ , * . . >lnsmoro, ~%omas. . . . . ; ::: i :::: . ..a :finfld1h,Robert ...... 3 .-. . . . . ,CdfiO&Ells~botll...... - . . . . . I . . . i :::: , . . . l’riio, ZtAnIlon.. . . . -. . . . 5 . . . Yiddon, Gidion ~. - - ~~ -. , . .., :,lvortnClro STtlROIL. ~. . . . 6 . . . Sodfry, Prince-. . . . - --- ; :::: . .*. lhlkloy, EhIl~~lbl...... Ward, ?&j&h.-... .---.. . “.. r,&~gcrhx,James. . . ~- 2 :::: , . .., Brown, Enock ------~- :I. . ..< . . . 3 3 . . . keai0thuDg, c+eo-,jr--. , . . . ‘l&i;, At4&.. . . . , . ,...... Dloksy,Elezsr3oyad. . . ! ..“. . ..a ‘hit JMllOB...... ; ::. Svons, N&U- - -. ~----~ - . .., ht& Viuum.. . . -. . . . I f :::: 4 ..: tawis, Jabez.. . .~ ---...... 60x0, Mordlcfi...... Wtxd, Tha- -. . . -~-. ~--. . 3 ::I: . ..* fvymll11, .Dotm...... - : :.- Wi gins, NathI---- ~---. . . . . 311crl1,John, Jut...... ; .:: Wifi 1s,ms,Joshua .------; :::: ..* !Vymtul ROIIIXXI...... - Perk, Jonathan.. ~--. .- 311rrll, fOhlL ...... ; ...... *. 4 . . . Xork, EdmoDd. ~---. ~-- . . . 3urrl1, Zlbo...... , . . 2 . . . Fish, C+eorSe.+.. . . ~. . . . 1 . . . . *.. ulnhal, m4vld. . , . . . ..- 1 * IllOfzlblO~ 40 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.


& 6 z 5 dl 5i -Ei - LEW,f,TOFN TOWN AND LITTLEBOROUGH PLAN- JONEBPLANTATION- TUE GOZS ADJOINING- TATrON-COntiDu~d. continued. continued. mart, Stephen...... &kn, Zefeniab.. ~.. . . . - .-.. .~~ . . . Maritbew, William.. . . Davis, Joseph...... Mnctuield, Rogers.. . . ~ .-~ . . . Webbcr, Joseph-. . . ..~~ Read, Dan...... arnard, hafns.-.~ .--..- webber, Lewax...... ~ Adkins, WilIiams.. . . .~. qoroross, Nathaniel-. . - .-.- . . . ..- Glerk, Eph=-...... ~. Davis, Joseph, Jut...... Mnchfleld, thornas.. . . ~ Goodspeed, N&h’...... Ray, Benjamin e...... Waeks, Abner.. . . -. . .~. ..- Ra Hannah .-...... JVEEMOEE TOWN, EAST weeks, &olomon~~~~~... . . I&Josiah...... !3DR ANDEOSCOQGIN weeks,so10m0n, Jr-..-. . . . G&u, WUlhr~. .~.. . . . RIVER. Chadwick, Job.. . . .~. -. ..- Blil-lIn, John .-.. . . .~. . . . Chadwick, Ichd- --~. ..a. . . . JHiffin, James..-. -...... Dayley, Dan&l. - ~. . . . .- . . . . Chadwick, James- --~-~. . . . Dean, John...... ~.. Dilmow, Jabi& ~. . . ..~ . ..- Chadwick, Lot . . . . . ~~~. . . . Dean,Jobn,Ju~ . . . . . ~.. Wing, Reuben...... ~- . . . . Chadwick, Judah- -..- ~. ,.. Sawyer, Jobnws-..... ~.. Bargish, Seth- -...... ~~ . ..- ~;~y’$!‘!---~~ imy, wuliam~~~~.~.~.~ . ..- LEWISTOWNTOWN AND Deorge, Franc~es.~~. . .- . ..- TIC3 GORE ADJO~ING. car& WiluG.. . . . -. . Learned, Elenry- ~. . ~-. . ~..- Me&r, Tobias.. -...... Browner, William . . . ~--- Robertson, Samuel*-.-. (bachlor) . . .~--...... Ames, Winslow- .-- ~---. Greay, James-...... -. . . . Ames, James- .-... ~~~.. Stevens, William.. ~...... -* . . . Eigings, Jesse.----. ~... :obb, Jo&b--. -...... -* . . . MEDUNCOOK TOWN. . . . FelIows, Ebene2er.e-. . . ..-~ Foster, Stephen.. ~. -*.. ~..- Right, Jesse-s----- ~~... .-. Tilton, Samuel.. ~. - ~-.- .. . . . Haoket, .lude.em.q ..-- ~~ . . . Ri ht Ozias...... -~.. ..-. Taykw, Thomae-T ..~. .- . . . ..-- Fettirl iI, Abraham . . .~ wb.&, Abraham...... Monlton, John.------.-. ~..~ Herric it , John. -- -. .~...... -- Barker, Jacob. --. .--~-- wikdon, Samuel-.--- ~...... Wilson, John .--.- ~.--~~ .~-- Cutter,Nathan . . ..- ~.~~ . . Morton; James. -. ~..~. . Blasdel, WflIfam ...... Pornton, Allibue~. . -~. . I---- . . Whftney, Benjemia - - . . Morton, Joshua-. . -. .*~ ,-..- Marshal, J&n...... ~. . .~. Whitney, Jacob.. . -- ~.~ Morton, Ebenczcr, Junr- . ..- Winslow, Kernelm- - ...... Southeslin, +lex%.--. . . CoIIamore, Joshua.-. . . . -.~~ Rigb.t,Jqel...... -- ~~- . . . ..-. . . . Crabtree, WUam. - ~. . . Bartlet, Nathaniel.-. . . - FLose,ums.-...... ~.-~- . . . . . Jameson, Robert.. ~.. . - .a.. Mflrs, John...... -.- -...... LTmLEBoRom+F.l PLAN- Jameson, Pa&. ~...... - Eildrlek, Paul . . ...*. ~~~ . . . ..~~ TATION. Bradford, Jo&ma. -. ~. - Ebxris, Abner .--... ~~...... -. Grafton. John...... ~.. ~.. I Morton, Cornelius. -.. -- Lam s, Peter...... --- . . Gilbert, William...... Peckard, Samuel.. ~. ~. - Pink !?ln.m, Elisha+. . ..~- . . B#ther, SamuL - ~-. .~. . Demome, John-. . ~. .~-- Morril, Jedediah...... ~.. Cracker, Joseph--- -~-.. Cook, Rlijah -..-.-...--- Davis. Daniel...... ~., Dudson, Jabas-.-- ~--. Cook, Jamcs-..v-..-.--7 whiting, John. . . ..~ . . . . Cook, Hannah.. ~. . . . . ~...... ~-. Bates, Jacob.-- --...... Bradford, Joshua, Junr. -~. house, nathaniel...... Thomas, As&m--.- . . . . ~- ~::’ , michaL.. . . . Thomas, Jesse”.~. . . ..-. .- Gilbert,henry...~.-.-.. Jameson, Alexander.-. ~ ~~. Gilbert, Samuel~~~~~... Larry> Eamuel.. -. ~.~ -- -- Whitney, John.-- ...... Matte, William.. .-. .~-- ~- Duncat, Prine...... -. Conden, Samuel-. -. ..- - TOO& Sirneon.-......

Jbhn.. - ...... Samuel.. . -.~. , Joseph---..-. [saac.---..-... ieha ...... ~. . . . thomas...... Demorse, John, JUU . - - iward ---. ~~... Brpll.. -...... James.-...... iSh&,jU~s.....a , Joseph--. ~.-. iver- -...... -.. 3OIgC.-. ~...... roseph-...... - Davis, Jaoob7*-- ...... ; hram--..--.. Davis, Zwhar -...-.--. Dire, i%xmah ---- ~-~... f iverve...... Davis, Samue7 , Jun.. . . . MIfIbank. PbIlli~~~~---. . >lomca. -. ~-. . . Thompson, James. ~.. . . JosUn, J&met!--:.--- . ...! Morgln- . . . . .~ Joslin, William ---.- ~.. . Gashame..- -. . - NEW CASTLE TOWN. Jodin, DanieL . ..~ .~-. *. iteuhen--.-.-.- Proctor, Joseph------.. ;~ggjg-~-~.-~ Bliffin, Jolm, Jur ---. . EimbaI, Sirneon----. ~-. Brown, iames- -.~ . . . . . ~ Dean, Willfam.. . .~- ~“. Leavitt, Israel. . . .-. . ~- - Mores, Nathm.. -. .- . . IIopkins,Christopher.. - GreeiqDanieL~...~~..~. Hopkins, Willm.. .~. . . . . Mitch& Josiah- - .--- -..I , Bester, George--- .--- ~~ Menil, Mow.3. . ..- ~-..-. I Wfnslow, Mary-. . ~. . . . . Purrunton, Ezra .~. . . . .I Farley, John.. -. . . .~. . . ~~ds,Samu~...~...~~.! Kennady, Will=-- - . . . . . T&.&al, Thomrm -- ~-. .I Kennady, Henry-. --. -. fish. John-. . . . -. . . . mm.1 Kennady, SamI-... .-. -. B&b Andrew---s---. Cooki Orchard- -. -. . ~-. Ran, %bornas...... ~~. Momson, Jonnm.- - ~. . . Jaason, Jama ...... -.I Carlton David-. . .~. --- Thompson, Joseph- - ~~ ., Heath, hoses..- . . . . . ~. . DilL.Ioha.7 ...... ---- Clough, Daniel--. -~- - .- Anderson, Robert- .--.. Jewett, Noses. -. . ~.. -~- HEADS OF l?AMILIES-MAINE.

LINCOLN COUi?TY-Continued, -


l- iq?,w OASTLIC TOWN- NEWCASTLETOm+ NOBLEBOEOUG~TO~- continued. continued. continued. JQWQiA, .Tam@S...... ~Qlml, Johlee.e...... ~~rrhunn Simon. L...... Sawyer, F+illa xer...... Turner, Nehemiah...... Clark, Jam ee...... cook, Mehitable.- ...... Rolllm, Ns.thl...... cnr1ton, I kfow33.. . -. . . . . Jones, Jon&,Jnr ...... GIldden, l5an]- ,- ...... Clark, Ebenz...... Gllman, Peter ...... Lh?Oh., Benjn...... &&%brw,l?Q+Jx...... 72:“”Rldlon, T-l.- Robert...... Hilton, Same...... AWVJ, d”“U ...... Simpson, Sam’...... Prudent, Wlllm.. . ..~... ?&aQulg,DanI ...... Wbitten, Job&. .~. . . . E&Lrkq,John ...... Whltten, Zbenezer-. . ~. cooper, JWSQ, Jones, Benjam...... ~. . . . Leighton, Ezekiel...... Bostor, Isaac...... ~ . . . . coo ix, James- ...... Huzzy, John. .~- ...... IIarey,John,? Jnc...... Glldden, Joseph.. . . ,... Gredy, Jacob ...... Holmes, John...... Leighton, Rlchnrd. ~-. . Leighton, Rebecca NEWSzKNDWXE'rOWN. Waters, Daniel ...... Woodbrige, Thorn - * ~~. - Wing, Simaon..-. .-... . Woodbrlcl o,Benja, Jnr. whm Alan ...... ~. . . . Simpson, f ames...... Wing; Aron ...... Kennady, Thou...... Wing, Sirneon,Jr ...... Murray, David...... Besse,l3benezor-...... Campbel, James ...... Adklns, Nathaniel ...... EIopkins, s010m0ll.. - -. LOVjO7,Moses...... Chase,Charles- ...... Blak! I’homas Woodbridgc, Christo- Norris, Nathan ...... pher ...... Judkhis, Jesse...... I Perkins?Elias ...... Norris. Enhrim- . ..~. . . .I Turner. Briecs ...... Norris, Sam’ . .-.~~ . . . . ~ Norris, Woodin ...... Norris, Josiah,. -...... Sawell,thomas. .~.,. . ..A Mnson, Ebeneser...... INsse, Jabe...... I’arrey, David...... Bilenton, Ieaaa...... Ctirtlce. David ...... hihi ham, Thea.. . - . Stord&nt, Gamaa& . - Kenna Lfy (Widow) -, . . . Smith, John.. , ..~~. . . . . Conningham, Sarah.. . . Tom son, David.. . . ,.. Conningham, John-. . . . Han ifey, Ebencser. . . . ~ ~~~~~l,~~?l~s.---...... Ram&., William ...... Boss& Jabas, Ju ...... ~owoi,Jqas,...... I yerry, xecnriaa. ~...... frost, Sam’...... Stevens,Christepher . . . .~ Dexter, Isaac...... -... Besse,Reuben.- . . . . . ~.. Bllenton, Nathaniel.. . . Bllonton, Ichabod..-... washburn, -. ~- ~..

How, Jonn...... Doute~~JO~n..~ ...... ~Wwm~8, .J onn.. . . -. . . . . Barth& Jonn...... Campbel, The* ...... fuller, Job.-...... Somer, David .-...... James...... Cargill, David...... Trask. .To- Cochran,--z AUXXX..-.. . . . Patterson, Petor-. .-” . . Maloom, Allen...... Qroves, Sam’...... Cochran, John ~...... hikins’, Jacob.. . . .v... Coohran, Adam...... ford, Nathaniel...... ~ Tufts, Moses...... ford, James. ..-...... Dodge, Paul .-...... Coimll, Jolln...... -... Dod e David ~...... Southword, Constsnt... Litt&JJsmcs *- ...... Southword, thornas.. . . Little, Henry:. 1 ...... Day,Tobb...... Perkins, Ebe nezcr ...... Dodge, John...... Dodge, zachcmiah ...... llml””--““5”‘ m..-:.~luuld...... Dodge, Moses ...... Csmpbel, Thofl...... Qivms, Jamesme...... NOBLIiBOZtOUGII TOWN. Dunbar, Solomon Mlrach, Josiah...... 1hines, Conells.. ..-...... Barker, Hannah...... heab%r, georgc-.-*..... Wmt, NathI ...... bumhart, John...... - Jones,Kinsley ...... I k&h, Cliarles...... ,. welch,Jobn,jnn ...... -. Welch,ahristopber.. . . .- 42 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

LINCOIX COU’B’TY-Continued. Z=

4 f.4 Pa NAXE OF EEA= OF FAMILY. 2 3

- NOBLEBOROUGH ‘TOT&- oontinued. bums, comelius-. . .-. . . ,.. wmmx, John, Jun ...... i :*: pilcher, abner - ~...... ; .:: winebfs%w, henry ...... mde, jacob --. . . . .-... . 5 . . . Sirnone, bztmabas-.-... . ; 4 . . . win& ezechial.. ~...... 4 . . . Swatland, Samuel. .-.. i 4 . . . ooles,able%...... 2 . . . Russell, Lewis-.. ,...... i 3 . . . rioi-, John...... , .~. . . . 4 . . . 8 tch, William.. . . -...... if fogler, John...... ,...-.. i :*. h&llpt, JOfIT+...... Sidenspim, John.. .-.. . . f 2 .:; ...... andrew, michel.. . .~. . -. . . . --~.. mink, pace1-...... 5 Simona, Zebede.. , ...... 2 i !;{ Simcms, Joseph...... 2 hsse, John.---.- -...-.. 1 4 . . . Shenek, Andrew.. . . . ~.. . . . 4 -.. kesler, John ...... 1 2 . . . Sh&nem&r, christian- - . . . . --... ~.. Shenk(widow>-.-.s . . . . E$row, m@h% .-. . . . ! ..: : f ;;: Walter, peter- - -. ~. . . .-. . . . hunt, John- - ~~ - -. . . --. . 3 5 .., flelhaucr daniel- -. . - . . . bmdex, john. -...... 4 3 .., Simons, Step Sfvgayer, thorna) . . . ~-... . . cramer, Jacob. - ..-... *., . . . ~...... oramer, +r!e?...... -. . -. . . . . oramQr, nlnmu...... 9 ~. TORRIDGEWOCK TOWN, tnrp%i-, corneliuz.-~.- .-. .-. fDWTLEM,CNT EAST OF, .-. *‘.i...... ~. -.~.. -. K&cfassen,Dsgle.- ..-. . .-. 3 . . kfore, Jose h .-.-...... 2 Whitcum, sob&...... 2 i 1: Xuesel, Jon&than . . ..-. . suer, cumes~~. ~. -. . . . < 2 . . Ru~~el,Ja~on.~~~~....~ c1aus, gf3orge- - ---. ---- ~ Vutting, Samuel.. . . . -. leicht (widow) .--~ ---.. 3ecker, Mu os. .-..... brcht, petor------. . .~ Russel,JoenhP -.... ~. . . . bracht, John. e.<.-.- ~.. Wm~in, Josiah-...... p%gn%r,Wil~I&m~ - ----. . shade, Amos.. - - -... ~. . Wagner, andrew .---.-., 2 i :: I !z ~.. shade, Willlam- -...... freeman, bs,mabas..- -.. .-. 1 -. l%chorn, george..-----.- 2 2 *. PITTSTONTOWN. bermr, John- -. -. --~-...... - . bentwr, martin- --...-.. 2 3pringer%Thomas.. . . -. Snmdel, william.-. -. . . . .-. i :- kndrews, Ely... ..-s. . Werner, george. .--- ~-~.. .-. 3 .:, soper, Seth- -~. .-...... Efchom, daniel- --~-...... Owens,Thorn&s...... Eichom. John- ~--. .~.. , . . . i :: L& ho,m,Roger .-...... ~ 2 20l% urn, Benjamin.. -~. 2 i :: rackson, The-m&s...... -...... i2;hjoy$ry...... ~. : :: l’hilbrook, David...... Winslow, Carpenter . . -. ixunir~ Jo& Jun ---...... ; 11 wius10w JOP Snoutelgle, John.-. .-. . . : 3 . . Parbox, ble&ser...... b.BM%T,ChtWkS. ~. -...... 3 . . Currier, James ...... benner, Jacob-...... I Barker, John.. .-.... ~-. l.Km&ygw) ...... t ; -1 Whidden, hfark.. - -. ~. . ..-.-- ~~.-.. . . 2 1. &son, Skm~-. . . ..~.. -. R~zo~,c~rl%~~-~~~..~.~ . . . - - . . . . Young, David . ..m....m. kooq george, j”n -.-. . . . 1 -~ Dudley, James.- -. . - . . . wernm, John. -. . .- . . -. . Clark,Isaa-- -... ~. . . . . Werner, charless-. -~.~. 2 :: Clark, Burnham ...... -. fkhwartz (widow). -. . . . .-. 2 -- Dudley, Jeremiah. . ..--. Schwartz, friderfch...... , ,..~.. ~~ Bumes, Joseph- -.....-. 3 . . Dudley, Samuel...... -. demut. eeome.. -. . ..~...... ~.. . . Bled at, Joseph. -- ..~~. 3 -. Hatc %. ISRac..--.... ~~...... *.. -. Hunt,‘Benoni...... - -. ,.. 2 ~. Stunt, Benoni, Jur.. . ~-. ,.~ - - . . . - . Clark, Timothy.. ~-. - -. Pmt, Ebenezer. - ...... z 1: Noody, S de, Jabiih ..--.. ~...... * ..~... . Moody, Jereuum . . . ..-. Cole, Isask.. . -.--...... * . . . . . - Pickard, James. ~.. . . . ~. Isley, rnichel----.-...... - - . . . -. - Little, Daniel.. . - . . . . . -. kaastner, lodwig ..-. . . . 3 n&Sh, chumll~..*..~ .--. ..- Pickrnd. Thomas.. . . . ~- andrea, Sthephen.-. .~.~ %des, Ming. --~...... newbert, Stophal ...... uewbert, John -. ~.~-... UIKNNI, Arnold...... ~ 5lor, JoJm.--s -..--..... Puloifer, Joseph. .-. .- . . thomas, Joshtn... .m...... Grmt, Sam]-1. .~.. .~. . . w&lk,p%t%r~.~~. . . . . ~... Imsnnesee, 3ohn...... heavener, chmles... . .+e- ..- Lang, Same...... I HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE. 43 LINC)C&N COUNTY-Continued.


-- prM%l’ONTO?vN-Con. PO~ALBOEOUGE TOWN-COIL Pip@,Jonam.. . . -. -...... Hilton. Joshua. .~...... Dear, James- - . i ::: : 1 ..- Dllano, Amass.-. . ..~.. Broadst~ G . . . . : -.. Chapman, John. ..-. . . . . : . . . Boynton, Hannah...... i ::: . . . . Taylor, Joseph. . . . ~.-.. . . . Gray. Alexander... .--.. f ::: : I .-- Boynton, Will&m.. --. . 1 . . . .*. Chovey,John.. ..-~.~. . . .-. Brlmzs,John. . . . ~.~~.~. i ::: . Bo$iton, Joshua...... 2 . . . Blackledge,Jonathan- - G . . . . Chapman, John, Jr. -. . . pollard, Eaekml.. - -.... 1 . . . . Colman. Jonathan-.. . . . BVXOII,Ebenescr. ~.. . . . 5 . . . . : Plercw,John.. .-~...... K3.v. 5 . . . Nuttwr, Anthony- -.. . . . Young, Joshua-, . -.. . . . tdiah...... i ::: Wblte, Jesse...... ~...~. iii, Jon!. . - . . . ..v. ,... Nason, Abraham...... f&~IIncc, Gideon...... 3 ..! - ~ M~Kenney, David. .-.. &fccass11n,zBxlry, JU.. . 2 . . . Bo ton, Joshua, Jm... lAcCasslin,Renry. - -. -. Hll%n Joseph-w-. Jason Rob1 i ::: Hilton; Morrll.....::::: Dear, &laian. 3 . . . 6svagw,John...... wmren, l?ettwn 4 . . . Hilton, Moses.-. . *..- ~. Pollard, Elljah. ..- . . . . . 4 -~. Hamdon, Gabriel. ..--.. Jlo&r,Alhm...., ...... ! Mansnold, Jams%. . .-. ~ Borny, ‘Phos. - . .-.- ~. .. . f ..*. . . Baksr, willm C..?.~.. . . . Wakotleld, Jere’l.- ...... : j M~Kenney,Sohn. -. . - . . EVCUIS,Janus ...... -. i -:- . bm&lep~~.~* . . ::: 3wwett, stiplmn . . . - . . . . yj ;:: , ! Fltts, Brown F!Km..... Kbmicl: John.::.:::- Lawrence, ITmvid...... 2 ..: Muncy, Napthsli.. -. - .- p;mm. SC - - - . . . . . Jackson,James.s--7 . . . . - . * . . . . . Bla don, Paul--....,... Ealey-“-- (Widow). . . - - - -. Co&n, Benjx ...... eT- bioom, David. - ~. . - --. . z .:: . Co!3in, Ben.*, Jm.. . .~.. Mason, Abner...... 5 :.. . Decker, Wij Barn. .-.- ~.- h&on, Abner, J--- 1 . . . Pressey,Will .-., ~.~.-.- Bailev. 1 Jackson,Samuel -...... i ...... Jackson,Benj* -...... 4 . . . Hersev. Solomon...... Bailey (Widow) - -. -. . . , Davis, Ezra-. . - ...... i ...... WY, cclTTjJ.-.\loinas....-..... 4 . . . Acgoy (h KKW, ..-s..., 2 . . . Colburn, Reubc:n ...... 3 . . . o&inn&n, Smn~.- ...... G . . p&w; Willm,. . . . -...~ i . . . +r&Jam.. .-.-. . . . . Boynton, John- ..-..--. Easman, Sam...-...... 4 1 Bayley, Thsddeusw.... Shepherd, Levi-...... Bailey, Richard-...... ggnss,n, -----. . . -. -. . . i ::: Plummer. David-. -. . . . * be1. . . . - ...... Flitmq Willm~. . -...... -.i- ...... ,. Dookcr;John ...... Ta got, Jmnos.. . . . - . . . . hmey, Williams...... Wa7 ker, Riohard- -. . . . . T :I: ,- Pottlo, Rcseklah ...... Jakens, Christopher . . - ,. Dolbrook, John...... Dearborn, PIemy . ..-.. . Fi ::: ,. Young, Isaac...... Sllvcster, Samuel...... Randy, Jonathan ...... rOWNALJ3OROUQIITOWN.~ Stwrrwy,David ...... Williamson, Jonathan- Call, James...... Hod@ -~%nry.. - -...... Blalro, willlam ...... Clanoev,David ...... Lea. Si\as...... ,i:m\ Bi$fo~d, Henry . ..-..-. Wood, Abicl...... -... . Duncan, John ...... Williamson, Sarah...... ,... Bnd e, Edmund.---.-- Price,Thomas...... ~ ,-.~ Bit.!J ord,Panl.-.. ~-..- Thsxter, William . ..-.. . ,. Kanady, James...... 13%en, James.. ,.-- Barker, Carr. . . . - .-...- Whittier, Ebenozer- - . . . ,. Q&ham, James...... Barker, Caleb-...... -.. Cook, Francis.. - - -...... - &xJtt, Daniel ...... ,~.. Allen, Peter...... --. Payson, David.. . - ..~-. . . smith, Mamma...... ~- Obrien, Willlam .---- ~.~ Payson, David, JR?...... Smith Silas.. .*.. Pa e, Johu .--. .,-+....- Bryson, Peter. -. -...... Avmoi, Samuel...... Cal7 , Obadiah... . .+. -.- Ru&!hcs,John.. . - . -. ~~ . . Averol, Job...... ~-~ M~Pharlen, Joseph.--.- Tinkham Seth. - -...... Fairaorvice, John . . . . Patterson, Willlam--.-- Croaker, Elijah -.-. ~.-.. . Falrsorvlce, Thomas...... * Pushaw, Qeorge.-..... ~ Arvel, John.. . . . - ---. . ,. Chenoy, Ralph...... * Kin looses.-...... Colby, Betty...... -...... f&&h Ro ors .-.. Sti fPen, George.. - . . . . .- Carter, Samuel... -...... Klnca~d, A%@1...... -.. Kendal, Abiathar..... ~ Crait, Foster ,...... --.. . . Fores&l, James...... -.. Qond, James-.. ~----.- Robw, Henry...... - . . . . . Tucker, John ...... Parish, John-,----...- Sanborn Bradbury. ~.. . .~ Frissol John ...... Parish, George...... cowloy, john. ..~- .~. . . . . Clark, William...... a Southward, Abra=.-..- Foster, willlam.. . -. ..I . . Kmn, John...... Holland, Lemuel~- . . . ~~ Seavey,Michael.. . - - -. . . Bakar, John .--- Carlow, Jscob--. .- . . . . . stwcf, Ninl~h$!“r...... Dickerson, Abijah...... Eood\ct, Lewis.. .- -.... ?he, Annas...... ~. Dickerson, SamuOl.- . - - . . . . Misrs, Philip . ..-...... Place,Samuel...... Hilton, John...... -.. RifAle, Francis.-. . ..-. Ranlot, Charles-...... filomtxl, william ...... Hunt, Steward- .--- ~~-. Stw hens Joseph . . l&mnowel~ John...... -. .-.- Andrews, As&. . -em... . D&on .&remiah- 11: --- . . Dole, Nathan...... Ely, Samuel.,..... ~..-. Bllght,‘Mehitable~ . . :: 1 . . . Kenny, Benjamin-...... ,... Averel, Mary .m.-.-...-. Clougb, Stephen. -...... Git&Sl, John...-.....-. . . . . Avw& Samuel-- -. - -. . - Collins,Lemusl...... :I . . Rilton, William ...... -.. Clark,James..-.-we.... Stutson, Zealous.. . - ~...... ~. Clark, wllham.. ~...... Eta es patty .~-- ~ ...... miton, Samuel...... -... Lord,Abrahsm-e-.-.-q d&~3ohn.::....:~. . 2 . . Honno~ei, Iad...... 44 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.



SANDY RIVER, FIRST POS’NALBOROUGH TOWN8EIP-COIL TOWN-COIL Smith, Chertey*.- ...... - Eemlen, Levi .-.... ~~~- Averal, John.. . ~. ..-... Lowel, Jacob. - - .-~ ~.. . Gmy,~Oa~s-.~~~.-.~... gale, Amas&-.-- --.- ~.. Bilton, Joseph.. ~...... Wblttier, Joseph. --. -. Hoit, Thomas ..* . . . . ~.. Farr, Joiegh..: . . . . .--. Tobey, Barnabas ...... Walker, -4 raham- . . . . Avcrel, Will=. -~~. ..-.. . Grav. Mose8.Jw. - - - -. ~$SO~~~~.~.~~:~ GO& George..I:.s..l. Fieher, P~t.er.-~-....-.. Eldder, Ricb&rd... .---. PEEscOTTS AND WRTP QOodWin,Sa.m~.~ . . . . . ~. CSfERS PLANTATION. Qoodwin, Sam’, Ju.. .-. Johnson, John. .- . . . .~. . l’hompson, John .-.-.. Fp&yyIL&yL~~~ Wlthem, @old-. . . . . Ladd, Josmh . . . . ~. . . . . Remsdale, George..-... Lambart, Abraham - -. Patten Willm-- ...... Howland, Elijah-. . . . . Wood&d, Same-..-~-. Gordon, Dam& -. . . .* ~ &egg, Enooh- -...... ~~. Tup er, James --..----. tiattock, Richard-. . . . Cmmadav, William--*.. I Tay For, Ezra...... ~.. Allen, Wllliam~ . . - . ~~ Dlnsmore, Aa - . . . . w... Killsroth, Patrick-. ~.- Stllan, Michi ---.. . ~--. AlleG J~hn...~.~~.~.~. Brown, Jesob----. . .~-. Whiteher, Moses--- ~.- . Tbeolmld, Philip.. .-. -. Whiteher, Clerk- ~-. -.- Atkins,Jemes..~ . . . . ~.. Qordon, Jonathens -. . - Coi-taIoe,J&n- -.....-.. Whitez SamI EOCKXEEKOTOWN,EA8’ Spring, D&i:::::::::: SIDE OF RIVER. Lamemier, Peter.. . . .-. D~PollerefM, John.. . . . Rittle, Fret& --.. ~. . . . Rittle, John...... ~-.. . . Pushaw, Peter. -. .~. . . . Lewis, ......

Libbey, George-.-...... H&tbom, %th’...ee... Gray, &muel---... ~.- . . Ames, Hathoro J&mess..-.... White, William- ..-..... CurrIce, !&phraim...... Bullin, Samuel. . . ..---. . Doe, Mary- -.---... ~.-.. Smith, Abraham...... ~ NE!Lc+OD,Jacob.. --. -. . . . Adams, Solomon~ . . . . . ~ Smith, -45&s-7 -...... Aidihs, George.. .--. . . . Ayers, James --.. ..~.. . . NQISOII,xary -...... Carltcm, Joseph...... Webber,.EzekM--. . . . . ~ Carlton, Hoses. ~.-- ~-.. Gore, Wllliam..e.msss-. Adle, Cornelim -.....-.. Lowell, Joshua Bartlet. A&ins, Cbrlstopher~. . . I%tcrfleld, Jesse.-..-.. PI-e& Jolm -....-... Luice, Datiel. -.-~ --...- Rollins, ltfoees--. . . . ~~. . Buttetield, Jonas...... Perklq John --.-. ~.~.. Bbmt, Ebenezer...... Si?ave~.Steuben- -. -- --. EANOY RTTER,FROX ITS MOUTN TO GARBS PLANTATION.

...... Leman, Jacob. ~.. . . .~. . Lemtq David ...... Wil~Oll, Oliver . . . ..~.~.. Hitton, Benjemin...~.~ Nichols, Gee em. . . . . ~.. Houghton, T7? ornan, Jr. Whitcum, Thomas. ~~ -. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::::::!:*:I!! 46 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. LIxcoIa comTY-continuea,


BTAELINQ PLANTATION- TtIOMAf3TON TOWN-C’JI TOPSEAM TOWN--OCIt. continued. Winch& J&n...... EmmoD,- . . . . . ~ -..-..... pi. st4p1es, Smn~~~. . . . .~. . . Elhfn s, Cbaso . . . ..-... Foster, Josiah...... - how f y,Jobn ...... w.... Owens, Gideon...... ~ Thomas, Richard ..-... . ; Rogers, J&n.. ..-... ~.. Brocks, Gorge -..--.-... Patten Thou.. . . - ..~ . . . Inglum, David ...... ’ white, ~chn...... ~... Bark, kill=-...... - Berry, Joseph. -. . -. . . . . TNOMABTON TOWN. Rarrows, Ichabod. . . . . Barrows, Comfort-...- Rogers, Alexander . . . . . Purrington, James.. . . - Dillawa John. .-. . . . . Barrows, Benajah.-... Dodge, &z&M Gcddard Brawater. Zadok> -. . . . Thompson, S&m’. . ~. . . . Crockit, Jo Duglas (Widow). ~. - -. ~ Fales, Nath4rdeL ...... Whitney, Jona ...... - Feka, Ndumkl, June.. Crock%, John.-. . . ~. . . F&s, James, JUJX...... Fales, James.. -. . . -. . . Patten, J&n.. - .-...... Fales, John...... - ~-.. . Jameson, Robert. --... Jennison, Sam’ ~ - -. . . ~. . F&s, David...... -.... Keen, John ---.-.. ~ -... Sprague Joseph. . . . . -.. Jenks, David-s...... Renkfns, Ccnst4nt - ~. . Patten, hobert..-. . . . . ~ PorM&eld, Patrick. . . . S r, Jonathan...... Sampson, James ...... Sblbles, Robert...... ~. VFalsh, William--. . . . . Sampson, Enooh -----.. Voae, Thomas- .-.~. . . . . @ear, Willfam- - -. - ..~ Reid, David.. - ...... ~ Vase, Spencer-. .- .~. . ;y. Jonathan. J!mr. Fulton, John. -...... Wheaton, Mason. .--... Stcclunsn, The*. . - -. . .~ Smith, Oliver -.... ~ . . . . . Stoolmum, J4cob.em . ..- Smith, Abi4thar...... Allen, Sam’.- -...... ~ Woodcock. Nathaniel.. . Patten, Joseph-...... P&ifs, Jclm ...... ~..~ Knowles, Richard...... Roy, Fr4ncis--. ---...... Gcrden, Robert.. . --.. . Barnard;Isaao~...~... Wfnohel, Anna...... ~ Bennett, David Miil--. Plltnam, Caleb.. . - .-.. . Waternmn, Nathaniel. .-1 Perry, Jcma* ...... Hewitt. W&e---.. . Merril, Jolm.. .-...... Pattsn, Actor-s...... Haley, Pslatlah.. . - - - -. Dunlap, Jcbn...... XIaley, Joseph, &II.. ~. . . Wilson, Hugh-. . . .---.. Thorn son, Alexander.. Whid c?en, John...... ~.. Alexander, Robert. - ~. . txmon~on, .t Ferren, F,benezer...... Case, Imc.. . ..,...... Orr, Robert ...... Sayward, George. - . . . . . Whidden, Jchn...~~..~. Weed, Jsmes .-.. ..~.... Wilson, Willm...... ~... Foster, Charles. -~. -. . . . Mellet, Willm- . ~...... Bat&elder, 3ezekls.h. - Seers, Willard-. ~ ~~. ~ . . . Bridges. John . . . . .-.... Hinkley, Theoa...... Dean, Jonab...... Pennel, Ste hen...... Snow, E hmim ...... l%inkley,E & athan--... Rc&wgll& ? VJ~i4DL...... Dngan,Thofl.s-s.w .-..- Lunt, Jobb...... ~... Cmuch, I&VU ..--- -..~ Orr, Jobn~.~.-..-~.~..~ Cowll, Micaj4h. . . .-~... Allen, Pelatiah...... -.- Jord4n, Israel...... ~. TlTOOMlt TOWN. Wilson, James -...... Jordfm, Bob&... , . . . . . Blanchard, John...... Katfng, Richard.. . .-~. . Hilton, Ebenezer-...... - Walker, Gideon...... ~;~M&Willfam-.~ ..-... BIlton, Jcbn ----. .~... .~Thompson, Benj*-. . . . . Hustffgs, William.. . . . ,. Pnringtcrl, James...... Mathews, J osepn...... Hambly, Wlliiam...... Hcdgkins, Moses...... Orb&m, James. . . .~ . . . Gray, John...--.- ...... - Owens, Mcse~~.~..~~..~ Orbeton, Jonatbm..... Maekfaying, James.. -. .. Doughty, Stephen-.-... snow, l3fsb.a...... ~... Cbamherlain, . W’hfte, Elijah...... Snow, Ambrose.. . . ~-~.~ Chamberl4in, Jeremiah . Jncnc4~ h -.-. ~~ . . . . . Swc~tland, Davf&-~~~~. Chamberlain, Stephen. .- 2 athan...... GCOIgC-.-... Hmmiwell, Willfam . . .* Gray, ljaniel- - -...... Cm c&Yt, Nathaniel..... Hilton, William- ~. . . .. Gray, Alexander-...... -“--aCrockft,Nathaniel,Juw. “,,,.,-- ThomIz&n,Thompson, BenjaminBenjamin. i .~Thompson, Alexander.. Calliborn, Jcbn -...... ~.wihdon, s4Dlt. . . ..-..... Thompscn,Aaron..--. .. Wood, Isaac...... -.. . Green, Mcsese . ~ --. . .~. .~Fcrd,D~iel-~.-~~.~... Thorn son, Jclm -...... Walker, Jesse...... - . . . Marta ?n, Natht- --...... Rident, Mark . . . . ~. . . . . ~ Stephens, Jcnathsxi -. . .* Hewey, James-.------.. .. Hawey, John- -~. ~.. . ..- pJzJ~JyA?I.::: .. Dunlap, John, Jnr-...... -.* ...... H4ley, Joseph-...... Colbe ’ Benjamfn. -. . . ~.B&33& l3erl~ .-.:: ~~..~: Dar, R uel-... . ---.-.., .. P4fn,R4ch&. .--- ~.~, .. Cleave:, Rcbeii...::::. Hanccok, John-...... Dcw,Henry~~~.~ -..-... Cfmpbel, Wfm . . - -. ~. . .. Bunter, James, Jnr-. . . . Pierce, D4vid .-.-- ~ -... .. Mustml, J4mes...... ~ Pierce, C4lvin-. . . . ~.-, Hunter, Arthur. -. ~ -. . - Weat, JUUU Pierce, Luther--- -~-~.. -. Bartlett, SUM...... -. Hunter, Robert.-. ~ - . . . Hunter,James..+ . . . . . ~ Eutler, Phfnebas.~ . . . . . TOP.3EAM TOWN. Cbatmq W1lliam.~ . . . Work,Ebens+-s..m.b... ,l- 3-- T-L- Hunter, Willm..- --.-... Gravea, Jchnscn~ -...... Malccm, Will=. . . . .-. . . Gravea, John ---...... Randal, Ezra ...... Ingraham, Job ..-...... Graves, Jcseyh. -. . . .~. .. Ingrslmm, Joseph...-.. -. Randal, Wilt-m .-...... ~ Graves, Sam . -.-~ . ..-. Jones, John----a -.-.. ~~ lh@-fbm, Jo&& .-. Hem James-m--.-e.. -. Lfndaey, John...... - 8 .. Reid, Jobnab. ..-....-.. I&we& rtos4mus . ..-... Sma , John-. . -. ~ -.... ~.Reid, Willme+- . . . . . ~..-~ Sanford, John ..-. ~...... Reid, John, Jnn~~.~.~.. . HEADS OF FAMILIES-KAINl3 47

LINCOLN COUNTY-(%ntimed. Z -.-

NAME OFEIL4.D OF FAXfLY* 05 E Eii --- -

~OI’fJEAX TOWN-CO= UNIONTOWN-con. VASEALBOROUGETOIVN- oontinued. i fimith, Thomas...... -- . . . EofUn, Urlah...... Thomas, Iclmbod., . . .~. Hoit, Elizabeth. . . . -. . . ; ::I *.. I%ced,Jo&b...... : . Thomas? Joseph. . . ..--. Wilson, Jolm...... ? . . Rennett,Asa.:-.-...... I . Cromit, John.. . ..--.... ~lJnim, wlb.. . . , . . -. . 1 f ::: . . . Dudley,D~iel~.-~...~. ~~oclmlan, Sem’...... VASSALBOEOUGli TOW. Chase, EbwY.~.~. ~. . . . . (Wwcl, Charles-...... i i :.: . . . Tiff an ’ Daniel...... -. Read, Moses. . . .-...... -.. ; .:. . . . . Smvtof-l , David.. . .~~ ..-. W&l, Calvan.. -...... 2 ...... SRWeI, ?doses~..*.--... Howland Abrnlmm.. . . .--. 3 . . . -.. . sawtal,N5tl$....~~.~*. Grfwes, ioh& Jur...... 3 ...... t%wtel, Reuben.-- ,...- ~ Dughf4, l?mnOis...... - . Swift, John -... ~...... SW 1es,Stephen.. . . . - . i ;;; ~.. . Langley, N&h . . . . . -..~. Fnlf on, Jam&s..-.-...... e, SawteI, Jonan. . . . .,--. -.I Rollln~, Sam)...... 1 ~...... Trask,John ..-- ~-~. . . . . Tufts, Bm’nabae...... ~ . . . . Trask,Ebem..--....m.. Thompson, Ezekiel.. . . . : ::: . . . Cowin, Itzaac...... , . -.~. : Jackson, John.. .-.--... Tp.ENTY- FIVB 3xULE . Jackson, Lem~~--.~--... . Jackson, Same’.. ~.-.... PONO TOWN. . Jackson, John, Jur. ~.. . . l?owl~r, Matthew...... I 2 ...... IIutcheraon, James.. . . . Chaoo,Stophon .-...... 1 . . . ~ Branch, Benj ...... Rmln&, ~phrom~. - . -. : ::: .-. -y--J-* .-...... Jackson, Joseph-- ~.. . . . Brions, Baruoh...... Raglin, -* . . . . -..*... . Towna, J.&ni&. -. . . . Dodge; 6 .“. ,~. . . Cowin, Gcmga. . . , ..~ .~. Douglas, w ~11s 4 . . ..- .-. Mathews, James...... Miriclr. Jolx 3 . . .,. . . . Br~con,James.. . . ~.. -.~ 5 ..- %iiiE, Pot a ...... Robinson, Wlnthropt.. Chace,Jol~ ...... ,. . . Webber, Joseph-...... ; ::: Fly, Jmness,. . , ...... 2 . . . . . Ball&rd (WIdowI ...... 5 ...... , Wing, Gklion...: ,..... ~ .~ Clerk, Joseph...... 3 . . . Chacc,Job...... Bragg, Shuball.. . ..-... . Doe, DudIey...~.-...... 6 *.. Dody, NIoholas...... I . . . .., Frcmnm, Bmjsmin.. . . .~ SmIley, David ,Runuels, Robert...... , GotcheIl, SamueI...... * .* Balir.%Iae,.Sam*~~. i ::: BlIaU, IRoroas ...... i -1’,. . . Wyman, I%ncis.. .~ . . . . . Fish, David ...... 1 .~, wesson, EdmOnd ...... ; ;:; . . . Frcemm, Reuben.. . ~-. . . Moor, Levi ...... MItohel, John...... i--’ Weeks, Phlnia8.. ~...... Rob&s, Will=------. . ; ::: SewalI, Tlx nnlL8...... 3 ...... FalrweU, Bunker-...... SmIIev, Thomas- ...... Smart, Joh Il...... I.*, Hatoh, S lvaaus...... SmUe%LI~Iuah-. . . ~.-. . .I t ::: Bartlett, L umuol...... Crowell, .foseph...... l&Itch& Jo;aoph, ...... i ..,.-’ .. I.., Warren, Richard. ~.. . ~. z ::’ $ggyy Lkx!...... 2 .., . .., Clark, Jonathan...... 4 l.., mlj&lllbl...... , . .-, CIOSS,ww .-...... BUSt& , $0~ ...... , Cram, Bmj -...... ~. ..-. i 1;:: Burton, Jcmlz ...... , . .., Cros.8,James . . ..- ~..-.. Bralnmd, Raohal...... I.., TmlmlI,- .-.. ~...... 2 ~. Pishen, Charles ...... i ::’ . . . Robins, IXerman.. . . . ~. 2 . . Foot, John ...... Robins, David. . . ~-. . . . . r. Whitteq Gcorgo ...... -*< ...... Wing, Willm.. . . . -. . . . . WhItny Benjamin I :: .. . . Win Willm, Junr...... Carter, badius ...... ,.... .-.-.- U~G%thlIn, Gibblris.. . . TiIlton, John., . . . . ~-..- UNION TOWN. RumfIB. JOllFbthrGl.~~... I I i&i$ii; Avery ...... Woodcook, Datid...... Jaokson, David ...... cross, Cabot ...... UnkIey, Same.-,. PairIield, Jcmmmh...... Soaward; Giles~ ~ ~ - -. -- . Robinson, Levi ...... GatnhelI, Neheh...... RodIngtOn, &a ..-.. .-. Getohe~,Ma~r-~~-...~~. ChiIds, AmOs...... Low Jonathan...... -. nobhey, RomIngtoL ~.. Adams,- . . Jcclo ...... Uussey, Palithl. . . .~. . . - KCbblm, JWSO ...... T&x, Jacob.. . . .~.~~. . Cummings, Riohard .... .Taok&on.-----.~, CharI@ -~--...... GUmom Rufus ...... J$~$gLgul,...... Irlah, Ichabod...... * . . . . Butler, John ...... Pilsbury, Thomas.. .- . . Butler, -...... MQ%den, Daniel .-.--.- Butler Christonhor ..... MQLiIl&OOl<;,.Robert.. . . . IlEg......

;eth ...... ” . I&Vi...... os,BoI&.s-- ...... JaBon- ...... ~11,Jomtlmn. -. . . Rum& Nd,h~. - ~---. . . tt,. Spencer. . -...... ,, . . , ., . Run&, David.. .-. . . . -. Hart, WII~...... --.,...- ., RuneIs, Jonathm..-... Steward, Timobhy ...... ~ . . . . - Dyer, Benjami!+..- . . . . Bowon, Ezra ...... 4 . . . . . Braoh Benjamm~~~..~. Dmmm, smmel...... Bran&, Samuel...... Grinnell, Ro DL...... 2 ::::: G*ell,Baley~~.r ..... 1 . . . . . 1 ...... * Illcglble. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.


-A- -- ~*moBoIuxrGH TOWN- vASS&BOaOTJGH WALDOBOROUGH TOWN- continued. TowN-contilloed. continued. I I II miller, thornas...... !B?3GP?:::::: Russel, william...... mcklh (widow)-:...... tlbbets, Jacob...... -.. 4 . . . . --- Greenlew, alex“~ ~ . . - . - . . Clark, joseph ...... fossat, ale&, jun.. . . ~. . Sprouls, Robert young, Edward...... i ---.1 ..- child, thornas...... ulumer, bed&...... 4 . . . . -~- doliv&, Joseph ...... G . . . . .-~ miller, John ...... 4 ...... - connely, John.. .~...... 1 ...... tompson, george.. . *. . . . 4 . . . . --. tompson, thomas...... 2 . . . . -.- Stuard, thorns&.. -.~ . . 4 ...... 1 . . . . -.. Brac&tt, James.. . .~~. - fullonion, archlbal...... fdlonton, Robert. ~. . . . 2 . . . . --- Fafield, Reuben . . . .s.. 4 . . . . ~~. J?itts, lchabod...... ~. . dodge, thomaspee ...... gametch, Joshua. ~ - - -. . 3 ...... Ermrson, I’hllli .-- . . . . 1 1 . . . . -.- Fairfield, Jonat ii an.. -. . boyd, willmm...... Robinson, John -.-..... ?ii%E:E::::::::: fitory, Sam...... -.... ; :::: 1:: boyd, John ...... oats, samlIe1 . . . . ~...... 3 . . ..-.. dnq1em.e.m...... w*LBoBoRo”GH TOWN. 2 . . . . --- :I: 2 ...... - . . day, Benjamin...... 3 ...... ,ames ...... ~ . . chapmm, n&ha&l. - ~~ 2 . . . . -.~ Jacob-...... chumh, nathsniel...... -.-..- ~ . . hatch, Elizer.--...... i :::: 1:: . . hatch, Jonathsn.. .-. . . . Cartis,Seth . ..- ~~ ...... 2 . - . . - . . - ~ hlseock, RkharL. .-..- 2 .--. --. - . ml&X, &okles. --...... I 4 - - . . . . . - $Orlty, w+Ur?“...... I 2 ..~- . . . . DUS7TOrl a.meem-. . ~ . . . . . 4 .~.. -.. woodar Id , Sam...... 1 .-.. ..- . harmond, John...... terral,lsaac, jun ...... -- 4 - - -. . . . ~ huston, Jolm...... terral,isaaa --..... ~ . . . . 1 ~--. . . . . huston, Robert, jun--.. stotson, Joseph.--...... 5 ~-.. --. . hustoo, Robert ...... 4 I-... .~.- westoIl,aroIm.-~~ .-.... 6 ~--. . . . - Story (widow)...... 1 *...... - farow, timt ...... * . . . . 2 --~. . . . paul, RObert.~~...... 6 -.. . ..-. farrow, Joseph-m. .- . . . . 4 . . - . . . . tj .~~. .-.- colimer, peter .--... -.-. . 2 . - - . . . . patterson, John-...... fuller, zenos...... ! ::* tompson, RI h?Tt...... 5 ..~. .--- kee.n,Ezak -.... ~ ..-.--. . . ..---.... - 3 ~... .~.- keen,Robt..- . . ..--. ~~. gy5nlaw, $!i+m ...... 4 .*: hunter, henry-...... 1 1 ld=cluer, thornas ...... 2 .-.. .*.- brow,John --...... ~ . . . . i :::. ::: namoy, ma1acm . . . . - . . . wilIe, James.. . . 2 ~~~...*~ keen,p~ce~...~.~.~~.. 2 .--I . . . Elliot, Simon ...... 6 .-. askins (widow) ...... 4 . . ~~ ..-- keen, d&m (hoge Island) 3 - - - . . . lniant. davld- - .--...... 2 .-. age, willlam.. - ...... 2 ~.~. .-.~ osyer, Joseph . . . . . ~.~~-. 9 *... ~.. 2 .-. . E utchons, davld.-...... I --~~..~. bums, Joseph . . . . .-~.~. 8 -. - . . . 4 .-. .- hutchom?. thornas.. ~. . 2 ~ ---. ~.~ pa1mer.nat --.....-- .~~. 7, - - . . . . . ~.~. . . ..* 4 ..~~ .--. s,lDe, John --... ..-~ ---. .- 3 -~.~ ..-. %cads, job.n&joshua--. i ~-...... -.~.. .- 7 *--- ..-- hilten, James . . . ..-. ~... .- 5 ~--. . ..~ Rohds,corm?lus~.~~.~~. .- 2 ~~-- .-~. almcr, bazL ...... -. - -. .- 1 ~..~ ..-. fd wlain, Jc+n...... --. .- 4 J . . . . hiker!, willmm -..-... ~. ; ---. . . . . marts, John . . . ..--. ~~~ . . -.-- . ..~ misherver, path-. - ~ .-.. ; :::. :.:: agz;sgg ...... -.~. ~. - . fin ...... -..-. 1 ~.-- . . . . cuahm~, paulus (long .- ~~..~ ---~.... Island) -- - -. -.-- ---~. 5 . . . . -~. ; ~::: :.:: studl0, sichl hw I& -- lsnd) *-... ~ . . . . . ~.~~.. 2 I--. .I.. fastsr,nat, jun . ..-..--. -- 4 ~.~~ . ..~ faster, John ...... -.-.-. 2 ~--- . . . . faster, Sebert . . . . . ~.-.~. 2 .- .- . . . . tab&, Steven ...... -.*. 3 . ..* . . . . tab&, henry ...... 1 . ..- . . . . MefarlIng, John.-- . . . . carte< o hram’ (mes- -..--.-.~ . . . . MC farlln John, ju.n . . . congus Y Eland) . . . -. . . 1 ...... molton, f ames.-e ...... morfey, John (mescon- 2 ...... portedeld, Robert-...... 3 ..-. . . . . drumens, Jsmes.. --. . . . 2 ...... Sprouls, wllliam . -. . ~.. 4 . . . ..-.. wmslow nicklas...... 3 1. . . . . -.. hatoh, p&~.-. . . . ~... .. $ 1. .~. -. ~ Spronl, James. -. .-. . . . . d . . . . ~~-~ nlckles, alexander- - ~ . . . .- 3 I.... .~~. nickles, william-.- ...... warren, putm...... 8 ..~. --.. MnInt1re, wllliam -..... le ballster. oharIes- . . . . ~ 3 . -. -- ~~ nlckles, James.. .-. . .-. h~land,~~~ce.~..~..~~ 3 . .~. --~~ Rodger, Patrick...... mortoq william..~. -.-- 4 . . . . .-.- Rodger, willm..eVT -..... arnold, thornas...... ~ ~ ~ 4 .~.. ..~~, Rod er george..e -..... keen, William-. . ..-. ~.~. .-.-- ~ . . . . --~. ld~gfatbxy, alex* . . . - woodbery, epbram . -. . . 4 . . . . ---- Robertson, ale+- --~. . . tarrow, John ...... -.. e-1 1 . . . . .-.- Xefarland, andrew . . . . collmef, Isaac...... ,-.~-. . ..* ~~.- Mefarland, .Robert-T...... --.~ . . Sier John ...... ~~...... --~~ curtice, damel.s-M ~---.. 8 --.- .- Studlov. dan . . ; I.... --~- martin, Joti. . ..- ~~ .-.. 3 . ..~ -. marti (widow)...... randal, Robert..-. ~~-. . Mcolaln, wllliam....eV.q 4 1:::::::: cox,rsrail~~ . . . . ~-~.~-.. mlsherve, clemt .-.. .-.. 8 .~.. ~~~- gwin, James..--- .-..-.. dilinham, lem~...... ~.. . 3 ..~. --.- Sproul,-James, jun-. ~.. maoher, Richard . . . . ~. . 3 . . . . ~-. . greely, lonathan.. ~ .-.. . Stevtms, alsxander ~ -. . . HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE, 49



WALDOBOROUGETOWN- WALES PL*NT*TmN- continued. continued. WAItREN TOWX-CO& bennet, becheldor...... 3ranard, Natt~~.~...... dookendorf, Jacob .-.... 3ishop, Zadock.. . ..-. - msckendorsh, John.. . . . ~&!itl+erto~~.Robert... . . nashJ Oliver.. .-...... uoouey, Uuman...... ~ iohnson. thorn...... ~ lopkius, Peter, Ju . . . ..- mpkins, Peter.. . - -. . ~. lopkius, Willlam.. . . ~...... l’hursteu, Jonn...... 2 . . . -- . i’hurstou, Peter. .-...... ~.-. . ..~ . . . Lyon, Peter. ..-...... udkius, Robert.-.-. . . . ; :::: ::: wilman, hen ...... udkius. James-. ~-.~-.- wllman, Joseph ...... ltreter, John:.-... -.... wihnan. Sam ...... Wilson, James-.... ~.“.. little, henry ...... I ayweatt, William- .-. . trucker, treater ...... 1, Thial.....-.-.. klontgomery, Roller&. . turner, c&b...... aus, Joshua -..-... mm... Kelioch, Alexander.. . . - turner, Rob* ...... ?arker, Jose h...... 5~IIoch, David .-----... tiukam, elm ...... ViIe, Timot %y, Ju . . ~...... -. zooper, BOiOc$.~.. .- .-.. calomer, eickl Gong Is- cimble, thornas-. . -. -. . . ..~..~-...* K&h, James...-- ...... h3d.j - jruce, Climax. ~...... 1 *...... Duubm, Daniel.. . . ~* ~- Lermond Alexander. . . . WALES PLANTATION. WARIUZN TQWN. Papon, Samuel...... ~ ham. Reuben ...... G ..*~ . . . Backer, Young-...... 3 .~.. .~. Crawford, John. ..-. . . . Bscker, Eliphelat ...... 2 ..~. . . . tirkpatrlclc, Anne-.. . . . ; :::: ::: 2 -... .~. toblnsou, Thomas-. . . . 2 ...... David.. *...... -...... ~ sogga, Mary* -. -. . . . .~. Fairbanks, John. . ..- . . . 3ogg8, Samuel-. . - -. - .~ : 1::: 111, Watson. JamCS~...... ~Wc3, John ...... 1 2 . ..- .~. ilam;samL~:...... -.~...... 3og!& .w,...,--.vv,,‘,am..A...... 6 --.-... . ham, Reuben ...... -. . . - . :obb,Mlles . . . . . ~.~...~. 1 . ..- . . . ham, John...... lhd, Alexander.. . -~~.. I 3 ~.~~.-.. Amo, John...... t ::-: ::: !oueland.b . k 2 ~.-~ . . . Gray, Jamm...... 2 ..I. .-- lraue,Rufus...... --.. 3 ~.-~ . . . Ramake, William ...... ; : : : . , : - : VQSt.OIl,SamuQl~ .~.~... 5 ~~--. . . Jaukin~ Phlllu-...... Iead, James Walter.... 4 -.~- .-. 3 . . . . :.:, forriaon, Thomas. . ..-. 2 . ..- . . . ; .::; .~~. Vhiting, Thureton -. . . . 2 ...... WASEHNQTON TOWN. And&s, Johu.. . ..~ . . .:. Anderson,Arohlbald.. . 4 ---. . . . iabreo, James...... 4 I..- :..: .mleraon~ James.. . ..~. 5 ~--~. . . ifoors, Timothy.-- -. . . . labree, Richard...... $ .:-; :::: uderson, Samuel. -. ~.. 3 .~.. . . . IhylQr,Wilebcy -...... - Aatery, Benoney -.-. . . . lickey, William. . . .*.. . 4 ~~.- . . . French Levi.. . . . , .~. - - ., Gray, Stephen. . . ..~. . . . 2 :.:- .*., licko John...* . . . . ~.. g ;-; ~.. Blake, hobert.- . . ..--.- Ramaks, Joseph.. . ..-.. 2 . . . - . . . .Morc? , Lore.* ...... l?homas, Nathan. ..~ ~~. Canuon, -Part&k*- ~.. . . ; .;.: :~-. Iavis, ~ 1 .-.. I Fmmh, David...... Cauuou. James-...... lavis,Jaooo...... 1 .-.. ~.. Payler, Phinlms.. . . . ~. . ., 4 ..-- . . . . ;;tthevrs, Rohart. .-. . .I ..~.~ ...... fi ins Seth-...... ,.... ~--~~.~. bthew-s,James . ..-. . . 2 ...... at5 n, hphralm.-...... ; :..: .~:: oum~, Lemuel. ~...... 2 . . . - . . Itevens John- . . ...*...... ‘iaher, James...... -. . 3 . . . . -.~. &ttU, &l&S...... rawford, Archibald.-. . 3 ...... ~. Loggers, John . . . ., . ~.. i ...-- . . . ---.-.~. ‘rawford, James...... -s.-e..-..., Iolbath, lamuel. -~. . . ~. . opeland, Joseph . . . ..-- 3 ..,. ..~, CiIbath, Partrick.. . . -. Browu,.Josiah. ~.. . -. -~ : :::: ::-: Vatt, John- . ..-.-. ~~-.. 5 ...... luchiugs, John ...... 3 - -. . . . . * Deadem. Benin. - ~~-. . . .4 4 . . . . -.:. i~callum, John.. ..~.. . 3 .-.- . . . . smith, J amcs...... , . .,.-... 1 . . . . . - . . Da Joseph-l..-.. ..- 1 ...... ~. rawford, John, Juur..- ?anl. Sirneon. ~. . . . . ~.. . .*... 6 . . - . . . . * Wit& Tlmothy.....e.:: 4 . . . . . - - taudisb, Jamos...~~~.- ! ---.-.-’.-.- . . . >lkLSq...... ~.. . .~... 2 . - . . . . . - Gilmau, Damal. 5 ...... ~. ‘aseal. John . . . . . ~-.~.. 3 --~. . . . . Paul...... - . . . -~ “I2 . . . . I . . . - MaGdin, Gal 3 . . . . - ,ibboy, Johue -.-...... 2 ---- .-.. u, Dnvld ...... j 2! ...... NOntiE, iin--- 2 . . . . . - ribby, Nathan.. . ..-.. ~ 3 ~- . . . . . 3, GOI~Q---..... -. ,5 --...... 21 ...... ,ibbey, Ellakim --...... 4 . . . - . . . snql, Esqulre~ ...... 2 - - ...... ‘lnxS, rmJ$.~ ..--...... G .~.. ..~. losworth, Eli ...... ~-. 4 -~-- ..-. Lab, Solomon.. . - .-. , .--. . ..- tltas, William. -...... 6 . . . . .~.. meson, Joseph.. . . . - ~, 3 ~.. . . . -. >aton, andrew.. - - - ..-. -. .-m-. . . . . Allen, Edman...... 2 ...... 5 ~...... Latan, David..--..-... . . I 1 Allen, Woodard. ~.. .~. . 3 --.- . . . . ‘airbaiiks, Joel. -...... 2 -~.- . . . atm, JohrL.-~~.~~ ..-. . ..~... . . *. .-.. .~.. Allen, Daniel-.7...T . . . . 4 .*.. . . . Zrkuatriok. William . . 2 ~- . . . . . atan, Beuj~...... ~~-... 1 6. . . . -. . - BIake, Phinhas., ~.. . .~. 3 ...... ran& Samuel. -...... I 1 ...... -... 2 . - - . - . . . Blake, Dearborn...... 2 ...... ~. tar&, Thomas...... 7 .~-~ ...... I 2 II. ..~ ---- Dearborn, Levi.. ..~. . . . 4 .~...... tonet, Thomas, Junr.. ; . : : . : : : : ...... ~.. .. I .-.. I. . .. Baker, lchabod.. . .-.~-. 2 . . . . .~~. I’Bryan, John.. . ..- ~-...... Wetch, John...... -... ii ...... amos, Sarah...... 3 ...... ; :;. : : :- - Allen, William. . . ..-. . . . 3 . . . . , . . Wey, John-...... 5 ---. . . . . 3rown, Nathan...... -~ 1 Chaudlor. John...... 3 .~.. -~.~ crmond, William ...... 5 . . . . . - . . KZeerls,Enoch.. ~. . .~~-- . . ~... G..:. .-:: Blake, Ashel...... ~..i 3 . . . . . -. . ox,James...... ~.. G . . . . - . . . Veela, Joshua. ~. ..-...... I I Blosom, Idathias. ~. -. . . 1 ..~. . . . . ,awronce, Amos ...... 1 . - . . . . . FVeeIs,James...... Blosom, James.. - .~...~ 2 ...... [MIntyer, William.. .~. . 3 .--. . . . . &‘lg ha, Nlcheios...... Priecott, Suwel.. . ..-..- ...... ~... pear, John. . ..-. ..- . . . 5 . ..~ . . . . lob % eon John ...... Fogg, Caleb. . . ..---.-.. . 1 - ...... pear, Robert- -...... ~. 1 ...... 101101,Rfohard...... -. Dearborn, Simon. ju.. .. 2 . . . . *.~- :obiusou, WiIliam . - -. . 2 .~.. .~.. ?hilbrock, Bcujn.. . -. . . i Y4 . ..- ..-. Stvgmt, John.. . . . ~...... ~~.- ‘ebples, Patrick. .- .~--. 2 . . - . - - . , Llhu, Nathsuiel...... -. .* .-...... -....e . ..~ Emith, Nathan. . . -.. . . . 3 . -. ~. . - iaIntyer> John...... ?hflbrock, Josellh . . . -- 1 3 .--. . ..- Dearborn. Simou.. .-. ; . . : : : : : : [Qtyer, John, Junr--. i 2 :::: ~mih, Reubeu...s ...... -...... -.- . . . . Smart, Robert.. ~.. . . -. - ., olmau, Reuben. .*--.. 2 -.-- . ..~ 1 ; ; : ; : . . . . Smart, Eliphelat.. -. -.. .~...... -..- nmmr, Ezra.~~.~.~~.. 4 ~.-- . . . . %ey WUllsm. . . ..- . . ~... I I . . . . Smart, James...... - ~... Ml,Reubeu .-.. ...~~~~ 6 -~*- . . . rdxm,‘Jmnes.. . -*.+.I... . 1 Smith, Daniel-...... 1 ...... ibbey, IIateviL, . ..-. . 4 . -. . . . 3rown, saII1u01.... ~~~-. . . Blake, John . . . . ~~. ..--. I . . . . .~.. u&land, Nathan ...... 5 .-~~ . . . . ‘hllhrock, Stephen. ~.. - Clough, Ben@.. ..~ ...... ~.. .-~. reightou, Lucretia.. --. 2 -mm.. . . . kxlbner, Stephen-. . ~~ -. . . Morril, Abraham...... ~ ...... ~ astman, Sarah -...-..- - 2 . . - . . . . Mmu, Ben]= . . . ..- ~-~ Norris. James. in . . ..- 2 -- . . . tunuer, Eopestill. . ..-. I . - - . . . . . ;L$dphn -...- ~.-~. . . . . Tompson, Mary.: ...... 4 ~-. . . . . - oume, smueL . . . ..-. ~ 2 - ...... 1Da&l ---- ~.--. ~ tom son William ...... opeland, Moses..-.-. .- 4 ...... AL--ua, Nathaniel . . . . ~~ ~ &o&ug~ Thomas --i- .--...... *.- . . - opelaud, Rufus., . . . ~.. 1 . - - . . . . >aoh, John ...... ~. . . . FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

~mc0I.X COUNTY-Continued

-- -- WINSLO%' TOWN,WITE WASBXNGTON TOWX- WINSLOW TOVN, WITH ITS ADJACENTE-COD. contimxd, ITa ADJACENT& I I Stmpmn, John--..-.. . . . - . Fairwell, Josiah...... ~ ,%urdifent, Lot . . . . ~ ..*. - . Bradford, Williams...... I3 ates, Thomas...... ~. . - . mIltice, vohmtine~ . . . - . ~ AlIes, ...... -. . - . Riebai-d&on, Joseph.. . . . - Landem, Abmhrm. s . . ~ . - Smith, Manuel.-s ..--.. . - Tupper, Pelt-q.. . . .~. . . - . Pa&z, Phinibas. --...... Rose, Jobn.s.-....-..e. - . l&mmon, F&rick-.-.- . - Fowler, John.. ..-. ~. .-. - . Leonard, Ab@il. -. .s.. . . Toaier, Simeon...... - . Dudley, Francis. ~ ---. . . ~ Mary- - - -. - . Litaow, Aurthur.---.v - . Bounsan, Semuel.. . .~. . . . - . H&rrlfis, Winslow --.-. . . . ~ Ronnils, Benjamin...... - . Turner, Ebenezer . . . . . ~ . . . ,- . Brooks, John-..e . . . . . ~. ,- . . - C~rtcr, Jose h.m ---..--. ,- , Wear. Davl 3 . - Cram;Timothy. . . ..-.-- ,. . . Dudlev. l’Tathanic1. ..+.- I ,- . . . ,- . . ,. . . *- ,...... Lansoti, Suttil- . ..-...... Jones, Amos.- .-..- ~ ..-...... Pettia. Ezekiel. - - - ...... - . . . . Hills, ...... ~ ,. . . ,. .~ .* ...... - ~...... - . . . . ~* . . . ~- . . . .- . . . -- . . .~ -- .* . . -- . . . . v. .- . -- . . Combs; Jonathan...... ~ -- . . Hallet, Solomon.. .~. . . . .~ -- . . . . Hallet, Elisha.. . . .-.... -- . . . . Pierce, Jobns. -.. -. . . . -- . . L3b3~ YlUiam, Ju....- . . -- . . . . -- . . Cook, AUUU~~~ . ..-... ~~ .~ -- . . Amcrson, Daniel...... -- -- .~ Leman, John. -~ ...... -- . . ~. Maoatbony, Thomas. . . -- . . Goodwin, Caleb..es..e.s . . Blake , . . . . .I -- . . Ausburn. Jonathan.. . . ~. . . . . --8 e-1 . . ~. Vati, Stevau ---. ~. . ~ . . . . snow, Pbillp~ -..--...... - Clark, Shcrebah ----. . . ~. .- linceu, Lamuei. - -- .-. .~ . . .- Whitehouse; Job:. . . . . Towsanden, Robert. -- - .* . . ITnmblin, Joim ..--..... llncell, Joseph-. -. --~ .~ - .* . . Crowell, -rdook.. . . . Right,Ass-.s . . . ..-. ~.- . . -- Milla, John...... Tilden, Eli&a-- ---. . . . . ~. .- Branoh, Daniel.. .-. . --. ~. . . Fall, Aaron.+s . ..- .-. ~.. i!kL%E%z:::::::: . . .- Richards, Joseph --....- . . -- CrowelI, Ezekiel...... ~. .- AfilIs, Robart-..** -.--.. ~. .- Hall, Samuel. -.. - ..-~~- ~. .- Fall, Samuel, Jur.. .-... . . ~- . . . . WDTTIIBOF TOWN. . . .- ~. --I Filer, Ebnezer.. ..---... *. ,-- Tayler, Elias. -. . . ---... . . lhow~s, ElIsba --.------. . ,,Benjamin..- . . . . Knowls, f+Ilon ..-..-... ~. . ..-.-... ~. lyorl, aquler~ .-.--- * --.. -. lyon, NMmn.. -. --~ --~- . . PriBcott, Eli&+...... Willman, Abmham...... Cottle Ieaao. - - -. - -. -~. . . Knowis Jonathan. ---.. ~. lyon, Eiiab ...... -...... Jew& John-. . . . --...... Shad, Jolm --.---- ~..-.~ .- Oilman, David.. . . . ~ - .- -~ fuller, Franc&s.. ,. . ..-.. . . Tnler Wilebe.. -.-..-- . . I sinlp! aoi, Reuben...... I hii&lm,d .-..-- ~*.- HEADS OF FAMILIES-MAINE.




Reed Benjn.....,...... Merrill, Lovl... . . -. .~-. . 1 . . . airbmka, zlijah. -. - ~.- sweei, Arnol. - -. ~.~ . ..- Norton, Daniel. - -~-.-.- %obins, Daniel...... Standly, Jec0b.m. .-.... Page, Robert. . . .-..... ~ : .:*. . lobins, Ass,...... Standly Solomon.. . . . - Wh-m-. Icbsbod.. . . . ~. . . - - - . . - 3hmt, John .-.- ~..--.-. Bakon. iosiah...... huccosen, henry.. . . --. . ---. ..~ ?lh!ott> samuo1.. - *. *. Wiman, henry-. - -.. - -.~ white, Benj~~...... Waugh, Robert.-. . . . -.. ; ::: ?riscott, Jediah ..~ - -.~. Simonons, Icbabod..... 3 .-~ Friscott, Elij&.--.-... Whither, Moms .-.. ~-~.. 3 .-. Priscott, Jesse.-...... Whichar, Moses, Ju ..-.. 2 .-. ?riscott, Odlin- . . .-~ *. . Wing, Daniel, Ju.. . . ~.. 3 .-. ?rbcott, BCxlj~J... . . ~.. . Wing, Reuben. . . . .-.-. ~ ~... ..- ~oIlgfelow, JOIF.. . . . ~.. lnce,-tJriah. ~-. - .~. .--. - 3ttmlley, Adain. . ..- ~.. Smith; Jr&b.-.- ..-... ~ Lucf%,shuhle~. . . . - .---.- i ::: ?ege, Simon --.-, . . .-. . . King, Ebmmr ...... hlce, freeman.. . .*.~ . . . . ,~...... 3lont, Androw-...... King, 6smu01.. . . .- .-~. . Srnlth,Cyril.... .~.---. ~ ..~. .-- ?riscott, Jedeah, Jun.. . fairbsnks, Joseph Jnr-. Shurbo~,Sob-.~-...-.. 3 . . . d&hew, Daniel.-- -. ~. . Allen, Benjn.. . ..-. ..~. . Shurborn, Richard-. . .- 2 . . . 3ifahop, Squim...... fuller, John ...... -*~..~ Ste er, John...‘..-.-.-.. 1 ..~ Hshop, Nathaniel..-... Allen, Philip .-.. ~.... .-. Dn tl ey, Stephen. -. -. ~. 2 ..- Tavler. Thomas. ~...... Dudley, Ellphelat...... 3 . . . SW”&,‘ElhaS... . . ~.-. . . - Hoitt, Pctralca- .-. . . . . 5 . . . Turnner, John...... ~. Clouah. J&es.. . . -. . . . . 5 .~~ Atkinson, James...... Greek$, Jose h ---...- ~ 1 .-~ rood, Elijah. -..... ~... whrorter, Roling ~...... Greeley, .Noalt .~ ...... 2 . . . dort0n, levy ----. ~.~. . . Atkinson, thornas- -. . . . Greclcy, Joseph, Ju. .-.. 2 . . . Jorton, Ebmxer- ~. ~~. Perley, amos ...... fiachor, Gideon.. - . . -. . . .~.. .~. Xlley, William. .--. . . . . Devenport, Ebenezsr... Clou h, Jobn.s- .-...... 3 ..- ?ooling, William.. - -. ~. Devennort. Isaac-...... GOTifon, tblah.. ~..~ . . . . Noodcock, David-. -. .- harris~Char1.s...... f :-: :handlar John, jur.. . . . Stevens, William...~... tioraorl, .l0s1Rn. ~. . . .-.. 1 .:* neley,Jmell...... Brown, unite ...... -... Parram, Ssmuel~~. . . ~.. 2 . . . anv, stephan .-.... ~... Brown, Jeremiah. .~. . . . tmtchison. Josenh.. ~--. I 2 .-. >oaI, John. .- ...... Brown, John.. .-...-..- 1 .-. 3oldon, Jims . . . . . ~..~.. Stevens, JoseDh--...... 4 .-- Gnv, Ichabod...... Stevens; Jon,%. ..-...... G . . . 3handler John.. ..-. . . . Wheler. Moris.. ~.-.... . 6 .-. DimOx, domtmt...... Atk~s;David...~.~~~.~ 2 .-. >handler, Jo&b. ~- - ~.. . . Works: James...... ~...... ~ .-. Xxmdlsr, Joseph.- .-.~. Pining, Johnm . . ~. -. - -. . . 1 .-. ;handler, Moses. -...... hurlane, Peter. ..~ ...... ~. ..- Thandler, Jacob-...... Gray, John..-...... ambord, Gideon.. .- .-- Brown, Steven. . . . . ~... : *:-. . ambord, Paul...... Macfason, Paul...... -. Fr&h,~tioses.. ~.~. . ~.. 1 . . . ambord Silas~. . .~. . . . . harkerson, John- ...... !dark, Abijah ..--...... yford, William- ..-. . . . . Stenhens. Sanmcl...... French, John .--. .~~. . . . : ::: AnTlc3,JRrnw3. .-. .-. . .~. Stipaon; No&h::..m-..’ Franch, John, Jur.. -- . . 1 . . . Carwill, Jolm.. .-.. ~.. . . 3 . . . WOOLWUX TOW?% hankerson, Wllllam. . . . . 3 .-- I hademon, thornas. ~. . . 2 ..- 3t8 benson, NathI ...... Dutten, Joshua.-. . . . ~.. 1 ..* l’ib72 its, NathI- .-.-..... Bnrdcn, Primes. -. ~. -. . . . . Kltchel, Jonas-...... Walton, ldoses...... LY&r~hmuel. .-. .-.... . --i. 111 Burford Robert..- . . . . . Stephens, Amos ‘rooman JoJm. -..-..... 2 . . . Bail0 jobn..-.-.- --... swam, Panl...~*.::::::: Mbot, ~Vllliam~- ~.. -~. 3 . . . FRl.2 uxn,SamL-.-.-..- Bonev. hannab (W i d- Yarthaton, Ithamer..-.. 2 . . . M-d, John . . -. . . ..-. . . . d&j*-...... I.‘-.. . . .-. Whiting, Jonathan. ..-. 2 . . . prnhcq Jora... .~.~. .- turner, Clhnstepher . -. . ~ Whiting, Jonathan, Jnr 7 . . . Hains Dodley-.. ., . . . . . Branard. Timothv . . . . . 3 . . . Ime, dames...... -... *.. Wittiny, Joseph.. .--.. Smith, mathias- .~.-.. ~ i ::- Smith, matbias, Jur-. . . 1 ..: Mayhew, Samuel. . . ..-. Norris, Josiah.- ---..-. . ; ::: Kmt, Charles.. ..l. . . ..- Kint, Warrant.. . . .~... ; ::: thornas, Nathaieh . . . ~.. Pecknd, Josbua~~~~~~.. 3 .:. Packad,Ralf.-..*...... Pa&ad, Calab...... - - ~~ ii ::: ford, Nathaniel...... 3 . . . Crkic James...... -. . . I Crl@i Thomas-...... i :-- Crig& James, Jn.-s. ~.. . 1 .:: 3ne~,J~es-..--..-.--- Crl g Willlam . ..- ~..-.. Booker, Josiah, Jonr.. . . mic%I e,ls, Josiah-...... i :-* Booker, Ebem, Jnm.. . . Paokad, Joshua Jr.. . ~. 1 .:: Booker, Ebene=..-..---- Packad, llbary.-...... 2 ~.- Blln, James.~.~.-...... Norton, Stephen..-..... 2 . . . DUlonoj Ebcn*. .-..... ~. Norton, Peter. -...... 4 . . . Balmy, Joshua.~ -. -. . -. - Norton, Con&nit...... I 3 . . . Blln, Charles.. - ---..-.. wing, hlI.. . . - ~.--. . . . . - - . - . . . Bdl~y, Josiah. . ..s..... Pitts.Seth ...... --~~ . . . Lemm, Samuelm.. -. . -. ~ 1 . . . Leman. Sam’. Jnm-. - . . 1 . . . 1 . . . ! i;;

Bean; JoeI -.--. ~~ ..-.... DUeno; Seth...... -.. 4 . . . Besn, Elijah...... %ahmm, Jo&h. ..-.-. 3 . . Johnson, Joseph. --~. -~. bhrrow, Daniel-. . -. - ~. 5 . . Johnson, Joseph, Ju. ~.. Karrow, Daniel, Ju.. - ~. 3 . . Johnson, Joshua.-...... Korrow, Ebnezer --... ~. ..-~- . . 52 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.

LINCOLN COUNTY-Conttiued, Z 2== vi 3 g is 8 F+kt Fs 3 3 8 4 3 s 9 s0 2 2 ------WOOLWICE TOWX--COIt. WOOLVXXTOWN-COIL

.~- . . Blair, Jolm ...... Otis, Galen-...... c,,8bS4 Robert.. . ~. ~ Baley, Thw ...... Dilleno, Xopestill...... Savage, Elmv. .~...... Stinson, Thou ...... Ballard, Thomas-...... l3Un James.- .-.-...... Blair, Xobert ...... Stinson, Saml-v- -...... ::: Hathorn, Seth...... ~. - Blair, James ...... Whitten, Ass,...... Gould, John. ..~ ...... Blair, James, .Tunr...... Fan&am, Jo&ma.--...... Savage, Abrabam~ . ~. . - . Dllln~~o,Jon*...... ~. . l!rott, Joanna ...... --.- . . . . . Manes, Ssdm...... Weymoutb, Moses..-. . . ,.. . . . BETWEEN h’OR%Il’JGlZ- Ford, Francis ...... Gilmore, Will’=.-...... WOOK AND SEVEN MILE Grace, Wlllm...... GUmore, David...... BROOK. Manci, Betsy.. ..-~.~-. . . Laxxaster, Joseph.. ~.. . . . l%nnden. Will%...... smitlt, Ebenezett.. - - . . ~ . . . . . Webb (Widow) .w...... - . . . . Blanchard, James...... camon, Jnne -...... ~ Fan&am, Zebedce.. ~...... * Dillsno, Ephraim...... ~ . . . . I . Trott, Benj*-eee-..- ~~...... - WrtSht, Joti- --.. --~. . . . . ~ . . ~ Wright, Joseph.. . . -~-. - . . . ~ . . . - Wtight, Joseph, Jmv.. . . . ,. . . Blackman, Eli h&t - ~. ..- . . Bailey, JoJq ? unr--v--...... CIO88, Joh& -... ~..~~~~~ . . . .* . . . . Bowen, Jabezmev-e--.-...... ~ Gray, .Jolmm-----.-- ~~-- . . . . . ~ Shaw, John.vA..v..-eem- ..~ . . . ~ Sheldon, Willm---. ~-...- ..- .~, . . . Shaw, Mary.-.- -..---...... ~ *.~ . . . . Fullerton, James.. ------.- . . .-. Bailey,BenjR.--~..-~.-~ -.- . . .-. . . Gould, Sam’-----. ~--.- ~ -.~ . . ,.,.~. Walker Joseph- -.---- ~- ~.. .- . ..I. Grant, !Elijah-s--.----- ~ -.. . . .-...N. Walker, Andw.. -. . -~~~- -.. . . .~..I. walker, solomoll~~~.~~~ . . . .- . ..‘. Williams, Nathr. .-----. ~.. ~~ .~. . Williams9 Tim0 ------~~- -.. - -! -