CLINICAL RESEARCH A simplified method to develop an interdisciplinary treatment plan: an esthetically and functionally driven approach in three steps Stefano Gracis, DMD, MSD Private Practice, Milan, Italy Correspondence to: Dr Stefano Gracis Via Brera 28/a, 20121 Milan, Italy; Tel: +39 02 72094471; Email:
[email protected] 76 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 16 | Number 1 | Spring 2021 GRACIS Abstract typically required. This article provides a practical step- by-step approach to planning comprehensive interdis- Many clinicians are unsure of how to develop a com- ciplinary treatment focused primarily on the teeth as prehensive plan of treatment for patients who present they relate to each other and to the structures that with multiple problems and pathologies. In order to surround them. The approach is based on the answers efficiently plan appropriate treatment for such com- to six questions that are grouped into three steps: 1) plex patient cases, the clinician needs to either have or evaluation of the teeth relative to the face and lips; develop the necessary knowledge of evidence-based 2) assessment of anterior tooth dimensions; and 3) information on the predictability of available clinical analysis of the anteroposterior and maxillomandibular procedures. The clinician also needs to understand relationships. The information obtained must then be the correct sequence in which such treatment is ap- related to the patient’s skeletal framework, periodontal plied, and perfect the skills required for carrying out status, caries susceptibility, and biomechanical risk as- that treatment. Since most clinicians have not ac- sessment in order to formulate a clear and complete quired all the knowledge and skills necessary for this plan of treatment.