Содержание / Table of Contents |Русский кинонарратив / Russian Kino-Narrative| Кино|теКст / Kino|text Irina MARTYANOVA / МАРТЬЯНОВА Ирина Анатольевна | Textual Features of the Russian Screenplay| Irina MARTYANOVA / МАРТЬЯНОВА Ирина Анатольевна Russia, St. Petersburg. Russian State Pedagogical University. Philology Department. Professor, PhD. Россия, Санкт-Петербург. РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена. Доктор филологических наук, профессор.
[email protected] Textual Features OF THE Russian SCREENPlay This paper examines the value of Russian screenplays (both adapted and Сценарий как текст original) as verbal texts, and how they relate to other text types. В статье рассматриваются российские сценарии (адаптированные и Key words: screenplay, pre-text, after-text, development, textual features, оригинальные) как вербальные тексты в их отношении к другим типам interpretation текста. Ключевые слова: сценарий, претекст, пост-текст, развитие дей- ствия, текстуальность, интерпретация ussian text has witnessed the concept of cinema journey from “visual” and, therefore, purportedly devoid of any reflective passag- Rcinéma to kinukha (the flicks), from illusion theatres to ‘collec- es or expressions of uncertainty. However, if we look at screenplays tive illusion’ (a term coined by Merab Mamardashvili), and has been without any preconceived ideas, we’ll discover ample evidence to described and referred to as ‘electric daydream’ (Alexander Blok), the contrary: film scripts frequently use various kinds of repetitions ‘something worse than a nightmare’ (Vladimir Makanin), ‘commu- and a whole assortment of means to express uncertainty. Obvious- nal product of cultural savages’ (Kornei Chukovsky), and ‘Cinema: ly, not everything in a screenplay is intended to translate onto the My Life’ (Yuri levitansky). The screenplay has been defined in Rus- screen; for example: sian scholarship in widely varying ways — from viewing it as a new Mother was different, not the young woman I remember type of literature (a new genre for some scholars) to denying it the from my childhood.