
CISCONTENT:CONTENTRREPORTEPORT Review of ПРОИЗВОДСТВОaudiovisualПРОИЗВОДСТВО content production andПРОИЗВОДСТВО distribution in the CIS countries C Обзор новостей рынкаC производстваONTENTC и дистрибуцииR№ 3аудиовизуальногоEPORT (62) 7 февраля, 2013 контента CISCONTENTC:CONTENОбзор новостей рынка производстваTR иREPORT дистрибуцииEPOR аудиовизуального контентаT Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» «МАЙОР ПОЛИЦИИ» №№9 1(9) №2 31 13 October, января,1 April, 20122011 ReviewОбзор of новостейaudiovisualCЕРИАЛ рынка content производства production and и дистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента C «МONTENTМЕДИЕДИЕДИААРЕСУРСЫРЕСУРСЫЕСУРСЫММЕНЕДЖМЕНТЕНЕДЖМЕНТЕНЕДЖМЕНТ»Российская кинокомпания «Всемирные Русские Студии»EPORT Продюсер№№ 4 3 (62): (62)Юрий 21 7 Сапронов.февраля, 2013 C 30 января объявила о начале съемок новогоR 16-серийного режиссер: Артем Антонов. «ВСЕМИРНЫЕ ÎáçîðРУССКИЕ íîâîñòåé СТУДИИ» ðûíêàдетектива ïðîèçâîäñòâà «Майор полиции» .è Съемочные äèñòðèáóöèè работы пройдут àóäèîâèçóàëüíîãî сцеНарий: Виктор Ольшанский, êîíòåíòà C в Санкт-Петербурге, Гатчине, Пушкине, Шлиссельбурге, Михаил Бартенев. Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» Кронштадте, а также на питерской студии RWS. в ролях№ №131(9): Андрей №213 JuneИльин, января, 1 April, Анна30, 20132011 2012 ТЕМА НОМЕРА СЛОВО РЕДАКЦИИ Банщикова, Дмитрий Блохин, словоDEAR COLLEAGUESредакции Ольга Калмыкова, Елизавета тема номераFOCUSMedia«»МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ Синопсис: Честный и принципиальный майор милиции Андрей Камышин из провинциального городка Тишинска Кутузова,№14 Юрис September №2Лауциньш, 1 April, Инна 2013 2012 ОСОБЕННОСТИ Уважаемыекому-то коллеги! очень сильно мешал. Ему «пришили» дело,Вынаиболее традиционно поса- значимым Степанова,найдете отраслевым на Валерийнаших мероприятиемстраницах Дьяченко, по - УжеWe are в happyпервыеФОРМАТНЫЕ to presentдни нового ПАКЕТЫ you the года October нам, issueредак ofц theии ПервыйLast month номер CGследниеназвали Event Content новости Red EURO Square Татьяна производстваReport 2012 Screenings. Иванова. выходитinternational и дистрибуции Главным в идео аук ану-conн- ИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО дили на три года, а потом, для верности, упрятали в пси- К ContentCIS Content Report, ReportУКРАИНСКИХ сразу where стало we понятно,triedСогласитесь,Учитывая toхиатрическую gather что исторические в вthe 2011 ожидании больницу. most им социальные приятных СпустяСтарогоference время интересных особенно приговор on Нового - computer диовизуальногологомбыл перегода, форума,- graphics который целью кконтентаоличество которого в (CG) странахсерий (наконецто) является: 16. and СНГ, продви visualобзоры- з efа- ПРОИЗВОДСТВА событийстисмотрен Казахстана, повседневная и отменен, телевидение а рутина Андрей по-прежнему не Камышин кажется реабилитирован. такойоста- последнихжение фильмов За новинок производстважа Н техники,р: детектив. информацию стран СНГ в мире, о не- всеслово мы будем усердно редакци и неустанно трудиться.и За вершает чередудавнихявляется праздников, кадровых генеральный перестановках продюсер поэт наом телеканалах российскойу еще и раз темаKIEVРЫН О FOCUSномераК ВMEDIA УКРАИН Е : interestingDEARКАНАЛОВ: up-to-date COLLEAGUES НА information 2013 ГОД aboutужется серойгоды самым rapidlyпринудительной и унылой. популярным devel Вот почему изоляции- средством fectsтелезрители майор массовой(VFX) практически с та - took утратил place in Kiev. Some of the reports нимаясь подготовкойТЕЛЕПРОДУКТА первого В выпускакиминформации,связь энтузиазмом с обзора семьей. впрочем, воспринимают После н окак долгих и нахотим всемкаждую сомнений остальном новостьпожелать Камышин вкинокомпании кинокомпаниях, возвра наши- «Твинди»,м а такжеподписчик члено грядущих Европейскойа конкурсах,м в ки201- 1 oping contentИ НЕ production ТОЛЬКО (40) and distribution markets of on the main topicфестиваляхноакадемии of the и (Europeanдругих conference отраслевых Film Academy, wereмероприятиях. EFA) presented Евге- ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИFOCUSЯ КА К УжевостейWe areв DEAR первыерынка happy to производствадни present COLLEAGUESнового you года theи аудиовизуальногопостсоветском June предстоящейщаетсянам, issue наредак службу пространстве. премьере of ц theви полициюио нового СовременнаяПервыйгодуCIS: и шоу, соглашается Contentнайти фильма номер сет- свой статьReport Contentзаме верный we- focused Report путь иon выходитслед cinemaовать distribuв кемуану н-с WEEK 2012: the CIS region.КАЗАХСТАНЕ As far as most(52) of theилика вещаниястителем locally сериала. крупнейших начальникаproduced Наша редакция УВД. казахских решила Онby собирает the телеканалов не specialists ждать, команду ний и ставитГиндилис. of one В of эксклюзивном the ’s интервью largest Content and CINEMAКИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ DISTRIBUTIONЙ Content Report, сразу стало понятно, что в 2011м Старого НовогоReport года, он рассказал который и о других (наконецто) достижениях, как за контентаseriesCIS: ContentandWe в TV are этом movies happy Report год aretoу , where мыpresent further с радостью we youdistributed triedанаполнена the получить,перед September toобнаружили собой в gatherand какнастоящее четкую говоритьсяbroad issue the цельвремя,- – всеof вытащитьпреимущественноупорством,mosttion и сразу. nationalmarkets на recognizable Уставсвет корниTV ofтрудясьВ formatsAzerbaijan, нашейкрими - новой post-productionне adapted покладая рубрике Moldova, in «На рынке руKyrgyzstan к houses. говорят…»У during каждог and CGtheо ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д томитьсяиностранныминала, опутавшего в неведении, сериалами город. мы подняли (корейскими, все архивы, турец- представленасвоих, так и компании, добытая оиз приоритетных разных источников направле ин- MARKET IN THE всечтоmost дажемы interesting будем в новогодние усердно up-to-date ипраздники неустанно information р трудиться.абота about во мн rapЗоа- вершаетсвояTajikistan. дорога, череду нияхно деятельностицельпраздников, у нас и планах одн поэт наа 2013–ом развивать год,у аеще также ра из thРЫНEО WAК В yУ КItРАИН WAЕ s: cast mainlythe CIS:inside Content the CIS Report territories, whereрасспросиликими, we we российскими, pickedtried все to up источники,gather американскими,the the иFactory в сегодняшнемlast китайски five (CGF, -years. формацию created о готовящихся visual effects проектах, for по тем Chronicle или нимаясь подготовкой первого выпуска обзора но хотим пожелатьподелился наши опытомм участияподписчик в проектахам совмест в 201- 1 CISРАЗВИТИ COUNTRIES:INTERNATIONALЯ (25) TVгихmostidly продакшнах developinginterestingmost interestingИНТЕРВЬЮ and contentидет original полным up-to-date production projects ходномереми ом, information withи and др.),а делимся дальше,those distribution телевизионными с aboutscript-вами ка информациейк rap программамиулучшать(2012),- о предсто Abraham раз отечественный- иным причинам Lincoln: официально Vampireрынок. неподтвержденная П Hunterо коням, (2012), у го ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ(24) Я КА К востейmarkets рынка of the CISпроизводства region. As far и as аудиовизуальногящихвлекательного most премьерах of the и новостного телевизионныхlocallyо жанров,годуIn шоу, the в созданных найтиосновном exclusive свойпроизводителейного interview производства.верный to контента, путь CIS:Content и либо след же недостаточноо Reportвать ему pro -с говорится,ideas thatidly have developingстанет international еще content больше. appeal production Какпособственного международным«ЖИТЬ and неоднократн may and ДАЛЬШЕ» и distribution furtherроссийского форматам,о сподаWanted производства,в эфире ! украин (2008), а- полная. etc.) that was the general partner AZERBAIJAN,FORMATS ADAPTED IN CЕРИАЛНОМЕРА ducerContrary general to the of FILM.UAwidespread Group belief Viсtor about Mirskythe unprofit told- контентабылоtravelproduced отмечено, abroadmarkets в series этом to of вследствиеand Europe,год the у TVCIS, мы movies region. Asia с радостью кризиса orare As скихтакже the farfurther каналов. as основательн North достаточнообнаружили most distributed Правда, America of большимthe назвать localо, количеством точноеупорством,of- the количество event. филь- трудясьAccordingВы традиционно не to покладая найдете Alexander на наших ру Gorokhov, страницахк. У каждог по- theо ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д форматныхмов,Российская немало новинок из кинокомпания которых 2013 года снято «Всемирныенеabout возьмутся представителяability the даже Русские oftrends- theследние Студии»set-for-cinema-release in production новости р производстваежиссер industry: Нурбек и дистрибуции Эген.filmsdevelopment, in the ау- CIS, MOLDOVA, чтоand даже broadcastly producedв новогодние mainly series inside праздники and TV the movies CIS 7р февраля а territories,бота are further приступилаво мн wedistribо к съемкамсвоя- остросюжетной дорога, Помимо12-серийно цель этого,- у в эксклюзивномнасролях одна интервью – развивать Content и UKRAINE: FIVE YEARизмениласьboth as readymade конъюнктура«ВСЕМИРНЫЕ product рынка,or formats.продюсерыми поменялась современного Besides и руководители казахского thereрас самих кинематографа.founder каналов.Enjoy Сand уче Movies В- theдиовизуального head continues of вCGF,контента to produce :one Мария в странах of Машкова, profitablethe СНГ, main обзоры Марат rea titles- гих продакшнахИНЕССА идет ЮРЧЕНКО: полным хо дом,ной а мелодрамы дальше, «Жить как дальше»улучшатьgrowing. Команда requirements подготовилаотечественныйReport основательна- to theБашаров, и рынок. продюсерprimetime Барбара российскойПо Брыльска, content, коням, ком - deго- РАЗВИТИKYRGYZSTAN,Я (25) становкаpicked uted up сил the andРУССКИЕ и most broadcastвозможностей, interestingСТУДИИ» mainly and insideпоэтомутомсегодняшнем original программ, the CISр аналитическома projects премьерыботат territories,ь которых обзоре состоялись редакция в паниипоследних «Триикс новинок Медиа» техники, Инесса информацию ЮрченкоАртем расскаВакалю о не- к are a lot of full-length«О работе features над recentlyянваре-февралеContentтуру, launchedReport подобрала решила 2013 и требуемымintoгода, сфокусироваться и проектов,sons образомand for на анонси starts оформила телеhis- company toдавних объекты,discover кадровых to American supportНина перестановках Русланова, themarket. на organizersВениамин телеканалах In the Сме exclu и- was- SUMMARY говорится,действительноwith thosewe pickedscript-ideas станет естьЕВГЕНИЙ up еще theи будетthat больше.most have надinteresting international Какчем.которые неоднократн Подтвержд and расположатся original appealео преимущественноproj сподаtails- of !TV в Москвеmini-seriesзала и Москов о специфике -Inseparableхов, работы Владимир shooting Г компаниилавный Епифанцев. наand редакто рынке pecu -р TAJIKISTAN production inполным Russia, метром Ukraine, Kazakhstanрованныхвизионном вещателями, рынке and Казахстана, other в этом который, to году announce премьерныхsive развива interview- theпроизводствав кинокомпаниях, launch to CIS: of телевизионныхContent its а также Ukrainian оReport грядущих фильмов branch Enjoy конкурсах, и сери Movies– -CGF интервью номера ГИНДИЛИС: ской области. Интерьерные съемкиliarities пройдут of co-productionне в павильонах, workколичество as wellсерий :as 12. shared with былониемand may отмечено,томуects further является я with пока вследствие thosetravel даже количество script-ideasabroad и не кризиса to собранногоEurope,шоуясь that достаточно будет основательн have неAsia менее стремительными international в or это 15. the м Во то же темпами время опыт и явля по- алов,фестивалях опыте и других международного отраслевых сотрудничества,мероприятиях.Content Repor t CIS states«Работа that for европейскихsure may have казывает,notясьа третьим наonly квартирах. что successfulкрупнейшим не стоитВ первый исключать рынком съемочныйKiev. постсоветского возможностиCEO, Inдень an пройдутGeorgiy exclusive интерьер Malkov, -interview sharedжаНр: мелодрама.to his Content recipe for Report success Al-- (19) (19) измениласьNorth Americaappealдумаю. конъюнктура and both Это may as нужно furtherreadymade рынка, travel поменялась ные product abroad съемки в orрайоне to ра for Europe,с станции- us метро some Рижская. information Время,проблеме отво about- нехватки the профессиональных projects in productionкадров, а (полупраздничном)international distributionпродюсеров номере but also материала beтого,пространства the что award даже. послезапущенные winners России в и производство Украины,exanderful в filmsпослед адапGorokhov -and addressed told about genre the film aim policies of foundation for the in- INTERVIEW Asiaвытянуть or the North счастливый America bothдимое as readymade на съемочный процесс,prodand- весьма postproduction сжатое, нужнотакжеНапомним, будет о планах and что нав the нашей ближайшее strategy новой будущее. рубрикеАртем for «На the Вакалю рынке further к сергей каратаев : становкаmats. Besides несопоставимасил и there возможностей, are aс lotтой, of поэтому full-lengthтацииние годы пойдут демонстрирует р«в featuresа стол».ботат всеь большееternational тяготение к говорят…»market as представлена well as some добытая of из the разных challenges ис- and nomineesбилет, of different чтобы тебя international контентууложиться filmлокального до festivals. июня производства. 2013 г. Затемof theначнется local монтирование, office as оз well- as the reorganization of the действительноrecentlyuct launchedкоторую or formats. есть into вынуждены и Besidesбудетproduction над there чем. in areвучивание,Russia, Подтвержд a lot на Ukraine,of что, full-length каке ожидается, group уйдетthe development. неRussian меньше точниковгода. film Съе industry - информацию is facing. о готовящихсяГлавный проектах, редакто р «на данный момент Despite largeи portion прокатчики of information не on the new movies, whole companyпо темand или the иным state причинам of the официально industry непод in- CIS интервью номера ниемВKazakhstan сегодняшней томуfeatures являетсяосуществлять and recentlyother теме количество CIS launched мы»countries собранного into thatмочный production for процесс sure в это ведетсяmay inм Rus аппаратурой- немецкой компании Content Report ещеALEXANDER остаютс я номераshows and мы seriesобманули, останови you’ll и also чтобы find theПо detailed ARRI. итогам Бюджет осени report картины 2012 on года– $300 членыcountries. тыс. на российской 1 серию фильма. твержденная Проект у производителей контента, либо (полупраздничном)sia, Ukraine,Нурбек(62) Kazakhstan номере Эген материала andАссоциации otherготовится. CIS по продюсеров statesзаказу «Первого which киноAnd канала» и телевидения one России. more жеthing недостаточно we’d like полная. to remind you. Planning thehave recent not only distributionвсе successful остальное deals international with the CIS-partners. distribution but And one more thing we’d like to remind you. Plan- нерасGOROKHOV:”VFXсергеINTERVIEWпродйанны карает афеилв ь: мы , лисьalso beнаwill the одной prove award toиз winners be са of particular and nominees interest of to different distributors you business calendar for 2013 do not forget to book INTERVIEW and worthyсложилось» contenders (53) for differentСинопсис: international Это история film молодой ning женщины your Веры, business которая calendar for 2013 do not forget которые были созданы до мыхinternational болезненных film festivals. тем Despite large portion of in- Andtime oneto visit more the thing major we’d event like for to remindtelevision you. and Planning media PRODUCTION«на данный мом IS THEент В сегодняшнейfestivals. Despite теме large portionв of одночасье information теряет высокооплачиваемуюon the to book работу time вto банке, visit the major event for television and отечественнойIn our analytical articleкиноин we would like toлюбимого tell about человека KIEV и родную you сестру. business После чего calendar она ре- for 2013 do not forget to book ещеGEORGIY остаются MALKOV: formation on the new movies, shows and series you’ll professionalsmedia professionals in the CIS in region the CIS - KIEVregion MEDIA - KIEV WEEKMEDIA ONLYVIСTORкр INDUSTRYизис MIRSKY:а» (31 IN) CIS номерадустрииMEDIA WEEKnew мы– рынке movies, останови- a unique кино shows project and series for шаетmedia you’ll кардинально alsomarket find изменить ina detime- свою to жизнь visit и идетthe работатьmajor event for television and media нераспроданные фильмы, лисьalso findнаtailed theоднойСОДЕРЖАНИЕ detailedreport из on саreport the recent on the distribution recentв агентство distribution deals по уходу with за больнымиthe201 WEEK3 людьми., September 2013 Каждая, September серия 10-13, 2013. 10-13, Organized 2013. Organized by Media by “I would rather haveтеатров.thedeals CIS of countriesthe На CIS страницах partners. and Central and – Eastern это история Europe. очередного подопечногоprofessionalsResources Веры. Management Чужие in the беды CIS region company, - KIEV this MEDIA unique WEEK me- COUNTRIES“We’re just– RUSSIA, so мых болезненныхCIS-partners. тем помогают ей переоценить собственнуюMedia жизнь Resources и понять, что Management company, this которые были созданы до ContentThe event Report Пtookроизводство place мы не:on September 11-14 gathering 2013. Organized by Media Resources Management отечественнойП киноин:  все ее несчастья – неслучайны…dia industryproject is project, unique forone the and CSI only and of CEE a kind as itin succeeds the CIS UKRAINE,more KAZAKHSTAN, wide releases inоднократноmore than thousand Спубликоериал (2)(2) of  television, movie and media company, this unique media industry project, one fascinated by our job In our “Focus” weелефильм continue the cycle of articles dedi- and inCentral becoming and Easternthe one stopEurope destination is a one stopfor six destina interna-- кризиса» (31) дустриивали мненияInternational – рынке оТ том, кино formatчто (7)(8) developers and distributors BELARUSthe cities – THAT with the targetbusinesscated to the experts currentТелешоу from (8)(9) situation all over on the cinema world. distribution This year andtion tionalonlyfor five of media ainternational kind trade in the events. CIS media and Please trade Central do events. not and forget Eastern Please that театров.seem На страницах toанимация have (12)(16) inexhaustible supplies«САЛАМ, МАСКВА» of ideas for that we often put our едваKIEV MEDIAли не WEEK основнойCЕРИАЛ presented high-level consolidation Europedo notwe forget areis a hereone that stop to we be destinationare your here source to befor of your five local internationallocal information source ContentmarketsUkrainian Report of theД окумен post-Soviet мыTV Т contentальныйне market. countries. We Theare going region to islearn DEVELOPEDСОДЕРЖАНИЕ ON LOCAL проблемойof four professional проек(хотяТ (13)(17) conferences, эту internationalРоссийская кинокомпанияcontent «Русскийmediaand trade проект»analytics. events. завершила Please Продюсер do not: Денис forget Евстигнеев. that we are audience than get statedeveloping rapidly both in terms of itsработу market над 16-серийной volume телевизионнойof information драмой and «Салам, analytics. heads in the lion’s однократнотемуmarket активно andwhich several «РУССКИЙ ofподнимакпубликоинофильморо theseТкоме specialТ ПРОЕКТ»ражный(14) ideas events had succeededin order to achieve at the local here to be your local sourceрежиссер of information: Павел Бардин. and ana- RULES IRRESPECTIVE OF and the numberфильмкоро of (19)Ткоме playersТражный on it led byМасква» such. Проектstates готовится as по заказу российского «Перво- сцеНарий: Павел Бардин, Мария financial support forвалиют все, мнения marketкому нео and том,безраз what что channels areго their канала» best. Съемки clients. проводились In в документальной мане- Сапрыкина, Александр Молча- РОИЗВОДСТВО (2) synergy, learnфильм aboutкинофильм (19) current (21) trends of the international lytics.We wish you a pleasant reading! П mouth”:(26) едваRussia, лиour Ukraine Нне “Focus”а ры основнойНке and говорят we Kazakhstan. gathered ((20) 27) information In реthis – подвижной issue about of камерой. the inter «Этнические»We- wish персонажи a pleasant сериала reading! нов, Андрей Бережанский, Ан- THE USA” личнаmedia businessсудьба andнацио create unified говорят communication на своем родном языке. Съемки проекта стартова- Enjoy Movies projects”проблемойдистрибуция (хотя ((эту24)30) дрей Житков. СОДЕРЖАНИЕСЕРИАЛ (2) нальногоplatform for кинематограк адрыmedia ((29)39) professionals worldwide.ли в феврале 2012 г. и закончились в сентябре. Съемочные в ролях: Александр Голубков, (23) темуфа), активносдерживающейтеле Пподнимаоказ ((31)41)  работы прошли в Москве и Дагестане.We wish a pleasant reading!Али Алиев, Саера Сафари, Фар- ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) (27) ют все, комутех Ннеологии безраз ((34)46)  ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) развитие Прокатиндустрии в украиНе ((38) 50) Синопсис: Главные герои сериала работают в отделе N, ко- траслевые ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) лична«полного судьба отраслевыеметра» нацио на торый создают при ОВД одного из московских районов для Коллаж: Юрий Мосин мероПриятия ((48)59) борьбы с преступлениями среди мигрантов, тех, кого москви- СЕРИАЛ (2) нальногопостсоветском кинематогра про АНИМАЦИЯ (12) фа), сдерживающей Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина ЕЛЕФИЛЬМContents странстве, является Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Т (7) Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] www.mrm.ua ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) развитие индустрии2 Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] www.mrm.ua roDuctIon (2) катастрофическая не1 P ТЕЛЕШОУ (:10) «полногохватка кинозалов. метра» Одна К ИНОФИЛЬМCONTENTS (14) постсоветском про АSНerieИМАSЦИ (2)Я (12) нако рынок продолжа CONTENTS странстве,ет стремительно является раз Д ИСТРИБTV moУЦИЯVieS (8)(15) ДОКУМЕ НТPАЛЬroductionНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (:13 (2)) катастрофическаявиваться. И если поне Production: (2) хватка кинозалов. Од КАДРЫКTV ИНОФИЛЬМ(20) ShowS (10) (14)Series (2) водов для оптимизма SerieS (2) накоотносительно рынок продолжа увеличе FeaTure FilmS (13)TV movies (7) ДТ ЕЛЕИСТРИБПО КАЗУЦИЯ (21) (15) етния стремительно количества кинораз TV moVieSTV (6) shows (9) виваться. И если по DIstrIbutIon (18) театров попрежнему КТ ЕХНОЛОГИИАДРЫ (20)TV S (how22)SF (7)eature films (10)водовне так длямного оптимизма , то по cInEMA DFIeastrDTureistributionIbut FilmIonS (9) (14) относительновнедрению увеличесовре ТПЕЛЕРО КПАТО К ВАЗ У (К21)РАИНЕ (24) ния количества кино distribution (14) менных технологий за yEAr 2012C inema Distribution театровпрошлый попрежнемугод имеются

ТОЕХНОЛОГИИТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е (22) ве нк о In ucKinemarAInE dY(23)earistribution 2012 невсе такоснования много для, то гор по МЕР О ПР ИЯТИЯ внедрениюдости за это. совреМежду РОYКearАТ В 2012КinРАИНЕ (U29 kraine ) (18) П У (24) менныхтем попытаемся технологий разо за focus (24) леси С а in ukrainefocus (18) (19) прошлыйбраться, есть год лиимеются свет в О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве нк о IntErVIEW (26) всеконце основания тоннеля?!. для гор Рис. О МЕР ОfocusПР ИЯТ И(19)ЯInterview (29) (27) дости за это. Между тем попытаемся разо леси С а interview (23) браться, есть ли свет в конце тоннеля?!. MeMediadia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина Рис. О 1 Тwww.mrm.uaел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 1 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] MeMediadia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина 1 Тwww.mrm.uaел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

SERIES THE TIME LOOP Russian production company Art-Unity started shooting new Producer, script: Yuri Belenky. ART-UNITY 4-episode fiction detective The Time Loop. Filming takes place Director: Yuri Ilyin. in . The project is commissioned by Russia 1 TV channel. Cast: Ilya Obolonkov, Yelizaveta The series premiere is planned for next winter. Paschenko. Number of episodes: 4. Genre: Detective. Synopsis: Two investigators from 2013 suddenly find themselves in 1879. As they got into a difficult for investigators situation the main characters are trying to adapt to an absolutely “strange” world. But another millennium imposes its own rules: the police of the XIX century regard it as their duty to figure out their in- comprehensible appearance and, taking the occasion, accuse protagonists of the most terrible crimes.

Ilya Obolonkov

SERIES THE WOLF SUN BELARUSFILM, STAR MEDIA Late August Belorussian prodco Belarusfilm in coproduction Producer: Vlad Riashyn. with Russian-Ukrainian group Star Media started shooting new Director: Sergei Ginzburg. 12-episode adventure drama The Wolf Sun. Filming takes place Number of episodes: 12. in Belarus. Genre: Adventures.

Synopsis: It is an action-packed movie about a young Soviet in- telligence officer working jn the territories of and Soviet Belarus in 1924. In a little while the coordinated invasion of the is about to begin and the main attack is planned from the Polish territory. The main character has to do the im- possible – prevent the attack. To accomplish his mission he be- comes the trusted person of an enemy general who was desig- nated the commanding officer of the operation.

“13” SERIES Russian production company Dixi Media started working on Producers: Yefim Lubinsky, Alexei DIXI MEDIA new multiepisode thriller “13”. Currently the project is in pre- Ageyev, Fialko. production. The series is commissioned by Russian broadcaster Directors: Grigoriy Fedorov, Ivan TV-3. Schogolev, Sergey Alexeev. Script: Ilya Kulikov, Evgeny Niki- shov. Synopsis: Young and ambitious Igor has recently started to work Cast: Sergey Feoktistov, Aleksan- in newspaper “13” dedicated to mysticism and has not yet de- dr Pashkov, Elena Polyanskaya, cided whether he believes in paranormal activity or not. However, Aleksandr Karpov, Anna Dan’kova. his new job makes him search for new materials, countercheck Genre: Thriller. facts, dig up new evidence and even spy. And every time when he approaches a door behind which he should have found an answer, he only finds new questions.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 2 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

MARSEILLE SERIES Russian prodco DT Production started shooting new 8-episode Producers: Alexei Moiseev, Oleg detective Marseille. Filming takes place in Saint-Petersburg. Piganov. DT PRODUCTION Director: Ivan Kitayev. Script: Alexei Poyarkov. Synopsis: Serge Lejeune, aka Sergey Lezhnev, works as an Cast: Vladimir Yaglych, Vitaliy ambukance nurse. Once, when on-call he gets to the murder Khayev, Anna Chipovskaya, Andrei scene, Serge accidently helps the police to sokve an intricate Merzlikin, Kirill Pletnev, Svetlana crime. Having shown unusual analytical skills the character stirs Ustinova. the alert interest to his person and not only from police… Be- Number of episodes: 8. sides, the involvement in those investigations distracts him from Genre: Detective. his private life. Serge’s strange talent keep on the alert certain persons, particularly in FSB, and once during a morning run someone tries to assassinate him…

SERIES LIGHT O’LOVE FILM.UA , INTRA-FILM On the 17th of August Ukrainian group of companies FILM.UA Producers: Sergei Korotaev, in coproduction with Russian prodco Intra-film started shooting Victor Mirsky, Michael Barkan, 12-episode romance Light o’love. Filming takes place in Kiev Victor Umnov. and St. Petersburg, and will be completed in January 2014. Director: Olga Perunovskaya. Script: Igor Ageev. Synopsis: A successful businessman Nikita Gorelov is going to Cast: Kirill Zhandarov, Vale- marry his boss daughter Svetlana. But unexpectedly he meets ria Hodos, Olga Lukyanenko, a young open-minded provincial girl Liya, who is a real contrast Anatoly Khostikoyev, Jana to his pampered bride. Liya was gambled away in a card game Gluschenko, Aleksandr Pecher- by her ex-boyfriend, and Nikita decides to resolve the problem. itsa, Vladimir Belyaev, Timofei As time passes their feelings for each other are getting stron- Tribuntsev, Victor Saraykin, etc. ger. Nikita's career and financial well-being is at stake. But nei- Number of episodes: 12. ther threats nor other people's disapprovak can not force him to Genre: Romance. abandon his beloved.

SERIES STRANGELY FAMILIAR FILM.UA , INTRA-FILM Ukrainian group of companies FILM.UA in coproduction with Producers: Victor Mirsky, Vladimir Russian prodco Intra-film started shooting new 8-episode de- Issat, Sergey Karataev, Mikhail tective Strangely Familiar. Filming started at the end of July Barkan, Victor Umnov. and takes place in Kiev and in Zhitomir region. Shooting will be Director: Andrey Chernykh. wrapped up in October. Script: Alexei Karanovich, Igor Osipov, Svyatoslav Pelishenko. Synopsis: It's been a while since Nastya and her son Ivan had a Cast: Ivan Oganesyan, Katerina chance to escape their old believer community and visit the city. Reshetnikova, Victoria Litvinenko, They are surrounded by an alien, unusual and full of perils and Vladimir Mashuk, Alexander Fisen- temptations world. Accidentally Vanya becomes the only witness to ko, Vitaly Saliy, Maxim Vazhov, a murder of a journalist who investigated the scandalous case. The Victor Aldoshin, Mikhail Dosenko, Vlad Zadniprovsky. Victor Mirsky journalist suspected the involvement of high officials. The murder case is assigned to investigator Leshchev, a man of a high moral Number of episodes: 8. standing with no tolerance for dishonesty. After talking with the boy Genre: Detective. he figured out that one of the journalist’s murderers is the police officer. From that moment Vanya’s, Nastya’s and Leshchev’s lives are in danger.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 3 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

SERIES THE TARIFF FOR THE PAST Russian production company Land-Cinema started shooting Director: Peter Amelin. LAND-CINEMA new 4-episode mystical romance The Tariff for the Past. Film- Cast: Sergey Marin, Victor Do- ing takes place in Saint-Petersburg and will be wrapped up in bronravov, Denis Pianov, Ekaterina November. The project is commissioned by Russian TV channel Riabova, Victoria Lukina, Serafima Domashniy. Nizovskaya, Valery Kukhareshin, Alexei Fedotov, Dmitry Podnozov. Synopsis: Is it possible to change your destiny? The plot re- Number of episodes: 4. volves around Vitalik Shestakov who receives a unique possibil- Genre: Romance. ity to come seven years back into his past but only for a couple of hours. Still, this is sufficient to change the present… but not for the better. The character repeats his experiment time and again Peter Amelin until he realizes that he keeps repeating the same fateful error.

SERIES VIOLETTA FROM ATAMANOVKA Russian production company Mars Media Entertainment Producer: Ruben Dishdishyan. MARS MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT started shooting new 4-episode romance Violetta from Ata- Director: Leonid Mazor. manovka. Filming takes place in Minsk and Moscow. Script: Leonid Mazor, Mikhail Marfin. Synopsis: Violetta, a resident of a little settlement Atamanovka, Cast: Evgeniya Dmitrieva, Andrei dreams of happiness but there is none. Still, once a comet ap- Kuzichev, Vladimir Vinogradov, pears in the sky over Atamanovka. Violetta is predicted that only Mikhail Gorevoy. the power of her love may save the world from the inevitable di- Number of episodes: 4. saster. And although Violetta has many suitors, she cannot de- Genre: Romance. cide on anyone…

SERIES UNDER THE THUMB Russian production company Mars Media Entertainment in Producer: Ruben Dishdishyan. MARS MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT coproduction with Studio Pantocrator started working on new Director: Aleksandr Kiriyenko. 8-episode romance Under the Thumb. Currently the project is Script: Sergei Kaluzhnikov, Irina in preproduction. Filming will start this September and will take Pivovarova. place in Moscow. Cast: Ilya Lyubimov, Natalia Ro- manycheva, Ekaterina Vulichenko, Synopsis: Adman Kostya’s seems to have it akk: the work brings Maxim Vitorgan, Anna Bansh- good income and satisfaction, and his beloved woman agreed to chikova, Ekaterina Primorskaya, marry him. However, everything is broken in a moment: Kostya’s Oleg Mazur. father dies and he has to take over a family business – to run a Number of episodes: 8. company that produces women’s footwear. Also he has to assist Genre: Romance. his helpless relatives who got used to their careless life because Ruben Dishdishyan all their problems were solved by the family head. Kostya has al- ways been shunning the responsibility. However, the family trag- edy makes Kostya grow up and become a real man.

SERIES A SECOND CHANCE Late July Russian production company Mostelefilm started Producers: Valentin Opalev, An- MOSTELEFILM shooting new 24-episode tragicomedy A Second Chance. drei Tartakov. Filming takes place in Yaroslavl and will be wrapped up at the be- Director: Ruslan Paushu. ginning of November. The project is commissioned by Russian Script: Alexei Poyarkov channel NTV. Cast: Elvira Seregina, Alexei Kiselev, Ruslan Paushu. Synopsis: This is a lifelike story about six young people who have Number of episodes: 24. to spend their best years in a remote area of the country – in Genre: Tragicomedy.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 4 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

the town named Blizhnegorsk. It seems that its every resident dreams of moving to the metropolis. However, before any of the main characters can find its own place under the sun they have to make a lot of mistakes and find themselves in the most em- barrassing situations.

SERIES THE PARALLEL LIFE Russian production company Russian World Studios started Director: Sergei Bobrov. RUSSIAN WORLD STUDIOS shooting new 12-episode detective The Parallel Life. Filming Script: Arkady Kazantsev. takes place in Moscow and Tallinn. Cast: Ilya Korobko, Victoria Romanenko, Evgeniy Sidikhin, Synopsis: A young provincial teacher Vladislav found out that Alyona Khmelnytskaya, Zhanna he was adopted: in the raucous 1990s the parents sent him to Epple, Alyona Yakovleva, Igor their for protection. Now the enemy of his family, oligarch Mirkurbanov, Dmitry Astrakhan. Gayev, is dead and Vladislav with his bride Tonya are trying to Number of episodes: 12. collect as much information as possible about his family. So, the Genre: Detective. investigation turns into a peculiar quest and in the process the character finds out that twenty years ago the parents hid not only him but also a huge sum of money and the enheritance is yet to unfold.

SERIES DOCTOR DEATH Russian production company Sergey Zhygunov’s Produc- Producer: Sergey Zhygunov. SERGEY ZHYGUNOV’S ing Center started shooting new 4-episode detective Doctor Director: Aleksandr Nazarov. PRODUCING CENTER Death. Filming takes place in Minsk. The project is commis- Script: Andrei Zhitkov. sioned by Russian channel NTV. Cast: Yuri Chursin, Svet- lana Ivanova, Dmitry Ulyanov, Synopsis: Egor Tiulpanov is a cardiac surgeon with a God-given Mikhail Gorevoy, Yuri Baturin, talent but he works at the veterinary clinic because he had to Vladimir Gostyukhin. leave the ordinary clinic due to medical malpractice accusation. Number of episodes: 4. His wife leaves him and his brother tries to hang his card debt on Genre: Detective. him. Trying to forget all his problems Egor gets drunk and meets Koshuba – a former policeman obsessed with seeking revenge on the criminals who killed his family. Soon the destiny makes Sergey Zhygunov Egor meet the one who killed Koshuba’s wife and daughter. And the doctor saves the life of the criminal kingpin Khvat…

SERIES FAINA Russian-Ukrainian group of companies Star Media in copro- STAR MEDIA duction with Russian Channel One started working on new Producer: Vlad Riashyn. 10-episode biopic Faina, dedicated to the life and work of the Script: Alina Semeryakova. legendary actress Faina Ranevskaya. The project is currently in Number of episodes: 10. preproduction Genre: Biopic.

Synopsis: Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya is recognized as one of the greatest Soviet actresses in both tragedy and comedy. She was also famous for her aphorisms. Her passion for theater be- gan when she was 14. The actress was awarded the Stalin Prizes for outstanding creative achievements on stage in 1949, and in 1951 for her work in the film "U nih est’ Rodina" (They Have Their Motherland). In 1961 Faina Ranevskaya was awarded wiyj the title of the People’s Artist of the USSR. The actress died in 1984 in Moscow.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 5 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

SERIES THE THUNDERBIRD Russian production company Story film starts working on new Director: Aleksandr Daruga. STORY FILM 16-episode detective The Thunderbird. The project is currently Cast: Alexei Vorobyov. in preproduction. Filming will start in November 2013 and will Number of episodes: 16. take place in Minsk and Astrakhan. Shooting is planned to be Genre: Detective. wrapped up by the next spring. Series premiere is scheduled for autumn 2014. The project is commissioned by Russia 1 TV chan- nel.

Synopsis: The story takes place in the late 1970’s - early 1980's. A young prosecutor revealed a high-profile criminal case in As- trakhan, and as a result he was transferred to the investigation department of the Prosecutor General of the USSR. This lucky young investigator Gradov is knowned as “Thunderbird” for the Aleksandr Daruga ability to raise a real storm while investigating any ordinary case. Gradov will be promoted out of the ordinary prosecutor in As- trakhan to the detective investigator for particularly important cases of the Prosecutor General of the Soviet Union.

SERIES LADA STUDIO KVARTAL-95 Late July Ukrainian production company Studio Kvartal-95 Producers: Vladimir Zelenskiy, started shooting new 4-episode comedy Lada. Filming takes Andrei Yakovlev, Sergey Shefir, place in Moscow and in and will be wrapped up in Octo- Boris Shefir. ber. The project is commissioned by Ukrainian “1+1” TV channel. Director: Alexei Kiryushchenko. Cast: Olga Medynich, Mariya Synopsis: This is a story of complicated relationshpis within a Gorban, Oleg Mazur, Sergey love quadrangle. The main female character Lada works as a Burunov, Sofia Stetsenko, saleswoman in a flower shop in the capital. The shop owner fires Kostya Chernokrylyuk. Lada and after that the intricate and at the same time cheerful Number of episodes: 4. events come into her life. Against her will she was involved in a Genre: Comedy. complicated resort play and performs various parts in it.

SERIES THREE IN KOMI Russian production company WeitMedia started shooting new Producer: Timur Weinstein. WEITMEDIA 20-episode sitcom Three in Komi. The project is Russian ad- Director: Olga Land. aptation of the Endemol format Hot in Cleveland. The series is Cast: Evgeniya Dobrovol’skaya, commissioned by Russian Channel One. The project premiere is Olga Prokofieva, Alla Dovlatova, planned for next winter. Raisa Ryazanova, Evgeniy Ber- ezovsky. Synopsis: The lives of three Moscow girls suddenly collapse: Number of episodes: 20. actress Victoria is not invited to the shootings any more, writer Genre: Sitcom. Maria goes through the writer’s block and stylist Lara loses a star client. Their journey to Thailand suffers the same collapse. Their flight makes an emergency landing in Syktyvkar dramatically changing the friends’ lives. The ladies in thir 40's suddenly get a chance being far from the capital to feel young and desirable for a change.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 6 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

SYRGALYM SERIES Kazakh production company Korkem film started shooting new Producers: Ilham Jalilov, Rashid KORKEM FILM 48-episode drama Syrgalym. Filming is planned to be complet- Sulejmenov, Kemelbek Oyshy- ed by this December. Series premiere is scheduled for January baev, Rustam Azamat, Raihan 2014. The project is commissioned by Kazakhstan TV channel. Abdesheva. Director: Dmitriy Korobkin. Script: Svetlana Petreychuk, Al- Synopsis: A set of circumstances brings a big family of three bina Akhmetova. generations under one roof. The eldest son makes repairs in his Number of episodes: 48. house, the middle son gambled away everything in casinos in- Genre: Drama. cluding his apartment, and the youngest one is scramling for his own apartment. As a result the big house that belongs to their father is now full of related but distant people. At this time of distress, a 20-year-old Syrgalym - the only daughter of an old friend, enters .their lives...

TV MOVIES THE STATE BORDER. THE LAST SPY On the 15th of August Belarusfilm studio finished shooting Director: Igor Chetverikov. BELARUSFILM 2-episode TV drama The Last Spy from the cycle The State Script: Valentin Zaluzhny. Border. The project received the support of Belarus Repub- Cast: Andrey Frolov, Mikhail lic Ministry of Culture and now is in postproduction. The movie Meskhi, Igor Denisov, Nikolai premiere is set for the first half of 2014. Kuchits, Oleg Tkachev, Pavel Jaskiewicz, Victor Rybchynski. Synopsis: Anton Pekarskyi is a border guard in the Soviet Genre: Drama. Union. He gets fired just before the collapse of the USSR and decides to go to his motherland Belarus, where men like him have immence value…

TV MOVIES ZUGZWANG Belarusfilm studio in coproduction with Russian-Ukrainian Producer: Vlad Riashyn. BELARUSFILM, STAR MEDIA group of companies Star Media started working on TV de- Director: Oleg Bazilov. tective Zugzwang, an adaptation of A Living Chattel, a short Script: Aleksandr Karpov. novel by . The project is currently in preproduc- Genre: Detective. tion. Filming will start on the 25th of September.

Synopsis: Story of love, retribution, and everything that falls in between. The investigation department chief Okhlopkov and a village policeman Ovsyannikov have a murder case under inquire. The crime victim – a young and beautiful woman who was cheated on her husband, Bugrov. And it seems it is obvious who'd killed the woman, but Bugrov also dies shortly thereafter...

TV MOVIES ORDERED TO GIVE BIRTH Russian prodco Grin Film started working on TV romcom Or- Producers: Pavel Babin, Rodion GRIN FILM dered to Give Birth, sequel of the TV film Ordered to Marry. Pavlyuchik. The project is commissioned by Production Centre ‘Prior’ Director, script: Yuri Morozov. and is currently in preproduction. Cast: Oleg Maslennikov-Voitov, Boris Shcherbakov, Aleksandr Rat- Synopsis: Real admiral Filimonov tells admiral Lobanov about nikov, Maria Kostikova. the All-Russian contest among marine officers – ‘The Grand- Genre: Comedy. father of the Russian Navy’. Lobanov has no grandchildren, so he asks his daughter Lara to …bear him a chikd as soon as pos- sible. She refuses, but Lobanov has “plan B” for this situation…

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 7 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

TV MOVIES TIME WILL TELL Russian film company Mediaprofsoyuz started shooting TV Producers: Aleksandr Kushaev, MEDIAPROFSOYUZ romance A Question of History. The project is commissioned Vladimir Ignatiev. by Russia 1 TV channel. Script: Nina Jakab. Cast: Timofey Karataev. Synopsis: Nadezhda lives with her grandfather in a small village Genre: Romance. in the South Ural. She loves her neighbor Pavel and dreams of getting married with him. Suddenly Nadezhda’s grandfather dies, and parents send Pavel to Moscow. So Nadezhda de- cides to find him and goes to the capital…

TV MOVIES LAST SUMMER IN CHULIMSK Russia 1 TV channel is working on TV romance Last Summer Director: Victor Dement. RUSSIA 1 in Chulimsk, an adaptation of a play by the same name written Cast: Sergei Bezrukov. by Aleksandr Vampilov. Shooting finished in mid August. The Genre: Romance. project is currently in postproduction. It is to be premiered this fall.

Synopsis: Valentina works in a tea room in taiga regional centre. She loves investigator Shamanov, but he doesn't share her feel- ings. At the same time there are two men who want to marry Val- entina – the bartender’s son Pavel and accountant Mechetkin.

SINGLE BY THE CONTRACT TV MOVIES Early September Ukrainian group of companies FILM.UA in Producers: Igor Storchak, FILM.UA, NOVY CHANNEL coproduction with Novy Channel finished shooting new youth Vladimir Lokotko. comedy Single by the Contract. Filming started at the end of Director: Evgeniy Matvienko. July and took place in Kiev. The movie premiere is planned for Cast: Olga Lerman, Vatslav 2014. Verxol, Olga Tumaykina, Sergei Peregudov, Andrey Synopsis: The movie will tell us a story of a young rising star Sla- Saminin, Valeriy Sozanovsky, va Lebedev, a frontman of a rock band “Heart of the City” and Aleksandr Dulin, Naomi Vulf. young Lily Fialko who falls in love with Slava even though she Genre: Comedy. knoes nothing suspect of his fame. The problem is that under the contract Slava may not get married and go out with the girls. That's the only way he can maintain his image and win over his fans.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 8 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

TV SHOWS TIME MACHINE Ukrainian ICTV channel is working on new original entertainment Hosts: Anna Semenovich, Kuzma ICTV TV show Time Machine. The project premiere is set for this fall. Skryabin.

Two hosts and their teams will participate in a battle of differ- ent time periods of 20th century. Those who will manage to show their ‘year’ atmosphere – by dancing, singing, joking, wear- ing the costumes of that time, etc. – will earn points. The more points – the more higher their chances to win.

TV SHOWS THE WAR OF WORLDS. INSPECTOR VS. CHIEF Ukrainian Novy Channel is preparing new reality show The War Hosts: Olga Freimut, Aram NOVY CHANNEL of Worlds. Inspector Vs. Chief. The show premiere is set for Mnazakanov. this autumn.

12 people will be taken aboard cruise liner and taught the se- crets of culinary art and restaurant business. Olga Freimut and Aram Mnazakanov are the teachers and the judges all in one. They have to choose only one, the best one, who will get 500 000 UAH to startup his/her own business.

TV SHOWS OURS IN 100 HOURS Ukraina TV channel is working on new family and design make- Hosts: Sergey Bobak, Ksenija UKRAINA over show Ours in 100 hours. The project is produced by Tele Koval’. Pro production company. Show will premiere in autumn 2013.

Ours in 100 hours is a highly explosive mix of family conflicts and renovation processes. Some people just can’t decorate their apartment the way they want to on their own, and start quarrel- ling from the very beginning. Hosts and their team of profession- als will help to develop a new design and turn it into reality.

TV SHOWS STRICTLY COME DANCING Russia 1 TV channel is working on the 8th season of the local Hosts: Maksim Galkin, Daria Spiri- RUSSIA 1 adaptation of popular TV format Strictly Come Dancing (aka donova. ). Russian prodco Wmedia is responsible Format: Strictly Come Dancing. for the production of the project. The show premiere is set for the middle of September.

The show pairs a number of celebrities with professional ball- room dancers who each week compete against each other to impress a panel of judges and the viewing public in order to sur- vive potential elimination. Through telephone voting, viewers vote for whom they would like to stay, the results of the poll be- ing combined with the ranking of the panel of judges. The Cou- ple with the lowest score is leaving the show every week. The jury members for this season are: Yegor Druzhinin, Anastasia Volochkova, Elena Tchaikovskaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 9 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

FEATURE FILMS HARDCORE Mid July Russian film company Bazelevs started shooting Producers: Timur Bekmambetov. BAZELEVS new feature fiction thriller Hardcore. Filming locations include Director: Ilya Nayshuller. Moscow and Tver’ region. The project budget totals $2 million. Script: Ilya Nayshuller. Bazelevs Distribution company will release the film in Russia. Cast: Sharlto Copley, . Synopsis: High above Moscow the air laboratory conducts the Genre: Fiction thriller. military and scientific experiments to create men-cyborgs. Scientific employee Estel assembles cyborg Henry who wakes up in his new form and the only thing he can remember from his previous live is his and Estel’s love for each other. Not yet having gathered the mosaic of memories Henry loses his girl- friend because the blind villain, albino Akan, kidnaps Estel us- ing telekinesis. The main character is starting to pursuit them and meets a mysterious stranger Jimmy who saves Henry’s life and gives him some valuable information that may shed light on the cyborg’s past and Estel’s current location.


VIDEOLAND, BOLT Russian production companies Videoland and Bolt starts Director: Zhargal Badmatsyrenov. working on a sequel of their feature comedy The Kettle. The Script: Yevgeny Zamaliev. project is currently in preproduction. Filming is set to start next Cast: Alik Sangiev, Ivan Vasiliev, year. Sergey Tsyrenov, Aleksandr Frolov. Genre: Comedy. Synopsis: Four guys – Alik, Ivan, Shtyr and Slava have always craved to buy a dream of their lives – Toyota Chaser vulgarly nicknamed The Kettle. The events take place two years after they had made their dream come true. They had bought The Kettle and successfully sold it soon thereafter. Since that time the main characters Shtyr, Vania, Slava and Alik grew up and somehow settled their lives. They are in love and intend to mar- ry their sweethearts. The funny situations keep happening with them during their wedding arrangements.

FEATURE FILMS FREE STONE MASONS Russian producer Ekaterina Philippova works on new feature Producer: Ekaterina Philippova. EKATERINA PHILIPPOVA’S comedy with a tentative title Free Stone Masons. The proj- Director: Greg Zglinski. PROJECT ect is currently in preproduction. The film has already received Script: Andrey Migachev. €300,000 support from Eurimages and will be coproduced by Cast: Andrey Chadov, Alexey French and Polish prodcompanies. The project budget totals Chadov, Dany Boon, Mikhail €1.2 million. Shooting will take place in . Meskhi, Robert Vechkevich. Genre: Comedy. Synopsis: A comedy about four workers from the former USSR, who came to work to France, got drunk and accidentally hi- jacked a yacht. While they were trying to return to the coast the characters had to go through lots of funny ordeals. Luckily, no- body noticed the yacht disappear, so their unexpected adven- ture turned out all right for the miserable voyagers.

Ekaterina Philippova

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 10 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

FEATURE FILMS RUDOLF NURIYEV. THE BEGINNING Russian production company Svoi Pocherk started the Producers: Alfiya Chebotareva, An- SVOI POCHERK preproduction of new feature biopic Rudolf Nuriyev. toine de Clermont, Neil McCartney. The Beginning. Shooting will take place in Moscow, St. Pe- Director, script: Yevgenia Tirdatova. tersburg, Ufa, Paris and London. Film budget totals €5 million. Genre: Biopic.

Synopsis: The main character is the legendary soviet bal- let dancer Rudolf Nuriyev, who escaped to the West from the horrors of the totalitarian regime which, very likely, made him dance in Mariinsky Theatre for Politburo members’ delegation. The movie depicts the events of 1989 when Nuriyev returned to his home city Ufa to see his dying mother for the last time. He was missing her badly. The memory takes him back to his youth and the viewer is offered to live through the character’s life from the poor Tatar boy to the soloist in Mariinka who left the country in 1961 during a tour in Paris and was sentenced to seven years in prison in USSR for “High Treason”.

FEATURE FILMS KNIGHT’S MOVE Early August Armenian production company Sharm Pictures Producer: Armen Ambartsumian. SHARM PICTURES finished shooting new feature youth comedy Knight’s Move. Director: Gor Kirakosyan. Filming commenced late June and took place in Kazakhstan Cast: Asel Sagatova, Hovhannes and Armenia. The movie release is planned for this November. Azoyan, Sanjar Madiev, Bahytzhan Al- peisov, Azamat Ashimov, Erden Telemi- Synopsis: A large-scale international tournament takes place sov, Murat Mukashev. in Almaty with the participation of the Armenian chess play- Genre: Comedy. ers. The main character meets beautiful Kazakh girl Aygherim at the tournament. She is a student and works at the museum of history. The powers of darkness steal the Stone of Destiny – Tamerlane’s diamond from the museum. By accident the Asel Sagatova stone got to our character and now goes to Armenia. The pow- ers of darkness are hunting the diamond because they need it to combine their powers. Of course, at the end the justice will triumph and a real pure love will blossom between the main characters.

FEATURE FILMS TWO WOMEN This June Russian prodco Horosho Production started shoot- Producer: Natalia Ivanova, Antra Tse- ing new feature drama Two Women. The project is copro- linska, Vera Glagoleva. duced by Jura Podnieka Studija () and Rezo Produc- Director: Vera Glagoleva. HOROSHO PRODUCTION tions (France). Filming takes place in region and will Script: Svetlana Krutovich. be wrapped up this September. Eurimages awarded €260,000 Cast: Anna Astrakhantseva, Alexander to the project. Film production budget totals $3 million. Rezo Baluev, Sylvie Testud, Larisa Malevan- World Sales company will take over the film's distribution rights. naya, Bernd Moss, Sergey Yushkevich, Vasili Mishchenko. Synopsis: Love is always like a lightning in the cleqr blue sky. It Genre: Drama. breaks into the heart and mind of the main female character and drives everyone crazy: foster daughter, family friend, husband and surely the very object of her admiration – a young teacher of her little son. The action takes part in the Islaev’s estate. The play is based on a love quadrangle. Natalya Petrovna – the wife of a rich landlord Arkadiy Sergeyevich Islaev aged 36 – falls in love with Aleksey Nikolayevich Belyaev – student and Kolya’s teacher. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Rakitin – family friend – has been long in Vera Glagoleva love with Natalya Petrovna. Verochka aged 17 – Natalya Petro- vna’s foster child – also falls in love with Kolya’s teacher. As a re- sult of this situation Belyaev and Rakitin leave the estate…

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

FEATURE FILMS COLONEL’S TREASURE Azerbaijanfilm production company started shooting new Director: Fikret Alekperov. AZERBAIJANFILM feature comedy Colonel’s Treasure. Filming takes place in Script: Ilgar Fakhmi, Fikret Alekperov. . Cast: Fouad Poladov, Tariel Gasimov, Arif Guliyev, Zemfira Narimanbekova. Synopsis: The plot revolves around a former police chief who Genre: Comedy. gets to the nursing home after retirement. By the way he has quite substantial sum of money onboard. However, this money soon disappears and the character decides to recollect his pro- fessional skills in order to find and punish the thief on his own. Certainly, at first he suspects the neighbors and personnel…

FEATURE FILMS THE EVALUATOR ART PICTURES STUDIO Russian film company Art Pictures Studio started shooting Producers: Fyodor Bondarchuk, new full-length fiction The Evaluator based on a novel by Alek- Dmitry Rudovskiy. sandr Gromov. Filming started on the 5th of August in Iceland, Director: Dmitry Grachev. then the crew will move to Moscow. Principal photography will Script: Aleksandr Gromov. last six weeks and will be wrapped up in the middle of Septem- Cast: Yevgeny Mironov, Vinnie ber. Jones, Anna Chipovskaya. Genre: Science Fiction. Synopsis: The events take place on the Khliab planet. The death penalty has been cancelled here long time ago and the exile to a desolated swampy terrain is the only extreme penalty practised on the planet. Theoretically it is possible to achieve the salvation on the Happy Islands but yet nobody has ever managed to get across 300 km of deadly swamps.

FEATURE FILMS AMERICAN HEIST Russian film company EnjoyMovies in coproduction with Producers: Vladimir Polyakov, ENJOYMOVIES, American company Renovatio Entertainment finished shoot- Georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, RENOVATIOENTERTAINMENT ing new feature crime thriller American Heist. Filming started Ghevond Andreasyan, Tove Chris- on the 24th of June, and took place in New Orleans. The project tensen. budget totals $10 million. Film release is planned for 2014. Director: Sarik Andreasyan. Cast: Hayden Christensen, Adrien Synopsis: James’ attempts to start a new life are a complete Brody, Jordana Brewster. failure: he can not find a good job and gets denied credits on Budget: $10 million his business because of his imprisonment. James’ elder broth- Genre: Crime thriller. er Frankie offers him to “pull a heist”. He swears that it is for the last time and after the robbery of the bank in New Orleans they will have money and return to their normal lives. However, hardly anyone could guess that seemingly a simple raid will turn out to be one of the bloodiest and the most dramatic heist in the American history…

FEATURE FILMS COOTIES Russian film company EnjoyMovies in coproduction with Producers: Georgiy Malkov, Vladi- ENJOYMOVIES, GLACIER American companies Glacier Films and The Woodshed mir Polyakov, Sarik Andreasyan, FILMS, THE WOODSHED started filming new feature zombie horror Cooties. Shooting Ghevond Andreasyan, Leigh Whan- started in late July in Los Angeles. Film producers have already nell, Stephen Schneider. concluded presale deals for several territories with Universal. Director: Jonathan Milott, Cary Enjoy Movies will keep the rights for the movie for the Russian Mernion. territory. Script: Ian Brennan.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 12 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №14 September 2013

Synopsis: The story of a closed school where a terrible virus Cast: Elijah Wood, Alison Pill, Na- breaks out. The affected students turn into zombies and the sim Pedrad, Leigh Whannell, Rainn teachers have to do all they can to save their lives and the lives Wilson. of the remaining unaffected kids. Genre: Zombie horror.

FEATURE FILMS THE PIONEER-HEROES CTB Russian film company CTB in coproduction with Masterskaya Producer: Sergey Selyanov. Seans prodco start working on new feature film The Pioneer- Director, script: Natalia Heroes. The project is currently in preproduction. Filming will Kudryashova. take place in the Far East. The movie is financially supported Budget: $1 million. by the Russian Ministry of Culture. The project budget totals $1 million.

Synopsis: The Soviet children had not been taught to live only for themselves. They are focused on some transpersonal con- dition with the apogee of some heroic deed for the good of the whole society… The adult characters live their lives, work a lot, get salaries, take mortgages, give birth to children and buy cars; however, the values acquired in the childhood determine their actions in their adult lives. They want to live according to the values acquired in the childhood.

FEATURE FILMS LEVIATHAN ANDREI ZVYAGINTSEV’S FILM Russian film director Andrey Zvyagintsev is working on new Producer: Aleksandr Rodnjansky. feature social drama Leviathan. Shooting started on the 2nd Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev. of August in Kirovsk (Murmansk region, Russia) and will be Script: Oleg Negin. wrapped up in October. The project is financially supported by Cast: Alexey Serebryakov, Elena the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The movie Lyadova, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, budget totals 7.3 million. The film release is scheduled for the Roman Madyanov. next spring. Budget: 7.3 million. Genre: Drama. Synopsis: It is a story of a man who lives in the midst of Russian social disorder. The events take place in a little northern town. Nikolai built a house and a workshop together with his father. But the destiny interferes and the character’s ordinary life is ruined. Andrey Zvyagintsev

FEATURE FILMS THE TRIAL KONSTANTIN SELIVERSTOV’S Russian film director Konstantin Seliverstov is working on a Director: Konstantin Seliverstov. movie adaptation of the novel by The Trial. Shoot- Script: Yuri Arabov. FILM ing started this January and finished in July. Filming took place Cast: Anton Schwartz, Andrey in St. Petersburg. The project is in post-production now. Cur- Shimko, Natalia Shamina, Elena rently, the director tries to raise financing on the crowd funding Shvareva, Nikolai Molodozhen, platforms to complete the film. Igor Golovin.

Synopsis: The main character, a bank clerk Joseph K., was ar- rested on an ungrounded charge. The character was not put into prison but he has to come for questioning upon first re- quest. The events that occur make him incapable of conceiving the tragic reality. This world changes right in front of his eyes: everything that used to be plain, logical and self-evident takes up ominous and monstrous forms. The trial soon hits heights Konstantin of absurdity… Seliverstov

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 13 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION №14 September 2013


1+1 Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 agreed with British content distributor Shine International on the production of Ukrainian version of the for- mat Anything Goes. The live studio entertainment show first aired on France’s TF1 as Vendredi Tout est Permis Avec Arthur was produced and created by Paris-based prodco Satisfaction – The Television Agency. Launched worldwide at last year’s Mipcom, local versions have also been commissioned in (Hunan TV), Lebanon (MTV), V (French Canada) and (TV2), (Antena 3), Romania (Antena 1) and Brazil (Globo).

Anything Goes sees a host of TV’s funniest personalities and com- Format: Anything Goes. ics as well as stars from music, television and film tasked to perform Genre: entertainment show. mime, song, dance, improvisation and play quizzes based on specific challenges – purely for the entertainment of the viewer. These include the ‘Slide Show’, where our stars act out brilliantly funny scenes, set inside the ‘sliding room’, built at an angle of 22.5 degrees, causing celebrities all kinds of drama and confusion. There are no winners and no losers: the only challenge is to entertain and have fun.

International company FremantleMedia headquartered in London licensed 1+1 production of local version of dating format Date with Fate which is a product of the Format Farm initiative at Irish broad- caster RTE and first aired on the channel in February. Original show was produced by Tyrone Productions. 1+1 is the first foreign channel to take the format on and it s to produce a 12 episodes 60-minute each.

Date With Fate gives singles the chance to gaze into a romantic crystal Format: Anything Goes. ball and see how life might look 30 years down the track with a poten- Running time: 12 x 60 minutes. tial partner. Using extensive research, career assessment, family his- Genre: dating show. tory, background chats, goals and aspirations, a single girl whittles six suitors down to two before she is given the ultimate chance to com- pare a possible future life with each. With the help of computer-gen- erated photos of their potential offspring, pictures of their ‘wedding day’, and much more, the romantic hopeful must make her choice based on what she’s seen and learnt about the two guys.

FILM.UA DISTRIBUTION Ukrainian company FILM.UA Distribution affiliated to FILM. UA.Group signed a deal with French distributor Art Media Finance which acquired broadcasting and home video rights for feature length versions of Kasym (Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, 2012) and Insepa- rable (Motylki, Ukraine, 2013) for the territory of Francophone and French-speaking countries (more than 50 territories).

Kasym. A World War II hero and a talented saboteur, Kasym Kaysenov, left Script: Andrey Kureychik. an exceptional trace in Ukrainian history. His heroic deeds continue to live Cast: Kuandyk Kystykbaev, on in memories of those indebted to him for his courage. This time Kasym Alexander Petrov, Mikhail Evla- will engage in sabotaging a German warehouse, an enterprise, which will nov, Maria Lugovaya, Alexander end with the demise of the entire subversive group. Trapped behind en- Lykov, Vladimir Gostyukhin and emy lines, Kasym will only be able to rely on the help of his compatriots. others. Running time: . Genre: war drama.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 14 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION №14 September 2013

Inseparable. April, 1986. Pripyat, Ukraine. A core meltdown occurred Producer: Victor Mirsky. at Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Power Plant. Over thirty people died Director: Vitaliy Vorobyov. during the blast but the estimated death toll as a result of the radia- Script: Valeriy Mukharyamov. tion fallout will reach a four-digit number. This accident will be con- Cast: Mariya Poezhaeva, Yuriy sidered the world’s largest ecological disaster. Set at ground zero of a Borisov, Andrey Kazakov, Yuliya catastrophe, this film will reveal the details of the Chernobyl event. The Rytberg, Yuriy Nazarov and others. shocking news of the explosion at the nuclear plant has spread, as the Running time: 120 minutes. world watched the tragedy in fear and confusion. Hearts went out to Genre: drama, romance. those who displayed selfless courage and integrity in the initial efforts to stabilize the reactor power. But some were too busy being in love to notice what had just happened in nearby Chernobyl. The disaster has faded into the background...

AMEDIA Russian company Amedia signeg an acquisition deal with the London- based distribution division of international company FremantleMedia on the following titles: Hit and Miss (Great Britain, 2012), Web Thera- py (USA, 2011), Cuckoo (Great Britain, 2012) and TV drama Laconia (Great Britain, Germany, 2011). Projects will be aired on Amedia pay TV channels and added to the library of company’s OTT service. Cast: Jonas Armstrong, Chloë Hit and Miss follows Mia, a contract killer with a secret: she’s a trans- Sevigny, Karla Crome, Reece Noi, gender woman. Mia’s life is sent into a tailspin when she receives a let- Jorden Bennie and others. ter from an ex-girlfriend dying from cancer revealing that Mia fathered Running time: 6 x 60 minutes. a son eleven years ago. Faced with a difficult decision, Mia becomes Genre: drama. the guardian to a new family forcing her to mix her killer instincts with her newly developing maternal instincts. Cast: , Dan Bucatin- features Fiona Wallice who is branching a new type of sky, Victor Garber, Jennifer Elise therapy. She decides that 3 minutes over web cam is better than 50 Cox, Julie Claire and others. minutes of patients rambling on. By dramatically shortening session Running time: 32 x 30 minutes. time, she hopes to get results more quickly. Her sessions take place Genre: comedy. via web cam over the internet and are taped in the hope of attract- ing investors into promoting her new technique as a worldwide therapy option. Cast: Lisa Kudrow, Dan Bucatin- Cuckoo is set in Lichfield, Staffordshire, home to the Thompson fam- sky, Victor Garber, Jennifer Elise ily. When Ken and Lorna collect their daughter Rachel from the airport, Cox, Julie Claire and others. they learn that she has returned from her gap year having married Running time: 13 x 30 minutes. Cuckoo - an eccentric American ‘hippy’ with an all-loving attitude, Genre: comedy. who does not have a job and loves to take drugs. Cast: Andrew Buchan, Ken Laconia. In 1942,the Laconia, an old British cruise liner turned troop Duken, Franka Potente, Thomas ship, is returning to Liverpool from Egypt with civilian passengers and Kretschmann, Brian Cox, Lind- Italian prisoners. The ship is torpedoed by a German U-boat, whose say Duncan and others. humane captain, Werner Hartenstein, learning that the Laconia was Running time: 2 x 90 minutes. not a warship, decides to rescue the survivors, bringing some into the Genre: comedy. submarine and towing others in life-boats. He also has a Red Cross flag displayed and a message sent to the Allies to organize a rescue of the survivors.

STUDIO KVARTAL 95 Ukrainian company Studio Kvartal 95 signed a deal with dis- tributor Sparks Network acting as a sales agent of TV format Crack Them Up. Companies licensed options on productions of local ver- sions of the show to broadcasters from - MTV3, China - Shixi TV and Italy – CORIMA. Original show produced by Studio Kvartal 95 debuted on Ukrainian channel Inter in 2011. It was adapted in Russia – Russia One Channel, - Baltijos TV and Kazakhstan – NTK.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 15 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION №14 September 2013

In this entertainment show regular people have to make two comedi- Format: Crack Them Up. ans laugh. If they succeed they can walk away with a cash prize. In Genre: entertainment show. front of a cheering audience the contestants are given one minute to succeed. A smile is enough. The two comedians are very likable and have a hard time resisting a good laugh. The host closely monitors the reactions of the comedians. Can they keep a straight face? If the contestants succeed they can chose to stay on the set and keep on joking and in this way earn a lot more money for every minute the co- medians are laughing. Everybody wants to have a good time and the comedians plus the live studio audience encourage the contestants to be their best. Crack Them Up gives people an arena to entertain the country and to discover new comedy talent. And a good laugh makes life easier!

Moreover Studio Kvartal 95 sold TV rights on comedy series Match- makers 6 (Svaty 6, Ukraine, 2013) as well as documentary Match- makers 6. Offscreen (Svaty 6. Za kadrom, Ukraine, 2013) to Russia One Channel (Russia), Belarus 1 (Belarus), Eurasia (Kazakhstan), N4 (Moldova) and Viasat (Latvia, ). Season six premiered on Ukrainian channel 1+1 last spring.

Matchmakers follows relationships of two couples of past middle age. Cast: Fyodor Dobronravov, Their young children got married and so two families had no other way Tatyana Kravchenko, Lyudmila out than to make friends for sake of their grandchildren. It was difficult Artemeva, Aleksandr Feklistov, for them to build relationships because of the different worldviews, in- Anna Koshmal, Olesya Zhe- terests and ways of life. They challenge each other for the attention of leznyak, Nikolay Dobrynin and their grandchildren. In their turn children manage to right the ship and others. make her grandparents one team. Running time: 16 x 50 minutes. Genre: comedy. 2X2 Russian TV channel 2x2 signed a deal with distribution division of in- ternational company FremantleMedia. Companies agreed on broad- casting scripted series Wedding Band (USA, 2012) in Russia. Television Networks also acquired the series for its chan- nels in CIS. Moreover 2x2 along with Amedia acquired comedy series Web Therapy (USA, 2011) and Cuckoo (Great Britain, 2012).

The series follows four friends who, despite their ups and downs, Cast: Brian Austin Green, Harold spend their spare time performing in a wedding band. One thing they Perrineau, Peter Cambor, Derek have figured out is that weddings are the wildest parties in town. Af- Miller and others. ter all, the groupies are bridesmaids, the drinks are free and the best Running time: 10 x 50 minutes. part, there’s a paycheck waiting at the end of the night. It’s not just Genre: comedy, drama. weddings, the band also brings the party to bar mitzvahs, high-school reunions and even bachelorette parties.

CHANNEL ONE RUSSIA Russian Channel One acquired drama Broadchurch (Graet Britain, 2013) from British content distributor Shine International. The series is sold to more than 30 territories including France (France 2), (NRK), Latin America (OnDIRECTV), Germany (ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG), Sweden (TV4), (ABC Australia) and USA (BBC America). Shine International licensed Fox Broadcasting Company (FOX) pro- duction of American remake of Broadchurch for broadcast 2014-2015.

Broadchurch explores what happens to a small community when it Directors: James Strong, Euros suddenly becomes the focus of a police investigation, following the Lyn. tragic and mysterious death of an eleven year old boy. Bloodied and Cast: Olivia Colman, David Ten- nant, Jodie Whittaker, Andrew Bu-

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dirty, he has been found dead on an idyllic beach. Whilst his chan, Adam Wilson, Charlotte Beau- death remains unresolved, the picturesque seaside town of mont, Jonathan Bailey and others. Broadchurch finds itself at the heart of a major police investiga- Running time: 8 x 60 minutes. tion and national media frenzy. The sadness of losing a child Genre: drama, crime. consumes the boy’s family as they attempt to cope with their grief, everyday normal life and the abruptness of the unwar- ranted attention heaped upon them. At the same time detective Ellie Miller is also emotionally involved with the case – she’s a friend of the family. She has to find reserves of patience and toughness to negotiate a professional relationship with the diffi- cult and unyielding newly promoted police detective Alec Hardy using clinical investigating methods.

REN TV Russian TV channel Ren TV signed a deal with the international TV content and formats distributor Eyeworks International (HQ in Amsterdam) on the scripted format Missing. It is based on the original Belgian series Vermist (2007). In homeland Bel- gium, the fourth season of Vermist was broadcasted on VIER in the autumn of 2012. The fifth season of will be broadcasted on VIER later this year. Season six has now also been ordered.

The series follows the Missing Persons Unit, a special police Format: Missing. unit within the Federal Police. The members of the team have just one goal: to find missing persons, dead or alive, to give an outcome to the relatives of the missing person. The mentor of the Unit is Walter Sibelius, an experienced and dedicated po- liceman, who lives for his work. Walter’s team consists of Tine Peeters, his right-hand woman and expert in the field, Steve Van Hamel, the playboy of the gang, Emily Lacroix, the young- est of the group and Nick Bulens, an experienced detective but not really a team player. The team members always operate in twos, but there are no fixed pairings. They never give up, be- cause every missing person can be found.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 17 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] CINEMA RELEASES OVERVIEW CINEMA RELEASES OVERVIEW №14 September 2013


(NOVEMBER 29, 2012 – AUGUST 18, 2013)

Theatrical releases of 226 films took place in Ukraine in the period of November 29, 2012 – August 18, 2013. The gross box-office of these films totaled $76.8 million. 14.2 million tickets were sold for the premieres of the 2013 theatrical year. It is worth mentioning that some releases of 2012 collected $2.8 million in 2013 with almost one million admissions. So, total Ukrainian theatrical box-office (amounts to $79.6 million 15.2 million people visited cinemas during eight and a half months. TOP-20 releases collected $44 million – 55.3% of the total amount. 51.5% of the cinema-goers – 7.8 million – bought tickets to watch the films you see in the table below.

Total Box-office by 18.08.2013 № Movie Distributor Premier Date Premier Box-office, $ Tickets Sold г. $

1 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey KNM 19.12.2012 1 388 677 4 048 630 563 403 2 Iron Man 3 B&H 02.05.2013 1 377 169 3 339 823 522 441 3 Oz the Great and Powerful B&H 07.03.2013 1 591 875 3 012 503 488 335 Three Warriors on Far Shores / Tri 4 GK 27.12.2012 507 697 2 629 071 531 774 bogatyria na dalnikh beregakh (Rus) 5 Fast & Furious 6 B&H 23.05.2013 1 253 605 2 588 931 562 732 6 Life of Pi UFD 01.01.2013 822 160 2 571 046 382 638 7 Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters B&H 31.01.2013 922 501 2 423 512 394 177 8 World War Z B&H 27.06.2013 1 117 092 2 414 856 407 058 9 The Croods UFD 21.03.2013 467 235 2 112 790 421 961 10 Pacific Rim KNM 11.07.2013 728 472 2 110 769 324 385 11 Despicable Me 2 B&H 11.07.2013 699 281 1 922 692 384 092 12 After Earth B&H 06.06.2013 918 103 1 873 874 374 420 13 Monsters University B&H 20.06.2013 644 579 1 864 364 384 642 14 The Hangover Part III KNM 30.05.2013 805 028 1 823 937 373 294 15 The Great Gatsby KNM 16.05.2013 542 631 1 823 695 321 246 16 Oblivion B&H 11.04.2013 778 544 1 703 240 316 812 17 The Lone Ranger B&H 03.07.2013 663 252 1 485 643 310 701 18 Jungle / Dzhungli (Rus) GK 29.11.2012 698 186 1 473 419 254 894 19 R.I.P.D. B&H 25.07.2013 558 528 1 399 357 239 498 20 A Good Day To Die Hard UFD 14.02.2013 759 693 1 386 735 273 969 TOTAL ТОP-20: 44 008 887 7 832 472

Sources: BOOKER’S BULLETIN, Ukrainian Film Distribution

Distributors: AVR – Aurora Film B&H – B&H Distribution GK – Galeon Kino KNM – Kinomania UFD – Ukrainian Film Distribution

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 18 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №14 September 2013

Since the day it was founded CIS: Content Report follows the situation on the Ukrainian TV content market including programming and premieres. Year by year six major national channels – 1+1, TRK Ukraine, Inter, FOCUS STB, ICTV and Novy Channel – increase the number of the premiere projects produced in the CIS (mostly Russia an Ukraine). We noticed an interesting trend – the broadcasters seem to give up competing with each other at acquiring rights for international TV formats for local adaptation and they prefer to put fea- INTERNATIONAL TV ture films, TV movies and especially scripted series in their programming.

FORMATS ADAPTED IN For example, 92 TV shows and 90 scripted series premiered in 2011, and in 2012 in total 108 new shows and 173 scripted series were introduced to the audience. The result of the six month of 2013 is 40 shows UKRAINE: LAST FIVE against 111 scripted series. The figures include subsequent seasons of the projects launched in the pre- YEARS SUMMARY vious years. Consider that less and less shows are based on the international formats: 37 in 2011, 22 in 2012 and 11 in the first half of 2013. May be major broadcasters had finally found appropriate format prod- ucts that satisfy the tastes of the target audience after a few years of content experiments. Hard to believe. At least 10 more new local adaptations are expected to air in autumn 2013. International format developers and distributors seem to have inexhaustible supplies of ideas for Ukrainian TV content market. Now we are going to learn which of these had succeeded at the local market and what channels are their best clients.

During the last five years international format distributors sold 174 formats to nine Ukrainian channels (in- cluding ТЕТ, К1 and 2+2 along with six major broadcasters mentioned above). 126 local adaptations aired with more or less success. Some of the shows based on the same format were produced by more than one channel at different times.


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1H 2013 9 3 25 48 29 11

We can’t be sure that the broadcasters disclose the information on all of the adaptations they produced. Some shows, claimed to have been developed by the channels, look just like formats seen at international content markets. We have no other choise but to take it as truth and to do with the information from official websites of format distributors. Nevertheless, data provided below describes the situation on the local market.


Channel Formats Licensed Local Versions Aired (January 2008 - July 2013) 1+1 63 40 STB 24 15 Inter 21 14 TRK Ukraine 19 15 ТЕТ 15 14 ICTV 14 10 Novy Channel 14 12 К1 5 5 2+2 1 1 Total: 176* 126

* total number of license deals differs from the number of formats licensed to Ukrainian channels, be- cause some formats were adapted by more than one channel at different times

According to our information 19 foreign companies signed one license deal with one of the local channels. 15 Ukrainian versions of the shows were introduced to TV viewers.

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Premiere Date in № International Distributor Format Ukrainian Title Channel Ukraine 1 Televisa Internacional Bailando por un Sueño Tantsuiu dlya tebe 1+1 September 22, 2008 Davay odruzhimos STB September, 2009 Let’s Get Married (Davay 2 Russian Channel One Davay odruzhimos v pozhenimsya) Inter June 30, 2013 Ukrainy 3 Zeal International Popstars Superzirka 1+1 March 9, 2010 4 Lion Television Nothing to Hide Gola pravda ТЕТ October 4, 2010 One Three International (Mark TRK 5 The Contender Ty – champion October 17, 2010 Burnett Company) Ukraine 6 Mistral Production Intercities Bytva natsy ICTV September 4, 2011 7 Castaway Television Survivor Ostanny geroy ICTV October 16, 2011 8 Cineflix Rights In-law Wedding Wars Vesilni bytvy STB November 8, 2011 Small World International Format Miss Country Girl (Miss fata 9 Krasa po-ukrainsky 1+1 December 7, 2011 Television de la tara) Buena Vista International Televi- 10 Extreme Makeover Operatsia krasota 1+1 May 19, 2012 sion 11 MTV Networks International 16 & Pregnant Vagitna v 16 STB August 28, 2012 Novy chan- 12 NeweN Can You Feel Love Blyzhche do tila October 3, 2012 nel 13 Calt Distribution Women Veseli mamzeli ТЕТ December 3, 2012 TRK 14 Celador Brainiest Nairozumnishy March 10, 2013 Ukraine 15 Disney-ABC Domestic Television Amazing Race Velyki peregony 1+1 April 13, 2013 TRK 16 ТNТ/Comedy Club Production Hi!/Bye! (Privet/poka) Lyublyu. Zhdu August 10, 2013 Ukraine 17 Electus Bet On Your Baby Miymalyuk zmozhe 1+1 n/a 18 DCD Rights Penn & Teller: Full Us n/a STB n/a 19 Nippon Television Masquerade n/a 1+1 n/a

At the same time ten leading international format distributors sold 120 formats to Ukraine.


Local Versions Aired Company Formats Licensed (January 2008 - July 2013) FremantleMedia 17 11 Endemol 16 9 Shine International 15 12 Talpa 14 11 Zodiak Rights 13 12 Sony Pictures Television International Formats 13 9 (2waytraffic by April 2012) Red Arrow International (SevenOne International 9 8 by July 2012) ITV Studios Global Entertainment 8 6 BBC Worldwide 8 6 Armoza Formats 7 2 Total TOP-10: 120 86


Distribution division of London-based FremantleMedia signed 17 format license deals with Ukrainian channels which led to 11 local versions of the shows. Channel STB attracted a wider audience due to fa- vorable cooperation with the British company – in 2013 the fifth season of Ukraine Got Talent already aired,

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 20 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №14 September 2013

the forth Ukrainian X-Factor started on August 31. The local version of The Farmer Wants a Wife had a two- season run. And the channel also announced that it is working on the adaptation of Push the Button – the premiere date is to be announced. Show based on the format Don’t Stop Me Now was canceled halfway since Inter new management refused to continue channel cooperation with the engaged production com- pany. Therefore the future of the project is vague.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine FremantleMedia 1 Name That Tune Yaka to melodia TRK Ukraine March 21, 2008

Sudovi spravy 1+1 September 2008 2 Das Strafgericht Sudovi spravy Inter January 13, 2009

3 Got Talent Ukrina maie talant STB April 3, 2009 4 Hole in the Wall More po kolino ICTV August 29, 2010 5 X-Factor Х-Фактор STB September 4, 2010 6 Total Blackout Volodar temryavy 2+2 April 4, 2011 7 The Farmer Wants a Wife Fermer shukaie druxhynu STB August 30, 2011 8 To Tell the Truth Samozvantsi ICTV September 3, 2011 9 Show Choir Chellenge Show #1 Inter September 16, 2011 10 Take Me out Davay, do pobachennya 1+1 August 30, 2012 11 Family Feud Prosto show 1+1 February 4, 2013 12 Push the Button Knopka STB expected in autumn 2013 13 Date With Fate n/a 1+1 n/a 14 Don't Stop Me Now n/a Inter n/a 15 The Apprentice n/a TRK Ukraine n/a 16 Recipe to Riches n/a ICTV n/a Work of Art: The Next Great 17 n/a STB n/a Artist


Format distributor from – Endemol – licensed production of 16 Ukrainian versions of its for- mats. 10 shows were aired. Wipeout was adapted twice – by Inter in 2010 and by ICTV in 2013. Local Babes on the Bus premiered this summer on TET. Two more shows based on Endemol formats will debut on Novy channel in the upcoming season.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Endemol 1 Deal or No Deal Graiesh chy ne graiesh? TRK Ukraine March 7, 2010

BUM. Bytva ukrainskykh mist Inter March 21, 2010 2 Wipeout Zamocheni ICTV June 16, 2013

3 XXS Simeyny rozmir Inter October 11, 2010 4 The Money Drop Show na 2 milliony 1+1 January 12, 2011 5 Estate of Panic Zamok strakhu Novy channel March 5, 2011 6 Big Brother Velyky brat К1 September 18, 2011 7 Odd One Tilki odyn TRK Ukraine January 13, 2012 8 Coming Soon Love I priyde kokhannya 1+1 March 20, 2012 Your Face Sounds 9 Showmastgoon Novy channel October 7, 2012 Familiar 10 Babes on the Bus Zupynit, ya zakokhalasya ТЕТ August 19, 2013 11 First and Last Znayty krayniogo Novy channel September 3, 2013 12 Chains of Love Zakovani Novy channel expected in autumn 2013 13 Marriage Ref n/a 1+1 n/a 14 New football star Nova zirka futbolu Inter n/a 15 Love Is in the Air n/a 1+1 n/a 16 Faktor strakhu ICTV n/a

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1+1 and STB are the major Ukrainian clients of the British distributor Shine International. 1+1 produced four shows (one season each) licensed by Shine International and the local version of Clash of the Choirs is expected to debut this autumn. At the same time STB airs new seasons of adapted Master Chef (third season), The Moment of Truth (fourth season) and The Biggest Loser (third season). Channel TET makes its own experiments with the formats. After having aired couple of seasons of Ukrainian Date My Mom, the channel launched an original spin-off.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Shine International Are You Smarter Than a 5th 1 Chy rozumnishy ty za piatyklasnyka? Novy channel January 6, 2008 grader? 2 Identity Intuitsia Novy channel January 8, 2010 3 Beauty & the Geek Glamurni shtuchky I zauchky 1+1 October 21, 2010 4 Date My Mom Tvoyu mamu! ТЕТ February 14, 2011 5 Tough Love PRO lyuboff 1+1 April 5, 2011 6 Master Chef Mastershef STB August 31, 2011 7 The Biggest Loser Zvazheni ta shchaslyvi STB September 1, 2011 8 Minute to Win It Khvykyna dlya peremogy TRK Ukraine October 16, 2011 9 Single Moms Kholostyachky. Nova lyubov 1+1 October 31, 2011 10 The Moment of Truth Detektor brekhni STB April 2, 2012 11 The Magicians Magia 1+1 July 9, 2012 12 Family Dog Simeyny pes Inter October 20, 2012 13 Clash of the Choirs Bytva khoriv 1+1 expected in autumn 2013 14 Mobbed n/a 1+1 n/a 15 Honey You’re Getting Fat My khudnemo razom 1+1 n/a


Among Ukrainian channels there is an apparent leader in adapting TV formats of Dutch distributor Talpa. 1+1 acquired seven of 14 licenses sold by distributor to Ukraine and then produced and aired five local versions of Talpa formats. One more debut – Sing It – is expected ito be aired n 2013-2014. The adapta- tion of The Voice is one of the local TV hits. 1+1 launched production of the fourth season of the show. The second season of the project based on The Voice. Kids is also in production.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Talpa 1 Trouble with the Neighbours Susidski viyny 1+1 January 20, 2011 2 Dating in the Dark Pobachennya u temryavi Inter February 16, 2011 3 Pretty Smart Zhinocha logika ICTV March 8, 2011 4 Male/Female Faktor stati TRK Ukraine April 17, 2011 5 The Voice Golos krainy 1+1 May 22, 2011 6 Put a Ring on It Odruzheny za vlasnym bazhannyam 1+1 June 30, 2011 7 Battle of the Sexes Khto zverkhu? Novy channel March 10, 2012 8 I Love My Country Ya lyublyu Ukrainu 1+1 March 22, 2012 9 Welcome to My Wedding Vesillya bude po-moemu! Novy channel October 2, 2012 10 The Voice. Kids Golos. Dity 1+1 November 4, 2012 11 Hungry for Love Smachne pobachennya Inter February 23, 2013 12 Divided Khto varty bilshogo? TRK Ukraine expected in autumn 2013 13 Sing It n/a 1+1 expected in autumn 2013 14 Ten Ways to Turn You on n/a 1+1 n/a


Dragon’s Dan from international company Sony Pictures Television International Formats is one of the long-playing formats in Ukraine. The local version of the show debuted on ICTV in 2006 and was on air till 2008. In 2010 it was restarted with a new name for one more season. At the same time ICTV closed a

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 22 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №14 September 2013

show based on Silence Library format after the first season. As for the rest of 11 formats that Ukrainian channels acquired from Sony Pictures Television International Formats, just three of them - Stand out from the Crowd on Inter, Plain Jane and Nasty Girls on TET had two season runs. TET also produced an original spin-off of Nasty Girls. Unfortunately Ukrainian TV viewers won’t see local version of Impossible? in the upcoming season – Inter canceled its contract with Studio Kvartal 95 engaged in production.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Sony Pictures Television International Formats (2waytraffic by April 2012) 1 Power of 10 100% Ukraina 1+1 September 5, 2008 2 Silence Library Tysha v bibliotetsi ICTV April 1, 2010 3 You've Been Faked Ocham ne viryu TRK Ukraine April 2010 4 Karaoke Showdown Zirky proty karaoke ТЕТ October 3, 2010 5 Dragon’s Dan Ukrainska mria ICTV November 7, 2010 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 6 Milioner. Garyache krislo Inter February 15, 2011 Hot Seat 7 Stand out from the Crowd Vyrvany z natovpu Inter February 19, 2011 8 Plain Jane Lyalechka ТЕТ September 10, 2011 9 Nasty Girls Chortytsi v spidnytsyakh ТЕТ February 25, 2012 10 Impossible? Ilyuzionist Inter n/a 11 That’s My Stuff n/a Inter n/a 12 Dancing Nation n/a 1+1 n/a 13 Turn Back Your Body Clock n/a STB n/a


1+1 is a loyal client of international TV content distributor Zodiak Rights. During the last five years compa- nies signed five license deals. Each of the five adaptations produced by 1+1 was renewed at least for sea- son two. Record breaking reality Wife Swap had a seven-season run. Channel TET – a part of 1+1 Media group – aired three seasons of a reality show based on Promzillas.

Zodiak Rights sold eight more formats to the rest of the local channels. STB’s adaptation of So You Think You Can Dance is one of the most successful TV projects in Ukraine. Season six of the show premiered on August 30.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Zodiak Rights 1 So You Think You Can Dance Tantsyuiut vsi! STB September 12, 2008 2 Sexy Car Wash Pomylaanderson ICTV February 12, 2010 3 Wife Swap Minyaiu zhinku 1+1 March 8, 2010 4 Ladette to Lady Vid patsanky do panyanky 1+1 September 13, 2010 5 Deal With It! Bez GMO TRK Ukraine September 18, 2010 6 Stars on Stage Zirka+zirka 1+1 September 20, 2010 7 Tower Block Of Commons Bez mandata 1+1 September 24, 2010 8 How to Look Good Naked Ogolena krasunya TRK Ukraine November 6, 2010 9 Sing if You Can Spivai, yakshcho zmozhesh Novy channel March 6, 2011 10 Promzillas Koroleva balu ТЕТ June 18, 2011 11 10 Things I Like about You 10 krokiv do kokhannya 1+1 October 16, 2011 12 Back in a Wedding Shape Vesilny rozmir Inter November 18, 2012 13 One world n/a ICTV n/a


Distribution division of German Red Arrow Entertainment Group – Red Arrow International (former Sev- enOne International) made 1+1 Media its major client in Ukraine. Group of companies acquired six for- mats. Three of them were adapted for channel TET. Channel 1+1 aired two Ukrainian versions of the shows licensed by Red Arrow and one more project is in production.

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№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Red Arrow International (SevenOne International by July 2012) 1 The Confession Girka pravda TRK Ukraine October 3, 2008 2 My Man Can Miy zmozhe 1+1 February 13, 2011 3 Kick the Pros Komanda mrii Inter February 21, 2011 4 The Successor Fenomen STB August 29, 2011 5 Benidorm Bastards Babuny I didyny ТЕТ September 3, 2011 6 Beat the Star Poby veduchogo 1+1 May 27, 2012 7 What If? Shcho, yakshcho? ТЕТ January 25, 2013 8 Heroes of the Internet U ТЕТа v interneti ТЕТ April 8, 2013 9 The Taste Gra smakiv 1+1 expected in autumn 2013


1+1 gained great experience in production of cooking shows thanks to the format Hell’s Kitchen from the British company ITV Studios Global Entertainment. The channel aired three seasons of the format local version. Four Weddings is another show that was renewed for season three. No other channel succeeded at adapting ITV Studios formats like 1+1.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine ITV Studios Global Entertainment 1 Soapstar Superstar Telezirka-superzirka TRK Ukraine April 5, 2008 2 Hell’s Kitchen Pekelna kukhnya 1+1 April 13, 2011 3 Four Weddings Chotyry vesillya 1+1 September 1, 2011 4 Popstar to Operastar Zirky v operi 1+1 January 9, 2012 5 Please Marry My Boy Mamo, ya odruzhuyus? 1+1 September 11, 2012 6 Red or Black Chervone chy chorne Inter November 10, 2012 7 Come Date With Me n/a STB n/a 8 Born to Shine n/a Inter n/a


Another British TV content distributor BBC Worldwide signed one of the first format license deals with 1+1 in 2006. The channel produced its version of Dancing With Stars that became so popular that it was renewed for season two and three. Three years later in 2011 the format was acquired by STB. Since then 1+1 resumed its cooperation with BBC Worldwide but no other format was half as successful as Dancing With Stars. The latest debut – cooking show based on The Great British Bake off.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine BBC Worldwide

Tantsi z zirkamy STB February 26, 2011 Dancing With Stars (Strictly 1 Come Dancing) Tantsi z zirkamy 1+1 October 6, 2006

2 Tonight’s The Night Mrii zbuvayutsya Novy channel March 3, 2011 3 The Week the Women Went Tyzhden bez zhinok 1+1 June 20, 2011 4 The Baby Borrowers Dity naprokat 1+1 August 22, 2011 5 Honey, We’re Killing the Kids Kokhana, my vbyvaemo ditey STB September 6, 2011 6 Undercover Princes Prynts bazhaie poznaiomytysya 1+1 March 26, 2012 7 The Great British Bake off Velyky pekarsky turnir 1+1 August 18, 2013 8 Epic Win n/a 1+1 expected in autumn 2013


Israeli company Armoza Formats is the last in TOP-10 format distributors cooperating with Ukrainian TV channels. It licensed the production of seven local versions of its formats. So far Ukrainian TV viewers had a chance to watch two adaptations. Both TV channels and production companies are among the compa-

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 24 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №14 September 2013

nies that signed deals with Armoza. Studio Pilot Television Production Company produced a pilot episode of the a show based on the format The Green Project but no channel was interested in it as well as in reality Bad Numbers (tentative title) produced by Friends Production.

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Armoza Formats 1 Connected Znyaty vse 1+1 July 25, 2011 2 Foreplay Yamur Tuzhur К1 February 25, 2013 3 The Gran Plan n/a 1+1 n/a 4 Shuttle Battle n/a Inter n/a 5 Till Our Parents Do Us Part n/a STB n/a 6 With This Ring n/a STB n/a 7 The Green Project n/a STUDIO PILOT n/a


№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine Banijay International 1 Hold On to Your Seat Vtrymatysya v krisli ICTV January 4, 2012 2 Honey, Pack the Bags! Pakuy valizy Novy channel March 16, 2012 3 Tempted Rai. Gudbai ТЕТ October 16, 2012 4 Origins of Love Kokhannya bez kordoniv 1+1 August 15, 2013 5 Seasons of Life n/a STB n/a Global Agency 1 Shopping Monsters Shoping Monstry К1 August 13, 2012 2 Blind Taste Taiemny kukhar К1 April 8, 2013 3 Rivals-in-Law n/a 1+1 n/a 4 Circle Kolo ICTV n/a 5 Rent a Mama n/a 1+1 n/a All3Media International 1 Ten Years Younger Na 10 rokiv molodshe TRK Ukraine October 4, 2008 2 Families at the Crossroads Simeini dramy 1+1 August 31, 2010 3 Meet the Parents Nerealni predky ТЕТ February 19, 2011 4 The Cube Kub STB November 21, 2011 DRG 1 Singing Bee Zirky karaoke Novy channel March 10, 2008 Odyagny meme, yakshcho 2 Style Date К1 June 18, 2012 zmozhesh 3 BattlePop n/a 1+1 n/a 4 Teenage Boss n/a STB n/a Eyeworks International 1 Beat the Blondes Khto proty blondynok? Novy channel March 8, 2009 I Know What You Did Last 2 Shcho ty robyv mynuloi pyatnytsi? 1+1 October 3, 2010 Friday Khto khoche zamizh za mogo 3 Who Wants To Marry My Son TRK Ukraine October 22, 2011 syna 4 Celebrity Splash n/a 1+1 n/a Passion Distribution (Mentorn International by November 2012) 1 Question Time Vidkryty dostup TRK Ukraine May 20, 2010 2 Diet on the Dancefloor Velyki tantsi Inter March 17, 2013 3 The Worst Driver n/a TRK Ukraine n/a Sparks Network 1 Hide and Seek Vsenarodni simeyni khovanky 1+1 September 4, 2011 2 Lady Burlesque Ledu Burlesk Inter n/a CBS Television Distribution 1 Excused Dosvidos ТЕТ September 3, 2012 2 The Doctors n/a 1+1 n/a Dori Media 1 First Love (Ciega a Citas) Tse lyubov ТЕТ September 4, 2011

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 25 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №14 September 2013

№ Format Ukrainian Title Channel Premiere Date in Ukraine 2 Can You Face It n/a 1+1 n/a Warner Bros. International Television Distribution 1 SuperNanny Supernyanya 1+1 March 10, 2011 2 The Bachelor Kholostyk STB March 17, 2011 Optomen International (All3Media Group) 1 Kitchen Nightmares Na nozhakh 1+1 August 15, 2012 2 Hotel Hell Pekelny gotel 1+1 n/a

Today focusing on the total number of international unscripted TV formats acquired by Ukrainian channels during the last five years and format distributors making business in Ukraine we paid less attention to the quality of content produced in Ukraine. The decision of giving green light to the next season of the show may serve as a kind of quality criterion, because it means that the project meets the channel’s expecta- tions and generates viewers’ interest.


Number of Ukrainian Title Format International Distributor Channel Aired in Ukraine Seasons Bytva ekstrasensiv Psychic Challenge Zodiac Rights STB 11 2007-2012 Sony Pictures Television Interna- Akuly biznesu / Dragon’s Dan tional Formats (до апреля 2012 г. ICTV 8+1 2006-2008 / 2010 Ukrainska mria 2waytraffic ) Minyaiu zhinku Wife Swap Zodiak Rights 1+1 7 2010-2013 So You Think You Can Tantsyuiut vsi! Zodiak Rights STB 5 2008-2012 Dance Ukrina maie talant Got Talent FremantleMedia STB 5 2009-2013 Fabryka zirok Star Academy Endemol Novy channel 4 2007-2011 Dancing with stars Tantsi z zirkamy (Strictly Come Danc- BBC Worldwide 1+1 / STB 3+1 2006-2008 / 2011 ing) Davay odruzhimos / Let’s Get Married more than Davay odruzhimos v Russian Channel One STB / Inter 2009-2011 / 2013 (Davay pozhenimsya) 400 episodes Ukrainy more than Sudovi spravy Das Strafgericht FremantleMedia 1+1 / Inter 2008 / 2009-2012 400 episodes X-Factor X-Factor FremantleMedia STB 3 2010-2012

Author: Aleksandr Zakhlyupany

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 26 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW №14 September 2013

Contrary to the widespread belief about the unprofitability of the set-for-cinema-release films in the CIS, Enjoy Movies continues to produce profitable films and starts to discover American market. In the exclu- INTERVIEW sive interview to CIS: Content Report Enjoy Movies CEO Georgiy Malkov shared his recipe for successful films and addressed genre film policies for the international market as well as some of the challenges the GEORGIY MALKOV: Russian film industry is now facing. “I would rather have more Enjoy Movies occupied the niche of set-for-cinema-release comedies, and it proved to be a very successful. How do you manage to produce profitable films amid mainly loss-making Russian wide releases in the cities distribution market?

with the target audience There is no secret. The vast majority of the Russian prodcos find it a kind of “shameful” to produce those than get state financial films, which are highly awaited by the audience. We are not afraid of that. The scheme is simple: the bud- get must be well balanced. For example, film is shot in Russia or on the territory of CIS. Have a look at the support for Enjoy Movies average budget of local hits. While excluding those movies supported by TV channels you get the most accurate data, so you can estimate the potential and the costs of your own project. That is how you figure projects” out the production budget sum.

If you have $1.5-2 mln. there is a limited range of genres of movies you can produce to be of a high qual- ity for a modern viewer. These are comedy, romance and horror movie, and in fact, that is all. Drama as a genre is a hard-to-sell product – people are ready to watch such films, but mostly at home, not in the cinema. Moreover, movies are available in different formats now. But if we are talking specifically about profitable cinema distribution, it should be the comedy. That’s it.

To become a hit from the commercial point of view, the project’s cast must already be associated with a good humor. In addition, the story must be natural and easily understandable to everyone, and that is more than just a humor, the plot shold unveil in an exciting, intriuing way. But not every story leads to success of a film with public – there should be also some hot topic which you have to turn into a funny story.

You applied for Russian Cinema Fund support. Are there any results? Tell us about the projects.

This August the Cinema Fund organized an open pitching for the projects that apply for the state support. Now we are waiting for the results. Last year majors got money and decided on their own what films they would produce for this money. Now it doesn’t matter whether you are a major or not, there is no guarantee that we would receive any money from the state.

We applied for support for five projects on different production stages. They are: The Champions – the film consisting of five real life stories about Russian sports champions of the last decade; Island of Luck – the story about three women and one man who are stuck on an uninhabited island; Talk of the Devil – the lead character always mystically moves to the place where someone thinks of him – now matter good or bad; an adaptation of Evgeniy Onegin, and Spring Water, – about the flood in Krymsk in 2012.

Do you support the current grants allocation scheme?

In my opinion, the most effective government support would be to open new theaters and adopt anti-pira- cy measures. If the government managed to do that in the cities with a population of 100 000 – 300 000, I – as a producer – would get new outlets in those places where viewers are loyal to Russian movies a priori. I would rather have more wide releases in the cities with the target audience than get state financial support for Enjoy Movies projects.

When entering the US market your production and marketing costs go up. Do you place your stake on the box-office? What is the target audience there?

Georgiy Malkov We don’t have marketing in our plans. Instead, we want to sell rights to a distributor that will bear these expenses. Our international projects are action and horror films, they are not bound to the local market. I can’t say the same about the comedy. It is difficult to release our comedies in Japan or US, but horror and robbery or fraud films have an international appeal. Our project American Heist is an example of a film intended for international market.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 27 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW №14 September 2013

Cooties movie is also in your production slate at the moment, and its genre differs from those usually produced by Enjoy Movies. What are the reasons for adopting this new strategy?

There were several reasons. First of all, it was a natural step as we signed a partnership agreement with Steven Schneider, who is acclaimed American producer of horror films. We plan 5-6 movies a year, and all of them have a rather low budget – about $2 mln.

Secondly, Cooties has a star cast: Elijah Wood, Jorge Garcia, Alison Pill. It was very important for our com- pany as a newcomer on the US market.

Third, Universal expressed interest in our movie at the stage of script development.

Is it possible that Enjoy Movies will start working in some other fields, for example, distribution?

No. I’ve already had experience connected with Leopolis. Horses for courses. We specifalize in film pro- duction.

Each one of your projects has a marketing budget of about $2 mln., i.e. the distributor gets al- ready heralded product. What are the conditions of your agreements with them?

Actually, we give them the product and the marketing concept, i.e. we are those who develop trailers, posters etc., but the distributor. will have to bear promotional expences. And distributors are the first to take this money back from the box-office.

We don’t spend our money on advertising, a package of successful films gives us this advantage, but not everyone has such a possibility – start-ups will not be provided with such an advantage. We work with Karoprokat in Russia, and Top Film Distribution in Ukraine.

Are there any presale agreements with American distributors on American Heist and Cooties?

As I mentioned earlier, Universal is ready to distribute Cooties in Germany, UK, Benelux and Brazil. As for American Heist it is in the catalogue of international distribution company Voltage. Both films will be re- leased in Russia in cooperation with Karoprokat.

What are your plans for the future?

Next year we want to produce at least two projects for the international release. There will be also two mov- ies for the Russian market until the end of 2013. It would be great to move separate activities into single business as Luc Besson did. This would give us an opportunity to shoot international films not in the US, but in more controllable territories like Russia, Europe, Thailand etc.

Leaping ahead, will you stop producing comedies for the Russian market?

Quite possible. Especially when our company is a kind of irritator. The Russian TNT channel, for instance, blames us for excessive use of their stars’ brands. Also we can’t foresee the influence of government on the local film industry – maybe we will just have no opportunity to produce those comedies we want to.

What is film production for you – art or business?

Art ends where there is a producer. Art is when a man takes a camera, starts shooting, personally funds the project and then uploads it, for example, to Vimeo. Even producing art house movies is business – receiv- ing grants, finding investors etc. A piece of art is created without mediators. But the paradox is that people always think that doing business is harder. Georgiy Malkov If a viewer likes your film – it is art already. Our film I’ll be Around took the Grand Prix award at 2012, and it was some kind of coincidence as we wanted to produce it as a TV film. In my opinion, the film is made to be viewed by as many people as possible. And it actually does not matter what platform they will choose – cinema, TV or Internet.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 28 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] INTERVIEWINTERVIEW INTERVIEWINTERVIEW C INTERVIEWINTERVIEW №14№9 31 September October, 20122013

ploring some specific issue. Russian projects can’t afford it. For example, Russian producers may ask me to make the ocean like they saw it in The Perfect Storm (2000). And I have to explain them that a group of 100 programmers described the behavior of physical phenomenon during a year. Then the results of their work were set into the interface of the program that created such a storming ocean. And the funds spent for the researches are equal to the whole budget of Russian project.

CGF closely cooperates with Timur Bekmambetov who invested heavily in the FilmLanguage (Kinoyazyk) technology. Do you take part in the researches of his company Bazelevs?

We do cooperate with Bazelevs in some researches. But this cooperation is rather sketchy. Actually we do not delve into the study. As for the FilmLanguage I know that Bazelevs have some results that are different from the declared objectives but still…

There is information in the Web that you are going to launch your own projects as a producer. Is that true?

I have some ideas. I have knowledge and skills that would be sufficient to launch a project. And the com- pany is strong enough to realize it. We just need to try and move on if it works.

In the nearest future we’ll decide on the range of projects that would be interesting to work on. At the same time we are going to separate company’s activity as a producer from providing postproduction services which is our core business. Most likely postproduction department will accomplish orders for our projects otherwise there will be a risk of failing in both areas. Alexander Gorokhov

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