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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

3-18-2002 Arbiter, March 18 Students of Boise State University

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Candidate ~ordean position drops out \ Sa~ Legislature Errol Jones and James being shortchanged by the legis- fund three universities." offyour best faculty,I could pay share the same ideas for BSU's Embarrasses Higher Weatherby, members of~e lature and criticized the $100 Roarke visited Boise State them a lot better." future, but said the university dean search committee. million tax cut passed last year March 4 and 5, and spent time Roarke praised the campus does its best considering finan- Ed with Inadequate community in his letter saying cialrealities. funding In his letter, Roarke cited the as shortsighted. talkingwith members of the fac- lackof funding as a primary . .1.- "It's I'ust overtly fiscally irre- ulty, administration and student the faculty has achieved much "There has been a long tradi- son for withdrawing and wIbte sponsib e," Roarke said. "They body. des,P,itelow funding. tion of gettin9, the most out of By Andy Benson our resources,' Jones said The Arbiter he would be forced to ask an can't admit they just got lucky, Roarke said he was I came away from my visit underpaid and overworked staff so they treat a onetime fiscal impressed with the faculty and with great admiration for the Roarke's withdrawal leaves to "do more with less." windfall as a financial reality student population and sur- Boise State University commu- two candidates left for consider- In a damning critique of the ation.JeromeSteffen,chair of the Idaho legislature's unwilling- "I do not feel that I can do and you are paying the price for prised by the dedication ofBoise nity," Roarke wrote. "Especially under the circumstances, I am history department at Georgia ness to prioritize education, Dr. that in good conscience given it." State's instructors. the low levelofsalariesand sup- Roarke also suggested. that "I thought the people there amazed at how much the faculty Southern University, and John Roarke, a candidate for MichaelBlankenship, director of dean of the College-of Social port that already exists and tile the legislature cannot support were really remarkable especial- and staff have achieved profes- zero-to-poor prospects that the three universities and should ly considering the lack of sionally and how dedicated the Teaching and Learning Science and Public Affairs, everyone I met was to Boise Center at East Tennessee State announced he was withdrawing legislature will cease to embar- consider cutting one. resources," Roarke said. rass itself and the people of "What legislators don't want But he noted BSU salaries State and its students. I hope University, remain in the race. from consideration that in time the Idaho political The search committee has Roarke is currently chair of Idaho by its penurious support to do is make hard choices,"he were woefully low considering of the faculty, staff,and students said. "Just because Boise State national standards. structure realizeshow lucky it is made its recommendation to the PoliticalScienceDepartment and sees itsway to providing the Provost Jones, who may at the University of Connecticut. of Boise State University," can't go away and continues to "The starting salaries here Roarke wrote. limp along, they can say that [University of Connecticut] are support you all deserve." announce his decision as soon as He declined to be considered Boise State Provost Daryl April 1. for the position in a letter to In a phone interview, Roarke everything is ok. They don't 25 percent higher or more," said everyone at Boise State is have the gu~ to admit they can't Roarkesaid. "If I wanted to pick Jones said that he and Roarke BSUStudent found dead Police investigating, yet no evidence of foul play By Erin Willis AndersonsaidBerlinreported- The Arbiter lyfeltillTuesdayevenin&and had both children stay the rught with BoiseState Universitynursing friends. They were attending student Jeanne M. Berlindied in schoolat the time policerespond- her home Wednesday at 2018 ed to the incident,he said. BroxonSt. Anderson said Berlin'sex-hus- Boise police and paramedics band,who doesnot sharecustody responded to a callat about 9:30 of the children, was notified a.m.froma friendwho discovered Wednesday of her death as the Berlin's body on the bathroom only other family member living floorof the BoiseBench home. in the Boisearea. The friend,also a BSUstudent, Counselors from the BSU and paramedics each attempted Counseling and Testing Center CPRtoresuscitateBerlin,but were spokewith a classofapproximate- unsuccessful. Iy 50 nursing students Thursday Ada County Coroner Erwin moming concerningthe event, Sonnenberg said the cause of Jim Nicholson,director of the death has not been determined. center, said counselors are avail- Furtherstudieswilltake a cou- able daily to provide support for pie ofweeks to complete,he said. students who need an opportuni- Detective Lance Anderson of ty todiscussand processthenews. the BoisePoliceDepartment said Final arrangements were han- an investigation is still pending, dled by Accent Funeral Services but police found no evidence of Home, and a memorial service foulplay. was held Monday at 10 a.m, the Berlin,40,a seniorin the nurs- StonehouseEvangelicalChurch in ing program, was the mother of Meridian two Children,ages nine and 11. B.SU considers adding part-time Master of Social Work degree BY Amy Wegner ees, asking for their com- The Inter-tribal Native The Arbiter ments. The second uses ques- Council hosted the 9lh tionnaires that were sent out Annual BSUSpring Pow Soon it might be possible to undergraduate students. Wow last we9kend. to earn a master's degree in Finally, focus group will offer Spectators gathered In social work by only coming to even more detail. the Jordan Ballroom In classes part-time. Brothers said the group the SUB to watch the The faculty and graduate will present its findings to the dancing, end browse students of the Department of MSW faculty. . craft vendors' mer- Social Work are considering Yunker said, "Instead of us chandise. Above: development of a part-time packaging the program, we Dancers dance to the program, in which tile gradu- want to know what would drums and chants ofthe ate students would be able to benefit the students the most. Sweet Sage Singers work full time, and take class- We want their input." during the Grand Entry es in the evening. Raul Enriquez, a graduat- last Saturday. Left: A public information-gath- ing senior social work major Louie Gibson (teft) and ering meeting will be held planning on attending gradu- Roland Hanks of the Monday, March 18 at 7:30 ate school, said he would be Duck Valley Indian p.m. at the Boise City interested in a part-time pro- Reservation talk before Division of Housing and gram if it was available now. the Grand Entry. Community Development, "It's a good option. 1025 S. Capitol Blvd. Specifically, because the way The meeting is to deter- it's set up right now, you go mine if there is a need for the to school full time - it's pretty program and to generate intense. It would be nice to be ideas about how it could be able to break it up. I get the developed to best serve impression that a lot of other potential students. people feel the same way." A graduate class is cur- The masters of social work rently performing an assess' is the largest graduate pro- J. ment of community needs. gram at BSU, and is the only They are also conducting a . social work graduate pro~ survey and organizing the gram in the state. public hearing. Students who graduate ASBSU honors professors The research is still in the with a baccalaureate degree early stages, said Doug in social work have a snort- and as late as 6 in the Yunker, the master of social ened academic program. By Andy Benson from each college, ASBSU dents, headed by Shawn Ridenour, executive coordi- evening. work coordinator. Instead on an eighteen- . Tile Arbiter also presented Richard Burke of the Chemistry nator for ASBSU, used a In his acceptance "It will be at least one year month program, they only remarks, Burke said he before going public with this have to attend for ten months. ASBSU honored student- Department with a lifetime system to determine adiievement award. the honorees. admired and respected BSU and accepting applications Yunker said he encourages nominated faculty members students who often have to for admission," Yunker said. social work undergraduates for 'outstanding teaching The nominations for the Burke, who is retiring awards were solicited from after teaching at Boise State put themselves through The focus group on to continue on to the graduate and mentoring at their 16th schoo!. Monday night is designed to school at BSU in the faculty recognition dinner students who recommend- for 34 years, was praised for ed faculty. members from his dedication to his stu- "Boise State students are bring in interested members advanced standing program. last Monday. the salt of the earth and it's . of the community, inform "It's quite a boon to them:' In addition to recogniz- each college. dents and holding study A committee of four stu- sessions as early as 7 a.m. easy to .work hard for them of the possibilities and Chris Diehl, student in the ing outstanding professors them," Burke said. hear input. . masters of social work pro- The list of honored fac- Visitors will be asked to fill gram, said the change would ulty members consisted of out a survey and discuss be good for people who Reed Shinn, College of whether there would be a would benefit from having to Applied.. Technology; greater need for weekend go to classes only part of th~ .Marcy Newman/~College·" classes or evening classes. day.. . of. ·Arts & Sciences; ·Ron .. Marcia Brothers, current The MSW at Boise State is .Pfeiffer,· •College of master of social. work stu- currently a full-time pro- Education; Ross Burkhart, dent, said one of· her class gram. College of Social Sciences projects has been to conduct . nThis makes itrelll1yhard and Public Affairs arid this exploratory research. for sIngle l?arents, or fur stu- Larry Reynolds, College of . Brothers said the research dents who have to work full-

Business and Economics. is being done ina three-prong time.Thi~ wavstuden~can ;. approach: .. work dunng the day and go The first Involves e-mail- to scl100lat night," Diehl . ing county and state employ-,., said. . March 18, 2002

Alexie handles hatred, prejudice with wit Bucket---,

Volunteer your time, help the Kempthorne's support and He said people hate each endorsement. By Matt Neznonskl Author Sherman Alexie The conference was orga· homeless asked this exercise of a-stand- nized to discuss Native other for reasons of religion Boise State University "This sym~ium has been Tile Arbiter designed with the Safety and ing-room-only audience at American topics and build and race, but one hatred Volunteer Services Board and Boise Rescue Mission are col- Hearth professional in mind, as For a 24-hour period, his keynote address to the community interest in tribal crosses even those bound- • aries: homophobia. laborating to clean the kitchen well as providing an education- \ imagine everything you First Nations conference, issues. al opportunity for interested "Osama bin Laden and at the Boise Rescue Mission, 520 I, think is wrong. held this weekend at BSU. Alexie's animated speech community members and Boise I George W. Bush have one Front Street, at 9 a.m, March 23. I. focused on examining stereo- State University students and thing in common: they both Fifteen community and stu- types and hate through com- dent volunteers are still needed. faculty," said Michelle Steeler, a edy and anecdotes. feel the same way about gay The project is part of a Boise conference planning committee Alexie said after the Sept. men," Alexie said. State program called "New co-chair. "Small business own- 11 attacks, he was back flying He said U.S. capitol pun- Beginnings." "The program ers and those individuals as soon as possible. On the ishment policies increase the focuses on helping the Boise responsible for the safety and plane, the climate of fear was similarities by placin9 it Rescue Mission as they he!'pthe health of individuals who want ever present. among the ranks of "axis of homeless people of Boise: said to improve their performance in safety are welcome and encour- "Everybody, including evil" nations like Corrie Fairduld, Boise State stu- Afghanistan, Pakistan, North dent and Hunger and aged .to attend." me, was looking around for While attendees can register Korea, and China, who also Homelessness Coordinator for the brown people. Then I at the door, pre-~tion is use execution as punishment. Volunteer Services Board. realized I was the only brown In April, Fairchild and vol- available by calling Janelle At the same time, Alexie person on the plane," Alexie unteers will focus on women Bogan at (208) 463-1343. said. said the middle class is told and children, as they offer their Messages or requests for Alexie said he gets more they are represented, but has time at Oty Light Home in information can also be left at attention from people lately as little political power as any Boise. (208) 396-2300. A fee of $150 because his ethnicity is hard other. For more information about covers all four days of the con- to discern. "People pick a fight they this project or the April project ference. "They always say, 'He's can win. You can't beat the schedule call 4264240. half of something'." rich, so you pick on the ISPE gives awards to engineer- He said the "big dick" poor," he said. Boise State hosts symposium ing juniors at BSU pickup trucks with giant Alexie said all politicians are liars, looking out for their on health, safety and the envi- flags whipping in the back, ronment Four Boise State University are a misguided patriotic dis- own interests and confusing students were honored during play by "crimson-necked constituents in the process. The 2002 Idaho Govemor's National Engineers Week with Americans" or "the pigmen- Alexie asked the crowd to Safety and Health Conference the 2002 Outstanding Junior tally challenged." consider each of their and Boise State University's Level He said one of these trucks thoughts and words as if they Safety Awareness Day have Engineering Student pulled up to him on' the were false for one day. combined to provide the Idaho Awards from the Idaho Society streets of Seattle and the dri- He said the exercise lets Joint Safety Symposium 2002 at of Professional Engineers (lSPE). Winners were selected vers shouted at him to "go people see how it is from out- Boise State University April 15- based on nominations received back to your own country." side their little group of 18,2002.- Keynote speakers and work- from faculty members in civil, "I was laughing so hard ideas. shops will be provided to high- electrical and mechanical engi- they were two blocks down "It's hard, I catch myself in neering . . ' Photo by Ted Honnon, The ArtlUer. lipht modem trends and tech- the road before I could yell it all the time," he said. ruques for protecting workers, Nominees were chosen Sherman Alexle does his Impression of a white back, 'You first'," Alexie said. the public and the environment. based on their grade-point aver- woman ge~ng pa«ed down at the airport. Attendees from across the age, class performance, partici- intermountain region are pation in professional organiza- Police to campaign against buying alcohol for kids expected to attend. tions ana other campus activi- The symposium begins on ties. Representatives of ISPE based their final selection on somebody who will buy it what the law is, then we will Monday, April 15, and contin- I!Y..Mgtt Neznanskl information that students at ues through Thursday, April 18, personal interviews and other The Arb; ter Timberline and Boise High for you," he said. start law enforcement and criteria. _ sting operations," Ellsworth at Boise S'tate's Student Union i School are getting their The minors may offer Building. Two to three hundred Student winners and run- Following the death of booze from BSU students on extra money to adults who said. participants are expected to ners-up by discipline were: ! another high-school student weekends," Ellsworth said. agree to make purchases for The education campaign attend courses on occupational Civil engineering: Winner last Saturday night, Boise According to Ellsworth, them. will begin with media out- safety, industrial hygiene, envi- - Elsa Saldivar, Battle Police are planning an edu- Boise Police have heard Ellsworth said the Boise lets to get the word out, and ronmentallaw, and community Mountain, Nev. cation campaign aimed at complaints from minors Police Department is gear- involve Albertson's stores safety and health issues. Runner-up - Robert Ward, involved as well as parents ing up to educate adults where fliers describing the Representatives of over 50 safe- Garden Valley Boise State students who . Electrical engineering: and crimes topper infor- about the implications of the crime will be distributed. ty, health and environmental buy alcohol for minors. supply distributors are also WilUler - Matthew Leslie, Ron Ellsworth, school mants implicating college- crime. "There have to be some adults who say, 'I'm not expected in the vendor show Caldwell. resource officer / juvenile age adults around BSU. Buying alcohol for minors Runner-up - Nathan ~oing to do this'," Ellsworth portion of the symposium. detective at Timberline High Over the last few months, is prosecuted as contribut- Keynote speakers for the Stutzke, Clark Fork. School said the student died he said, police have received ing to the delinquency of-a said. symposium include a represen- Mechanical engineering: in the emergency room weekly reports of this activi- minor and is punishable by tative of Governor Kempthome Winner (tie) - Melissa Ray, while being treated for alco- ty. . six months in jail or a $300 and Boise State President Orofino and Edwin Brown, hol poisoning. "The word is if you hang fine. Charles Ruch. This symposium Vallejo, Calif. "We are getting more out at BSU you can find "We want people to know is being held with Governor < U.S. forests may be products of pollution

By Dgvld Stauth America. What they found there was forests of North America and Europe are getting more nitro- I OSU Daily Barometer (Oregon "In contrast, air pollution surprising. Up to 95 percent of I I State U.) and other human activities the nitrogen lost in watershed gen than they can use. In addi- have overwhelmed natural streams occurred as organic tion, many forests may start to CORVALLIS, Ore. - Studies controls over nitrogen cycling nitrogen compounds. It was become saturated with nitro- MARCH 18 conference championships at of pristine forests in South in many northern hemisphere almost a reverse image of gen, lose their ability to handle Larry Selland Humanitarian Utah State. America found that the forests." many forests in eastern North any more and fail to serve as a Award Breakfast, Student cycling of nitrogen, an essen- This may influence the America and Europe, where buffer against further pollu- Union Lookout Room. 8 am, MARCH 22·APRIL 26 tial nutrient, was quite differ- plant species that can thrive in most of the nitrogen found in tion. Presented by Boise State "Entropy" graphic design ent than expected, and it sug- forests, affect tree susceptibili- forest ecosystems and streams Furthermore, Perakis said, Women's Center. Call 426-4259. exhibition- Student Union gests that many forests of ty to disease and extreme cli- is from inorganic chemical the steady loss of inorganic Gallery. 7 am, -llpm. daily. North America and Europe mate events, and force other forms. nitrogen from these systems "All That Jazz," Chuck Presented by Student Union actually have an unnatural changes in forest or stream "Inorganic forms of nitro- may be taking with it other Smith, Renaissance Institute and Activities. Free. Call 426- ecology driven largely by air biogeochemistry that are well gen are more readily used by nutrients essential to plant seminar series, Esther Simplot 4636. pollution, acid rain and artifi- beyond most natural limits, he plants for growth, yet our east- health, such as calcium or Performing Arts Academy, '516 cial nitrogen fertilization. said. ern United States forests are magnesium. South 9the St. 6:30-S:30pm. $40 MARCH 22·23 Boise Master Chorale ron- I The research calls into The new findings also build releasing large amounts of As these other nutrients are for four-session series plus on some studies at OSU more inorganic nitrogen into depleted, there may be associ- membership fcc. Call 426-1709. cert, St. John's Cathedral, 804 N. question some basic concepts 9th St 7:30 pm.: Admission: I than 20 years ago, Perakis streams," Perakis said. "We ated declines in plant or tree about the ecological function Gill said, which suggested that the now suspect this is happening health and attack by insects or MARCH 19 $10. 426-3980. of forests near more populated "Breakfast behavior of nitrogen in less- because we have been pouring disease. Club," Special regions. And it makes clear Events Center. 7 p.m. Boise State Guitar Society J polluted western North high levels of inorganic nitro- The largely conifer forests Presented - that the imract of humans on by Boise State Student . guest artist DaVl.·d Rogers, '1 our natura forest ecosystems American forests may not be gen into these systems of the Pacific Northwest, .1 Programs Board. Admission: Morrison Center Main Hall. through air pollution." Perakis said, have so far been may already be much greater what scientists had long $1 W:teraJ.. free to Boise State 7:30 p.m. March 22. Boise State At the same time, clean spared the flood of pollution than previously realized. assumed from studying more Society and Idaho I nitrogen that is more preva- students, Call 426-1223. Guitar ,f The study was recently polluted forests in the East. forests can still lose large Guitar Society. TIckets: $5-10. lent in eastern forests. But that :I published in the journal Prior to the research, most amounts of organic nitrogen "The Women's Holocaust: Free master class at 11 am. does not mean they are I Nature by Steven Perakis, now scientists believed that the pri- from soils to streams, since The WitchHWlIs in the Years Mardi 23. Call 426-3980. a courtesy professor of forest mary forms of nitrogen that complex organic compounds immune to the process or the 1400-1750," Women's History . science at Oregon State were cycled and lost from are difficult for plants to use concern about excess nitrogen. Month lecture, Student Union MARCH 23 University and researcher forests were simple inorganic unless first broken down by "As the Willamette Valley Farnsworth Room. ·6 p.m. Micronesian Dinner and with the U.S. Geological nitrogen-containing com- fungi and bacteria. population surges, we're like- Presented by Boise' State Dance Festival. Student Union " Survey. A co-author on the pounds, such as nitrate or Over long time scales, ly to see increased industrial Women's Center. Call 426-4259. Jordan Ballroom. Cultural research was Lars Hedin, now ammonium. The organic Perakis said, such losses of activity, automobile use and booths open at 5 pm. Doors at Princeton University. forms of nitrogen, or those organic nitrogen can drain the other activities that put Student recital, Toby open for dinner at 6 p.m, "This research challenges associated with carbon, were nitrogen out of soils, keep the nitrogen into the atmosphere," Leonard, trombone and Presented b}' Boise State IsIand much of what we believed not thought to be particularly ecosystem nitrogen starved, he said. "In some important Michael Gerritsen, euphonium, Rh~ Club, Tickets at about nitrogen biogeochem- important. and help explain why plant ways our Cascade Range Morrison Morrison Center Select-a-8eat, 426-1494 or istry in forests," Perakis said. Scientists spent five years growth in so many areas is conifer forests may start to Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. 'WIVW "It indicates that unpolluted .conducting studies of 100 tem- naturally limited by nitrogen . behave in a similar fashion to Presented b}' Boise State musk forests may be more uniform perate forest watersheds in This nitrogen limitation on more polluted forests in the deparbnent. Free.. Boise . Philharmonic, Morrison Center Main Hall; . in nitrogen biogeochemistry Chile and Argentina which plant growth may provide Eastern U.S." Guest than we ever considered, even were pristine and nearly unaf- evolutionary pressure for . MARCH 19-21. 8:15 pm. artist: Matt fected by human activity, air plants to use simple organic . ''The Sunshine .Boys," Hailnovitz. Also, dress across large geographic areas _ Morrison Center Main HalL 8 rehearSal roneert, 10 a.m.; pre- such as those we studied in pollution, urbanization or for- nitrogen compounds. This suggests that some p.m.•.Presen. ted by Theater. .... concert lecture, 7:30 p.m. temperate regions of South est management. ~ of Idaho. 1kkt!Is$25- PreSented by .... Boioo $40 at~ect-a-&at,426-1l10, or .~ TIc:i(ets:Call 344- bills. Savings Bonds can be plJrctw.ed through most __ =...... - banks, l'ileR you walk. or au'.o

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There were alternatives Money to hire new to war with Afghanistan 'coach could be better spent

With the fall of the Taliban zations to find willing neo- regime there has been a perva- phytes who will die for an sive spirit of triumphalism in extremist cause. While the ter- some sectors of the U.S. popu- rorists in no way are con- rfeJitorlaf--J lation. It's as though the U.S. cerned about the suffering of military's thorough crushing oppressed peoples, they cer- To an alien, with no prior of an inept foe somehow tainly benefit from the feelings knowledge of American cul- proves the justness of our vio- of absolute desperation that ture, it would certainly seem lence. oppressive conditions breed in that any man paid over a Such an assertion is not those who are oppressed. As $100,000 a year plus perks only false; it is dangerous. For long as these conditions exist, must surely be more impor- with a global , it is irrelevant if we manage tant and valued than an I superpower's to shut down the entire AI- employee paid only a third 1 Queda network, other I. victory comes of that. I a feeling of groups will arise to take Further, it might be their place and the cycle \; self-righteous- assumed that whatever skill ness and a will continue. such a well-paid man had to Three: U.S. bombing has I legitimization offer would surely have I of further vio- not created the open and more relevance than that of I I lence. If a free society that many the lesser-paid employee. I world without Americans now So, if an alien were to take I think exists in I terror is our a look at BSU's budget, it I goal, such an Afghanistan. would follow that the alien attitude is per- .The new Justice would logically conclude ilous amongst Minister of that the ability to instruct those who hole Afghanistan has others to bounce a ball is of the largest are announced that more value in' our culture nal of destructive weapons in sharia law as instituted by the than teaching people to cure the world. Taliban will remain in force, disease, design. computer In order to counter this though "there will be some programs or to become a tide, I offer here an assessment changes from the time of the schoolteacher. of the "justness" of the current Taliban. For example, the The alien might also con- war through the examination Taliban used to hang the vic- clude that ball players are of of critical facts and application tim's body in public for four greater necessity in this cul- of moral principles. days. We will only hang the ture than schoolteachers, One: the U.S. response to body for a short time, say 15 technicians or nurses, and the Sept. 11 tragedy was not minutes." Judge Ahamat indeed that many people are the most just choice among the Ullha Zarif added that a new able to find gainful employ- numerous ortions. Other location would be found for ment playing ball. options would ve avoided the the regular public executions, Talk of aliens side, BSU thousands of estimated bomb- rather than using the Sports Athletic Director Gene ing deaths, as well as the Stadium. "Adulterers, both Bleymaier recently deaths that will result from male and female, would still announced that in the midst the interruption of interna- be stoned to death," Zarif said, of Boise State's - and indeed tional food aid and massive "but we will use only small the nation's - economic cri- destruction of homes, crops, stones," "so that those who sis, the University will now and lands. confess might be able to run undertake a nationwide What other options exist- away; others will be stoned to search to replace basketball death" as before. ed? The U.S. could've led an coach Rod Jensen. With a , Rod Jensen argues with a ref during a game last season. international police-style mis- If this is the new freedom year remaining on Jensen's sion to hunt down and punish that Afghanis have gained at contract, BSU will either , n't have much confidence. seeking to distract students high costs of recruiting those responsible for the Sept. the cost of having their entire have to pay him the whole of While no one would with a snazzy logo and a fun coaches and players from all 11 atrocities. Although such nation obliterated by U.S. his illustrious salary next argue that Jensen's recent time at a sporting event so corners of the nation would an effort might've eventually bombs, I fail to see what they year (a hell of a deal for no record with the team is we won't notice that even clearly be better spent giving involved military action, this have to be celebrating. work), or make up the differ- praiseworthy, it. clearly though our fees go up year- students a valuable learning was in no way certain; further- Four: the overthrow of a ence in salary if Jensen takes shows the priorities of Boise ly, we are getting less for our experience and creating more, even if military action desl'0tic regime by no means on a lesser-paying job else- State - and indeed many col- money. opportunities for quality were necessary, it would've justifies our war. Many have where. With the resignation leges around the nation, This is not to undermine professors. likely been less severe than the claimed that since women of Trisha Stevens, Boise State when the performance of a the athletics program as a chosen path. , have supposedly been liberat- will also be hunting for a sports team is more impor- whole, but merely to ask the -Approved by the editori- We also could've done as ed the war is justified. As new coach of the women's tant than the quality of edu- administration to reexamine, al board 4-2. Editorials rep- many Afghanis themselves Noam Chomsky notes, "no team. It is unknown exactly cation. Jensen's salary, its priorities. As students resent the, majority vote of were suggesting, and support- sane person advocates foreign how much money this whether he works for it or venture out into the work- < the Arbiter's editorial staff. ed an internal uprising of military intervention to rectify process will take, but seeing not, is worth about three force, whether or not the Afghanis against the Taliban these [women's rights) and as though BSU is willing to professors. In place of keep- team had a winning season regime. This was the 'option other injustices. The problems buy an $85,000 logo out of ing quality educators, BSU is is clearly immaterial. The f,ushed for by RAWA, the are severe, but should be dealt Maryland, students should- foremost group of Afghani with from within, with assis- women who have been fight- tance from outsiders if it is ing for their,rights for a num- constructive and honest:' This all ber of years at the risk .of argument also ignores the fact What's the deal with these core courses? death. ' that the U.S. government con- den is continue to use dou- Finally, Bush might've tinues to support equally as As a psychology major-I In high school, if we sors on exams-never to be taken seriously the Taliban's repressive regimes in other wanted to attend a good col- recalled again. I wish some- ble negatives and can't-fig- find it incredibly peeving ure out the difference offers to turn over Osama bin nations. that not only do I have to lege we tried to be as "well one would please enlighten Laden upon receipt of evi- Five: suggesting that the rounded" as possible. We me and explain the sense of between the use of "good" take a literature class this ~nd "well." I could be much dence. Because-Bush refused appropriate response to ter- semester to graduate, but took on honors classes, all of this? i to do so we will never know rorism involves bombing an became president of This spring will end my closer to getting to graduate also the sec- school if I didn't have to the seriousness of their inten- entire nation is ludicrous. ond half of the French Club, fourth semester here at BSU tions. Imagine if the argument were and tried to letter in and I have yet to take anoth- take courses which have no j' Hum a n connection to the study of All of these options were turned around. Suppose Anatomy and some sport. Now er psychology class besides I Britain wanted to respond to .. ~ ~ the general psych course I psychology. If you take a \ rejected in favor of killing Physiology. ..•.. •.. that we are official- the IRA by bombing the peo- ly in college we still took my first semester. group of freshly graduated thousands and putting mil- Anatomy and '~~'",... ~'~ ~ med students and plant lions more [7.5 million accord- ple who support it financially \ . ,- . have to take Foreign language majors are I Physiology them in an emergency room I ing to the UN) at severe risk of and who help keep it running. (A&P) is a approximately four required to take a history i starvation. These numbers are Several of those people live in semesters of classes course, history majors must you can guarantee they will '1 class with crap in their pants from the '1 not fabrication-they're facts. Boston, U.S.A. Would Britain mostly nurs- t, ~fore we can take a math course, and Two: the costs of the U.s:s be justified in bombing Boston ·eally. start math majors are required to stress of not having the ing and sci- slightest notion of what to ~ bombing campaign outweigh as a way to respond to -IRA ence majors workmg on take four area one core its benefits. Granted, some AI- terrorism? The answer is self- whatever courses which includes for- do. but there are a I challenge President Queda training grounds have evident. few unfortu- our major eign languages. What does J been destroyed and some Al- In light of these . facts, may be. it say about the area three Charles Ruch, in fact I dare nate people him, or any member of the Queda members have been among others, I label our cur- like mysel As much as Astronomy course when the killed or captured. We have rent war "unjust." We can who have to take the ardu- I like some poetry, I find my only thing you remember administration to give me one good reason why we not, however, caught bin stop terrorism. But it will not ous course. British literature course this from that class was, "if our I Laden. Nor has our bombing be through continued unilat- A&P is a rigorous class semester to be a big waste of eyes wanted to see radio must take core classes-e-why resulted in shutting down the eral military violence against that studies every function time and money-the same waves, our eyes would have we should shove money down the throats of faculty \ global Al-Queda network innocents. Rather, measured and part of the human body goes for all of the damn core to be the size of wagon (although freezing bank police actions and working to imaginable. I can under- classes that I have been wheels?" members to teach us accounts, a non-violent eliminate the severe inequali- stand the fact that I need to forced to make a grade for. I What the hell does garbage, why we should 'response, has likely had a sub- ties that our unfettered capi- know about the parts and know I am not the only per- Astronomy have to do with deviate from the study of stantial effect on the organiza- talist system creates all across processes of the central ner- son that takes these obtuse anything but Astronomy? I our majors. I'll bet Charles tion's ability' to . operate). the globe are more appropri- vous system but why must classes just to do the work can understand the fact that Ruch doesn't even read my Indeed, if our goal is to ate responses. The U.S. must I-a psychology major-be and get the grade in the all majors are required to articles but if he has the squelch terrorism, we ,have abandon its reign of global forced to learn material that form of rote learning. take a year of English balls and half a wit he'll miserably failed by refusing to hegemony. Until we d_o,noth- I will rarely if never use. I We pile in classes such as because it is the very lan- answer my question from a acknowledge and deal with its ing will change. can understand how know- general psychology, intro- guage that we speak and fair and realistic point of most basic root causes, name- ing the insertion and origin duction to sociology and so you cannot sound intelli- view. Until then, I'll contin- ly, the. crushing pov~rty that of the bulbospongiosus on in massive numbers. We gent whatsoever if your ue to study the great psy- engulfs most of the .world muscle could help me on sit through long lectures, grammar is equivalent to a chologist Percy Bysshe thanks to U.S. orchestrated Jeopardy but why study cram mundane information three-year-old girl's. Shelley. and suppo~neo-liberaleco- things that I do not need to into our skulls and regurgi- Yet, despite these two rel- nomic policies..~tis these.poli- know? tate it all back to our profes- atively easy courses, stu- des that allow terrorist organi- t~~: Ad Design Ad Reps Awards Editorial Board Melissa Bingham Tessica Harms • FirstplaceEditorial- Idaho Press Club Ms-82o« • 333 lUdwd Cortabitarte Stephanie Pittam Joseph Thcker • First place Watdtdog/Investigalive - Idaho DarrlnShfndle .~~ 'Pr ,The Arbiter • Page 5

8IJe ,The prOblemwitll" ch.....are.. rele.•.yan..•..t.•·..·.JO,..' :,.00.. ntli.ct.·.. 1. h..' '.:..w~·.··ed..· i.!t..·.'..tu.-:.:p. 1..e. -.feel. f.ree.. .' to.Call me at specific examples of domes- . at'lJ~U,>andto;};de~ts;whohaY@,,,,,~#\))~d;;.cthCWomen's Center at 426- tic groups "that protested eraIsis~t~~y Q~ views <:onttAdit't'eaCh . <' lette~ .~~f:m,1'Th;I;r~~~~~~;~#f~tt;~Je1t.~:~C4259."~~' ~.m~~~~~ir~;~l~~~Whil"Nate' WiUilJ,Jll:s\di4; to~.: and Je 1 Thomascould".,wheretheyhaverecelvecl~elissa Wintrow he is talking about. .not wan. the I.1.S;'to tue on;:.. '. ~tor offer i~~elligentcommen;'.v.ery supportive arid eH¢c.-,,· '. Ecoterrorist . groups that the Taijban.lwoUldgUe.IJ' ••.• tary ab ut. These do NOT .tive service. I have .called . i~clsinitiative ~'baci idea bum down botany labs on that he suppOrtS basicciVll: That's developmentally include Mille.nn..ia.. old reoU~the Ada county.' .Sheriff.'s.· the University, of rights for women. That was disabled to you, Jerel gious conflicts and deputies to come to the cen- Currently there is discus- Washington campus and something the'.. Taliban ingrai1 American racial ter and consult with stu- sion about the Owyhee firebomb ski resorts are also denied to its captive citi- I have ito disagreement proble . Try talking about dents about situations, and Canyonlands by a select being investigated by the zens, .as well as other very with Mr. Jerel Thomas's edi- somethi g a little closer to they were responsive ". On group of people and they federal government. Thank basic freedoms that we take torial right to establish and home .erhaps, it might one occasion, the sergeant have termed their plans the God. The people being for granted in the Western advocate on any issues he make you sound more of Ada County Sheriff's Owyhee Initiative. The detained are not United world. Nate Williams says chooses. However I was informed, office accompanied a Owyhee Initiative mainly States citizens, and thus that the number killed in dismayed and saddened by I woman to her .home to sets out to stabilize the cat- they do not have Afghanistan will be greater his use of the word "retard- Jorda~ Saitta remove belongings when tie industry in a landscape 'Constitutional rights. They than .the number killed at ed" in his 3/14/2002 f she didn't feel safe to do it that is limited of both forage were apprehended in the the World Trade Center. Arbiter column. Reporti~g . .of . sexual alone. And student housing and water. Public lands name of national security. Those killed are chiefly Specifically, Mr. Thomas assault} a complicated staff have co.unseled a.nd ranching costs taxpayers Terrorists are not "touchy- brutal terrorists that threat- ~losed his column by say- issue supported a variety of stu- millions of dollars per year feely" with us, so why en to kill Americans and mg, "Or are leftist (sic) this dents in need in a variety of and benefits only a handful should we take any chances everyone else in the retarded for actually believ- I wa ted to respond to situations. of wealthy ranchers such as with them? Civilian casual- Western world. Shall we sit ing this stuff?" the article that appeared in Many times these cases J.R. Simplot. It is not an eco- ties are an unfortunate back while they kill m.ore of As a professional who the Ma~ch 7 issue of The go unnoticed. Reporters nomically sound practice byproduct of all wars, but us, perhaps hundreds of has worked for decades in Arbiter that addressed an aren't notified every time a and it degrades streams and luckily they have been min- thousands more? the field of Mental alleged ape that occurred student finds assistance due wildlife habitat. imized in the conflict in Widespread attacks on civil- Retardation and on cam us the week prior. to confidentiality and the A truly open wilderness Afghanistan. The few civil- ians in Afghanistan are Developmental Disabilities, Without laying any blame to nature of helping people. inventory needs to be initi- ian casualties there do not highly false. One last note, I have seen how such inap- the re orter, my quote But I want you to know that ated, and public interests outweigh the greater good who pays state taxes that propriate use of this and appeare in such a way that they exist. I also recognize, need to be addressed that the overthrow of the are partly responsible for related terminology can it soun ed like I implied however, that students do regarding the Owyhee Taliban has created. making BSU's student. fees cause unintended pain in that Bo se State does not get victimized in any system Canyonlands. Sage Grouse, While it is still one of the so low? Capitalists. families. I am' certain that provide a safe environment and it is important that we red band trout, songbirds, poorest third world coun- Mr. Thomas did not realize for stud nts to report crime. all work to create a climate bighorn sheep and other tries, 20 some years of civil Eamonn Harter this possible outcome. And th t is not want I on campus where students sensitive species need the wars are over. The road to Perhaps in the future either intende to say. At no fault do feel safe to report crime, habitat targeted for forage reconstruction has begun. he or the editorial staff of to the eporter, this is a concerns, and frustrations. development by the the Arbiter might incorpo- complic ted and complex In regard to sexual Owyhee Initiative. The nat- rate more thoughtful and issue. I think the reporter assault, we are trying to 'ural resources of the considerate guidelines for did her est in understand- develon a more consistent Owyhees need protection such language. ing the information that I . educational and prevention not the unsound practice of . was try ng to present and plan. Education and preven- welfare ranching. The Jack Hourcade may ha e just missed the tion programs can have an Owyhee Initiative does not point a it. impact on stimulating dis- envision an ecologically Arbiter columnists have no The oint I was trying to cuss ion and affecting cam- sustainable future for the idea what they're talking make is that in general, we pus climate. There is a land and it needs to be about live in a society that has not group of people in student stopped. always been (open and affairs that has voluntarily I make it a point to read underst nding about vic- come together to discuss Lori Gardiner the opinion section of The tims' ri hts when it comes this very issue. We have Arbiter. If you are interested to sexua assault. The histo- been meeting and have been Getting bin Laden not the in some honest feedback ry of th criminal and judi- trying. to examine systems only goal of war regarding your columnists, .. cialsyst~m has put victims on campus to develop a bet- they come across as fairly in a p~SitiOn where they ter prevention plan. The original goal set uneducated at times. I think were de lecting blame for an In . closing I want .our forth by President Bush this is mainly due' to the attack lased on what she campus community to know after the recent terrorist subjects they tend to write was Wgring, why was she that we need to all work attacks was to eliminate all about. For example, I hardly there al ne, why did she go together to promote an terrorist organizations, think Jerel Thomas is quali- out with someone she didn't environment that feels safe Muslim or otherwise, and fied to even attempt to fully know, ,hy didn't she know for students to report crime. any governments that har- ., explain the 3/5 com pro- better? i If students come forward, bor them. The Taliban, as mise, let alone to summarize Our ociety has stigma- please know that there are well as the so-called "axis of the nature of racism in tized vi tims of crime in a numerous understanding evil," were always targets. stome

American political parties. I systemntwhere they may and supportive staff on The goals today are no dif- ctattO~.· i1a. . also question Nate Williams someti es have had to campus that will help. But ferent than they were six ability to grasp the conflict defend heir actions, even in the end, we must also rec- months ago. The view that between Israel and Islam. I when t ey have been vic- ognize that if 'a victim of any nation that disagrees ryS"" feel no reason to state my timized.. crime does not want to press with the U.S. in any way is own opinions on either of Whil the backdrop or charges or be known in ·the an enemy is one that really these topics, I simply sug- commu ity climate may not public, we must respect her . bothers me. Many European gest that perhaps your opin- always eel open to report- or his rights to privacy. We countries disagree witn the 8 • 2 4 ion columnists could write ing, the e are very skilled cannot force people into the 'United States on foreign more frequently about top- and hel ful people on our system. policy issues, yet they are ks they understand more campus hat try their best to I welcome any feedback still very close allies. readily. There are many st dents in crisis and or comments to my letter. Nate Williams gives no I

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Boise State lacrosse team looks forward to another successful season

By Phil Polley The Arbiter

"It' s the fastest game on two feet" This is the definition of lacrosse according to midfielder Brian Sanderson. Sanderson is in his fourth season as a member of the Boise State men's lacrosse team. "Lacrosse keeps moving. It's constant running and constant hitting." The BSU lacrosse team is off and running in what should be another successful year for the Broncos, Last year Boise State finished the regular season with a 10-2record and made the post- 'season for the first time. While. making the postseason the- Bronoos went 1-1 only to lose in the Championship game to Utah ValleySt Once again the Broncos par- ticipate in the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Lacrosse League. Boise State, along with eight other colleges, competes in divi- sion two of the RMILL. Other oolleges in division two include Northern Colorado, Utah State, Weber State and Northern Arizona. The Bronoos are off to a rough start this year dropping their first two games of the season to Utah, 11-14and Utah Valley St, 6-8. "We came out and played horrible, we were there until midnight," Sanderson said of the team's first road trip. After losing the first game to Utah the Broncos then turned around and played again early in the morning against Utah Valley St. Despite the outoome of the first road trip of the year the Bronoos have set a high standard for the rest of the season. ''We expect to win division two this year," added Sanderson I about the goal for rest of the sea- son. Much of Boise State's strength I: is on defense, which' is led by goaltender Brandon Payne. Despite losing the first two I' games of the year, Payne is cred- ited with keeping the score close. I' Boise State's other defensive i standouts include David Bums, I Kyle Gandiaga and Jason Oostra. I Offensively Brian Sanderson I and David Smith each lead Boise i State in scoring after its first two I games of the season. Rich Glenn, I who leads the team in goals, also I helps out the Broncos on offense. i If you're into a lot of action at a fast pace then come check the BSU lacrosse team this Thursday Boise State gangs up on a Utah player (top). A BSUplayer hooks a at 4:00 PM as they welcome Utah player (above). Players try to snag the ball In midair (right). Western State College. Other upooming home games include Western State on March 21 and Weber State on April 6. The lacrosse team plays its home games on the intramural field, located directly behind the SUB.

WAC gets vvin in NCAA .tourney courtesy of upset by Tulsa to send the game to overtime, but By Parrln Shindle Kentucky, who disposed of ing is really a sure thing in this couldn't overoome the Seahawks The Arbiter Valparaiso 83-68 in the first tournament round. Kentucky had found Creighton's amazing 83-82 in the extra period. After oomplaining about its The Western Athletic themselves playing on top of their double overtime win over a five Beach Club number six seed, Gonzaga fell to Conference got two teams into game again after stumbling into seed in Florida may have beenthe the tournament and hoped to the tournament winning only five only true upset of the first round. 11-seeded Wyoming 73-66. make some noise in the first of their last nine games. It took a gigantic effort from Wyoming played a great game and great defense as they held round as 12th seeded Tulsa took Senior had a Terrell Taylor to send the game to Tanning career night at the expense of the overtime before he was able to Gonzaga to 26.8percent shooting on 5th seeded Marquette and 10th on a 19-of-'Z1performance, Dan seeded Hawaii look on 7th seed- Golden Hurricane Saturday as he finish what he started in the sec- - ~ r scored 41 points leading ond extra period. Dickau had his worst game of the edXavier. season going 7~for-24,and 4-of-14 Tulsa was able to pull off one Kentucky past Tulsa 87-82.Prince Taylor, who wears number 23, went 14-for-21from the field and was playing in the United Center _ from three-point range, but still I, : of three upsets ~seeds in the managing 26 points, first round as knocked of added four crucial free throws in Chicago, and playing like Marquette 71-69 . d a runner down the stretch. another number 23 that we all A team that most of the Kentucky looked to blow the know. He scored 2B points and experts were not surprised at was in the lane from Greg Harrington Kent State. The number 10 seed with 14.6seconds left in the game. game out early as they made drained eight treys, including a , ; reached the Sweet 16 following '1t was like it was in slow seven of their first eight shots, but three to send the game into over- two big wins over seven-seeded motion, and the lane opened up at the end of the half Tulsa went time, and with .02 remaining in , J Oklahoma State and two-seeded Very quickly, and the Shot went on an 11'{)run before Prince hit a the second overtime, another "' in;t Hanington said of the win- three at the buzzer giving three to give Creig"hton the win. Alabama. Kent State routed Alabama ning shot in-an ffiPN interview. Kentucky the lead again 43-42. "Before the game, Iwatched a 71-58, proving their 6%1 win Tulsa needed the heroics by Kentucky lead 81-72with 4:49 DVD of . That over OKlahoma State was no joke. Hanington because let a and Tulsa could only get it to inspired ~ a.lot," Taylor said in they 14- "They are not a fluke," point lead early in the second half within two on a three by an ffil'N interview. Harrington with 57 seoonds left as The other 12seed to win in the Alabama roach Mark Gottfried disapPeM. Up by six, the Golden said in an ESPN interview. Humcane watched as Kentuc!

..;.;.;M;,;;;;ar;.;;;ch;;.;1:;;.8.=-=2::.::::0~02:::...... Sp-orts The Arbiter • Page 7

Icing And Offsides How To Play Icing The Rink Ic~g does no~occur when a player shoots the puck from the Basically, a hockey rink is a large rectangular with rounded C::r:slve zone side of center ice into the opposition's end of the comers. The ice surface of a standard NHL rink is 200 feet by 85 feet, but dimensions vary. The distance between the blue ine and the goal line, however, is always 60 feet. _ Icing is ~alled when a player shoots the puck from his own - or defensive - zone across the opponent's goal line (but not The Markings through the goal crease). Icing is not called when a team is The rink is divided in half by a red line that is used in deter- shorth~nded; when a player could have touched the puck mining icing and offside pass violations. The rink also is before It went across goal line; when a player from icing team marked with blue lines that designate offensive and defensive touches the puck first. zones and are used in determining offside and offside pass vio- lations. The goal line is the red line at each end of the rink that Offside Pass is used in determining icing and whether a goal has been An offside pass occurs when a member of the attacking team scored. The rink also has two face-off circles at each end and passes the puck from behind his own blue line to a teammate another at center ice. The dots located just outside the blue lines across the center red line. at each end of the rink also are used as faceoff locations.

An attacking player may pass the puck over the center red- Team Benches line and the blue line to a teammate, as long as the teammate They usually are on one side of the rink, between the blue does not cross the blue line before the puck. lines.

Offside The Boards A team is offside when a player crosses the blue line before The rink is surrounded by four-foot high dasher boards. the puck. The determining factor in an offside is the position of Extending from the boards are Plexiglass panes, or "the glass." the skates; they must both be over the line ahead of the puck to These panes generally extend four or five feet above the boards be considered offside. behind the nets. The Red Light ' When a goal is scored, a red light is illuminated behind the net. The light is operated by a goal judge-who sits in a glass Calls of the' booth directly behind the net. 'Game

. .-: ~ II" .". . , " ~- Slow ~ x Whistle Both arms Misconduct Awa"ou, Placingof both hands on hips • Hooking Slashing ,Interference The arm not holding the whis- swung laterally across the body A chopping motion with Crossed arms stationary in tle is extended abovethe head. If with palms down. When used by and pointing to penalized player. A tugging with both arms, Called•for various forms of mis- as if pulling toward the stom- edge of hand across the oppo- front of the chest. Called for play returns to the neutral zone the referee,it meansthegoal is dis- without a stoppage, the arm is allowed.When used by linesman, conductor when a playerincursa ach. Called for using stick or site forearm. Called for swing- having contact with opponent secondmajorpenaltyin a game. ing stick at opponent. drawn down the instant the puck it meansno icingor offside. blad to hook opponent. not in possession of the puck. crossesthe line.

IIIAI:tIII;dIl!f&rJJii!;;,.. :+. Florida star carries AIR NATIONAL GUARD memory of late brother Up to $3,000.00 Per Sel77ester for By Mike Phillips Haslem grow into a man on the regular season, but Fu//- Tirrie Students III Knight Ridder Newspapers the court. Haslem was what Florida needs most is almost a second thought the big points down the * Montgomery GI Bill * Montgomery GI Bill Kicker There is no black arm- when he was recruited out stretch. The Gators lost six * State Tuition Assistance * Cash Bonuses band. No wristband, no of Miami High, Sure, of their eight games by five bandanna. There's no outer Haslem was highly regard- points or .fewer, including! * Student Loan Repayment Program sign to let the world know. ed and sought after, but he' three losses that came down Udonis Haslem is still hurt- came in the class with big- to the buzzer. For More Information contact: .l'uel ing. ger names such as Mike Every team in the SEC TSgt Rod Elson "I don't wear anything. Miller andleddy Dupay. tried to devise defenses to 422-5597 or (800) 621-3909 But it's inside me. I know Haslern has no problem stop Haslem, but it's in there," he said, point- with who he was then and Mississippi State might ing to his heart. "And it's who he is now. have come up with the best there every game." "They were bigger plan. Haslem carries with him names because they scored The. Bulldogs went right on the court the memory of more points in high at Haslem last weekend, his stepbrother Sam school," he said. "I was in a and he got in foul trouble Wooten, who died of cancer different situation at Miami early. He played less than in September 1999. He was High. I didn't have to score three minutes in the first 37, a brother, mentor and like that to help my team half in the 62-52 loss. inspiration to Haslem. win." Donovan has even contem- Haslem still has a copy of Haslem grew up quickly, plated a game plan for the Wooten's obituary hanging and by the time he finished NCAA tournament in on his bedroom mirror, and his sophorncee season, peo- which he starts the game he dedicates every game to ple around the nation knew with Haslem on the bench his memory. about the big Florida cen- to protect his big center But to know, you have to ter. from foul trouble. ask. That's the way Haslem Haslem put on a show in Haslem said he was frus- goes about his life and his the 2000 Final Four and trated and disappointed in business on the court, a especially in the champi- himself for what happened thunderous force wrapped onship game against against Mississippi State. in silence, a selfless big man Michigan State. He scored "I can't get into foul who leads by example. 27 points and was named trouble in the tournament," He is the reason the the player of the game in Haslem said. "I hurt my Florida men's basketball the 89-76 loss. His lO-of-12 team. 1 want to be in there. team, which meets performance from the field We are the kind of team Creighton at 12:30 EST on was second only to Bill , that needs everyone to play Friday afternoon in the first Walton's 21 of 22 in the title well. When we are all play- round of the NCAA tourna- game. Haslem finished the ing well together, this can ment, has a chance to go Final Four 15 of 19, third really be a good team." deep into the tournament. best in Final Four history. After the loss to But don't tell Haslern, a Haslem knows how to Mississippi State, Donovan 6-9, 246-pound center. He get to the title game, and he accused his team of playing will quickly tell you this knows this year's Florida without heart, passion or Florida team is not a one- team has a long road ahead character - three attributes man band. of it. The Gators lost three Haslem has always dis- There are other reasons of their last five regular- the Gators (22-8) feel they season games and were played with a fury. can make a run at the Final "I think we know what knocked out of the Four: Matt Bonner, Brett we have to do," he said. Nelson, Justin Hamilton Southeastern Conference "We have to play with and Orien Greene round tournament in the quarterfi- more heart. ... 1 know how out a starting lineup that nals by eventual champ important this NCAA tour- can give. teams fits. But to Mississippi State last week- nament is to me. But I also beat the Gators you have to end. know there is a lot of bas- stop Haslem, whom is not "I played for a team that ketball ahead of me." only the biggest force on went to the championship," At times Haslem has this team, but maybe the Haslem said. 'And this almost been too unselfish, best who ever played at team is a long way from but that is also why he has Florida. that one, and we have to get meant so much to Florida. "When you look at what there in a hurry." "With him it's always he has done here, look at This is Haslem's final team first," Donovan said. the games he has .won and chance at an NCAA title - "He has always been that the points he has scored and he knows' he is way. It's one of the reasons and what he has meant to Florida's chance. He aver- he is such a great player. this program, you can say aged 20 points in last year's There's another reason - he he might be the best this tournament, but even more is a great player because he school's ever had," Florida is expected of him this is all heart." coach Billy Donovan said. March. He averaged 16.1 Donovan has seen points and 8.4 rebounds in

Check.out the Arbiter every ,. Monday and Thursday March 18,2002 , }rageSeTlle.Arbiter

Natalie Merchant is coming to town

aided by the vocals of Mavis: Bv Lauren Consuelo due to her participation in a male-dominated band. Staples, a gospel singer who' Tussing sang at the Lincoln Memorial' The Arbiter "When I was singing for a group, especially since it was a beside Dr. Martin Luther King.: Merchant and Mavis make: . , former predominately male group, my tendency was to withhold for a fascinating combination: lead singer of the folk-rock of vocals, which results in a' band 10,000 Maniacs, is com- certain emotions or observa- tions," Merchant said. deeply emotional effect in: ing to the Idaho Center "Saint Judas," a song inspired; Wednesday night. Merchant made her suc- cessful solo debut with the after Merchant viewed a pho-' Merchant's international tography exhibition about the tour kicked off in October to triple platinum , "Tigerlily" in 1995. She fol- history of lynching in America. promote her latest album, Another unique sound is "Motherland," which is lowed with a second studio album, "Ophelia," in 1997. displayed in the song "Henry arguably the most mature and Darger." Merchant manipu- moving album of her solo Merchant toured with the Lilith Fair during the summer lates her voice to form an career. uncharacteristically lofty vocal In the unfortunate present of 1998 and released "Natalie Merchant Live in Concert" in effect, which is heightened by day of princess-pop dominat- the accompaniment of an ing the Charts, Merchant offers 1999. orchestra and classical guitar. her listeners an oasis of "Motherland" reveals lyrics Merchant explores impor- thought-provoking lyrics. and of extreme personal depth, tant societal issues through deeply diverse music. which Merchant has become Merchant began her music well known for. "Motherland" poetic lyrics in "Motherland," career in 1981, at 17 years old, also reveals a variety of musi- including issues of civil rights, when ..she joined -10,000 cal influences, including insurrection and media pres- Maniacs. Merchant proved rhythm and blues and gospel sure applied to musicians. "The songs.v.already have a herself as a promising young music. singer and lyricist. Many of "With 'Motherland' I felt it lot of nuances, a lot of layers of her songs were inspired from was time to 'fess up and .meaning. So it's difficult for poetry and prose she kept in acknowledge some of my me to just say, 'It's a song journals during her younger teachers [gospel singers]. about .. .' But the album addresses what it is to be years. These are some of the women Merchant released six who taught me how to talk American in a few of the with the band before about love and lust, how to cry songs, and all of the ambigui- finally leaving in 1993 to and comfort, how to beg and ties that come along with that: develop a solo career. Splitting when to be proud," Merchant Our heritage, our history, our from the band allowed her to said. legacy, and our future," delve into new topics that she On the tracks "Saint Judas" Merchant said. had once been confined from and "Build A Levee," she is If you go ... Bravo Entertainment is presenting an evening with Natalie Merchant this Wednesday night at the Idaho Center. Tickets can be purchased ;Natalie Merchant Qets In lauch wllh nature. at all TicketWeb locations or by calling 1-800-965-4827.

Soto, Ben Folds lets his Some of Student Radio's programming lyrics do the talking available on AM 730:

got to be thinking completely :Bv Tlmothv Finn er and you've got 2.5 kids in It all comes down to the 'Kuigltt Ridder Newspapers your family and a Range songs these days because differently. "Ten-9" hosted by Annie "The thing is, I went for a "Too Much Distortion" Rover in the driveway _ or Folds folded the band in late hosted by Levi Chick Love long time without writing a , Since the middle of whatever is your boring sub- 2000 and went into the studio Friday @ 9 p.m. . Tuesday @ 9 p.m. song. I'd writ- :September, music critics and urban deal _ it's going to be by himself last Anything and. everything Eclectic alternative ten so many I'd :fans have made noble sport tempting to reinvent yourself year to record heavy metal stockpiled "Levels Up" hosted by :out of reinterpreting pop or sell yourself as something "Suburbs." them. When I Travis Owens :songs _ extracting deeper more interesting because you Since the came back to "Like My Style" hosted Thursday @ 8 p.m. (second :meanings, inferring transcen- can do it if you want. album came writing, I was by Aaron neu and fourth Thurs.) -dent truths to comfort their "But I think a lot of people out, he has ;"ji inspired by my Monday @ 8 p.m. Underground sounds and :spirits and ease their gloom. who come from the boring toured with _c.~'.. more new circum- Funky fresh beats , Coincidentally Sept. 11 was parts of the world are actually another band stances _ my :also the day Ben Folds the crazy people, and it's a behind him kids." 'released his first solo record, shame they are not sung to or and, now, solo "Abecedarian Airwaves" "Havana Cafe" hosted by :"Rocking the Suburbs," an recognized or even winked at. _ just himself .. A~Lh~Jig- hosted by Dan Krejci . Walter Fojo ures out what it 'album stocked with one man's "Instead, too many rock and the . Wednesday @ 8 p.m. Saturday @ 7 p.m. means to be a A vibrant mix of Latin anecdotal versions of truth: stars get a bunch of tattoos The transition, A!plltlbetical picks and funky .vibes Life is a struggle, no matter and talk a certain way and act he said, has been a little father and how to share the VIbes how many luxury sedans you like they come from 'the frightening but surprisingly spotlight and then how to fit own or how groomed your streets of _' wherever, when smooth, and he credits the those lessons into his songs, Folds will continue to sing "Where's My Boogie" l,awn is. they really come from some songs for making everything about _ and make fun of _ hosted by Jeremy Wren : Except for "The Luckiest," neighborhood called easier. what he already knows: the Wednesday @ 9 p.m. (first Folds' valentine to his wife, Downing Hills." "No, there's no added pres- and third wed.) none of the songs on To his credit, Folds has sure because I put all the pres- middle-class youth and all Dance, techno, industrial and ;Suburbs" is especially com- never feigned much of any- sure on the song when I wrote his/her foibles. beyond {orting, but several reflect thing, except maybe an aver- it," he said. "I knew the songs The title track to "Suburbs," for example, is a deeper meanings and more sion to pomp and dignity. His were durable because they durable truths that pertain to first band, a were tough enough to be torn barbed Blink-182 / Barenaked "Jedi Art" hosted by Laura Wylde what followed the September piano/ /bass/ /drum power up by a band _ sometimes Ladies rant about rap-metal trio called Ben Folds Five, we'd play them twice as fast. bands like Limp Bizkit and Thursday @ 8 p.m. (first attacks. . and third Thurs.) : Take "Fred Jones Part 2," a paid homage to his bifurcated "So I knew the songs 'were Korn _ angry white dudes who whine about their child- Where art meets the micro- bleak drama about a newspa- tastes in music: piano pop and well-built, but I didn't realize pllOrie per veteran who gets laid off punk rock. how well they were built until hood's, you could say. But what "Suburbs" _ the before he's ready to retire. His Those preferences revealed I started these solo gigs. Now last day is not special: A themselves less in the Five's there are times in the middle song and the album _ reveals .guard comes to lead him out three studio albums than in its of songs where I get applause is that these days Folds' sense :Ofthe building and "there was live shows, where its nerdy for certain lyrics. of empathy is keener than his :jlo party and there were no onstage frat-house routines at "The reaction has been sense of humor. :;;ongs/'Cause today's just a times bordered on the absurd. great. Unless I'm delusional Thus the more durable Soho Boys (Ginsbergian Rants In 2002) :Jiay like the day that he start- After a grave song like and people are telling me it tracks are tunes like "Still :'Pd/ And no one is left here "Brick," about a girlfriend's sucks but I'm turning it all Fighting It," a piano ballad "that knows his first name ..." abortion, Folds and his mates around in my head, everyone about a father who laments By Kelly Morse might shift to one of his trade- seems to be enjoying it. The what his' young son is ulti- ~~Ifor suckers, we're ., ~: Fred Jones is one of several mark slacker anthems or focus is completely on the mately in for: a life spent talking Underground -IIIlI ;<:omposite characters who They tumble through the Press here, ..J ;populate "Suburbs," an spontaneous jams in which songs, and everything about dodging disappointments. "It hurts to grow up," he sings. streets, who drink over- - 'album about regular people he'd pound the piano keys the songs is much clearer priced coffeethey get If'\. The guy in that tune is a lot these reincarnated angel- :living in common places suf- with his rump or spray the now." headed hipsters that lead with free from a friend ,. \II •fering the indignities of every- audience with off-kilter riffs This shift toward clarity like Fred Jones, a man in a lights of cigarette butts, who works at the ., :day lives: broken hearts, while standing atop the piano. and lyrical content follows "boring part of the world" who practice suicide in cafe, ;revised dreams. For a long time, fronting Folds' passage into father- who can't escape the small front of mirrors, and they all work at cafes, ; Folds, 35, a gifted musician the Five was a' great gig. hood and, seemingly, all the tragedies that slowly erode a . who are always unkempt and they all ride around on ;from an elite college town _ College students and kids in trademark traits and trap' pretty good life. and moxie rat chic, the chic of bikes in their off hours . to other citiesto bum some :Chapel Hill, N.C. _ figures their late teens filled' small pings of married adulthood _ As Folds figures it, those punks I who protest too muchwho joe, looking retro in thrift store :those are the only lives he clubs across the country to see a substantial leap for a guy are the kinds of defeat!' . "e the big picture, man, too finds :deserves to· write about the band, and it didn't matter who has made a fair living bits of gloom from whir' ;"-li pIe young and old will always ..•uch to stay in school, who compare black and :because those are the people to Folds why they were there writing wiseacre' love songs white prints, I'm thinking seek comfort, no matter what who are artistic in that :md the lives he's most famil- _ for the songs he'd crafted or for teen-agers and 20~some- avant-guard beret-wearing about going to Toulouse, kind of state our world is in. ::larwith. for the daffy live show. things. way, and they'll wear it too, :-: "That's the first rule about "People were intQ(the "Being a father means tak- Folds is performing solo at who don't give a fuck what I'll meet you there man I'm :J.vriting, isn't it? Write about band) for a lot of reasons," he ing the flashlight off your The Big Easy Monday night. the dominant cuIturesays,· in the south of France for the you know," he said said. "Some came to watch me (groin) and putting it on The show starts at 7:30 p.m. who always work in coffee winter, until money juns out, :.recently from . Adelaide, or the bass player or to hear us .sorneone else," Folds said. and tickets can be purchased shops, or as dishwashers, until they're allgoirig off to make up songs to the heckling "You have a lot more to think at all TicketWeb locations. nothing that pays too well, Europe wgether, the dog- ~ustralia,.where he lives with. . who are a community of . eared'fingers 01' even just to hear my songs. about than someone. gazing :Iris Australian wife and 2- cigarette loaners, it's theMan .rolling cigarettesovet out-, Now, .with these solo shows, out his college dorm window ::tear~ldtwins.. . ve,."SUS Williams S.BurrowB, door tables as mentioned bumming out about his. girl- .. ; ''But that's not. always the everyone's. doing the same . wh~ ~eli~literary . place nameSsUde like a coat .. ~.Jtnean,· if your dad's an thing I'm doing: Discovering friend.When .you're helping off s~Oulders. .. .' . . don'l$haIeconriections ...the,kids ~~~.!ldjusteror :whatev- the sings." "'"'' someone. else along, you've 'i

_ , . .·n -.;;---.....~" r>- ._1, •• _ The Arbiter • Page 9· �~:::====:::======:::;- .....JlliyerSiQns BAM· women artistsl

Boise art fans can now enjoy : . By J. Patrick Kelly modernist art movement in early modernists was their The Arbiter the early 20th century. She use of nature as a vehicle to them as well. : feels in an art world domi- explore inner truths. Also at BAM is also currently,' running an exhibit called: One of the Boise Art nated my male artists that that time, my mother, then a "True Grit: Seven Female- Museum's latest installa- many of these women dealer in museum quality Visionaries Before tions showcases 23 women painters' achievements were Art Deco antiques, shared Feminism," which is a col- artists of the early 20th cen- overlooked. with me the· paintings, lection of 30 pieces of art- tury. "Women Artists in the "I knew that there were tapestries, and collectibles work made between 1949-76 Modernist Tradition" is a women creating with the she was buying. This by seven female artists. Both bevy of 32 paintings from same mastery. Who and exposed me to images of exhibits are running Jeri 1. Waxenberg's private where were they? I was so saturated color, bold lines through May 19. collection. focused on finding these and symbolism that shaped Waxenberg's eclectic col- women artists, it is only my aesthetic." lection focuses on mod- recently I sought the rea- Because of Waxenburg's ernist women painters such sons for their obscurity," commitment to finding as Sonia Delaunay, Waxenberg wrote in her col- these obscure works of art, Elizabeth Ronget, Ida lector's statement. O'Keefe (Georgia O'Keefes's In the early '80s,_ sister) and Georgia Waxenberg, a Sun Valley If you go ... Englehard (Alfred Stieglitz' resident, served on the niece). The modernistic board of directors for the The Boise Art Museum is open on Tuesday styles range from analytic Women's Building in Los cubism to expressionism. Angeles, which is a public through Saturday, 10a.m. to 5 p.m. and Works from obscure center that showcases and women artists are also fea- examines women's art and Sunday, noon to 5 p.rn.Boise State students tured at the exhibit. culture. She also was get in for $3, and can purchase an annual Waxenberg's goal for show- exposed to art a young age ing these unknown artists is because her mother was in pass for $15. ' to raise awareness about the the art gallery business. "Caribbean" by Henrle"a Shore. 011on canvas. impact they had on the "The appeal for me of the - . 'YTuMama Tambien' tackles tough issues By Ruth Marcys with clearing her boy's aura of their two lives. Their road trip Columbia Daily Spectator bad vibes than with clearing will reveal the true nature of (Columbia U.) his head of drugs. their two characters and that Julio (Gael Garcia Bernal) they have continually lied to A film about Mexico - its lives very differently, support- each other and to themselves people, politics, and classes ed by a working-class mother about their true feelings for woven together by threads of and a slightly zany environ- each other. winding country roads - "Y mentalist sister. The boys do Director Alfonso Cuaron Tu Mama Tambien" chronicles not approach the differences in ("Great Expectations") pre- two teen-age boys straining at their lives. sents a portrait of his native the brink of their adult life and They have, up to this point, Mexico in the context of this one lonely woman who has been united by their frantic road trip. An omniscient nar- had enough of hers. intimacy and a shared taste for rator comments on the action, The boys are the best of parties, drugs, sex and lazing the voice's intervention often friends, so close that they about. silencing characters in the spend all their time together, At the wedding of some midst of their conversation. speak in unison, and even member of Tenoch's family, Through the narration, the masturbate in chorus while the friends are amusing them- audience learns many impor- sunning themselves on paral- selves by counting the number tant elements of the personali- lel diving boards. They have of bodyguards in attendance ties involved and also learns matching tattoos and are when they spot and begin to about Mexico. Although the founding members of a club in lust after the mysterious Luisa characters seem only to drive which they are bound by rules (Maribel Verdu). In their clum- through the countryside unaf- such as "anyone who roots for sy flirtation with the woman, fected by its poverty and an American team will be they invite her to join them on power, the narration reveals expelled" and "never sleep a trip to an imaginary beach. their truer understanding. with another member's girl- The invitation is really one for In a particularly telling friend." These rules are not sex, for sex is a central topic of moment, Tenoch notices the enduring, however, for the . discussion and activity in the name of a town they are pass- boys not only. break societal ..lives of these two adolescents. ing. The narrator divulges that conventions but also violate Sex is main theme throughout this is the hometown of their own regulations. the film: it begins with sex, the Tenoch's maid, a woman who, Despite their facade of great conversation of the three trav- until the age of four, he called friendship, there are vast gaps elers turns to sex, and the char- Mama. He had never before in their intimacy, which nei- acters' friendships are forged been near the town and makes ther boy can recognize .or and broken by sex. no comment to his compan- remove. The chasm between Luisa surprises the boys ions, but the moment says a lot. their two lives is perpetuated when, having heard her hus- about the society in which he by their opposite social status: band's confession of infidelity, and all characters in the film Tenoch (Diego Luna) is the son she calls to confirm the beach are engaged. Cuaron presents of a politician whose money invitation. Of course, the boys not only the sheltered and (the source of which is some- . leap at the chance to escort the comparatively idyllic lives of . what suspect) provides him woman into their fantasy. his protagonists; he often with a large villa, servants and Honesty has not been an issue sends the camera off to follow plenty of money for drugs. His in their friendship, but before someone to the other side of the film is over the truth will society. mother is good-natured, if "lrt-Power" by Hugh Buchholz Is composed of aluminum, wood and steetlt was part ofthe r , loony, and more concerned have unalterably changed 1st annual Department of Art Jurled Student Exhibition. If you missed the exhibit, too bad, because It's gone. htt :// Pregnant? Who is that? and need help ... What's it that about? FREE Pregnancy test Did you hear the news? BIRTHRIGHT 1101 N. 28th Boise, Idaho 83702 Go to for more information 342-1898 All help is conf'identiat and f'ree "1-800-550-4900

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