





REG.NO. 110705020




MEDAN 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara Approved By Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan As a Thesis For The

Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. Deliana, M.Hum Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,Ma.Ph.D NIP : 19571117 198303 2 002NIP: 19750209 200812 1 002

Universitas Sumatera Utara Accepted by the Board of Examiners in Partialfulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of

Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The Examination is Held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural

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Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

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NIP. 19600805198703 1 001

Board of Examiners (signature)

1. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ......

2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D......

3. Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum......

4. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum ......

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION


Signed :

Date : 10 February 2017

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Date :10 February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS


First of all, i would like to thank to the Almighty Allah SWT for the blessing and mercy, so that i can finish my study, which is titled Motivation Portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album ‘Unbroken’. Blessing and salutation upon the most honorable Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgment.

By this chance, i would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. Then to Dra. SwesanaMardiaLubis, M.Hum the Head of English Department, and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D the Secretary of English Department, for their advice and support to me as the student of English.

I also want to thank to my Supervisor, Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum and my Co-Supervisor Dra. SwesanaMardiaLubis, M. Hum, for their guidance to make better my study. And all of my lecturers in English Department , especially to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum, for his help in sharing ideas when i got some blocks in my mind.

On this special occasion, i want to express how grateful i am for my beloved father, Subur and my lovely mother BasitaBruGinting, who have pray to me and supported me, thanks for the love, may God bless them, and this is what my parents are waiting for, so this thesis is the specially dedicated for my parents. And for the support and hard times we had, i also would like to thanks for my siblings, my lovely sister ErmanilaSupandi and my brothersArdiansyahWijaya Putra and AsmullahFauzy, for their love and give me strength when i am down.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Then not forget my thankful to my families in Kabanjahe, my friends Maya Sopa, Hanna,Febbydj, Septalia, Runi, Aya’, Irma C, Pyut, Rani, and Vivi Anggreni she always accompanies me to campus and give me ideas and support. And All of my friends in English Department 2011 that i can not mention one by one, thanks for everything, guys. The special thanks for my beloved SuparmintaSitepu, who has supported me, thanks for the love, attention, help and understanding, that makes me safe to complete my study.

After all a lot of thanks to my relatives and friends around me that i can’t mention one by one but also have much contributions for me in finishing my study. May allah SWT bless you all, amin ya robbal’alamin.

Medan,10 February 2017

The writer



Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Penelitian ini berjudul “Motivation Portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album ‘Unbroken’”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan motivasi dan bagaimanamotivasidalamlagutersebutmenginspirasimanusia dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Demi Lovato. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Analisis.Sumber data penelitian ini adalah album Demi Lovato yang berjudul “Unbroken” yang terdiri dari 8 lagu. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data ialah teknik analisis dokumenter.Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yaitu dengan melakukan beberapa langkah, antara lain (1) membaca dan mendengarkan8lirik lagu Demi Lovato dalam album Unbroken, (2) memahami isi dari lirik lagu Demi Lovato, dan (3) menganalisismotivasi serta bagaimanamotivasidalamlagu tersebutmenginspirasimanusia dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Demi Lovato.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lirik lagu Demi Lovatoadalah lagu yang menarik untuk diteliti. Lagu Demi Lovato ini menyangkut pengalaman kehidupan manusia yang di cerminkan melaluimotivasi yang terkandung di dalamliriklagudanbagaimanamanusiatermotivasi agar menjadilebihbaiksetelahmemenuhikebutuhanmereka : kebutuhanfisiologis, kebutuhanakan rasa aman, kebutuhanakancinta, kebutuhanakanpenghargaandankebutuhanakanaktualisasidiri. Motivasidalamliriklagu Demi Lovatomenginspirasikita agar lebihpeduli, lebihtangguhdanlebihmencintai orang lain dalamkehidupankita. Manusiabutuhmencintaidandicintaiuntukmenyadaribahwasemuamanusiamemilikider ajat yang sama di dunia. Manusiabutuhpedulidandipedulikansebelummerekaditerimadandinilaidalammasyara kat.Manusiajugaharuslebihtangguhdalammenghadapimasalahmerekadalamkehidupa n.

Kata kunci: Motivasi, Motivasi yang Menginspirasi, lirik lagu,Album Unbroken

Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT This study is entitled “Motivation Portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album ‘Unbroken’”. The study is aimed to describes the motivationand the motivation inspiring in life portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album ‘Unbroken’. The research method used in this study is Descriptive Analysis method. The source of data are eightth lyrics from Demi Lovato’s album. Method of collecting data is the documentation method. The data of this study were analyzed by following steps : Readingeightth lyrics from album Demi Lovato.Understanding the contents of Demi Lovato’s lyrics, and analyzing motivation and the motivation inspiring in life in Demi Lovato’s selected song lyrics. After analyzing the motivation, it can be concluded that Demi Lovato’s third album song lyrics is an interesting song. It concerns with some parts of human’s life true experience that is about how people can be motivated after they fulfill their needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs, and the needs for self actualization.Themotivation inspiring life portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album song lyrics is motivation to fulfill their needs to be more respect, stronger and love to each other. People need to love and to be loved to make them realizes that they are equal as human in this world. People needs to respect and to feel respected before they are accepted and valued in the society. They also need to be stronger to face their all problems in their life.

Keyword: Motivation, Motivation Inspiring, Song Lyrics, Unbroken Album

Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS



1. Background of the Study ...... 1

2. Problem of the Study ...... 5

3. Objective of the Study ...... 5

4. Scope of the Study ...... 5

5. Significance of Study ...... 6


2.1 Literature ...... 7

2.1.1 Song ...... 9

2.2 Motivation ...... 11

2.2.1 Types of Motivation...... 15

2.2.2 Theory of Motivation ...... 17

2.3 Psychological Approach in Literature ...... 21


3.1 Method of Study ...... 22

3.2 Object of Study ...... 23

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.3 Sources of Data ...... 23

3.4 Method of Collecting Data ...... 24

3.5 Technique of Analysis Data ...... 24


4.1Analysis ...... 26

4.1.1 An Analysis of Motivation ...... 26

4.1.2 The Motivation Portrayed in The Lyrics Inspiring in Life . 39


5.1 Conclusion ...... 41 5.2 Suggestion ...... 41


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


1.1 Background of the Study

Globalization brings both positive and negative effect. It gives great development in science, technology, economy, education and art. The development of art runs fast and music or song is one of the branches of art that has big influence for the people. Music is an entertainment that tells a story by mental image that giving the illusion and it is necessary because it becomes part of human life in this modern era. As William (1824:2) said “The only reality in music is the state of mind which it induces in the listener”. Music may represent the bad or good of human feeling; it is able to express their thoughts, experiences, emotions, and faith. Besides that, music also invites the hearer to come into the new world or new life, when they are listening to the lyrics of the . The effects of the music are not only influencing the people’s emotion but it is also changing brain waves and make the brain more receptive in learning.

In addition, music is a part of literary work. Literary work is the art of written work. Literary work is commonly classified into two major forms; fiction and nonfiction. The kind of literary works are poem, song lyrics, novel, movie, drama, and etc. Music and literary works are very useful since they can influence people’s emotion and also motivate people’s goal. Dornyei (2001a:7) defines that:

“Motivation is related to these concepts, and it

is responsible for the choice of a particular

action and the effort expended on it and the

persistence with it. Motivation explains why

Universitas Sumatera Utara people decide to do something, how hard they

are going to pursue it and how long they are

willing to sustain the activity”.

The statement explains that motivation refers to reasons underline behavior that ischaracterized by willingness and volition. Motivation involves a constellation of closely related beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions. Motivation will be obtained if human needs have been fulfilled. It can be found in one of the fragment of song lyrics by Demi Lovato entitled Unbroken. The lyrics are;

I'm gonna love you like I've never been broken

I'm gonna say it like it's never been spoken

Tonight, tonight I'm letting go, go, go, go

I'm gonna give it like it's never been taken

I'm gonna fall like I don't need saving

Tonight, tonight I'm letting go, go, go, go

The fragment lyrics, “I'm gonna love you like I've never been broken

I'm gonna say it like it's never been spoken” show that there is a human needs which reflect the needs of love. Humans need to love and be loved- both sexually and non- sexually- by others. The singer feels that she is falling in love with someone. And it motivates her to give her love more than anyone can do.

Generally, every writer has plenty of imagination stated in the lyrics. The message contains many ideas, such as social, satire, prise, motivation, education, till a romantic. Literature is also one of media to show some of the meaning, one of them is motivation that presented by author. By the songs, poems, movie, or the other literary works, the author tries todeliver motivation for the people.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Motivationcan not only be obtained by discussion in formal situation or books, but also people can use songs to deliver the motivationmessage of the songs. In this case, people will get bored when they get motivation from textbooks and the advice from their teachers or parents. Motivation can be well delivered by using music, because many people use song to express their feeling at the moment.

As already be known, every song must have lyric. Lyric as quoted from the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyricsis “a set of the words that accompany music, either by speaking or singing”. The word of “lyric” derived from Greek “Lyricos” meaning “singing to the lyres”, “the rhythm of the entire globe written out like poetry”. It contains the message that is used to express human feeling and experiences. It has imaginative quality and specific characteristic of language used in, such as denotation, connotation, figurative and symbol. In this study, the writer would like to please the reader by presenting the message that can be found in the lyrics of a song suggested the motivation for many people who like listening to music.

In the music industry, there are many bands or solo singers. One of the solo singers is Demi Lovato. Demi Lovato is an American singer, and actress.Album’Unbroken’ is the third studio album of Demi Lovato released on

September 20,2011, by Writing and recording for the album began as early as July 2010 due to Demi Lovato’s rehabilitation. Production resumed in April 2011 after her treatment ended. Musically, she has described the album as more mature and a little more R&B/pop than her previous material, quoting artists such as and as influences. At the time, she revealed she planned to work in no hurry on this album, that every other album she

Universitas Sumatera Utara has not had time to really take her time and craft it like she really wanted to do because she was finding spare time between a television show, and movies, and touring and then all over again. She has worked on the album for the past year and really gone hard over the past few months, but we can definitely tell she took her time with this record. Album Unbroken; The title came from the song of the same name which appears on the album. She thought that the title really matched with how she is today: she is unbroken and she is standing strong, she said.

From discussion above, it is very challenging or interesting to do a research about the motivation in song lyrics. Therefore, the writer takes the title of this study as “Motivation Portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album, Unbroken”.There is other reason why the writer choosesThird Album’Unbroken’ as the album to be discussed in her thesis. Its language is comparatively easy to understand. It is consequently very helpful for her to listening, to read, to observe, and to understand certain facts for her thesis. There are track list third album “unbroken” by Demi

Lovato.Tracklist Third Album “Unbroken”:

a. Demi Lovato - Together - featuring

b. Demi Lovato - Unbroken

c. Demi Lovato -

d. Demi Lovato - Mistake

e. Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart aBreak

f. Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

g. Demi Lovato - My Love Is Like a Star

h. Demi Lovato - For the Love of a Daughter

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.2 Problem of the Study

In analyzing Motivation portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album, Unbroken, the problems will be centered into two questions.

The questions that are relevant to the problem are:

1. How is the motivation portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album,


2. How is the motivationportrayed in the lyrics inspiring in life?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is:

1. To describes the motivation portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album,


2. To analyze the motivationportrayed in the lyrics inspiring in life.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In this thesis, the writer will focus on motivation portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album ’Unbroken’. The analysis is focused on the theory of human motivation by Abraham H Maslow as portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album’Unbroken’. The writer will not analyze other aspects, except motivation aspect as portrayed in Demi

Lovato’s third album ’Unbroken’ and The writer will not analyze other theory motivation, except a theory of human motivation by Abraham H Maslow in the writer’s thesis.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study will be beneficial both theoretical and practical.

1. Theoretical

The writer expects the result of this study can be advantageous to the world of literature as complement the study of song and contribute the development of motivation portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album ‘Unbroken’

2. Practical

1) To build the appreciation for the people towards the song lyrics and the

motivation contained in it

2) To widen the horizon of students about the motivationand other aspect from


3) To understand A Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham H.Maslow as

portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album ’Unbroken’ song lyrics.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


In this chapter, theoretical background is presented to support the related study.

The title of this study is Motivation Portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third Album

‘Unbroken’.Therefore, it is classified into some sections to clarify the terms used in this study.

2.1 Literature

In this thesis you will be introduced to the world of literature.As a student of

English, you must have studied literature,especiallyinEnglish at a lower level than the present one. That means to some of you, what you are going to learn in the early part of this thesis may not be entirely new. There is, therefore, a need to bring your previous knowledge to bear on the new knowledge that you acquire in the thesis.

Ade and Okunoye(2008:2)define, it should be made clear from the onset that there is no real consensus or one all embracing definition of the term literature. You should also know that some of the definitions of literature given by scholars are largely according to their wealth of life experience within their locations. Before we move further, let us consider literature both on its broad and narrow planes. Gyasi

(1973) defines it in its broad sense as anything that is written, while Rees (1973) sees it in the narrow sense of writing which expresses and communicates thought, feelings and attitudes towards life.

Ade and Okunoye(2008:2)say, the broad definition of literature appears to be vague and amorphous in that it includes works that are not literature per se, like works in fields of Education, Biology, History and a host of others, because they are written. However, they cannot qualify as real literature. The narrow definition

Universitas Sumatera Utara delineates literature from its general purview to what can be called literature as a subject of study.

Literature is a study that concerns a whole range of human life and activities.

Thus, literature concerns the writer and the reader. Literature springs from our in born love of telling a story, of arranging words in pleasing patterns, of expressing in words some special aspects of our human experience. Literature from a functional perspective as the imaginative work that gives us R’s: recreation, recognition, revelation and redemption. Literature is a permanent expression in words of some thoughts or feelings in ideas about life and the world.

Moody (1987, as cited in Ade and Okunoye, 2008:2)writes that: “Literature springs from our in born love of telling a story, of arranging words in pleasing patterns, of expressing in words some special aspects of our human experience.

Boulton (1980 as cited in Ade and Okunoye, 2008:2) define that: “Literature from a functional perspective as the imaginative work that gives us R’s: recreation, recognition, revelation and redemption”.

Rees (1973 as cited in Ade and Okunoye, 2008:2) after describing what he regarded as literature, summed up that literature is a permanent expression in words of some thoughts or feelings in ideas about life and the world.

All the above definitions describe literature from different perspectives. Still, there are certain things that are common to them. They all recognize the fact that:

a. Literature is imaginative.

b. Literature expresses thoughts and feelings.

c. Literature deals with life experiences.

d. Literature uses words in a powerful, effective and yet captivating manner.

e. Literature promotes recreation and revelation of hidden facts.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Ade and Okunoye(2008:3)say that: “Literature is thus summed up as permanent expressions in words (written or spoken), specially arranged in pleasing accepted patterns or forms. Literature expresses thoughts, feelings, ideas or other special aspects of human experiences”.

This study applies mimetic approach as what Abrams (1995:8) states that:“Art is mimetic of the aspects of the universe. It means that literature is this reflection and representation of the real life and literature imitation between the real and the author imagination, or as the result of the author imagination which derive from real life, so its cannot be separated from question of truth, justice and virtue”.

Forms are taken to mean the mode in which literature is expressed. Usually, it is in either the spoken or written form.

2.1.1 Song

Song is a piece of music with words that is sung. It is a form of expressing the writer’s feelings that are valued as works of art. According to Little (1970:174) lyric derived from Greek “Lyricos” meaning “singing to the lyres”, “the rhythm of the entire globe written out like poetry”. The song lyric is specifically intended for singing. This intention affects diction, content and stanza form. The song lyric is particularly unified and simple. A tune has its own emotional character, and it is words will need to be of words and music. Human is the creature that knows how to react not only in the physical environment but also in the symbols that they made”.

The writer will analyze spirit of survival as portrayed in Demi Lovato’s Third

Album ‘Unbroken’. The writer’s activity is literary criticism.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Mulheim et al. (2006:3) in Study Guide Literature define that: “Theliterature essay (referred to in this guide as the critical essay) presents a focused interpretation of a text or texts developed in the form of a specific argument or thesis”.

Sharon James McGee (1997:1) in Analyzing Literature states that, literary analysis is a genre that in many ways resembles an argument: you make a claim about the work and support your claim with evidence from the text as well as reasoning and analysis. The purpose of a response to literature is to persuade the readers that your analysis and interpretation of the work are valid, reasonable, and logical.

When we write about literature, we participate actively in the construction of knowledge about the text. That is to say, the text itself creates only part of its message.

Sharon James McGee (1997:2) point out that:“As a genre, literary analysis differs from other types of writing you may have done about literature, such as an evaluation. For instance, as an assignment for school, you may have watched a play or read a story and had to write a review o’f it. A review calls upon the writer to make an evaluation, to describe and analyze the work in question. The purpose of writing a review is to persuade the readers that your evaluation, which is based on criteria, is a sound assessment of the work. (“Don’t read this book because it lacks a clear plot.”) For example, you can find reviews of books and music printed at online bookstores such as .com. Here pe’ople who have read the book (or listened to the CD) provide their evaluation of the work to potential book or music buyers to help them make informed decisions”.

Universitas Sumatera Utara With literary analysis, however, the focus is not on offering the writer’s opinion about the work; rather, the focus is to interpret and analyze the text.

Sharon James McGee (1997:2) says, certainly, you offer your informed opinion of the text’s interpretation, but you do not assess the merits of the text or tell readers whether or not you liked the work. Literary analysis, then, tends to be more objective than a review might be. For that reason, literary analyses are written using third person pronouns. Other features of literary analysis include a clearly stated thesis (often called a claim) that is supported by reasons and evidence from the text.

2.2 Motivation

The term "motivation" derives from the Latin verb movere (to move). Motivation is an action done or needing to be done to achieve a purpose.

Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation is one of the most frequently used words in psychology. It refers to the factors which move or activate the organism. We infer the presence of motivation when we see that people work toward certain goals. For example, we might observe that a student works hard at almost every task that comes to him or her; from this we infer that the person has motive to achieve.

Usova and Gibson (1986, as cited in Crump, 1996:5) says, motivation has been the core of many studies up to now, and a significant number of researchers have been researching the term ‘motivation’. Hence, what does the term ‘motivation’ mean? One technical definition describes motivation as the extent to which certain stimuli, objects, or events affect the occurrence or non-occurrence of the behavior in question.

Crookes and Schmidt (1991, as cited in Elcin, 2012:33) describes, motivation as the learner’s orientation in relation to the goal of learning a second language.

Universitas Sumatera Utara According to Steers and Porter (1991:6) says, motivation can be characterized as follows: needs or expectations, behavior, goals and some form of feedback.

Ryan and Deci (2000:54) point out that’:“to be motivated means to be moved to do something.”

Dornyei (2001a:7) defines, motivation ‘is related to these concepts, and it is responsible for the choice of a particular action and the effort expended on it and the persistence with it.

Dornyei (2001a:7) also states, motivation explains why people decide to do something, how hard they are going to pursue it and how long they are willing to sustain the activity.

Glynn et al. (2005:150) defines, motivation is an internal state that arouses, directs, and sustains human behavior. It plays a fundamental role in learning. Today, more than ever, students' motivation is an area of discussion and debate an area constantly in need of innovative approaches because the societal factors that play a role in motivation are constantly changing. In order to effectively foster students' motivation, it is essential to understand why students strive for particular goals, how intensively they strive, how long they strive, and what feelings and emotions characterize them in this process.

Bernard et al. (2006:129-130) propose that motivesmaybe measured in terms of individual differences in covering categories of behaviors and interests. These categories cover because they are guided and directed by putative cognitive structures called motives. Motives are hypothesized to guide behaviors and interests within one of five social domains related to ever larger systems: (a) the self- protection domain of the single system; (b) the mating domain of the dyadic system;

(c) the relationship maintenance and parental care domain of the small, kin system;

Universitas Sumatera Utara (d) the coalition domain of the large, nonkin system; and (e) the “mimetic” domain of the large, symbolic, cultural system. They may be measurable as the strength of interest, desire, or concern with behaviors related to solving problems in a particular social domain.

Bernard et al. (2006:134-135) states, motivationrefers to the why that causes an organism to initiate and persist in certain behaviors as opposed to others. Motivation is purposeful and includes the processes that guide the general strength and direction of an organism’s activity over time. This sense of duration is important because although motivated behavior takes place only in the present, its orientation is toward the future either in non conscious service to inclusive fitness (survival of one’s genes) or in conscious service to an individual’s goals and expectancies (which may also increase the probability of one’s genes surviving). So, too, is the sense of general strength and direction important because specific instances of behavior may deviate from an organism’s typical pattern of behavior. But, if motivation is purposeful, what purpose does it serve? That is the ultimate question to which a theory of motivation must provide an answer. None of the extant competing perspectives seem to adequately answer this question.

Ames (1990:410-411) point outthat:“Motivation has often been characterized within what has been called a quantitative view of motivation, in which motivation has been described as the intensity of behavior, the direction of behavior, and the duration of behavior.”

According to the writer, motivation can be defined as the process of activating, maintaining and directing behavior towards a particular goal. The process is usually terminated once the desired goal is attained by the person.

Universitas Sumatera Utara The process of initiating action is technically called ‘motivation’. Directing behavior towards certain goal is the essence of motivation. Motivation is not always directly observable. It is inferred and used to explain behavior. When we ask “What motivates a person to do a particular task?” We usually mean why does she behave as she does. In other words, motivation, as popularly used, refers to the cause or why of behavior.

From the quotations above, it can be concluded that motivation refers to the driving and pulling forces which result in persistent behavior directed towards a goal. Motivation refers to reasons that underline behavior that ischaracterized by willingness and volition. Motivation involves a constellation of closely related beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions. Motivation within individuals tends to vary across subject areas, and this domain specificity increases with age. A motivation is the state of lacking intention to act.

Interestingly, we are not aware of all our motives. Behavior can be governed by unconscious motives too. If our understanding of motives is correct, we have a powerful tool for explaining behavior. We explain our everyday behavior in terms of various motives.

Motives also help us make predictions about behavior. We may tell what a person will do in future. Motives may not tell exactly what will happen but they give us an idea about the range of activities a person will do. Thus a person with a need to achieve in academics will work hard in school, an individual with a strong need to excel in sports will put in a lot of hard work in that field; similarly in business and in many other situations.

All human behavior appears to arise in response to some form of internal

(physiological) or external (environmental) stimulation. The behaviors, however,

Universitas Sumatera Utara are not random. They often involve some purpose or goal. It is often held that behaviors take place as a result of the arousal of certain motives.

2.2.1Types of Motivation

Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between them has shed important light on both developmental and educational practices. In this review we revisit the classic definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in light of contemporary research and theory. Intrinsic motivation remains an important construct, reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate. However, extrinsic motivation is argued to vary considerably in its relative autonomy and thus can either reflect external control or true self- regulation.

The most basic distinction is between intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing something because it is inherently interestingor enjoyable, and extrinsic motivation, which refers to doing somethingbecause it leads to a separable outcome. Over three decades of research hasshown that the quality of experience and performance can be very differentwhen one is behaving for intrinsic versus extrinsic reasons. One purpose of this review is to revisit this classic distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and to summarize the functional differences of these two general types of motivation.

Ryan and Deci (2000:56) states, intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence.

When intrinsically motivated a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external prods, pressures, or rewards. The phenomenon of intrinsic motivation was first acknowledged within experimental

Universitas Sumatera Utara studies of animal behavior, where it was discovered that many organisms engage in exploratory, playful, and curiosity-driven behaviors even in the absence of reinforcement or reward. These spontaneous behaviors, although clearly bestowing adaptive benefits on the organism, appear not to be done for any such instrumental reason, but rather for the positive experiences associated with exercising and extending ones capacities.

Ryan and Deci (2000:56) points out, in humans, intrinsic motivation is not the only form of motivation, or even of volitional activity, but it is a pervasive and important one. From birth onward, humans, in their healthiest states, are active, inquisitive, curious, and playful creatures, displaying a ubiquitous readiness to learn and explore, and they do not require extraneous incentives to do so. This natural motivational tendency is a critical element in cognitive, social, and physical development because it is through acting on one’s inherent interests that one grows in knowledge and skills. The inclinations to take interest in novelty, to actively assimilate, and to creatively apply our skills is not limited to childhood, but is a significant feature of human nature that affects performance, persistence, and well- being across life’s epochs.

Ryan and Deci (2000:60) defines, although intrinsic motivation is clearly an important type of motivation, most of the activities people do are not, strictly speaking, intrinsically motivated. This is especially the case after early childhood, as the freedom to be intrinsically motivated becomes increasingly curtailed by social demands and roles that require individuals to assume responsibility for non intrinsically interesting tasks. In schools, for example, it appears that intrinsic motivation becomes weaker with each advancing grade.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Ryan and Deci (2000:60) points out, extrinsic motivation is a construct that pertains whenever an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome.

Extrinsic motivation thus contrasts with intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing an activity simply for the enjoyment of the activity itself, rather than its instrumental value. For example, a student who does his homework only because he fears parental sanctions for not doing it is extrinsically motivated because he is doing the work in order to attain the separable outcome of avoiding sanctions. Similarly, a student who does the work because she personally believes it is valuable for her chosen career is also extrinsically motivated because she too is doing it for its instrumental value rather than because she finds it interesting.

2.2.2 Theory on Motivation

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology anticipated by Abraham

Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation".

Abraham Maslow (1943: 372-383) states, Human Motivation is influenced by deficiency needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs and the needs for self- actualization. The most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon)secondary or higher level of needs”.

Abraham Maslow divided those needs into five general categories, from most urgent to most advance:

a. The physiological needs.

Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will

Universitas Sumatera Utara ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first.

Air, water, and food are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans. Clothing and shelter provide necessary protection from the elements. While maintaining an adequate birth rate shapes the intensity of the human sexual instinct, sexual competition may also shape said instinct.

b. The safety needs.

Once a person's physical safety needs are relatively satisfied, their safety needs take precedence and dominate behavior. In the absence of physical safety – due to war, natural disaster, family violence, childhood abuse, etc.– people may (re-

)experience post-traumatic stress disorder or transgenerational trauma. In the absence of economic safety – due to economic crisis and lack of work opportunities

– these safety needs manifest themselves in ways such as a preference for job security, grievance procedures for protecting the individual from unilateral authority, savings accounts, insurance policies, disability accommodations, etc. This level is more likely to be found in children as they generally have a greater need to feel safe.

Safety and Security needs include:

• Personal security

• Financial security

• Health and well-being

• Safety net against accidents/illness and their adverse impacts.

c. The love needs.

Universitas Sumatera Utara After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third level of human needs is interpersonal and involves feelings of belongingness. This need is especially strong in childhood and can override the need for safety as witnessed in children who cling to abusive parents. Deficiencies within this level of Maslow's hierarchy – due to hospitalism, neglect, shunning, ostracism, etc. – can adversely affect the individual's ability to form and maintain emotionally significant relationships in general, such as:

• Friendship

• Intimacy

• Family

According to Maslow, humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups, regardless whether these groups are large or small. For example, some large social groups may include clubs, co-workers, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams, and gangs. Some examples of small social connections include family members, intimate partners, mentors, colleagues, and confidants. Humans need to love and be loved – both sexually and non-sexually – by others. Many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression in the absence of this love or belonging element. This need for belonging may overcome the physiological and security needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure.

d. The esteem needs.

All humans have a need to feel respected; this includes the need to have self- esteem and self-respect. Esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted

Universitas Sumatera Utara and valued by others. People often engage in a profession or hobby to gain recognition. These activities give the person a sense of contribution or value. Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex may result from imbalances during this level in the hierarchy. People with low self-esteem often need respect from others; they may feel the need to seek fame or glory. However, fame or glory will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally. Psychological imbalances such as depression can hinder the person from obtaining a higher level of self-esteem or self-respect.

Most people have a need for stable self-respect and self-esteem. Maslow noted two versions of esteem needs: a "lower" version and a "higher" version. The "lower" version of esteem is the need for respect from others. This may include a need for status, recognition, fame, prestige, and attention. The "higher" version manifests itself as the need for self-respect. For example, the person may have a need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence, and freedom. This

"higher" version takes precedence over the "lower" version because it relies on an inner competence established through experience. Deprivation of these needs may lead to an inferiority complex, weakness, and helplessness.

Maslow states that while he originally thought the needs of humans had strict guidelines, the "hierarchies are interrelated rather than sharply separated".[3] This means that esteem and the subsequent levels are not strictly separated; instead, the levels are closely related.

e. The need for self-actualization.

"What a man can be, he must be." This quotation forms the basis of the perceived need for self-actualization. This level of need refers to what a person's full potential is and the realization of that potential. Maslow describes this level as the

Universitas Sumatera Utara desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.

Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically. For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings, pictures, or inventions. As previously mentioned, Maslow believed that to understand this level of need, the person must not only achieve the previous needs, but master them.

2.3Psychological Approach in Literature

Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation is one of the most frequently used words in psychology. The psychological approach based on Wilbur S. Scott: “Psychology seems to give sanction to romantic impulse toward self-expression of the perverse”.

The relationship between psychological and literature are close. Psychology and literature share an interest in aspect of human activity that is the source of attitudes, values, emotion and deeply rooted convictions.

Psychologicalcan look closely at the characters and the psychological motivations present in their story and/or back-story. Psychologicalcan also look closely at the life of the author to determine what in his/her life caused him/her to write motivation in a specific way and give the motivation specific attributes.

Wellek and Warren (1965:107) in Theory of Literature states, the study of the psychology types and laws present within work of literature is the dominant literary study of psychology. Psychology approach emphasizes the analysis to whole of literary work either intrinsic aspect, the quality, value and characterization is an important thing.

Universitas Sumatera Utara But in extrinsic aspect the point are: the topic of the biography of the author like his

problems, desires, aspiration, life philosophy obsession, etc.



According to Silverman, (1993:2) “A methodology is a general approach to

studying a research topic”. It establishes how one will go about studying any

phenomenon. He also states Research methodology is a set of knowledge about

procedure of collecting data systematically and logically which related with some

problems to be processed, analyzed, made conclusion, and found the solving


In this research, method of study is expanded into five parts, namely (1) method

of the study, (2) object of the study, (3) sources of data, (4) method of collecting

data, (5) technique of data analysis. The explanation of each point will be discussed

further into wide explanation.

3.1 Method of the study

Descriptive analysis method is applied in this study. According to Ratna (2004

in Lisa, 2014: 12): “Metode deskriptif analisis dilakukan dengan cara

mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis.” (Descriptive

analysis method is done bydescribingthe factsthenfollowedbyanalysis). From the

method can be describe and explain motivation found in the lyrics. In analysis song

lyrics of Demi Lovato’s Third Album, Unbroken also conducted by library

research. The writer reads some books and references that related to the subject

Universitas Sumatera Utara matter, the writer collects and selects the relevant data. Besides that, some information are searched through web sites.

3.2 Object of the Study

The writer uses Demi Lovato’s selected song lyrics as the object of study.

Especially in the song lyrics of Unbroken’s album by Demi Lovato was published in

2011, entitled (1)Together (2)Unbroken(3)Fix a Heart (4)Mistake (5) Give Your

Heart a Break (6) Skyscraper (7) My Love Is Like a Star (8) For the Love of a


3.3 Sources of Data

In this study, the writer acquired the materials from books, journal, and the internet. Whereas, this research was literary study, they were considered as the material of the research. The writer used documentation method that was taken from primary and secondary data. They are:

1. Primary data source

Primary data is data selection or obtained directly from the sources without any intermediaries. Primary data is written on the data collection and analyzed functionally related to the role or function in the structure of poetry Siswantoro

(2010 :78). The primary data is essential sources derived from Unbroken’s album, entitled:

1. Together

2. Unbroken

3. Fix a Heart

4. Mistake

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5.

6. Skyscraper

7. My Love is Like a Star

8. For the Love of a Daughter

2. Secondary source

Secondary data is the data that obtained indirectly or through an intermediary.

Secondary data is recorded on the data collection and functioned to reinforce the validity of the primary data Siswantoro (2010: 79). It is the data source which used to support and complete the primary data. It is taken from books, journal, and relevant materials to support this study.

3.4 Method of Collecting Data

The method of collecting data is the way which used by the writer to collect the data. In collecting data, the writer utilized the documentation method. According to

Arikunto (1990 :321), document study is “acquiring a data about case, book, transcript film, magazine, or newspaper”.

To collect the data, the writer needs some procedure. These steps are: The writer finds the data from Demi Lovato’s third album entitled Unbroken. The data that used in this study is the song lyrics in her album. After collecting the data, the writer identifies the appropriate and inappropriate data, the writer listed them based on list a song in album. This is done in order to easier in classifying data. After making a list of data, the writer classified all of the data based on the motivation and the significance of motivation contined in it.

3.5Technique of Analysis Data

The data of this study were analyzed by following steps :

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Reading 8 lyrics from Demi Lovato’s third album namely “1) Together 2)

Unbroken 3) Fix a Heart4)Mistake 5) Give Your Heart a Break 6)

Skyscraper 7) My Love Is Like a Star 8) For the Love of a Daughter”

2. Understanding the contents of Demi Lovato’s song lyrics.

3. Analyzing motivation and the way of motivation inspiring life portrayed in

Demi Lovato’s third album song lyrics.

Universitas Sumatera Utara



4.1 Analysis

4. 1.1 An Analysis of Motivation

As the writer explains in the previous chapter, motivation will be obtained if human needs have been fulfilled. According to A Theory of Human Motivation by

Abraham Maslow, there are five general categories of needs. In the album,

Unbroken, the writer finds motivation delivered by the singer. The analysis based on 8 lyrics of Demi Lovato’s third album, they are:

1. Together (ft. Jason Derulo)

This song tells about neighborhood and relationship between people around the world. This song gives overview about the world of dreams where all people become together without any differences.

Remember love, remember you and me Remember everything we shared, on this planet when we cared Remember hearts, remember unity, remember laughing neighbours Without expecting favours In this fragment lyric, the singer reminds us about love, togetherness and happiness are shared each person in the world. They care for each other, and not separated by social status.

Why be afraid to make an honest mistake? If you acknowledge the painAnd you wanna change, You can get through anything, Do you remember at all?

Universitas Sumatera Utara People walking hand-in-hand, Can we feel that love again? Can you imagine it all?, If we all could get along Then we all could sing this song together This fragment lyric provides the question about honesty. People who dare to admit his mistakes are the people who expect change and they will be able to go through all the obstacles to be better. The singer reminds us about concern and love.

People talk face to face, and sing a happy song together.

Look at me, now look at you, Now look at me again See, we're not so different. Look around, what do you see? With throwing things outside our window, We don't care to keep it clean In this lyric, the singer wants to tell that we are not so different. As human, we are equal but we create social stratification and let our selfish become stronger. We just and never take an action to improve the situation.

I had a dream – beauty was only skin deep And if we all just believe love is all we need; Nothing else can set you free, If we could throw away the hate And make love last another day, Don't give up just for today Life would be so simple In this lyric, the singer talks about her dream about the ideal world. Differences are meaningless if everyone believe love and caring can create a better life in this world. We can throw our selfish and foster a sense of love between human.

And they may talk about us, But they will never stop us We'll keep singing Come on, Hold your hand with your neighbours Together, together, Come and sing it with, Looking at you, baby This lyrics tells that there would be one thing not want us spread the love, but that will not affect us. We will continue to spread the love and the growing concern for the people. So, we can be happy together.

Universitas Sumatera Utara The motivation in the song, ‘Together’is to motivate the listener become more respect to another people and put our differences aside then together we can make beautiful things happen. This song motivation reflected the needs of love and esteem in Abraham Maslow theory.

2. Unbroken

This song talks about the singer personal struggles. She recently finished a in rehab, as she was battling bulimia and severe depression. She thinks it is grown- up, but it’s not too grown-up. It’s not tasteless. It’s growing up with her fans. It likes she is not a kid anymore, but she is also not a full-grown woman either. So she is in that, between stage, trying to figure out where that is. So she is figuring it out in this song.

Locked up tight, Like I would never feel again Stuck in some kind of love prison and threw away the key Terrified until I stared into your eyes Made me start to realize the possibilities In the first stanza, the singer tells about her problems. She has a bad experience about love in the past. It is caused by a drunken stepfather. She is very afraid to love someone. Because when she was child, the only thing that she always hears is her parent quarrel. Someone come to her life then make her realizes that not all of is bad.

I'm gonna love you like I've never been broken I'm gonna say it like it's never been spoken Tonight, tonight I'm letting go I'm gonna give it like it's never been taken I'm gonna fall like I don't need saving

In this fragment lyric, the singer wants to forget the past. She is willing to fall in love like new not like she is afraid to get hurt. And when she says’I’m gonna say it

Universitas Sumatera Utara like it's never been spoken’ that means she is ready to say I love you like he is the only person she has loved.

So played out the same lies with a different face But there's something in the words you say That makes it all feel so real, no need for me to run You're making me believe in everything No need to go and hide, Gonna give you every little piece of me In this stanza, the singer believes that the person that she loves is different from others. She knows that she lies when she says that she is not afraid to fall in love again. But the person convinces her that it is different with her past. So, she doesn’t need to run or hide, she just needs to love.

The motivation in ‘Unbroken’ song lyrics is to be dared to start the new thing in their life. People have ever made a mistake or lose but when we start to be brave and face our problem, we will be success. This song motivation reflected the needs of love and safety in Abraham Maslow theory.

3. Fix a Heart

This song lyrics ‘Fix a Heart’ is about This is about the singer's struggle with self harm, self harm is something very hard to deal with. In this song she explains how they can fix her issues and help her quit but they can never change the scars and change the pain she battles each and every day. Recovers a struggle but its worthless.

It's probably what's best for you I only want the best for you And if I'm not the best then you're stuck I tried to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to bind Like you're pouring salt in my cuts The first fragment lyric, she tells about the person who has hurting herself.

She talks about her family, especially her mother whom went through pretty much

Universitas Sumatera Utara the same eating disorders as demi did.She tried to 'sever ties' could mean she tried to dettach herself from the same issues her mom had gone through, but instead 'she ended up with wounds to bind' as if her mother was 'pouring salt in her cuts.'

And I just ran out of band-aids, I don't even know where to start 'Cause you can bandage the damage, You never really can fix a heart In this fragment lyric, the singer says that she can't control her pain now, which she projected be it to cutting, or purging, or punching a back up dancer!

Whatever! Why? Because she has 'run out of bandaids' of ways to say she isgood, and if she were to start trying again, she wouldn't know from where. So maybe other stronger people who have the same problems (like her mom) 'can bandage the damage' and help heras she stays strong, but at the end of the day 'you can never fix a heart' and she'll still struggle the rest of her life.

Even though I know what's wrong How could I be so sure, If you never say what you feel, feel I must have held your hand so tight You didn't have the will to fight, I guess you needed more time to heal In this lyrics, the singer says She knows what's wrong, at least deep inside she did, but how could she have known outloud if her mom would never share 'how she felt' about her own problems? Maybe it could be that her mom did not want to tell demi because demi had held on so tight, been so dependent of her mom, that her own mom couldn't tell her what exactly was wrong with her daughter. And this is the line that just convinces me the most 'I guess you needed more time to heal'. So in other words, her mom might claim she's healed, but she is not because she couldn't even be there for her daughter and tell her what's wrong with her. And it's most likely because she herself hasn't bandaged her pain fully yet

Universitas Sumatera Utara You must be a miracle worker, Swearing up and down You can fix what's been broken, Please don't get my hopes up No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel? In this lyrics, the singer says her mom must have told her all along that it'd be alright, that she'd been through the same things. Telling her she could fix what's been broken swearing it could be. But demi insists, not to let her get her hopes up because she knows deep inside that her mom's wounds aren't healed. And because of her mom being so weak, the singer can't understand why her mom was cruel and neglected her daughter.

The motivation in this song is believe that our family will always accept ourselves although we are in the worst situation. We can trust our family, take their hand and let them treat us better with their love. The motivation in this song reflected the needs of safety and love in Abraham Maslow theory.

4. Mistake

This song was written about how when the singer got out of rehab her "best friend" had left her. As in she ditched her and left her for others. She made a mistake in judgment about Selena's character and now she's basically telling her that when you need me don't bother coming back because I won't be there. All the power to the singer is she's a strong girl and well she deserves better.

Now that I'm thinking us over, Don't you try to get no closer I'm just gonna get in my car and drive, and drive Looking in the rear view mirror, Everything is so much clearer Watch me wave it all goodbye, The lights flashing giving me all the danger signs Someone to save, to save but it don't work that way In this fragment, the singer tells that she is over with her best friend. Her friends had never tried to improve their relationship. So, she continues her life without seeing her past. She knows everything very clearly like look into a mirror but she

Universitas Sumatera Utara just says good bye.The singer shows about her hopes for her best friend. She expects her friend there when she is in her rehabilitation. But she is wrong, her friend leaves her for others.

Think you made your greatest mistake, I'm not gonna call this a break Think you really blew it this time, Think you could walk on such a thin line, Won't be taking your midnight calls, Ignore the rocks you throw at my wall I see it written on your face, You know you made it, your greatest mistake In this lyric, the singer tells that her friend has made a great mistake. She doesn’t want to fix their relation anymore. The singer tells her that she has really failed and can’t pretend that everything is alright. The singer says that she will not care about her midnight calls or the rocks that her throw to the wall. She really knows that her friend has realized her mistake. She can see it all over her face.

When the last straw is broken, When the last door is closing I ain't that dumb to stick around, stick around I ain't got the time for looking back When you let yourself slip through the cracks And you just keep going down, down, down I'm a stay undercover, lay low, need some time No one to save, to save this sick babe… In this lyric, the singer realized that everything in their friendship has been severed. She is not stupid to stick around and looking for the past. When her friend just goes away quietly and do not care about her, she still survive and takes time through her all disappointment.

Why you looking at me, spitting the same old line Trying to creep back ain't no flipping my mind Don't you get it by now the story's over, over Still calling my name outside my house I'm hitting the switch, watch the lights go out Watch the lights go out

Universitas Sumatera Utara In the lyric above, the singer asks her friend why she tries to catch their relation as before, but the singer says it was over. Her friend still calls her nameand tries to fixes their relation, but she ignores it and let it go like switching the light.

The motivation in this song is no matter the problem that you’ll face in the future you shouldn’t leave your friends alone. When you fell that you’re stuck on the problem, your friends, truly friends, will always stand behind you, hold your hands and says that everything will be better. This song motivation reflected the needs of esteem in Abraham Maslow Theory.

5. Give Your Heart a Break

This song is meant to believe who you are in love with and to have to courage, and never give up and not a break up. The singer is fallin love with someone and she wants him to trust her and let her in but he's scared to get hurt again.

The day I first met you, You told me you'd never fall in love But now that I get you, I know fear is what it really was Now here we are, so close yet so far. Haven't I passed the test?When will you realize,Baby, I'm not like the rest? In this lyric, the singer tells when she met him at the first time, the boy told that he had never fall in lovebefore.But when they are in a relation, she realize that the boy was afraid tofall in love.She feels although they are close but their heart are still far. So, she makes sure that she is different from others that hurt him.

Don't wanna break your heart, Wanna give your heart a break I know you're scared it's wrong, Like you might make a mistake There's just one life to liveAnd there's no time to wait, to wait So let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break There's just so much you can take, Give your heart a break Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break

Universitas Sumatera Utara In this lyric, the singer says that she will not break his heart. She is sure, she can make his feeling comfort. His fear is irrational because there is no people who has same character with each other. There is one life to live and no time to wait. She wants him to believe her and let her in to his life.

On Sunday you went home alone, There were tears in your eyes I called your cell phone, my love, But you did not reply The world is ours. If we want it,We can take it if you just take my hand. There's no turning back now.Baby, try to understand In this lyric, the singer tells to the boy that he doesn’t need to be alone or crying.

He should believe her and let her in to his life. But the boy never gives her a chance.

There is no time to look at the past. She wants him to understand that they can find happiness if they were together.

When your lips are on my lips, Then our hearts beat as one But you slip out of my fingertips, Every time you run. In this lyric, the singer tells that sometimes the boy is so close and trust her.

They have same thought and their soul become united. Nevertheless, the boy is always hesitated when they try to do something new in their relation.

The motivation in this song is to be brave to recognize our fault. Everybody always make a mistake, but we can’t solve it without recognize it. Firstly, we need to be honest to ourselves and people around us especially our family. After that, we can be what we are and find our identity. This song motivation reflected the needs for safety and esteem in Abraham Maslow Theory.

6. Skyscraper

This song overall is a fragile, vulnerable and helpless song.The song is autobiographical clearly, given the very public meltdown and rehab that she went

Universitas Sumatera Utara through last fall. This song encourages you to have strength and to stand tall in the face of all odds, especially during the last 30 seconds, when the singer’s voice elevates and roars. The song certainly shows her strength.

Skies are crying, I am watching, Catching tear drops in my hands Only silence as it's ending, Like we never had a chance Do you have to make me feel likeThere's nothing left of me? In this fragment lyric, the singer realizes that the problem was around her. She falls like she will never rise. No one wants to help her, they stay away from her.

Everybody try to make her hopeless and think that she could not recover from her illness. She will get caught up in her problem and nobody will help her to solve problem.

You can take everything I have, You can break everything I am Like I'm made of glass, Like I'm made of paper Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground Like a skyscraper, Like a skyscraper This fragment lyric reveal that other people can try to destroy the singer self- confidence from her career, her family or another things. People think that she is fragile, vulnerable and helpless. But she is strong and she will always rises like a skyscraper. She will reveal that no one can destroy herself-confidence.

As the smoke clears, I awakenAnd untangle you from me Would it make you feel better, To watch me while I bleed? All my windows still are broken, But I'm standing on my feet This fragment lyric tells that the singer has risenproblem her problem. She does not let other people's opinions influence it again. She asks whether they are happy to see her get hurt. She has not fully recovered, but she was able to stand back.

Go run, run, run, I'm gonna stay right here, Watch you disappear Go run, run, run, Yeah, it's a long way down But I am closer to the clouds up here

Universitas Sumatera Utara This fragment lyric tells that the singer is confident and will face all problems.

She will not run or hide anymore. This time for her to show who she is and see how people who scoff silent.

This song contains a message that the singer is very strong and successfully through her all problems. The motivation in this song is to be confident, strong and face our problems. That is no matter how hard the others tear you and take you down, you’ll always rise like a skyscraper. No one can take you down, if you believe to yourself. This song motivation reflected the needs for self-actualization in

Abraham Maslow Theory.

7. My Love is Like a Star

This song talks about a perfect lover. Love can make people don’t realize how they are, what they do, or why they do something. It goes beyond distance and time.

Love always shines like a star. It is appear at night and disappear at day, but it always there and never die.

The space in between us, Starts to feel like we're worlds apart Like I'm going crazy, And you say it's raining in your heart You're telling me nobody's there to dry up the flood Oh, but that's just crazy, 'Cause baby, I told ya I'm here for good In this lyric, the singer tells that she is in long distant relationship with her boyfriend. She feels that they are far away and make her crazy. But the boy says it is just her feeling and nobody can separate them. She knows it’s crazy to feel like that because she is going to be there forever.

My love's like a star, You can't always see me But you know that I'm always there, When you see one shining Take it as mine and remember I'm always near If you see a comet, baby, I'm on it Making my way back home just follow the glow, yeah It won't be long just know that you're not alone

Universitas Sumatera Utara In this lyric, the singer says that her love is like a star. The boy can not see it all the time. But he knows that she is always there at night or day. When he can feel it, he should keep it as his. She is close to him, always beside him even though there is space between us. Her heart will always his, and she will never let him alone.

I try to build the walls to keep you safeWhen I'm not around But as soon as I'm away from you, You say they come tumbling down But it's not about the time, That we don't get to spend together Oh, it's about how strong our love isWhen I'm gone and it feels like forever In this lyric, the singer tries to protect her love. She makes him to still in love with her, but the boy says it becomes brittle. She makes sure that it’s not only how they spend their time together but it is also about how strong their love when she is gone forever.

You say the time away makes your heart grow up But I can't stay just to prove you wrong Oh, look at how far we've come Don't you know, don't you know that you're the one Know that you're not alone In this lyric, the boy says that he becomes stronger when they are away. She tells that he is wrong because he is still fragile when she was away. She says that he is the only one in her heart, and she is always be there for him.

The motivation in this song is no matter how different you are, you will always be loved. Love is a great thing in the world and has many ways to present. We just need to be positive and willing to try the new ways to love even though our heart had been broken in the past. This song motivation reflected the needs for love in

Abraham Maslow Theory.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 8. For the Love of a Daughter

This song reveals how the singer has never been close with her father, an alcoholic, who left the family when she was a child.We see through the singer’s public struggle with eating disorders and self-image issues, that the absence of her father has had a huge impact on her. This just goes to show that there is not enough money or fame that can fix what she has gone through. She tells herself and her fans to stay strong, and even has those words tattooed on her wrists.

Four years old with my back to the door, All I could hear was the family war Your selfish hands always expecting more, Am I your child or just a charity award

You have a hollowed out heart, But it's heavy in your chest I try so hard to fight it, But it's hopeless, You're hopeless

In this fragment lyric, the singer tells that she was four years old when she heard her family war. Everything that she knows is only her father selfish. Her father always takes all of her money that she got from work. That situation raises the question about the singer position in her family wheter as a child or as an award. She tries to believe that her father has a heart. She tries so hard, but she realized that her father is hopeless then.

Oh father, please father, I'd love to leave you alone But I can't let you go, Oh father, please father Put the bottle down, For the love of a daughter

At this fragment lyric, the singer talks that she really love to leave her father alone but she can’t do that. She loves her father and she wants him to stop drinking.

It's been five years since we've spoken last, And you can't take back what we never had Oh, I can be manipulated only so many times Before even I love you starts to sound like a lie

Universitas Sumatera Utara This fragment lyric tells that the singer had not spoken to her father for five years. She tries to think that her father loves her so much even before she was born.

But she realizes that it is a lie.

Don't you rememberI'm your baby girl, How could you push me out of your world Lie to your flesh and your blood, Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved Don't you rememberI'm your baby girl, How could you throw me right out of your world So young when the pain had begun, Now forever afraid of being loved

This fragment lyric reveal the singer personal problem. She asks to her father how he could forget that she is his baby girl, his flesh and his blood. How he could create the lie and throw her from his world. He hurts her heart, when she was very young. That makes a scar in her heart and she has been scared to being loved.

The motivation in this song is to care children and protect them from abuse parent.

People should respect and support children whom has a problem in their young life.

We should be more communicated to our family, and act as a friend to our children to help them find their identity in the society. This song motivation reflected of the needs for safety, love and esteem in Abraham Maslow Theory.

4.1.2 The Motivation Portrayed in The Lyrics Inspiring in Life.

In this chapter the writer would like to discuss about how the motivation inspire the people in their life portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album, ‘Unbroken’. The song can inspires the listener by message of motivation to fulfill the needs in the song which reflected to the physiologically needs, the safety needs, the love needs, the esteem needs and the needs for self-actualization.

Universitas Sumatera Utara The motivation portrayed in Demi Lovato’s third album can inspire people to: a. Care about another people.

Everyone should care to another person and throw their selfish, social

stratification, and social status to become equal. So, we can create a perfect

world where we can live happily. b. Faced their problems.

People always have problems in their life, this includes problem with their

parent, friends, and boyfriend. People should face their all problems to be

stronger. c. Protect children from abuse parent.

People have to realize that every child have the right to feel safe and

protected. This is very important to form their personality and their

communication skill in the society. d. Recognize their mistake.

Human always make a mistake. But people should be brave to recognize that

it’s right or wrong. This is very important to make other people respect and

accepted and valued in the society. e. Be brave to try the new thing.

People can’t live in the same ways for long time. We need to adapted to the

environment and technology. So, we should be open minded and be brave to

adapted technology development in our life.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V



After analyzing the motivation, it can be concluded that Demi Lovato’s Third

Album, ‘Unbroken’ song lyrics is an interesting song.It concerns with some parts of human’s life true experience that is about human motivation. Human motivation will be obtained if human needs have been fulfilled. According to

Maslow, there are five categories of needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs, and the need for self- actualization. But it is only three categories of needs are exist in Demi Lovato’s Third Album ‘Unbroken’ song lyrics, they are safety needs, love needs, and esteem needs. The physiological needs and the needs for self- actualization can be found in her biography.

In Demi lovato’s Album, ‘Unbroken’ song lyrics is also portrayed her feelings, thoughts, and experience in her life. Her struggles to face bumilia, severe depression caused by her family in the past, and bullying in the school makes her stronger. She told that in her song and it can influence the listener. So, the listener may be motivated to be like her, more brave in face their problem in life.


It is interested toanalyze the moral values found in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics.The writer tries to give some suggestions as follows:

1. Demi Lovato’s selected song lyrics are interested song,they are full with

insights of humanity. There is a lot of motivationconducted shared to the

hearer. An analysis of motivationwhich done in this study is only some of

Universitas Sumatera Utara many values it may give. The writer thinks that the students of English

Department may study thislyric more deeply in order to have literary


2. This graduating paper can be a reference for those people who want to do

further research of motivation in others song lyrics.

3. Lastly, the writer fully realizes that this study is still far from being

perfect; therefore any constructive criticism will be highly appreciated.

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