Martial Law in Mindanao Rosaries on dashboard banned OJ released in July CONGRATULATIONS ! Ms. Edwina Aniag and Mr. Gary De Guzman of FilAm Star Newspaper for receiving the Commendation Award from Supervisor David Canepa for their outstanding community work and contribution. PH NEWS | A3 PH NEWS | A4 LEGAL & LAW | B4 WEEKLY ISSUE 70 CITIES IN 11 STATES ONLINE Vol. IX Issue 424 1028 Mission Street, 2/F, San Francisco, CA 94103 Tel. (415) 593-5955 or (650) 278-0692
[email protected] May 25 - 31, 2017 Despite China’s threat of war, Malacanang says there was ‘no bullying’ By Daniel llanto | FilAm Star Correspondent In an apparent bid to calm the there would be war between the Phil- nationalistic outrage triggered by ippines and China if the former tried a supposed war threat from China to explore for oil in a stretch of the that President Duterte took in stride, South China Sea that both countries newly-designated Foreign Affairs Sec. claim. Alan Peter Cayetano and Philippine Not a few observers were Ambassador to China Chito Sta. Ro- enraged by the supposed Chinese mana suggested that President Rodri- leader’s threat, which came when go Duterte may have erred or spoke the Philippines is supposed to push out of context when he recounted the Beijing to comply with the Permanent warning uttered in a meeting with the Court of Arbitration’s decision award- Chinese leader. ing the disputed territories to the Cayetano said there were no Philippines last year. such threats or bullying in talks last In his speech at the 33rd national week between leaders of China and convention of the Philippine Coast the Philippines which were only frank Guard Auxiliary in Davao City, Du- and friendly.