(excludes sea and South Australian rarities:

Observer(s): ………………………………………..…………………. Date: ……………… Start Time: …….. End Time: ……….

Phone No(s): ……………………………………………………….… Locality: ………………………………………………………….

Email: …………………………………………………………………………… GPS: ……………………………………………………………..

BR NO BR NO BR NO emu and ostrich Brown Goshawk Pectoral Sandpiper Emu Spotted Harrier Sharp-tailed Sandpiper *Common Ostrich Swamp Harrier Wood Sandpiper ducks, geese and swans Black Kite Latham's Snipe Blue-billed Duck Black-shouldered Kite Long-toed Stint Freckled Duck Letter-winged Kite Red-necked Stint Maned Duck Square-tailed Kite Grey-tailed Tattler Musk Duck Whistling Kite Ruddy Turnstone Pacific Black Osprey Whimbrel Pink-eared Duck Collared Sparrowhawk pratincole Plumed Whistling Duck Australian Pratincole Cape Barren Goose Australian Bustard gulls and Magpie Goose coots, crakes and rails Kelp Gull Hardhead Eurasian Coot Pacific Gull *Mallard Australian Crake Silver Gull *Mallard x Pacific Black Baillon's Crake Caspian AustralianDuck Shelduck Spotless Crake Australasian Shoveler Dusky Moorhen Fairy Tern Black Swan Black-tailed Nativehen Greater Crested Tern Chestnut Teal Buff-banded Whiskered Tern Grey Teal Lewin's Rail White-fronted Tern mound builders Australasian Swamphen pigeons #Australian Brush- Brush Bronzewing Malleefowl Brolga doves andCommon pigeons Bronzewing quails buttonquails Flock Bronzewing Brown Quail Little Buttonquail *Barbary Dove Stubble Quail Painted Buttonquail Diamond Dove stone-curlews Peaceful Dove Little Bush Stone-curlew *Spotted Dove oystercatchers Crested Pigeon Australasian Pied Oystercatcher *Feral Pigeon Sooty Oystercatcher Spinifex Pigeon Hoary-headed Grebe avocet and stilts ibises and spoonbills Red-necked Avocet Black-eared Banded Stilt Fan-tailed Cuckoo Glossy Ibis Pied Stilt Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo Straw-necked Ibis dotterels, lapwings and plovers Shining Bronze Cuckoo Royal Spoonbill Black-fronted Dotterel Pallid Cuckoo Yellow-billed Spoonbill Inland Dotterel , boobook bitterns, egrets, and herons Red-kneed Dotterel Barking Australasian Bittern Banded Lapwing Eastern Barn Owl Masked Lapwing Southern Boobook Great Egret Pacific Golden Plover frogmouth, nightjar Intermediate Egret Lesser Sand Plover Tawny Frogmouth Little Egret Greater Sand Plover Spotted Nightjar Nankeen Night Heron Double-banded Plover owlet-nightjar, swifts Pacific Reef Heron Grey Plover Australian Owlet-nightjar White-faced Heron Hooded Plover White-throated Needletail White-necked Heron Oriental Plover Pacific Swift pelican, gannet Red-capped Plover dollarbird Australian Pelican painted snipe Oriental Dollarbird Australasian Gannet Australian Painted Snipe kingfishers cormorants darter sandpipers, snipes and stints Red-backed Kingfisher Black-faced Cormorant Far Eastern Curlew Sacred Kingfisher Great Cormorant Bar-tailed Godwit Laughing Kookaburra Little Black Cormorant Black-tailed Godwit bee-eater Little Pied Cormorant Common Greenshank Rainbow Bee-eater Pied Cormorant Great Knot falcons Australasian Darter Red Knot falcons Brown Falcon eagles, hawks, harriers, kites, osprey Ruff Black Falcon Black-breasted Buzzard Sanderling Peregrine Falcon White-bellied Sea Eagle Common Sandpiper Nankeen Kestrel Little Eagle Curlew Sandpiper Wedge-tailed Eagle Marsh Sandpiper

BR – Breeding code: 1 = mating, 2 = nest building, 3 = nest with , 4 = nest with young, 5 = dependent young website:

BR NO BR NO BR NO cockatoos Noisy Miner fantails Cockatiel Yellow-throated Miner Grey Fantail Glossy Black Cockatoo Eastern Spinebill Willie Wagtail Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Little Wattlebird flycatchers, Magpielark and monarchs Yellow-tailed Black Red Wattlebird Restless Flycatcher MajorCockatoo Mitchell's Cockatoo bristlebirds Satin Flycatcher Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Rufous Bristlebird Magpielark Little Corella pardalotes crows and ravens Long-billed Corella Red-browed Pardalote Little Crow Galah Spotted Pardalote Torresian Crow Striated Pardalote Australian Raven Budgerigar gerygones, thornbills, wrens Forest Raven Eastern Rufous Fieldwren Little Raven Naretha Bluebonnet Striated Fieldwren Australian mudnesters Musk Lorikeet Western Gerygone Apostlebird Purple-crowned Lorikeet White-throated Gerygone White-winged Chough Rainbow Lorikeet Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Australian robins Blue-winged Shy Heathwren Southern Scrub Robin Bourke's Parrot Redthroat Eastern Yellow Robin Elegant Parrot White-browed Scrubwren Western Yellow Robin Mulga Parrot Brown Thornbill Flame Robin Red-rumped Parrot Buff-rumped Thornbill Hooded Robin Regent Parrot Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Red-capped Robin Rock Parrot Inland Thornbill Scarlet Robin Scarlet-chested Parrot Slaty-backed Thornbill Jacky Winter Australian Ringneck Slender-billed Thornbill larks Adelaide Rosella Striated Thornbill Horsfield’s Bushlark Crimson Rosella Yellow Thornbill *Eurasian Skylark Yellow Rosella Yellow-rumped Thornbill cisticola, grassbirds and songlarks Eastern Rosella Weebill Little Grassbird Australian treecreepers Banded Whiteface Brown Songlark Brown Treecreeper Chestnut-breasted Rufous Songlark Rufous Treecreeper SouthernWhiteface Whiteface Golden-headed Cisticola White-browed Treecreeper Australian babblers white-eyes White-throated Treecreeper Chestnut-crowned Babbler Silvereye fairywrens, emuwrens and grasswrens White-browed Babbler martins and swallows Southern Emuwren quailthrushes Fairy Martin Blue-breasted Fairywren Chestnut Quailthrush Tree Martin Purple-backed Fairywren Cinnamon Quailthrush Welcome Swallow Splendid Fairywren Copperback Quailthrush White-backed Swallow Superb Fairywren Nullarbor Quailthrush reed warbler White-winged Fairywren whipbirds and wedgebills Australian Reed Warbler Eyrean Grasswren Chiming Wedgebill starling, thrushes Grey Grasswren Chirruping Wedgebill *Common Blackbird Short-tailed Grasswren Western Whipbird * Striated Grasswren butcherbirds, currawongs, woodswallows Bassian Thrush Thick-billed Grasswren Grey Butcherbird flowerpeckers Western Grasswren Pied Butcherbird Mistletoebird Australian chats and honeyeaters Grey Currawong flowerpeckersold world sparrows Crimson Chat Pied Currawong *House Sparrow Orange Chat Australian Magpie finches and firetails White-fronted Chat Black-faced Woodswallow Red-browed Finch Little Friarbird Dusky Woodswallow Zebra Finch Gibberbird Little Woodswallow Beautiful Firetail Black Honeyeater Masked Woodswallow Diamond Firetail Black-chinned Honeyeater White-breasted pipit Blue-faced Honeyeater WhiteWoodswallow-browed Woodswallow AustralIan Pipit Brown-headed Honeyeater cuckooshrikes and triller finchespipit Crescent Honeyeater Black-faced Cuckooshrike *European Greenfinch Fuscous Honeyeater Black-facedGround Cuckooshrike Cuckooshrike *European Goldfinch Grey-fronted Honeyeater White-bellied Cuckooshrike Grey-headed Honeyeater White-winged Triller New Holland Honeyeater sittella Purple-gaped Honeyeater Varied Sittella Singing Honeyeater bellbird, shriketit and whistlers Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Crested Bellbird Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Crested Shriketit White-eared Honeyeater Grey Shrikethrush White-fronted Honeyeater Australian Golden Whistler White-naped Honeyeater Gilbert's Whistler White-plumed Honeyeater Olive Whistler Yellow-faced Honeyeater Red-lored Whistler Yellow-plumed Honeyeater Rufous Whistler Yellow-tufted Honeyeater orioles Olive-backed Oriole BR – Breeding code: 1 = mating, 2 = nest building, 3 = nest with eggs, 4 = nest with young, 5 = dependent young website: Return to: [email protected] on completion or post to Birds SA, c./- SA Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000 8/10/2018

BR – Breeding code: 1 = mating, 2 = nest building, 3 = nest with eggs, 4 = nest with young, 5 = dependent young website: