ANAMASTICS and ANALYSIS of THEIR FUNCTIONS IBRATOV BAKHROMBEK BAYZAKOVICH Lecturer of the Department of Western Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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ANAMASTICS and ANALYSIS of THEIR FUNCTIONS IBRATOV BAKHROMBEK BAYZAKOVICH Lecturer of the Department of Western Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2020 ANAMASTICS AND ANALYSIS OF THEIR FUNCTIONS IBRATOV BAKHROMBEK BAYZAKOVICH Lecturer of the Department of Western Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan ABSTRACT: more precisely, Uzbek names in the form of This article examines the factors that conversations, articles and forms through the give rise to an mastics in English and Uzbek education system. This is how we will increase linguocultural culture, in particular, naming and strengthen the spirituality of our youth. traditions, customs, religious beliefs, and Yes, it is natural that names have a magical and mentality-specific features. The name does mysterious power, that is, a subtle edge of not always have to mean, or describe the meaning that reminds us of the humanity of owner and express a wish, there are cases of man, his place and role in society. Between the shortening the name for the convenience of 60s and 70s of the last century, when the field others, or getting a shorter name that fits of speech culture developed, the direction of the tone of the name, the main reason for the study of onomastics - famous horses - changing personal names is ethno linguistic developed. E. Begmatov, T. Nafasov, S. Karaev, and linguocultural features. N. Husanov, G. Sattorov, S. Rahimov, I. KEYWORDS: anamastics, anthroponym, Khudoynazarov are among the first Uzbek name, nickname, time, ancestor, scientists who conducted a lot of research in linguoculture, tradition, custom, dream. this area. engaged in the study of their grammatical structure, the broad elucidation of INTRODUCTION: the lexical-meanings of nouns. In recent It is known that material and spiritual decades, the emphasis has been on shaping culture are reflected in language. The intercultural literacy among students of non- composition of language units at different philological institutions through the levels reflects all stages of development of an organization of practical classes in English on ethnic group, all forms and ways of its life. the basis of an anthroponymic approach. the Among linguistic units, a specific position is process of developing the ability to compare occupied by well-known anthroponyms, words with culture was studied and anthroponyms that serve to name an object, distinguish it were disseminated to a wide audience by from other objects, individualize and identify. students during the lessons. For example; Jasur Anthroponyms (personal name, Brave, Mustafa Mike, Malika Maya, Nilufar nickname and pseudonym) are one of the NIlya. ancient cultural, spiritual and linguistic values Much work has been done in this area to of the Uzbek people. date, however, the linguocultural and In each name is hidden the unique spirit, ethnolinguistic features of anthroponyms have spirituality and enlightenment of the people, not been fully explored. There are a number of nation and tribe that created them and can innovations in the field of linguistics, language apply them in practice. In the same sense, it is is required not only in the form of a necessary to find ways to convey to the communication task, but also in the study of younger generation the need to instill in different nationalities in the fields of today's young generation the invincible and linguocultural, psycholinguistic, immortal spirit of our ancestors in Turkish, or ethnolinguistic, sociolinguistic. 150 | P a g e NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2020 In all nations, it is important to give the name, the main reason for changing their children a proper, beautiful, successful personal names arises. The composition, name, and there are many views on naming. statistical structure and peculiarities of The role and significance of names in the Uzbek changes in Uzbek anthroponyms Until the people is great. From time immemorial, our twentieth century, the custom of giving male ancestors believed that when naming a baby, names to men and women, especially in Turkic his happiness and fortune depended on the peoples, has long existed. It is therefore name. Ernest Begmatov writes in his book The necessary to dwell on them separately in this "•° ض .°≠•≥ã ò4®• ®°¢©¥ ض Æ°≠©Æß °Æ§ work; naming is born of the need to distinguish one The Uzbek nomenclature is working on person from another. Later surnames, the creation of a perfect dictionary of nicknames, patronymics, ancestral anthroponyms. For example, in the book by (pantronomic) names and their various Professor E. Begmatov "The meaning of Uzbek appearances, as well as other forms and names (Explanatory Dictionary). 14600 methods of naming a person, which appeared Commentary on names (T., National and became official, are a legitimate product of Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 1998)" we can see ≥µ£® ° ©¥°¨ Æ••§ óuá {rä 4®•≤•¶Ø≤•á Æ°≠©Æß ° that 14600 Uzbek names are explained. child has always required a great deal of responsibility, as the name of a child could EXAMPLES: decide the future of a child, for example, when Jumanazar, Jumanazar (ar.) Is a gift given on Jewish immigrants came to America in 1910- Friday. 1920, most of them did not get a job or study Borigul, Dorigul (Uzbek) is a female form of the because of their names. Because they were name Bor (see). forced to change their names. The problem of Forms: Borinson, Boriya, Borikhan. racism in the United States has almost always Talib, Tolid (ar.) - seeker of knowledge, been a big problem, so African Americans have longing; knowledge enthusiast; student, removed the name of white Americans who apprentice or requested child. ®°∂• •£Ø≠• ° ¥≤°§©¥©ØÆ ¶Ø≤ ¥®•©≤ £®©¨§≤•Æï≥ Forms: Tolibbek, Tolibjon. Xolbozor, Xolbozor future because white whites are 50% more (ft). - A child born on a Sunday. likely to be accepted or hired when a child is Botir, Botir (own) - brave, pavlavon, brave, named. Rose, which helped him to live a better courageous. Forms: Botirbek, Botirboy, life, to find his place in society. Botirhon, Botirjon, Botirqul, Botirsho. The demographics of the contenders for Zakir, Zakir (ar.) - one who remembers, the name change today and their reasons are a remembers, remembers, that is, worships testament to the complex history of race, class, Allah. Originally Zokirulla (see). Forms: and culture. However, since 2001, the number Zokirboy, Zokirjon, Zokirkhan of African-American, Asian, and Latin speakers Problems of studying anamastics in has increased dramatically. A name does not modern linguistics Professor E. Begmatov, one always have to mean, or describe its owner and of the well-known and well-known scholars express a wish, there are cases when in the who began and continues to study the famous process of integration into another culture, the horses, successfully defended his dissertation name is abbreviated for the convenience of for the degree of Candidate of Philological others, or a shorter name that fits the tone of Sciences, and then in the 90's for his Ph.D. 151 | P a g e NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2020 Thus, he was able to substantiate the need for is Christianity. Hence, the most common names the study of anthroponyms in Uzbek linguistics in the Bible are: Adam, Benjamin, David, Jacob, on a scientific and theoretical level. Today, the Joseph, Peter, James, Andrew, Thomas, Philip, students of this scientist carry out a lot of Bartholomew, John Deborah, Eve, Rebecca, research work in the field of Uzbek Ruth. , Sarah, Simon. anthroponymy and toponymy of Uzbek As for Uzbek names, most of them are nomenclature. Nearly forty years of research Arabic names that entered through Islam: and a number of scientific studies by this Abdullah, Rahman, Rahim, Qudduz, Mumin, scientist have been published as books. One of Aziz . Such names were very popular in the them is the dictionary "Uzbek names. early twentieth century, and it is one of the 99 Commentary on 14600 names", published in beautiful names of the Creator who created the 1998, is one of the most significant researches whole being. For example, the meaning of in this field. It consists of the following Qudduz is interpreted as the One who is ≥•£¥©ØÆ≥ã ò0µ¢¨©≥®©Æß ®Øµ≥•óá ò#Ø≥©¥©ØÆ °Æ§ absolutely pure from all sinful imperfections, ≥¥≤µ£¥µ≤• ض ¥®• §©£¥©ØÆ°≤óá ò"°≥©£ or, for example, the meaning of the Most °¢≤•∂©°¥©ØÆ≥ °Æ§ ≥π≠¢Ø¨≥óá ò.°≠•≥ ض !¨¨°®óá Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Generous ò%¨°Æ°¥Ø≤ §©£¥©ØÆ°≤ ض Æ°≠•≥óá in the worldly life. ò%¥®ÆØß≤°∞®π ض 5∫• Æ°≠•≥óä !¥ ≤•≥•á The main reason for giving such names there is no such perfect work in the field of is that it is obligatory for all Muslims to give nomenclature, or more precisely, in the field of their children beautiful names, and the analysis of personal names. The nomenclature, scriptures state that when the Day of Judgment ie onomastics, which currently discusses the comes, the slaves will be called by their own various district names, can be divided into two name and their father's name. groups: 1) general nomenclature; 2) issues of Another tradition is to name our private nomenclature. children after prophets and saints, in English: In general nomenclature, attention is Anthony, Christopher, Francis, George, Gregory, paid to the problems of nomenclature of Stephen, Catherine, Ann, Bernadette, Mary, today's humanity, which deals with the Jane, Teresa; and in Muslim countries: problems of naming, interpretation and Muhammad, Abubakr. , Abduhaliq, Mahmud, etymological analysis of names belonging to Sayyid Amir, Bahauddin, Aisha, Khadija; different races, different languages. Private Among Uzbek names, such names are nomenclature deals with the problems of heavy names, there is a tradition of changing naming, the correct and accurate spelling of the name when the child is very sick at a young names, explanatory and etymological analysis age, sometimes the name is changed by adding of the names of the people belonging to the an additional to the front or end, or by a pupils and students.
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