Abe:Vampire Hunter Is Unreal Sandy Hook Tragedy Troubles the Nation

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Abe:Vampire Hunter Is Unreal Sandy Hook Tragedy Troubles the Nation Volume XXI, Issue V ● January 2013 Sandy Hook Tragedy Troubles the Nation Cops and Courts On the morning of Friday, 14 De- At some point before arriving at the beginning to make arrangements to have cember, classes were underway like any other school, Lanza also murdered his mother, Lanza committed to a psychiatric ward. This day. Nancy Lanza, who was the primary caregiver arrangement, which was unknown to Lanza, is At approximately 9:35 a.m., just five for her autistic son after the divorce of considered to be a possible motive for the minutes past the routine locking of the doors, Lanza’s parents, which occurred in 2009. Sandy Hook shooting. dispatchers at the local police station began According to police reports, Lanza “I think that kid had some deep- getting numerous calls of an armed gunman had shot his mother four times in the head rooted issues that someone or something in on the premises of Sandy Hook Elementary while she was presumed to have been asleep. his life had caused,” Senior Justin Bruno said. School in Newtown, Connecticut. Afterwards, Lanza arrived at Sandy The news of this shooting not only "Sandy Hook school. Caller is indi- Hook Elementary School, which is located 5 affected those involved but shocked the entire cating she thinks someone is shooting in the miles from Nancy Lanza’s spacious $1.6 mil- nation and made parents skeptical of their building," a dispatcher said to fire and medical lion home. own children’s safety. personnel, according to 911 tapes that were The elementary school is the same released in CNN’s article, Sandy Hook shoot- one that Nancy Lanza had volunteered for in “I called my wife when I left school,” T.V ing: What happened? the previous years. Media teacher Sean Gaston said. “She was in Between 9:35 and 9:49 a.m., Adam tears and just wanted to get home to pick up Lanza, 20, managed to break his way into the “[Adam Lanza] believed she cared more for our own children, one of whom is a first newly upgraded security protocol as well as the children than she did for him,” Newton grader.” fatally shoot 20 first grade students and six resident Joshua Flashman, 25, said. The Sandy Hook massacre, resulting adults with a semi-automatic AR-15 assault Flashman also told Fox News that in 27 overall fatalities is now recognized as the rifle made by Bushmaster before taking his Lanza’s mother was good friends with the second-deadliest mass murder at an American own life with a Glock pistol. principal and psychologist, both of whom elementary school, after the Bath School “I was in Mr. Coassolo’s class,” were counted among the six adults killed dur- bombings of 1927, which resulted in 45 deaths recalls Fleetwood senior, Tyler Burgert. “I was ing the incident. and 58 injuries. appalled at the act of the shooting.” Prior to this, Adam’s mother was By Brianna Reinstadtler Daniel Day-Lewis Resurrects Lincoln in Stellar, Oscar-Nominated Performance Entertainment Daniel Day-Lewis doesn’t just play ‘Lincoln’ could really have been a snore-fest. actors. Abraham Lincoln in the film, Lincoln; he be- Thankfully, Stephen Spielberg does Tommy Lee Jones plays an angry comes the sixteenth president. not disappoint. senator from Pennsylvania, and he is also a It’s a fascinating performance that boosts an As a political movie, Lincoln is still source of comic relief. Sally Fields plays Lin- otherwise dull movie. relatively accessible even to those who do not coln’s wife, and she is just as troubled a person ‘Lincoln’ occupies a relatively minor care about politics or, more importantly, history. as Lincoln is. A heartbreaking scene towards the timeframe in the famous president’s life. There are several funny moments in end depicts the couple in a heated argument. For The film occurs during the end of the the film, and also some sad ones, but there is an this scene alone, they both deserve Oscar nods. Civil War, focusing on the passing of the 13th alarming lack of action. All of this talk could Joseph Gordon Levitt (who has been all over the Amendment abolishing slavery. The film goes to have been broken up with one or more se- map in 2012) plays Lincoln's son. great lengths to show Abraham Lincoln’s politi- quences of war violence. The film stays in DC Overall, Abraham Lincoln was a tragic cal genius. for most of the duration, which adds to the figure in history and the film (more importantly, Lengthy debate scenes between mem- tediousness. Daniel Day-Lewis) depicts that, but it could have bers of his cabinet are interesting at first but But this is Daniel Day-Lewis’s show been a bit less pretentious and a little more en- tend to get repetitive towards the end. through and through, even though Lincoln isn’t tertaining. In fact, the script is filled with so just about Abraham Lincoln. There is a rich and much heavy-handed political dialogue that, in varied cast of supporting characters, all por- By Cody Millard the hands of a lesser director and a lesser cast, trayed wonderfully by an equally varied cast of Abe:Vampire Hunter is Unreal A Little on Lincoln Politics Movie Review Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Hunter, so it is not completely unreal. Abraham Lincoln entered politics may not be the most famous movie ever released. There are some realistic parts in the after being a store keeper, rail-splitter, and It also is not the most factual either, but there are movie, including the Civil War, the death of frontier lawyer. Lincoln believed that slavery some facts snuck into this film. Abe’s mother when he was 9 , and the fact that was morally wrong. He won no votes in the The most fictional part of this story is Lincoln actually wasn’t very good around the fact that the premise of the story is about women. southern states, which viewed Lincoln as a vampires and slaying vampires. Also, the former first lady Mary Todd threat to culture and society. As many may know, or should know, Lincoln was a very good shot. When she had the Lincoln was elected in November of vampires are fictional characters. To think that opportunity with a rifle, she made it count. An- 1860. He launched his campaign in June with a the famous president Abraham Lincoln slayed other fact that was thrown into this movie was memorable speech on 8 February, when the these creatures is a crazy thought. that Lincoln traveled to New Orleans twice, Confederate States of America were formed. “Although this is a very fictional movie once in 1828, and once in 1830. He was hired to The Confederate constitution ac- and it is really fake, I enjoyed the movie. It was deliver crops and other cargo from Illinois down knowledged the independence of each state, fun to watch with friends,” junior Christian the Mississippi River. granting slavery, and banning protective tariffs. Schwenig said. “This was a stupid movie. It was so Abe Lincoln was also a licensed bar- The fact that the movie is fictional fake it’s unreal! I am not sure why I decided to tender. From 1909 to 1959, wheat pennies does not mean that it is boring or unsatisfying. watch, or even think of watching, this movie,” were used. Today, a wheat penny is worth 10 Actually, it could mean the complete opposite. sophomore Wyatt Pensinger said. dollars in mint condition. In 1959, Lincoln's Children, teenagers, anyone who en- Not many people have been talking face was added to the penny. His image was joys movies tend to like fictional stories. A lot of about this movie, perhaps because it isn't much put on the penny in honor of his accomplish- people may find them more entertaining than revered. ments and his birth centennial. movies that are more factual. By Tyler Rapposelli By Kelsey Steiner Facts have been put into Vampire Page Two January 2013 Sitler Takes Over Girls' Basketball Boys Basketball Shoots for Gold Sports Sports Terry Sitler recently came out of Sitler Coached the Brandywine girls' retirement to take over the Fleetwood Boys Basketball team from 1994-2006, winning 127 Three years ago, past the preliminary Basketball team. The team has had recent games. He led them to three division titles and Fleetwood Girls' Basketball round of districts and struggles, having not won a league game in won division Coach of the Year 3 times. won one game against Octo- ultimately losing to Get- two years, but that didn’t stop Sitler’s decision “I like how Coach Sitler keeps every- rara and lost twenty others tysburg in Round 1. All to try to rebuild a once successful program. thing organized. That’s something we haven’t by a landslide. season, they contended Sitler currently works at Kutztown had,” player Clay Weidemoyer said. “That was then, for one of two spots in University as director of Conference Services. After retiring from high school bas- and this is now. Our entire Berks II to qualify for Coach Sitler is married to Maureen Sitler, an ketball, Sitler concentrated on his partial own- team dynamic has changed,” County Playoffs, but they Elementary School teacher at Andrew Maier. ership of Athletes For Better Education, or commented coach Matt just barely missed out. Terry and Maureen have two children, Zach AFBE, an organization that specializes in bas- Kellet. “We are excited They finished the season and Stephanie. ketball clinics and tournaments. During his about each of our players 13-10 overall, and 5-7 in Zach is a sophomore at Bloomsburg time off from high school basketball, he and what they can contrib- Berks II.
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