The Pseudobrookite Group: Crystal Chemical Features of the Armalcolite Fe2+ Analogue O

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The Pseudobrookite Group: Crystal Chemical Features of the Armalcolite Fe2+ Analogue O ISSN 1028-334X, Doklady Earth Sciences, 2021, Vol. 497, Part 2, pp. 305–309. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2021. Russian Text © The Author(s), 2021, published in Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Nauki o Zemle, 2021, Vol. 497, No. 2, pp. 145–150. MINERALOGY The Pseudobrookite Group: Crystal Chemical Features of the Armalcolite Fe2+ Analogue O. N. Kazhevaa,*, N. V. Zubkovab, Ch. Schäferc, N. V. Chukanova,b, Corresponding Member of the RAS I. V. Pekovb, S. N. Britvind, and Academician of the RAS D. Yu. Pushcharovskyb Received December 23, 2020; revised December 23, 2020; accepted December 24, 2020 Abstract—The crystal structure of a potentially new mineral, the Fe2+-dominant analogue of armalcolite with 2+ the idealized formula Fe Ti2O5 has been solved. The sample studied originates from a pneumatolytic asso- ciation related to the lamproite complex of SE Spain. The mineral is orthorhombic, space group Cmcm, the unit-cell parameters are a = 3.7325(1) Å, b = 9.7649(4) Å, c = 9.9902(3) Å, V = 364.12(2) Å3. The crystal- M1232.86++ +M 2323.57++ + chemical formula (Mg0.19 Fe 0.25 Fe 0.26Ti 0.30 ) [(Ti0.65 Fe 0.27 Fe 0.08 ) ] 2O 5 (Z = 4) is in good agree- ment with the chemical composition of the mineral. Keywords: double oxides, pseudobrookite group, armalcolite Fe2+ analogue, X-ray structural analysis, cation ordering, lamproite, Aljorra, Spain DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X21040097 Double oxides related to the structural type of order/disorder and the actual composition of these pseudobrookite, namely, pseudobrookite (Fe3+, minerals, including the valence state of Fe, determine 2+ 3+ 2+ their main crystal chemical features and affect their Fe )(Ti, Fe )2O5 and armalcolite (Mg, Fe )Ti2O5, are quite typical minerals of high-temperature, low- thermal stability. pressure formations, including titanium-enriched In the crystal structure of the pseudobrookite min- basalts, andesites, rhyolites, lamproites, and some erals with the general formula M(1)M(2)2O5, the M cat- types of lunar rocks [1–3]. Similar phases of techno- ions (Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, and Ti4+) occupy two inde- genic origin from slags and combustion products of pendent positions M(1) and M(2) (Wykoff positions 4c dumps containing brown coal were described [4, 5]. and 8f, respectively) [5, 7]. These cations have octahe- The results of the synthesis of compounds of this type dral coordination. As a rule, their positions, are char- are given in several publications [1, 6]. Studies of nat- acterized by mixed occupation, with Ti always domi- ural double oxides related to the structure type of nating in the M(2) position, and Fe3+ (in pseudo- pseudobrookite are also interesting due to the well- brookite) or Mg (in armalcolite) dominating in the balanced anisotropy of thermal expansion, which M(1) position. Oxygen atoms occupy three indepen- makes them suitable as thermistors, electrically con- dent positions. All the atomic positions in the struc- ductive, optical and magnetic materials, catalysts, ture are special. The octahedra are linked via common photocatalysts, cheap thermally stable filters for diesel edges into triads, where the central octahedron is filled engines, heat-resistant pigments of paints, plastics, with M(1) cation, and the outer octahedra are filled rubber, energy-saving materials (cooling pigments), with M(2) cations. Being connected through the com- and heat-resistant ceramics with a low coefficient of mon vertices of the M(2)O6 octahedra, the triads form thermal expansion. The nature of the cationic chains elongated along the c-axis (Figs. 2, 3). The chains are joined together via common edges and ver- a Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy tices of the octahedra to form a three-dimensional of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow oblast, 142432 Russia pseudo-framework. b Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia According to the Mössbauer spectroscopy and c Gustav Stresemann-Strasse 34, 74257 Untereisesheim, neutron diffraction studies, the M(2) position in the 2+ 2+ Germany synthetic Fe analogue of armalcolite Fe Ti2O5 at d St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, high synthesis temperatures (above 1700°C) is com- 199034 Russia pletely occupied by Ti atoms, while in the products of *e-mail: [email protected] lower temperature synthesis (at 1200°C and below) 305 306 KAZHEVA et al. In this work, we studied the crystal structure of the 2 mineral, the composition of which corresponds to an intermediate member of the three-component system 3 of solid solutions pseudobrookite–armalcolite–Fe2+- analogue of armalcolite (the latter, in which the end 2+ member corresponds to the formula Fe Ti2O5, has no mineralogical name). Samples were collected in an abandoned building stone quarry near the village of Los Nietos (Aljorra municipality, autonomous region Murcia, southeast Spain). The studied sample con- sists of fragments of cavernous lamproite containing 1 phenocrysts of serpentinized forsterite [9, 10]. The pneumatolite association is represented by sanidine, pyroxene, fluorophlogopite, and pseudobrookite group minerals, the crystals of which grow on the walls of miarol cavities. The Fe-analogue of armalcolite Fig. 1. Crystals of Fe2+-dominant analogue of (1) armal- forms brown board-like crystals up to 3 mm long elon- colite in association with (2) enstatite and (3) sanidine. gated along (010) and flattened along (100). The image width is 3 mm. Photo by Marco Burkhardt. The chemical composition of the mineral was determined by means of a Tescan Vega-II XMU scan- Ti atoms are distributed between two cation sites [6]. ning electron microscope (EDS mode, accelerating However, it is not clear from the work cited whether voltage 20 kV, current 400 pA, electron probe diameter the synthesized compounds were in a state of thermo- 160 nm) equipped with the system for recording X-ray dynamic equilibrium under the conditions of their radiation and calculating the sample composition synthesis or not. INCA Energy 450. MgO and pure Ti and Fe were used as standards (preliminary measurements showed that Isomorphic substitutions and some crystal chemical the contents of the other elements are below the detec- features of the pseudobrookite group minerals from the tion limit of the electron probe method). The crystal Spanish lamproites were considered in [8]. In particular, studied is rather homogeneous in composition. The it was shown that chemical composition of the minerals composition is (mean values for three local analyses; 23++ limits are given in parentheses; all iron is given in the varies in the ranges Mg0.20.7−− Fe 00.6 Fe 0.21.6 − Ti 1.21.95 − O , and the basic scheme of isomorphic substitution cor- form of FeO, wt %): MgO 3.40 (3.01–3.75), FeO 37.87 responds to Ti4+ + 3Fe2+ ↔ 2Mg2+ + 2Fe3+. However, (37.20–38.04), TiO2 55.74 (55.20–56.38), total 97.01. the distribution of Fe2+/Fe3+ ions over the positions of The empirical formula calculated on three cations and 2+ 3+ the crystal structure was not discussed. five oxygen atoms is: Mg0.19 Fe 0.41 Fe 0.80 Ti 1.60 O 5. The с b Fig. 2. Armalcolite crystal structure along the a axis. Black octahedra, М1O6; gray octahedra, М2O6. DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES Vol. 497 Part 2 2021 THE PSEUDOBROOKITE GROUP 307 coefficients of Fe2+ and Fe3+ were determined consid- b ering the bond valence balance and correspond to 12.83 wt % FeO and 27.83 wt % Fe2O3. The final anal- ysis sum equals 99.80 wt %, which indirectly confirms a the approach used. The XRD pattern obtained on a “Rigaku” R-AXIS Rapid II diffractometer equipped with cylindrical IP detector (monochromatic CoKα radiation, Debye- Scherrer geometry, d = 127.4 mm, exposure time of 15 min), confirms that the mineral studied belongs to the pseudobrookite structure type. The lattice param- eters determined are as follows: a = 3.7331(6) Å, b = 9.768(1) Å, c = 9.991(1) Å, and V = 364.3(1) Å3. A three-dimensional set of diffraction reflections Fig. 3. Armalcolite crystal structure along the c axis. Black was obtained from a single crystal with dimensions of octahedra, М1O6; gray octahedra, М2O6. 0.17 × 0.11 × 0.08 mm at room temperature using a single crystal Xcalibur S CCD diffractometer on MoKα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) for a full sphere of of Table 2 corresponds to the final composition, reciprocal space in the interval of θ angles from 4.08° refined using the data of electron probe analysis, the up to 30.40°. The experimental data were processed by second and third correspond to the boundaries of the R means of the CrysAlis v. software. refinement range, in which the factor has an almost constant minimum value, close to 0.018. Since the The parameters of the orthorhombic unit cell Fe2+ :Fe3+ ratio in the M(1) and M(2) positions was refined using 1710 reflections are a = 3.7325 (1) Å, initially unknown, the average value R = 1.712 Å was b c V 3 o = 9.7649 (4) Å, = 9.9902 (3) Å, = 364.12 (2) Å , used in calculations of the bond valence sum. and Z = 4. The crystal structure was determined by direct methods within the Cmcm space group and From a comparison of the data given in Table 2, it refined in the anisotropic approximation of thermal can be seen that the optimal composition corresponds displacements of atoms using the SHELX-97 software to the empirical formula calculated from the electron package [11]. The final R-factor was 0.0183 for 301 probe data: for this composition, the bond valence independent reflections with I > 2σ(I). The coordi- sum on all cations of the formula calculated for Z = 4 nates of atoms and the parameters of their thermal dis- is strictly equal to the theoretical value of the total placements are listed in Table 1.
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    July The ECLIPSE 2019 The Newsletter of the Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society From the President Next Membership Meeting: This month, let’s take a look at the Moon. As I read that July 19, 2019, 7:30 pm sentence, I am reminded that the word “month” is derived from Cumberland Valley the word “moon”. Then I chuckled because I realized that I am Girl Scout Council Building writing this on a Monday, also named after our Moon. The 4522 Granny White Pike Moon certainly has had a lot of influence on all cultures and languages. Topic: Apollo 11 and the A lot of things happen around the moon this month starting on Return to the Moon the 2nd with a total eclipse of the sun. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to witness it here in Nashville, but we do have members down in Chile to witness this spectacular event. Let’s hope they come back with some great stories and maybe some pictures. This will get us ready for the next North American total eclipse in 2024. In this Issue: On Independence Day, the Moon will swing by Mars for a Happy 50th Birthday Apollo 11 conjunction visible to us just after sunset on the 3rd. On the by Robin Byrne 3 13th, the Moon will pass by Jupiter for a great conjunction. On Jupiter Shines in June the 16th, the Moon and Saturn have a conjunction just a week By David Prosper 12 after Saturn’s opposition. Let’s hope we have some clear skies so that we can take a few moments and watch our satellite dance BSAS Board Minutes with the planets.
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