VOLumeAJR JOURNAL11 NO.11 novnovembeemberr 2011

Opponents of Hitler n 21 August 2011, BBC Two and her second son, Heinz, realised Irmgard Litten and the Nazi machine at broadcast The Man Who Crossed they had to flee Germany. (The Nazi all levels’. It appeared in the USA under OHitler, a TV film based on the authorities feared that, once Hans Litten the title Beyond Tears and in a Spanish story of Hans Litten, a left-wing was dead, there would be nothing to hold edition in Mexico. Its author went on of half-Jewish parentage who in 1931 had his mother back from speaking out about to broadcast frequently and effectively Hitler appear under subpoena in a Berlin his treatment in detention.) They left that for the BBC’s German-language service court. At the trial of two SA men accused same month for London, where Irmgard, and played an active part in the German in connection with the violent Nazi attack now aged 58, embarked on an energetic refugee community in London. After the on a Communist gathering at the Eden- and high-profile anti-Nazi campaign. As war, she returned to Germany, but her palast Dance Hall, a particularly brutal in- Marian Malet has described in an article treatment in the West led her to settle cident in which three people were killed, in the 2011 volume of the Yearbook of in East Berlin, where she died in 1953. Litten subjected Hitler to a hostile and Heinz Litten, two years younger than humiliating cross-examination that left Hans, had embarked on a career in the the Nazi leader struggling to maintain his theatre and was working as stage director political credibility and, in effect, reduced at the Städtisches Theater in Chemnitz him to perjury. Hitler never forgot the ex- in 1933, when he was dismissed. After perience and Litten paid for his courage fleeing with his mother to Britain, he en- after ­January 1933, when he was arrested listed in the Pioneer Corps of the British and held for five years in several camps Army in 1940, serving until 1943. From and prisons until, after constant brutal 1943 until 1946, he directed theatrical mistreatment, he committed suicide in productions for the Freier Deutscher Dachau. He was 34 years old. Kulturbund (Free German League of The circle around Hans Litten included Culture – FDKB) at its aptly named a number of notable enemies of Nazism, Kleine Bühne (Small Stage) in Upper who have, like Litten himself, remained Park Road, Belsize Park, and elsewhere. undeservedly little known. Foremost Hans Litten, 1903-38 The FDKB, one of the most important among them was his remarkable mother, the Research Centre for German and refugee organisations founded by and Irmgard Litten, née Wüst. A non-Jew Austrian Exile Studies, ‘Beyond Dachau: for the refugees from Germany in Britain, whose family had been Protestant pastors Irmgard Litten in England’, Irmgard was a left-leaning, Communist-influenced and academics from south-western started by recording her eldest son’s body that saw its task as the preserva- Germany, she had married Fritz Litten, a experiences during the period of his tion of German culture in exile during converted Jew who had made a successful imprisonment; she also had to provide the years of Nazi ‘cultural barbarism’; it career as an academic at Königsberg for the subsistence of herself and her also encouraged its members to return University in East and was deeply second son. to Germany after the war to help build a conservative in his politics. Irmgard Litten In 1940, she had arranged for her new, democratic Germany. did not share her husband’s disapproval book Die Hölle sieht dich an: Der Fall Heinz Litten duly returned to Berlin of their eldest son’s choice of a career Litten to be published by a small left-wing with his mother in 1946, residing first as a lawyer defending Communists émigré publishing house in Paris, but the in the West but settling in East Berlin. and other left-wingers. Uninterested in German invasion of France put paid to Initially, his career in the theatre of the politics until 1933, the arrest of her son this. However, the project was rescued newly established German Democratic and his detention without trial galvanised by the British publisher Stanley Unwin, Republic flourished, and he became her, and she conducted an unremitting of the leading publishing house Allen manager of the Berlin Volksbühne. campaign for his release, or at least for & Unwin, who had the book published But the onset of the Cold War soon an improvement in the conditions under in English in August 1940, under the caused serious problems for those which he was held, heedless of the danger striking title A Mother Fights Hitler. In Dr who had returned to the GDR from to which she thus exposed herself. Malet’s words, the book ‘is a remarkable the West, as their contacts with the After Hans Litten was found hanged in account of almost exactly five years of West made them suspect to the ruling Dachau on 5 February 1938, his mother close oppositional engagement between continued overleaf

1 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

Opponents of Hitler cont. from p1 the Torch, refers both to Kraus’s journal Die Fackel (The Torch) and to Timms’s ANNIVERSARY group around Walter Ulbricht, who resolve to take up the torch of learning in OF KRISTALLNACHT had spent the war in Moscow. Litten's his career and to pass it on to scholars of Please join us for a service to prospects of obtaining artistic work the next generation. The book’s subtitle, commemorate the 73rd anniversary became increasingly restricted, and in English Institutions, German Dialectics of Kristallnacht August 1955 he committed suicide. and Multicultural Commitments, aptly on Wednesday 9 November 2011 Also featuring prominently in The Man describes its author’s wide-ranging at 2 pm Who Crossed Hitler was the lawyer, journal- concerns. It was published in 2011 by at Belsize Square Synagogue ist and author Rudolf Olden (family name Sussex Academic Press in Brighton. Guest speaker: Oppenheim). Born in 1885, Olden had, The book is an absorbing read, Ben Barkow, like Hans Litten, acted as defence lawyer especially for those of an academic Director, Wiener Library in trials with political overtones, most disposition. It traces Timms’s life from Rabbi Stuart Altshuler will lead the notably those involving the celebrated his birth in 1937 through his childhood memorial service and light refreshments pacifist and left-wing journalist Carl von at a vicarage in Buckfastleigh in Devon, will be served at the conclusion Ossietzky. Ossietzky, like Litten, was a his schooldays at Christ’s Hospital, For further details, please particular target of the Nazis; arrested Horsham, his studies in Modern telephone AJR Head Office on Languages at Caius College, Cambridge, 020 8385 3070 immediately after the of or email [email protected] 28 February 1933, he was detained until his appointment in 1963 to the position his death in 1938, despite having been of Assistant Lecturer in German at the ­awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1935. gleaming new University of Sussex, his Olden, who had fled Germany for Prague years as a German don at Cambridge, 70th Anniversary on the night of the Reichstag fire, orches- and his return to Sussex, where in the Reception for the AJR trated a vigorous campaign to have Ossi- 1990s he founded the Centre for German- etzky, gravely ill with tuberculosis, freed. Jewish Studies. The Centre has been Tuesday 20 December Olden settled in Britain, where he threw generously supported by the AJR as well at 3 pm himself into anti-Nazi journalism. His as by individual members, notably the To conclude the series of events late Max and Hilde Kochmann, and its elder brother Balder, also an author and commemorating the 70th Anniversary journalist, was an anti-Nazi activist in programme of courses, public lectures of the AJR, H.E. the German France. Rudolf Olden became Hon. Sec­ret­- and conferences has established it as a Ambassador, Georg Boomgaarden, is ary of the German PEN Club in London leading institution in its field. hosting a reception in our honour at the German Ambassador’s Residence at and wrote one of the first studies ofHitler,­ Taking up the Torch is a fascinating in- 22 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PZ tellectual odyssey, showing how Timms which appeared in English in 1936 as on Tuesday 20 December at 3 pm. Hitler, the Pawn; it ranks alongside Kon- came to fall under the spell of German Dr Charlotte Knobloch, former rad Heiden’s pioneering Hitler: A Bio- ­literature and culture, and how as a President of the Central Council of graphy, which appeared in the same year. graduate student he decided to research Jews in Germany and President of the But in 1940 Olden was interned on the Isle the challenging­ figure of Karl Kraus. His Jewish Cultural Society in , has of Man. He had been offered an appoint- description of the development of his kindly agreed to speak on ‘Jewish Life ment at the New School for Social Research­ ideas on Kraus positively crackles with in Germany Today’. in New York, and was released by the Brit- intellectual energy: I could never imagine The event will include the lighting of the ish authorities. He sailed for America on any supervisor of my doctoral disserta- candles for the first night of Chanukah. board the City of Benares, which was sunk tion finding the argument set out in my Light refreshments will be served. by a German submarine on 17 September introduction so gripping that he read it RSVP to [email protected] or 1940. Olden and his wife Ika drowned. standing up – especially if I had been telephone Karin Pereira at AJR Head Office on 020 8385 3070 if you would Balder Olden, who re-emigrated to Uru- supervised by as towering a figure as Pro- like to attend. Spaces are limited. guay, committed suicide there in 1949. fessor J. P. Stern. Timms’s account of the Anthony Grenville On acceptance, you will be issued with a postal invitation card. Admission will be restricted to those with an invitation AJR Directors Michael Newman card. The AJR will be providing, for a A scholar’s Carol Rossen nominal charge, transport to and from David Kaye the event for our members. autobiography AJR Heads of Department rofessor Edward Timms is well Susie Kaufman Organiser, AJR Centre Sue Kurlander Social Services known as the founding Director AJR Journal high intellectual optimism of Sussex in of the Centre for German-Jewish Dr Anthony Grenville Consultant Editor the 1960s and of the ferment that affected P Dr Howard Spier Executive Editor Studies at the University of Sussex and Andrea Goodmaker Secretarial/Advertisements Cambridge in the 1970s and 1980s is also as the author of the much-lauded two- absorbing. All in all, a significant addition volume study Karl Kraus – Apocalyptic Views expressed in the AJR Journal are not to the record of British university life over Satirist. Now he has published an necessarily those of the Association of Jewish more than four decades. Refugees and should not be regarded as such. autobiography, whose title, Taking up Anthony Grenville

2 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

To provoke or not to provoke NEWTONS SOLICITORS t the AJR’s 70th anniversary cele­ mix. We need to integrate. Our experienced team bration at the Watford Hilton, I sat Howard Jacobson’s prize-winning book will give you expert Anext to a lady member who was The Finkler Question takes me onto the born in Holland. I introduced myself. ‘Oh, subject of self-hating Jews. I understand and personal advice are you the Peter Phillips that writes in why they are self-hating. I hate them too! 22 Fitzjohn’s Avenue the AJR Journal?’, she asked. ‘You are very There is one famous self-hating Jewish MP London NW3 5NB provocative!’ ‘It is in my nature,’ I replied, I would cross the road to avoid. These so- Tel: 020 7435 5351 ‘and I think it makes more interesting called Jews cause more anti-Semitism than Fax: 020 7435 8881 reading.’ I’m not sure she agreed about any non-Jew does. ‘Look,’ my neighbours [email protected] the ‘interesting reading’ bit and I felt that say, ‘even X thinks you are wrong and he sometimes she thought that what I had is one of you!’ Of course, the subject is written was somewhat usually Israel and I will rude. So let me explain. I am not defend X having his own There are some Jewish opinions about this vic­ spring grove matters about which I feel provocative for the sake timised country, but why RETIREMENT HOME very strongly. I don’t be­ of being provocative. can’t he keep his opinions lieve in hypocrisy. I believe I am Jewish and proud to himself? The same 214 Finchley Road in saying it as I see it. The goes for all those who London NW3 editor has allowed me to of it. I just think that feel they should condemn London’s Most Luxurious vent my feelings in the some things need Israel in the media. Why Journal – which is kind to be said. give ammunition to those  Entertainment  Activities of him (though, secretly, who want to destroy Is­  Stress Free Living I think he likes receiving rael? They may not deny  24 House Staffing Excellent Cuisine  Full En-Suite Facilities the many letters that attack me!). the Holocaust as Ahmadinejad does – they My biggest bête noire is the animosity may not say, as he does, that Israel should Call for more information or a personal tour of certain members of the sections of our be wiped off the map – but they do consid­ 020 8446 2117 religion towards each other. Why should erable harm in their own way. Israel is our or 020 7794 4455 an Ultra-Orthodox Jew (or even a Modern homeland. As a Holocaust survivor, I know [email protected] Orthodox one) not accept that Progressive how much we need one. Stop knocking Jews have a right to believe in their version the country, in public. I refer particularly of Judaism as much as they have in theirs? to so-called celebrities because, foolishly, Why should an Orthodox rabbi not accept people take notice of them. that a Progressive one is as much a rabbi Please do not think, however, that I JACKMAN . as he is? Why did Orthodox Rabbi Dr love Israel now as much as I did for the SILVERMAN Jonathan Sachs not go to the funeral of first 25 years of its existence. Israel was COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CONSULTANTS his Progressive friend Dr Hugo Gryn? Why the brainchild of Theodor Herzl and the is he called Chief Rabbi when he is not the Zionists. They were not a religious group. Chief Rabbi of the Progressives – Reform, They wanted a secular state. Thus we had Liberal or Masorti? We need to get along the kibbutzim and the leadership and with each other. We have enough enemies philosophy of David Ben-Gurion and the without fighting among ourselves. others, like Golda Meir, who took over Another pet hate is the subject of so- soon after him. Remember the car stickers called faith schools. We are British. Our with ‘We Support Israel’ on them? Now, Telephone: 020 7209 5532 religion is Jewish. What is the point of a Israel has changed. Remember, Tzipi Livni [email protected] faith school? They are divisive institutions, won the last election but, because she invented, I think, to differentiate between didn’t have the support of the religious Protestants and Catholics. Now, other reli­ parties and Benjamin Netanyahu did, he gions have jumped on the bandwagon. became prime minister and not her. Go to I know the Jewish schools get good Jerusalem and the majority of the Israelis switch on electrics ­academic results, but the students would you see there are the ‘frummers’. At the Rewires and all household do well wherever they went. They miss same time, the mostly American settlers on electrical work out, however, on learning to be British. the West Bank who are causing most of the PHONE PAUL: 020 8200 3518 The state and independent schools offer problems are religious fundamentalists. I Mobile: 0795 614 8566 so much more than academia, particularly do not like fundamentalists, Jewish or when it comes to sport and extra-mural Islamic. Herzl must be turning in his grave! activities. Lastly, I must confess that I think our Annely Juda I also dislike the idea of Jewish golf kashrut laws make no sense – that they clubs. Yes, I know how they started. Many are outdated and that shechita probably Fine Art golf clubs until the seventies didn’t want causes anti-Semitism. 23 Dering Street (off New Bond Street) Jews as members and so we started our I am not provocative for the sake of Tel: 020 7629 7578 own clubs. But now all this has changed. being provocative. I am Jewish and proud Fax: 020 7491 2139 I am (or was) a golfer. I don’t know of any of it. I just think that some things need CONTEMPORARY PAINTING club that today rejects Jews, so what’s the to be said. AND SCULPTURE point of joining a Jewish one? We need to Peter Phillips

3 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

The short life of Kurt Herbert Ikenberg

urt Herbert never stood a chance. writes: ‘Tonight at half ten, a clear moon; in these words. He was born in Westerbork refugee children are still playing.’ I can now follow Kurt’s development Kcamp at a time when the Netherlands Then I discovered Kurt’s aunt Friedel from when he was five months old to had been occupied by the for just – Friedericka Löwenhardt – had escaped two years and two months old. The last over a year. When Kurt turned one year from Germany after Kristallnacht. She was message from Claere available to me old in July 1942, the Germans started 29 when she fled. She found work with a in which he is mentioned is dated 23 deportations to the extermination camps. Jewish family in London, never married, September 1943, three weeks after the A few months after he had turned three, died in London long after the war, and left playground is opened. he was shipped to Theresienstadt with behind a stack of correspondence notes. When he is six months old, Claere his parents. One month later, in October When in July 2011 I met Mony, grandson describes her son as ‘very sweet and 1944, his life came to an end in an of Friedel’s brother Julius, he showed laughing and talking all the time’ (2 Auschwitz gas chamber. me the stack of notes, wondering if they January 1942). Two months later, he not Kurt and I are both great-grandsons would be of any use. A quick glance told only ‘is prospering and bringing a lot of of Pauline Löwenhardt-Lennhoff, who me this was a correspondence between joy’ but also saying ‘mama’ (13 March had 12 children between 1873 and 1892. two sisters: Friedel in London and Kurt’s 1942). Less than a month later, he ‘is Had he lived, Kurt would have been 70 mother Klara in Westerbork. sitting and trying to stand up’ (9 April years old now, just six years older than 1942). And when he is almost one year I. But since his parents and almost all his old, on 30 June 1942, Claere reports that other relatives died in the gas chambers, he ‘will walk soon’. Seventeen days later, Kurt is never remembered. It is as if he Kurtchen’s first birthday has passed and never existed. he ‘is walking in an amusing way’. On this Less than a year ago I discovered day, the first cattle train from Westerbork, Kurt. Klara Löwenhardt and her husband carrying 1,135 Jews, arrived in Auschwitz. Ludwig Ikenberg fled Germany in April On 10 September, when Kurt is one year 1939, three months after their marriage. and two months old, his mother writes They found an unwelcoming refuge in that he ‘is walking without help’, and a Holland. For ten months they had to stay month later his father confirms that he at various addresses. In February 1940 they ‘has been walking since his birthday’ (14 were interned in the refugee camp the October 1942). In the hopeless misery of Dutch authorities had built (at the Jewish their camp existence, he is the sunshine community’s expense) in an isolated of his parents. location near the German border. Less It should be mentioned that the thou­ than three months later, the country was sands of Jews at Westerbork knew no overrun by German forces. On 6 July 1941, hunger. There were periods of acute food Kurt Herbert was born. Three years and shortage but there was no famine. Camp three months later, all three were dead. commander SS-Obersturmführer Albert To me, Kurt’s life became a virtual Gemmeker, who sent some 100,000 Jews reality. In the Netherlands Red Cross to their deaths, had an interest in main­ Archives, I discovered his personal record taining ‘normal’ living conditions in ‘his’ card, made by the Dutch authorities in camp. From Berlin he received his weekly ‘Dear Friedel. Thank you so much for your the camp just after his birth. It listed his letter. We are all in good health. Kurtchen quota of Jews to deport to the East. If parents and (apparently ‘just in case’) his is very sweet and laughing and talking all some were sick he had them treated in grandmother’s address in Altenbeken, the time. We write every month. All our the camp hospital, then one of the best Germany. Most likely, his grandmother love. Don’t worry. 2 January 1942. Claere, and biggest in Holland. Once cured, they Ludwig, Kurtchen‘ never knew that Kurt existed. But to me, would be put on the train to Auschwitz the card was tangible proof that Kurt had During the war, people could stay in touch or Sobibor. been alive. It was all I had. with relatives in German-occupied Europe Unlike the Dutch-Jewish babies and What was he like, this boy who was of through the Red Cross. The notes I found toddlers, Kurt was not sent straight to the same age as my grandson now? He were 28 Red Cross Message sheets. On the gas chambers. His refugee parents be­ grew up in the transit camp through which the pre-printed front side, the ‘ENQUIRER/ longed to the involuntary camp ‘elite’, the many Dutch Jews passed on their way to Fragesteller’ outside continental Europe ‘old camp inmates’. Westerbork had been their deaths. He was murdered before he would write a message to their relative in set up in 1939 by the Dutch authorities reached an age at which he could ask his occupied territory. On the other side, the as a refugee camp for German and Aus­ parents the simple question: Why? relative could write a reply. Messages were trian Jews. Large numbers of Dutch Jews What was Kurt like? I was resigned to subject to censorship and limited to 25 poured in only from the summer of 1942. the idea that his identity would remain words. But sometimes code words were Thus, by the time it began functioning as limited to a registration card and two used and genuine information conveyed. a transit camp for the Jews of Holland, a transportation lists. In Philip Mechanicus’s Here Klara – she consistently signed her social order in which many of the positions Westerbork diary In dépôt, I had read messages as Claere or Cläre – reported in of (conditional) power and influence were about the children’s playground opened her own handwriting on the development taken by German Jews was in place. Kurt’s at Westerbork on 31 August 1943, almost of her son Kurt (Kurtchen). Her first report parents belonged to this group. four years after the camp came into being. to her sister, on 11 December 1941 when In return for their help in maintaining On 9 September two horizontal bars and Kurt is five months old: ‘Kurtchen is com­ order in the camp, ‘Gemmeker’s’ German three swings had been added. Kurt had ing along splendidly; he is a great joy.’ Jews received a stay of execution. Kurt had his second birthday two months Claere can never have imagined that 70 was sent away with his parents and some before. On 9 September Mechanicus years later I would take such an interest 2,080 others on the very last deportation

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A moving return to the city of my birth hroughout the years since I came to contributions from classmates and other 17-18-year-old students about my life England on the Kindertransport in friends. He was also intrigued by my and experiences between the Anschluss T1938, I had never imagined that my Fleisszetteln, the equivalent of today’s and my emigration. Some of the students life in Innsbruck following the Anschluss, gold stars. were moved to tears as a result of actually or my subsequent life and struggles after In the autumn of 2008, there having meeting a survivor who had lived as a Jew my arrival in the UK, were of much interest been no further contact for over a year, during the Nazi period in their own home to other people. I was surprised to receive a telephone town, about which they had read only in Round about 2007, I received an call from a Dr Werner Dreier. Dr Dreier, textbooks. The presentation was televised unexpected phone call from a Professor by the local TV station. I also gave a press Albert Lichtblau. He introduced himself conference and spoke to about 70 teach­ as a historian working at the University of ers from the whole of Tyrol who were to Salzburg and researching for an Austrian receive the DVD for use in their schools. national programme entitled Erinnern. Early in 2010, Frau Bibermann and Herr This programme aimed to instil aware­ Schreiber visited me in London seeking ness in Austrian students of the personal further information, this time particularly experiences of Jewish nationals who had about my life in England when I first had to flee from their homes. To aid his arrived as a stranger. Soon afterwards, research, Professor Lichtblau had exam­ Frau Bibermann telephoned me to say ined ten testaments held in the library that they had written and produced a of the Shoah Centre in Los Angeles and stage play based on my experiences. noted that one of these was by a refugee I was invited to attend the premiere from Innsbruck. This turned out to be the performance of the play. testimony that I, like 50,000 others, had And so in May 2011 I returned to recorded some years earlier. Professor deeply involved with the Innsbruck Innsbruck, this time both my sons and Lichtblau was intrigued that my story contribution to the Erinnern programme, their wives accompanying me. The play began in the provincial city of Innsbruck, invited me to Innsbruck for a few days, was performed before a sell-out audience making it stand out from the others. with a companion, to attend the official which included the mayor of Innsbruck, We arranged to meet in my home in presentation of a DVD produced from the director of education for Tyrol and London, where he spent the whole day the material and interview notes taken by other dignitaries. I was moved to tears by interviewing me but, more importantly, Professor Lichtblau. the accurate and touching way in which making copies of photographs of my In January 2009, I travelled with my the cast were able to bring my story to family and myself taken in Innsbruck – the granddaughter Katy to Innsbruck, where life. My children, while not being able first of the photographs was of me at the I met Dr Dreier and others involved with to understand all the German dialogue, age of four. Professor Lichtblau was most the production of this DVD, including were equally impressed and had a unique impressed that I still retained my school Frau Irmgard Bibermann and Herr Horst experience. satchel – which is still in almost mint Schreiber. For the actual presentation, my We all came home richer for the condition. Other items in my possession son Michael joined us from London. remarkable experience we had had and that he found of great interest included During this stay, I visited my old the hospitality we had received from the my Stammbuch, an item treasured by grammar school, the Innsbruck Gym­ 21st-century Austrian people. schoolchildren in my time and containing nasium, where I gave a talk to about 40 Dorli Neale train that arrived in Theresienstadt from have had to imagine the way he looked telling silly little stories as two-year-olds Westerbork on 6 September 1944. for it is unlikely that she ever received do, and as her younger sister did when By that time he had long learned to a picture. She will have had to make do she was a child: Claere and Friedel were speak. When he was eight months old, with the few words on his demeanour that three years apart. his mother had reported to her sister his parents wrote towards the end of the that ‘he says mama’ (13 March 1942), known correspondence. On 9 July 1943, IN MEMORIAM Klara (Claere, Cläre) Ikenberg- and eight months later she had reported three days after Kurt’s second birthday, his Löwenhardt Sterkrade 12.07.1906 father wrote that ‘he prefers to play out­ that he ‘says grandma and granddad’ (12 – Auschwitz, October 1944 November 1942). Kurt’s own grandparents side’ – presumably Kurt would have been Ludwig Ikenberg Altenbeken 11.09.1907 were never in Westerbork but there were thrilled by the opening of the playground – Auschwitz, October 1944 trainloads of elderly people, some of two months later. For a boy of two there Kurt Herbert Ikenberg Hooghalen whom he will doubtless have spoken to. was little in the way of toys to play with 06.07.1941 – Auschwitz, October 1944 Soon after, ‘he repeats everything said to inside barrack 15, where he lived with his Friedericka (Friedel) Löwenhardt him’ (9 December 1942). On 7 January parents. The day before, his father wrote Sterkrade 26.07.1909 – London? 1943, Claere proudly writes that he that Kurt was ‘a real boy’ (8 July 1943). The author wishes to thank Raymund ‘repeats everything that’s said’ and three On 23 September Claere wrote the Schütz of the Netherlands Red Cross weeks later he ‘speaks a lot’ (28 January last sentence on Kurt: ‘Kurtchen is doing Archives for his help and advice and 1943). On 27 February 1943, Kurtchen wonderfully; he is very lively, a little rascal Menachem Löwenhardt of Haifa for ‘speaks and sings beautifully’. In a final who croaks like you.’ making available the correspondence report on his speech, one year before In this last sentence, Kurt’s mother links between Friedel and Claere. deportation, his father writes that ‘he likes her son to her sister for the first time, using John Löwenhardt to speak and sing’ (2 September 1943). the outdated German verb ‘unken’. It is This is an abridged version of an article that Kurt’s aunt Friedel in London was most difficult to say what she was hinting at, appeared on the website of the Amsterdam likely the only person outside Westerbork if anything. ‘Unke’ is German for a toad. Museum of Jewish History: http://www.com­ who knew of his existence. Friedel will She may simply have meant that Kurt loved munityjoodsmonument.nl/page/280769/nl

5 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

first and had to go through the kitchen to reach the only bathtub in the house. Somewhat better accommodation was found after a while. I believe, incidentally, that my parents knew the Kirsch family quite well. I was still at school in 1940 (in the sixth form) and travelled to London every morning by the workman’s train, which left Letchworth at 6.33 and arrived at King’s Cross at 7.58 – then on to Univer­ HABSBURG TWILIGHT memory, thank you! sity College School in Hampstead (the Sir – An interesting ‘if’ question seems John Martins (formally Schmalz), school had big cellars serving as air raid to me to arise out of Anthony Grenville’s Manchester shelters and had decided to stay in Lon­ splendid aperçu of Austrian history in your don). I also went rowing for the school October issue. HISTORY OF THE and often didn’t return to Letchworth If there had been no Sarajevo, and KINDERTRANSPORTS until 10 in the evening. My homework Franz Ferdinand had succeeded the old Sir – I am always keenly interested in was done on the train. gentleman in the normal way in 1916 the articles by Anthony Grenville and ‘A Letchworth was, no doubt, a pleasant (I am assuming that a general European history of the Kindertransports’ in your place in which to live but I found it boring, war would have come only a generation September issue was no exception and with many churches and no pubs. At any or so later), would the Karl/Otto line held my particular attention. rate, we were spared the Blitz. ever have ascended? Or would Franz The contribution made by Rabbi Dr Professor Ernst Sondheimer Ferdinand, once he had become emperor, Schonfeld in the name of Jewish children London N6 have succeeded in ‘de-morganaticising’ from the continent was touched upon. I Sophie and would the way therefore well remember the instance of the youths Sir – I remember my childhood as an have been paved for his Hohenberg son whom he brought to England after the evacuee in Letchworth during the Sec­ eventually? war as I was one of the pupils of the ond World War. On his release from Otto came to London under the Avigdor High School who returned to internment, my father regularly attended auspices of the Anglo-Austrian Society London at the end of the evacuation from the Sephardi services with me in tow. I about six years ago and gave a talk on Shefford (Beds.). marvelled at the magnificently plated current Central European issues in a Moreover, it seems that studies have boxes containing the Torah scrolls and, at committee room at the House of Lords. been made of the Jewish children who Chanukah, the no-candle oil-burning cruse I went and was much impressed. At well came to England before and after the war. tray. Many a time after we had put our over 90, he was – in excellent, if heavily I wonder, however, whether any research coats on and were leaving, Rabbi Sassoon accented, English – totally in command has been done regarding Jewish children would send his Indian servant to fetch us of the situation and did not falter for who escaped to this country during the back from beyond the gate for a sumptu­ a second. His daughter, Countess Ilona war, as my mother, sister and I were ous lunch – a mitzvah for which we were Esterhazy, Mrs Mark Bignall, who lives in fortunate to do, fleeing from France via always very grateful. A lush affair in those this country, sat next to him. He spoke Spain and Portugal and arriving in Bristol days was a reception after the wedding of for an hour. (by air) on 19 February 1942. I would Flora Sassoon, which extended to the lawn Charles Regan, London NW6 be interested to learn about any other at Sollershott West on a fine summer’s refugees/survivors. day, I recall. Sir – I always enjoy Anthony Grenville’s (Mrs) Ira Brysh, Bournemouth My mother made me sing, resentfully, articles, but this month ‘The Habsburg a Christmas carol in the cold, standing twilight’, and one paragraph in particular, Sir – Re Anthony Grenville’s review of it outside the door of a Quaker lady who brought memories flooding back. Yes, ‘The in your September issue, Vera Fast’s A had helped us earlier with gifts of clothes. Radetzky March’! History of the Kindertransport is the most However, we were not safe from the My late father, born in 1908, originated comprehensive statement I have so far Luftwaffe. One night, with the aid of in the town of Gnesen in the province of read. And it is very readable by anyone. a stirrup pump, my father helped the Posen, Germany. He told me that his father A full academic study, which – according landlord extinguish an incendiary bomb was brought up by his grandmother alone to some – needs to be written, may not which had glanced off the roof during an from an early age as her husband was a achieve the same. air raid. Next day, two more (unexploded) soldier and had been killed in some conflict Eva Hayman, MA, New Zealand bombs were found in the grounds in (I have a picture of him in uniform dated Letchworth Lane: the Spirella corset 1840-ish). My father also spoke of one CHILDHOOD IN LETCHWORTH factory, then making parachutes (I was of his uncles who was a soldier as well Sir – I was very interested in the article told in hushed tones), may have been the and a knee dancer who used to perform ‘Jewish life in Letchworth’ in your October target. Cheder for me was Ashkenazi and in front of the troops as they marched. I issue as I lived in Letchworth myself at on the other side of town. I carried a torch recently discovered that Gnesen is where one time. to get me home in the black-out. infantry and cavalry regiments had their My family had come from Germany in I still have my B’nai Akiva badge, but fixed quarters. 1937. We lived in Highgate before the war my Irish holiday with them after the war As a boy aged six in 1950, I remember and stayed there until the early weeks of is another story. that every Sunday after lunch my late the Blitz in 1940. Then, when a colleague Leon Paget (born Pfingst), father would go into the front room and was killed in an air raid, my father decided Brighton play the piano. He would run through a that we must leave London and we moved medley of tunes but always finish with to Letchworth. My (somewhat patchy) A WONDERFUL CELEBRATION LUNCH ‘The Radetzky March’, which he would recollection is that we all – father, mother Sir – I have just come home from the most belt out at full blast. A very happy and two children – lived in one room at wonderful 70th Anniversary Lunch of the

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AJR. It was outstanding and I would like to particularly on Jews, at Gardiner’s Corner fascinated by Reverend Lewi’s magnificent thank the organisers and all the volunteers at Aldgate and round the corner in Cable voice – he could have had a career as an for all their hard work. It certainly was Street, the 3,000 black-shirted bullies met opera singer – and, later in my life, I was appreciated by me. the united might of the local residents. privileged to have been the GP to Reverend Dorli Neale, Edgware, Middx Happily, they got a very bloody nose and Lewi and other members of his family. ultimately stumbled and staggered in Reverend Lewi’s only son, David, was for Sir – Having attended an AJR Lunch for the retreat to Temple Tube Station. many years a Midlands-based solicitor and first time, I want to tell you that my wife We should also joyfully remember that now lives in retirement in London. He does and I enjoyed it hugely. the locals did not stand alone. Progressives not see your Journal but I have sent him As a longstanding critic with the and radicals of diverse hues banded round the relevant page and he has already made Munich Opera Magazine and as a trained them and supported local organisations, contact, and enjoyed a long reminiscence, amateur opera singer myself, I very much especially the Jewish People’s Council – with Michael. enjoyed your excellent quartet. The perhaps a lesson for us when we read of What of ‘the Chief Rabbi of Birming­ superb, powerful and technically faultless the treatment of Travellers and asylum- ham’? I had not realised my native town singing of Jonathan Fisher stood out on seekers. Also, we need to recall that this was so important as to have a chief a level on its own. But each of the four failure caused or contributed to Italian rabbi! However, I identify this person artists gave of their best, which was very money drying up and the BUF going into as the Reverend Dr Abraham Cohen good indeed. a gradual but steady decline. How many (1887-1957), Chief Minister at Singers Finally, may I say how much I appreciated Kindertransportees owe their lives to the Hill from 1913 to 1949 before he became your chairman’s interesting report, which growing political irrelevance of organised President of the Board of Deputies (the indicated the fantastic amount of work Fascism in Britain? only religious leader in the Board’s entire which he is doing on our behalf. Francis Deutsch, history to have held such a position). My Dr Frederick Wolfgang Rosner, Saffron Walden late first wife, Jane (née Mindelsohn, Chigwell, Essex 1938-84), was a granddaughter of Dr CONFLICTING EMOTIONS Cohen and her family and the Lewi family Sir – We attended the 70th Anniversary Sir – Recently my wife and I saw the were close friends. Dr Cohen never took Celebration Lunch at the Hilton Hotel, Wat­ film Marga, presented by Ludi Boeken Semicha and so was not a rabbi, but ford and wanted to tell you how much we (Jewish, born in Amsterdam just after he was a most eminent Jewish scholar enjoyed both the ­entertainment and the the Second World War) and based on the and editor of the Soncino Chumash catering. Many thanks for all your ­efforts in book Unter Bauern – Retter in der Nacht. (and many other books of theological making this Lunch a great success. It is a splendid film on a Holocaust theme, significance). The only other time I have Ben Godfrey, Lily Nelson, showing how the former comrades of the ever seen him described (incorrectly as Edgware, Middx Jewish horse dealer Menne Spiegel hid mentioned) as a rabbi is on the marriage him in one of their stables and allowed his certificate of his eldest son, which docu­ Sir – I am writing to show my appreciation wife and little daughter to assume a new ment Dr Cohen probably never saw since of the wonderful 70th Anniversary Lunch identity as refugees from a bombed city in he was most certainly not present at the and concert at the Watford Hilton. My Westphalia despite the initial opposition of wedding. Michael Cohen married in a family and I loved the lunch and tea and their families. The film is closely based on Catholic ceremony on Shabbat and Dr the operatic concert was the best ever. the book by Menne’s wife Marga, which ­Cohen never saw his son again (his wife All the artists taking part were excellent. is based on her diary. The mainly Jewish was not so resolute in her disapproval It was a lovely choice of programme, a audience here in Brussels, fascinated, and saw him occasionally, surreptitious­ great violinist and pianist and very tal­ debated for a couple of hours the interplay ly, when her husband was not around). ented singers. of conflicting emotions – the peasants’ As to why Dr Cohen is described as a Thank you to all the staff at the AJR fear of being found out and accused of rabbi on his son’s marriage certificate, we for giving us this memorable great ; the Jews’ parallel fears; Menne’s can only speculate and there is nobody occasion and for all the good work you loneliness leading to mental breakdown; around now who can give a definitive have done during the past years for and some surprises at the end of the war answer. It could have been Michael, in a us since we came as refugees. Special with the US army. continuing act of defiance, naming his thanks to Susie Kaufman and all the I think this film would be of interest father in such terms while knowing it was staff at Cleve Road Day Centre when it to AJR members because there must be untrue; or it could have been simply the closes at the end of the year to relocate many survivors who experienced some of secular registrar, not knowing enough to Belsize Square Synagogue. We will the happenings portrayed and because about the niceties of such intra-religious always have fond memories of the Cleve it highlights a few of the 450 ‘Just of the distinctions, giving him the label because Road Day Centre. Nations’ in Germany itself. it sounded right! The ‘marriage out’ cast Josie Dutch, London NW2 Eric Mark, Brussels a shadow over the Cohen family for two generations (my late wife was unaware ANNIVERSARY OF OCTOBER 4 MICHAEL SANKIE MEMOIR she had this uncle until she was herself an Sir – October 4 is a significant anniversary Sir – I was very interested to see this item in adult), but such is one of the ironies of our which we should joyfully celebrate. your August issue, although, since it is only people’s history that father and son now Seventy-five years ago, October 4 was a an extract from a larger account, it is not lie buried within a few yards of each other cloudless, sunny Sunday and was pencilled clear how Michael came to Birmingham in the Witton Jewish cemetery. in as the day that would prove beyond or what was his age at the time or the Dr Anthony Joseph, President, Jewish doubt the popularity and invincibility date. Since he was 19 in 1946, he must Genealogical Society of Great Britain, of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of have been very young and it was perhaps Smethwick, West Midlands Fascists (BUF) in a march by them through about 1939? London’s Jewish quarter. Despite months Michael talks about ‘Wolf Levy’, whom I A SHARK BY ANY OTHER NAME of attempts to split the Jews from the Irish, identify as Reverend Wolf Lewi, appointed Sir – A note to correct the information and both from the poorest Londoners, as First Reader to Singers Hill Synagogue, in all the biographies of Robert Capa, and despite weeks of intimidatory attacks, Birmingham in 1933. As a child, I was continued on page 16

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making his genre less definable. As he studies their movement, he engages with REVIEWs their hard graft and reconciles it with his own. The strength and rigour of their On the ruins of Jerusalem pose, mannered or natural, their physical ZEITSTRÖME. LEBENSLINIEN IM contortions, the firmly planted feet, all REALEN SOZIALISMUS DER DDR: come from careful study of the models MITWIRKUNG UND ANPASSUNG who posed in his studio. He recorded Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, e may seem inspired by young multiple positions of a limb. He would 2011, Schriftenreihe der Cajewitz- dancers en pointe, but the work of later define his work, which became Stiftung, Band 3, 338 pp., HEdgar Degas is closely attuned to increasingly muscular, as representing ISBN 978-3-8305-1897-6 photography and movement. The very title ‘movement in its exact truth’. To reach this he Cajewitz Foundation runs a number of the Royal Academy’s latest exhibition, truth, speed was clearly of the essence. of residences in Berlin for ‘Senioren’, Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Another 19th-century artist preferred to Tthe politically correct German term Movement (until 11 December), gives the haunt his public with gothic images of the for old age pensioners. In addition, they game away. The scientific influences of the end of days. John Martin – Apocalypse have now published Zeitströme, a volume new explorative photographers Etienne- at Tate Britain (until 15 January) – used of penetrating interviews with their resi­ Jules Marey and Eadweard Muybridge biblical stories and the poetry of John dents, mainly former East Germans, about are evident in the movement of his dancers Milton to convey his outlandish and their life in the ‘realen Sozialismus’ of the German Democratic Republic. at the barre and in repose, in sketches often garish paintings of the fate awaiting This reviewer, who as a broadcaster travelled repeatedly in the GDR, was astonished by their nostalgia for that world. I recall 1989, struggling to push my way through jubilant crowds as the Wall was breached and the regime collapsed. But the six witnesses in this volume retain a far more positive view of that other Germany. I will concentrate on the longest interview – and by far the most interesting. It is with a ­Jewish couple, Henny and Norbert Jacob, interviewed sensitively by their own son, a psychologist. Both parents came from leftist families. Henny, a Berliner from a poor Polish-Jewish background, managed to escape as the pounded on the door to arrest her family. The family perished at Auschwitz, but she found shelter with a succession of non-Jewish Communist Party members who hid her at great risk to themselves. Henny’s future husband, Norbert, came John Martin The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (1852) from an assimilated German-Jewish family of theatre directors/actors. They migrated and pastels (which Degas possibly never sinners – but also the ineffable joys of to Palestine when he was a child. However, intended as more than working drawings), heaven for the good. as he grew up, he decided to return to and in the disappointingly few oil paintings As though inviting some hostile force build a new Germany: ‘I could never on show. Everything is illuminated by into his art, The Destruction of Pompeii and accept that the Nazis could deprive me of contemporary photography and early film. Herculaneum, a masterpiece of swirling my homeland.’ He disliked the attitude Degas’s closely observed dancers are colour and energy, was itself nearly of many Jews in Palestine towards their often based on photographs. One has destroyed by Thames flood water in 1928. Arab neighbours; to him, it resembled the Nazi attitude to Jews. He joined the her foot on a piano; another rests on a Restored to near its former grandeur, it Jewish Brigade of the British army. In cello. Some of his bronzes are particularly is on show for the first time in a century. 1945, stationed in Italy, he was on a course beautiful. Degas also photographed birds Biblical catastrophe was Martin’s learning to use explosives for demolition. and seagulls, clearly seeing a metaphor theme song, from Belshazzar’s Feast to the When neither he nor his mates displayed in their grace and flawless style, for The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. any interest (the war was virtually over), which even the most talented dancer He clearly fulfilled a public taste for the their officer bawled them out: ‘You idiots! would have to offer hours of pain and lurid and, while popular with Dickens Hasn’t it dawned on you that this is not practice. It culminates in his most famous and the Brontes, was shunned by Ruskin for use in this war but for later – against work, the sculpture of The Little Dancer and Wordsworth. In works which virtually Arabs and their houses!’ This increased his alienation. When posted to Germany, Aged Fourteen, with her static pose and anticipate Hollywood’s epics, you can he and several comrades from the Jewish insouciant gaze, the real material of her sense Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Brigade deserted and went east. dress almost literally woven in the bronze. Martin’s work is beloved of science Norbert and his future wife involved It is arguable whether Degas was fiction writers and has found its way onto themselves with enthusiasm in what an Impressionist at all. Critics in 1874 heavy metal album covers. Probably most became the GDR. They wanted to ensure, considered him more a Realist or exciting is the Tate’s son et lumière version they said, that nothing like the Nazi regime Naturalist, but his empathy is romantic, of his Last Judgement triptych. could ever arise again. Conditions were bad.

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They lived on very meagre rations in bad Israel don’t leave me cold. Whether I hear The family are held for several days in the accommodation but worked long hours. good or bad, I prick up my ears. If Jews Vélodrome, with tens of thousands of Both were offered an excellent education, accomplish something good, I’m proud as other Jews, in baking hot heat without which opened careers to them. Their spare if one of my own family had done so. But I food, water or adequate toilet facilities, time was employed with ‘enttrümmern’ – also see things that displease me. I’ve not then taken to a holding camp. The young clearing the rubble of bombed buildings become blind.’ Mayance conveys Sarah’s naivety as these and recycling bricks. Holidays were spent Norbert added: ‘I’ve never felt proud to terrible events unfold with the empathy of helping with harvesting. They became be a Jew. I did nothing to become one. I one well beyond her years. Communist Party members and worked was born into it. But being joined by a com­ Over 60 years later, Julia Jarmond, as educators and later as administrators. mon fate does definitely play a role. When sympathetically underplayed by Kristin In old age, they became somewhat more Jews achieve something positive I’m happy. Scott Thomas, an American journalist critical of some of the failings of their state. It gives me joy when a magnificent pianist married to a French architect, is doing a They disliked the segregated and protected or violin virtuoso is called Zuckerman or feature on this little spoken-of event in suburbs reserved for high Party officials. Perlman or Barenboim … Henny and I often French history. Realising that her in-laws’ On the other hand, they found the Soviet laugh about it, but there it is. There has apartment was acquired in August 1942, suppression of popular protests in June never been a period when we would have she becomes obsessed with finding out 1953 fully justified. Similarly, they defend wished not to be Jewish.’ the fate of the children who lived there: the later building of the Berlin Wall: ‘One On the other hand, as the years passed, Sarah and her brother. had to act to save the achievements of their attitude to the GDR became more dis­ Via scenes of Julia’s trawls through our state.’ enchanted: ‘Our rigid Party discipline was archives and interviews with now ancient In fact, there were considerable wrong. Decisions have to be debated and witnesses interwoven with flashbacks, achievements: living standards did rise, worked on.’ Norbert, more than his wife, we follow Sarah’s journey. A cynical col­ though never remotely as high as in West became critical of the Politburo – but, as league asks why there is no photo­graphic Germany. But the West had benefited from he emphasises, never of a socialist society evidence of this event: ‘The Germans were American aid and investment. Neverthe­ as such. When the collapse came, they said methodical in their record-keeping.’ The less, the GDR performed better than other they felt they had lost their Heimat for a chilling reality comes in Julia’s response: Warsaw Pact countries. As one of their second time. ‘When I heard that slogan ‘It wasn’t the Germans, it was the French Czech friends said jocularly: ‘You know, “Deutschland – einig Vaterland” I knew police!’ An elderly woman who lived near Comrade Jacob, with you Prussians even that meant capitalist Germany. That’s the the Vélodrome tells Julia: ‘We had to keep the worst system will function somehow!’ end of our GDR … We saw the past com­ the windows closed day and night ­during Norbert and Henny, both obviously ing back. For 40 years we had worked to the hottest days for years.’ ‘Why?’, Julia intelligent people, harboured private ensure we would never have it back … I asks, ‘Because of the noise?’ ‘No, because concerns about the suppression of free hate this world of accountants.­ The books of the stench!’ Stunned, Julia retorts: ‘And discussion within the Party. One example: have to balance. Don’t you think it pains you did nothing?’ ‘What could we do – call Henny, as a young woman, had volun­ us that one of our sons, who has had a the police?’ teered to go to Yugoslavia to help with the decent education, has to live off the dole? We watch the tragedy unfold as building of the Youth Railway, but over­ ... that people of 40, 45 or 50 can find no mothers must leave their children behind night Tito and Yugoslav comrades (some work? … that they’re discarded as scrap when they are transported to ‘The East’ of whom they had met) were declared metal? I ask myself repeatedly: was all – the frantic scramble for food when criminals and fascists. No explanation was my life in vain? I had hoped to see a little local women throw apples through the offered. As disciplined Party members, more success from the things for which I barbed wire to the starving youngsters, they confined their doubts to themselves. gave my strength, my thoughts and my the police viciously forcing them back. Yet The 20th Soviet Party Congress, which life … Yes, we live here, but it is no longer amidst this frenzied rule of the mob, one revealed Stalin’s crimes, shocked them our world. I speak my opinions only in the Frenchman finds the humanity to disobey deeply: ‘Yes, we found that difficult to limited circle of others who, like us, sit on his orders: he allows Sarah to keep her digest.’ However, in 1968, they justified the ruins of Jerusalem and weep.’ apple and helps her to escape. An elderly, the Warsaw Pact intervention in Czecho­ Henny died in 2009. This reviewer, who gruff farmer (Niels Arestrup), initially too slovakia: ‘We had to prevent the country spent an entire life in the opposite camp terrified to help, gives in to his wife and breaking out of the Socialist camp.’ Later, (I was responsible for BBC broadcasts to takes the child into their home. Here Sarah doubts occurred: had they been given true Eastern Europe), nevertheless found this is nurtured throughout the war years. information about Dubcek’s reformist aims? testimony deeply moving. In her obsession to trace the adult They raised three children who all Peter Fraenkel Sarah, Julia visits many countries. The received an excellent education funded sub-plot of Julia’s marriage breakdown by the state. Henny had a major role in Film does come over as a bit contrived, but developing the deep sea fishing industry Scott Thomas is believable as a woman of East Germany. Later, she worked on co- The day of the round-up so traumatised by what she finds that she ordinating food production between the SARAH’S KEY can no longer remain in a comfortable GDR, Bulgaria and Poland. Norbert hoped with Kristin Scott Thomas, world tainted by its past. Finally, she finds to join the diplomatic service, but the years Mélusine Mayance, Niels Arestrup, Sarah’s adult son living in Italy. He has no he had spent in the West made him suspect Frédéric Pierrot idea of his mother’s history or even that and thus ruled him out. He did, however, she was a Jew. join the Ministry of Foreign Trade and directed by Gilles Paquet-Brenner; Adapted from a novel by Tatiana de helped to develop trade with India and screenplay by Gilles Paquet-Brenner Rosnay, Sarah’s Key is directed with a light the ‘developing world’. Later, he became a and Serge Joncour touch by Gilles Paquet-Brenner. He pulls no university lecturer on international affairs. uly 1942. Ten-year-old Sarah Starzynski punches with flashbacks of the day 13,000 Asked about their attitude to Judaism, (Mélusine Mayance) is playing with her Jews were rounded up. Simultaneously, he Henny replied: ‘I share a fate with many. Jbrother in the bedroom of their Paris­ draws us into the reality of what were the It’s that simple. I‘ve had nothing to do ian apartment when there is an ominous consequences to ordinary Parisians of offer­ with the religion. I’ve never belonged to banging on the door. Telling him to stay ing help, putting into Julia’s mouth the a Jewish community. But instinctively I’m there until she returns, Sarah hides him question ‘Well, what would you have done?’ interested in Judaism. The problems of in a cupboard and takes the key with her. continued overleaf

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many of the visitors, now in their eight­ Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. The Na­ reviews continued from page 9 ies, saw themselves and their friends and zis developed the white-supremacy theory exchanged happy memories of their stay into the ‘pure blood of the Aryan master Sarah’s Key is beautifully filmed with at Windermere. But there were also sad race’, Jews and Gypsies being treated as vast landscapes of golden cornfields on memories of those, seen as boys on the ex­ Herero and Nama had been used in the one side of the barbed wire, contrasting hibited pictures, who had now passed on. German colonies. The clear message of this with the stark reality of the camp on the At the exhibition, there was also an book is that failure to remember and take other. The adult Sarah sits alone in her excellent 30-minute video showing the sad into account, in the Nuremberg trials, the car in the pouring rain, the festering guilt and tragic road leading up to Windermere. annihilation of the Herero and Nama has inside her reflected back at her by a grey, Werner Lachs led to widespread amnesia concerning the unforgiving seascape. realities of the colonial period. Those alive Sarah may well be fictitious, but the today are not guilty of what our ancestors event – ‘la rafle’ – is not. It was the first A forgotten genocide perpetrated but we are guilty of colluding round-up of women and children in Paris. with amnesia if we shrug this off as no Children were left behind because, at THE KAISER’S HOLOCAUST: concern of ours. the time, the Vichy government had an GERMANY’S FORGOTTEN Not even in German is there any size­ agreement that no French citizens would GENOCIDE AND THE COLONIAL able literature on these first two genocides be deported, so that the French-born ROOTS OF NAZISM of the 20th century. This is a timely and children of the foreign, mainly Polish, by David Olusoga and extremely important book for the general deportees were left behind while the red Casper W. Erichsen public, whether or not the reader has tape was sorted out. Faber & Faber, 2011, 400 pp. paperback much background historical knowledge. In fact, in the summer of 1942, 74 Ruth Barnett trains carried 76,000 Jews to the camps in his historical work reads like a the East, including nearly 10,000 children. gripping novel. I was periodically obliged to remind myself that all Postgraduate & How do I know this? Because I was there. T leeds Research Centre Had an anonymous French policeman not this was indeed the horrific reality of our college TEREZIN found his humanity to warn my Polish- European past. David Olusoga is an Anglo- of music MUSIC HUB born mother and helped us to escape, Nigerian historian and TV/radio producer INTERNATIONAL TEREZIN who studied the accounts of native South I would not be here writing this article. MUSIC CONFERENCE West Africans of the colonial period Joan Salter 26-27 February 2012 and compared them with the ‘revised’ Commemorating the centenary of history created and perpetuated by the Exhibition the birth of Eliska Kleinova Europeans. Casper Erichsen, his co-author, he Terezin Music Hub at Leeds The story of ‘The Boys’ studied the genocide of the Herero and College of Music would like to invite Nama at the University of Namibia. FROM AUSCHWITZ TO AMBLESIDE THolocaust survivors as honoured The tragic drama begins with the brutal guests to its International Terezin Music Manchester, 27 July-8 September 2011 subjugation of native tribes by British, Conference. Survivors will receive free anchester Regional Group of French, Dutch and Belgian ‘masters’ in passes for entry to all conference events the Jewish Genealogical Society their African colonies, labouring under and for all meals and refreshments. of Great Britain, in conjunction the delusion – or deception – that they Unfortunately, the Hub is unable to pay M for travel or accommodation. with Another Space, set up an exhibition were bringing culture and civilisation to The Ambassador to the Czech at the United Synagogue, Manchester to the backward native peoples. The Kaiser’s Republic, Michael Zantovksy, will open tell the remarkable story of some 300 child Second Reich, reluctantly at first, joined the conference, and the College is Holocaust survivors who came to the Lake the ‘colonial club’, not so much to exploit delighted to announce that he will be the District in 1945. Their story was featured African resources as for ‘Lebensraum’ to Honorary Patron of the Hub. The event will in the BBC One documentary ‘The Orphans expand into. The German colonial military, commemorate the centenary of the birth Who Survived the Concentration Camps’. supported by propaganda in Germany of Eliska Kleinova (1912-1999), which falls ‘The Boys’, as they were known, were based on ‘Wild West’ mythology of the on 27 February. She was the sister of the housed on the site of an aircraft factory ‘American Frontier’ and goaded by envy of composer and pianist Gideon Klein, who played such a seminal role in Terezin’s the British Empire, developed this domina­ and its environs. Short Brothers produced cultural life. Professor Kleinova, herself a the famous Sunderland flying boats which tion into a white-supremacy theory that Terezin prisoner and Auschwitz survivor, played such an important part in the war deprived the so-called inferior races of became a greatly respected Prague-based against the deadly U-boats. The aircraft Africa of any right to life unless they were music pedagogue. were first built in the south of the country, of use to the furtherance of the ‘superior Michael Beckerman of New York but the factory was vulnerable to German Aryan race’. As they argued, the exter­ University, and conductor Murry Sidlin, air attacks and it was moved to the shores mination of the Herero and Nama was will be distinguished keynote speakers. of Lake Windermere. Accommodation and necessary and inevitable. They also had Maestro Sidlin will conduct a performance schools had to be found for the workers no scruples in using native prisoners, in of Beethoven’s Choral Symphony in Leeds on 29 February. Zdenka Fantlova, Terezin who had relocated to the area and it was concentration camps such as Shark Island, survivor and author of the biographical here after the war, when production of the for so-called medical experiments and The Tin Ring, will talk about the cultural aircraft had ceased, that the youngsters shipping skulls and body parts to order for life of Terezin and her personal memories rescued from the camps were lodged. use in German universities, where some of of Gideon and Eliska. Other conference The exhibition paid tribute to the local them remain today. In particular, the medi­ events include the UK premiere of the population who welcomed the youngsters. cal museum of the Berlin Charité has so documentary Defiant Requiem. On show were photographs of the far refused to return its store of preserved Anyone wishing to attend should site first as the factory producing the air­ body parts to Namibia for decent burial. send their name and contact details to [email protected] stating whether craft and then as home for the liberated Olusoga and Erichsen demonstrate how they wish to attend the whole conference, youngsters. There were pictures of happy, this tragedy was the prelude to Hitler’s or a part of it. Queries should also be smiling children who not long before had seeking to colonise Eastern Europe as a re­ directed to this email. been part of the horrors of the Holocaust. placement for the Kaiser’s colonies in Africa Dr David Fligg, Conference Director, At the official opening of the exhibition, that were, so to speak, unfairly stolen from Principal Lecturer in Classical Music

10 ‘A very special occasion’: The AJR’s 70th Anniversary Celebration Lunch Over 250 AJR members and guests enjoyed a sparkling ‘70th Anniversary Celebration Lunch with Song’ at the Watford Hilton Hotel. Among guests from abroad was Michael Rosenstock, son of Werner Rosenstock, former editor of the AJR Information (now AJR Journal). There were warm messages of greeting from His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales and Prime Minister David Cameron. Operatic entertainment was provided by Glenys Groves and colleagues, with music during lunch by the Franklin String Trio. AJR Chairman Andrew Kaufman, welcoming guests to ‘this very special occasion’, noted ‘how incredibly active an organisation’ the AJR was. AJR Vice Chairman David Rothenberg gave a vote of thanks.


Finance Director Gordon Greenfield retires in style JR staff, honorary officers and with colleagues, while Dr Colin Livingston, friends gathered for an emotional Chairman of the committees which Afarewell party for Finance Director distribute welfare funds to survivors and Gordon Greenfield hosted by the AJR refugees, equally paid fulsome tribute Trustees in late September (see ‘An era to Gordon. comes to an end: Finance Director Gordon Responding, Gordon said that for him Greenfield to retire’ in last month’s issue ‘It has not just been an unsurpassed expe­ of the Journal). The event took place at rience to have got to know many survivors Belsize Square Synagogue Hall. and refugees, but it has been essential to Tribute was paid to Gordon by the process of keeping in touch with the AJR Chairman Andrew Kaufman, who reality of what we do and why we do it.’ described it as ‘one of the more difficult In a further message to AJR members, and less enjoyable aspects of being Gordon added: ‘I would like to extend my Chairman: to say farewell to someone who grateful thanks to all the many members has served us so loyally and professionally who have written wonderful letters and and always sought the best for the AJR.’ cards to me on my retirement. I will He presented Gordon with a state-of-the- have a turn!’ always treasure my years with the AJR art Galaxy Samsung PC, expressing the AJR Director Michael Newman referred and I hope to keep in touch and see you wish that he enjoy it and keep in touch to the excellent working relationships and again at some time in the not too distant with it – ‘if your granddaughter lets you genuine friendships Gordon had forged future.’

11 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

A very good lunch preceded the show, as Many Jewish Festival participants came usual arranged by Myrna Glass. along and performed extracts from, and G. M. Ettinger discussed, their shows, introduced by producer and writer David Neville. All Essex (Westcliff) The financial crisis under one roof – the best way to sample Tim Pike, the Bank of England’s Deputy the delights of the Fringe! Agnes Isaacs Glasgow Book Group Agent for the South East and East Anglia, Our small but lively group gathered at the gave a fascinating talk about the financial home of Marion Camrass to discuss Laurie and economic crisis of the last three years. ‘A truly splendid event’ Graham’s novel The Importance of Being The ensuing lively exchange of views went North London Regional Get-together Kennedy. The discussion, led by Agnes on well beyond the allotted time for the Some 30 of us met at the New North Isaacs and Anthea Berg, was spirited. The meeting. London Masorti Synagogue, where tea was delicious. Our next hostess will be Sue Barnett Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg gave an Next meeting: 8 Nov. Mitzvah Day Charities Judith Rosenberg. account of his 20-day walk, accompanied Halina Moss by his dog, from Frankfurt to Finchley. ALSO MEETING IN NOVEMBER His journey was inspired by reading his Kingston A double treat Oxford 1 Nov. Details to follow grandfather’s memoirs and the desire We had a double treat. Darren Welstead Norfolk 17 Nov. Lunchtime get- to explore his family roots. of the Bank of England gave us a most together Following an excellent lunch, Charlie enlightening talk about the Bank and Nottingham 23 Nov. Lunchtime and Freddie Draper treated us to a its vaults of gold. This was followed by get-together delightful musical interlude on the a sumptuous lunch prepared by Susan double bass and theremin, a little known Zisman. Jackie Cronheim early electronic instrument producing Harrogate ‘Wishing The happiest of hauntingly beautiful sounds. New Years!’ As ever, it was a joy to meet up with Pinner An interesting introduction Edith, a new member of our gang to 19th-century political cartoons ‘old’ faces and meet new ones. Our who recently moved to the North from thanks to the AJR organisers and the Ros Adams gave us a most interesting Kingston, was heartily welcomed by eight team of local volunteers for a truly introduction to 19th-century political car­ of the old stalwarts. We chatted about splendid event. toons, from Punch and similar magazines. recent events several of us had attended Hanne R. Freedman These cartoons were very detailed, much and those of us still ignorant learned about more so than current ones. Beth Shalom and its work. Susanne Green, Temple Fortune Paul Samet our wonderful mentor, brought future Next meeting: 3 Nov. Dennis Hart, ‘My Life events to our notice and we decided to Separated Child Foundation as a Fleet Street Journalist’ meet again on 16 February next, wishing The SCF’s Angela Gluck gave us an each other and distant friends the happiest in-depth account of the role of this Ealing AJR potpourri of New Years. Inge Little organisation in helping young adults We had a lively discussion on the future of who come to this country fleeing war and the AJR, concentrating on the involvement West Midlands (Birmingham) persecution. Rosette Wolf of the second and third generations. We Next meeting: 10 Nov. Maurice Collins, ‘Children of the Third Reich’ ‘The Antiques Road Show’ then debated other topical subjects in A Powerpoint presentation by Howard the latest AJR Journal and had a light- Falksohn, Archivist of the Wiener Library, Welwyn Garden City hearted look at the AJR book Recipes on schoolchildren in Nazi Germany was The world put to rights Remembered. Esther rounded off the followed by members speaking of their A lovely afternoon spent at Monica’s afternoon with a general knowledge quiz. own experiences. We had with us 20 home. We welcomed a new member. The Leslie Sommer children brought by their teacher to learn afternoon whizzed by with much talk on Next meeting: 1 Nov. Separated Child a little about the Holocaust experienced every subject and the world was put to Foundation by children of their age group. rights. Hazel Beiny Hanna Cooper Ilford Do you believe in Next meeting: 8 Nov. Discussion: Some- coincidences? thing that means a lot to you Bernard Ecker entertained, sharing some Glasgow ‘Life of a playwright’ of the extraordinary coincidences he had Playwright and producer David Ian Neville Brighton and Hove Sarid experienced in the course of his life, with gave us a window on how wide and A tempestuous relationship some members trying to match him. A very varied are his activities: producing works Rob Lowe gave us a presentation on enjoyable morning. by leading Scottish writers, developing Gilbert and Sullivan, delivered in his Edith Poulsen new dramatic talent, and helping groups superb deep bass tone and illustrated by Next meeting: 2 Nov. David Wass, to realise their dramatic undertakings. A recordings and brief renditions. Theirs was ‘Shoplifting’ satisfying start to the season’s activities. a tempestuous relationship: Gilbert had Halina Moss the idea, Sullivan supplied the music and HGS The Bank of England Gilbert then wrote the dialogue. Darren Welstead returned three months Wembley The second and Shirley Huberman after his first visit to inform and entertain third generations Next meeting: 21 Nov. Mitzvah Day us about the role of the Bank of England Having heard how the AJR groups had Charities in providing our bank notes and looking evolved in the last 14-15 years, members after what’s left of the UK’s gold reserves. discussed attitudes of the second and third Edgware The story of Thomas Cook Laszlo Roman generations to their relatives’ experiences. Joy Hooper presented the story of Thomas Next meeting: 7 Nov. Julia Samuel from It was noted that even within families Cook in such a pleasant way that we had the Anglo-Jewish Association there were wide contrasts. the feeling of being on a tour organised Myrna Glass by Thomas Cook ourselves. He left school Wessex ‘Women of the Bible’ Next meeting: 16 Nov. Social get-together at the age of ten and built up a business Over 30 members enjoyed a most which is still going strong after over 170 interesting concert as well as the biblical Edinburgh All under one roof years. painting display ‘Women in the Bible’, We enjoyed a bagel lunch as well as the Felix Winkler assembled and presented by Alan Cohen, at best of Jewish talent at the Edinburgh Fes­ Next meeting: 15 Nov. Melville Faber, the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation. tival Open Day at Edinburgh synagogue. ‘History of the Second World War’

12 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

Tea and cake with Edith Paul Balint AJR Centre (From left) Edith Kaufmann; Rosemary 15 Cleve Road, London NW6 Peters, AJR; Jacqueline Oppenheimer, Tel: 020 7328 0208 friend of Edith; Martin Reichard, Austrian Embassy, Counsellor (Press AJR LUNCHEON CLUB and Information); Alfred Oppenheimer, Wednesday 16 November 2011 friend of Edith and AJR member Edith Kaufmann, 107, takes tea Howard Falksohn with friends at Hammerson House, ‘The Wiener Library‘ Hampstead. Edith, an AJR member originally from Vienna, has had three PLEASE NOTE THAT SPEAKERS letters from the Queen. Among her START AT 12 NOON hobbies are art, scrabble and bridge. Please be aware that members should not automatically assume that they are on the Luncheon Club list. It is now necessary, on receipt of your Café Imperial An incredible day out South West Region Holocaust copy of the AJR Journal, to phone the Centre on An incredible day out for our group of 020 7328 0208 to book your place. veterans! 12 men and 1 woman with Memorial Book only 2 members under the age of 90 left The AJR groups in the South West Re­ Golders Green by coach for the Jewish KT-AJR gion – Bournemouth, Bath, Bristol and Kindertransport special Military Museum. All our members wore the South West – are collating registers interest group their military insignia. From the Museum of names of people in their area whose we went for lunch to Orli Café in Hendon family members perished in the Holo­ Monday 7 November 2011 and the whole day was a tremendous caust. Clive Marks success. Hazel Beiny The names, together with photographs (where possible) and brief histories, will ‘Music through the Radlett Norwood Children’s Service be included in a Memorial Book which Holocaust‘ Karen Goodman spoke about the Norwood will be on permanent display (locations KINDLY NOTE THAT LUNCH Children’s Service and gave a vivid yet to be decided). Copies of the book WILL BE SERVED AT 12.30 PM ON MONDAYS account of her work for unaccompanied will be distributed to members and used Reservations required asylum-seekers and trafficked children, for educational purposes, ensuring that Please telephone 020 7328 0208 many arriving in Dover. An exceptionally those who perished will be remembered enlightening talk. Fritz Starer by future generations. Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Next meeting: 16 Nov. Rob Lowe, ‘Gilbert The Imperial War Museum considers 9.30 am – 3.30 pm and Sullivan’ the AJR Memorial Books ‘important historical records’. Yad Vashem and Please note that the Centre is AJR GROUP CONTACTS other museums and libraries have closed on Tuesdays Bradford Continental Friends requested copies of the books for their November Entertainment Lilly and Albert Waxman 01274 581189 archives. Tue 1 CLOSED Brighton & Hove (Sussex Region) We hope to publish the Memorial Wed 2 Paul Coleman Esther Rinkoff 020 8385 3070 Book in this, the 70th Anniversary Year Thur 3 William Smith Bristol/Bath Myrna Glass 020 8385 3070 of the AJR. Mon 7 KT LUNCH – Kards & Games Klub Cambridge If you would like more informa- Tue 8 CLOSED Hazel Beiny 020 8385 3070 tion or would like your family names Wed 9 Sheila Games Cardiff (parents, siblings, grandparents, Thur 10 Madeleine Whiteson Myrna Glass 020 8385 3077 Mon 14 Kards & Games Klub Cleve Road, AJR Centre aunts, uncles, cousins) to be included Tue 15 CLOSED Myrna Glass 020 8385 3077 in the South West Region Memorial Wed 16 LUNCHEON CLUB Dundee Book, please contact Myrna Glass on Thur 17 Ronnie Goldberg Agnes Isaacs 0755 1968 593 020 8385 3070 or at [email protected] Mon 21 Kards & Games – Ealing Esther Rinkoff 020 8385 3077 Monday Movie Matinee East Midlands (Nottingham) Inside the AJR continued on page 15 Tue 22 CLOSED Bob Norton 01159 212 494 Wed 23 Top Hat Entertainer Edgware North London Thur 24 Roy Blass Hazel Beiny 020 8385 3077 Ruth Jacobs 020 8445 3366 Mon 28 Kards & Games Klub Edinburgh Oxford Tue 29 CLOSED Françoise Robertson 0131 337 3406 Susie Bates 01235 526 702 Wed 30 Michael Heaton & Lynn Radnedge Essex (Westcliff) Pinner (HA Postal District) Larry Lisner 01702 300812 Vera Gellman 020 8866 4833 Glasgow Radlett Claire Singerman 0141 649 4620 Esther Rinkoff 020 8385 3077 Hazel Beiny, Southern Groups Co-ordinator Harrogate Sheffield 020 8385 3070 Inge Little 01423 886254 Steve Mendelsson 0114 2630666 Hendon South London Myrna Glass, London South and Midlands Hazel Beiny 020 8385 3070 Lore Robinson 020 8670 7926 Groups Co-ordinator HGS South West Midlands (Worcester area) 020 8385 3077 Gerda Torrence 020 8883 9425 Myrna Glass 020 8385 3070 Susanne Green, Northern Groups Co-ordinator Hull Surrey 0151 291 5734 Susanne Green 0151 291 5734 Edmée Barta 01372 727 412 Susan Harrod, Groups’ Administrator Ilford Temple Fortune 020 8385 3070 Meta Rosenell 020 8505 0063 Esther Rinkoff 020 8385 3077 Leeds HSFA Weald of Kent Agnes Isaacs, Scotland and Newcastle Trude Silman 0113 237 1872 Janet Weston 01959 564 520 Co-ordinator 0755 1968 593 Liverpool Welwyn Garden City Susanne Green 0151 291 5734 Hazel Beiny 020 8385 3070 Esther Rinkoff, Southern Region Co-ordinator Manchester Wembley 020 8385 3077 Werner Lachs 0161 773 4091 Laura Levy 020 8904 5527 KT-AJR (Kindertransport) Newcastle Wessex (Bournemouth) Andrea Goodmaker 020 8385 3070 Walter Knoblauch 0191 2855339 Mark Goldfinger 01202 552 434 Child Survivors Association–AJR Norfolk (Norwich) West Midlands (Birmingham) Henri Obstfeld 020 8954 5298 Myrna Glass 020 8385 3077 Fred Austin 01384 252310

13 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

hook of holland Jews in India during the Robert Schon Festive unveiling of Second World War Tax Solicitor sculpture The BBC is working on a film about Jews Member of Solicitors for the Elderly who arrived in India during the Holocaust You are cordially invited to the festive and spent time there. I specialise in: unveiling of the sculpture ‘Channel We are specifically interested in getting Estate Planning Crossing to Life’ in touch with people or relatives of those Powers of Attorney and on 30 November 2011 at 3.00 pm who spent time at the camp in Balachadi Deputyship applications at Queen Emmaboulevard as guests of the Maharaja of Jamnagar, Living wills Please confirm your participation to but we would be grateful for any related Tax and non domicile issues including Lisa Bechner on tel + 49 3060401021 stories. helping to bring undeclared offshore funds or at [email protected] If you have any information, we would to the attention of HMRC like to hear from you. Applications by 11 November please Tel 020 7267 5010 Please contact producer Please send recollections of your transit Talya Tibbon on 0790 691 8959 Email: [email protected] through the Hook of Holland for or at [email protected] West Hill House, 6 Swains Lane, documentation purposes London N6 6QS Lisa Bechner (previously Schaefer), Sir Erich Reich and sculptor Home Care Frank Meisler are members of the ColvinCare through quality and volunteers needed Initiative Berliner Kinderdenkmal professionalism www.kindertransporte-1938-39.eu Celebrating our 25th Anniversary To run a bridge club, art club and book club 25 years of experience in providing the For further details, please telephone highest standards of care in the comfort Carol Hart, Head of Volunteer Services, AJR CENTRE AT BELSIZE of your own home on 020 8385 3083 SQUARE SYNAGOGUE From January 2012, the LEO BAECK HOUSING AJR Centre at Belsize Square ASSOCIATION Synagogue will be open on 1 hour to 24 hours care CLARA NEHAB HOUSE Tuesdays and Thursdays Registered through the National Care Standard Commission RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (and not Mondays and Thursdays Small caring residential home with large attractive Call our 24 hour tel 020 7794 9323 gardens close to local shops and public transport as previously announced) www.colvin-nursing.co.uk 25 single rooms with full en suite facilities 24 hour Permanent and Respite Care Entertainment & Activities provided Ground Floor Lounge and Dining Room wanted to buy Lift access to all floors. PillarCare For further information please contact: Quality support and care at home German and The Manager, Clara Nehab House 13-19 Leeside Crescent, London NW11 0DA  English Books Telephone: 020 8455 2286 Hourly Care from 4 hours – 24 hours  Live-In/Night Duty/Sleepover Care Bookdealer, AJR member,  Convalescent and Personal Health Care welcomes invitations to view and purchase valuable books. The Society for  Compassionate and Affordable Service Exile Studies  Professional, Qualified, Kind Care Staff Robert Hornung  Registered with the CQC and UKHCA 10 Mount View, Ealing, London W5 1PR he Gesellschaft für Exilforschung Email: [email protected] (Society for Exile Studies) is the Call us on Freephone 0800 028 4645 Tel: 020 8998 0546 leading academic association devoted T PILLARCARE to the study of emigration and exile from THE BUSINESS CENTRE · 36 GLOUCESTER AVENUE · LONDON NW1 7BB Germany after 1933. Founded in 1984, it PHONE: 020 7482 2188 · FAX: 020 7900 2308 ARTS & EVENTS DIARY november is the most important forum for scholars www.pillarcare.co.uk and researchers in its field in Europe. This Thur 3 Dr Bernhard Rieger (University article is intended to bring the GfE to the analyses exile studies from a gendered College London), ‘From the Third Reich to Postmodernity: The Global History of the attention of British researchers, academics perspective. The conferences of the GfE Volkswagen Beetle’, Centre for German- and students working on exile studies, include work-in-progress sessions specifi­ Jewish Studies, University of Sussex, Arts who could draw considerable benefits cally designed to assist younger scholars A155, 4.00 pm. Booking not required. Tel from joining. and research students to introduce their 01273 678 771 or 020 8381 4721 The GfE publishes a six-monthly news­ work to a wider audience. letter, the Neuer Nachrichtenbrief, to The GfE numbers some 300 individual Mon 7 Dr Fred Rosner, ‘Robert Neumann keep its members informed about new members spread over some 19 countries and his Contemporaries, as Seen through Robert Neumann’s Spectacles’ Club 43 publications, conferences and other as well as some 20 distinguished academic ­developments in its field. It is also re­ institutions. The largest component of Mon 14 Edward Batley, ‘Freemasonry and sponsible for the international yearbook the membership is German, but there The Magic Flute: The Vexed Question of Exilforschung, one of the most highly are active groups of members in Austria, their Origins’ Club 43 Britain, France, the Netherlands and other respected journals devoted to the publica­ Wed 16 B’nai B’rith Jerusalem Lodge. Julian tion of research and the dissemination of countries. The GfE is also considering Romain, ‘The History of the Lord Mayors knowledge about emigration from Ger­ widening the focus of its activities to and Dignitaries of the City of London’ At many. It holds an annual conference every include other cases of exile and emigration home of Tom Heinemann, 2.30 pm. Tel 020 spring, alternating between a German city in the later 20th and 21st centuries. 8904 3568 and a city in another European country. Those interested in joining the GfE Mon 21 Dr Hanne Castein, ‘Renaissance Within the GfE is the section ‘Frauen can do so by registering on the home­ Madonnas (with illustrations)’ Club 43 im Exil’ (Women in Exile), consisting of page: www.exilforschung.de The annual women researchers and scholars; the subscript­ion is fixed by the membership Club 43 Meetings at Belsize Square section holds its annual conference every at the annual conference. Further infor­ Synagogue, 7.45 pm. Tel Ernst Flesch on autumn and publishes the annual series mation can be obtained from Dr Anthony 020 7624 7740 or Helene Ehrenberg on 020 Frauen und Exil (Women and Exile), which Grenville at [email protected]. 7286 9698.

14 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

Obituary Martha Blend, 2 January 1930 – 24 May 2011 artha grew up in Vienna’s and I accompanied them to Martha’s fifth district. Her parents were original home in Vienna, a difficult yet MOrtho­dox Jewish Poles. Elias moving visit. was ‘lustig’, a bookkeeper who resorted Martha gave many talks to schools to handyman work when the Nazis in the UK and Austria. These were banned Jews from civic employment. invariably well received. Retelling her Paula was shy, a Hausfrau with a talent story somehow helped her carry on for languages. Following Kristallnacht, shouldering her burden. She visited Elias was taken for interrogation by SS Vienna several times as guest of the mayor stormtroopers. Soon afterwards, nine- and reached some accommodation with year-old Martha travelled to England on Austria and her traumatic past. In later the Kindertransport. continued through her writings to chal- years, she attended two garden parties Here, Martha began adjusting to lenge anti-Semitism. Later, she sought at Buckingham Palace in recognition of English life, fostered in London by a fairness for many who had experienced her work. She became an active member childless couple. She baulked at another ­persecution – ­Israeli, Palestinian, Rwan- of the British Board of Deputies and a separation when evacuation loomed; dan or Bosnian. supporter of Beth Shalom. ultimately they moved together to Devon. Martha remained devoted to her Martha and David were married for Martha’s arrival at school drew a mixed teaching. In her leisure time, however, she 61 years. David (89) brought optimism, response from peers: having encountered struggled for many years to enjoy herself empathy, drive and warmth into their bullying over her accent, she resolved to and suffered considerable ‘survivor guilt’, relationship. Sadly in recent years he learn English quickly. On returning to aware that she alone of her family had developed Alzheimer’s syndrome after London, she settled at Dalston County survived. losing his sight and hearing. The strain School, where she became firm friends Martha attended the Reunion of of caring for him proved exhausting for with Stella, who introduced her to her Kindertransportees in 1989 – a landmark Martha. Her sudden demise, following the brother David, Martha’s husband-to–be event that inspired her to make a resurgence of an earlier cancer, came as a and later my father. Stella and another commemorative visit to Auschwitz. David, huge shock to her and to us all. She was classmate, Doreen, remained Martha’s who had since become a psychotherapist, relieved to learn that David was coping in a confidantes throughout her life. accompanied her. The experience was supportive nursing home. It was a comfort Martha won two university harrowing. Martha channeled her anger for us that she could end her days within scholarships. A natural linguist, she loved into her writing, producing the beautifully a caring hospice environment. the English language and was fascinated written autobiography A Child Alone, now Martha was a unique presence, lively, by English literature. She considered in its third reprint. shrewd, kind. She could also be irascible, becoming a journalist, though early in her In the ‘noughties’, Martha explored unbending, a force to be reckoned with. married life she opted to become David’s her continental Jewishness with renewed Her presence, wit and energy are sorely assistant, running his medical practice. vigour. She edited the Holocaust Survivor missed. Her legacy includes a substantial She taught English at night school, joined Centre’s newsletter, enlivened their output of poetry and prose. She was a the Council for Christians and Jews, and writers’ group and contributed regularly survivor, a wife, a mother of two sons, and wrote for Encounter magazine. to the AJR Journal. She sought relaxation a campaigner for social justice. May she In the 1970s Martha became acquain­ through singing and learning to play rest in peace. ted with ideas relating to sociology, the flute. She remained surprisingly A longer version of the eulogy delivered ­psychology and feminism. Her experience energetic, escorting David on trips to at Martha’s funeral can be obtained by of early loss left her feeling conflicted Eastern Europe, from where both their contacting me at [email protected]. about the function of religion, though she families originated. In 2010 my family Jon Blend

inside the ajr continued from page 13 Leeds CF detective, filled us in on the subject of Edinburgh Book Festival We watched, and had a lively discussion shoplifting, though no practical training We joined a packed audience to hear Julia on, the DVD ‘Remembering for the Future: was offered. A most interesting morning. Neuberger speak about her new book Is “Question Time”’, an event held at the Herbert Haberberg That All There Is? at the Edinburgh Book Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds last Next meeting: 24 Nov. ‘The CST: Why, Festival, with Richard Holloway debating year. Also Trudie Silman told us about the When and How’ issues such as ethical wills and the mean­ wonderful White Rose Charity Dinner she ing of friendships. A very pleasant and had attended, held to raise money for Beth Hendon The anti-Israel boycott interesting day out. Agnes Isaacs Shalom and with Liza Minnelli as the star Esther Rinkoff led a discussion about an attraction. All washed down as usual with article on the decision by the Edinburgh Cleve Road The CST a good cup of Yorkshire tea and chat. University Students’ Association to Elliott Cohen from the Community Barbara Cammerman boycott Israeli products. The article Security Trust showed us a film of Next meeting: 13 Dec. Yorkshire Chanukah explained point by point how the anti- the Trust’s work then described the Party with David Apfel entertaining Israeli propaganda was factually wrong organisation in further detail before and totally misleading. answering questions. North London Shirley Rodwell David Lang Learning about shoplifting Next meeting: 28 Nov. Mark Davies, ‘The Next meeting: 29 Nov. Bernard Ecker, ‘Call David Wass, a former policeman and store Lewis Carroll Society’ My Bluff’. 5th Anniversary

15 AJR JOURNAL november 2011

Letter from Israel

Waking up to reality o once again British hooligans in a feeble attempt to maintain their hold teachers exhausted us by reiterating that managed to disrupt a concert given on power and the immense resources Israel was, without question, a temporary S by Israeli musicians in London of the Arab world. While the eventual and transient country. When we got old – this time one given by the Israel establishment of a Palestinian state is enough to read, newspapers and books Philharmonic Orchestra at the Proms generally accepted in Israel, differences filled our heads with reasons why Israel in September. This follows a similar of opinion about final borders, the return could not [continue to] exist in its Arab interruption of a performance by the of refugees, and Jerusalem as the capital surroundings.’ Jerusalem Quartet at the Wigmore Hall are the sticking points preventing a final Of course, no one can tell what the earlier in the year. agreement from being reached. future holds, but to date those predictions It beats me how people think that In what way do the disrupters of have not been proved right. disturbing a musical performance will concerts by Israeli musicians differ from Fawaz Al-’Ilmi wrote in Al-Watan somehow help the Palestinians. The the rioters who laid waste to property in about the Arabic-language website of Palestinians can be helped by getting London and other cities of Fair Albion last Israel’s Foreign Ministry: ‘On 20 January them to see reality as it really is – rather summer? Not at all, to my mind. Both were the website published a report which than as some pie-in-the-sky situation in practising mindless violence – destruction revealed that the only registry in the which Israel magically disappears from for destruction’s sake – not achieving any- world for Arab bone marrow donors was the scene. Israel is here to stay, and the thing that wasn’t negative and criminal. located in the Hadassah Medical Center, sooner the Palestinians wake up to that And to do such things in the name of a associated with the Hebrew University in fact the better it will be for all concerned, ‘principle’ doesn’t make them any better. Jerusalem.’ and the Palestinians first and foremost! It just shows that principles are more often Al-’Ilmi goes on to compare annual Another fact that seems to escape the used for bad ends than for good. expenditure on education and scientific disrupters is that being pro-Palestinian However, there may be signs that research in Israel and in several Arab doesn’t necessarily mean being anti-Israel. someone out there in the Arab world is countries, bemoaning the dismal results In fact, many people in Israel believe that beginning to realise that reality is some- for the latter and blaming these figures the establishment of an independent what different from the misinformation for the failure of Arab countries to chalk Palestinian state would be a good thing, and half-truths that they have been fed up scientific achievements comparable to ultimately benefiting Israelis as well as by their leaders all these years. Below those of Israel. Palestinians. are excerpts from recent articles by two Could these articles be perceived as an The events of the recent ‘Arab Spring’ Saudi journalists, whose texts constitute encouraging indication that the scales are have made it clear that all is not well with an unusual departure from the line gener- beginning to fall from the eyes of Arabs the Arab regimes, which have imposed ally adopted by the Arab press. and that at least some of them are finally repressive systems, published ever bigger Khalaf Al-Harbi wrote in the Saudi beginning to wake up to reality? lies and fostered anti-Israel propaganda daily Okaz: ‘When we were young, the Dorothea Shefer-Vanson

letters to the editor continued from page 7 Austrian pension legislation update whose photos feature prominently in that Friedman, as he was known before, Owing to a legislative change, the second the current exhibition of Hungarian got the nickname Capa (pronounced ‘special’ pension payment, which is usually photographers in the 20th century at the something like Tsapa) at school in his remitted by the Austrian pension authority (Pensionsversicherung) in October, will in Royal Academy (reviewed by Gloria Tessler native Budapest. Capa means shark in future be paid in November. in your September issue). Hungarian. If one reads about his life, Recipients of an Austrian pension They all claim that he and his girl­ the nickname Shark is not altogether receive 14 payments per year, inclu­ding friend, Gerda Taro, invented the name ill-fitting. two ‘special’ payments. The first ‘special’ Capa to help him get work with an Janos Fisher, payment will continue to be paid with the April pension. equally invented career. The truth is Bushey Heath

Published by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain, Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middx HA7 4RL Telephone 020 8385 3070 Fax 020 8385 3080 e-mail [email protected] For the latest AJR news, including details of forthcoming events and information about our services, visit www.ajr.org.uk Printed by FBprinters LLP, 26 St Albans Lane, London NW11 7QB Tel: 020 8458 3220 Email: [email protected]