Nikolaus Wachsmann | 880 pages | 08 Jul 2016 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780349118666 | English | London, United Kingdom KL : A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps PDF Book

Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Nikolaus Wachsmann. By continuing to browse the site you accept our Cookie Policy, you can change your settings at any time. Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you learn more about the Holocaust and research your family history. A boldly ambitious work of deep importance, KL is destined to be a classic in the history of the twentieth century. Among the victims detained over the following hours were leading Communist politicians and other prominent suspects. Wachsmann explores the practice of institutionalised murder and inmate collaboration with the SS selectively ignored by many historians. World War, Atrocities--Germany. Once absolute power had been learned at the repressive level, it could readily be extended to the annihilationist level. Pulling together a wealth of in-depth research, official documents, contemporary studies and the evidence of survivors themselves, KL is a complete but accessible narrative. A Lucky Child. The first comprehensive history of the Nazi concentration camps In a landmark work of history, Nikolaus Wachsmann offers an unprecedented, integrated account of the Nazi concentration camps from their inception in through their demise, seventy years ago, in the spring of One Olga Lengyel arrives in Auschwitz determined to protect her son from hard labor. Simon Kuper. The study is essential for a further understanding of the Third Reich. In recent years, some historians have downplayed the significance of this prewar Nazi terror. The Holocaust can never quite be digested, even when it is dissected into such minute detail. Alicia Appleman-Jurman. The New York Times. The importance for Nazi ideology of defeat in the First World War cannot be overstated. Best for. The commandant falsely claimed that Beimler had been behind the execution of ten hostages, including a Bavarian countess, by a "Red Guard" detachment in a school back in spring Download Now Dismiss. Physical Description pages, 32 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. Macmillan Amazon. Views Read Edit View history. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. When will my order be ready to collect? Twenty-two large camps and over one thousand satellite camps throughout Germany and Europe were at the heart of the Nazi campaign of repression and intimidation. It must have been hard for Nazi bigwigs to keep a straight face as they listened to Hitler. Viktor E Frankl. To the persistent question, "How did it happen? She says he is under 13, although he looks older. She is asked by an SS physician strange oxymoron , Dr. By the end of the war their myriad satellite industrial camps were everywhere, hard to ignore. Further Your Research. Nikolaus Wachsmann. Wachsmann makes the unimaginable palpable. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. In The Guardian , Nicholas Lezard described the book as "a huge and necessary contribution to our understanding of this chilling subject". Its value lies in no small measure in the way it weaves together the history both of the perpetrators and of the victims. Miklos Nyiszli. It is difficult to imagine a more powerfully instructive telling of this painful story, and it will certainly be a long time before this masterly account is superseded. He captures both the trajectory of dynamic change through which the camp system evolved as well as the experiences and agency - however limited - of the prisoner community. Planes circled near the camp, "Wanted" posters went up at railway stations, police raids hit Munich, and the newspapers, which had earlier crowed about Beimler's arrest, announced a reward for recapturing the "famous Communist leader," who was described as clean-shaven, with short-cropped hair and unusually large jug ears. The decision by the Nazi authorities in late autumn to strip Beimler of his German citizenship was no more than an empty gesture. It is hard to imagine that Nik Wachsmann's superb book, surely to become the standard work on Nazi concentration camps, will ever be surpassed. KL : A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps Writer

What follows is an incredibly detailed, incredibly harrowing narrative of the growth of the Nazi complex of coercion, control, and eventually mass murder. This made is easy for SS to target their most hated groups, with abuse often targeted at certain groups throughout the camp system. Lists with This Book. They existed to free Europe of Jews and other undesirables, lock in the Aryan master race, empty the east of its citizens for German Lebensraum and cow any resistance through systematic terror. Welcome back. A boldly ambitious work of deep importance, KL is destined to be a classic in the history of the twentieth century. The study is essential for a further understanding of the Third Reich. It took the machinations of a small cabal of antirepublican power brokers to install Hitler as chancellor on January 30, , as one of only three Nazis in a cabinet dominated by national conservatives. Sep 24, Andrew rated it it was amazing Shelves: european-history , germany , austria , czech-republic , economics-business-finance , poland. Dec 19, Fraser rated it it was amazing. Not registered? But how to write such a history of the KL? Viktor E Frankl. This dream of national unity through terror grew out of the lessons Nazi leaders had drawn from the German trauma of In July , he reached the pinnacle of his party career: he was elected as a KPD deputy to the Reichstag, the German parliament. What we have lacked all this time is a synoptic analysis of the development and character of the entire Nazi camp system. Sort order. Not only were euphemisms employed in the extant documentations pertaining to the killing, but no documentation at all was produced at those camps which did actually send some new arrivals-- usually those deemed too old or young, too weak or sickly to work--directly to the ovens. Mar 02, Abhilesh Dhawanjewar rated it really liked it. Wachsmann recalls how 'Action14f13', the euthanasia campaign initially used against the disabled and those in sanitariums, was eventually expanded to concentration camp detainees between and , claiming the lives of 6, detainees. During the prewar years, the SS used them as boot camps, deterrent threats, reformatories, forced labour reservoirs, and torture chambers, only to add further functions during the war, promoting them as centres for armaments production, executions, and human experiments. KL : A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps Reviews

Justice, inevitably, was imperfect. It seems consistent with Snyder's story but there is a lot of happening here and Wachsmann is focusing on the camp systems in great detail. That's what I remember most about my visit to the Dachau museum: reading in my not nearly perfect German a document written by the doctor who performed the tests. While a meticulous and innovative overview of the Nazi concentration camp system based on the latest scholarly research would already be a In fact, anyone seriously interested in the Third Reich should read this book. No matter how many times I read about the Holocaust, it never gets easier to try and comprehend. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Extra-judicial killings were common at the beginning of the camp system, but systemic death was not yet the norm. The growth of the camps, from thrown-together collection points for political prisoners who were opposed to the Nazi regime in the 's, is detailed, with the likes of Dachau, Mauthausen, Auschwitz, and the dozens of other camps that sprang up in Europe examined. There were gradations of horror. Wholeheartedly yes. The social hierarchies at different levels that were existent within the camp are recounted detailing the interactions that lead to the brutality that was often associated with these camps and the inability of the prisoners to form a coordinated resistance movement. Thanks for signing up to the Independent Culture newsletter. It was also not just the Jewish people who ended up in them but gypsies, gays and anbody that may said something about the Hitler. While he doesn't deny that hundreds of thousands of Jews died of neglect and overwork in labor camps he does deny that the German state maintained a policy of murdering all Jews in Europe. The Third Reich has been studied in more depth than virtually any other period in history, and yet until now there has been no history of the camp system that tells the full story of its broad development and the everyday experiences of its inhabitants, both perpetrators and victims, and all those living in what Primo Levi called 'the gray zone'"-- Amazon. This is certainly something that Wachsmann has striven to achieve on behalf of the countless victims. His extensive research for this book shows in every nook and cranny as he weaves together a narr KL delivers an exhaustive study of Nazi Germanys concentration camp system that is easily accessible by the reader. Based on a huge array of widely scattered sources, it is a gripping as well as comprehensive and authoritative study of this grim but highly important topic. A decade in the making, would this be "the new standard" for concentration camp studies? The causal brutality of mass death that the SS implemented during the years of the Third Reich seems almost unprecedented. I did, however, get a glimpse of this structure from the Ravensbruch book which covered some of this structure. Harold Marcuse, N ikolaus W achsmann. The exploration of the early tensions between the justice system and the 'regular' prison system, and how legal resistance to the KL system was eroded over time. Often, the camps are seen as just instruments of death, but their growth and movement toward this climax needs to be examined closely. Martin Luther King Jr. Preview — KL by Nikolaus Wachsmann. Open Preview See a Problem? After Private Steinbrenner unlocked Beimler's cell early the next morning, on May 9, , and found it empty, the SS went wild. Jun 15, Omar Ali rated it it was amazing. Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Wachsmann also discusses how the termination of this project evolves into another with similar aims, and also details how the mass extermination of prisoners virtually 'paid for itself' via the post-mortem seizure of valuables and gold teeth fillings which were then sold off. The prisoners had a range of references to describe their ordeals, from the Book of Exodus through Dante's Inferno. Examining, close up, life and death inside the camps, and adopting a wider lens to show how the camp system was shaped by changing political, legal, social, economic, and military forces, Wachsmann produces a unified picture of the Nazi regime and its camps that we have never seen before. The dilemma was never resolved, but there was always room for guinea pigs and camp brothels as poorly chosen incentives malnutrition kills the libido in men as effectively as it does menstruation in women. Eventually the camps and their satellite camps increased as did the number of prisoners. Between and , Wachsmann shows how Heinrich Himmler's SS took control of the camp system and targeted it at a growing list of enemies: communists, "asocials", homosexuals, Jews, Russian POWs, Poles. Sirens sounded across the grounds as all available SS men turned the camp upside down. Earlier that same night, in other parts of Berlin, the police had arrested , the famous pacifist publicist, and Hans Litten, a brilliant young left-wing attorney who had tangled Hitler in knots during a court appearance in Forgotten your password? This spirit emanated mainly from Hitler himself through the SS leader Heinrich Himmler, "the undisputed master of the Third Reich terror machine", who became chief of police in In spite of all I've read about the Holocaust and specific camps, I had no idea of how long the camps were open, the different classes of prisoners definitely not all Jews , or how systematically or somewhat systematically the whole system was run.

KL : A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps Read Online

But overall, Hitler boasted, he had overseen a completely new kind of uprising: "This was perhaps the first revolution during which not even one window was smashed. Bibliografische Informationen. Yet they belonged to the same lawless universe. Nazi concentration camps. Earlier that same night, in other parts of Berlin, the police had arrested Carl von Ossietzky, the famous pacifist publicist, and Hans Litten, a brilliant young left-wing attorney who had tangled Hitler in knots during a court appearance in For questions about donating materials, please contact curator ushmm. Macmillan Amazon. Citing articles via Google Scholar. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. He was given little more than twelve hours to live. Telling the story of the KL means facing up to a formidable challenge: how to make the camps relatable, as places where real people lived, worked and died, rather than transcendental, stereotypical symbols of evil? Want an ad-free experience? Beimler was among tens of thousands of Nazi opponents dragged to makeshift camps like Dachau in spring , as the new regime, following 's appointment as chancellor on January 30, rapidly turned Germany from a failed democracy into a fascist dictatorship. Readers may find themselves wanting out, but there is always worse to come. Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. In his conclusion to the book, Wachsmann emphasises how the KL system acted as "transformer of values". Nazi leaders pursued ever more extreme aims, and so the KL expanded, even as domestic political opposition diminished. There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts. M ichael W illiams. Part of the value of KL lies in its clarifying what the concentration camp was and was not. Once absolute power had been learned at the repressive level, it could readily be extended to the annihilationist level. Steinbrenner battered two Communist inmates who had spent the night in the cells adjacent to Beimler, shouting: "Just you wait, you wretched dogs, you'll tell me [where Beimler is]. After all, Beimler had no intention of ever returning to the Third Reich. Download as PDF Printable version. In July , he reached the pinnacle of his party career: he was elected as a KPD deputy to the Reichstag, the German parliament. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. The Nazis smashed their movements, ransacked their offices, and humiliated, locked up, and tortured their activists. On May 8, however, after Beimler had held out for several days, the commandant had had enough; either Beimler used the noose or he would be murdered. Quickly, Cold War imperatives took over from the quest for justice: West Germany was needed to fight Stalin. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. Join the discussion. Also by Nikolaus Wachsmann. Here are the 10 Best Books of , along with Notable Books of the year. Google Scholar. It is sobering to reflect that three of the most murderous places — Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka — do not fall within the scope of the book because, as death camps exclusively rather than also work camps, they were not part of the SS network, reporting to authorities in Lublin rather than Berlin. The boy is promptly sent to the gas. Or try any of these new books that our editors recommend. Among the victims detained over the following hours were leading Communist politicians and other prominent suspects. The New York Times. Wachsmann has in effect united the best of the German and the British schools of grand World War II history: hugely but humbly exhaustive research with attention to character and to detailed narrative. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment. Based on a huge array of widely scattered sources, it is a gripping as well as comprehensive and authoritative study of this grim but highly important topic. Its author, Nikolaus Wachsmann, a professor of history at Birkbeck College, London, succeeds brilliantly in telling us much we did not know about what might seem like one of the most familiar phenomena of the Third Reich. Central regulation broke down in the last months of Nazi rule as the number of camps mushroomed and the system collapsed in a haze of death marches, starvation and killing. Its value lies in no small measure in the way it weaves together the history both of the perpetrators and of the victims. The book was described as "prodigious but eminently readable" in a review by Harold Marcuse in American Historical Review. Create a commenting name to join the debate Submit. Forced to wear a large sign saying "Welcome" around his neck, Beimler was marched toward the bunker, which had been set up in the former toilets of the old factory building now used as a camp. Long before they came to power, Nazi leaders had envisaged a ruthless policy of exclusion; by removing all that was alien and dangerous, they would create a homogenous national community ready for battle in the coming racial war. 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