Rollins Alumni Record, February 1960 Rollins College Office Ofa M Rketing and Communications
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Rollins College Rollins Scholarship Online Rollins Magazine Marketing and Communications Winter 1960 Rollins Alumni Record, February 1960 Rollins College Office ofa M rketing and Communications Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications, "Rollins Alumni Record, February 1960" (1960). Rollins Magazine. Paper 194. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at Rollins Scholarship Online. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rollins Magazine by an authorized administrator of Rollins Scholarship Online. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD ALUMNI REUNION PROGRAM COMPLETED Elfreda Winant Ramsey '35 and Frank Ferguson '58, co-chairmen for the 1960 Alumni Reunion, extend a cordial invitation to all Rollins Alumni to return to the Campus April 22, 23, 24 for the fourth Alumni Charter Day weekend. A full program of events has been planned to make your visit both enjoyable and rewarding. Outstanding events include the Gay 90s Luncheon, Saturday, April 23, at the Parsonage when graduates and former students who attended Rollins before the turn of the century will be guests of the College. Dr. Fred Ens- minger '97 is chairman for this group which has been holding an annual meeting for many years, first at a tea at Alumni House and since the start of the reunion program at luncheon meetings at the former residence of Dr. Hooker, first president of Rollins College. An innovation this year will be the special luncheon, April 24, in honor of the members of all classes from 1900 to and including the class of 1925. This also will be held at the Parsonage. Seminars, class visits, athletic events and of course the special reunion meetings of the anniversary classes (those with numerals ending in 5 and 0) are included in this issue of the A collection of valuable paintings, given to Rollins by John C. Myers, Jr., 42 RECORD. and the Myers family in memory of their father, was formally presented at a A baseball game with the University ceremony in Alumni House during Founders Week. Representing Jack Myers, of Jacksonville, a crew race against Ted Mischuck, president of Rollins Alumni, Inc., made the presentation and Tampa University and a tennis match the gift was accepted for the College by Olcott Deming '35, alumnus and trustee. with the University of Miami, are Above President Hugh McKean points to Gilbert Stuart's "Portrait of a Gentle- scheduled for the weekend. The an- man in a Claret Coat" as Deming, Ted Mischuck, Dorothy Estes Ellis '32 and nual picnic on the shores of Lake Vir- Mrs McKean look on. The collection was on exhibit at Alumni House and ginia Friday evening will be followed open to the public both before and after the annual celebration of the founding by an all Alumni party with dancing of Rollins College. at Dubsdread Country Cub, sponsored by the Rollins Alumni Club of Central Florida. Special class tables will be SPORTS PICTURE reserved for anniversary classes. ALUMNI BALLOT Hampered by the lack of adequate The annual business meeting of Rol- Attention is called to the practice and playing floors the Tar basketball team closed its 59-60 season lins Alumni, Inc., will be held in Car- Alumni Ballot which appears on negie Hall Saturday morning and the with a score of fourteen losses and Charter Day Reunion Dinner at the page 7 of this issue of the Alum- four wins. Plagued too by a lack of new Rose Skillman Hall Saturday eve- ni Record. Ten nominees for height and depth the team gave a ning. Individual class reunions will members of the Board of Di- creditable performance, considering follow the dinner. Sunday morning rectors of Rollins Alumni, Inc., everything. the special Reunion Convocation will and three nominees for Alumni The golf team got off to a favorable be followed by the President's Recep- start when it bested the University of tion at Mills Memorial Library. Representatives on the Board of Wisconsin two wins and a tie in a Trustees of Rollins College are three-day meet in January. The Crew Attention is called to the reserva- listed. Vote for five directors will open the season against Florida tion blanks for those events where and one trustee. Ballots must Southern March 18 at Lakeland, in the they are necessary, Page 4. An early reach Alumni House by 12:00 first of nine races before the Dad Vail in May. The tennis squad will open response will be of great help to the o'clock Noon, Friday, April IS. at home with Florida Southern the Reunion Committee. first of a 14-match schedule. While anniversary classes will be The Tar nine will open against the DR. VESTAL HEADS FAS University of Florida March 12, a 26- honored, all Rollins alumni are urged game schedule which will close with to come back to the Campus for the Dr. Paul A. Vestal, professor of bi- ology, has been elected president of Florida Southern on May 7. During three-day weekend exclusively set the Florida Academy of Sciences, and the annual baseball week, March 21- aside to welcome and entertain gradu- next year, when his term expires, he April 1, they will play against Ohio ates and former students of Rollins will become a member of the Acad- State, Amherst and University of South Carolina. College. emy's Council. THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD While teaching in Merom, Indiana, CHARTER STUDENT she met and married Daniel B. Atkin- PLAYERS AT YALE son and the two of them taught in The Rollins Players have been in- Ruth Curlet Ford came with her Jireh, Wyoming, and Albany, Missouri, vited to participate in the Yale Uni- parents to Winter Park when she was before going to Piedmont College at versity Drama Festival the weekend but a small child, and with her sister Demorest, Georgia. After the death of March 25. They will present an Gertrude started their many years at of her husband she continued to teach Rollins in 1885 when grade school original one-act play by Rollins senior at Piedmont until her retirement in John Hickey. The play is titled "This 1958. In all she spent 48 years of her is the House That Grandpa Built" and life teaching. despite its title is a serious play. Other She is proud of her family—four colleges and universities presenting daughters, six grandchildren and nine plays during the festival will be Yale, great-grandchildren. She received the Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Skid- honorary Degree of Doctor of Peda- more, Syracuse, Boston, Pennsylvania, gogy from Piedmont and in 1957 was Denison, Ohio State and Carnegie awarded the Rollins Decoration of Tech. Honor. She still lives in Covington, Georgia, but spends much of her time visiting Applications Up her family which includes Marjorie Applications for admission to Rollins Ford James, x04, who lives in Mexico, College are up approximately 60 per Missouri. Their father, Dr. J. H. Ford, cent for men and 50 per cent for wom- was a member of the faculty and, at en, according to John O. Rich, director one time, acting president of Rollins of admissions. As of February 1 there College. are more active applications than ever before in its history, the Admissions DEAN SCROGGS HONORED office report says. Dr. Schiller Scroggs, Dean of Rollins Don C. Broadbridge, Jr., Wheaton, College, recently received a service 111., has been appointed admissions citation from Oklahoma State Univer- representative for the midwest. A sity for his 30 years of service to the graduate of Colgate University he will University. Director of Administra- work from his home, spending about tive Research in 1928 he later became one week a month on the Campus. classes were held in a store building Dean of the College of Arts and Sci- in downtown Winter Park. She was ences and also was director of its Re- COMMUNITY COURSES graduated with the sixth graduating search Foundation. A graduate of Courses for the Community, Semes- class along with Dr. Fred Ensminger. Southeastern State College, Dr. ter XXII, will open on Campus March For two years she taught College Math Scroggs received his masters and doc- 28 and the term will continue until at Rollins and then went to Oberlin torate degrees at Columbia and Yale May 19, with classes from 6:30 until where she earned her Masters in math- Universities. He came to Rollins in 9:30 p.m., Monday and Thursday eve- ematics. 1958. nings. I ve had a busy fall getting Eugene CLASSIFIED INFORMATION off to Vanderbilt for his freshman year, helping organize the Bessemer 'AC SECRETARY: Ada Bumby Yoihers, SECRETARY: W '20 T. DeWitt Taylor, Pier- Improvement Association, winning a Mrs. (W. VV.) 457 Boone St., son, Florida campaign to prevent an unwise bond Orlando, Florida. Class Reunion April 22, 23, 24, 1960 issue, and having the house redecorat- We send our sympathy to Girard We send our sympathy to Olivia Tay- ed and working more than ever at the Denning who lost his wife, Helen Pea- lor Pattillo on the death of her hus- store after our office manager was in cock Denning, on February 8, after 48 band, Mr. Crawford Thomas Pattillo, an auto accident." Hope she finds years of marriage. who died at his home in Shiloh, Flor- time for the Reunion! MQ SECRETARY: Marguerite Doggett, 119- ida, on January 27th. When any of you are in the vicinity 20 Union Turnpike, Kew Gardens, ot Cimarron, New Mexico, be sure to L.