January 1960
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I ... \' .,_._ - . - ~ SAN FRA,NCISCO,· CALIFORNiA .. - - ~ , . JANUARY,. ~9601 ... Nominations of Convention elegates · ls eS~t for,JaQ~ary :·Di~tri~t . eet.1ngs8) . : . Dear. Sir and Brother: · December 2;91, 1959 Y o•n ar:e het:eby n:<!t if~ed that nomination of m~Ie:gates and Alter~ates to the -Z6th Oonmventiom of the Inteniatiorial Union of Operating Engineers wm be Jleld at- a· regular. meeting, GliS <ll_ Sjpleciaill. order of business or- at spechiny- called meetings; as JfoU9\vs, af 8:00 p.m.: J ••• ~ • ' • ~ • - ~- --------'---- .SAN JOSE: Monday, January 18, Labo;r·Temple, 45 Santa Teresa. ! EUREKA: Tuesday,. January 19 (s peciar order of business), · 2806 · .Broadway. ( _ · . · I REDDING: Wj;dnesday, January ' 20 (special order of busine;;s), ,- Eagles' Hall, -1005 Yuba. OROVILLE:. Thursday, January ·. 21 · (special order of ProspeCtors Village, ..Oroville Dain Blyd. SA:CRAMENTO: Friday; January 22, Engineers' Bldg., 2525 . _ · . , _ . ton Blvd. I - . I O~KLAND: Saturday, January 23, r .:.abor Templ~, : 2315 Valdez. I FRESNO: -· Monday, Januai:y- 25, Labor"'Femple, ·631 Xearney Blvd. ~ ~ SALT L.>\:KE CITY: Tuesday; Januau· 26, 151 S. 2nd East, Annex. RENO: Wednesday: _January 27, 290· North Al'lingto11. STOCKTON: Thursday, January 28; Engineers•· Bldg.;.: 2626 N. Cali- i fornia. , SAN FRANCISCO: Friday, January 29 , Bldg. Trades Temple, _zm)_l Guerrero Street. · · l • :·~ • ~- J;,)_ .• ' .··- ' ~- ;~ ~~ ... ,., ,·· '· ,.. • • -.. • ! 'S.ANTA-Rg-$;\: _ §at~trda ~; : <Wnn~p.ry ;· 3d ; Labor Te~ppl_~-~ ~36. .Thi_r:d._, .. .·. · S~(J :~Vif,, V/.,\.!an;~y _ J!JNC.lf!Q_ ~~T his panprama 1·akes i8 ·s~ -v- ' HONOLuu J: Friday, January-':22, ·Y.W.C.A., Richard . ~Street. · e'ral poin·ts: 9f inte'res+, b e ginrii ~g with D'onner Pass (a rrow); Election will l;l e by ref er~ndum by m~il. Ballots wm be_mailed Last stretch· ~f High.yray 40 over the Sierras to g·o· doubletrack on or before February 15, 1960 anclmust be r eturned to the Post wi ll be the JO-m ile ·section · over the top, a $16 million, 4-year Office Box o-n or before February 29, 1960 at 10 o'clock A.i\t 1 job s+ading in '6,0 . It wil l be 1/2 mil es north of t he present Consult your Engineers New~ for further detaiis. cross!~:g and slo pe gr)>du'"li y down to the new section shown here, to Donner L.ake , at u1:iper cent er. Presen'r route, just west Fraternally · yours, • of Truckee, is at right. Junction wi +h No . 89 , ru nning i· o Tahoe N. J. CARMAN, .an d -Squaw is ·c:t lower leH. Tota l cos+ of doub!e-h<;Jcking No . International Supervisor. 40 ·from 'Sa do to the Nevada s+a+e line wi!l be $104 miilion, with $58 ~·r.i!iion spen·r thus fa r. In pic+ure, S.P. ra il road is at upper l~ft . The t;ity by the (;_olden Gate 'SAN FRANCISCO HAS District meetings scheduled for February, 1960: 1 _ IN, l· REDwooD tiH.}Aflw.enr. +h .e . FEBRuARY · - · TH·AT ·· W·I -, T·E .-R·. UL" L· old and new on w - ~ are shown 3 (Wedn~sday ) Stockton, Engineers' Bldg. By PAUL ED(iECOIVIBE, JERRY DOWD and DAN MATTE-SON,· here, look ing so utnwaord, wi th 4 . (Thursday) Sacramento, C.'E.L.T. Bldg. th e ne w -Lea\·herwood Memori al · (..., d ) Business Representatives 1 • . 9 tues ay San Jose, Labor Temple, ~5 Santa Teresa. .· 1 bridge on fi rst un it o·~ the Red- . 11- (Th!-n·sday). Oakland, · Lab"or Temple, 2315 Valdez. With .the arriyal of old rrian winter and the: WE)-t -weather, our wood Paries Freeway, at Dyer- . PLEAS·E FORWARD DUES PAYMENTS DIRECTLY TO THE- opt-of-.work list _h as increased considerably. Ho\.vever, the con- ville, Humboldt county. Old MAiN OFFICE: ... ·In order to facilitate processing dues pay- structwn nov\~ gorng <01: throughout the area,,_ an,d the .. 1'H"Oposed highv.:ay and brid ge at ~eft. · . ments and issuing new memb~rship cards v,;e would appreCiate work sche duL~ t~. SLar;t m the near future ,ho,!ld bl1l~g some · it.if, in the future, ALL MEl\'l:BEJ:tS would forward their dues pay- Tellef to the ~ r ~'~ m g L.st. excavating. The same Compan-y SAN FRANCISCO, - Conti·act ·.ments di1·ectly to · the .Main- Office of the Operating E1igineers . The Ten lVIrllron Dollar con- - . awarded to Dinwid'dlie Construe- -Local No. 3 at 474 Valencia Street, Sai1 Francisco 3, Calif. · 1 tract for the construction. of a hav~ a backhoe wo rku~ g off and tion Co., 210 Crocr{er IB;~di.g., S.F. t\i&enty:two story offic~)~ uilcling on for Cahrll, at the srte of the ! for const. Ameriean l?'r:esident on the corner of Calif'Oniia ·and new American Trust Building. ; Lines Headquarters, a 22-story Kearney str eets was · started last Between t he two locations, they bldg., struc. seel frame, . precast week by _ the Dinwiddie Con- are keeping some of our Broth- cone. const., loc. at eliJ'rner of ., struction Company. The build- ers :busy. Within this sam e Kearny & Oalifomia Sts., S.F. ;,.IES N IV ~ · · ing, located adjacent to the St. (Continued from Page 2) Est. Cost- $7,50,0,000. · JAh' . 11 LLS · . · I CALLELLA T. SPENCE "San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 11, 1959 . San Jose, Calif., Dec. 15, 1959 Mary's Square Park and under- ' ground garage, wm house the HONO:R. ROLL OF BLOOD DONORS G .. JAMES OWEN J. LLOYD American Pl'esident Lines head- • VI~GIL 'SAN FRANCISCO SAN J OSE Martmez, Calif., Oct. 20, 1959 Central Valley,Cal., Dec. 15, 1959 quarters. Plans for the structure Robert C Knapp.· Chester Johnson FRED SELL were announced a year ago and IRA i'I'I. HAMILTON Chas. Shafran Leonard Whitmire , 1959 completion date is sch~ dul ~ cl for . Tabiona, Utah, -Nov. 11 , 1959. San FranCisco, Cal. , Dec. 19 Lloyd Sideboho.m THOMAS P. GRIFFITHS August, 1961. REDDING ·Lewiston , Calif., Nov. 18, 1959 TONY A. MACHADO Tl d · f th' b 'ld' SAN-MATEO Oakley, Calif., D.ec. 19, 1959 le esrgn ° IS UI mg Hugh Meara Percy- McCollom will b.e unusual -i n that the up- . JAKE KIEl\'iELE ( James Simmoi1s Wm. P. Gregory Lodi, Calif., Nov. 29, 1959 FRANCIS J. WELSH _, per stories of the building will Jim Ci·awfor d RAFAEL FLOYD MORRIS i Lodi, Calif.,_Dec. 23 , 1959 I overhang the base by · fifteen SAN Orville Yarnell Richard T. Irwin _Santa Clai·a, Calif., Dec: 3,' 1£159 j · JAMES D. WRIGHT . · 1 ! feet · on an ·· four sides; also in- Geo. W. Clark CHAS. C. McKISSICK Jr . Fresno, Calif., Dec. 27, 1959 I eluded is a park-like terrace ex- STOCKTON W. A. Feusi Roy Brawley . El Cerrito, Calif., Dec. 10, 1959 i ·wALTER C. KLEINEN . tending around the buHding at Jame!s R. Dltl'k~e . BOB ELLSWORTH TAYLOR j Pacifica, C.alif.; Dec. 28 , 1959 the fourth floor level. There is FRESNO Henry Franz 1 Stanley Denny M. Adkinsmm • Oroville, Calif., Dec. 12, 1959 . I RAY L. PEDRICK I no clO:Llbt that the completion of I Ollie r. • ~ . - . this. building will enhance , the SACRA MENTO Chas. Rohertsou 1 RALPH CASTRO , oa,1.t< r ancrsco, CaL , Dec. 28 , 1959 beauty of our great Crty of San i ~rnuyssen Warner 1 Aifonso V Carl Loomis, Calif., Dec. 12, 1959 1 MARION; GEO. ("IVHC.KEY") .I Francisco. I Frank Kuhre · Selmer Osness .. C. L. BRODERSON .. MURPHY - - . j- Devincenzi & Haskins moved i . E. J. Elsto1i Mrs. Milcked Feusii · Berl~ eley, Calif.; Dec. 15; 1?59 San Jose, q avf.,))e_c:J9, 1 95~ ': ; 'one--of their s l{o y~ ls iri to.cto 'the:l · Wm. ,vVoodyard - Wm.· E. .Sm:ith . .. ·_; ..... _,,· . :· ·.. '. 1 Another First · For Local 3 ConstrudioQ Vacation · lan .Approve~ By AL CLEM, ,Assistant Local Union Manager. · The proposed Vacation Plan providing for payments in lieu of a paid vacation was ratified. by ' Published eac·h·month '. by Local Union No. -3 of the an overwhelming majority of the . membership, in a series of ten District Meetings held through " . , .. International Union of Operating Engill:eers out the territorial jurisdiction of Local No. 3 ih Northern California. (Northern California, Northern Nevada, Sta~eof Utah, · >: As a result, Section 16-A of St. d d A t th W 1 1 H 1·- .C-on- s-tr_u_c_ti_'o.-n-il.-ld_u_s_tr_·y-ca-. n-h-e-lp_ the Hawaiian Islands) ..the Master Agreement has been j an ar ~ c ' e a s 1 ea -· - · . d t d f ll . ey Act or any Office: 474 Valencia St., San Francisco 3, Calif. 0 0 other law, and no to overcome problems which revlse rea as ows. vacation payment shall be made might arise by k,eeping an ae Mail all news items in to editor not later than the 5th oi each month Section No. 16A- VACATIONS on -the basis of a premium rate worked, and each · hour due NEWELL J. CARMAN .... _... Managing Editor and Local Union 1\igr. (a) Commencing October 1, of time and a half or double him as shift differential . • ;'( PAUL EDGECOMBE ........................................................... ........................ .: ....... :. .... ··PreSident 1959 each Individual Employer time. then, if .there should be any dif· H. 0. FOSS ........... ______________________________ ....................: ..... _____ .. ,_.. __Vice-President co',!ered by this Agreement (e) In the event that in con- -ference Of ·opinion regarding , ,; . · W . .V. MINAHAN ........... -........ -....... .;I'tecording-Corresponding Secretary shall pay each Employe covered nection with future negotiations the monies due -under the plan, AL .CLEM..........