The Kentucky High School Athlete, January 1960 Kentucky High School Athletic Association

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The Kentucky High School Athlete, January 1960 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 1-1-1960 The Kentucky High School Athlete, January 1960 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, January 1960" (1960). The Athlete. Book 57. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. High SchoolAthkfe Class AAA State Champion duPont Manual -^ r2 ^¥" m .43:i«iM|n:=^^£iL:~ ^ ^ u,AJ^«'.B0^^5D*Bl-7^*B0'^«^3"^"^°^ Wright, Hudson, Dudgeon, King, Hams, (Left to Right) Front Row: Horn, Lewis Claris, Burch, Williams, White, Mur- Brown McPherson, Detrick, Ferriell. Second Row: Mgr. Frank, Mgr. Alster. Third Row: Dryden Bord- rell Lutts, Elberson, Nelson, McCoy, Lemons.Baugh, Greene, Mumford, Dodson, Warren. Fourth ers,' Payne, Nally, Kaiser, Harrington, French, Row: Whitehead, R. Taylor, Carter, E. Taylor, Mgr. Priddy. Trinity 6 Manual 41—Dixie Heights 7 Manual 13— 45 Tilghman 6 Manual 62—North Vernon (Ind.) 6 Manual — 39—New Albany (Ind.) Manual 38—St. Xavier 6 Manual 47 Corbin Manual 33—Atherton 6 Manual — 7 Manual 19—Owensboro 7 Manual 62— Male 41 Durrett 14 Manual 13—Flaget 7 Manual — (Class AAA-Final) ATHLETIC ASSN. Oificial Organ olthe KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL JANUARY - laBD HENDERSON—W.K.A.C. AND CLASS AA STATE CHAMPION <rt ^ :^ .a ?"' ^^ggftrnf^'mm^mus^^^ 1 liitiiiiiii - - (s.iii^'t^ sj l# • %-^a -fe^ii' -d €1 % (J.eft to Kieht) Front Kon : Prince, Glover, Estes, Moss. Hatlev. Kirkwood. Shaver. Cheanev. Moore. Second Kow: J. Liles. Rhoads. Schuette. Mitchell, Duncan, Danheiser, Cosby, Ternes, Wheeler. Third Row: Smith. Smithart, Brauer, Allen, Combest, Rabcr, Adkins, Briggs, Snider. Fourth Row: T. Liles, Delker, Owens, Rich- mond, DeSpain. Guill, Cave, Thomas. LYNCH EAST MAIN—CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND CLASS A STATE CHAMPION (Left to Right) Krent Row: Mgrs. McCarthy, Elliott. Second V : Beckler, Maverchak, McGeorge, Evans, Diznev. Mann, Owens, Trammell. Third Row: Coach Miracle. Ass't. Bch Scott, Flanary, Jackson. Marion, Hillcn. (Jreer, Webb, Powell Watts, Catching, Griffith, Ass't Coach Bos< Fourth Row: Craiger, Smith, Pierce, Tom- linuon, PMorek, Wilder, Hoiska, Jenkins, The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXII—NO. 6 JANUARY, 1960 $1.00 Per Year 4. Irate fans at School D had to be restrained Commissioner's Message from attacking one of the officials. Evidence indicates that the conduct of the coach may have precipitated Listed in a section of the K.H.S.A.A. Constitution the trouble. among other duties of the Commissioner the follow- •5. The coach at School E did not prevent several ing appears: (He shall) do everything in his power to fans from following the officials into the dressing develop high type of sportsmanship among schools, a room after the game, where they made sarcastic and athletes, and the general public." This is a tall order, threatening remarks. and a few comments on sportsmanship at this parti- These cases and possibly others just around the cular time of the school year, with the pressure begin- corner may well give Kentucky principals food for ning to mount as the cun-ent basketball season moves thought. There is no doubt but that "it can happen toward the climactic State Tournament, might be of here." Article of the K.H.S.A.A. Constitution reads interest to school administrators and coaches. X in part: "The principal of each school, in all matters Numerous techniques have been used by the pertaining to the athletic relations of his school, is re- Commissioner through the years in attempting to com- sponsible to this Association." This might be a good ply with the section of the I'ules mentioned above. time for all administrators and coaches to refresh Some of these are as follows: themselves on the statements and implications of 1. Officials have rated various school representa- By-Law 17. tives on sportsmanship, and these ratings have been The amazing thing about troublesome cases, which published in the ATHLETE. will probably always be with us, human nature being 2. The Sportsman's Creed was formulated by the what it is, is not that there are so many of them K.H.S.A.A. after an intensive study of the codes of but that there are so few. When consideration is ethics which had been adopted by other state associa- given to the fact that more than four hundred high tions. The Creed has been used as background ma- school basketball games are being played in Ken- terial in hundreds of assembly programs, athletic ban- tucky each week of the current season, the number of quets, and gymnasium dedications. Framed copies of "peaceful" games appears to be well nigh phenomenal. the Creed hang in scores of Kentucky gyms. May we offer our congratulations to the hundreds of 3. Editorials on sportsmanship have appeared in Kentucky administrators and coaches who are work- the ATHLETE, including excellent material gleaned ing effectively at the job of improving the sports- from publications of other state associations. manship in their communities. 4. The Commissioner's office has worked closely One of the finest codes of ethics which has come with the State Y.M.C.A. and the Kentucky Associa- to our attention in recent years is that of the New tion of Pep Organization Sponsors (KAPOS) in their York State High School Athletic Association. The fine programs for cheerleaders. administrators and coaches in New York think that it is the duty of all concerned with high school ath- 5. Clinic directors and regional representatives letics: have worked long and faithfully at the task of im- proving officiating, knowing full well that better of- 1. To emphasize the proper Ideals of sportsman- ficiating is a partial answer to improved sportsmanship. ship, ethical conduct, and fair play. 6. Penalties have been imposed on member 2. To eliminate all possibilities which tend to de- schools under the mandate of By-Law 17, Practice of stroy the best values of the game. Sportsmanship, when other methods of improving 3. To stress the values derived from playing the sportsmanship have failed. game fairly. hope and believe that sportsmanship at the We 4. To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and high school level improves each year. However, we officials. present the following cases which have come to our 5. To establish a happy relationship between visit- attention recently. They have either been closed or are ors and hosts. under investigation by the Commissioner's office as this article is written: 6. To respect the integrity and judgment of sports officials. 1. School A is currently under suspension because the coach took his team off the floor before the end 7. To achieve a thorough understanding and ac- of the game. ceptance of the rules of the game and the standards 2. The coach of School B was so disturbed by the of eligibility. officiating that he made insulting remarks to the of- 8. To encourage leadership, use of initiative, and ficials after the game, these remarks being reported good judgment by the players on the team. tc the press. 9. To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to 3. The conduct of the coach on the bench at promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and School C caused one of the officials to write in his em.otional wellbeing of the individual players. report: "His team, cheerleaders, and followers con- 10. To remember that an athletic contest is only duct themselves in the same manner that he exhibits a game—not a matter of life or death for player, on the bench." coach, school, official, fan, community, state, or nation. Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR JANUARY, 1960 JANUARY, 1960 VOL. XXII—No. 6 Ferrell, Doctor T. Neal, Gene Fields, Joe D. Newton, C. M. Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky Fritz, Sherman Nord, Ed High School Athletic Association Gardner, Howard E. Onier, Billy W. Office of Publication. Lexington. Ky. Goley, James E. Overly, Bill Entered aa second-class matter in the post office at Lexington, Goranflo, R. E. Padgett, R. K. Kentucky under the act of March 3. 1879. Grisham, Jesse R. Parker, Billie E. Editor THEO. A. SANFORD Gustafson, Al, Jr. Peay, Curtis Assistant Editor J. B. MANSFIELD Hagan, Joe Pergrem, Bernard Lexington. Ky. Harrell, Bill D. Phelps, Ralph "Rudy" BOARD OF CONTROL Haynes, John Powell, Logan President Russell Williamson (1956-60). Inez Heldman, John, Jr. Pursiful, Cleophus Vice-President Louis Litchfield (1957-61), Marion Directors—W. B. Jones. (1957-61) Somerset; W. H. Crowdus Hewling, Franklin Redman, Malvern G. (1S58-62) Franklin: Jack Dawson (1958-62), Louisville: Robert Hewling, Richard Reed, Gordon P. Fors>-the (1959-63). Greenville: K. G. Gillaspie (1969-6.3), Hodge, Fred Reinhardt, Myi'on Georgetown; Cecil A. Thornton (1956-60), Harlan. Hodges, Holbert Richards, Jim S. Subscription Rates $1.00 Per Year Hofstetter, Joe Richardson, Joe M. Huter, Jim Ricketts, C. O. Inman, Briscoe Riggs, William T. ^rom the C<ommissionei s Offiice Irwin, Charles R. Roberts, Earl C. Jenkins, James Rocke, James M. Jenkins, Kean Roller, Otis REPORTS PAST DUE Johnson, Walter Rothfuss, Dick Jordan Kenneth P. Rouse, Clyde L. Rubaits, 1. 1959 Football Participation List King, Bob Leland G. King, Jim Sanders, Mel 2. School's Report on Football Officials King, P. J. Schlich, Paul E.
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