Dr. Punam S. Pawar, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, S.N.J.B.’S, K.K.H.A
T.Y. B.Sc. Zoology Paper V, SEM-III PARASITOLOGY By Dr. Punam S. Pawar, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, S.N.J.B.’s, K.K.H.A. Arts, S.M.G.L. Commerce & S.P.H.J. Science (Senior) College, CHANDWAD, Dist.: Nashik, 423 101, (M.S.) INDIA. Chapter 5 Life cycle, Pathogenicity and Control Measures Parasites CONTENTS: 5.1 Plasmodium vivax 5.2 Entamoeba histolytica 5.3 Ascaris lumbricoides 5.4 Taenia solium 5.1 Plasmodium vivax Malaria is one of the most widely known diseases since time immemorial. It is caused by a pathogenic protozoan of blood, Plasmodium. Four species of Plasmodium, viz., P. vivax, P. falciparum, P. malariae and P. ovale are so far known to infect human beings causing different types of malaria. Systemic Position : Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Apicomplexa Class Sporozoa Subclass Coccidia Order Haemosporida Suborder Aconidina Family Haemosporidae Genus Plasmodium Species falciparum, malariae, ovale, vivax Geographical Distribution: Plasmodium is widely distributed in tropical and temperate countries the world over. P. malariae is a parasite of subtropical countries. P. ovale is distributed in East Africa, West Africa, especially, Nigeria and Phillippines. Habits and Habitat: Plasmodium vivax lives as an intracellular parasite in the red blood corpuscles (R.B.Cs) of man in the form of its mature adult condition, called trophozoite. The species of Plasmodium are reported from reptiles, birds and various mammals. Hosts of Plasmodium Vivax: Plasmodium vivax has two hosts; man and female Anopheles mosquito. Man is considered to be the primary host and female Anopheles mosquito, the secondary or intermediate host.
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