Richard Schenkman | 68 pages | 30 Oct 2008 | Samuel French Inc | 9780573663345 | English | Hollywood, CA, United States JEROME BIXBY'S THE MAN FROM EARTH -

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Joined Mar 20, Genre writer Jerome Bixby, perhaps best known for the " Mirror, Mirror " episode of : The Original Seriesstarted The Man From Earth as a screenplay in the 's and finished it during his final days before his death in Directed by Richard Schenkman, the movie is the story of John Oldman, a college Professor who is retiring from his position and is visited by several of his colleagues at his cabin before he moves to a new home. John seems troubled and as the conversation goes he asks the gathering "What if a man, from the Upper Paleolithic, survived until the present day? As the well educated group argue amongst themselves regarding the topic, John slowly admits that he is talking about himself and that in fact he was born over 14, years ago. Art, convinced that John has mentally come unhinged, calls another colleague, Dr. Will Gruber Richard Riehlewho is an older psychiatrist. Will prompts John to continue his story and urges the other to listen to John's story with an open mind. Forget to mention Tim Creative Writer. Joined Jan 16, Location China. I thought this film was Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth basic STV effort, almost written like a play which we've seen in a number of films across numerous genres recently. Follow the script and accept the reactions of the characters, think, "what if? Strangely, it is Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth interesting 90 minutes Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth story for agnostic or atheist scifi fans yet in my experience, when you give the story away to, for instance staunch Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth Catholics, you get grief for even bringing up the issue of them viewing it. If you've seen it, then you'll know what I mean. If you're in that category mentioned, you might not want to watch it in case it hurts your sensibilities. One for its forgettable routine story and acting, second for the trouble I got into for merely suggesting certain people watch it. Liege- Killer Cadet. Joined May 2, Location Illinois. That's a great movie. Shows just how good a sci fi film can be with no special effects. Liege-Killer said:. Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth Dec 13, Location UK. Wolfrunner Scout. Joined Mar 12, Location Mars. Brilliant film. It skips the action pacted brain sedative that hollywood tends to throw at us and focuses on a story that makes you think. By far one of the best films I've seen. Anthony G Williams Greybeard Writer. Joined Jul 14, Location UK. That name seemed familiar to me so I looked it up and was reminded that Bixby was a prolific SF short-story writer in the s and s, probably best known for the chilling " It's a Good Life ", a story I recall very well despite having read it several decades ago. The plot is not entirely original but is unusual enough to be intriguing: a professor rather unwillingly hosts an impromptu farewell do for his academic friends, having decided to leave at short notice. They are baffled and hurt by his sudden decision, and pester him for an explanation. He eventually reveals that he always moves on every ten years to conceal the fact that he never ages; he was actually born 14, years ago. His friends are naturally incredulous and an intense debate takes place during which he fields their questions and challenges, with many revelations, twists and turns and more than a little emotion displayed. It has more the feel of a good stage play than a movie I was not surprised to discover that it was subsequently turned into a successful play. Despite this, it is one of the most absorbing and gripping films I have seen in a long time. The dialogue is very intelligent and thought-provoking, the shifting relationships between the characters fascinating; this is unquestionably a film for adults very much a rarity in the SFF Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth. I discovered that it won a whole bunch of awards, mostly for its screenplay, and I am not at all surprised. It was released straight to DVD which I suppose is understandable considering the complete lack of any of the action, CGI, chases, fights or explosions that cinema audiences seem to require these days, but it really should not be missed. The plot of the film did make me think: Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth how easy would it be these days for anyone to keep reinventing themselves every decade? I suppose it would depend on the circumstances: if you are happy with casual, cash-in-hand jobs then you Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth survive unnoticed for a long time, especially in the heart of a major city where hardly anyone knows their neighbours and you probably wouldn't even need to move around very much. But if you want a professional job it gets much more difficult; a professor would come from an existing academic post, would be known by others in his field of study, would be expected to have published academic papers and so on. And that's before we get into the whole panoply of personal data held by governments and other authorities. If you have money and know the right people, then you can buy forged ID and other documents, but these will only stand up to a certain level of scrutiny; it takes the resources of a government to create bomb-proof in-depth false identities. Curiously, this minor flaw in the film's plot niggled me rather more than the impossibility Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth anyone living for 14, years! Anthony G Williams said:. Post reply. Insert quotes…. Everybody is welcome here. Click for your FREE account! Top Bottom. Jerome Bixby’s “The Man From Earth” – A brilliant and audacious journey | FilmWonk Film ; vt The Man from Earth. Falling Sky Entertainment. Directed by Richard Schenkman. Written by Jerome Bixby. History professor John Oldman, who has unexpectedly announced he is leaving his position, hosts a farewell party for several colleagues and a student. In the course of their conversation, he reveals that he is actually several thousand years old, though he cannot explain why he is apparently immortal see Immortality ; he is compelled to move away and start a new life every ten years so no one will notice that he never ages. He eventually tells them that, enlightened by an encounter with the Buddha, he then traveled to Israel to teach Buddhist doctrines and became the figure we know as Jesus Christ. As this idea is very distressing to his friends, especially one devout Christian, he backtracks and Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth his revelations as an elaborate joke, though as he departs in the company of his department secretary, apparently ready to embark upon a romantic relationship, their final words suggest that his story was entirely true. This unusual film, its screenplay completed by Bixby shortly before his death inconstitutes a true test of the proposition that sf is a literature of ideas, since it involves absolutely no special effects, only an intriguing conceit developed entirely by means of dialogue. It also provides an interesting contrast to Bixby's other story about an Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth man, the Star Trek episode "Requiem for Methuselah" : whereas that story's Flint was a genius whose past identities had included Leonardo da Vinci and Johannes Brahms, Oldman repeatedly emphasizes that he is only an ordinary man, whose extraordinary achievements emerged solely from the wisdom learned in the course of his long life. And while "Requiem Jerome Bixbys The Man from Earth Methuselah" is ultimately a cautionary tale about the drawbacks of ImmortalityBixby here artfully avoids both of the usual extremes of stories addressing this theme, as Oldman's immortality is viewed as neither a curse nor a blessing, but simply as a different sort of life that he had to adjust to. About us Contact. Sci-Fi - Jerome Bixby's The Man From Earth | Alien Soup

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