Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 198 / Thursday, October 10, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 53089
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 198 / Thursday, October 10, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 53089 Species Historic Family Status When listed Critical Special Scientific name Common name range habitat rules ******* Schiedea None ........................ U.S.A.(HI) CaryophyllaceaeÐPink ............... E 590 NA NA stellarioides. ******* Viola kauaensis Nani wai'ale'ale ....... U.S.A.(HI) ViolaceaeÐViolet ........................ E 590 NA NA var. wahiawaensis. ******* Dated: September 24, 1996. rule implements the Federal protection centimeters (cm) (50 to 250 inches (in.)), John G. Rogers, provisions provided by the Act for these most of which is received at higher Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service. plant taxa. elevations along the entire length of the [FR Doc. 96±25558 Filed 10±09±96; 8:45 am] EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule takes effect windward (northeastern) side BILLING CODE 4310±55±P November 12, 1996. (Taliaferro 1959). ADDRESSES: The complete file for this Nineteen of the plant taxa in this final rule is available for inspection, by rule occur in the Koolau MountainsÐ 50 CFR Part 17 appointment, during normal business Chamaesyce rockii, Cyanea acuminata, hours at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Cyanea humboldtiana, Cyanea RIN 1018±AD50 Service, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, koolauensis, Cyanea longiflora, Cyanea st.-johnii, Cyrtandra dentata, Cyrtandra Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Room 3108, P.O. Box 5088, Honolulu, subumbellata, Cyrtandra viridiflora, and Plants; Determination of Hawaii 96850. Delissea subcordata, Gardenia mannii, Endangered Status for Twenty-five FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Labordia cyrtandrae, Lobelia Plant Species From the Island of Oahu, Brooks Harper, Field Supervisor, gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis, Lobelia Hawaii Ecological Services (see ADDRESSES section) (telephone: 808/541±3441; monostachya, Melicope saint-johnii, AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, facsimile 808/541±3470).
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